Attack and Counterattack

A Speed Racer Fanfic by "Freddo"

Chapter Nine: "Beneath the Lake"


Reiterating some copyrights and credits....

Speed Racer is (c) 2004 by Speed Racer Enterprises.

Star Blazers is (c) 2004 by Voyager Entertainment.

Doctor Who is (c) 2004 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. I don't own any of these properties, wish I did.

The characters of Olde Codger, the crew of the U.S. Frigate Packard, the Rikashans, R'Khells, Aunt Yvona Josiah, Lord Ekogaru, his weird globe, and Aliscea of Pellias are original characters created by me and are (c) 2004 by F.P. Kopetz/Freddo....please don't use them without my permission, especially the R'Khell/Rikashan/Technomugar/Pellian aliens and their weird some of you are beginning to find out, those aliens have a life of their own in my rather involved AU Star Blazers fan fics.

Thanks, everyone, for your continued encouragement, patience and patronage. Now, on with the show!...Freddo


July 14, 1968

The White House

"All right," said the President in his Texas drawl. "Will someone tell me what in the Sam Hill is happenin' again?"

"Yessir," said the Secretary of Defense. "The crisis began, you might say, when the Soviets called us to complain about a Soyuz mission being shot down in Earth orbit. They think it was a killer satellite of ours or some kind of manned space fighter."

"Bull," said the President. "I damn well know we had none of our Trojan killer-sats in the area right?"

"Right," said the Secretary of Defense. "Then, some racers were attacked around...New Hampshire...I believe, by attack helicopters. We think it was Spetsnaz agents from the Soviet Union."

The President nodded meaningfully. He knew of the reputation of the dreaded Russian Special Forces. They were trained in hand-to-hand combat, special sabotage operations, and infiltration. They were as dangerous as the Green Berets of the U.S.

"I gave the Premier an earful for that one," said the President. "And went Defcon Three; that is, imminent threat of open hostilities between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R."

"Correct, sir. The Soviet Union is also on a higher state of alert. Then, the frigate Packard reported a probable super-sized Soviet nuclear sub under the surface of Lake Ontario. Why they'd want to hit Buffalo and Oswego before New York or Washington, I don't know. But the Navy reports they're ready to engage, sir. And, finally, around that same auto race, Intelligence reports that there are enemy agents of some kind. What is going on, I don't know. They're all under arrest at Plattsburgh Air Force Base, sir."

"What do you intend to do?"

"Ask you for permission to go straight to Defcon One and sign the Declaration of War, Short Form. Then, we can sink that boomer and we can execute all of those agents as enemy spies. We need your authority to do that, sir."

The President sat in silence. "Open declaration of war with the Russkies. Shoot. I don't know if we should take this step...but..."

"We've been attacked...and we think they're about to sign something in the Kremlin themselves."

"All right," said the President. He took the form and began to sign it...

Then...a moment later, there was a commotion outside the Oval Office. A Secret Service agent burst in. "Sir, I was unable to stop him...he just showed up in the White House...or...rather...they did. They just appeared in some kind"

"Who?" asked the President. "Can't you stop a...?"

A mustachioed figure in a British Field marshal's uniform stepped in, waving an ID card. He was followed by a very eccentric-looking character. The man had a long tweed coat, high boots, curly dark hair, a floppy hat, and a strange, long multi-colored scarf.

The British General spoke up, first. "Sir, Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart of United Nations Intelligence Taskforce here. It's urgent that we see you."

"Who in the Sam Hill are you, and who's your Hippie friend?"

"The Doctor," said the impossibly tall man in the tweed coat.

"You don't look like him!"

"Me...I older about to be searched and executed at Plattsburgh Air Force Base," said the Fourth Doctor. "And you're not signing that document to bring about Armageddon for the human race! Especially because the Soviets aren't our current enemy, Mister President!"

"Well, who is?" demanded the Secretary of Defense.

"You're not going to believe this," said the Brigadier. "Doctor, you tell him..."

"Aliens," said the Doctor. "And those people on the ground at Plattsburgh are agents fighting them. Let me tell you what's been going on. It goes somewhat like this..."

"Thanks for being so kind to us," Speed Racer said to Racer X in a very sarcastic tone of voice. Racer X was walking along with a number of Air Force MP's. Racer X, like the MP's, had an M-16 rifle on full automatic pointed at Speed and Trixie.

"I thought you were here to help us," snapped Trixie. "But, no…you're here to arrest us. You're in league with them!"

"Be quiet," snapped one of the MP's. "You have no right to speak."

"What do you mean we have no right?" demanded the Third Doctor. "My heavens, you're acting like a bunch of Nazis." The Doctor looked back a bit at Derek and Nova Wildstar. Two MP's were dragging Derek; he had tried to fight them upon his arrest. Nova had a cut cheek since she had also tried to fight.

"You let me go!" Nova demanded. "I have to help that young man on the stretcher, at the very least."

"You mean Snake?" hissed Speed.

"He's wounded; the Master ran him through with a burst of fire; remember? He might die if he isn't cared for soon!"

"We can take care of him in the infirmary," sneered one of the MP's.

Colonel Viler came up with a smile. "Good. You have the whole bunch of them subdued. Great. Take them to Building 435."

"The stockade?" asked a sergeant.

"No, the ballroom…we're gonna let them sit down and watch Laugh-In," said the Colonel in a very sardonic tone of voice. "Yes, Sergeant, the stockade! Don't you know that they could be enemy…"

General Bombast came up a moment later in a Jeep. He was on a field telephone with someone.

"Sir? What was that? Yessir. I'll have Agent Nine, or the one who says he's Nine, confirm that. Right. Thank you."

Bombast went right over to Racer X. "I need to talk to you, the Japanese-American man in the white outfit, and the British gentleman for a minute. Colonel, order your men to let them go. Guards, keep the rest of these people under close guard for the moment. Take them to the stockade."

"Yessir," said one of the guards. "Come on," he said to Speed, poking his M-16 into his side.

"Show some respect, would you? I'm a professional racer!"

"No, you're under military arrest. Come on!"

Speed looked over towards Racer X, hoping that he, the Doctor, or Wildstar would say something that would release them from their plight, particularly since Nova was still a prisoner of the USAF while her husband was being taken elsewhere.

Can I trust any of them? Speed thought. I always thought I could trust Racer X, at least. I thought he was on our side. Looks like he wasn't…not this time.

An hour later, Speed, Trixie, Spritle, Chim-Chim, Sparky, Pops, Nova, and Snake Oiler all found themselves sitting in a bleak, dirty, smelly military holding cell under guard. Speed was embarrassed when he found that the restroom facilities consisted of a commode and a sink; out in the open. The guards hadn't even segregated the group by gender; and they had been in the cell for over ninety minutes already, just waiting.

Snake had been examined by some Air Force medics; he had been bandaged up and tossed in here. He was shirtless, and his bandage was stained with blood. Now and then, he moaned if he moved a certain way. Speed was beginning to feel sorry for his enemy. "Snake, how come they didn't put you in the infirmary?"

"They said it wasn't that bad," groaned Snake. "That's a load of crap. My guts feel as if they're on fire."

"I know," said Nova softly. "That's why I'm giving you this backrub. Wish I could do more for you."

"Why are you bein' so nice to me?"

"Where I come from, I'm a nurse as well as a military officer. I can be compassionate as well as tough."

"Where are you from?" asked Trixie. "And what about your...uh…boyfriend?"

"Husband?" said Nova brightly. "They're just asking Derek a lot of questions, along with Racer X and our friend from Britain. They'll be all right. They'll get all of this straightened out."

He's not from Britain…that old man…you're lying, thought Trixie. That old man's an alien. At least…he said he was. "Why are you so confident?" asked Trixie. "Aren't you afraid that Racer X will betray us?"


"And your husband?"

"No," said Nova in an even more firm tone of voice.

"What makes you so sure?" asked Pops. He sat with his head bowed; Speed felt nauseated in seeing even his father looking defeated.

"I've got a story to tell you," said Nova. "I think we have time, and there's a thick door between us and those guards. Snake, can I take you into our confidence?"

"What's in it for me, girlie?" said Snake.

"You're as arrogant as ever!" said Speed. "Especially to someone who's trying to save your miserable life?"

"Shut up!" snapped Snake. "Nova, what the hell's in this for me?"

"If you're in with us, I can keep them from arresting you. I'll just have to talk to Derek and the old man about it; I know them the best. You'll get amnesty only if you promise me on your mother's grave you'll cooperate."

Snake sneered for a minute, and then he gasped again; the wound was hurting him. If I switch sides…for now, blondie here might be able to get me into a hospital. After I get patched up right, then I can get you and the old man. "Okay," said Snake. "I'm in."

"Truce?" demanded Speed with his hand out.

"Speed, don't do it!" said Pops. "He's one of the worst operators in the world of racing!"

"Pops, I tried to save his life once, remember? We're not rivals now since we're not racing! Okay, Snake…Truce?"

Snake Oiler took his hand and shook it. "Truce. I'm in with you people. Now, what's your story, blondie?"

Nova shook her head. I hope I can trust all these people. Then, she bit her lip and said, "The Doctor…he's not from this Earth. He's…an alien…from outer space. And so are the evil men in Team Rouge. And…I'm not from here, either."

"You mean you're an alien, too?" said Spritle. "Wow!"

"Not quite; I was born in Boulder, Colorado. Or, rather, I haven't been born yet."

"What?" said Sparky, who was thoroughly confused.

Trixie made the connection first. "You're from our future?"

Nova nodded. "I was born…or, will be born, in the year 2178. I'm a military officer from your twenty-third century, the 2200's. Derek and I serve on a space battleship known as the Argo than can travel faster than light…and, with some effort, through time as well."

"How do you know that?" said Sparky.

"Because I know," said Nova. "We first learned our ship had the capability to travel through time when we did our very first space warp back in 2199, and during the warp, we saw glimpses of cavemen in Earth's past as we drifted through the space-time continuum. Our ship was built to make a long journey to another galaxy to gain a device Earth needed to restore her environment from an alien invasion. Later, we fought wars with other enemies. In one of those wars, the war with the Rikashans and R'Khells, our ship was forced into an interphase between dimensions in a battle, and we found ourselves in the past and first met the Doctor; or one of his later forms. Later, in our time, we received a request for aid from the Doctor, who helped us warp back into the past from our time in the year 2204. Karnaz of Team Rouge was our enemy then, and, like the Doctor said, he's found a way to come back into time to try to destroy Earth's past and gain the globe."

"What is that thing?" asked Speed.

"An alien artifact created by Lord Ekogaru, one of our worst enemies. He and my sick Aunt Yvona made an alliance with the Rikashans and R'Khells to invade Earth and use a racist and anti-alien cult Yvona had established as a fifth column, pawns in his warped scheme. Ekogaru was a cyborg machine being who was also a sorcerer in league with dark spiritual powers. He convinced Yvona and the others to worship him as a god. He made that globe and filled it with his power…and now, the Master has it. We have to get out of here! I don't know what we're going to do!"

And, at that, Nova began to sob. Trixie looked at her with compassion in her blue eyes and she went over to comfort the mentally exhausted young warrior.

"You believe her?" snorted Snake. "See? Looks like she's nuts. There's no such thing as little green men from outer space."

"How dare you talk like that about your only friend in this group?" snapped Trixie.

Nova dried her eyes. "No, Snake. The first race we fought was tall and blue. The second race was green, and the third ones were orange. And none of these beings are little, with antennas on their head or propellers like Quisp on the cereal box. They look like us!"

"Really," sneered Snake. "Show me an alien…c'mon, show me one…"

Then, the door to the holding cell opened, and in strode the Doctor. "Will I do, Snake?"

"How…how'd you hear me through that…?"

"Gallifreyan hearing," said the Third Doctor with a smile. He stood aside to let Derek Wildstar and Racer X enter the cell. Nova immediately abandoned Snake for the moment and ran into her husband's arms.

"It's okay," he said as she sobbed. "UNIT's gotten in touch with Washington. We're being released."

"Huh?" said Speed.

"That's right," said Racer X. "All of you are free to go, except for Snake."

Then, to Speed's surprise, Inspector Detector came in, accompanied by General Bombast and Olde Codger.

Codger spoke first. "The race is still cancelled, and all of you are free to go home. However, Inspector Detector has an appeal to make of all of you."

Detector than spoke. "I've spoken to the authorities in Washington. For the sake of national security, we’re trying to defuse this crisis with the Soviet Union. Karnaz and his men will be held here under arrest, and the Car Acrobatic Team is being held for questioning. You're free to leave, but the Doctor has requested that Speed, Trixie, Spritle and Chim-Chim accompany himself, Jo Grant, Racer X and the Wildstars to Central America to finish a certain matter with an artifact. The Trans-America Race may have been cancelled, but the Mach Five will race again…in a race against time."

"But the Master has it!" cried Nova. "How can we…?"

The Doctor put a finger to his lips. "Things are not always as they appear."

"But why do Spite and Chim-Chim have to come with them?" asked Pops. "For heaven's sake, Inspector, they're only children."

"I cannot say why they must come, but trust me when I say they must accompany us," said the Doctor.

"By way of apology, I have a dinner laid out for you in my office," said General Bombast. "May we retire there to speak before you set off?"

"Great idea," said Spritle. "Chim-Chim and me are hungry!"

The General's office on the base had two parts; an conference room and an inner office. The conference room looked like a wooden-paneled library, filled with bookshelves, a screen and an overhead projector, assorted military crests and citations on the walls, and a huge conference table. The table was covered with a white cloth, and a small banquet had been laid out for the group. Nova, Trixie and some of the others were also able to tend to their personal needs in privacy in large adjoining washrooms obviously intended for the top officers of the base. It was quite a change from being prisoners in a dirty holding cell.

Sprite was enjoying all of the food. "This is yummy!"

"I like the wine rather better," said the Doctor.

Racer X sat beside Speed in silence. "Why are you so quiet, Speed?" he asked.

"I called you some terrible names before, and I'm sorry," said Speed. "I should've realized that your 'betrayal' was only a trick. Heck, you've even held a gun on us before."

"I know," said Racer X. "I don't feel too good about that, and I'm sorry I had to deceive you and the others, as well. They threatened to arrest me unless I cooperated, so I decided to 'cooperate' to be a free agent. I thought you'd need the help."

"That makes sense," said Derek Wildstar. Guards were posted outside the General's suite, and, to everyone's amazement, once they had arrived in the suite, an orderly in a black suit had helped Wildstar into an elaborate uniform jacket that resembled a naval officer's long black coat with a high red collar, gold braid, and gold epaulets; Wildstar also wore a long scarf that he had tucked into his coat, and a black and white dress cap resembling a naval captain's hat sat on the table in front of him.

Sparky looked at Wildstar's cap. "What's with the getup?"

"Where they come from, he's a Commodore," said General Bombast. "Given that I'm in uniform, I'm not gonna let a friendly officer of flag rank sit there in just his shirt. It'd be an insult."

"So you believe he's some kinda big-wig?" sneered Snake Oiler. He had been allowed to accompany them after Nova and some doctors had examined him in the base infirmary. His strange wound was healing; no one knew why. Inspector Detector had granted Nova's request that he be held in protective custody with them rather than be held in the stockade with the rest of the Acrobatic Team. Nova and Derek seemed to have an understanding that Snake was to come with them somewhere to be examined.

An officer came in, saluted General Bombast, and said, "Sir, here's the report you requested from the skipper of the Packard."

Bombast looked at the report and just nodded. "Did Washington call him off?"

"Yes, sir, they did…at the request of the Doctor."

"I didn't make any such request," snorted the Doctor.

"Then, who did?" asked Jo Grant. "Not another one of your selves…?"

"Huh?" said Trixie. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what's going on…"

A phone rang. Another orderly, a Lieutenant, picked up on the first ring. "Yes? From the Oval Office? You need the Doctor?"

"I know who it is; put him on speaker-phone," said the Third Doctor. The orderly punched a button on the large phone and a cheery voice came out. "Pardon me, old friend, would you like a jelly-baby?"

"You should know I detested those things," snorted the Doctor. "You know me very well. Although, the one time we met, in the Panopticon…"

"Your clothes…too garish," said the Doctor; the Fourth Doctor, to be exact. To the consternation of the President of the United States, the Fourth Doctor was sitting in his chair, behind his desk, with his feet up on the walnut desk and his floppy hat pulled halfway down over his eyes. "I tried wearing them, but they made me look like a pansy!"

"Better than the way you look, in that scarf," huffed the Third Doctor.

"Come on, now…Madame Nostradamus knitted that for us. The 1500's. Venice. Did you forget?"

"The Cybermen in the canals…I remember that. Damn near lost my recorder in those canals. I threw that scarf in the back of the TARDIS when I came to myself after they made me regenerate."

"And after I regenerated, I gave your things to Goodwill!"

"Balderdash!" snorted the Third Doctor.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Speed.

"Myself," said the Third Doctor. Speed looked at him as if he was mad, and then the Doctor said, "The race that I…we…come from…we can change our form and personality and regenerate when threatened with death. That eccentric fellow is me, at a later time. We're not supposed to be able to run into each other, but, now and then, the Time Lords allow it. Although I wish I would have run into Number Seven, and not you!" snorted the Third Doctor.

"We both detested Number Six," said the Fourth Doctor.

"One of the few things we agreed upon," sighed the Third Doctor. "He is an arrogant git. All right, what do you want?"

"I was able to defuse World War Three, and this is the thanks I get from myself?" snapped the Fourth Doctor.

"Sorry," said the Third. "But, the butt is just smoldering, and not out. We still have to get that thing to El Tigre before he finds out I gave him a ringer."

"Before he finds out we gave him a ringer, that is," said the Fourth Doctor. "When you sent that thing about, who do you think got it?"

"They used you."

"They used us," snorted the Fourth Doctor. "Once again, we're pawns of the Time Lords."

"Unfortunately," said the Third Doctor.

"Tell your friend Wildstar I called the dogs off the Argo. They can use his ship as a sort of home base. Can you take them there via TARDIS?"

"Not quite, unfortunately."

"Why not?"

"I looked at my TARDIS before," said the Third Doctor. "I think the Master's been inside and has wrecked my dematerialization circuits. It can't go anywhere for the moment."

"I think I can help you," said the Fourth Doctor.

"Good," said the Third. He ended the call and said, "The rest of you will have to make your way to the Argo by the best means possible."

"Where is she?" said Speed.

"Beneath Lake Ontario," said Commodore Wildstar. "I understand the Mach Five can travel underwater like our car?"

"Yes, it can," said Speed. "Although I don't know how much room we'll have for Spritle and Chim-Chim…"

"Spritle can come with us," said Nova. "Chim-Chim can come with you. It's important you take him."

"I can drive the Doctor's car there and bring Snake to the Argo for treatment," said Jo Grant.

"Looks like we have a plan," said Speed.

"There's one last thing," said the Third Doctor. "Speed, Trixie, come here."

He placed his hands on their foreheads. "What are you doing?" asked Speed.

"It's simple. It's a procedure that will make you immune to the globe's call for a few hours."

"But, it won't be with us," said Speed.

"That's what you'll think…"


It was evening. The Mach Five was racing along a road near Oswego. Wildstar's car was in the lead, and the Doctor's car trailed the Mach Five.

Speed was driving the Mach Five; Trixie sat beside him, holding Chim-Chim. She had felt Chim-Chim's coveralls and felt a thrill of recognition when she felt a hard, round object in the monkey's inner pocket. "Speed, look!"


Trixie smiled, and she pulled the globe out of Chim-Chim's coverall as he chattered. "So, the Master didn't get it!"

"Trixie, don't hold it for long!"

Trixie only laughed. "Speed, remember what the Doctor did to us? It's just a crystal ball…for now, anyway."

"Hard to believe such a small thing could cause so much trouble," said Speed as he glanced at the globe in the near-dark; the closed cockpit was illuminated only by the Mach Five's dashboard lights. "They're turning right here….looks like we're on sand…activate grip tires…"

Speed hit the proper button on the Mach Five's steering wheel hub, and the tires activated.

"Now, the underwater systems…"

Trixie felt the whisper of oxygen filling the cockpit from the tanks as the regular air conditioning system shut down.

"Now, there's the edge of shore…off we go!"

Speed then hit button "A" on the Mach Five's steering wheel, and the auto-jacks activated. The sleek white race car flew off shore and landed in the waters of Lake Ontario. Soon, the race car was running on the bottom of the lake, following Derek Wildstar's car off into the darkness.

"Where are we going?" said Trixie.

"Wildstar said the Argo would be under the lake…maybe fifteen minutes away. I wonder what she looks like?"

"I don't know; he never said what his ship looked like." Trixie took the precious globe and set it back in Chim-Chim's coverall. She looked in the rear view mirror; the Doctor's car was behind them, carrying Jo Grant and Snake Oiler. "All I see in the distance there is some old wrecked ship on the bottom of the lake…"

"It looks pathetic…like someone forgot about it," said Speed as he looked at the darkened outline of the looming shipwreck. It had a long foredeck, a high bridge tower, and a single smokestack that raked back at a surprisingly rakish angle. Speed thought that this old ship, whatever it was, must have been sleek and beautiful once.

Then, Speed and Trixie's eyes went wide as lights began to come on all over the "derelict". Portholes appeared as covers slid open. Navigation lights came on, and a powerful searchlight came on near the keel of the huge ship, which was slowly rising off the lake bed on its own power.

The Mach Five's radio crackled to life. "Speed. This is Wildstar. Are you there? Over."

"I'm here. Over."

"Follow my lead. We're about to dock on the Argo. Once we're there, follow our orders exactly. We're about to enter my world."

"Which is?" asked Trixie.

"A little bit of the year 2204," said Nova. "Once we're there, we'll be able to make plans for your trip to El Tigre. Over and out."

"Well?" said Jo Grant in their car. Snake had been given some drugs, and he was rather groggy.

"Where are we?"

"The Argo, underneath Lake Ontario. Go to sleep…you'll be able to get some help there."

"Gotcha," mumbled Snake. He thought, I wish I could call my father now. He's surely got some plan to escape from that base and get the Doctor. But what the hell is it? Gotta play cool for a while. Then, I'll strike.

What will happen next?

Has Karnaz been defeated?

Will the Car Acrobatic Team break out of prison on the Air Force base?

Will the Doctor help Speed to reach El Tigre with the globe?

What can the Star Force do to help?

Will the R'Khell fleet stand by and do nothing?

And, can Snake Oiler be trusted?

Stay tuned for Chapter Ten: "A Snake in the Grass"


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