Being the eleventh and final part of THE RIKASHA INCIDENT--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz



Space Battleship Argo

Earth's Solar System

The Brumus/Minerva Asteroid Belt

Wednesday April 28, 2202

1500 Hours: Earth Time

The battered, but still-proud Earth space battleship Argo tumbled out of warp where Brumus should have been. She found…nothing but an asteroid field where a planet should have been.

"Wildstar!" said Dash. "We're taking asteroid hits!"

The Argo shook badly as she was battered by hit after hit. The ship finally came out of the swarm with dents and tears in her hull and armor plate.

Then, the worst thing of all happened. The very substance of time-space opened up, and a terrible blast of some unknown energy blasted out straight at the Yamato.

"Evade!" said Derek.

Venture worked hard to shift Yamato over. She just barely avoided the energy beam.

"What the hell was that?" said Commodore Wildstar.

"Some kind of interphase nearby," said Sandor. "The proximity of that energy charge damaged our main engine. Another near-hit like that, and it'll burn out altogether."

"No…it can't!" said Venture as he slammed his fists against his board.

"It can," said Yamazaki grimly.

"And there's no Brumus nearby," added Sandor.

"What?" said Derek. "Nova, scan the area, shouldn't this be Brumus?"

"Scanning," she said as she put her safety harness back on; the ship was slamming around like a bucking bronco. "I'm picking up radiation, lots of asteroids, and the remnants of an interspacial interphase…no Brumus!"

"Did we miswarp?" asked Paul Rosstowski.

"We went right to the proper coordinates for Brumus," said Venture. "Look at the astro-compass!"

"No," said Aliscea as she stood up. "This is HIS work," she said in an angry voice.

"Whose work?" said Homer.

"The Dark Lord's work!" she yelled. "Commodore Wildstar, Ekogaru has just arrived in your star system. He has destroyed yuor eleventh planet, Planet Brumus. The final struggle is at hand!"

"Are you ready?" asked Nova.

"Yes," said Aliscea. "We're ready."

"We?" said Nova, who felt very tired.

"Yes, you and I," she said.

"Message from the Commander," said Homer.

Wildstar then walked over towards the screen, taking off his peacoat and leaving it at his post on the way over to Dash's post next to Venture.

"Sir? How bad is it?" said Wildstar.

"I'm sure you've found out about Brumus," said the Commander.

"Yes, we have," said Wildstar. "We're…near the asteroid belt where it was."

"Ekogaru did this."

"I know. Where is he, sir?"

"He's just performed a warp. Right now, his ship is being tracked near the Mars region. We think he'll be near Earth in an hour and a half, at his current speed."

"We'll meet him, sir."

"Is the Argo ready to do it?" asked Singleton.

Derek stood silent for a moment. "Aye, sir. The Argo will be ready to fight on and stop him…even if…it might be a suicide mission like her last sortie long ago. Where's the rest of the Fleet?"

"Scattered," said the Commander. "There were great gravitational disturbances each time that he warped. The whole Fleet has been blown across the Solar System like dandelion seeds in a wind. I think he did it deliberately…so there couldn't be a Fleet sortie right away. That will be up to you, now."

At that, Aliscea stood beside Wildstar for a moment. "We will stop him, sir. If it's the last thing I do. I'm finally ready. The Pellian War ends here…today."

"Thank you," said the Commander. The picture shook for a moment. "We’re having groundquakes and storms here on Earth, now…many thousands have died already thanks to the approach of that Fortress. Things are not good here now. When you call in again, let it be with good news…the news of Ekogaru's end."

At that, the screen filled with static and the Commander's image went out.

"It’s up to us, now," said Venture.

"I know," said Derek. "I had a feeling that, in the end, it would always be up to…us."

Aliscea took Wildstar aside and whispered to him. No one else heard what was said, but when Derek turned to the crew again, his face was grim and set.

"Venture, warp the ship to KL-195, fifty thousand megameters away from Earth," said Derek. "Aliscea says that's where we have to… confront him at."

"Warping will be chancy with that engine damage," said Sandor.

"But…we have to do it!" said Derek. "If the engine goes in the attempt…she goes…"

"If we hit him at that point, he can be stopped," said Aliscea.

"We're hitting him with the wave motion gun?" said Paul.

"Yes, partially," said Aliscea. Then, she looked at Nova. "This battle will not be fought entirely with weapons. To beat him, he must be defeated on his own ground…the astral plane…first. You and I will do that together…I will take up the battle, and you will be my second, ready to take up the struggle if I fall."

"What do you mean?" said Nova. "I…I'm not ready for something like that."

"You are," she said as she began to leave the bridge. "Remember that ritual we went through?"

"That was its whole purpose. If I can't beat him, you will have to do it. Now, excuse me while I get ready in prayer and meditation. I suggest that you do the same, as quietly as possible, at your post."

"Aliscea?" said Paul.

"Paul, I love you, I respect you, but you cannot do this with me. Listen to your Captain when he gives you the orders you will have to follow. This will be a very dangerous task…and a very dark one. Wildstar, I would like to meet with you in your cabin…alone…with just you and Nova. We have much to discuss."

At that, Aliscea left.

Wildstar looked at Nova. "Nova," he said.


"Come with me. I need to tell you everything Aliscea said. You need to hear her final instructions in our quarters. Venture, you take command. We'll be in our quarters, but we'll be back very soon."


The three of them sat around the small table in the quarters that Derek and Nova had shared for a time that felt like an eternity, even though the two of them had only been married for a little over four months now.

Finally, Aliscea said, "It may seem hard, Commodore Wildstar, but Paul cannot assist me now."

"Why not?"

"He would feel what could well be my death too keenly. I wish to have him away from me and I have slowly weakened our link, even though I have not cut it off. That can only happen if we divorce or one of us dies. However, you and Nova must be together for what will happen next…you must join forces with your love to attack Ekogaru and his Fortress with the wave motion gun. However, this must be done aided by my power and the Power that comes through me, and Ekogaru must be weakened in psychic battle first. I am sending this information to my mother now so that Desslok does not attempt an attack."

"Desslok?" said Derek.

"Yes. He means to attack the Fortress himself. He must not do so. It would only risk his life without need."

"I see," said Commodore Wildstar.

"It is important that you are there to help Nova fire the wave gun. I sense that you two must act together to stop him while I enhance the systems of your ship."

"The engine's not in the best of shape," said Derek. "We're pretty well damaged."

"You will be needed after she and I are done and after we return."

"After we're done?' said Nova. "Where are we going, Aliscea?"

"Our bodies will remain on the ship, but I will take you with me astrally as my second to help fight Ekogaru on his own ground…a sort of "virtual reality" within the Dark Lord's systems…for he and his accursed Fortress are now one. If I am about to fall, I will transfer the Pellian Matrix to you. Then, in turn, you will have to take up the fight."

"I see," said Nova.

"Commodore," said Aliscea.


"Our bodies must be on the bridge but protected while we are out of them. We must be kept safe, even though, to your eyes, we may appear to be comatose or dead for a time. I can reverse that state when we return, or if my essence dies in there, I can pass my power to Nova, who can then resuscitate herself from the trance she will be in. The Matrix will show her how, even though she would then have to let it help her power the wave motion gun. Is that understood?"

Nova slowly nodded. Derek also nodded. "I don't believe this," he said.

"Me neither," said Nova.

"You have to believe. It will work," said Aliscea. "Remember…there is a hope…there is a future. You just have to believe. Remember the words of the inspired wise men from your past? '...Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...'"

"Thank you, Aliscea," said Nova. "I remember those words well."


Nova was very quiet. "Aliscea, I was just thinking them myself."


Virtual Space

The Grand Technomugar Fortress

The Vicinity of Mars

Wednesday April 28, 2202

1532 Hours: Earth Time

Ekogaru the Great, who was now nothing but a dark essence in his Fortress' computer systems, sat in vengeful, hateful meditation as the Fortress majestically sailed past Mars, creating great dust storms and groundquakes on the small red planet in his wake. Many thousands of EDF officers, men, and civilian spacers and technicians would die on the Red Planet as a result of the Dark Lord's sickening, fury-filled passage as the cosmic madman raced relentlessly towards Earth with destruction and vengeance on his mind.

The Dark One brooded upon his recent humiliations and defeats as he began to power up the Phased Density Cannon for what would be his people's most luscious "meal" in a long time…the destruction of the Planet Earth.

"Many of you still live on in the Blackeye Galaxy, and are faithful to Me and have sworn your unending allegiance today," said the Dark Lord in a comm message that came straight from the Fortress' systems. "Do not be like these traitors…people who stabbed me in the back as they feigned loyalty!"

Ekogaru then recreated a scene that the Fortress' systems had captured even as his body lay dying…even as he had just passed into the machinery of his Fortress like a malign ghost. 

"You still want me to go to Cape Horn Nebula?"

"Yes, we need to fight the Terrans to cover our departure from this galaxy," said Hollander. Then, he looked around. "Does anyone object to my being our new Lord?"

Tra'Chariv took Ekogaru's cloak off the body and threw it over Hollander's shoulders. "Hail, Second Lord of the Technomugar, Hollander the Great."

The others cheered Hollander as he walked about to a microphone. "Attention, all hands," he said. "There was an explosion in the central meeting chamber. It was caused by a leftover from the Gamilon attack of yesterday. Ekogaru the Great fell shielding us from the blast. He is dead. He passed power to me before he died. Remember our first Lord as a great martyr, and let him rest in peace. We shall soon change course, but only after Migdal's fleet and the fleets of our allies teach Earth a lesson at the Cape Horn Nebula. We are heading back home for repairs. Someday, we shall return. But, now is not the day. Not yet. We shall rule this Galaxy, though, even if it takes us…a thousand years!"

"We shall still do so," said Ekogaru. "But now, that will be under my leadership, alone! I should have taken full command myself long ago! It was foolish of me to have left such an important matter to others! But, at last, I shall demolish Earth, and I shall personally grind the Star Force of Earth and their ship, the Argo, back into the dust from whence she came!"

"Behold this scene!" said Ekogaru as he called forth from Earth's computer systems some images of the Argo rising anew from the dust and ashes of the Yamato’s wreck in 2199 when she first rose under Avatar's command to fight a Gamilon carrier. "Look at this foolish piece of junk! She rises from the dust, but I shall return her back to the dust of the Terrans' Pacific Ocean right before I destroy the Planet Earth! She shall go into the dust of the sea, dust that will become the grave of her crew! I am waiting for this! Waiting! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The Dark Lord picked up a transmission a moment later. "An approaching Fleet? Oh! This should be amusing," he said in reply to the transmission. "Let's see who this is!"

Ekogaru let the image of a proud blue-skinned face with blond hair form in his systems. "Desslok of Gamilon! Ah! I am so pleased to see you and your Fleet!"

"You shouldn't be," said Desslok on the bridge of the Gamilstadt. "I've come here to finish you off!"

"Perhaps you should hold off," said Astrena, who came slowly onto the bridge holding Desslok's son swaddled in blankets. "I'm sorry to be here so soon, but…well…"

"You're finished?"

Astrena nodded. "The labor was difficult, and I'm in much pain, but I am able to walk only because I healed the needed muscles with my power. Behold your son. I have named him Dellar, as we agreed."

Desslok smiled, looking at his son, who had been washed but was clad in nothing but warm black blankets. His officers and men paused to look at the new Heir to the Gamilon throne.

"He's beautiful," said an officer as Desslok began to unwrap him.

"It looks like he'll be strong," said Talan.

"Little brat," said Ekogaru over the screen.

"How dare you mock my Heir?" snapped Desslok. "Talan, I must Recognize him. Turn that screen off!"

"Yessir!" The screen went black for a minute. Assured of some privacy, Desslok then finished stripping his son of all of his blankets and he held him unprotected for the first time, bonding with his son as he looked over every feature of his little blue body from his toes to his dark eyes.

"I like his face," said another officer.

"Yes, he looks as if he'll be intelligent, like his father," said Keeling.

Desslok smiled. He then held the tiny infant up to the windows so he could behold the stars. "Behold, Dellar! The cosmos! The only thing greater than yourself! You are my son, and heir, this day. Behold the next Emperor of the Gamilon-Garuman Empire!" cried Desslok.

"Behold our next Leader!" cried the men.

Dellar looked at the officers…for a moment, he almost seemed to have his father's sense of regal command in his eyes. Then, unprotected, he whimpered just like any other baby who happened to be cold.

"He's shivering," said Astrena. "Let's wrap him up, Desslok."

Both of them worked together to wrap their son, covering his little hands, his chest, his fingers, his toes, and his stomach.

"Now, we shall attack," said Desslok softly. "Take him to safety."

"Hold off, Desslok! We need to protect your son…Dellar, as well as the rest of your Fleet! Perhaps we shouldn't do this?"

"Astrena, please take our son back to our quarters. I intend to follow through with this attack."

"Against my advice," added Astrena softly. "Perhaps this should be left to my daughter."

"Sir," said an officer. "The Dark Lord wishes to continue his conversation!"

"Video screen on!" said Desslok. "Let him prattle a while longer. He might tell us what sort of funeral he desires when we finish him!"

"Oh? Why not let Earth do it, Desslok?" mocked Ekogaru. "As for you, Astrena, you remain silent! I have heard your whining quite enough. Ever since Pellias, all you have done is yak, yak, yak at me! This is between men now, you foolish woman!"

"Interesting, since it appears that you have no body and are a virtual image," said Desslok. "Weren't you dead?"

"I was, but I have conquered death!"

"As have I…before you," said Desslok, as he thought back to how Zordar had brought him back to life to fight the Star Force. "I am far from impressed."

"I am only trying to save his life and the lives of his people," said Astrena. "There is a time for physical combat, but right now, it is pointless!"

Desslok looked quietly at his Empress. "Astrena, do you understand me so little? This is a matter of honor. My honor has been insulted by this madman's rape of my ally, Earth. He has insulted me by striking at my allies and friends."

Astrena stood in thought for a moment.

Finally, she turned to Desslok and said, "I apologize. This time, Aliscea may be wrong. Your courage may well prevail. I know you need not my permission, but I am willing to not argue with you any longer. We are lovers and allies. I will defer to your judgment now, Desslok."

"Thank you, Astrena," said Desslok. Then, he faced Ekogaru again. "Ekogaru. You've scattered their Fleet, and I'd like to help Wildstar by blowing you right back to where you came from!" The hum of the Desslok Cannon's charging filled the bridge of the Gamilstadt. "He has aided us several times…so, this attack will go right into your fabled Phased Density Cannon to finish you. Do you like that? We will end it now, you vile and uncivilized barbarian!"

"As you once said, Desslok, go ahead and fire the gun! I'm most anxious to see what your great weapon can do, so…fire it!"

"I'll try to protect our son," said Astrena pathetically. "Do you want me to leave now?" she said in a very tired voice.

The Gamilon shook his head. He suddenly felt very guilty. "I'm sorry, Astrena…I should have been able to send you off the ship to keep you and our son safe, but…this is our best chance to finish him…so…"

Astrena braced herself, thinking, Maybe he will do it…maybe he will win…as Desslok fired his Cannon.

The Desslok gun's energy blasted out of the Gamilstadt's muzzle, straight into the throat of the Phased Density Cannon. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen.

Then, a moment later, a huge blast of energy and gravitational force blasted out of the Fortress like a sickening halo. The Gamilstadt was tossed and battered like a leaf as Astrena went to her knees, trying as best as she could to protect the little blue-skinned newborn Gamilon Heir that she held.

And, just as the Gamilstadt was tossed far away from the battle scene, the same…or worse, happened to Desslok's Fleet. Gamilon ships were destroyed or scattered everywhere like bowling pins as Ekogaru sent his laughter over their comm circuits.

"Hahahaha! See what your Great Leader can do for you now? Nothing! It is hopeless! This will help me when I inform Earth of how hopeless their situation is! Not even the  Argo can stop me, now! I have truly become…a God!"

On the Gamilstadt, which was now cast towards the edge of the asteroid belt, control had been regained at last.

"Leader Desslok, we've taken damage," said Talan.

Desslok was kneeling on the deck, checking Astrena and Dellar. "Are both of you all right?"

"Yes…shaken…but…we're fine," said Astrena. Dellar cried softly in her arms, but, under her dress, Astrena's bare legs were bruised…she had fallen against a panel protecting their son with her own body. "I hope there's no glass here…these shoes are history, as the Terrans say," said Astrena as she slipped off her broken sandals and cast them aside with a loud snap.

Dellar began to scream, frightened at the sudden noise.

"My son…" said Desslok softly.

"If it's all right with you, I shall take him to our quarters. He must be interfering with your concentration, and I think he's hungry." said Astrena. "I don't think your men want to see him at my breast here."

"Not my son…"

"But you need to get your ship working and regather your Fleet…don't you? In case…you need to attack HIM again?"

Desslok nodded. Then, he stood up, both proud and defiant in the face of adversity. His cape swung regally around him as he stood, once again in command of himself, even though it was not easy. "Talan, begin a search for the fleet!"

"Yessir," replied his General and best friend.

Astrena closed her eyes. "Then, Desslok, I shall leave."

"What about Aliscea?"

"I am in touch with her," said Astrena. "She is preparing the final attack…for all of our sakes. I hope she will succeed, but I am prepared to die with you. I am very weak as it is. As I said before, my labor was difficult. And…by the way, her planned successor is not Starsha. I should have confided in you more."

"Who is it?"

"A Terran woman. One you trust. The only one you respect…."

Comprehension came to Desslok's mind at last. "I see. What a heavy burden for her to face…"

"We shall meet again…soon," said Astrena.

She and Desslok embraced gently, with both of them cuddling their son before she left. As she left, tears ran down her face.

How do I tell him, she thought, that I know now that I will probably be dead from natural causes or assassinated within six years and will never see our son grow up? I have just foreseen it…and I think it will come to pass…sadly.

Because, even though I do not always understand you…I do love you, Desslok, my impetuous, proud Emperor!



The Underground Tokyo Megalopolis

Wednesday April 28, 2202

1541 Hours: Earth Time

On Earth, despair filled a main assembly chamber of the underground version of the Megalopolis as the people of Earth beheld Desslok's defeat and humiliation on the great screens that were connected to the planet's recon satellite system.

"The Gamilons have been beaten by that thing?"

"Desslok couldn't do a damn thing against that!"

"It was just a trick…he's still out to get us!"

"Screw the so-called alliance!"

"Alliance with whom? Someone who loses?"

"What's going to happen to us?" cried a woman as the crowd grew panicky.

"What's happened to the Star Force?"

"Maybe they were blown away with the Fleet?"

"Wildstar might really be dead!"

"Yeah…him and Desslok!"

Cries of anger and despair resounded throughout the vast underground concourse as an EDF Officer yelled through a bullhorn "Remain calm! The High Command is in contact with the Argo. One more attack is planned!"

"When?" yelled someone.

"They'd better do it quick!" someone else yelled. "He's about to wipe out the planet!"

Then, the ground shook underground. People screamed and yelled as the panicking group of people practically turned into a mob. But then, the mob was still by a stentorian voice that resounded over the entire planet.

"Silence!" roared the deep voice, which came like thunder. "I said, SILENCE! Or I shall bring down the final blow now!"

The crowd, cowed into silence, listened in shock as the Voice spoke at once to the people of Earth.

In Arabia, he was heard in Arabic.

In Russia, he was heard in Russian.

In South America, he was heard in Spanish or Portuguese.

In Japan, he was heard in Japanese, English, or Korean, or any one of many languages, depending upon the listener's first language. But, the message was the same.

The Voice said, "People of Earth! This is Ekogaru the Great, your executioner. I was to be your ruler, but I will have you know that, in their defiance, your precious Star Force has wiped out any hope you might have had for survival, even as my slaves. I have grown weary with your race's…defiance…and resistance to my Will. You are worse than the Pellians or the Gamilons! You just do not know when to give up!"

There was a terrible pause. Then, the Dark Lord said, "You have one of your hours to make peace with your deity…deities…or take solace in whatever you believe in…because, it is now 3:45 PM in your Tokyo Megalopolis. At precisely 4:45 PM this day, or 1645 Hours….your planet shall be finished…and your race along with it! I would love to hear you pray for salvation…a salvation that shall never come. It shall never come because YOU are finished! This is the last word I have to say to your race. I hope you enjoy your doom! Goodbye!"

Inside His Fortress, the Dark Lord's essence said, "Now, it begins. I shall slowly…slowly…prepare the Phased Density Cannon. In fifty-eight of their minutes they are gone! O, this will be the most satisfying meal I have had in ages! The fear on Earth is so great! Let us see what Aliscea can do against this…now!"


Space Battleship Argo

The Vicinity of Earth

Wednesday April 28, 2202

1549 Hours: Earth Time

The Argo had just made her last space warp soon after Wildstar and Nova had returned to the First Bridge. She wavered into existence right before Ekogaru's Fortress like a ghost of defiance.

"Warp complete!" said Venture.

At that, the main bridge went dark. "Emergency systems!" said Wildstar.

Yamazaki flipped some switches. "All I have left is battery power…the main engine's dead!"

"So, then…" said Derek as he got up from his post.

He looked his bridge crew over one by one. "We are here. Hoping against hope, I still think that we can bring down that thing. However, it will be very dangerous. I have conferred with Aliscea…only she, myself, and Nova are needed aboard Yamato to finish this."

Derek paused. "I want the rest of you to abandon ship. Now."

"We ain't leaving you now!" said Eager.

"Wildstar…have you lost your mind?" said Sandor.

"That's crazy, Wildstar!" said Dash.

"You can't do it without us!" said Yamazaki.

"We're staying here to help you!" said Homer.

"I'm not leaving!" said Rosstowski, who was behind Wildstar.

Derek spoke in a low voice. "My friends…this is an order!"

"We're not obeying it!" said Homer.

"I'm not leaving without Nova," burbled IQ-9.

Derek looked at his crew. "We have no time for this! Venture, as First Officer, make sure they carry it out. We don't have much time left until the end of Earth!"

"Why are you ordering this?" said Venture.

"Yeah, why?" said Paul. "Aliscea, why can't I stay with you?"

"You know why," said Aliscea. "It's because we might never come back."

Silence filled the bridge. Paul silently turned away from his wife with a nod…she had spoken to him through their bond, and he understood all that needed to be understood between them.

He couldn't face her, not now. He also knew that she was about to fulfill the reason that she had come back to Earth with them.

If you live, he thought. We will have a marriage.

But if not? Aliscea sent back.

Then, I will only have a memory, he thought in despair. "But, I know it must be this way," he said out loud in a shaky voice.

"That's right," said Derek. "Aliscea told me that shortly before we warped. When I took Nova aside, I asked her if she really wanted to share our possible fate. She said she did."

"Why?" said Venture.

"Because I'm one of you," said Nova. "I am ready to take the same risks that you take, and I am ready to stand beside Derek, because he is my commanding officer and my husband, and to stand beside Aliscea, because she said she needs me to help her. I can't shirk this duty, not now! And, if we're going to die, at least…let Derek and I go together. You understand that, don't you? I'd love for us to win…without dying. But, if we're going to die…you don't have to follow us. Take Holly, Mark, and go enjoy the new life that our sacrifice will bring, if we die...if we die…at least we will have accomplished something with our lives. Our lives, short as they may have been would at least have meaning…in giving everything we have for Earth…just like Desslok gave up almost everything he had for Gamilon."

"Like Desslok?" said Dash. "That cold blue bastard?"

"I'm sorry," said Nova with a sob. "I don't think you'll ever understand him, Dash…not even partially. He's not cold! He's as human as we are! Maybe more. We have more in common with him than you can ever guess."

"Yes…if you die," said Mark in a hollow voice.

"But I personally think that we're going to live," said Nova with a smile. "We'll see you guys again, I think. Besides…I need your help to fix my front yard?"

Mark smiled a little, and he took Nova's hands. "Goodbye, Mark," she said softly as she hugged him. "Tell Holly I'll be at her wedding, okay?"

"Okay, Nova!" said Mark in a husky voice. Then, on the verge of tears, he turned to Commodore Wildstar.

"Derek, goodbye," said Mark as he took his hand.

"Mark, good luck. We'll meet again…at Heroes' Hill."


"On a day just before the sun sets…maybe today…maybe some other day," Derek said softly. "We'll be there with you guys…in body…or…in spirit."

"Good luck, Wildstar," sobbed Mark.

"Thanks, we'll need it."

They shook hands for a moment, and then Wildstar turned away.

"All hands," said Venture into the PA system. "This is the Deputy Captain. Please gather at the lower fighter bay. All hands will be taken off the ship in the remaining Cosmo Tigers, landing boats, and shuttles. That will be all. We will meet again on Earth…at Heroes' Hill…after we land."

Then, at that, Mark left the Argo's First Bridge.

He was not sure he would ever return…and in a sense, he would be right.

The Wheel of Life was about to move on for Venture.

The crew left in a subdued, quiet manner once Venture gathered them together in the messhall and told them what had to be done.

The evacuation was orderly, military, and very quiet.

Hardy was the last Black Tiger to fly off the ship. As he flew away, he looked down at the Argo with tears forming in his eyes.

I spent so much of my life here, he thought. And now, I don't know if I'll ever see her again or not. Farewell, Wildstah. Farewell, Nova.  You two were…two of my best friends. I hope we make it…even if you guys don't.

Composing himself for the flight home, he drew himself together, forced a smile, and said, "Venture, I've got the surviving Tigers. Here we go!"

"Where are we goin?" asked Bryan Hartcliffe.

"Home. We'll land at Idlewild Field in the Megalopolis."

"Roger," said Bryan.

"Got it," said Tatiana. "Dasivadnya, Yamato."

"Yes…Dasivadnya," said Hardy to himself. "Farewell…"

Everyone else left the Argo in various shuttles; either medical shuttles, jet recon boats, or the single leftover Marine landing craft. The last to leave happened to be the bridge crew, led by Venture. They left in a Medical shuttle with all of the viewports thrown open, so that they could stop, pause, and salute Derek, Nova, and Aliscea before they left. There wasn't a single dry eye on that shuttle when they cruised around the ship and then left her behind as they headed back to Earth.

"Goodbye, Wildstar," said Venture. "And…good luck."

Behind him, Holly sobbed quietly as the shuttle accelerated for home.

Thus, at 1605 Hours, Derek, Nova and Aliscea were left alone.

"Well?" said Derek aboard the Argo. "Aliscea, the ship is dead!"

"Not quite," she said.

Aliscea glanced towards the astro-compass, and, to Derek and Nova's surprise, she was surrounded with winking orange lights…and all of the bridge systems began to blink back to life on the darkened First Bridge.

"Let's go," said Aliscea.

Derek stood in silence. "Yes, Aliscea, let's go. Nova, take your place at the radar. I'll fly her."

"Understood," said Nova. She sat down at the radar as the main engine somehow roared back to life below them. Aliscea sat down at Engineering and said, "Energy is at one hundred percent."

"Ahead, half-speed," said Derek.

He flipped the throttle back.

At that, the Argo began to move.

They had forty minutes left to destroy Ekogaru.

Forty minutes left to save the human race.


Space Battleship Argo

The Vicinity of Earth

Wednesday April 28, 2202

1606 Hours: Earth Time

On the Argo, Commodore Wildstar still sat at the helm flying the ship while Nova remained at the radar and Aliscea sat at Engineering. He looked back at Nova and gave a thumbs-up. "She's flying great."

"Wonderful," said Nova with a smile. "Somehow, I think we have a chance."

"Stop her right here…we're right between the Phased Density Cannon and Earth," said Aliscea.

Derek nodded, not used to having his ship commanded by another. "Full stop," he said.

The Yamato stopped. They were right before the Fortress.

"Now?" said Derek as he turned his chair around.

"Now, we need quiet," said Aliscea. Not used to the strange silence, Commodore Wildstar sat watching as Aliscea closed her eyes. "Nova, think of my voice and shut your eyes."

"Done," said Nova softly.

"Commodore, I am putting myself in accord with your wife. We may seem to fall dead or unconscious for a bit, but…we still live. We shall leave here in spirit, and go in to face Ekogaru."

At that moment, the Yamato's main screen lit up. Ekogaru's face was on it. "You idiots," he hissed. "Do you think you can stop me? How pathetic. I'll let you live…for another thirty-nine of your minutes, that is. Your Earth shall soon be dead, and you'll go first."

"Ignore him, Nova, Derek," said Aliscea. "Ekogaru! We are coming for you!" she cried. "Nova, it is time. Think of making a passage…think of me…think of defeating the Dark One…think of…life."

At that moment, Nova went limp. It looked startlingly as if she had had a heart attack and died at her post.

"Nova!" cried Derek.

Then, strangest of all, he heard Nova's voice in his mind.

I'm fine, Derek. Aliscea just sent me out first. Derek ran over to her limp body anyway. My body's fine…I think.

Ekogaru, here we come, said Aliscea's voice in Derek's mind where Wildstar held Nova's limp hand.

Aliscea also went limp and "dead" in her seat.

Derek looked up at the screen, and saw a look of shock and dismay on the virtual Ekogaru's face.

That looks good, he thought with a grim smile. I think they're doing something in there that's upsetting him! He then held Nova's limp hand again. Nova, get back in here…safe! He felt her pulse at her neck…it was very, very slow and weak. I don't want you to die for real, my love…

Derek received no answer. Perplexed by the silence, he sat down on the deck next to his unconscious wife's chair and he waited.

Nova was falling through some void. Or she thought she was.

She slammed face-first into something that felt like sand. She coughed and sat up. She looked at herself. All she had "on" was a filmy garment like a negligee.

If this is my astral body, how come I have almost nothing on it? Nova Wildstar thought. This is weird! She seemed to sit up.

Where she was, the sun was very hot, the sand was burning, and there were two suns in the sky. The wind was hot, fierce, and mean. Sand blew against her "body", if one could call it that.

"I sure look intact," she said. "I'm all here...but...this sand is hot…and I had my uniform on back there. Where did my clothes go? I...I...don't have a stitch on," she said with a blush.

Nova turned her head. There was a scream, and Aliscea fell out of the sky into the sand herself. She had nothing on, either.

"Aliscea!" cried Nova as she ran over, ignoring the pain as the hot sand burned her bare feet. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah…fine. This always happens when you do this. We don't have anything on because these are our spirit bodies. Luckily, if you concentrate hard enough, you can put 'clothes' on…"

"Like this?" Nova thought of a bikini and stout hiking sandals on her feet. In a moment, she was 'clothed'.

"Weird choice of attire, hon!."

"It's hot here…wherever this is," said Nova as she stood up. "Aren't you getting dressed?"

"I don't have any problem with being naked."

"But it's not...decent," said Nova.

"If you insist," said Aliscea as she "clothed" herself in a bikini far more revealing than Nova's. "You takes energy to imagine clothes. Of course, it probably helps, too…especially if you're not used to this…he's gonna try to mess up the astral environment." Aliscea imagined sandals on her feet, and they appeared. "Oh. This is Rikasha. As Ekogaru imagines it to be. We're inside him, so to speak. Arm yourself."

Nova thought of a Friar Tuck style quarter-staff and one appeared in her hands. "Neat!"

"Watch out," said Aliscea, who had summoned a sword. "Here he comes!"

"DAMN YOU!" bellowed a huge voice over the sand dunes. "You are scum! SCUM!"

Ekogaru came over the dunes a moment later. He was apparently about nine feet tall, blue-skinned, with a tiger skin around his loins and a single horn coming out of his head. He had nothing else on, but he carried a huge iron mace.

"What's that weird form that he adopted?" said Aliscea, who was non-plussed.

"A Japanese Oni," said Nova. "A Buddhist demon. I read a book about Buddhist monsters and legends when I was little. I wonder how come he's using a figure from Earth mythology?"

"Because I am your worst damned nightmare!" yelled Ekogaru. "Bow before me!"

"Oh, why don't you do something?" said Aliscea.

"I'll kill your little creepy friend, first!" roared Ekogaru.

He made a snarling noise and went for Nova with his mace. The mace slammed her in the head before she could get her staff up. Nova felt bones smashing in her face, and she felt blood going down the side of her neck in a torrent in an explosion of agony and pain. He smashed my face! Nova thought in a panic. And I'm bleeding to death!

Aliscea's voice came in her mind. You're a nurse. Fix yourself!


"Hahahahahahahaha!" bellowed Ekogaru. "She's broken like a toy!"

Nova thought, Funny, I feel like I can fix this. Then, her astral "face" reformed from the inside, and the bleeding stopped. Healed, Nova came back to her feet.

Aliscea ran Ekogaru through, but the Dark Lord healed himself. He slashed at Aliscea, and he took one of her arms off. She backpedaled, and stuck it back on her body as if it was attached with Velcro. The wound healed at once.

"The object!" yelled Aliscea. "Is to get him tired out! Hit him with your staff!"

Nova ran up behind Ekogaru and smacked him in the back of the head with all of her strength. The Dark Lord yelled, and he took a sword thrust in the gut from Aliscea.

Nova then brought the staff up under his loincloth from behind and smacked him right in a very sensitive spot.

He bellowed like a stuck pig.

"Dirty trick!" yelled Aliscea.

"Hey, it worked," said Nova. She smiled as she saw the Dark Lord clutching his crotch.

Then, the scene flipped.

It was a mass whiteout.

Snow and cold air were everywhere.

Nova found herself stung by the cold as she stood ankle-deep in the snow in her sandals and the wind ate at her body. She turned the sandals into boots, and then turned her bikini into something like Inuit clothing, complete with gloves and a hooded parka. Nova was thus clothed in beige and white.

Aliscea finally clothed herself, choosing for the first time ever in her life to put on black boots instead of her ritual sandals, along with a warm black dress, and a stylish black coat and gloves. She had never been in winter conditions before, and the chill was very uncomfortable for her. She looked over her shoulder at the blizzard, her eyes bedazzled by the whiteness, and said, "I wonder where he is, Nova? Do you see him?"


"That's the point!" roared Ekogaru.

Something like a huge white paw kicked Aliscea in the butt.

She turned, and saw a ten-foot tall white Yeti covered with white fur, with Ekogaru's face. The mixture was hideous. The Dark Lord now carried a huge Norse war-hammer. "Hammer of the GODS!" he yelled, laughing his head off. "Are you ladies cold?"

"Bug off," said Aliscea. She thrust her sword at Ekogaru, who used his war-hammer to break it. Nova bashed him with her staff, but he seemed impervious to it.

The Dark Lord bellowed like the 'animal' he was, and then he spat water at Nova. It froze around her, turning her into a pillar of ice.

Think warm, thought Nova in her ice prison. Good…starting to melt this…

"I'll split you two up!" yelled Ekogaru. He smashed a hole in the ice, and Aliscea fell into it.

"Aliscea!" cried Nova.

"Now, get lost!" yelled Ekogaru as he glared at Nova.

A moment later, "lost" was exactly what Nova Wildstar was as the scene changed again.

She was clad in a Technomugar uniform, and was running down a corridor at full speed with a blaster in her hands. Where am I? Nova thought. This place is like a maze!

"Not a maze!" yelled a loud voice from everywhere and nowhere. "It's a torture chamber!"

Nova then found herself locked down inside an Iron Maiden that was slowly beginning to close. She struggled hard, and then she finally forced it open. She rolled on the deck a moment later, her polished boots hitting the ground as laser bolts came from the ceiling.

Nova looked up. Ekogaru, who now looked just as he had when he was alive, stood above her on a balcony, shooting away with a large blaster.

Nova shot the gun out of his hands just as Aliscea, clad in a white gown, jumped out from a doorway and bashed Ekogaru over the head with a monkey wrench.

"Okay!" cried Aliscea. "You say uncle yet?"

"Aunt Yvona," he chuckled.

In the meantime, on the Gamilstadt, Desslok had retired to the suite he shared with Astrena. He entered and found her sitting on the bed with baby Dellar feeding at her bare breast.

"So that's how it's done," said Desslok with a smile.

"I couldn't exactly do this on the bridge," she said softly.

He looked again at his son, who was now clad in a diaper and a small silken shirt. "I find myself amazed at the little life we produced together. Does he share your powers?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet. He may share my powers and Aliscea’s; he may not," said Astrena. "Also, there is something I wanted to say to you."


"I'm sorry I've misjudged you, Desslok. I think I am beginning to understand why you have to struggle…it is for the same things we Pellians have fought for, isn't it?"

"Peace…a new home…safety for my people," said Desslok. "I haven't always been proud of all I have done…and I am sorry if you think I haven't shown enough love to you. I have been so busy…"

"We have been so busy that we have had little time to talk like this," said Astrena. "In our bedchamber, cuddling…being intimate, making small talk, and then rushing."

"You know that my people have a great claim on my attention…"

"Yes…I have become aware of that. And, I will try not to judge you so harshly in the future. I see you are a moral, strong, good and decent man. That morality is not always the same as what I was raised with, but it is a strong moral code."

"Our Kreiggergestadt, or 'warriors' way', is not perfect, but the code has served us well for many centuries," said Desslok as he looked at his son. "To fight well, one must be hard…strong…and ready to protect the weaker and those under them. A warrior does not doubt, nor does he shy away from what must be done. And even if one hates one's enemy, one must be ready to see when they have put up a good and honorable fight…and hate them all the more when they fight in a dishonorable manner. Such is part of our Way."

"And the last battle is the only one that counts, right?"

Desslok smiled. "You learn better than I thought."

And you have also said, "There comes a day when war must cease."

"One cannot fight forever," said Desslok as he shut his eyes and was haunted again by the confrontation he had with Wildstar and Nova on this very ship. "All wars must have their end. And others can love their world as I have loved Gamilon."

At that, the intercom buzzed. Desslok opened the line. "Yes?"

"Talan here. We've lost ten ships, but we have finally re-gathered the Fleet. What are your orders?"

"The only battle that counts is the last one," he said softly with a light in his eyes.

"The Star Force is ready to attack him," said Astrena. "Aliscea is fighting him now."

"Then I will help our daughter. I think if we press the attack again, we can aid both her and Earth."

Astrena caught that light and she smiled at him. "You want to help your allies?"

Desslok nodded.

"Then I will stay here with Dellar," said Astrena. She embraced him with a free hand and said, "Win this battle! Fight well, my braveheart, but not too rashly. Remember the weak thou art defending in your gallantry."

"In other words, I take it you are wishing me luck?"

Astrena smiled.

"Thank you," said Desslok as his heart leapt. "Your moral support is not needed, but it certainly is helpful."

"I'm glad to hear that, Desslok."

Both of them kissed, and then, Desslok left.

He had a final attack to command.

At 1619 Hours…

On the new Andromeda, Admiral Falworth sat at his post while his comm officer reported, "Sir, Fifth Fleet has just checked in. Perulov is on his way. And the Yamato is leading the attack upon the Fortress."

"Yes, and we will support the young Commodore Wildstar. Yamanami has joined us from Arcturus with his Fourth Fleet, and Admiral Manella has just reported in with Second Fleet," Falworth commented as the Andromeda now sat at the head of the bulk of the surviving elements of the Combined Fleet of the Earth Defense Forces. When Perulov arrives, that will be the whole surviving Fleet. It goes against my strategic preferences, but now, the fate of all of Earth depends upon us. We can be there just in time, I think!"

Falworth paused. "Lieutenant, when Perulov arrives, send out the "Z" signal, and then "form battle line." We will then warp to Earth! Our target will be the Technomugar Fortress…and if we spend our lives in fighting that, well, it is better to have attempted an endeavor and failed than to have never tried at all."

"Sir, Desslok of Gamilon has also signalled that he will be attacking."

"Good," said Falworth.

"Good?" said the communications Lieutenant. "I don't trust that blue son-of-a-bitch as far as I could throw him, sir."

"Belay that!" snapped Falworth. "Like it or not, the Gamilons are on our side. And, considering what the Yamato, once the Argo, had to do to Gamilon, it's an amazingly generous thing that he's helping us! Got that?"

"Yessir," said the young officer.

On the Argo, Derek sat in silence in the near-darkness, stroking Nova's hand as he watched the Fortress. The black shape was unchanged. Nothing had happened yet.

"Nova, I hope you and Aliscea can weaken him." he said in a soft voice. "It's more important than ever that we defeat him now. We only have twenty-four minutes left. Please hurry, both of you."

Nova lay silent; only the soft sound of her breathing let Derek know that she still lived.

Where Nova's spirit was, though, it was far from quiet.

The scene had flipped yet again. There were gunshots all around them.

Nova looked down at herself. "What am I doing in an Imperial Japanese sailor's uniform?" she said out loud as she tapped at her flak helmet. "This thing is a real antique!"

She realized she was sitting in a machine gun tub…on the foredeck of the Yamato before she had been renamed the Argo. But, the Yamato looked as she had when she had been a regular sea-going battleship afloat in 1945. She was a dark slate-grey, and the bridge tower looked different, with the Japanese Naval Ensign flapping in the breeze at the ship's mast on the bow.

"We're shooting at planes," said Aliscea, who knelt beside Nova in a 1940's pinup-girl outfit of a halter, shorts, and sandals. She was feeding an ammo belt into the Japanese machine gun that Nova was firing.

Nova was trying to hit a single dive bomber. The plane looked like an American Grumman Hellcat, save that it was all black and bore the Technomugar three-armed swastika rather than the star of the U.S. Navy.

"I'll get you!" screamed the pilot out of the open cockpit. It was Ekogaru, in a leather flying helmet and silk aviators' scarf.

"Yeah?" yelled Aliscea as Nova fired. "Eat hot lead, my friend!"

Nova cheered as she hit the plane. The plane began to go down, smoking away as it came with a loud buzzing hum.

When it hit the Yamato's deck, there was a strange white explosion.

Nova then felt herself drifting in a white void, unclad, and almost as transparent as a spirit being. "Aliscea! Where are we?"

"This is the unadorned astral plane!" cried Aliscea. "His illusions are beginning to come apart! It looks as if we've won…and…NO!"

"Aliscea?" said Nova, in a puzzled voice.

"There's something you have to do!!"

"What?" said Nova.

Then, Nova picked up Aliscea's thought. "Aliscea…I can't do that!"

"Only for a moment. I can restore whatever damage you may have to cause. But he's pulled a sickening trick! And you have to stop him!"

"What do you mean?"

"No time to explain now! GO!"

Puzzled, Nova drifted on into something that looked like a cloudbank while Aliscea floated near-transparent in the void, keeping watch. She wondered if they would win...or not.

To Be Concluded With Act Six: "The Last Chord."

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