Being the eighth part of THE RIKASHA INCIDENT--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz

NOTE: (1) Derek Wakefield has graciously granted permission to use two of his characters--namely Dac and Anya Windfield--in this installment of this tale. The characters of "Dac Windfield" and "Anya Windfield" are Copyright (c) 2003 by Derek A. C. Wakefield. All rights reserved. All references to and usage of these characters here was done with the express permission of Mr. Wakefield.



Planet Iscandar

Mother Town

Thursday, February 25, 2202

1222 Hours: Spacetime

Days had passed.

With the party over with, Starsha's peace was being disturbed by the Black Tigers flying drill after drill. Of course, she knew the reason why; it was because of a possible impending Rikashan attack on the planet, as well as due to Ekogaru's approach.

According to Aliscea, the Dark Lord was now only 70,000 light-years away from Iscandar.

Aliscea, of course, knew what Ekogaru had done to Planet Dej'jat IV and its people. It was her guess that he would arrive in seven days, on March 4th. She wanted Iscandar...and be ready to stop him.

And the young woman was livid.

"You need to rest at some point, Aliscea," said Paul in a break between attack drills on the Argo as he watched her poring over scrolls, taking notes, and occasionally muttering strange poems...or, incantations? "You haven't slept for thirty hours!"

"I can live without sleep," she hissed. "I love you, but I can fight this battle without anyone else worrying about it! I am getting closer to knowing how we can stop him. And, stopped he must be...before he kills other innocents. He destroyed a whole world and civilization in just twenty minutes. This creature cannot be negotiated with, nor reasoned with. It can only be slain and sent back to the Pit of Hell where it belongs."

"Even Starsha needs to rest," said Paul Rosstowski. "C'mon, Aliscea!"

Nova, in her usual uniform, came into the library a moment later, walking as quietly as possible. "I made coffee if you need it, Aliscea."

"Did you sleep?"

"I had to. Derek insisted upon it."

"Well, I don't need to sleep, Nova. I am running on a spiritual energy that I don't even think you can comprehend," she said as she took the coffee with a shaking hand. "You need rest. You're mortal. I am more than mortal."

"I'm on duty, Aliscea. I'm here to check on you on the Captain's orders."

"Then what do you have to do?"

"Return to the Argo and work on calibrating the radar, what else?" said Nova with a shrug. "I'm an officer in the Earth Defense Forces. I've taken an oath that won't allow me to rest now, even though my body just wants to sleep, and my soul wants to be at peace with my husband, who can't rest either right now. But you didn't take any such oath. And you do need to rest at some point, Aliscea," she said as she stopped to rub the black-clad woman's sagging shoulders. "Your eyes are so red from reading, Aliscea. At some point, you'd better get to sleep."

"Nova, thank you. If I rest just like...if you rest too long, people will die. Give me that coffee. Besides, who says I haven't taken an oath?"

"You're not in the service, Aliscea," said Nova. She began to pour some coffee at a table while Aliscea silently walked out to a balcony in the crystalline library. Kneeling bare-kneed on the cool crystal, Aliscea shut her eyes, and abruptly put up her hands.

Fire came out of both of her palms. She shut her eyes, muttered something that sounded like a prayer, and the fire streaked forth into the sky, roaring out like a wave-motion gun energy surge far, far up into Iscandar's atmosphere, and out into deep space.

Nova came out onto the balcony and nearly dropped the coffee.

"Uh...thank Heavens you're on our side," she stammered.

"Not enough, yet," said the trembling Aliscea. "Not far enough. Not far enough. I need that coffee."

Nova handed Aliscea a cup of coffee. She sipped at it as Paul ran out. "Weak," muttered the Pellian. "Too weak. Nova, damnit, make this stuff stronger, would you? I need to stay"

Aliscea abruptly fell down in her tracks like a dead thing. "I...didn't find what we need...not here...not here. Need to go to the colleges...of...Arandia, Nova."

"We'll get you what you need," said Nova in a soft but firm voice as Paul ran up. "Right now, you'd better let us get you out of here and to a bed. Before you...go into a coma or something."

Paul Rosstowski came up just as Nova, with a bit of a struggle, lifted up the young Pellian, who was almost her own weight.

"I can take her, Nova."

"You're more exhausted than she is," Nova snapped. "I can carry her back to the palace. There, Starsha and I can put her to bed. And you, too."

"Nova, you're going to rip some muscles someplace. She's nearly as heavy as you are, you stupid woman. Maybe heavier."

"Well, if you're so bloody worried, help me by getting her ankles or something. C'mon!"

A shaky Rosstowski held his wife by her ankles. Together, he and Nova carried Aliscea back to Starsha's palace.

A while later, Nova dabbed at the sleeping Aliscea's forehead with a washcloth. "She'll be all right, Derek."

"What about you?" he said. "Nova, you've damn near sweated through your's soaked."

"I'll live. Just pretend you sent me out there to do punishment drills or something like that."

"But you can't walk around in that...uh....

"So? I can take it off and wash up," she said. "I know where Starsha's tub is by now. I have a spare uniform here. Why don't you join me, Captain? We need a short breather before we go back to those drills and then dive off Diamond Island later today. Half an hour in the hot water will do it...just like a hot spring back home?"

"Sure you're all right?" he said as Nova leaned over a chair and panted.

"I'll survive. I've had four hours' worth of sleep."

"You're all driving yourselves so hard," said Starsha. She threw a light shawl over Nova’s shoulders.

"Stop coddling us!" said Derek. "I mean no disrespect, Queen Starsha, but we're warriors. We have an enemy coming in a few days that can eat Gamilon and Iscandar for lunch and then dine on Earth for dessert. This isn't like our last time on Iscandar where we could rest for a month. We took advantage of your hospitality and rested for a few days. We had a few laughs. But, now, it's time to get back to work.'s our job to help defend you. Ours, Desslok's and Aliscea's. And yours, too."

"You should understand, both of you, that this is a battle that will not be fought with weapons."

"Yes, Starsha, but there's a Rikashan Fleet coming!" said Nova. "They did so many terrible things at Pellias. They...they killed children and ravished women, Queen Starsha. They set fire to people's homes for fun. Do you want to see an invasion force marching on Mother Town?"

Starsha just stood in silence. "It won't come to that, Nova. I've made up my mind. So has Aliscea. Now, please go, both of you." She looked at them with a sad smile. "Do what you need to do. I shall speak to you later."

Then, Starsha left.

"Derek, I can take a shower on the ship," said Nova after a moment. "Five minutes, and I'll be back on the bridge."

Captain Wildstar stood in silence. "Let's at least use that bath as long as we're here. The tea is good."

Nova smiled at him. "Let's go."

A few minutes later, their uniforms were off in a pile, with Nova's fresh uniform laid out in on the floor of one of Starsha's hot spring rooms beneath the palace. The room was lined with reddish rock.

"Not bad," said Derek as he lowered himself into the steaming water. "Nice of her and Alex to point this room out to us."

Nova nodded as she lay back in the water. "What I don't need is to fall asleep and miss that drill. What I do need is to get some of that pain out of my legs. Mmmmm. When do we have to be back again?" she asked.

Derek looked at his chronometer. "Thirteen hundred."

"Do you...hmmm?" said Nova softly as she cuddled against him.

"Not this afternoon, Nova. I have a headache."

"Is that headache about 62,000 metric tons and about 263 meters long?" asked Nova with a hint of mischief.

Derek nodded.

"That headache," smiled Nova. "I've got my own headache. She sent me an e-mail today."

"Your mother?"

"Nope," smiled Nova. "My cousin Brittany."

"The ditzy blonde?" teased Derek.

"I take some exception to that," said Nova with a half-annoyed expression. "I am a blonde.'s honey or ash-blonde...but," she said as she looked at her hair.

"Okay. Brittany is a full blonde. And she's ditzy."

"Bubbly, yes. Ditzy, no."

"I might take issue to that," said Derek. "But...there was the one time I met her...when she came by our house after we got back from our honeymoon?"

"Derek, she's had a hard life. She lost her parents too, you know. Maybe that's part of why I relate to you so well. Having her live with us from about the time I was ten until I left for college...and she moved in with us later in the summer after I came back from that trip to Aunt Yvona's..."

"Seriously," said Derek. "I remember what she was like the one time I met her...I remember she was kind of like you...cute, somewhat smart...but sad..."

Flashback: Wednesday, January 6, 2202

AT Derek and Nova Wildstar's Residence

The Great Megalopolis...

It was in the afternoon...

"Derek, what are you doing?" asked Nova from the kitchen.

"Working on this table in the dining room," replied Derek. "Leaves are weird. Do you know how hard it is to polish these artificial wood tables, Nova?"

"Let me see," said Nova as she came into the room. She had on a black sweater, white apron, corduroy slacks, and went barefoot. Derek wore jeans, a red sweater, and had his socks on. She ran a finger over the tabletop. "Still some dust."

"Hey, that's not fair!"

Nova giggled. "Remember how you burned me during that inspection that time on the way to Iscandar? Turnabout is fair play, Skipper!"

At that, their doorbell rang.

"Who can that be?" said Captain Wildstar.

"I'll get it, Derek."

He followed Nova, and when the door opened, he beheld a young woman with waist-length golden-blonde hair who looked very young, maybe twenty-one. She was carrying a brown simulated suede jacket in one hand, and wore a pink sweater, brown faux suede jumper, faded denim skirt, and sandals.

Fan-art: "Brittany Forrester" (c) 2003 by Frederick P. Kopetz

"Brittany!" cried Nova. "When did you get leave?"

"I got liberty last night," said Brittany as she threw her coat on a chair in the foyer and hugged her cousin. Nova then closed the door and ended up giggling as Brittany swept her up off her feet and twirled her around for a moment.

"Hey! You've gotten strong!" laughed Nova as she held hands with her slightly shorter cousin. "First time you've been able to pick me up! And what's this, wearing sandals in January with snow on the ground out there? Are you nuts?"

"I got a staff car for my leave," said Brittany. "Besides, you're running around barefoot!"

"Oh, I'm in the house cooking. Brittany, get rid of those shoes and meet us in the kitchen."

"Okay," she said, smiling as she noticed Derek while taking her shoes off. "Nova, is this your famous booooyfrriend?"

Derek cleared his throat. "Miss Forrester, we are married."

"Just teasing my cousin, sir," smiled Brittany.

"You don't just tease me, you drive me up the wall!" laughed Nova.

"Nova, what are you up to in there?" said Derek.

"Trying to learn how to make a Hollandaise sauce the right way. Never done it before."

"You never made that on the Argo?"

"Haven't you heard?" said Brittany. "She has a habit of making ovens explode."

"I do not!" cried Nova as she stirred a pot of sauce on the stove.

"Do too."

"Do not!" cried Nova, shaking a spoon at her cousin. Derek looked rather bemused. "Funny, you treat her the same way Alex treated me at times."

"Well, who's older?" said Nova.

"If she gets into the 'I'm prettier than you' bit, I'm gonna barf," laughed Brittany. "Seriously, you get the blender I sent for the wedding yet?"

"We did," said Nova.

"What about your Aussie hat?" said Brittany.

"Excuse me," said Nova. "Derek, you watch that," she said, leaving a spoon in his hand. She ran into the master bedroom and came back a moment later wearing a brown bush campaign hat. "You mean this?"

Brittany laughed. "Oh, it looks good on you, cuz!"

"Looks good on you, too," said Nova as she smiled and put it on Brittany's head.

At that, all three of them had laughed...

"Nice memory," said Derek as he leaned back in the water. "Earth. Our house."

"Home," said Nova quietly. She looked at him with glistening eyes. "We've had a lot of adventures, but...I wish we were home now. I wish this war was over. We're facing the possible extinction of the human race again, Derek! This is horrible! When does it end?"

Derek held his wife in the steaming water for a minute. "Nova, I don't know. C'mon...let's get back to the ship. We have that drill."

Nova shut her eyes, wiped away the tears, and got out of the water. Then, she stood there while Derek began to dry her off, and smiled as she dried him.

Illustration: “Sweet Love” by “Meixiang” Illustration originally appeared on “Kodaism” at Artwork used by permission.

As they dried each other, Nova giggled as Derek began to kiss her and tickle her. Finally, they fell down laughing together on top of the towels, looking into each other’s eyes after they exchanged a sweet kiss.

“I thought you said you had a headache, Derek!” Nova said as her husband ran his hands up and down her smooth back.

“You’re curing that headache.”

“We’re…running out of time,” said Nova as she received some more kisses, and caresses.

“I know we’re running out of time. We can be quick about this!”

“What if Alex comes down here?” said Nova.

“He won’t.”


“The door’s closed. And locked.”

“You devil,” said Nova as she stroked her husband’s hair and went back to kissing him.

A precious few minutes passed, during which they forgot about everything, everything, that is, except for each other, as they enjoyed each other in the warm, steaming room in an interlude that was just as steamy as the room. Finally, when they were done, both of them finished drying off, they dressed, and then left to get back to work for the rest of this day and the beginning of the next day...


Earth's Solar System

Beyond the Oort Cloud

Friday, February 26, 2202

1116 Hours: Spacetime

The EDF space battleship Cassiopeia led her task group through a lane of asteroids and space trash.

"So far, so good," said Commodore Ryu Hoshiyama on the bridge of his flagship. "Continue to assume standard formation."

"Sir," said the communications officer of the Andromeda-class space battleship. "Captain Siegel from the Akagi called in. Routine report," he said as he read from the tape. "The spacecraft carrier is about to change squadrons. They're receiving their BARCAP back in and are about to launch another one as planned."

"Excellent. Tell the rest of the task group to keep pace and speed."


On the Akagi, Dac Windfield's plane had just hit the deck. Dac smiled a smug, self-confident, almost arrogant smile as his plane hit the magnetic arresting field. Damn fun flying amongst all of those asteroids, he thought. Feels like nothing can go wrong today. I'm on top of the world! I'm hot!

As he steered his plane into the hangar deck, he grinned a little as he saw a slender figure with flowing blonde hair running up to his plane.

"Anya! What are you doing down here?"

Anya leaned up and kissed Dac as he began to climb out of the cockpit. "Just your wife saying that she got her watch done a little early and would like you to meet her for a talk in our cabin. Our cabin," she smiled. "Funny concept."

"Feels like the whole universe has just gone damn weird," he said. "Stick around...have to check in."

"Noisy down here," said Anya, covering her ears as another plane banged its way in.

"That's because this is a Tigers' Den. Just like Hardy always said..."

"And what did he always say...?"

On the Cassiopeia, a spread of objects suddenly appeared on the radar. "Radar contacts, at least forty objects..." said her radar officer, Fujiko Abe. "Port, and starboard, twenty-five degrees. Range, fifteen megameters, speed twenty space knots. What the....? Energy surge from one of those ships? Switching to video panel..."

They looked up and suddenly saw a Rikashan fleet spread out before them. The lead ship was ugly and black. A light was growing at its bow.

"What..? said Hoshiyama. "All ships...battle stations, battle stations, helm prepare for evasive..."

The helmsman began to evade, and the sirens went on for just a moment. But, a moment later, the greenish light grew brighter.

"DI'ATS cannon ready, Baron!" said Ter'garv triumphantly aboard the B'eoneraze.

"At last," smiled Baron Anton Cha'rif. "Target practice before we begin the invasion of Earth. Let's see how those pale scum like our surge cannon!"

"Begin ten-second countdown on rapid charge!" he yelled. "Ten. Nine! Eight! Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two...One...FIRE!" yelled Cha'rif as he hit the firing levers on his ornate, evil-looking, motorcycle-like firing handlebars."

The B'eoneraze's Rikashan equivalent of the wave motion gun fired, blasting livid greenish-blue death into the Earth task force.

"Helm, I said, evasive maneuvers...!" cried Hoshiyama on the Cassiopeia as the space battleship began to dissolve like ice cream on a hot day in the livid green blast. "NOOO!"

On the Akagi, Dac Windfield put down the clipboard holding the flight plan for what would be the very last time. All of a sudden, as he was beginning to take Anya's hand, the klaxons went off. He jumped back, startled while Anya looked at him like a frightened deer. "Dac?" she asked. "What's going...? Is this a drill?"

"Anya, we'd better get to our combat..." said Dac. Anya tensed to run off to the computer bloc. Dac took a deep breath, preparing to run to his fighter, but then had no time to take another as the whole flight deck suddenly and abruptly burst into a weird white hell. Dac Windfield began to feel as if he was spinning. "Anya?" he called. "Anya?"

"I'm right here," she said. "Where are we?"

"Not dead, that's for sure...This is weird..."

They felt their existence spinning around them, and thought they saw a shadowy glimpse of a female face smiling at them.

"Who are you?"

All they saw was a wink...and then, suddenly, they disappeared, strangely alive and intact. They flew off together to their final destination like startled birds. So ends their place in this tale, and in this universe. Their Maker, perhaps, was chuckling over this rather...odd...turn of events.

Somewhere in the space between universes, a man smoking a pipe, a former travelling salesman, now a servant of a mad space computer, saw the events, smiled, and said, "Way to Go... Mistress. Bob thanks you."

Unfortunately, this oddball salvation did not apply to the rest of the Akagi's crew.

A moment later, with a roar and a scream of grinding metal, without a chance to fight or fire a shot, the spacecraft carrier Akagi tumbled in the energy surge, her stern dissolving into oblivion, followed by her bow. Captain Siegel cried out in a roaring scream of agony and then died along with his ship as the Akagi met her end like her ancient namesake, the difference being that this Akagi never sank...instead, she merely dissolved, melting into nothingness in a few seconds.

Indeed, the whole task force dissolved into nothingness. The ships farthest from the maelstrom had enough time to send a few blips of distress calls back to Earth before likewise fading into nothingness in agony like the crews and flight group of the Cassiopeia and Akagi. The surge of energy spread out into space, with a residual beam roaring off with explosion after explosion into the Oort Cloud as countless asteroids died along with the Earth task group.

The beam faded into nothingness. "Fine move," said Ter'garv with a smile.

"They were just beginning to fight," said Cha'rif. "My mentally controlled warp put us in just the right spot. Exhausting, but it will be worth it when we start the war. That, and our tachyonic supercharger has just enabled us to catch an Earth Fleet and worst them by surprise with their own greatest weapon!" The Rikashan Baron threw back his head and laughed. "When we go further into this system, they shall be easy to defeat."

"Destination?" said Ter'garv.

"Warp us back out towards Procyon. We cut off that Cometine group...what was left of it, at Sirius and my other forces are turning that base into Rikashan territory now. We have work to do at Procyon to take a second base. Then, with our two bases, we can pick off the Terrans in raids at our leisure."

"Yes, like rats," said Ter'garv. "But what about the Star Force?"

"I need to meditate to find out where they are. Perhaps they're at Iscandar? If so...we must head there. Aliscea is waiting for us, so we must be careful. But, nothing to bolster my confidence like a sweet victory!"

"Yes...a massacre," said Ter'garv with a grin.

At that, both men laughed.


Planet Iscandar

Space Battleship Argo

Central Tactics Room

Saturday, February 27, 2202

1000 Hours: Spacetime

"Captain Wildstar, in case something happens, the ship is now full battle-ready," said Stephen Sandor as the crew stood around a graphic in the Central Tactics Room.

"How are we doing with the Black Tigers, Conroy?" asked Derek.

"Our remaining planes are as ready for battle as they ever will be," said Conroy.

"Good. Continue the practice flights."

"If we have Iscandar's approval?" said Conroy.

Not far away, Alex Wildstar, invited as an observer and as Starsha's representative, nodded. "Starsha approves. Also, in the next day or so, we're going to begin long range-scans from our two surviving exploration corvettes. We'll set up a protocol for that information to be downloaded to the Argo along with what you're getting from the...the Gamilons."

"Thank you," said Derek. "General Helmeyer?" he asked, looking towards the Gamilon liaison whom Starsha had finally permitted on Iscandar as of yesterday. Aliscea and Alex had finally convinced her that it was necessary to cooperate with Gamilon, at least for the duration of this crisis.

"Yes, Captain," said the chubby brown-haired Gamilon officer. "On Leader Desslok's orders, now that we have a modus operandi with the Government of Iscandar we have begun both organized patrols of the Sanzar System, as well as regular scans from our base at the edge of the System. The scan results are regularly being downloaded to both the Argo and a computer system in Mother Town. Per Starsha's request, we will still not base any offensive craft here on Iscandar. However, Desslok would like the Iscandarian Government to consider opening a patrol station base here on Iscandar."

"For what purpose?" asked Alex.

"To establish a permanent fighter base here on Iscandar. That way, after the Argo leaves, eventually, there could be a permanent fighter screen around Iscandar."

"That will be taken under consultation, General," said Alex in a formal voice.

"Consort," said Derek formally. "I have heard from the Earth Government. We would like to make a similar offer. It is my understanding that an Earth Task Force at the edge of our solar system could be diverted here to Iscandar to..."

An enlisted man from Communications stopped before Captain Wildstar. "Sir, I hate to interrupt, but we've just received this message from Earth through the Gamilon relay net system, accounting for the two-hour delay, of course..."

"Hand me the message," said Derek. He read the message and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that the First Special Task Force was destroyed by the Rikashans in a sneak attack at the edge of our solar system yesterday. Twenty ships and over a thousand men and women lost."

"Oh, no!" cried Nova.

"Are the Texans...lost?" asked Hardy.

Derek nodded.

"Damn!" said Hardy. "I had some friends in that squadrohn!" Poor Windfield, he thought with gritted teeth.

"I know," said Captain Wildstar. "A lot of those men and women would have made good Black Tigers. All hands, a salute and moment of silence for the First Special Task Force."

The Terran soldiers present saluted. Finally, they turned back towards Captain Wildstar. "Well, we can't divert that Task Force here to Iscandar now. But, the Earth Government would some point, I am assuming...I am not sure to base some planes here on Iscandar...if we can manage it."

"You'd better consult with them first," said Alex. "Earth might need every plane it can get."

"But we can't forget about Iscandar!" said Nova.

"True, but you can't forget your own defenses, either," said Alex.

"About our defenses," said Aliscea. "I think I know how I can attack Ekogaru's Fortress."

Every eye turned to her. "I know how, but I need to know where on the Fortress I need to hit it...and the Dark Lord. The libraries of Mother Town do not include Laras' plans. I think they can only be found, if they can be found at all, in the sunken colleges of Arandia."

"That's dangerous," said Alex.

"But, it's the only way we can do it," said Derek. "I have two divers volunteered for this mission already. When we're done here, I'll send them over to the Palace in Mother Town. They'll need plans of Arandia to make this work."

"All right...I shall inform Queen Starsha," said Alex. "When can the divers be ready?"

"In a while," said Derek.


Planet Iscandar

Mother Town

Saturday, February 27, 2202

1230 Hours: Spacetime

"You know I'm opposed to this," said Queen Starsha a while later as she confronted Derek, Nova, IQ-9 and Alex in her palace.

"We really have no choice, Queen Starsha," said Derek. He wore a diving hood, one-piece wetsuit jacket with crotch strap in red and white, but his legs would be bare in the ocean on account of the very warm tropical waters; thus, his leggings and aqua boots were left behind. Nova also wore similar attire, save that her wetsuit was gold and black. (Derek thought she looked far better bare-legged in her brief wetsuit than he did, but that was beside the point) Both of them were ready to go diving; their fins, masks, and air tanks were outside in a Jet Recon Boat.

"It's very unsafe around Arandia," stressed Starsha. "Diamond Island is still very unstable."

"But we have no other place to go to get the information we need," said Nova. "And, at least, I've been on Diamond Island before. I have some idea of where to go."

Queen Starsha shut her eyes and sighed. "It's very dangerous..."

"But Starsha," said Alex. "We'll be in more danger if Ekogaru can't be stopped. And Aliscea requires the information to stop him."

Starsha sat back down in her chair. Finally, she said, "In the libraries that Aliscea was going through, you can find maps of the ancient psionic colleges of Arandia. The college you would need to investigate would be that of the Latraxian Order. They had an extensive library; much of which was on crystalline holographic tablets. Luckily, a catalogue of that information still exists. The library should still be accessible underwater. Please try to move quickly and be careful about this."

"Queen Starsha, I shall be diving with them," said IQ-9. "I would do anything to protect Nova and the Captain."

"You be careful down there," said Nova. "No games today."

"I know the difference between work and fun, Nova," said IQ. "I also can carry a large spear gun."

"Thanks," said Derek. "Queen Starsha, please tell us which library we need to investigate, and we can go..."

"I will certainly do that," she said.

A while later, the man, woman and robot sat in the Great Library of Mother Town, poring over old books and maps.

"That's it," said Nova as she excitedly jumped up and stood up on tiptoes to point at something on the map. She went barefoot without her swim fins in the cool, crystalline-walled library. "Derek, this is exactly where we need to look on the island. There was a small peninsula in the city at the edge of the island. The College of the Latraxians is right here at the southeastern edge. We know where to find the site of Diamond Island."

"Then, let's go when you're done," he said. "You're copying this onto waterproof film, Nova?"

She nodded; she was tracing the map onto something like a sheet of clear acrylic. "I'm making two for me, and one for you. IQ, record this map in your memory, please."

"I will," he said, floating his upper done up over the table so he could memorize the map.

"This will be interesting," said Derek. "I've never gone scuba diving with you on a mission before."

"Remember; we can't come up too fast," added Nova. "And we may have to watch out for undersea growth. Especially the odd plant life. That's what I'm worried about."

"What about the animal life?"

"We can handle that," she said. "We both know how to survive underwater, don't we?"

"I hope you're not missing anything, Nova," said IQ-9.

"I don't think I am. We're set on air; we have all the supplies we need. I even know which file drawer to open when we get into that submerged library."

"Okay, then, let's go," said Derek.

On the Argo, a simulation was nearing its end on the first bridge. On the first bridge, the protective shield was closed and simulations of space were showing on the main screen, so it looked to them as if the ship had been in space. "Radar says that we've taken care of the enemy fleet with our guns, sir," said Raiden.

"No damage to the helm; all systems normal," said Parsons at the Argo's helm.

"Good, take us back to Iscandar," said Venture, who was commanding the ship from the Captain's console at the aft part of the bridge. It felt odd for him to be sitting there, but Captain Wildstar had deviated the normal Officer of the Deck procedure so that the commanding officer had some familiarity with the Captain's controls. In other such simulations during the week, Yamazaki, Dash, and Nova had also been introduced to the Captain's station when Derek had stuck them in command.

"Engines normal," said Yamazaki.

"Good. We're going to do this again as a practice-intensity exercise later on today between Iscandar and Gamilon with a Gamilon Fleet opposing us," said Venture.

"Who's going to command the ship then?" said Rosstowski.

"No one knows," said Venture. "The way the Captain's been going lately, it could even be you."

"Great," said Paul.

"This is weird," said Homer. "Why's he doing this?"

"Wildstar wants any one of us to be able to assume command ASAP if we're in battle and any one of us gets killed," said Venture. "Homer, I wouldn't do this if I were the Captain, but Wildstar's probably going to give you your turn at some point."

"Now, let me give you your grades," said Venture as he hit some keys on his console. "All of you were in the nineties except for Voorhees at the tactical radar. Todd, you only get an eighty-nine. You should be more alert next time we have you on station up here."

"I'm sorry, sir," said Voorhees.

Doctor Sane showed up a moment later. "First Officer, we've completed our psychiatric examination of Mister Hartcliffe as to his fitness to stand trial."

"And what have you learned?"

"He's ready for Court-Martial, sir," said Doctor Sane. "I'd recommend that the Court-Martial board begin his trial tomorrow before anything else can happen. I'd have them do it today, but we can't do that with Nova on that survey mission around the site of Diamond Island with the Captain. I've got him stitched up; he's healing from his suicide attempt, and the man's going back into the brig in his skivvies under a suicide watch."

"Thanks for letting me know," said Venture.

Down in the brig, Bryan Hartcliffe sat moping in nothing but his boxer shorts. Now, he had no writing instruments, no books, no glasses...nothing except for the minimal underpants he had on, and he ate his meals under the watchful eye of a Marine guard and a medic and had to return all of the plastic utensils when he was done.

He heard a bang on the door. "Mister Hartcliffe, you have a visitor," said a cold voice. "Stand to attention."

Hartcliffe came to attention but smiled a little as the door whizzed open and Angie was revealed.

"Hi, Bryan," she said shyly. "I've been doing some thinking."


"I'd like to give our marriage another shot. I've heard you still might have a career after all of this is over with, so I wanted to say that I forgive you for all the asinine stuff you've done in the past few weeks. Permission to hug the prisoner, Sergeant?"

"I'll grant it just this once," said the big African-American guarding Hartcliffe. "Just don't pass the man anything, Mrs. Hartcliffe."

Angie then hugged Bryan. "Also, since I'm feeling better," she whispered, "Maybe we can know...again in our cabin when you serve your sentence?"

"Thanks," said Bryan. "Encourages me a little to know ya still love me."

"God knows why, but I do," she said, hugging him tighter.

"Break the cinch," snapped the Marine. Angie stepped back. "By the way, I've heard you go on trial tomorrow, Bryan."

"Hmmh," he said. "Hope they give me a chance to prepare a good defense..."

"What do you mean?" she said.

"I want to be me own lawyer."

"Oh...Bryan," said Angie. "You're in enough trouble already. I wouldn't recommend it."

"I would..."

"Please, Bryan," said Angie with tears in her eyes. "Please don't."

"Maybe I won't," he said. "Dunno."

"Your time's over Mrs. Hartcliffe," said the medic. "Mister Hartcliffe, drop your skivvies and bend over to be searched."

"Goodbye, Bryan," said Angie.

"Bye, Angie," said Bryan as he began to lower his shorts. "Love you!"

"You too," she said as she was led away by another Marine guard.

A while later, a Jet Recon Boat bobbed in the ocean of Iscandar off the site of Diamond Island. It was secured to a peak of the undersea island with a grappling anchor.

"IQ-9," said Captain Wildstar. "I've decided I want you to stay with the ship but keep in touch with us via UHF radio in case we need assistance, he said. He had on his mask, wet hood with built-in headset, breathing mask and regulator with the appropriate radio mike, as well as a weight belt, divers' knife, gas gun and mesh carryall bag. He was putting his swim fins on over his own wet bare feet.

Nova was already in the water; she had on an identical setup, but she carried a spear gun, and, of course, she also had the all-important map. "Remember, you two have only sixty minutes' worth of air," said IQ. "Do what you have to do quickly, and watch out for seismic disturbances. Be careful."

"Thanks," said Nova over her radio uplink. Derek joined her in the water a moment later. "It is warm," he said, feeling the ocean on his bare legs.

"Yes, it feels good! But this is no pleasure dive. Let's move as quickly as we can, Derek."

"Good idea," he said. "I'll swim point."

They released in air in the buoyancy bladders in their belts and went down beneath the waves, with Derek leading the way in his white and red wetsuit, followed by Nova in her gold and black wetsuit.

Underwater, the area around Diamond Island was a semi-darkened, strange wonderland of seaweed and Iscandarian fish of various differing colors similar to many of the tropical fish that had once filled the seas of Earth. Now, there were only a few such species left. Many of them were extinct on Earth and gone forever.

"How do you like the view?" asked Derek.

"Beautiful," said Nova in awe. "We didn't go down this deep when we dove off our island the other day..."

"Considering we had on nothing but snorkels and ordinary swimwear, we couldn't go that deep," said Derek. "I think I see Arandia up ahead."

They looked down. Diamond Island glittered magnificently as the filtered sunlight reflected off the diamond crystals. They swam past the peak that had once been the island's highest mountain. It looked impressive underwater.

"Where did Sparks and his bunch hold you?" asked Derek.

"Down there, by the mouth of that cave," said Nova softly. "They said...they said I was going to have my wedding night with all of them in there."

"Not a nice place," said Derek.

"They said they were going to just...strip me...and make me service them right on the floor of the cave," said Nova. "They were sort of starting to cut my uniform off when the quake hit."

"That's why you looked disheveled when you were rescued," said Derek as they swam past the cave.

Nova just said. "Uh-huh..." in a depressed voice. As she looked at the cave for a moment, one of her swim fins struck something. With dust drifting up against her toes, which were exposed in her swim fins, she picked up the growth-encrusted object. She looked at it with curiosity, and then a gasp of revulsion escaped her lips.

"Nova, what's wrong?" he asked.

Nova just silently held up the object; with the growth off, it was revealed to be a crumbling human skull.

"I just found Sparks," she said in a quavering voice. "Or...what's left of him..."

"How do you know it's him?"

"The pattern of the fillings and dental work," she said, looking at the teeth. "I still remember it. He had pretty bad teeth. I helped Doctor Sane work on them once."

"Should we take him with us?" said Derek quietly.

Nova looked at the was crumbling away as she held it. "No," she said. "The seas of Iscandar have most of him now...let this much of him go back to its resting place," she said as she let go of the skull. Sparks' grinning, skeletal face looked up at them one last time as the skull drifted downwards, disappearing into the depths. "The rest of the mutineers are probably still down here, too, Derek," said Nova. "I think I saw them fall into a crevasse when the quake hit. I nearly went down there to join them. That's why my wrist was snapped."

"So, if things were different..."

"I'd be buried down here, too," said Nova. "Let's get out of here, Derek. This place is a graveyard. Almost like that shipwreck I investigated."

With bubbles going up around them, they swam on.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, they had entered the lost city of Arandia. Following their map, they swam down towards a peninsula, and entered a large hall; the library of the Latraxian psionic college.

"What we need is right here," said Nova. She flicked on a small light at her belt, and Derek followed her towards some submerged file drawers.

"First epoch," murmured Nova softly. "First era, tenth century," she said as she scrubbed some gunk off one of the labels on the drawers. "It'd be in here."

Nova and Derek pulled the drawer open; all sorts of bubbles and dust came up.

The crystalline tablets were intact.

"I can't see much on these except for a few runes," said Derek.

"They're holographic; that's why," said Nova. "We'll have to put them in the reader back in the Great Library in Mother Town. Laras' Meditations..." she said, reading off a title and translating it. "Derek, I think we found it!" she said in an excited voice. "Dellat pa-shur, ellad..." she read in Iscandarian. "First volume, Temporal Mechanics..." She read more. "Ellun del-enshanar, gallets! Self-propelled Colony World! She cried. "The plans are right here, Derek! I've got my hands on them!" she said in a very enthusiastic voice. "There's four tablets; they cover all of Laras' work on the Colony World, as they called it! take two...I'll take two," she said, handing her husband the tablets. "Mission accomplished! Thank God!"

"Now we just have to hope that we can read these and that Aliscea can make sense of them in the next few days," said Derek.

"I hope so, too," said Nova. She gave her husband a quick hug underwater. "This is the first glimmer of hope that we can stop the Dark Lord. Let's go!"

After Derek secured his tablets, and Nova secured hers, they began to swim out of the library. Then, with a few kicks of their fins, Arandia was left behind in its watery grave. The couple slowly began to head for the surface.

But, as they swam along, Nova felt something go around her bare calf. She gasped, and looked down.

Some Iscandarian sea creature, which looked like an aquatic version of a Protozoan of Pluto, had Nova in its grasp.

"Derek!" she cried.

"Are you all right?"

"It's heavy. Pulling me down! Luckily, it's not stinging or anything...I don't want to use the spear gun on it unless I have to! A spear would kill it."

Artwork: "Nova Underwater" Based upon artwork from "Space Pirate Captain Harlock" computer-altered by Frederick P. Kopetz

Derek got his cue. He fired a dart from his gas gun at the creature. When it hit it, it let go of Nova, writhing before her vigilant eyes for a moment before it became drowsy thanks to the injection of anesthetic and was carried away on the warm currents of the blue water. The diving lantern at her belt shone against it as it drifted off; it would have looked beautiful if it hadn't been a threat.

"That was a close one," she said. "I don't like this."

As if to punctuate her point, the island shook. They felt the tremor underwater, and saw a few diamond pebbles collapsing around them.

"Derek, this whole place is coming down!"

"I know," said Derek as he swam harder.

"This is getting too damn close for comfort," said Nova.

"Yeah...too close," replied Derek. "Luckily, nothing else alive is around." He read his chronometer. "We have fifteen minutes' of air left. Let's get out of here."

Nova nodded, watching her husband's toes flex in his swim fins as his strong legs propelled him away. Nova followed, pleased for the exercise; she liked swimming a tad more than Derek did.

However, she was to have plenty more exercise in a moment.

"Derek," she cried as something grabbed the swim fin off her right foot. "Are you playing games?"

."I'm ahead of you," he said irritably. "Nova, what's..."

Nova turned her head and screamed.

She was looking right down the mouth of a shark.

She turned as fast as she could in one swim fin and one bare foot. The shark snapped at her bottom. She undid the safety on her spear gun and flipped around

"Derek!" she cried. "HELP!"

Derek swam up, just in enough time to see the brute snapping at the front of her wetsuit. It tore a rip in it, and Nova thrashed and struggled as she tried to get a bead on the creature; it was hard to see because everything was bubbles. Her leg and one buttock were also bleeding from nicks; the shark grew more enraged as it smelled Nova's blood.

Another shark came along and pulled one of Derek's swim fins off. Then, it attacked his wetsuit, ripping it open at the stomach in almost the same place that Nova's suit was torn. In rage and anger, he turned, firing a gas charge at the shark that was attacking him. The plechette hit the shark, and, in a moment, it took hold; the groggy beast got away. Derek then turned to help his partner. Nova just barely evaded her shark as it came at her again. With gritted teeth inside her mask, she fired her spear gun at it. The spear went through the creature, killing it just before it killed Nova.

Derek looked her over and tried to comfort her in the water.

"It's all right," he said. "Nova, honey, it's all right. My God, your clothes are torn..."

"Yours too, hon. Damn these creatures!" she cried. "At least I'm alive...and I still have the tablets."

"Nova, let's go..."

Finally, after a while, they both broke the surface near the Jet Recon Boat.

"You took too long," said IQ-9. "I was getting worried about both of you. I...Nova...your...suit is...torn...nice..."

"No cracks," yelled Nova. "Shark almost got us! Look at me! I'm...I'm bleeding!"

"It's all right, Nova," said IQ. He tried to comfort her with a hug.

Nova pushed IQ's hand away from her exposed and cut abdomen. "IQ, hurts!!"

"Please let her go! We're all right," said Derek. He and Nova got into the Jet Recon Boat with their tablets with IQ's help and got rid of their swim fins, tanks, and weight belts.

"What was that other creature, Nova...before the shark?" asked Derek.

"I think that was just a Dellanz," she sobbed as Derek cleaned her wounds with materials from the first-aid kit. "Ouch!"

"You okay?"

"Yeah..." said Nova in a pained tone of voice.

"A Dellanz?" asked Derek. "Uh, what's that?"

"A stingless sort of jellyfish, Derek. They're native only to Iscandar. They're curious but harmless. I met one once while diving here back in 2200. Luckily, I had one of your gas guns on me that day. I should have brought one, but I thought you should've taken it. I was worried about the sort we met down there!"

"Like him?" pointed out IQ-9.

Nova gasped as a huge, gaping mouth opened near the Jet Recon Boat. "Not again!"

"Your blood must have started a feeding frenzy!"

"Get us out of GOD!" cried Nova.

Derek closed the canopy in a hurry, and he started the engines. The boat roared away at its full speed, soon outrunning the shark before it gained enough speed to lift off out of the water.

Nova winced as the boat bounced around.

"Are you in pain?" said IQ-9. "Both of you are bleeding."

"No, I'm getting a big thrill out of this!" said Nova in a very sarcastic voice as tears ran down her cheeks. "YES, I'm in pain!" she cried as she held her torn wetsuit closed. It was a bit difficult, since it was torn a little more than her husband's was. "You don't know what it's like to be in pain and embarrassed, Tinwit."

"Actually, I am embarrassed," said IQ-9 as he turned his visual sensors away.

"Why, IQ? I mean, you're always trying to look at me," sobbed Nova as she held her suit closed, trying to keep decent.

"I am strong, and I have to help the Captain protect you. I am very embarrassed that I have to see you like this," said IQ in an almost morose tone of voice. "I wish I could go somewhere and leave you two alone with each other."

"Why do you say that?" said Derek while he dabbed at a nick on Nova's cheek near her nose.

"I see that she likes being touched by you. That is why...."

An angry Derek then reached for the robot's emergency switch (it was the central knob on his back in a row of three) and shut him off.

"There, that'll stop the damn Tinwit!" said Derek.

"I wish we could go away...make the whole world go away," said Nova as Derek held her while he tenderly removed her torn wetsuit.

"we can...we can go to our private."

"Thanks. You can fix me up there," she said with a sniff. "Thank heavens I left some clothes there the other day."

At that, with IQ-9 "asleep", Nova held her husband as she began to help him out of his wetsuit…

Later on that day, back on dry land, Helmeyer, Alex, Derek, and Starsha stood in the Great Library in Mother Town as Sandor, Nova, Aliscea, and Astra pored over the substance of the tablets in the holographic reader. Conor stood nearby, with an affectionate hand on Astra's shoulder.

Aliscea noticed that Nova and Derek had changed back into their uniforms again; she wasn't sure where they had gotten them from, since she saw they had left in wetsuits. She thought, Maybe they had them on the island at their place? Neither Wildstar had mentioned anything about the shark attack, of course. Queen Starsha shivered a little in her light, filmy dress as she looked at Helmeyer. I know...Aliscea said it's necessary for us to have their cooperation...but, still...the thought of a Gamilon walking on Iscandar, after all that has happened...the idea makes me sick!

"There's a vulnerability right there, in the warp transducer circuit," said Astra. "See? It'd be right near the surface of the artificial planet at that point. They would need to have that open to serve as a cooling vent."

"Even Ekogaru couldn't armor that," said Aliscea. "In my memory, I mean...the three thousand years' worth of memories I have in my head in the Pellian Matrix, is the memory of an engineer of Ekogaru's who turned back to our side five hundred years ago. Before he committed suicide since he couldn't live without the Dark Lord's warped "feedings" from other worlds, he told us that this vulnerability would be right near the Phased Density Cannon deep inside the Fortress. He thought a direct hit of enough energy into that accursed gun would bring down the entire Fortress. These plans prove it."

"So what do we do?" said Starsha.

"Queen Starsha, there were techniques in your tablets to mask our life-forces from Ekogaru. Just show me how to use those disciplines, and I have a plan. We can lure him to Iscandar by making him think the planet is dead. When he is close enough, I can psionicially attack the Fortress and Ekogaru through his Cannon."

"So what role would the Star Force play in all this?" said Derek, who felt a little odd in his Iscandarian clothes.

"A diversion, along with Desslok. If his space fleet, or a good part of it, is lured away into battle, it can't attack Iscandar," said Aliscea. "That'd leave me free to do my work with Paul as moral support here on the planet while you fight. Could that be arranged?"

"I guess we could," said Derek.

"We may have to sacrifice ourselves to buy time for Aliscea to do her work," said Nova. "We might never see home again."

"I know," said Derek. "And we'd better get back to the ship."

"Okay," said Nova.

Derek nodded. "Yeah. Let's go. General Helmeyer, we'll be back in a few minutes."

"I understand," he said.

About a half hour later, Derek and Nova returned to the library. "What you were saying," said Paul. "Are you saying we might all have to die?"

"Yes. That's part of the oath we took. But at least Earth would be safe," said Derek. "General Helmeyer?"

The Gamilon motioned them outside for a moment. A park was near the library, and it looked quite beautiful. "Desslok, I believe, would understand. We would sacrifice ourselves, if it came to that, to allow our peoples to live on. But, I assure you, Captain Wildstar; Gamilon would put up enough of a fight to ensure, if possible, that neither you nor Leader Desslok would have to sacrifice themselves. As for me, I've already reconciled myself to the possibility that I could die in this war. But, together, our peoples could assure a future...a future of some kind, for both Gamilon and Earth."

"Thank you, General," said Derek quietly.

Sandor came up. "Wildstar, it's time to return to the ship to begin that fleet exercise."

"Good luck," said Helmeyer. "I hope that both of our sides get a good workout, as you call it."

"Thank you, General," said Derek.

At that, he, Nova and Sandor returned back to the Argo.

I hope we have enough time to beat them...and win, thought Derek.

Indeed, time was beginning to run out.



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