By: Jamie A. Tucker
Note: An Index for Jamie's tales here on Visions appears below his Introduction... Freddo
from the Space Battleship North Carolina is the alternate universe of
Star Blazers fan fiction set through out the first
two series of Star Blazers, which was shown in the United States from
1978-1983. The tales begin with the first story entitled, Time of Serenity
is set during the Voyage to Iscandar just prior to the Star Force’s arrival at
Iscandar and the Great Magellenic Clouds. Time of Serenity follows the SB 1
timeline set during the months of March and April just prior to the arrival at
Iscandar. My other work in progress featuring the USS North Carolina as the
space battleship Carolina, namely “Rebirth of the Immortal Showboat”
is set after the events of Star Blazers Series Two: The Comet Empire.
Since rediscovering the series via the web back in the late 1990’s, I began to theorize the possibility of a second Star Force ship traveling with the Argo during the first series. Upon talking to Derek Wakefield of the Iscandar Project Fan Co-op, he informed that a number of fans had similar ideas.
Above: The original battleship North Carolina as she appeared in 1942 -- Freddo
I realized that the only way a second Star Force special missions ship could exist would be to set her in a post Star Blazers II time line. With help from Derek Wakefield, Fredrick P. Kopetz and members of the New_Voyages ARF (author’s review forum), I began writing rough drafts and outlines beginning in the spring of 2000. Since then, the stories have underwent many changes as I have found wave after wave of grammatical errors and having to go back and explain how things got from point A to point B. I admit, writing is fun but it can take you down a rough road every once in a while. However, much improvement has been gained since taking English Composition courses at Davidson County Community College and has led to an invitation to join the Visions Virtual Fanzine hosted by my good friend, Fredrick P. Kopetz.
I hope that all who read these tales will enjoy the adventures of the Star Force and the crew of the Space Battleship Carolina as they encounter old enemies, discover strange new worlds and defend Earth from the threats of the universe. I always welcome comments and suggestions as to how each story can be improved or even comments on how you can relate to the characters in your own life. I can be reached via email at the following addresses, Jtucker74@northstate.net or DarthSidioux@yahoo.com. Have fun reading!
Jamie's Stories.....
Here's an index for Jamie's stories as they appear here on Visions...
1. A Time of Serenity... Jamie's first tale here on Visions involves a time of rest for the Star Force on the long trip to Iscandar in the year 2200.
An Index for the tale is noted below...read on chapter by chapter as Jamie posts...
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve
Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen NEW!
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