Being the ninth part of THE RIKASHA INCIDENT--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz



Space Battleship Argo

First Bridge

In Orbit over Planet Carufax

April 11, 2202 

1020 Hours: Local Time

"The fleet's still around us?" asked Dash as he walked up to the Cosmo-Radar.

Becky Voorhees nodded. She was manning the radar in Nova's absence. "Is your leg all right?"

"This bionic leg is taking some getting used to. It feels like I'm walking around on a piece of wood."

"It feels like that the first few days," said Sandor sympathetically. "You'll feel better once the nerve endings adjust, Dash."


He hobbled back over to his post. Eager was now at the helm, in his role as Assistant Pilot. "What's Venture doing back there again in the Captain's chair?"

"I advised him to do it," said Sandor. "Reluctantly, of course. Venture needs access to the Captain's status boards."

Mark sat in silence, feeling as if the world had caved down on top of him. What a spot we're in, he thought. Here I am in Captain Avatar's chair, the chair that neither Derek or I feel we're particularly worthy to sit in. Neither of us quite feel we're filling the old Captain's shoes. Derek and Nova and the others are still down there on that planet; and we don't know when they'll be back….or if they'll be back. And Holly's still in great pain. Holly. I wish we could get you home. I wish that Aliscea could save you and make you walk again, but….

Todd Voorhees spoke up a moment later from his post at the battle radar near Sandor. "Executive Officer, we have three objects approaching the ship. Range, twelve megameters, speed, sixty space knots. They're coming in very fast."

"All hands to combat stations," said Venture.

The klaxons went off. "Switching to visual," said Becky.

The three approaching objects were Technomugar fighter craft of some type. The Rikashan fleet began firing at them a moment later, joined by a barrage from the Argo's pulse laser battery as they blasted past the ship at high speed, firing a shot or two for show before they roared away. They were heading up over the plane of the ecliptic beyond the range of the Rikashans' own pulse laser batteries on their battleships and cruisers.

"What was the purpose of that?" said Nishina. "They only fired two shots, and they missed!"

"Those were recon planes," said Sandor as he stared at his instruments. "We were just scanned ten times over at high speed as they made that pass. Venture, that could be the precursor to a greater attack."

"I'm getting a signal from the Rikashans," said Homer.

Ter'garv came on the screen a moment later. "Would you mind if we launch our fighter screen to keep away snoops like that? I can't stand those damned snoop missions."

"Fine," said Venture, "But would you mind if we launch a squadron of our Black Tigers to go on patrol?"

"We'd better exchange IFF, or "Identification Friend or Foe" frequencies so that our planes don't shoot each other down by mistake," said Ter'garv.

"Okay, we can do that for now," said Venture. "Dash, prepare to upload the Delta-255 code up to the Rikashans. We'll be awaiting your download."

"I pray that Cha'rif is all right," said Ter'garv. "I haven't heard anything from him lately. Have you heard from your Captain Wildstar?"

"No. And I hope he's all right myself…"

"Well," said Ter'garv. "We can both agree upon that sentiment, I think. Speaking frankly, were it not for this Ji'had of Ekogaru's…we would make fine allies. We think alike in some ways."

"Yes. Interesting," said Venture. Then, Mark thought…Interesting considering you guys were trying very hard to kill us just a few weeks ago. Well, I guess war makes strange bedfellows. And if they're losing faith in Ekogaru…that might be good for us. But I wonder what caused that split between the Technomugar and Rikashans? I'd love to know…

In the castle on Carufax, the harpsichord continued to play as the doors to Ekogaru's banquet hall opened when the Dark Lord raised his hand.

Captain Wildstar looked inside. It was a huge chamber, illuminated by three huge chandeliers. There was a long table of dark polished wood.

Derek was somehow not too surprised to find four Technomugar guards there…seated at either side of Baron Anton Cha'rif. The guards had their weapons pointed at Cha'rif.

"Ah. I'm so glad that you joined our party," said Cha'rif. "Ekogaru…uh…Lordship, what is the meaning of this? I've been loyal enough…"

"I have detected some doubt," said Ekogaru. "And I am aware that your fleet has been guarding the Argo…and has exchanged fire with my forces?"

"Because your forces have attacked first?" said Cha'rif. "Because you fired upon my fleet and it only defended itself? Because you captured me when I was attempting to see to it that Aliscea was well-treated? Don't you wish your prize to be treated well? It is a shock, Ekogaru, when for my loyalty and self-sacrifice and the deaths of my men in your causes, I have received naught but a slap in the face. Our Scriptures say you are honorable and merciful, a good war god. I have seen little of honor from you and have seen no mercy to those poor devils out there whom you nailed to crosses to die in pain."

"Those poor devils were subhuman," said Ekogaru.

"They were also Rikashan subjects," countered Cha'rif. "We conquered them, but does not the conqueror owe his conquered ones protection, succor, and safety once they have surrendered? It is a grave dishonor per our Scriptures to abuse those who have surrendered and sworn loyalty to us as their liege-lords."

"The Scriptures and the Warrior Code are rot," smiled Ekogaru. The smile looked very dark and sardonic under his heavy mustache. "I wrote them to keep your people in line until I came back. Now that I have returned, they are null and void, and I can treat you as I please. I made them, I can break them!"

"But you said they would endure forever!" demanded Cha'rif.

"I did, but times have changed. Yvona, go over there and strike him. He has said quite enough."

Yvona struck Cha'rif across the mouth.

"Now break his neck, Yvona," said Ekogaru with a smile.

"Shouldn't that be my perogative?" demanded Marda. "I am a Rikashan. I am your Priestess. He is a damned heretic."

"Marda, I have given my order, Yvona, kill him!"

As Cha'rif tried to gather his powers, Yvona reached towards him.

Image: "Lord Ekogaru Muses" © 2003 by Frederick P. Kopetz

I wish I could stop this now, thought Aliscea. But…I am trying to gather myself for a strike on Ekogaru…I….

But, all of them were shocked when, a moment later, a figure in white ran over and interspersed herself between Cha'rif and Yvona.

"Stop that!" snapped Nova as she grabbed Yvona by the wrist. "He hasn't done anything to you!"

"Get your hand off me, you little whore," said Yvona. "Otherwise, I'll break your stinking wrist."

"You don't call my wife that," said Derek as he pulled his weapon (which he had retrieved earlier) and put it in Yvona's back.

"Shall we stop this?" said Ekogaru as he put his arms around Derek and Nova.

Both of them froze. The huge Dark Lord's touch was cold, and his grip was like iron as he squeezed them together.

"Let me kill them, Lord," said Yvona.

"You keep your silence, too, Yvona," rumbled Ekogaru. "As you may have observed, my patience can wear thin at my servants…any of my servants. That includes you."

"You wouldn't…"

"Don't try me," said Ekogaru with a sickening smile. "And Baron Cha'rif, do calm down. And you too, Aliscea. None of us need to quarrel like this. Not when we can patch over our evident differences and we can serve together as a happy family sharing my Gift of Eternal Life as Yvona and Gralnacz do. I have brought you here to inform you that I offer eternal life as my servants to each and every one of you, even you, Captain Wildstar. That is why I wanted to see you so badly, Aliscea. That is why I gave orders for you to be brought to Me. Now, let us sit down in peace and break bread together. We have much to discuss."

I'd love to get him now, thought Aliscea as she glanced towards Paul.

Not yet, thought Paul.

Why not?

Aliscea, we need some help. Why don't you call to your mother or something?

That's not a bad idea, thought Aliscea. She smiled and shut her eyes…


Gamilon Imperial Flagship Gamilstadt

Desslok's Quarters

April 11, 2202 

1047 Hours: Terran Space-time

Desslok and his flagship were now at the head of a fleet ferrying supplies from the Small Magellenic Cloud back to the Great Magellenic Cloud for the reconstruction of the reborn planet Gamilon.

However, the Gamilon-Garuman Emperor's mind was still upon Earth's preparations for the war with the Rikashans. He sat in his cabin with the Lady Astrena, his new, pregnant bride, thinking of his Empire's readiness for war.

My fleets are now almost in place, he thought. We must hurry to reassert our claim over Gamilon; with Iscandar nearby, I can't let the Rikashans or Technomugar come back and set up a beachhead on my planet. It would endanger Starsha and those on Iscandar and it would also be an unforgivable offense to the memories of those who died fighting for Gamilon.

"This is a dark time," he said as he sipped at his wine. "Isn't it, Astrena?"

"Darker than you think," she said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Aliscea is calling to me. She is ready to confront HIM."

"She's caught up with him? She has to stop him, Astrena…"

"At the right time," said Astrena in a cold voice. "And I foresee this is not it…"

Aliscea, hold off, thought Astrena as she stretched her thoughts across almost 200,000 lightyears of space to her daughter. This isn't the place or the time! Break it off and get out of there, then pray for guidance.

Desslok sat in awe as an astral image of Aliscea appeared in his cabin.

"Mother, what are you talking about? I can get him now!"

"You can't do it alone, Aliscea!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You need to meditate upon the situation. I have foreseen the last struggle; and you will need the help of the Star Force and the Argo. You can't do it now!"

"But I can! Ekogaru has us has his prisoners! I can't sit here and do nothing!"

"Aliscea, leave this to your husband and his friends. If you don't, I foresee that you will only suffer great pain and throw away everything that we've fought for!"

"Mother, I have to kill him now! And my father's there! I have to make him pay for what he's done to me!"

"Aliscea, there'll be time to settle old scores later, when you defeat all of them."

"Mother, you have to understand." Then, Aliscea saw Desslok there. "Stepfather…you have to make her see reason! You know about revenge and vengeance, don't you?"

"Yes, and I also know it can destroy you," said Desslok. "Daughter, when I wanted to destroy the Argo and Wildstar, I became a man who was a stranger even to myself. Blind revenge will earn you nothing but pain and homeless wandering, and will only tear you away from your beloved. Love is the first casualty of war. Don't repeat my mistakes, Aliscea!"

"Neither of you understand!" snapped Aliscea. "Then, I'll do it alone."

"If you do it alone, you shall end up alone," said Astrena as tears ran down her cheeks. "You don't want to know what I have foreseen for you."

"No worse than that which I have foreseen for myself. I know what I'm getting into, Mother."

"No you don't," sobbed Astrena. At that, Aliscea's astral image faded away.

"Desslok, if she acts rashly like that…" sobbed Astrena.

"I know," said Desslok as he briefly held her. "I know."

"What'll happen then?"

"If she is lost, we shall have no alternative except to fight him with what we have. I need to see Talan. Please excuse me."

At that, Desslok got up, with his cape snapping as he left.

Oh, God, don't let her do it! Astrena thought as she began to weep uncontrollably. Don't let her do it now!

"Well, well, that you're done talking to your foolish mother, let us go on…" said Ekogaru.

"How did you know that?" snapped Aliscea.

"Oh, believe me, I know," said the Dark Lord. "Captain Wildstar, Nova, I would like to make a proposition to you two, first. How would you like to become the Duke and Duchess of Earth?"

"I have no ambition to become your dictator, Ekogaru. I've seen too much of the way you treat people to want to break my oath to defend Earth and serve under you," snapped Derek.

"Well, what if you and Nova see this?" he demanded.

Ekogaru stood up and raised his hands….

Derek and Nova found themselves standing on top of something that looked like a high mountain. Beside them were Aliscea and Paul.

"Where are we?" said Nova.

"Outside of Time for a moment, above many things. I hope you like what I am about to show you."

"Where are Bryan and Angie?" demanded Paul Rosstowski.

"They are here, but they are not important to us at the moment," said Ekogaru. In the strange landscape, the wind blew his hair and his cloak back, making him look both dramatic and utterly demented.

"Why the mountain?" asked Derek.

"In one of your Scriptures from Earth, it is said that the Devil took the Christ to a high mountain and offered Him all of the glory and kingdoms of the world…if He would but worship him. I have more to offer you than that. Behold, the power you would have as one of my servants…the power of my Empire!"

A moment later, they were shown a group of bizarre visions that overwhelmed them.

Captain Wildstar saw himself as the Commander of a vast fleet of Technomugar ships led by the Argo, which was now painted all black and improved with strange new weapons systems.  Derek wore a grey and black uniform, with a red and black peacoat similar to Yvona's. He was younger and stronger than he would ever be, for he was a cyborg like Ekogaru in this vision, and he was the Chief Admiral of Earth's new Defense Fleet…a new Technomugar Defense Fleet.

Power overwhelmed him, power, might and strength. For a moment, his heart leapt as he wiped out the entire Gamilon Fleet with one barrage. That'd be my revenge upon Desslok for killing my parents, he thought with a warped smile. I'd finally have a proper revenge, yes!

Derek was both thrilled and sickened by how he saw his base impulses at work.

He returned home to Earth Defense Headquarters, where he saw Nova sitting in a short black peacoat, diaphanous white skirt, and bare feet on one of two golden thrones where Singleton's seat usually was. She smiled as Commander Singleton, clad in only a slave's loincloth, brought her some coffee.

Derek looked at the real-life Nova, and saw her standing there with her eyes closed and fists clenched, trying to keep from being overwhelmed by what she saw. "Where is my Derek in this? I sort of like the idea of being a Queen, but like that?"

Behind the illusory Nova, Yvona whispered to her as an advisor. "He didn't bring the coffee fast enough, my Lady. He shows no respect for the superior race. Kill him!"

Derek stood in shock as the dream-Nova smiled and blew Singleton's brains out with a huge Technomugar blaster. Derek felt even more sickened when he stood "outside" of himself and saw his illusory self embrace Nova and kiss her for showing how "superior" they were.

The worst part of this temptation was how he felt part of himself drawn like a siren to the promise of power and eternal life and youth. Indeed, it was very seductive.

Not far away, Aliscea was also experiencing her own temptation. Her temptation was to abandon her link and relationship with Paul and link to Ekogaru himself. She saw herself sharing the Dark Lord's power, receiving the worship of billions, standing naked in an immortal cyborg body that would never grow old, and bringing life or death to people upon a mere whim.

This is horrible, she thought. The worst thing of all…it seems so attractive, Paul…

He's tempting me with eternal power over a whole battalion of soldiers, Aliscea, thought Paul in return.

I'm being tempted with a Fleet, thought Derek, who, somehow, wasn't surprised the others could hear his thoughts.

I'm being tempted with the Queenship of Earth, thought Nova.

I'm being offered jewelry, eternal youth and riches, thought Angie as she came up bemused from the shadows that surrounded Ekogaru.

I'm being offered the chance to go back in time an' be the Fifth Beatle, thought Bryan as he stood entranced beside her. Somehow, he wanted to give in to this temptation.

Do you want it? Angie thought. Bryanplease….

Tempting, but…don't know if I want it. Hey, can you hear me thoughts?

Yeah, I can, thought Angie.

This is weird, luv, thought Bryan.

Yeah, weird, thought Paul.

I'm getting a headache, thought Nova.

Do you feel like you're being forced to give in? Derek thought.

Nova nodded. Finally, she gathered enough strength to think (in a desperate attempt to block her mind from the Dark One) "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the Mouth of God.'" The Gospel of Matthew 4:4.

Nova, you just discovered a means of defense….the proper means to keep him out of your head, like the Pellian K'alatinga discipline! Aliscea responded. Good! Everyone else…think of something important to you…preferably something with a holy significance of some kind….

I'm running a Buddhist sutra through my mind, followed by the Lord's Prayer, thought Derek.

I'm thinking the Rosary, Paul thought.

I'm praying to the Goddess, thought Angie.

I'm murmuring the lyrics to 'Hey Jude' Bryan thought.

I'm meditating upon the One, smiled Aliscea. Everyone, think of whatever your God happens to be…and think of your homelands…

The six of them joined hands, thinking encouraging thoughts, and smiled at Ekogaru.

A moment later, the weird vision faded. They were back in the banquet hall.

"Oh, you rejected my offer?" said Ekogaru.

"You could say that," said Captain Wildstar with a smile. "We don't like the illusions you offered us. Do you have anything else to say before we leave? We have a war to fight."

"Now," said Ekogaru to Derek and Nova. "I have described to you, as it were, the Carrot of Eternal life in my domain. Do you wish to see the Stick of my offer?"

"What do you mean by that?" demanded Derek. "I said, we didn't wish to see any more of your warped visions!"

"It is simple," he said. "My visions shall again overwhelm your mind, whether you like it or not! If my offer is eternal life, well, now, you shall see the consequences of rejecting my offer. I will begin with you, Captain."

"Which is?"

"Yes? What are you talking about?" added Nova.

"Death, Captain Wildstar. Death. Pure and simple You shall see Death!"

Ekogaru laid his hand on Derek's head. "No!" cried Nova.

Yvona responded to her cry by cuffing her niece in the side of her face. Nova fell down, stunned by the pain, and stunned by the sharp ringing in her ear.

"Don't you dare get up!" snapped Yvona as Nova tried to struggle up.

Oh, my God, Derek's in agony; he's in pain, thought Nova while she clenched her fists.

Rosstowski ran to her aid. "Nova?"

"Paul, for God sakes, help him!"

Rosstowski ran up, but some force threw him back...

In Derek Wildstar's mind, he saw scene after horrific scene repeated.

Derek saw the planet bomb dissolving his parents' bodies to soot and ash.

He saw people dying around him in the gun turret in the Battle of Gamilon.

He saw Captain Avatar sitting up in bed, looking at the dry, red Earth, and then dying. He saw the picture of the old man's family fluttering out of his hand.

He then saw Orion's death; a different version of it; with the old man grasping at the engineering console in agony before he fell down and died.

He observed Sergeant Knox taking laser hit after laser hit through his body and then collapsing near death on the Comet Empire right before he set off the explosives. There was an explosion, an explosion he just barely managed to get out of…and explosion that wounded him more with shrapnel wounds. Then, he saw the bloody form flying back to the Argo and crashing, crawling out of his cockpit to die on the flight deck in a pool of blood. It was a gruesome death Nova had described to him, since she had tried to treat him on the flight deck and failed. However, Derek remembered that Nova had said that Sergeant Knox had died with a smile on his face.

Lastly, he saw a horrible set of images. Nova took a hit at the radar, and then fell down to the floor. He held her; they exchanged words...he couldn't tell what they were. She grasped his hand, smiled a sweet, yet defiant smile, and then she died right in his arms. It was simple; it was very blunt.

Ekogaru stood with his hand on top of Captain Wildstar, smiling as he watched the rest of them seeing the deaths of their loved ones. Good. They look so beautiful, weeping in agony on my floor. Perhaps that'll break their damned resolve and make them surrender and join me.

Then, he put his hand on Nova's head…

Nova herself passed into her own private hell a second later. She was in her Admin whites in this vision; the Argo had just returned home after an accident. The crew was lying collapsed on the deck, wearing helmets. They looked dead.

Doctor Sane assured her that those wearing helmets would live; while those without helmets were dead.

Then, she found Derek sprawled inert on the deck, without a helmet.

She held him and called his name…he was dead.

In the vision, Nova then realized there was only one alternative; she found his Astro-Automatic lying near his body.

She picked it up, and was preparing to commit suicide when she heard Derek's voice.

My God, it was just a weird vision, she thought as she realized she was kneeling in Ekogaru's banquet hall, and not on the Argo.

"Derek!" she cried.

Ekogaru took away his hand; Derek saw Nova fighting to get to him; Yvona and Gralnacz were holding her back.

"Do you accept my offer to join us?" said Ekogaru. "I have just shown you what Death and mortality look like."

"I'd rather die now then join with you!" snarled Derek.

"Good, you can turn to dust together. Both of you. Yvona, put them together."

Nova was thrown to the floor, landing in her husband's arms. She and Derek held each other, wondering what this madman was going to do next.

"Aliscea. It's too bad that you're so obstinate. I'm going to murder your uncooperative friends with my power. Do you like that? Did you like seeing Paul die in the vision I gave you? If you join me, maybe I'll just cast your friends and Paul back into the dungeon, instead of killing them!"

"Never!" cried Aliscea.

"Oh. You must like the idea of seeing them die, then?"

"You can't do that! You are the most horrible being I have ever met!"

And, at that, Aliscea screamed, extending her hands towards Ekogaru.

Fire roared from her hands at the Dark Lord.

Is this the end of him? Derek thought in wild excitement. Is this where she gets him? I hope she gets him…here and now!


Space Battleship Argo

In Orbit Over Carufax

April 11, 2202 

1121 Hours: Terran Space-time

On the Argo, Becky Voorhees looked at the cosmo-radar and gasped.

"What is it?" asked Todd Voorhees at the battle radar.

"Something huge is emerging from hyperspace about 15,000 megameters away from us. It can't be this big…it can't…"

"What is it?" asked Venture.

"Switching to visual…"

The bridge crew looked up. A huge black mass was fading into existence not far from Carufax.

It was Ekogaru's Technomugar Fortress. A huge cloud of gas faded into existence with it, and some of the gas buffeted the Argo as the Star Force again beheld the terror and ugliness of this huge construction, gleaming with lights upon lights, towers, weapons, and looking utterly untouchable by anything that Man could devise.

Then, Ekogaru's astral image appeared on the Argo.

"I have not properly welcomed you to Carufax," said the Dark Lord. "I have asked your Captain and his friends to join Me, but they have refused. Because they are so obstinate, and because Aliscea of Pellias has just dared to attack Me, they shall soon die. You shall join them, shortly, along with Carufax. Yea, everyone on this planet shall die because your Captain and Aliscea were so damned obstinate! Then, in a few weeks, Earth shall suffer the same sentence of Death unless she surrenders to Me. Do you like that? Does it make you happy? Do you like being the instruments of genocide? Do you like having a leader who is so foolish that he would allow millions to die rather than join Me?"

"It's not what I choose!" screamed Captain Wildstar's voice through the vision.

"And it is not what I choose!" screamed Aliscea's voice.

Ekogaru looked confused, and then he faded away.

Before Venture could react to that, Becky cried. "Venture! There's twenty huge space battleships coming towards us! Range, one thousand megameters! They're coming in fast!"

The enemy ships roared in, firing as if their commanders were insane. The barrage was terrible. Ship after ship in Cha'rif's Rikashan Fleet was blown apart, and the Argo took five major hits.

The whole ship trembled as the second bridge was hit. Down below the first bridge, the second bridge was turned into a holocaust. Fire filled the compartment, and there were screams as brave men and women took mortal injuries and died at their posts.

More energy beams roared in, and the aft gun turrets were battered, hit, and then knocked out of action altogether. "The aft turrets are out," said Sandor. "We can only fight back with our forward turrets."

"Well, let's do it!" said Venture. "Dash, open our remaining guns! Get that fleet!"

"Yessir," said Dash. "Nishina! Let's do it!"

"Right, sir. Open all guns. Target…enemy fleet. Range, nine megameters…turrets one and two set. Open fire!"

The Argo returned fire. Blue energy blasted out of her main guns yet again, with the mighty old ship fighting back even as she burned in several places.

One set of beams ripped through one of the enemy ships, while another glanced off one ship.

A Rikashan battleship nearby was blown apart defending the Argo, but one of her surviving mates helped the Earth ship return fire, not caring about the barrage she was being subjected to.

"How bad is it?" asked Ter'garv aboard the B'eoneraze.

"Our fleet's down to six ships, sir," said a young officer with dark blond hair and a beard. "We can't take much more of this. Are we going down with the Argo?"

"Aye, that's what Baron Cha'rif would want, if it came down to it. I wonder why she's not readying her wave gun?"

"The ship's bow looks damaged, sir," said another officer as he pulled up a graphic of the battered, smoking Argo.

"That must be it," said Ter'garv. "I would have welcomed that sight not long ago, but now, I don't. It isn't right for those mechanical scum-masters to wipe us out like that…no…it isn't! Prepare our D'IATS cannon! If we're fated to die, at least, let us take them with us!"

"Yessir," said an engineer. "Decrease output to engines, prepare D'IATS cannon for firing!"

On the Argo, Sandor looked up with a painful expression on his face as the ship continued to fight. "I've just heard from Bridge #2," he said.

"And?" asked Venture as explosion after explosion went off outside, illuminating Dash and the rest of the first bridge crew with a deadly scarlet light.

"An enlisted man has just reported that five members of the second bridge crew were killed, along with three damage control men from my Group who were there trying to repair the damage."

"Who was it?"

"Moriyama, Fedoyor, and…and, Royster, sir. I now have less than half of my Group left."

From his post, Yamazaki said, "There's another bad fire in the engine room, Sandor."

Sandor stood, wiping tears from his eyes. "I'll help you with that. Yamazaki, let's go."

I wonder if we'll make it through this? thought Venture as another explosion went off outside. This might be the end for all of us. Well…at least we can say that we went down fighting…


Ekogaru's Castle on Carufax

April 11, 2202 

1124 Hours: Terran Space-time

"And it is not what I choose!" screamed Aliscea in the banquet hall as Ekogaru stood with his eyes closed, laughing softly as he taunted the Star Force. He didn't choose to let them see the fact that Aliscea had blown one of his arms off in her first attack, of course.

Ekogaru looked confused as he turned towards the young woman. She bared her teeth and blasted yet again.

This psionic blast of fire caught Ekogaru right in the face. The Dark Lord fell screaming to the floor.

Now, thought Aliscea. You see, Mother? You see? Even the memories within the Matrix, the memories of three thousand years of your history….the memories are saying now is the time to finish him!

Aliscea, stop it! I don't see victory for you!

Why not? I have him!

Then, beware! Ekogaru has many strange powers and tricks…thought Astrena.

Before Yvona or Gralnacz could react, Paul Rosstowski ran up, taking a weapon from a fallen Technomugar guard. He put the weapon in Ekogaru's chest and yelled, "All right, you mechanical piece of garbage! Stand up!"

Ekogaru stood. His appearance made Nova gasp with revulsion. Most of the plastic hide that had covered his face had melted off, leaving a gleaming metallic skull-like face in which baleful red electronic eyes glowed.

"She hasn't gotten me yet," said Ekogaru as the mechanical mandible moved. "No! Gralnacz! Yvona! Stand back. This is between Aliscea and I. Hands off me, you animal!"

Ekogaru caused blue flame to lash out from his body. Paul was thrown back in agony, with the stolen Technomugar sidearm skittering along the stone floor.

Aliscea looked on in fear and revulsion as she felt Paul's agony through their bond, but, at least he lived. She looked at Derek and silently sent into his mind. You have the advantage. I am unhurt.

What should I do?

He is now hurt. For the first time, he feels the pain of his own war. You are armed. Take him prisoner and make him order his guards to stand down. They won't fire at us if we have their God in our hands. Consider this like a chess game from your world. You have the King in check. Now, let us make it a check-mate!

Derek smiled. He liked this idea.

As the Dark Lord stood, Captain Wildstar whipped out his weapon, followed by Nova. "Ekogaru, you will put up your hands and surrender! Order your guards to stand down and call off your invasion and Ji'had now!! You're coming back to the Argo with us, and you will be taken to Earth to be interrogated and then stand war crimes trials for your atrocities! Give it up! Aliscea isn't hurt yet, but you are!"

"Yes, I am hurt," said Ekogaru as he stood there staggering. He looked at his would-be defenders. "Gralnacz, I place you in command. Do nothing further until these animals take me prisoner."

"What?" said Gralnacz.

"You're letting them take you?" screamed Yvona. "Lordship…my niece, that whore…she's actually touching you!"

It looked very bleak indeed for the Dark Lord as Nova and Aliscea put manacles over his booted ankles.

"If I can find one of those damper bracelets…" said Aliscea. "…we can subdue him."

"I think he put one on Cha'rif," said Nova. "We can find him and take that bracelet."

"Good," said Derek as Paul Rosstowski struggled up. The Technomugar guards parted as Ekogaru nodded to them. He looked as if he was the very picture of defeat.

Ekogaru just glanced at Gralnacz. He sent to him, This is a little trick of mine. Play along.

Gralnacz nodded.

Ekogaru then glanced at Yvona. Follow me, he thought. When the time is right…

Aliscea then put a forceful knee into the Dark Lord's rear end. "Move," she snapped.

The Dark Lord walked off, battered, burned, with Aliscea's triumphant hand on him, and with Derek and Nova's blasters pressed into his sides.

"You have him?" said Baron Cha'rif in shock as the procession met him in the hall. The Rikashan Baron was in the midst of being beaten by some Technomugar guards when the guards saw the Dark Lord as a prisoner and stopped.

"Yes, they have me," said Ekogaru. "The Ji'had ends here, Cha'rif. They're taking me back to Earth. Tell your people that it is over."

"Ekogaru?" said Cha'rif in shock.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" said Ekogaru in an utterly acid voice. He looked at Derek and Nova. "You two stand back. I won’t be shot trying to escape."

"You are our prisoner," countered Derek. Wildstar shoved the Dark Lord. "Now, you madman, you will listen to us!"

"Suit yourself, scum," said Ekogaru with a wicked light in his eyes. "Well, Aliscea, hurry up and get that bracelet on me. Do what you must, but do it quickly."

"Believe me, I will do so," said Aliscea as she took the damper bracelet off Cha'rif and prepared to put it on Ekogaru. "Derek, Nova, stand back. Please. There could be an electrical discharge that might hurt you when I have him subdued."

Derek shoved the Dark Lord before he let him go, and even Nova couldn't resist giving the Evil One a little shove herself.

Aliscea came forward with the bracelet. She smiled, looking triumphant. Pride burned within her. "Checkmate!" she said in a ringing voice. "Ekogaru the Great, prepare to face the vengeance of all of the civilized peoples of the Galaxy, and prepare to face my vengeance!"

"No, prepare to face something else," said the Dark Lord as the bracelet began to touch his hide.

"What? I've beaten you!"

"No, prepare to face…my vengeance," said the wounded Ekogaru with a sick gleam in his eyes. A green fire burned in them. then, the Dark Lord blazed forth with his own flame.

The bracelet switched position, locking around Aliscea's wrist.

Fire blazed around Aliscea. She screamed.

The Dark Lord stood laughing as a burning chain wrapped itself around a helpless Aliscea. A moments later, Derek, Nova, and Paul looked on in revulsion as Ekogaru hauled Aliscea up by her chains. In tatters and in chains, she looked incredibly helpless.

And, Paul couldn't feel their psi-link anymore. In his mind, he cried, Aliscea, Aliscea! But, he got no answer, and couldn't feel her presence at all.

Aliscea looked at Paul with pain in her eyes.

Paul shut his eyes as the tears began to flow.

Then, Ekogaru howled in triumph, and he and Aliscea disappeared.

"Now, who is superior?" snapped Yvona. "And now, who are the prisoners? You are! Men, surround them!"

On the B'eoneraze, Ter'garv yelled, "FIRE!"

He pushed on the firing grips of the D'IATS cannon control.

His ship's D'IATS cannon went off, blasting a green cataract of energy towards the Technomugar fleet. A moment later, the eight remaining Technomugar space battleships were consumed like dust in the wind.

Everything was quiet. "Now, the Baron's fleet is down to six ships; this battleship, one other space battleship, one cruiser, and three destroyers."

"And the Argo, sir," said one of his officers.

He looked at the burning Argo. "And the Argo," he said softly. "But there's still that Fortress. I pray that the Baron and Wildstar can get back here soon with Aliscea and use that information the Baron gave Wildstar so we can put out the lights of Ekogaru's Fortress…forever. The fear of Ekogaru has dominated our people long enough!"

Yvona Josiah was in her glory while she stood smiling in the middle of the corridor in the palace inside the castle complex. This part of the castle had been remodeled by the Rikashan governor (who was now dead, executed by Ekogaru's forces), and it looked newer than other portions of the building. She had slapped her niece in the face several times, bring forth fresh tears of rage and pain on Nova's part as she and Derek stood there in manacles, being shoved around by her body-armor clad Technomugar guards.

Yvona smiled at Nova. "So we don't neglect your husband, let's slap him too, eh?"

Yvona smiled, and began to slap Derek Wildstar in the mouth.

Nova's heart was breaking as she saw her husband wincing under her mad aunt's blows. When Yvona was done, Derek's mouth was bleeding.

Yvona then kicked the Argo's Captain in the behind, laughing as he fell to the ground.

"Stop hurting him like that!" screamed Nova.

"All right, join him!" yelled Yvona.

Yvona then kicked her niece in the behind, laughing as she fell beside her husband.

I'd love to kick you, thought Nova in rage. Then, she felt sick. My God, what's happening to me? I'm becoming as cruel as she is!

"Chain their damned ankles!" roared Yvona.

Two smiling guards put fresh manacles around Derek and Nova's ankles and forced them to their feet. It was hard for them to walk, but they tried to keep as much pride as they could with bleeding mouths and shaking legs.

"Should we chain the rest of these animals?" asked a Technomugar guard.

"No, let us not do that. Let them have a little bit of freedom until they're back in the dungeon. Then, they'll all have their chains back soon enough," snarled Yvona.

"What about me?" demanded Cha'rif.

"You too, you rotten, diseased traitor!" said Yvona with a sick grin disfiguring her face. She slapped Cha'rif and then spat into his face. The Baron winced at this indignity, but he still stood proud. "Of course, Ekogaru has not gone far with Aliscea. He is a bit tired and has to use a shuttle to get her back to the Fortress…but you will not be going there. You will die here on Carufax!"

"Thank you," muttered Cha'rif acidly. Wincing as a guard shoved Captain Wildstar forward, he thought, They took that damper bracelet off me, and Aliscea still lives. I can feel it. If they let down their guard…

Gralnacz and Yvona stood there laughing. Yvona laughed all the harder as Gralnacz kicked Paul Rosstowski in the rear end while she beat Bryan Hartcliffe with a small rod.

"Welcome to the family, son-in-law, as you say it on Earth," laughed Gralnacz while Yvona spent a few minutes slapping poor Angie Hartcliffe around. "I hope you like the idea that you'll never see Aliscea again."

"You’re wrong. I will see her again!"

"Shall you, Rosstowski?" said Gralnacz. "I don't think so. I think I should shut your stinking mouth first. Kneel."

"Like hell!"

"Kneel!" yelled Gralnacz. Paul Rosstowski was shoved to his knees, and a blaster was put against his head by Gralnacz.

Yvona thought this was incredibly amusing. As she giggled with a hand to her mouth, Cha'rif whispered, "Captain Wildstar…?"


"I can take them. Follow my lead. When I attack, run and take their weapons. We'll meet outside, Captain. Then, we can find Aliscea. Guard your wife well. Soon, I hope all of us can be toasting Ekogaru's defeat on your ship."

Derek nodded. "Good. I'll wait for you to move."

"Great. Do your best in those chains. I'll free you soon."

Yvona kicked Nova again. "I think I'll kill you," she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Yes? How would you like to have your head lopped off, Nova? What do you think of that?"

"You can rot in Perdition," whispered Nova through her tears.

Derek's heart dropped as Yvona shoved Nova forward, clearly wanting to separate her from the others.

Suddenly, Gralnacz screamed. He was on fire, thanks to Baron Cha'rif.

"What the…?" said Yvona.

As Yvona turned her heard, she received a blast of fire right in her face as Cha'rif attacked. The cyborg woman fell screaming in agony as Cha'rif kicked her aside. He took her weapon and began to fire at the Technomugar guards.

"Nova!" cried Derek. "Get behind me! I'll defend you!"

Nova, hobbled by her heavy chains, ran over as best she could, falling to one knee but gallantly helped to her feet by Rosstowski and Bryan Hartcliffe. Bryan then grabbed a weapon and tossed it to Angie.

"You take that!" he cried. "I'll rout these other guys!"

"Bryan!" cried Angie as her husband picked up a weapon and began to fire like a maniac towards the oncoming Technomugar guards. He disappeared into the smoke.

Crying, Angie fired at another guard as he passed her. Then, she looked at Nova. "Nova! Spread your ankles!"

Nova obeyed, gratified at a little freedom as Angie fired at the chain that ran between her pump-clad feet. With her legs free, she would be able to run a bit better alongside Derek.

Angie then yelled. "Now hold up your wrists and put them against the wall!"

Another shot came, and Angie freed Nova's wrists. Then, Derek ran up, and Angie cut Derek's wrist and ankle chains in a similar fashion.

"Run!" yelled Angie. Behind her came Paul Rosstowski, reeling and feeling sick because his link with Aliscea was gone.

"Run faster!" cried Angie "More of them are coming that way!"

And run they did. Derek and Nova ran down the corridor into darkness as if every Techomugar cyborg ever constructed was after them. Since it was about thirty against six, this was not so far from the truth.

Cha'rif used his mental powers and unlocked the manacles on Derek and Nova's wrists and ankles. They struggled out of their chains, and then picked up their Astro-Automatics once again.

"Run!" cried Cha'rif. "Go out that door…you'll be in the courtyard. Find the nearest armored personnel carrier…I'll meet you out there!"

"Thanks!" yelled Captain Wildstar. He and Nova stood holding off some more enemy troopers, and then they took off as if the very Hounds of Hell were after them.

"I hope they'll be all right," said Nova as they ran.

"I don’t think Cha'rif will lead them astray. Not now."

"You trust him now?" gasped Nova.

Derek nodded. "We have no choice now. We need his help to get Aliscea back. We have to catch up with her."

"Do you think we can catch up with Ekogaru?" gasped Nova.

"We have no choice," said Derek. "If we don't catch up with her, it's the end for all of us. It's the end for Earth."

Nova only nodded in agreement.

To Be Continued With Act Three: "Towards the Desert"


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