Being the tenth part of THE RIKASHA INCIDENT--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz



Planet Earth

Tokyo Megalopolis

Thursday, April 22, 2202

0132 Hours: Earth Space-time

At last, the Argo had returned home. Now, as night passed outside, the mighty ship sat moored again in the same underground drydock on Earth from which she had departed nearly four months ago.

Captain Derek Wildstar sat in his cabin alone filling out some paperwork when a tap came at the hatch.

"Come in!" he said.

The hatch opened, and in came Venture, Sandor, Yamazaki, and the Rosstowskis.

"The ship is secured," said Venture.

"She'll need a lot of dock work, though…as much as we can do in about three or four days," said Sandor.

"I know," said Derek. "That's why I was planning on giving everyone shore leave except for your Group and Engineering…so you could have the ship free to do the repair work. Of course, the Commander will have to approve it."

"There's another reason, too, isn't there?" said Aliscea.

Captain Wildstar nodded, surprised at Aliscea's knowledge of his thoughts. "Yes, there is. It's to let everyone see their families one last time…because when we get on this ship again, we may not be coming back."

"That's a hell of a way to think," said Paul Rosstowski.

"It's the truth, Paul," said Derek. "This last charge against Ekogaru might be it. I hoped we could keep it from happening…I hoped we and the Gamilons could hit them before they got here, but…despite everything we did, it still wasn't enough," he sighed. Mark noticed that now, Wildstar again sounded like the angry and frustrated young man he had been in 2199. "So, I hope no one minds if I give the rest of the crew a chance to kiss their wives, parents, and girlfriends goodbye before we go off into a battle from which we may never return. Seems just like the White Comet all over again, doesn't it? Except this time, it's worse."

"We've got a rebuilt Fleet this time," said Venture.

"Yeah," said Derek as he played with his padd stylus. "We've got a whole bunch of young men and women who have no idea what they'll be facing. In my opinion, this is worse than the Gamilons and the Comet Empire all rolled together."

"This time, we have allies," said Sandor.

"Who'll probably die with us," sighed Wildstar.

"Don't give up hope, not now, not with the home stretch in front of us," said Aliscea.

"It's the thirteenth inning, the other team has the winning run on base, and our relief pitcher is getting tired just as the current home run king comes up to bat for the other side," said Captain Wildstar. "How bad can that be?"

"Not good," said Paul.

"Rosstowski, I've promoted you and Hemsford to Lieutenant, you know, and I'm giving Bryan Hartcliffe his old rank back," said Derek. "You guys all might as well die with an extra paycheck in the bank. Who's keeping watch now?"

"Nova's Officer of the Deck," said Sandor. "She's taking care of getting everyone who's taking shore leave mustered off the ship, and she's ordering the crew to prepare to man the rails at 0230 Hours."

"Why's that again?"

"Derek, the Commander is coming on board to inspect," said Venture. "You've gotta get ready for that."

"Yeah, right." said Derek. "Well, we might as well do that. And I’ll have to tell Nova to have Eager, Homer and Dash hold off on their punishment drills until after they come back from leave," Wildstar added. "Now, if you'll excuse me…"Venture stood there for a minute, and then he looked at Derek's paperwork and understood. "Yeah. See ya later, Wildstar. C'mon, guys…let's go."

They left.

"I wonder why he's so depressed?" said Paul Rosstowski.

Venture sighed. "A malady unique to Captains."

"What do you mean?"

"Lieutenant Rosstowski," said Venture. "Responsibility weighs very heavily upon a Captain's head. Especially now."


"The desperation of our situation," said Aliscea. "I was there when, right before Ekogaru attacked Pellias, we found he had broken through a defense line in the Blackeye Galaxy known as the Derford Line. It was the Pellian Federation's last major military stand. We lost 1500 ships in that battle, and those 1500 warships weren't enough to stop Ekogaru from advancing on Pellias. Right now, everything depends upon me being able to stop him, and you know that."

"Yeah," said Paul.

"And that's why Wildstar was so depressed," said Venture. "He had paperwork out. He was writing letters…to families of those who died on our journey, and he had another bit of paper out on that desk."

"What was it?" asked Paul.

"His will."

At that, Rosstowski went silent.

Some time later, Venture, Sandor and Paul Rosstowski went about their jobs without having seen Wildstar.

On the bridge, they ran into Nova, who was sitting in the Captain's chair in her white dress peacoat, supervising the shutdown of some of the stations and making phone calls to ready various Section Chiefs for the inspection and ceremonial rail-manning duty.

"Nova, have you seen Wildstar?" said Venture.

"No, I haven't. Not since I was up in our cabin before."

"He's been acting weird," said Rosstowski.

"Oh, he'll be all right," said Nova.

"You don't sound too concerned," Venture commented.

"Mark, I know him even better than you do. I know what's on his mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to man the gangplank in a minute. Yamazaki, you're in command up here."

"Aye, aye, ma'am," said Yamazaki. Nova got up to leave.

I know what's on Derek's mind, thought Nova. I know all too well. Because…

…because I'm feeling the same way right now.

A while later, outside, the crew stood manning the rails at attention. The EDF march played over the speakers, and Wildstar, Venture and the others saw Nova salute Commander Singleton at the bottom of the gangplank and grant him permission to board the Argo. The Commander then came up the gangplank, followed by Stone, Dentmann, Admiral Falworth, and some of the other members of the Defense Council. Nova looked very proud and serious as she escorted the Commander aboard the ship.

Once they reached the head of the gangplank, Nova saluted a silent Derek, and said, "Sir, I am now returning command to you for the time being."

"Thank you, Deck Officer," said Captain Wildstar. He saluted Singleton, and then the two men shook hands.

"It's good to see all of you back," said the Commander. "As of yesterday, we thought we'd lost you."

"We've been through a lot, sir, but we're glad to be home."

"This ship had better be shipshape," snorted Stone. "You have to join the Fleet in just a few days. Talk about cutting it close, Wildstar!"

"I have a lot of information to share with you," said Derek. "The situation has really changed out there."

"How close is the Dark Lord?" asked Michael Dentmann, from the Defense Ministry.

"Sir, I'm not sure this is the best place to discuss this," said Derek. "However, I'll let you know everything as soon as we can have a debriefing."

"There'll be one later at Defense Headquarters," said Stone.

"I see," said Derek. "Then, after our repairs and some shore leave, if the Commander authorizes it, we'll be going into battle."

"But, first, you have to participate in some wargames," said Admiral Falworth. "I'll want to see you aboard the Andromeda tomorrow to discuss our Fleet plan."

"That sounds good," said Captain Wildstar as he led the staff officers and his officers into a hatchway. "As you will soon see, even though we're shipshape, the Argo needs some dockyard time before she can go back into battle, and I'll be candid about that. If you'll follow me, gentlemen…"

I don't believe this! Captain Wildstar thought. General Stone's acting as if we're a bunch of cadets that he just caught partying! This is ridiculous!

On the first bridge, Singleton stood nearby while Stone, who wore white gloves, ran his fingers over Eager's post. He found dust.

"Who is responsible for this panel?" asked Stone.

Eager, who was standing at attention by his post, said, "Sir, I am."

"Well, it's a disgrace," said Stone. "Wildstar, what sort of ship are you running here? Did we make a mistake giving you command?"

"Oh, come on, sir," said Admiral Falworth, who was silenced by a glare from Stone. "You know that they just came in from battle, Stone."

"Permission to speak freely, sir," said Wildstar.


"Sir, as the Admiral has said, we've just survived several long space warps and a battle situation. I'm very sorry that my crew didn't have the time to dust everything."

"Commander!" yelled Stone as he turned on Singleton. "Are you going to allow this? I advise you to relieve Captain Wildstar of his command at once! Put someone older and more disciplined in that Captain's chair."

"No, General," said Singleton.

"Why not?"

"Wildstar is the man the President wants in that chair on this ship. And I mean to keep it that way. What do you say about that man's uniform, Captain?"

Derek looked Eager over from head to toe. Should I be tough or easy? Derek thought. Maybe, right now, I'd better be tough. That's probably what they expect…damnit. "Sir, he has a smear on his belt buckle. Two demerits, forty pushups after this inspection is over. Do you agree you're a disgrace, Mister Eager?"

"Yes suh!" said Eager. "Ah won't let it happen again!" Eager then thought, Wildstar, ah guess you have to do this, but it seems a bit ridiculous!

"And what about this?" yelled Stone as he turned to Nova.

"Huh?" said Nova.

Derek raised his eyebrows. Stone, what's wrong with her uniform? She was just serving as Deck Officer! She looks perfect…uh…except for that belt buckle? How'd she smear it?

"Captain, this woman over here has a smear on her belt buckle, too! And is our Captain taking advantage of this situation because of that personnel experiment you started, Commander?" said Stone as he noticed Derek and Nova exchanging a very quick glance.

"NO, sir" said Derek. "I'm just…surprised. Lieutenant, how did that belt buckle get smeared during an inspection?"

Nova looked down at her white peacoat and the shining brass buckle of her lavender female dress belt. "Sir, I must've bumped against something in a passage and forgot to wipe it down. I'm sorry, sir."

"ARE you sorry?" yelled Stone.

"Yessir, I'm very sorry."

"Not sorry enough," said Derek. "Two demerits, forty pushups for you, too, Lieutenant."

Not me, too! Nova thought. She then remembered all the brass around and thought, I guess Derek has to do this to satisfy these guys, and, besides, I am an officer who's screwed up…again, I guess. "I understand, sir. I'll do them in the gym with Eager before we disembark with you present."

Singleton nodded, but Stone huffed, "If this was my old command, I'd have both of them doing pushups now, on the deck!"

"You heard the man!" yelled Captain Wildstar. "Both of you, turn and snap to, now! Lieutenant Wildstar, you are the senior officer! Count down out loud! Forty pushups!"

"Aye, aye, sir!" yelled Nova in her best cadet tones as she and Eager began to do pushups. This is so stupid, she thought, not letting the thought reach her face. "One, sir! TWO, sir! Three, sir…"

"Anything else, sir?" said Captain Wildstar as he turned towards Stone.


"Then let me join my men down there! I accept full responsibility for this command lapse!" said Captain Wildstar.

Huh? Nova thought as she paused for a moment. Derek, that's…you don't need to do that!

The crew (and the Commander) stood surprised as Derek himself got on the floor and began to do pushups with his officers as Nova counted down. "I never ask my men and women to do anything I'd refuse to do myself!" snapped Captain Wildstar as he voluntarily shared in his own punishment.

"This is unnecessary," said Admiral Falworth. "Stone, put a stop to this!"

"That's right," said Dentmann. "Stone, isn't the Star Force under Singleton's command, and not yours?"

Nice, Derek, Nova thought. That's the way to show him!

"General Stone," said Derek as he did his pushups. "Have you ever done that, sir?"

"There's a difference between a CO and his officers," huffed Stone. "Wildstar! You are so damn undignified!"

"There's not that much difference on my ship!" said Derek. "And, as for undignified, isn't it undignified for you to demand that two highly decorated officers fresh home from battle do pushups in front of the Commander, Earth Defense Forces?"


"He has a point, Stone," said Falworth.

"That's enough! Stop it, all of you!" said Singleton when Nova reached twenty. "Captain Wildstar, you and your officers have served your punishment as far as I'm concerned. Well done. Up!"

Derek, Nova, and Eager got up and snapped to attention.

The Commander asked, "General Stone, what do you see?"

"Three officers in dress uniform who are sweating," he huffed.

"Eager! Nova!" ordered Derek. "Tend to your posts! I need reports!"

"Yessir!" said the two peacoat-clad officers as they returned to their posts and got to work.

"They look like good officers," said Admiral Falworth as he walked the bridge with Dentmann and Stone.

"And one of them is a mere girl," added Dentmann. The aged civilian with a goatee smiled at Nova, and said, "Miss, are we interrupting your desire to attend the ballet? Or your desire to return home to your kitchen, perhaps? I've never noticed this before, Singleton, but what we have here is a Children's Crusade! Some of these men don't look old enough to shave yet, and this girl here…looks like my teenage daughter!"

Oh, go drop dead, you walrus! Nova thought as her face flushed a bit while she looked at Dentmann from over her shoulder from near her board. Of course, at twenty-four, she wasn’t all that far out of her teens. She was checking readings on an auxiliary instrument for a readout at the moment and stood out a bit with her white peacoat over her gold uniform.

"Dentmann, don't start on that now!" snapped Singleton, knowing that he was taking a risk by snapping at an Undersecretary of Defense…but he was willing to do it for his subordinates…and friends…in the Star Force. "Mister Undersecretary, I see three men and women who have just worked hard and still look sharp."

"They look terrible," muttered Stone.

Singleton looked at Stone. "Really! How long has it been since you've been on a bridge of a warship in combat?"

"Ten years, sir."

"Anyone who can work that hard and still look military would be on their toes in combat, as far as I'm concerned," said Singleton. "That's what we were looking for in this inspection. Mister Dentmann…General Stone…Have you noticed something about this bridge crew?"


"They're exhausted. But, if they needed to, they'd be ready to go out and fight again in the next half hour. That's the sort of men and women I want in this Fleet. And Wildstar is the man they'd follow right into Hell if he asked them to do it. Captain, your ship and crew pass inspection. I don’t need to see anything else. You three get cleaned up and in fresh uniforms; Wildstar, you and I will debrief in your cabin at 0330. Then, when we're done, grant these people three days' worth of shore leave."

"Yessir," said Captain Wildstar. "Nova, after you make yourself presentable, I'm returning command to you. Finish your watch as Officer of the Deck."

"Aye, aye, sir," said Nova. She saluted and left.

"General Stone, Admiral Falworth, Mister Dentmann," said Singleton. "This way. Wildstar, your bridge."

"Thank you, sir," said Derek.

After the brass left, Eager said, "Boy, could I use a shower!"

"Permission granted," said Derek. "I could use one too."

"Gonna take it with Nova?" teased Homer.

"Glitchman, stow it!" snapped Derek as the bridge crew laughed. "It’s a good thing Nova is holding off on your punishment PT until after our leave. Venture, you have the conn until Nova's done freshening up."

"Aye, aye, Skipper," said Mark with a grin.

"I told you," huffed Derek. "Stop calling me that!"

At that, he left.

"Hey…the way he's acting, he needs that shower with Nova," said Dash.

"That's enough," said Venture. "Let's get this equipment locked down so Sandor can work on it."

The debriefing between Singleton and Wildstar lasted for two hours; from 0400 to 0600. Captain Wildstar, who had changed into a fresh Star Force uniform after his shower (which just happened to be shared with Nova, but that was no one's business but their own), sat in his peacoat with the Commander. The two men drank some coffee and informally talked about the mission while reviewing the technical data on the Technomugar Fortress and the Rikashan Fleet that had been given to Wildstar back on Carufax.

"So, you think that we can bring down the Technomugar Fortress if we strike it right here in its Phased Density Cannon?"

"We can, sir. I'm convinced of it."

"Would a wave motion gun blast do it?"

"Not quite, sir."

"Would we need several ships en masse?"

"That'd be the worst thing we could do, Commander," said Derek. "He'd detect a fleet movement and frontal attack like that and just finish us. If we attack his Fortress, we will have to do it alone, and it will have to be a surprise attack."

"Well, what do you recommend?"

"Aliscea has said she could help us. She's said something about combining her energy with that of the wave motion gun to destroy the Fortress. As I told you, she damaged the Fortress all by herself at Iscandar with her power. With our help, she thinks she'd have more than enough power to finish him."

"That sounds good. It sounds just like what we need," said Singleton. He looked at a printout of the R'Khell fleet for a minute. "We're going to have at least five hundred R'Khell ships attacking Earth in four or five days, Captain."

"Along with perhaps four or five hundred Technomugar warships," said Wildstar as he looked at another printout. "Their plan is to eliminate our entire Defense Fleet and all of our bases before the Fortress even shows up, according to what Cha'rif and the Technomugar dissidents told us."

Singleton drank some coffee. "Do you think they'll succeed in assassinating Ekogaru?"

"They might. But, if they don't, we'll have to stop him."

Singleton looked at some other paperwork. "Now this," he said. "This is a report done in secret by Lieutenant Natalie Fisher. Doctor Sane gave it to me and asked me to review it while I was waiting for you before at 0338."

"What is it, sir?" said Derek. He looked at the clock and noticed it was now 0610.

"A psychological report on the success of the little personnel experiment with permitting you and Mrs. Wildstar, the Hartcliffes, and the Voorhees couple to room together during this cruise. Except for Mrs. Voorhees' unexpected pregnancy, which Doctor Sane said could be avoided in the future with a new contraceptive shot he's developed for both genders, it looks like you conducted yourselves fairly professionally. And, of course, there were the Rosstowskis and the Ventures. They acted as professionally as you and Nova did. I think I have enough here to convince the President to extend this rule throughout the entire Fleet for married couples. As it is, on my orders, the Star Force will continue under this arrangement when you go back into battle in three days."

"Thank you, sir," said Captain Wildstar. A tap came at the hatch. "Come in!" he said.

Nova came in, wearing the fresh gold-and-black duty uniform she had changed into under her peacoat. It was her last clean one, but it didn't matter much now, since they would be off the ship soon. "Sir, I'm relieved. Sandor is now acting as Officer of the Deck."

"Come in and have some coffee with us," said the Commander pleasantly.

"Thank you, sir," said Nova.

"As for the Rosstowskis," said Singleton. "Wildstar, let Paul and Aliscea know that a house has been made available for their use on the outskirts of the Megalopolis, under a quiet guard, of course…for their safety. If Aliscea will be remaining on Earth, she will need a decent place to live."

"I will let them know, sir," said Derek. "Thank you."

"Nova, the Captain tells me you've done some great things on this mission."

"Just doing my job, as usual, sir," Nova said quietly as she shrugged off her coat and hung it up in her locker. Then, she sat down.

"It was a great job you did, performing under pressure in that scuba dive on Iscandar to obtain information about the Fortress…flying several recon missions, serving on the Bridge and Sickbay. In addition, commanding this ship in battle as Officer of the Deck, and acting honorably in captivity and single combat were great deeds as far as I'm concerned. You're too modest, Nova."

Nova sat there quietly with her eyes half-closed, hoping she wasn't flushing too much. "Are you saying I was a good officer, or a good woman officer, sir?"

"A good officer, period," said Singleton. "I don't subscribe to the sexist views of some of the others in the Defense Command, including Michael Dentmann."

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" asked Nova.

"Granted," the Commander.

"He's an ugly man, sir; just as ugly as that stringy beard of his. He looks like a billy goat."

The Commander laughed.

"You noticed!" said Derek.

Nova nodded.

"You have good taste, Nova," said the Commander. "He is an ugly man. I'm making sure you get an Iron Cross for bringing down Yvona Josiah. With her gone, the terrorist cult she once led is weakened."

"But not finished," said Nova as she thought, I guess I can't refuse it, sir, but I don’t want a medal for being forced to kill the woman who was my Aunt! "I understand that Cha'rif has said that Piper Sandberg has taken over the Cult in her stead."

"Yes, Nova," said Derek. "That's what he told us. Sir, any luck on finding Sandberg yet?"

Another tap came at the hatch. "Enter!" said Wildstar.

Sandor entered, carrying a sheaf of plans. "Sir, I'm volunteering to keep my Group on board and Yamazaki is volunteering to keep Engineering on the ship as well during the repairs throughout our shore leave, if you grant it, that is.. While we repair the first gun turret, I'd like to request your permission to retrofit the turret with this new type of dual-purpose cannon."

Sandor rolled out the plans. "What is it?" asked the Commander.

"A system he's developed that may help us fight off any heavy-armored Technomugar Goraizu Fortresses if we encounter them," said Captain Wildstar. "It's called a wave motion cartridge system; it is a system that involves charging missiles like old-style Naval Artillery shells with a small amount of wave motion energy held in stasis."

"Released, it is somewhat like a small wave motion gun, without the time needed to charge the Gun. We can use it to penetrate heavily armored ships," said Sandor. "Do I have your permission to attempt a test of this system in combat?"

The Commander nodded. "Permission granted, Sandor."

"Sir, as for the shore leave I requested for the rest of the crew? They are exhausted, sir." asked Derek.

"Also granted," continued Singleton. "Wildstar, I also wish to let you know that we’re searching the planet for Sandberg. I don't want him giving our secrets to the enemy."

"But what if he's off-planet?" asked Derek.

"That," said Singleton. "Is a possibility I don't want to consider right now…"


The Grand Technomugar Fortress

About 22,000 Lightyears Away from Earth

Thursday, April 22, 2202

0610 Hours: Earth Space-time

"Rise, Sandberg," whispered Ekogaru the Great in a voice brimming with hatred.

Piper Sandberg, now clad in a dark brown robe, came up from his knees, trying to hide the fact that he was trembling as he stood before the now-grotesque cyborg that Ekogaru had become. "What have you just done, Lord?"

"I have anointed you as High Priest of the Terran R'Khell Order that Yvona Josiah once led. Her cult is now part of the R'Khell priesthood by my decree and you must make sure it drops all pretenses of your native Christian belief now. I am God. Not your Native Carpenter."

"Of course, my Lord," said Sandberg as he bowed.

"Your people shall be all of the Terran Race left alive in the New Order," said Ekogaru. "As long as your serve with honor, that is. I still remember that you have defected from your Defense Council."

"I have, Lord. But that does NOT mean I am not ready to serve you!"

"We shall see," said Ekogaru. He turned to Lecha Voton. Voton had received Ekogaru's Lash earlier, and he was in agony, barely able to stand. "You failed to stop the Argo for me at Rikasha. You let them get away. This cannot be forgiven readily. Since you have failed me, it is your job for your Fleet to lead the attack upon Earth. Your first priority is to have your psionics see if Aliscea is on the Argo in combat again as it leaves Earth to face our forces. If she is there, she and the Argo must be destroyed at once. I will accept no more excuses, and I have lost my patience; I want Wildstar and his band of adventurers killed!"

"Of course, my Lord," said Voton, bowing in his new red uniform.

"Marda shall assist you. General Grodez," said Ekogaru, referring to a blue-skinned former Dark Nebulan that the Empire had recently captured. He and his fleet had been impressed into Technomugar service. Seeing an opportunity to serve among fellow cyborgs like himself now that he knew that Dezarium was destroyed as a result of the dimensional Interphases that had brought the Dark Lord to the Local Group, Grodez had accepted a Technomugar commission.

"Yes, Lord," said the white-haired former Dark Nebulan as he bowed. I hope he is as ruthless as Skaldart was, he thought. "Lord, my Battle Fleet and my Task Force of Autoplanet Gorba Battle-fortresses stand ready at your disposal."

"Good," said Ekogaru. "Your mission…destroy the Earth Defense Fleet. If Voton fails to catch the Argo, you shall serve as backup."

"Yes, Lord," said Grodez. "You can count on us."


Planet Earth

Tokyo Megalopolis

Thursday, April 22, 2202

0630 Hours: Earth Spacetime

On the Argo, the crew gathered at attention on the foredeck for one last muster before being dismissed to go on Shore Leave.

"All of you have done a great job this mission," said Captain Wildstar as he stood on the #1 gun turret in his Star Force uniform and short peacoat. Inside, Sandor's crews were already working hard at turning his plans into reality and refitting that part of the ship so that it could contain the new breeches, lifts, and magazine needed for the experimental Wave Motion Cartridges. "Therefore, all of you, except for the Mechanical and Engineering Groups, which have volunteered to remain on board the ship, are dismissed for seventy-seven hours' worth of Shore Leave on the Commander's orders. Nova, Venture, and I will be joining you on leave after we complete some business at Defense Headquarters. I will expect all of you to return for First Watch muster at 1100 Hours on Sunday morning, when we will take off for some Fleet Exercises prior to the upcoming battle."

The crew stood muttering and talking for a moment until Captain Wildstar said. "That's right, battle. Ekogaru hasn't given up! But, neither have we! I've just received a report transmitted from the Gamilons that indicates that a huge space fleet is gathering around the Technomugar Fortress about 22,000 lightyears away from here, far beyond the Orion Nebula. The exact location is unknown at the moment."

Derek paused to let that statement sink in. Then, he continued. "Because the danger is so great, I am advising you to use this time to…visit with your families, and to prepare for battle in whatever way you see fit. If you wish to attend your church, synagogue, mosque, temple or local shrine before we leave, please go. If you wish to spend time in private meditation, please do so. But, bear in mind, even though it looks dark, we've been here before." Derek paused again for effect.

"Remember the battle of Gamilon?" asked Captain Wildstar. "Do you remember defeating the Comet Empire? It'll be a little better than that hard time, since we have a Fleet again, but, this time, we have quite a job ahead of us. Ekogaru is far more megalomaniacal than Zordar ever was. But, remember…we are the greatest and last hope of Earth. Now is not the time to fall into despair or quit! When we get home again, it will be late spring and the cherry blossoms will still be falling. Then, we can celebrate as we finally enjoy the peace that you and our comrades have earned for us! I am now going to dismiss you. Enjoy your leave, and I will see you again soon. Star Force, Dismissed!"

The crew saluted as one when Derek turned his back on them, and then, the cheering started.

"That's it!" yelled Eager. "I'm goin' home to see Lisa!"

"I'm headin' back to Georgia," said Hardy.

"Angie, we're meeting me parents in Britain," laughed Bryan Hartcliffe, who had been told, at the last minute, that he would be back on the Argo for the next phase of the mission after all. It seems that Wildstar had just had a change of heart about throwing him out of the Star Force.

Sakamoto looked at Hartcliffe bitterly. He was one of the few crew members who was told not to report back aboard the Argo in three days. Wildstar had made it clear that he had just had enough of him and his bad attitude before telling him he was reassigned back to the Fleet. I'm thrown back into regular service like a bad fish, thought Sakamoto. Wildstar, you are a son-of-a-bitch!

"Listen, Wildstar," said Sakamoto as Derek and Nova began to walk off the foredeck together; they were heading back into the ship.

"What?" said Derek. "Didn't I make it clear to you in my cabin? You're off this ship and out of my command!"

"Why did you get rid of me and keep Hartcliffe?"

"I don't have to explain my decisions," said Wildstar.

"Why?" said Sakamoto.

"Are you deaf?" said Nova in a soft but stern voice. "The Captain just told you why."


"Look at Bryan," said Derek. "He's been a disciplinary problem; he even did brig time. But, he's flown a lot of good missions for us, and he's stood beside me in battle when the chips were down and didn't let his personal feelings get in the way. That's what a good sailor does, Sakamoto. He or she forgets him or herself and thinks of his or her buddies when the time is right. Hartcliffe is a man who'd lay down his life for this ship and for his comrades. Thus, he's earned the right to be one of us. You, on the other hand…you're a punk! Get off my ship before I have you arrested!"

"Aye, aye, sir," said Sakamoto.

Derek had just had enough. He let out a right hook and belted Sakamoto in the jaw. The pilot flew across the deck, landing like a bowling ball in a group of other Black Tigers. They looked rather surprised.

"Mister Hartcliffe, Miss Lubyanska, Mister Hardy," snapped Derek. "Please make sure that man leaves this ship. Turn him over to the Dockyard Guard. Don't even let him go back to his cabin; I'll have his seabag and effects shipped to the Replacement Depot ahead of him. Got that?"

"Yessir!" said Bryan, Tatiana, and Hardy all at once. Angie smiled and joined in. Together, all four of them grabbed Sakamoto and marched him down the gangplank. It wasn't all fun and games; Hardy was forced to kick his struggling former comrade in the behind once as the other three grabbed his uniform and hauled him off the ship like a sack.

"Well, looks like you clipped that Tiger's tail," chuckled Venture as he came up from behind with Holly.

"Where are you guys going after Headquarters?" said Derek.

"To meet my parents and let them know we're OK," said Mark.

"And to make plans for the big church wedding he said they'll want," added Holly.

"You need to do it again?" said Derek. "I…oh yeah…you'll need the right Sacrament or something."

"Yeah, our parents are kinda strict about that," laughed Holly.

"Oh, no!" said Nova. "Derek, I've got to call my parents! Mom and Dad will be so worried! They still probably think we're dead!"

"Permission granted," said Derek. "I've got work to do and we all have to be at Headquarters by 0900 in Class A's. Meet me in our cabin!"

"Right, Derek," said Nova. They saluted, and then Nova gave her husband a hug before running off.

Captain Wildstar came by the Communications suite a bit later on. When he opened it, Nova was sitting there in something of a minor panic.

"What's wrong?"

"Derek, my parents aren't answering at home in the Megalopolis or at their place in Colorado!" said Nova with a stricken, shocked look on her face. "I hope they're all right!!"

"Me too."

"Come quickly! Come to Sickbay!" said IQ-9 as he ran down the corridor as fast as his tracks would take him. "Doctor Sane just discovered something!"

"What?" asked Nova.

"You recall he took blood samples from all of you after you left the Rikashan capital?"

"Yeah, right before we took off from Cha'rif's home city," said Derek. "What's up?"

"All of you have breathed in nerve gas!"

"What?" said Nova.

"That's right," said Doctor Sane. "All of you breathed in very small amounts of some Rikashan nerve agent that contains a chemical I'm calling Albania Five-A. That's why you were so relaxed and unconcerned aboard that Rikashan tank."

"Why are you calling it that?" asked Nova.

"It's similar in its effects to Albania Four, a similar nerve agent that was used in the Unification Wars in the Battle of Albania of 2032, and which, by the way, was banned some time afterwards."

"I'm not up on the history of ancient chemical weapons," said Derek. "What did Albania Four do?"

"Albania Four was artificially synthesized and was very nasty," said Doctor Sane. "It caused one to lose control of higher bodily and mental functions, enter a state similar to that of intoxication. For example, a victim of this agent would begin losing control of bodily functions while laughing and undressing oneself for example…followed or preceded by extreme suggestibility, strange visions, hearing voices; thinking the most bizarre suggestions are normal, and even entering into a strange state of extreme sexual arousal. Needless to say, uh…I need say no more with a lady present."

"Yeah, sure," said Nova. "A lady who helps you clean crap out of bedpans."

"I'm trying to protect you," said Sane.

"Well, I'm grown up," said Nova. "Go on."

"Ohh…yes," continued Sane. "After these effects would come failure of the autonomic functions and death. This Rikashan equivalent produces a similar effect, but there are also odd amino-acid chains in the mixture, which makes me think it was based on some Rikashan organic substance. I was given some odd fruits by the Rikashans to examine; I might be able to create an antidote from that. I think you breathed in some of this stuff on Rikasha. Give me some time and I might be able to create an antidote in case it is used against us again. I'm analyzing this fruit they gave me now. Something called V'Randa Fruit, which is supposed to be some kind of aphrodisiac."

"I have some; Cha'rif gave it to us as a gift." said Nova. "I can give it to you if it's dangerous."

"Naha, it's safe," said Doctor Sane. "Keep yours. In fact, may I make a suggestion?"

Nova nodded.

"You two go home, lock yourselves in a room for a day after these briefings, and use some, and then come back to me and report on the results," chuckled Sane. "You need a long romantic night alone to relax!"

Nova and Derek looked at each other and blushed. "And make sure you two have your new contraceptive shots, please! Nova, as much as your parents want grandchildren…I don't think now is the time to have you pregnant in my Sickbay! I don't want to look for a new nurse until you enter Medical School…smart ones like you are too hard to find! And I don't think Derek is ready for diaper changes and midnight feedings yet, so let's give him a few years, huh?"

Nova just nodded. "Uh…sure."

"Go on, I've got work to do. Just be careful, Wildstar? Huh?"

Derek nodded.

Later, in their cabin, Derek was talking with Mark Venture. Nova had run off to finish an errand.

Mark sat back and asked, "Well, when we get re-married, do you still stick by your offer to be best man?"

"Yes, both Nova and I agreed to it," said Derek.

"Both of you?"

Derek nodded. "She wants me to wear a black tux; and she's wearing a matching one. Nova's idea…she thinks it's cute."

"That'll be a fun one to explain to my parents," snorted Mark. "Well, luckily, Holly's packed. We're moving in together right after that meeting. As we should…because we are legally married. Although she's joked that she doesn't want us to play around for a few days before the church wedding so it feels like we’re getting married all over again. She thinks it's cute."

"What do you think of it?"

"Pain in the ass," said Mark. Both men laughed like crazy at that one.

They were still laughing when Nova came back into the room in her Class A whites. "Well, let's go," she said.

"Borrowed those shoes from Natalie? Did that because you lose parts of your uniform in combat?"

Nova rolled up her eyes and nodded.

"Okay…good. Yeah! Let's go," said Derek. "Coming, Venture?"

"Yeah, let me get Steve away from his machines and computers, Derek. We’ll meet you outside."

Later on, the four of them blasted towards the Capital District and Defense Headquarters in a red staff aircar sedan they had appropriated.

"The city looks different," said Mark, who was driving. "I'm seeing fires here and there."

"They said that the enemy showed up recently and had bombed a few places. It was the R'Khells. They're softening us up for the attack," said Sandor, who sat next to him.

From the back seat Nova said, "Well, at least it's Spring now. I'm noticing the flowers. They look good this year. My garden should grow well this summer."

"You've got a garden?" said Venture.

"Uh-huh," said Nova. "In that space in the yard by the first stand of pine trees, before you get to the pool, poolhouse, and the hot spring bath."

"I never had time to look in my backyard," said Sandor. "I spent all my time at home doing designs."

"You should've got out there to look while it was winter," said Nova. "I'll bet the snow was beautiful."

"Funny; you're noticing all these things when we might be dead in a few days," snorted Derek.

"And why not?" huffed Nova. "The less time you might have to live, the more you should be thankful for and appreciate what you do have. And we have a lot, Derek. Our house, our careers, and each other."

"You sound pretty confident that we're gonna win," said Derek.

"We are going to win," said Nova. "And you'd better give everyone else that confidence, Derek. No matter how anxious or depressed you are."

"You don't seem to be all that familiar with depression," laughed Sandor.

Nova sat with her head bowed for a minute. "I get depressed, too," she said in a small voice.

"Hey…you don't need to stay that way," said Derek. He smiled at her. She slowly smiled back.

"Good," said Nova. "We'll make it."

"Holly's meeting at Heroes' Hill later," said Mark. "We'd better make it."

"It's up to all of us," said Sandor.

Derek nodded at that.

Later, the Wildstars, Venture and Sandor sat through a Defense Council meeting in which they reiterated everything they had told the Commander but were relentlessly grilled about it. It was not a pleasant experience. Derek later said "It made our disgrace at General Stone's hands on the bridge of the Argo seem gentle by comparison, and that's not saying much!"

The room was a bit dark and gloomy. To guard against the danger of R'Khell attack, the Council was meeting today in an underground bunker beneath Earth Defense Headquarters. Nova noticed that all of the light was artificial and rather cold down here, and she also noticed the room was a bit cold. Not the nicest place in the world, she thought. Freezing. I've got goose pimples all over my bare legs. Of course, given that this was still wartime, stockings were a difficult-to-acquire and rare commodity.

The rest of the meeting was boring, until it was Sandor's turn to speak. Then, Captain Wildstar and Sandor sat with some interest for a while when the group broke off talking about fleet logistics for the battle and stopped discussing finances long enough to discuss a new project; the Arizona-class space battleship.

A blueprint flashed on the screen as General Camacho said, "This space battleship is bigger than our Andromeda class, and it is also more heavily armored. Her gross weight is 128,750 tons, and her length is 290.0 meters; she's the biggest we have now; far bigger than our Andromeda class. She is to be equipped with two uprated wave motion guns firing into a single firing gate, and she is equipped with 15 main shock cannons of 48 centimeters caliber each in five triple gun turrets. We think we can get a firing range of eleven megameters out of each of these guns.”

"I could use that for the Fleet…and now," said Admiral Jeremy Falworth. He sat there with Admiral Yamanami, one of his vice-commanders.

"How soon would this mechanical marvel be ready?" demanded Yamanami. "And is she another damned Andromeda?"

Camacho said, "Sometime next year. As for your question, Vice-Admiral Yamanami, she is equipped with Andromeda-style systems that can be overridden by the operators in an emergency or when greater precision is needed. Sandor, would you please explain the engine systems?"

"My pleasure," said Sandor, who handed over a message capsule from inside his blue peacoat. "The engine for this class will be a variation of my Type 2202 reiteration of the wave motion engine. With technology I have been working on, along with technical developments gleaned from the Gamilons in the past as well as recently, I have invented a device that will take the Iscandarian wave motion engine design to a second-generation level. I call it the "wave motion supercharger" or "hado supercharger" in Japanese. The first new ships built from the keel up to contain this system will be the first two ships of the Arizona class. These will be the Arizona herself, which will be entering service as the new flagship of the Combined Fleet of the Defense Forces sometime next year after the war, and the new space battleship Pennsylvania, the Second Star Force's vessel."

"Sandor?" said Derek. "Did you say Second Star Force?"

Singleton nodded. "You heard correctly, Captain. We didn't wish to tell you until now, but we are beginning construction on a second special missions ship."

"But what's going to happen to the Argo?" demanded Wildstar. "Don’t tell me you're…"

"Please," whispered Nova. "Don't stand up…"

The Commander shut his eyes before looking at both Sandor and Wildstar. Then, he said, "The Argo is going to be supplemented by our Second Star Force…not supplanted. I have received approval for a Second Star Force unit that would serve two functions, among other things. It would serve as a backup in a crisis situation in case the Argo is on patrol elsewhere, and it would serve as a backup for when the Argo is in refit or when her crew is disbanded for leave or refit or for TDY's for her officers and men. The Argo is going to be refitted after the war in order to have its gun turrets upgraded to include the wave motion cartridge system Sandor described to you. She will also serve as the testbed for the new engine design that Sandor has been working on since well before the White Comet came."

"What does this design do?" asked Captain Wildstar. "I'm sorry, what was that new device you invented again?"

"It is called the wave motion supercharger," said Sandor as he pulled up some technical graphics. "To put it simply, up until now our existing wave motion engines have depended upon a semi-controlled tachyon surge in order to shove a vessel into the Fourth Dimension. We could control the strength of the surge and its duration and aim so we could guide a vessel in and out of warp, but we could never pinpoint this surge before. That's why warps with our current system lead to ever more bizarre effects and stress on the human body the further that one warps, and why they have a maximum range of about thirty thousand lightyears or so."

"You don't need to tell me about bizarre effects," said Nova. Some of the Council laughed.

"Excuse me?" said General Stone.

"I've just experienced some of the stranger effects," said Nova in a small voice. "Of course, I've warped longer and further than most people in this room."

"And you're awfully modest, Mrs. Wildstar." said General Staci Nagle in an almost motherly voice.

"Uhh…yes," said Nova as some of the men chuckled. The Commander cleared his throat for silence. "Go on, Commander Sandor."

"Yessir. With the supercharger, we can focus the warp surge and control it more finely, entering a state of "continuous warp" where upgraded computer systems and navigational systems can make a long range fix and calculate a number of shorter warps in quick succession. Using this method, we could warp to the Great Magellenic Cloud in a few days rather than weeks, for example. Perhaps even hours or minutes, if we know the precise heading. I'm not sure what this system will be able to do yet. Also, it will improve the range and speed up the charging time of any wave motion gun charged by an engine with this new technology. And the recovery time from warps and wave gun firings will improve, now. We would only be helpless for maybe…forty-five seconds as opposed to a few minutes. I was able to work some of these changes into the Argo's computer software so we can have the benefit of some of these developments in the upcoming war. But, the full implementation of this system would require a six or seven month long refit for the Argo, and would delay the new ships until about the middle of next year."

"So I see," said the Commander. "However, the first of the promotions we would need to make would still be in order, since in the upcoming battle, don't we have need for a special task group?"

"We do," said Falworth. "We have found that the R'Khell fleet is coming in first. My plan is to form a task group of one carrier and several battleships that can carry a good-sized complement of planes, along with cruisers, destroyers, and light patrol ships. This task group would find the R'Khell Force, which, as the Gamilons have informed us, contains a large number of carriers and planes meant to bombard our bases and Earth herself into abject submission. I am expanding upon the late Admiral Gideon's old idea of attacking the Comet Empire Fleet first and would like to strike the enemy before they enter the solar system, possibly at Alpha Centauri. I would like Derek Wildstar to command this special force and I would like to designate the Argo temporarily as the Flagship of Task Group 1.1 for the duration of this mission. Mind you, this mission is vital to the success of our defense of the solar system, a defense that would end with the destruction of the Grand Technomugar Fortress after the immediate threat of the attack fleets is solved. I also understand a main Technomugar force is heading towards Earth. I have a strategy in mind for units of the Fleet to stop that Fleet without putting all of our eggs into one basket."

"Sir, you read my paper?" asked Derek, who was surprised.

"Yes, I read your December 2201 post-mortem critique of the Battle of Saturn, Wildstar, and I'm going to implement it."

"It was a very good paper," said Nova.

"It was, Lieutenant," said Falworth with a smile.

"Captain," said the Commander. "Do you accept this mission?"

"I do," said Derek after a quick moment in which he thought, Would we still be able to stop Ekogaru? He's the greatest threat of all! Then, he thought. We have to keep Earth safe…from this enemy force as well as from the Fortress. It's just like the Comet Empire, all over again, only bigger. And I wonder if those guys are gonna show up like Desslok thought?

"And do you accept promotion to Commodore on the order of the President?" said the Commander as the room buzzed.

"Sir?" said Derek as he and Nova stood up. The Commander affectionately put his arms on their shoulders.

"I don’t think you can refuse this, Derek," said Nova in a small voice.

"It is his choice, Lieutenant. But, we need you there, Wildstar. And Nova, we need you to help Derek make the needed plans, along with Commander Venture and Commander Sandor."

"We need to work together on strategic planning," said Admiral Falworth as he came up behind them. "To gain access to some of our operational plans and command that fleet, you have to be of flag rank, even though you are about to become the youngest Flag Officer in Earth's history. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, do they not?"

Derek sat in thought. Then, he said. "I accept this command, sir. And my new rank."

"Congratulations, Commodore Wildstar," said Singleton with a smile. "Now, you can stay for the rest of the meeting, and offer your input…"

Later on that morning, a tired Commodore Wildstar sat in the grass near Heroes' Hill with Nova. They had gone there alone; Mark and Holly Venture were due to show up in a while. They would eat lunch together.

Both Derek and Nova were in civilian clothes now. Derek wore a blue-grey sweater, white bellbottomed jeans, and white sneakers, an outfit that made Nova joke, "Derek, you look like a Commodore now…the Commodore of some private yacht club!"

"Oh, shut up?" he smiled. "You look like a schoolgirl in your outfit!"

"Because I have a tie on, or a short skirt?" asked Nova. She wore a white blazer similar to her EDF Class "A" jacket, with a light blue blouse of silk decorated with one of her old high school uniform ties in blue and gold; a dove-grey skirt and open sandals completed her attire.

"I don’t believe it," muttered Derek. "I'm a Commodore now. Am I dreaming this, Nova?"

"You're not dreaming a thing," said Nova as she knelt in the grass picking flowers. Derek thought she looked very beautiful in her white and grey outfit today in the sunny breeze.

"I see you're picking flowers," said Derek. "Who are the flowers for?"

Artwork Above: Springtime: Computer-generated art based upon original Yamato artwork by Frederick P. Kopetz

"Holly. They're going in Mark and Holly's kitchen. Mark's house has always looked so sad. He's never had flowers there. The place needs a woman's touch."

"Even if the woman looks like a schoolgirl. What's in that book again?"

"A photo album," said Nova. "Some of these pictures were taken of me and by me when you were on patrol on the Argo for almost a year last year before the Comet Empire. I never thought to share these with you until now. We'll look them over later on and have a few laughs at some of the sillier scrapes I got into when you were in space."

"You know we will be in battle soon," said Derek as he sat looking towards the spire of Heroes' Hill. "That's why I told them to meet us here, up on the edge of the Hill. I don't want to see those memorials today."

"Why not?"

"They remind me of death, Nova. Possibly our own deaths. Maybe I'm the youngest Commodore in EDF history, but I might prove to be the shortest-lived one, too."

"Don't talk like that," said Nova. "And one last thing," she said as she pulled her sandals off for a minute and went barefoot in the warm grass.


"Take your sneakers off. This grass feels wonderful. Much better than that cold Council chamber where my feet were freezing."

"Not now. Maybe later?"

"Later might be too late," said Nova in a soft voice. "Oh! Here's Mark and Holly! And Holly's got the cutest pink dress on!"

"You would notice that."

"You're buying me one," teased Nova.


"Today? After lunch?"

Derek just smiled.

A while later, Nova and Derek met the Ventures. Holly loved Nova's flowers. Mark still wore his Star Force uniform, while Holly wore a diaphanous pink taffeta dress with a blue jacket. Nova thought she looked adorable; for once, Holly wasn't wearing her hair in a ponytail; instead, it just flowed free in the breeze like Nova's shorter hair.

Lunch went nicely for the two couples. They went to an outdoor café to eat. They sat and laughed, enjoying a nice set of bento boxes, gorging themselves on the sushi rolls, onigiri rolls, pickled plums, and other such delicacies they hadn't had in weeks, washing it all down with some beer.

"That was good," said Derek.

"Now, who calculates the tip?" asked Mark.

"I dunno," said Holly.

"Oh, no," said Nova. "I always get stuck with…"

Then, all of a sudden, they saw a crying girl leaning over an empty, umbrella-covered table. Her face wasn't visible (it was buried against the table in the crook of her arm as she sobbed her heart out), but she wore rather somber black and white clothing, all of which contrasted with her very light blonde hair.

"Who's that?" asked Holly.

"Beats me," said Mark.

"I'd better go see if she's all right," said Nova. "Derek, your job to do the tip."

"Oh, damnit," said Wildstar.

Nova ran over. "Hey," she said softly as she threw her arm around the blonde girl's shoulder. "It'll be all right," she said to the younger girl in a soothing voice.

"You wouldn't know," gasped the crying girl through her tears. "My cousin's dead, and I'm on my way to her wake. She was like a big sister to me, the best cousin a girl could ever have. She was like an angel; she was so smart…and so brave. Me, I'm stupid, and worthless, and a screw-up in the Service. I want to resign and become a bum!"

"Don't say that," said Nova softly. "Your cousin wouldn't have wanted that for you, whoever she was! I'm sorry to hear she's dead. Did she die in one of these bombing raids? They're so terrible!"

"No, the Rikashans killed her! Rikashan madmen! They should wipe out that whole race!"

"Every race has good and bad in it. No one is entirely evil. There are good Rikashans as well as bad ones."

"What do you know?" sobbed the girl. "You're not like my cousin and you have no damn idea what she was like! She was the best person in the world! Even though you kinda sound like her, seeing good in everything."

Derek and Mark came over with Holly. They had paid the check and seen that Nova had adopted this girl as another one of her "special cases"--people who had to be comforted as quickly as possible or else the world would die. "Nova, who is this?" asked Derek.

"I don't know…but she's awfully upset. Miss, could you lift up your face? I bet it's very pretty. Let me help you blow your nose."

"What was that name? You've even got the same name as my dead cousin," sniffed the girl as she raised her head. Nova began to pat the tears away from her eyes with a hanky of hers.

As she did so, under the encrusted tears, Nova saw that the girl's eyes were very dark and very brown, much like hers.

The girl's eyes focused slowly upon the rather pretty heart-shaped face in front of hers. They took in the honey-blonde hair, dark eyes, slender nose, and then, the girl screamed.


"Brittany?" said Nova. "Cousin Brittany, is that you?"

"I'm gonna die soon!" yelled Brittany Forrester. "Nova, you've come for me!" Then, the girl began to just scream. By now, everyone was looking.

The proprietor of the café ran over in his chef's whites and white sushi-maker's hat. "Excuse me, but does she need professional help?"

"No, she's just shaken up," said Nova. "Apparently, she thought I was dead…"

"You are dead!" yelled Brittany.

"Hey. Do ghosts pat people on the cheek?" said Nova. "Look. I'm fine, and here's Derek, whom you've met, and Commander Mark Venture and his wife Holly, whom you've never met before. The Argo was never destroyed! It was a false report! We're fine!"

"It's really…you?" sniffed Brittany.

Nova hugged her. "Who else would be this tolerant of you, silly?"

"You and your damn school tie!" laughed Brittany. "Good…you're fine. But, your Mom and Dad don't know that!"

"Where are they?"

"Nova, they're at a funeral home, crying over the empty caskets for you and Derek that the EDF gave them."

"Didn't they hear the news?" asked Derek.

"Aunt Teri's hysterical! I think she's losing her mind and might lose her twins," sobbed Brittany. "And Uncle Karl's drinking like a fish! They've turned off their phones, and they refuse to listen to the news or let anyone tell them any news. The funeral director tried to tell them something earlier this morning, but Karl refused to hear it! I couldn't take it any more, so I came over here to get some air."

"Where is this funeral home?" asked Derek.

"Yamamori's," said Nova. "It's around the corner. One of my aunts got buried through there last year when you were in space. C'mon! We can get there on foot!"

They ran to the funeral home, which was a large Western-style establishment with a stone front behind a solemn green awning.

"Reminds me of places in New York City," muttered Mark as they walked in, their footsteps soft on the somber but refined dove-grey carpet in the lobby. Soft organ music played somewhere in the background.

A short, pudgy Japanese man in a dark suit and black tie came out, his eyes widening as he noticed the Wildstars and Ventures. "Thank God you've arrived," he said in a respectful whisper. "I was so busy with…uh…your wake, that I had no time to listen to the news until an hour ago. Then, when I heard about the Argo's arrival, I tried to respectfully get Mister Forrester into my office to tell him the good news and tell him he didn't need to have a funeral any longer."

"What did he say?" asked Derek.

"I think I know what Dad said," said Nova. "Did he tell you to go to Hades?"

"Uh, to put it nicely, yes. I didn't want to make a scene, so I let him return to comforting his wife. I think the man's a bit drunk," he said calmly. "I didn't tell the others. That room is full of crying people…"

"Well, I'll go in there and tell them, then," said Nova.

"No, please let me make the announcement," said Yamamori-san. "It might shock people if you…"

"She already did," said Mark as Nova calmly walked on and began to open the French door that led to her own viewing.

"Nova, would you hold on a minute?" said Derek.

"I've already got the door open," said Nova, who was invisible to the mourners on the other side of the glass in the slumber room thanks to a curtain that was on the inside of the French window. "Let’s go in."

So, Derek and Nova Wildstar calmly walked in on their own wake.

It was a very surreal scene.

There were the usual couches and folding chairs spread around the room; the room was full of mourners, mostly family, along with a few friends of Nova's parents.

In the front of the room, under semi-hidden spotlights, there rested two coffins on biers. Both were sealed. One was black, shining, and looked very expensive; the other one was equally-expensive looking but was pure white.

In front of the black coffin rested a large oil portrait of Captain Derek Wildstar in his Captain's cap and black peacoat. The red lights customary to High-Church style funerals sat at the head and foot of the casket. The casket was decorated with many flowers in different colors, and a white EDF Captain's hat, empty gloves, and an officers' saber rested on the casket.

Mass Cards sat in a stand nearby, exhorting the bearer to pray for the soul of Captain Derek Wildstar. Nice to know I'll be well-remembered in my death, he thought. This is weird. If I saw this at all, shouldn't I be up there some place, floating around?

Derek had his back turned to the mourners; no one had taken notice of his face or Nova's as they had walked in.

Karl Forrester removed a flask of Scotch from inside the jacket of the suit he wore, and he said, "Teri, ya wan' some?"

"No, No, I don't," said Teri Forrester, who was fairly pregnant in a somber tunic and slacks. "The world's ended. Nova's gone! I wish that damned Captain and girl would get away from Wildstar's coffin up there. I can't see our baby's casket," she whispered in a state of hysteria.

Karl just hugged Teri. "It's there. Believe me."

"But I want to see it!"

In the meantime, Nova herself was looking at her own casket. She had pulled out one of her own Mass Cards. The Community Church, to which she and her parents now belonged, after she had been raised Catholic as a child was a more progressive Reformed offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church. It had begun to form in America in the mid 21-st century as a reaction to the scandals, doctrinal intolerance, bigotry, and institutional arthritis that had formed in the American Catholic Church of that day. Condemned by Rome at first as Episcopalianism and Lutheranism had, it later formed a semi-concordant and friendly relationship with Rome sometime during the Gamilon War.

Nova then looked down at her casket. It was white. An oil portrait of herself in her Star Force duty uniform sat in front of the casket. On the casket sat a scarlet ladies' EDF Headquarters beret (the hat that went with her class A uniform) along with an officers' saber and tons of white roses. Many floral sprays were behind the casket, between the lit candles at each end.

It's eerie, looking at your coffin when you happen to be alive! Nova thought. I'd better correct them on this.

Between the two coffins, there was a small lectern for the priests to use to conduct prayers and make announcements. She and Derek both turned at the same moment as the Ventures and Brittany came in.

At that moment, Brittany yelled. "Look up there! My cousin Nova's alive! She's in the room."

"What the…?" muttered one relative.

"Poor taste," muttered another.

Then, someone looked up, saw Nova there, and screamed. "A GHOST!"

"Naaaah, ghosts don't hold hands. It's Captain Wildstar! In the flesh! With Nova!"

"What the hell…?" said Karl. Then, he looked up and said, "I'll…be…damned…" as his eyes met his daughter's

Teri sat open-mouthed in shock as Nova tapped at the microphone. Then, Nova said. "Uhhh…as you might be able to tell now, there's been some kind of awful mistake. Derek and I are actually alive. The Argo just came home this morning."

"That's right," said Derek. "So…uh…since we're actually alive, you can call off the wake."

Teri stood up, with her eyes brimming. She stood shaking as she looked at her daughter and son-in-law, who were accompanied by Mark and Holly Venture and Brittany Forrester a minute later.

"It's true," said Brittany. "I just met them a little while ago."

"Oh, God!" screamed Teri. Then, she collapsed…in a dead faint.

A while later, a shocked Teri Forrester awoke…with her head on her daughter's lap. "Momma?" said Nova in a soft voice.

When Teri looked up at Nova's face, she began to gasp with hysteria again. But, Nova just patted her face with a wet cloth. "Shhh…it's all right."

"Yamamori!" yelled Nova's cousin Jane. "You could've told us this earlier and spared us the shock!"

"I tried to," said the hapless funeral director. "But, Mister Forrester…"

"Okay," said a somewhat inebriated Karl. "There's…uhh…been one heck of a mistake. Earth Defense has a lot to answer for."

"Why'd you come by and make that announcement, Samuel?" yelled Teri. "You're as bad as your mother!"

"I was under orders," sobbed Samuel Josiah. "I didn't like the idea of Nova and Derek being dead any more than you did."

"It's all right," said Nova. "I'm…I'm fine. Derek?"

Derek looked around. "Let’s get this straightened out and get the funeral cancelled. Mr. Forrester, please follow me."

So, Derek and Karl went into Yamamori-san's office and cancelled the funeral. Derek agreed to reimburse Yamamori himself for any expenses he had already incurred, and he and Nova volunteered to buy the empty caskets so they could be donated to a poor family that might need them. In the meantime, outside, a living Nova apologized again to the mourners for the shock and did the best she could to calm everyone and smooth over any hurts.

Finally, Karl and Derek came out of the office. Teri came up, blowing her nose and looking more composed as Nova held her hand. "Karl, we had some food ready at the apartment for everyone. Let's all go there now and hold…well…an un-wake for Nova and Derek."

"Un-wake?" said Karl.

"I think she means the opposite of a wake," said Mark Venture with a smile. "Isn't it more fun to have us all around than to be mourning our deaths?"

"Yes, it sure is," said Karl.

A while later, at the Forrester's apartment, a party was in progress. Teri, naturally, avoided the available alcohol due to her pregnancy, so she enjoyed the various snacks and soft drinks available at the apartment as she and Nova worked barefoot and relaxed together in the kitchen to finish warming up the food that the catering agency had left earlier. Nova had also gotten rid of her jacket and tie to help her mother, and she had untucked her blouse so its tails hung out over her simulated suede skirt as an impromptu apron.

"How is everything?" asked Nova as she popped her head into the living room, where the others were partying over happy classical music on the sound system.

"Great!" laughed Derek. He had a glass in his hand. Nova suspected it did not contain water or soda.

"You look a bit happy!"

"More than a bit!" laughed Derek.

"Yeah!" chuckled Karl as, per Nova's suspicions, he poured Derek and himself another shot.

"You two are gonna get drunk," commented Nova with a wry grin.

"So, it's a wake…or it was," said Karl. "I believe you're supposed to drink a lot at a wake?"

"If I have enough, can I play dead?" laughed Derek.

"Jeez," said Nova. "Good thing I'm abstaining while Mom and I cook."

"Whyzzat, Nova?"

"Someone has to be able to drive you home, Derek," said Nova softly as she tiptoed up to her husband and kissed him, unmindful of the Scotch on his breath.

Nova then screeched as her cousin Jane took a picture of the two of them caught in mid-kiss. "Aww, how cute," said Jane.

"Speaking of cute, I've got these," said Teri as she waltzed out of the kitchen with photographs in her hand.

"What are those, Mrs. Forrester?" asked Holly in an amused voice.

"Not those!" said Nova. "Mom, put them away!" she giggled.

Derek then excused himself. Not wanting to destroy all of his brain cells (as he had a romantic reunion with Nova on his mind for later that evening at home) he got rid of the Scotch in an inconspicuous manner and came back with a cup of coffee. Then, he, Venture, and Samuel shared a quick, dirty guy’s joke in the empty breakfast nook. They were about to share another one when Nova's cousin Brittany overheard them and shooed them all out to their loved ones. When Derek came back out, he was happy and relaxed…but he noticed that Nova's mother was still carrying the pictures.

"Why are you showing those off, Aunt Teri?" asked Samuel.

"Now that my daughter's alive, I can embarrass her again," said Teri with a soft grin. "These were several good boys I had picked out for Nova to consider marrying. There were seven boys…"

"And two of them were brain-dead," said Nova, "One was an idiot, and one tried to feel me up on our first date."

"What did you do with that one?' laughed Derek.

"Kicked him where it would hurt when he didn't get the hint," said Nova with a shy grin while patting her father on the shoulder.

Father and daughter exchanged a quick wink. Then, Karl took a deep breath and commented, "But our daughter found the best catch by herself, didn't she, Mother?"

"Yes," said Teri after a long moment's worth of gazing at Derek. "Even with all the danger she's been through, we're glad she married Derek."

The group applauded as Derek and Nova made rather sweet eyes at each other. Then, Nova whispered something to her husband that he alone heard…and which made him blush. She kissed him on the ear through his mane of hair and ran off into the kitchen.


Planet Earth

Tokyo Megalopolis

Friday, April 23, 2202

0045 Hours: Earth Spacetime

Dinner was good. Finally, after a long, pleasant night, Mark and Holly prepared to leave. Mark whispered lasciviously to Derek what he was gonna do with Holly when he brought her into his house for her very night there with him. Nova overheard and playfully cuffed Mark in the side of the head, and there was laughter as the Ventures left, followed by Samuel. Samuel had told his cousin Nova that he wanted to find a date tonight.

"Good luck," she said. "Just be careful. Remember, not every fish in the sea is a good catch. Don't be too desperate tonight, Sam."

"What are you gonna be up to tonight?"

"None of your business," said Nova with a smile as she tied her tie back on. "Derek, help me with my blazer?"

He did so, and even knelt before a little seat in the Forrester's foyer and put Nova's dress sandals back on her feet in the same manner that a certain Prince had put glass slippers on Cinderella in the old folk tale. Finally, Derek and Nova said goodbye to the guests and went home by themselves. Nova drove their aircar, since Derek still said he felt a little queasy.

At home, Derek carried Nova romantically over the threshold all over again as they entered the house for their first night there alone in almost four months. She laughed like a schoolgirl, and insisted upon being undressed in the foyer. Derek gratefully complied, with articles of Nova's clothing flying everywhere. Then, Nova enjoyed the feeling of being swept up in her husband's arms and taken on a long walk; something not possible on the Argo. Nude in her husband's arms, there wasn't any need for shame now as she watched nature taking its course on her body as her motor started up again. They never noticed the rain outside as they entered their bedroom, with Nova undressing her husband eagerly as she lay in his arms. She was teasing him in an intimate manner before he was even fully undressed. Derek reiterated with Nova, with her nudity making it easier.

Finally, after many long, tender moments, the slipped into bed, and into each other's arms, ignoring the spring thunderstorm outside as they made tender love.

Later on, after a badly needed nap, Derek woke up to find Nova sitting quietly by the window. She had dressed again in the blue blouse that she had retrieved from downstairs.

"Nova, why do you look so sad?"

"Derek, it just hit me…I think we did attend our own funeral today."

"Why do you say that?"

Nova wiped her cheek; she had been crying alone. "It was a funeral, and we have that battle coming up. That battle. Ekogaru and his power…that Fortress. Derek, I'm sorry, but…I'm beginning to lose hope. We've spent all these months fighting, and we're no closer to finishing Ekogaru than we were in January."

"Nova, Aliscea said he's been weakened. Now, all we have to do is strike the death-blow."
"Can we do it, Derek? I'm getting really worried…what if you die in this battle?"

"If I die?"

"Derek… I couldn't live without you! I don’t even want to think about it!"

Illustration: "Blue…" © 2003 by "Aki" Used by Permission.

Then, her doubts just dissolved into broken sobs. Derek got up and held his wife against his bare chest. "Nova…yes…we're going to win. You'll see."

"I really hope so. I've even had thoughts…about…resigning my commission."


"I'm tired, Derek. I killed a relative, I had to make hard decisions on that bridge the night Holly got wounded, and I feel like I've done enough. Maybe I can't do this anymore. I love you, but…I'm just so overwhelmed. Exhausted!"

"Maybe you just need to rest?"

"I hope so," she sobbed. "I don't want to leave you and the others…but…oh…just…please do something?"


"Take me into bed again and keep me warm? I'm cold. I dressed myself in my blouse because I feel like cold…death."

"I'll help you…"

"I hope so…I don't want to think about dying…I want to feel like a baby with her mother tonight…safe, safe with you."

"Nova, I'll keep you warm."

Derek kissed her and led her to bed. He tenderly took her blouse off and held her naked against his chest as they climbed back into bed.

Nova shut her eyes, and, finally, sleep took her as she lay against Derek's chest, just listening to his steady heartbeat.

To be Concluded with Act Five: "Once More, Unto the Breach…"


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