Being the fifth part of THE RIKASHA INCIDENT--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz



Pellias: Above the Capital City

Space Battleship Argo

Thursday, January 14, 2202

1300 Hours, space-time.

"I wonder how he's gonna pull this off," muttered a Space Marine to Hemsford as an expectant crew waited for Captain Derek Wildstar to arrive in the Argo's messhall.

"All I know is that they've been cooking up a plan of some kind," said Hemsford. "They've been taking scan after scan of the city for the past few hours."


"They know, Sergeant, that there's gonna be opposition…and that it'll probably be heavy."

"I guessed that much…"

A moment later, Commander Mark Venture walked into the messhall. He took the stage and snapped, "All hands…ATTENTION!"

Everyone snapped to as Captain Wildstar, Lieutenant Wildstar, Lieutenant Commander Sandor, and IQ-9 came into the room. Derek glanced at Venture, Nova, Sandor, and IQ-9 and just nodded. They stood back a little, and then Wildstar came forward.

"At ease," he said.

After the crew stood down, Captain Wildstar began. "Star Force, after a short but very intensely opposed journey, we have finally arrived at Pellias. We are now on the verge of meeting Aliscea and her mother Astrena and learning what we can from them. However, this is by no means the end of the fighting, as many of you may have guessed."

"We received a brief message from Astrena. The city below us is known as Perlana. We can expect to face major opposition on the ground. The only reason that the ship hasn't been attacked yet is that the enemy, it seems, lacks the means to do so at the moment. The enemy, however, has much of Perlana under its control, including all of the approaches to the Chancellery Complex in the Government Center, where Astrena and Aliscea are…all of the approaches but one, that is."

Wildstar watched the crew as he paused to gauge their reactions, and then he continued. "Beneath the Chancellery Complex in the Government Center, according to Astrena, there is a complex of tunnels. Some of these tunnels are the underground remains of a temple complex which the Rikashans have bombarded and wiped out. Other parts of these tunnels were royal tombs, where the mummified remains of the prior constitutional monarchs and priests and priestesses are buried. There were many entrances to these tunnels, and our task is to find an entrance not yet taken by the Rikashans. There, it is hoped, we can find a means of getting to Aliscea, and, perhaps, learning what we can do to help her people, who are prisoners of the Rikashans, and, find out what became of the Gamilons. Astrena told us that she is aware a Gamilon landing party got on the ground first, but, to date, she has not actually seen them nor heard from them since she initially detected them. Astrena said that Aliscea believes that Desslok himself may have been part of that party. It would help us, therefore, if we could learn what became of the Gamilons while we also help liberate the Pellians. All of them may need our assistance right now."

A vast hubbub filled the room. At a nod from Derek, IQ-9 slipped away from the others. Captain Wildstar stood listening as various unidentifiable members of the Star Force were overheard saying the following…

"Desslok's down there?"

"I thought the Gamilons were great fighters, and they're trapped?"

"What the hell are we doing, rescuing the Gamilons?"

"Yeah, the Gamilons killed half of my family years ago."

"The Gamilons can go to hell."

"If Desslok can't handle this, how can we do it?"

"Yeah. Why are we rescuing the damn Blue Meanies?"

Derek raised his hands for silence. "All right, enough! I know that the Gamilons still aren't the most popular people here on Earth. I even have mixed feelings about this alliance at times…remember, the Gamilons killed my parents, too. But, we wouldn't have been able to defeat the Comet Empire without Desslok's help and cooperation after he had all but destroyed us, and we wouldn't have made it this far without the Gamilon Fleet backing us up. Like it or not, the Gamilons are our allies, and, besides, Aliscea expects to see us and Leader Desslok together. We owe it to her to at least honor her request to speak to representatives of both of our races."

"To that end, we have figured out a plan to land in the city. We can field, at most, a ground force of about a hundred men and women, backed up from the air by the Black Tigers. Our hope is to begin by sending in some low-level reconnaissance flights, so that, perhaps, we can find out where the Gamilons are, where the remaining Pellians still fighting house-to-house as a resistance force are, and also to try to pinpoint some entrances to those tunnels. Once we know what is going on down there, we will send in our Black Tiger Strike Fighter squadron to attack the Rikashans' main positions. Then we'll then follow up the effort by sending in the bulk of our landing party as a main force to fight the Rikashans and, hopefully, join up with the Gamilons and Pellians. While all of this is going in the city as a diversion, I will personally lead a small group into the catacombs so that we can meet up with Aliscea."

"It is my hope that we can meet with Aliscea before the day ends, and, hopefully, have her on her way back to the Argo."

There was more hubbub. "Aliscea's coming with us?"

"This is the exact opposite of what happened with Trelaina."

"We're doing all this to get one person out?"

"Crazy dame."

"What about all the other Pellians? Isn't the planet dying?"

"I heard that question," said Wildstar. "Astrena is hoping that we and the Gamilons can rescue the remainder of her people from this planet. We think there are only about three or four hundred survivors, and many of these were seasoned military personnel who still wish to carry on the fight against a race known as the Technomugar and their allies, the Rikashans. Astrena hinted that the Technomugar race got them into this predicament in the first place, and that their leader is the mastermind behind all of the trouble that we have been having. It seems the Technomugar leader is behind all of the disturbances in our solar system, all of the Rikashan attacks, and the inhuman raid on the Westhampton Beach. This leader also seems, somehow, as if he might be behind the devastation and transport of Pellias; and it seems that his arm is indeed long. Astrena said that he has many strange powers…possibly even supernatural ones."

"Let me get this straight…" asked Venture. "This mysterious being is several million lightyears away in another galaxy, and he can do all these things from his capital?"

"That may be the case, Venture," said Wildstar.

"But what is he like, Derek?" asked Nova. "Some kind of Dark Lord of space?"

"That is why we're here," said Derek. "We will begin our search into this mystery soon, when several planes leave the ship to begin recon flights. But, first, I have decided that we should all drink a toast to the success of our mission."

A moment later, IQ-9 and two messhall stewards returned with a cart with many small cups and a cask of liquid on top. The cart stopped before the stage, and Captain Wildstar and his associates took some of the cups, which were filled with the liquid. As they were handed out, Wildstar said, "Some of you veterans may remember that before the battle at Rainbow Star Cluster on the way to Iscandar, Captain Avatar ordered the crew to drink a toast in water taken from Earth. I have decided to reinstitute that tradition today, in honor of Captain Avatar and his memory and in what will be a celebration of the rescue we will soon surely accomplish."

"Some of you may notice that I have ordered an additional ingredient to be added to the water, in much diluted form. Don't let Earth Defense Command know I've done this, of course. It's in honor of many of Earth's ancient navies and the tradition they undertook of serving a special ration before going into battle."

In the front row, beside Homer, Paul Rosstowski swished his small cup around, and smelled the drink. A slight tang came to his nostrils.

"To Earth…and victory!" said Captain Wildstar as he extended his glass to the others.

"To Earth, and VICTORY!" called out the rest of the Star Force.

Then, they drank their toast. As the liquid hit Rosstowski's mouth, he smiled a little. Just a bit of Navy Rum in the water, he thought. Wonder where Wildstar got it from? Doctor Sane's reserve? Well…it seems to fit what we're about to do. God, I hope that we can get to Aliscea…I hope…that I can get to Aliscea. I wonder what she's like in person?


Space Battleship Argo

Lower Fighter Bay

Thursday, January 14, 2202

1349 Hours, space-time.

In the Argo's  lower hangar bay, a special detail of planes was being readied. In one of the upper bays, two elements of three planes each under Lubyanska's command were being readied for takeoff. However, here, Stephen Sandor's and Nova Wildstar's specialized recon planes were being readied for takeoff; each of these Tigers would be escorted by one hand-picked fighter plane each.

Captain Wildstar had ordered Conroy to detail two hot pilots for this mission, so, as a result, Bryan Hartcliffe's plane was being readied as Sandor's escort, while Angelique Hartcliffe's plane was being prepared as Nova's escort.

 "All right, everyone," said Captain Wildstar as both Hartcliffes, Sandor, Nova, IQ-9 (who would be acting as Nova's RSO), Royster, (who would be Sandor's RSO), and two Space Marines (who would sit in the aft turret of each special recon plane) stood near their planes. Bryan Hartcliffe's fighter was almost ready for takeoff, Angie Hartcliffe's fighter was being readied on the turntable behind it, and with Sandor's and Nova's special planes being readied in the Boat Bay above the main fighter bay. "This is what I want all of you to remember."

"First, Sandor, Nova, your mission is to go in there and get detailed technical scans and life-sign scans of the city, especially around the city center. It should take you no more than fifteen minutes or so to get the scans you need and get out. You have your guns charged and you have Marines in your planes, but I'd prefer that you not hit anything unless you're attacked yourselves. And, even then, I'd like your escorts to draw as much fire as possible and to do the brunt of the fighting for you."

"Why's that?" demanded Bryan Hartcliffe in an insolent fashion. "Aren't we important to this ship or somethin'?"

"You're important," snapped Captain Wildstar. "But, not as important as the mission. Anyone on this ship, myself included, is expendable compared to our mission, which is to get information on our new enemy to Earth! If you want to make an argument out of this, I'll put someone else in your plane and you can swab decks! Do you understand that, Mister?"

"Yessir," said Bryan with a slight sneer under his mustache.

"If you don't get rid of that sneer, I don't want you escorting me!" snapped Nova.

"Lieutenant, can it!" snapped Captain Wildstar. "We have no time for this!"

"Of course, sir," said Nova with a nod. "Sandor, is our flight plan checked in?"

"Mmm-hh," said Sandor.

"But what if I get airsick?" asked Neville Royster. "I haven't been in a Tiger for ages!"

"Royster, do you know what a barf bag is for?" asked Sandor. "If not, you're going to learn fast."

With the tension broken, everyone had a good laugh while Royster flushed a little. Nova ended up leaning against Derek to control her giggles and the two of them ended up sharing a quick snuggle and a few whispered words a moment later. That led to Bryan giving Angie a huge, naughty, deep kiss.

Nova rolled up her eyes and whispered to her husband, "Shouldn't they save that for their quarters?"

"Yeah…that's what we do," whispered back Derek. "May I demand an IOU from you now?"

"Yes, to be repaid with more than a kiss, sir," whispered Nova in Derek's ear as she quickly smooched it. "See you later…"

"You get back in one piece," ordered Derek.

Nova nodded as she broke the clutch and said, "Sandor, are we ready?"

Sandor gave a quick nod. "Yep. Let's saddle up, everybody!" he yelled with a clap of his hands.

Bryan kissed Angie one more time and then ran for his plane. Leaping in, he set up the controls as its engines began to whine louder. The flick deck crew went around the Tiger one last time and detached the power umbilicals and the starting hose from the plane. One of them gave Bryan Hartcliffe a quick thumbs-up as he put on his helmet, strapped in, and shut his canopy. As soon as his canopy closed, Angie climbed into her plane, adjusted her glasses, and shoved her hair into her helmet.

Nova and her crew ran for the Boat Bay, found their plane, and began their preflight checkouts as Sandor and his crew ran for their Tiger.

"Your lifesign scanner pods check out just fine, ma'am," said a flight tech as he disconnected a diagnostic unit from one of the pods below the wing of Nova's Tiger.

"Great," said Nova as she began to set her radio to the proper frequency. As senior officer, Sandor was in overall charge of both elements of this small ad-hoc recon wing. Nova was second-in-command of this mission and in charge of her element.

"Having fun, squadron leader?" piped up IQ-9 from behind.

"You just behave yourself back there, IQ," said Nova. "Make sure you're linked to the sensor interfaces."

"I'd rather be linked with you. Why didn't you marry me?"

"IQ-Nine!" hissed Nova. "Do you want to get slapped with a flight glove?"

"Don't do it, ma'am, he's just kiddin' ya," laughed a young African-American Space Marine as he strapped himself into the tail gunner's turret in the aft portion of the Cosmo Tiger.

"You don't know this robot very well, Lance Corporal Jackson," said Nova in her most prim and proper tone of voice. "Sometimes he carries out on his promises…don't you, tin-wit?" smiled Nova dangerously.

"Should I be quiet?" said IQ.

"It might be a good idea…unless you'd like me to throw my notebook at you…"

"I don't."

"Good. I'll strap it against my thigh, where it belongs," said Nova.

"Ahhh…you have lovely thighs!" said IQ.

A second later, one black notebook bounced off IQ-9's dome.

"Ouch!" he said.

"Now, you give it back," snapped Nova.

It was a good thing that Jackson had his helmet mike turned off…he was laughing hard enough to blow the plane's internal comm systems out.

A moment later, Bryan Hartcliffe's plane roared off, followed by Angie's. Nova had just enough time to strap on her notebook and get a pen ready before she had to look at her instruments and start the plane up. The flight crew ran over the ship, disconnected everything, and gave a thumbs-up as the plane was slid over to the center of the bay by the automatic moving deck. The magnetic crane grappled the ship, locked on, and pushed the plane forward towards the yawning aft deck. It lowered the plane down in a controlled drop and let go as soon as Nova pulled the throttles back to one-half speed. The plane dropped down through the hatch and then roared off a moment later at full military power. In the meantime, Sandor's plane rode the other moving deck, with Royster trying to tune out the feel of the crane locking onto the ship by rechecking the technical readouts that the plane's scientific and technical pods were already sending into the Tiger's computer system. A Marine Private named Carruthers locked the aft power turret's guns down, preparing to unlock them as soon as the Cosmo Tiger blasted out of the ship.

Under Sandor's capable hands, the plane did so a moment later, scurrying along to catch up with its escort, Mrs. Hartcliffe. Sandor squinted at the weak, watery sun that was Beta Valentis, and listened as Royster gave his first report.

"Atmospheric temperature near zero degrees Centigrade, Sandor! Ultrasonic scan of the planet reveals dormant but substantial seismic activity below the city. According to my electromagnetic activity scanners, there's substantial communications traffic below, too…bursts of activity on Gamilon frequencies…activity on a frequency I don't recognize but which was close to that Astrena last transmitted on, and two nests of Rikashan activity below in the city! One almost due west of the Chancellery Complex and ruined temple and one to the south! Hot diggety, we found 'em!" cried Royster, forgetting all about his fear of the plane.

"Confirmed, and substantial Rikashan life-signs picked up due west and far southeast by IQ-9," responded Nova from her plane as they orbited over the city and roared west towards the nearby mountain range. "Coordinates…zero five degrees and two minutes by thirty-one point two and three minutes and zero five degrees two point five minutes by thirty-one point two, three minutes and twelve seconds…confirmed! Cameras on in infrared field."

"Confirmed and scanned," snapped Sandor. "Back to base, everyone! We have the preliminary data we need!"

"Detecting missile plume from the city," said Angie over her headset. "Shoulder-held missile…two more! Request permission to draw their fire and hit them."

"Granted," said Sandor.

Angie maneuvered off and dropped down in a death-dive towards the enemy. In the streets of Perlana, near what had been a residential district, hardened Rikashan soldiers yelled and fired their rifles at the speeding black, gold and grey plane that suddenly dropped down out of the frigid grey sky with all of its guns, both nose and wingtip, shooting blue death at the enemy troops in a deranged strafing run that tore up the street and also ripped several armored Rikashan troopers into pieces.

Encouraged by the strafing run, a few Pellian children emerged from a ruined building, jeering and throwing rocks, garbage and burning objects at the Rikashans as Angie came around again for another pass. Angie caught a glimpse of the children and thought they looked remarkably Terran…Then, Angie felt a wave of pity when she saw that most of the children were dirty, bedraggled, and were facing the cold in only shorts, t-shirt-like garments, swimsuits, underwear and even nothing at all.

Why are they dressed like that? Angie thought. Then, she remembered an offhand comment by Aliscea…a comment that this planet was once warm. Warm, but not now. Now, it's near freezing down there. Oh, those poor kids!

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a near-naked, shivering dark-haired boy gritting his teeth against the wind, but that didn't stop him from throwing something that looked like a burning Molotov Cocktail at an armored Rikashan three times bigger than he was. For that bravery, he gave his life a moment later with a shot through his stomach even as all he had left to give burned like mad on the enemy soldier's armor before it exploded.

One huge trooper shot something that looked like a flame-thrower at the children, and Angie actually heard a few of their screams through her canopy as she roared in for another pass. Her guns got a few more troopers, and something hideous that looked like a tank of some kind. A moment later, Angie caught a glimpse of a group of twelve grim-looking men in dark blue uniforms running around the burning tank to charge the Rikashans as three of them ran off towards the group of ragged children. Must be Pellian troops, she thought as she saw one of the men, who looked almost like Bryan minus his glasses. Bryan's twin charged the tank, evading the machine gun fired by a much bigger Rikashan sticking out of the dark grey turret, and he lobbed something that looked like a grenade down into the turret before he and his mates ran off. The tank stopped, with fire and smoke roaring out of the turret. The Rikashan on top of the turret was on fire, but he was frantically working something on the surface of the turret even as he died and fire engulfed the whole tank.

But, as the tank blew apart, a small missile screamed from its turret into the belly of Angie's plane. The ship jerked up hard as it was hit.

"What's wrong down there?" cried Sandor. "Mrs. Hartcliffe!"

"They got my port engine, the starboard one's beginning to overheat," cried Angie as lights flashed red on her dashboard.

"Try to get back to the ship," said Sandor as he flew in and shot some covering fire towards the enemy positions.

"Trying," said Angie. "Controls are…sluggish…I'm heading for those mountains and I'll try to turn over the foothills!"

"Good luck, Hartcliffe," said Sandor. "C'mon…let’s get back to the ship now!"

"I'm goin' after Angie," said Bryan as he dropped down towards the mountains.

"No!" cried Nova. "The mission, Hartcliffe!" cried Nova as she began to climb back up towards the Argo.

"Right," said Bryan with tears filling his eyes for a minute. He swung his head, and down below, from far in the south, a flight of three missiles roared towards both of them.

Hartcliffe evaded one…Wildstar evaded the other. But, the third nicked her wingtip before exploding back towards the tail of the plane.

In Nova's plane, Jackson screamed over the commlink, with his turret hit along with part of the Tiger's starboard upper stabilizer fin. Nova Wildstar's plane swung drunkenly down towards the city in a shaky dive.

"NOVA!" cried Sandor.

"Tell the ship I'm making for friendly territory…there's an airfield north of the city…gonna try to land there even if we have to land it on its belly."

"Can't you get any control, Nova?" demanded Sandor. "Bail out!"

"I can't, and the ejector's not working," cried Nova. "Steve, tell Derek I love him! Lord willing, I'll see you later!"

And, with that, Nova's plane roared towards the north of the city. Sandor prayed he wouldn't see an explosion, but he couldn't tell for sure as the Tiger disappeared into a fogbank.

"Royster, trace it and trace Angie's plane!" said Sandor.

"Angie's already down…no trace of explosion…don't know if she's conscious or alive. Nova's screaming in towards that airfield…damn…I hope she can land that thing without crashing."

"So do I, Royster. So do I."


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