Attack and Counterattack

A Speed Racer Fanfic by "Freddo"

Chapter Eight: "Lake Ontario"


Reiterating some copyrights and credits....

Speed Racer is (c) 2004 by Speed Racer Enterprises.

Star Blazers is (c) 2004 by Voyager Entertainment.

Doctor Who is (c) 2004 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. I don't own any of these properties, wish I did.

The characters of Olde Codger, the crew of the U.S. Frigate Packard, the Rikashans, R'Khells, Aunt Yvona Josiah, Lord Ekogaru, his weird globe, and Aliscea of Pellias are original characters created by me and are (c) 2004 by F.P. Kopetz/Freddo....please don't use them without my permission, especially the R'Khell/Rikashan/Technomugar/Pellian aliens and their weird some of you are beginning to find out, those aliens have a life of their own in my rather involved


July 14, 1968

Plattsburgh Air Force Base

At the moment, the Doctor sat in deep thought and meditation near the tent where the IRC was still interviewing other drivers.

He was in mental contact with a young woman aboard the space battleship Argo; a young alien woman known as Aliscea of Pellias.

Aliscea looked somewhat like Nova, save that her hair went down to her waist in a long mane, and she usually wore a black dress with sandals, the marks of her position within her race. She was one of those who had helped defeat Ekogaru back in the 23rd Century, and her psychic powers were quite formidable.

"So," said Aliscea through their mental link. "Doctor, are we agreed in taking a new course regarding the sphere?"

"Your plan is dangerous, Aliscea."

"Yes, but..."

"Where would you then have us hide it?"

"I am not sure, yet. Just trust me on this one," thought Aliscea with a smile.

"I was afraid you'd say that," replied the Doctor. "Compared to some of the other mysterious, powerful women the Star Force has known before, you are one of the oddest."

Aliscea smiled and then stuck out her tongue at the Doctor from her hiding place aboard the Argo. "I know. But if you are going to get to Speed, you must act soon. You are being watched...and his madness grows worse..."

The Doctor stood in thought for a moment. "Aliscea," he sent. "I have been struck with a sudden inspiration. Listen to me...this is important...I need several three-by-five cards, for a start....can you phase them to me?"

"Cards? Why?"

"You will soon understand," said the Doctor with a smile. "I did this my last incarnation..."


Near the IRC tent, Speed was arguing with Pops.

"Son, you haven't been yourself the past few days. Everyone has noticed! What is wrong with you?"

"It's...none of your business," said Speed as he grew anxious. He brushed the sphere with his fingertips in his pocket. There, he thought. That is making me feel...much...much...better...

"Speed, have you been using some kind of drug?"

"No, Pops, I haven't!"

"Then why are you acting crazy? Do you need professional help?"

"No...I don't! And I don't need you meddling in my life, either!"

"What...?" snapped Pops. "Speed, I'm gonna take you out of this race. This has gone far enough! And you've never talked to me like that before!"

"First time for everything," sneered Speed.

"You show me some respect, young man!" yelled Pops. "Or, I swear...I'll..."

"You'll what?" Speed began to ball up his fists.


"Well?" said Sandor aboard the Argo.

"I've confirmed it," said Homer. "The Packard is calling for reinforcements. The ECM's aren't working right. They're gonna find us!"

"What sort?" asked Kitano, the Argo's current helmsman.

"Five more frigates and antisubmarine aircraft."

Eager spoke up from his tactical radar station. "I estimate they'll be on us in an hour. If they don't stop this, we're gonna have to scramble the Black Tigers!"

"And reveal ourselves openly," sighed Sandor. "Domon, what do you think?"

Ryusuke Domon, the ship's young Combat Group Leader, sat in silence for a moment. "If Wildstar were here..."

"He's not. The decision is on us," said Sandor. "What do you think?"

"Let's get Hardy ready," sighed Domon. "Tigers, Alert-Five."

"I agree with you," said Sandor. "Hardy, ready the Black Tigers. We may soon have to defend the ship from enemy planes..."

"That means that we're gonna have to...."

"I know," said Sandor. "The space battleship Argo may soon have to surface to launch planes. Surface in the twentieth century and reveal Earth's future."

"That's bad," said Yamazaki, the ship's new engineer after Orion's death.

"I know," said Sandor. "But, what choice do we have?"


Back at Plattsburgh, in the meantime, Trixie ran up, followed by the Doctor, Wildstar, and Nova. "Speed, you don't know what you're doing!" she said. "I just met some friends from Team Omega. They want to help you."

"Help me with what?" said Speed. "Are they taking my precious away from me? If so, they can't..."

The Doctor came up to Speed and put a friendly arm around his shoulders. "I mean this...we can make you feel better."

At that, Snake Oiler and Cyanide Poison showed up. "Judges, get this old guy disqualified, along with that couple!"

"Why?" asked one of the judges as he came from the tent.

"Can't ya see?" said Snake with a smile. "He's makin' Racer sick. The kid needs to go to a hospital because he's going batty."

"I am not!" snapped Speed as he turned his raging eyes upon Snake. "And you're not getting it, either!"

"Really," said a bearded figure in black as he smiled at the judge. "I think you need to return to your deliberations with Codger," said the figure as he stared into the judge's eyes. "After all, the news media are clamoring for news of this race. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, I think I do." At that, the judge went back into the tent, ignoring Pops' indignant demands that he come back and straighten this out.

"What do you want?" snapped the Doctor in the meantime as the group walked some distance behind the tent. He faced the Master, his mortal enemy, and one-time friend...

"Doctor, I think you have interfered with this matter quite enough. Besides, you should know that you're not getting It, either."

"Not getting what?" asked Snake. The opportunity was too great to resist. "Not getting yer girlfriend?" sneered the Car Acrobatic Team member, who was beginning to feel a certain lust himself. Something on Speed's person seemed to be calling to him as the group all walked behind a 2 and a half-ton Air Force truck. Strange thoughts ran through his head.

Snake... "thought" the globe as a little of it glittered at the edge of Speed's pocket while the Master smiled. Racer has stolen me. He has no idea of my power. Take me, and you will be the greatest professional racer of all time. You can use me. These others are too weak. They are all...chickens!

Yeah...I can't let ya stay with the chickens!! thought Snake.

"Hey," whispered Cyanide. "Snake, we got our orders! We gotta keep our cool, and get the old guy when he doesn't notice...and get him disqualified..."

"Orders aren't important!" yelled Snake. "The imperative of getting Speed is!"

And, at that, before anyone could do anything about it, Snake struck at Speed. But he wasn't so much interested in Speed Racer as in what he bore.

Snake's onslaught knocked Speed into the dirt by the IRC tent. A dazed Speed barely knew what was happening to him for a moment, but then, a crazed light came into his eyes. To the yells and encouragement of Pops, Sparky and Spritle, Speed pistoned out his legs and knocked Snake off him. Then, Speed came at Snake with both fists up.

Snake soon had his own fists up. He faked a punch, but then, he threw a kick at Speed's crotch. Speed ducked by about an inch.

"Oh, you're gonna go below the belt, aren't you?" snapped Speed.

"Wish I could kick them down your damned throat, Racer!" bellowed Snake as he came at Speed again. This time, Snake got him. Both men landed on the ground, punching and grunting as they tried as hard as they could to murder each other.

The Doctor prepared to jump in, but Derek Wildstar threw himself into the fight, next. However, before the long-haired Captain of the Argo could get at Snake, Cyanide Poison jumped out from behind some oil drums and caught Derek in a chokehold.

"NO!" cried Trixie as she watched Speed being beaten up on one side, and watched his would-be rescuer having his head beaten against an oil drum on the other side. Then, Trixie screamed even more loudly as she saw Snake reaching into his pocket...and pulling out a switchblade.

Trixie was about to jump into the fight herself to help defend Speed when a lightning-quick karate chop hit her in the back of the neck. She fell stunned to the ground for a moment, and didn't see anything more in her daze.

In the meantime, Wildstar was fighting like a mad thing with Cyanide. Cyanide played dirty. After breaking free from a wrestling hold that Wildstar had put him in, the other Car Acrobat reached into his racing suit and also produced a knife. "I'm gonna cut your guts out, kid!"

"Wanna bet?" snapped Wildstar. Not far away, there was a loud feminine gasp of dismay. A young voice yelled, "DEREK!" Then, some mud flew out of nowhere into Cyanide's face. "What the...?"


On the Argo, Eager scanned his radar. "They're gettin' closer! Even with the ECM's up, they're gonna find us! Sooner, if not later..."

"Hardy?" said Sandor over the intership communicator to the main fighter bay.


"Prepare to take off at my command. Eager, watch that radar. Kitano, at my signal...blow main tanks, and prepare to surface."

"Sir?" asked Kitano.

"You heard me. In a few minutes...we may soon have to fight..."



Back in Plattsburgh...a lithe form in yellow threw herself into the fight, kicking the knife out of Cyanide's hand. Then, before either Cyanide or Derek could react, Nova Wildstar was in the middle of the fight, flipping Cyanide onto his back. Then, she glanced at Derek, who nodded back and gave Cyanide a hard right. The Car Acrobatic Team member was soon out cold.

"What now?" cried Nova.

"The globe," said Derek. "That other Acrobat is after it. We've gotta make sure he doesn't get it."

"Aye, aye, sir," said Nova with a grin.

Not far away, as Trixie's head cleared, Speed and Snake were still going at it, man-to-man, with their fists. Luckily, Speed had disarmed Snake and had broken his knife into the ground. He knew he could get Snake disqualified on that alone, since racers weren't supposed to carry lethal weapons into races.. Trixie stood, cleared her head, and prepared to wade in to help save Speed. Not far away, it looked as if Pops and Sparky had come to the same conclusion, and a few feet away from them, near the IRC tent, the Wildstars were also preparing to render aid.

Then, disaster hit. As Snake punched Speed while they lay on the ground, the globe rolled out of Speed's pocket. It lay there glittering malevolently for a second, ignored by the two young men who were trying to bash each other's brains out.

Snake noticed a moment later. "Hahahaha! You don't have it! There it is!" he went for the globe.

But, a maddened Speed Racer threw himself at Snake's arm. Something in Snake's wrist snapped when Speed landed on it, and dust rose around the crazed men as they kicked and grappled for the globe. Speed had it. Then, Snake had it. Then, again, Speed.

The globe rolled away from both men. Trixie, seeing her chance, did one of the most foolish but courageous things she had ever done in her life.

Hoping to save Speed from its effects, she threw herself at the globe. It brushed her fingers.

As soon as she touched it, a weird, bizarre sense of well-being ran through her entire body. I've got it! she thought. It doesn't matter now. I can save Speed from it by taking it myself. All I have to do is keep either of them from getting it, and...and what? I can change the world, yes, that's what I can do! I can....Trixie, what are you thinking! Oh, no, this thing's beginning to make me crazy like poor Speed! Poor Speed! No wonder it's driving him out of his mind!

Trixie had her hand around the globe. Suddenly, someone else knocked it out of her hand.

"I can't let you have that!" cried Nova. "It's too dangerous!"

"It's MINE!" snarled Trixie. Not far away, Sparky noticed the sudden change in her personality.

"Trixie!" he yelled, wondering why Speed was so distracted in his fight with Snake. "Are you all right?"

"I'm going to make it!" snapped Trixie as she knelt with the globe in her hands. Speed and Snake stopped their fight just in time to notice Trixie had it.

"I'm gettin that!" yelled Snake.

"No you're not!" hissed Trixie.

"Racer, looks like I'm gonna have to mess up your girl," said Snake in a snide voice.

The part of Trixie that was still lucid cheered inwardly as Speed faced the threat of Snake by wading in under Snake's grabbing arms and butting him angrily into the ground. Looking with love and concern at Trixie, Speed began to throw punches. Snake's visored helmet came off, and a sneering, but once handsome scarred face was revealed...a face that soon had a blood nose as Speed went at him, wanting to break bones, wanting to hurt, letting all of his suppressed concern and fear for Trixie out on Snake's mug.

"Speed, you'll kill him!" said Sparky as he ran up. "Speed!"

"Yeah, I might do that. But he just got me so damn mad...Trixie! Are you all right?" cried Speed.

"I'm...fine...never...been...better..." said Trixie in dragging tones. Her green eyes were dull, and she was drooling slightly. "Speed, this can give we've ever wanted! Everything! It can make you world champion! It can make me world champion!"

"Trixie," said Nova in strained, but even tones as she squatted down with her fists clenched. "You know what it's doing to you. Give that to me for a moment, and then I think I'd better give it to the Doctor. It's too dangerous for mere humans to trifle with."

"Then why do you want it...blondie?" snapped Trixie. "You want want power, and it's telling me you want Speed, too. You want to jump my boyfriend and take him, don't you?"

"I don't want Speed, and I don't want that Thing, either. I've met its maker, and he was as vile and twisted as his handiwork. He wanted to destroy God's creation and create his own sick universe in its place where I come from, and he nearly succeeded, too! Don't become like him, please!...For your own sake, hand it over..."

"Nova!" said Derek. "Don't touch it. It'll .make you like that in a moment."

"I can fight it, Derek...for maybe a minute. I can take...."

Trixie's eyes narrowed and she abruptly planted one of her loafers in Nova's stomach.

Nova staggered, but then she threw herself at Trixie and the globe. Her hands touched it at the same time that Trixie touched it...and, both women just stared at each other, with their teeth bared. Trixie growled like an animal who wanted to bite Nova's nose off while Nova struggled hard against the impulse to do the same thing. Trixie was a little smaller than Nova, but Nova had a finer build, but both young women were remarkably strong and knew how to fight. Both antagonists, they knew, could do serious damage to each other.

But, their battle wasn't entirely physical. The cries and yells of those around them faded away as Nova and Trixie seemed to disappear in their minds into a shared dream state of some kind.


What Trixie experienced was suddenly finding herself in a vast, semi-darkened room that looked like some sort of industrial space in a factory. The room was illuminated by spotlights that shone down on a vast shiny grey metallic device that looked like a cross between a complex machine and a beautiful, strange sculpture.

What is that thing? Trixie thought.

The Cosmo-DNA, replied a voice that seemed to come from the globe that Trixie held. It can destroy the world, and it's Nova's toy. She consorted with evil aliens to get that horrible device. It can destroy the environment of Earth in a moment, a mere moment. I'm the only thing that can stop her. You have to use me to kill her.

A door opened, and Nova ran in, clad in a white nurses' minidress and tight white boots. "Trixie! We have to turn on the Cosmo-DNA! Before it's too late! Give me the globe!"

"Not you," hissed Trixie. "You want to destroy Earth with that...thing...don't you?"

"I'm not sure what it's doing here...this machine is safely in storage where I come from. We used it to reverse the effects of a nuclear war and save Earth! I have the idea that if you give me the globe, I can use the machine...or its image...I don't know stop it."

"Why'd you bring me here, damn you?"

"Trixie, I didn't do this. The globe did. This is some weird virtual reality it made in our minds to mock us, I think. Its maker loved to create lies and deceits and half-truths and temptations like this, and, the globe shares its dead maker's powers. If I use this virtual machine, I think, I can save you from it for a minute...I..."

"Have a taste of my reality!" laughed Trixie as held up the globe. "Nova, bon voyage!"


Nova found herself in the cockpit of a careening race car that she couldn't control, in spite of her best efforts. She looked down the hood of the bore the number "X3". It was going very fast, and the wind was cold. Nova's clothing had "jumped" to the blue-white gown she had worn in her coma in real life in her time after she had turned on the Cosmo-DNA, saved the Star Force from a radioactive gas attack caused by the Gamilons...and had nearly lost her life in the attempt. She turned the steering wheel. No response. She slammed her cold, bare foot down on the brake...and felt as if she was stepping on a bathroom sponge. No response. She worked the emergency brake, and it broke off in her hand. Frantic, Nova banged the dashboard and cursed.

"How do you like the Mélange?" smiled Trixie in the infield of the racetrack over a radio in the car. Nova realized Trixie was controlling the sick race car with a remote-control rig as she caressed the globe. "Flash Marker liked it, but I like her better. Nice way to finish you off and get you out of my hair and Speed's forever!"

"Give me some control over this car and I'll teach you a thing or two!" yelled Nova. "I'm not a professional racer, but I can learn pretty darn fast!"

"I'm sorry, Nova," purred Trixie as her voice began to change to one that chilled Nova's bones to the marrow. It sounded vaguely British, refined, and mocking. Trixie wondered to herself why she was imitating Boris Karloff, but, she guessed the Globe had its reasons. "As an old friend said before, the only battle that counts is the last one."

"How do you know what Desslok sounds like?" roared Nova in range.

"She doesn't, but I do," said the globe...through Trixie. "And in my world, your blue friend never repented after you turned that gun on him and cried your eyes out over Wildstar. In my world, Nova, the old Desslok still lives. And as long as I live and fight, than my Planet Gamilon lives. The planet you helped destroy."

"But we had to stop you, Desslok, or Trixie, or Thing, or whatever or whoever you are, you damn well know that! And you're not fit to mention Desslok's name! He became an honorable man who helped us!"

"I have no honor. Prepare to die, or go mad, or have an aneurysm. Don't you think I can do it?"


Trixie, now totally mad, and Nova, gone halfway there herself, realized they were pulling and grabbing at the globe together like toddlers playing tug-of-war over a toy. Together, in the middle of a circle of friends and foes, they rolled together in the dirt towards a gap in the circle.

A man in elegant black was waiting. His bearded face was filled with mirth and delight as, not far away behind the Master, the Doctor stood with his hands around something that looked like a house of cards he had constructed.

Now, my friend, thought the Doctor. While you're consumed with your own lusts, I have a little stratagem of my own to bring an end to this...for the moment. Then, I think I can heal Speed and the others harmed by this device...for a time.

While Trixie and Nova grappled over the globe, it called to Speed Racer again. You know something, it sent to him. You could save Trixie and your friend by just taking the burden back upon yourself? Then we can get back down to business, you and I? Yes?

"Yes, I could," said Speed.

"Speed, what's wrong with you?" said Sparky. "Who are you talking to? And where's Racer X?"

"Speedy, what's wrong with you and the girls?" asked Spritle in concern while Chim-Chim yelped. Not far away, some MP's ran up, yelling something that no one could hear over the noise.

"Nothing at all...." said the Master as the globe pulsed, glowed, and momentarily seemed to fade out. Then, it glowed and faded, just in time for the Master to snatch it out of Nova and Trixie's grappling hands. "You won't be needing this any more! friend...I won't be needing YOU!" said the Master as he turned, with the globe in his hand, towards Snake Oiler. The globe is more convenient than my tissue compression eliminator at the moment, thought the Master. Although, granted, it would be amusing for me to hand Captain Terror the dried-out shrunken-doll sized husk of his son after I used the compression eliminator on him. Nothing like Time Lord science to teach the stupid Earthlings a lesson or two.

A fire shot forth from the globe and went through Snake. He screamed and writhed on the ground. Then, while everyone was distracted, the Master reached down to Nova and Trixie and took the globe.

Not far away, the Doctor smiled to himself, as at some private joke. It won't look good if I don't stop him right away, he mused, but I needed even him distracted for this to work. He opened his little "house of cards" and smiled as he looked at what he had just taken from the Master by subterfuge. Too rapped in his schemes to observe me using a little slight of hand and Venusian Aikido. Then, unnoticed in the sudden murmur of the crowd, the Doctor whistled to Chim-Chim.

"There, that's a good fellow," said the Doctor as the chimp ran up. "Good thing I learned you have a pocket on the inside of your coveralls where you keep your bananas and dainties."

The Doctor picked up Chim-Chim and smiled at him. The chimp immediately sensed that the tall, white-haired, kindly old man could be trusted. "I need you to do me a favor," said the Doctor as he gently opened Chim-Chim's coverall. "I need you, my keep something safe for me...can you do it?"

Chim-Chim chattered happily and bared his teeth.

"Wonderful," whispered the Doctor. He opened the house of cards, and, as deftly as Houdini working a lock, the contents of the house of cards were hidden in Chim-Chim's pocket. "Luckily, you have no base nature or delusions of grandeur to be tempted with. That's why you're going to share a secret for me. Tell NO ONE you have this, not even Spritle. Understood?"

Chim-Chim nodded frantically while the Doctor closed his clothing up. "Good fellow. I wonder why I never thought of this before. Everyone distracted me. No time, to think. Now, Master, play your hand...and as you do so, Chim-Chim, can you do me a favor?"

Chim-Chim looked at the Doctor with quizzical surprise. His simian brain understood the Doctor as a great clan-mate, greatest of all chimps. Only a Time Lord with the mental skills of the Doctor could comprehend monkeyhood well enough to communicate with Chim-Chim like another animal.

The Doctor then said, "You can scratch me. Go ahead. I won't mind, and I can repair the damage. Then, run off, straight for the trunk of your race car. Got it?"

Chim-Chim nodded, smiled...


In the meantime, the Master stood in triumph, holding the globe in one hand and his tissue compression eliminator in the other. "No. Don't think of trying to get it back. It won't work. Not even for you, my R'Khell friends," he said as Karnaz showed up.

"Surrender it!" barked Karnaz.

"I think not," purred the Master. He snapped his fingers, and a black object that looked like a stone Ionic pillar appeared with a strange wheezing noise. "Adieu, for now. Farewell, Doctor! Too bad you don't have my coordinates! HAHAHAHAHA!"

At that, the Ionic pillar faded out with a loud noise, taking the Master and the globe with it.

"Groovy!" yelled Spritle.

"NOT groovy!" yelled Speed as he looked on and Nova and Trixie stood up, too embarrassed to look in each other's eyes as they recalled their fight. "Wildstar, he's got it! And where's the Doctor?"

The Doctor came up, yelling and saying, "get it off, Get it OFF!" as Chim-Chim clawed at his face and screamed.

"Bad boy!" yelled Spritle as he grabbed at Chim-Chim. He felt something hard inside his coverall.

"Did you steal some candy?"

Chim-Chim looked puzzled, but then nodded frantically. Then, he chattered and ran off. "Wait for me!" yelled Spritle as he took off in pursuit of his maddening pet.

"Come back here!" yelled Speed. "Spritle! Pops is going to make sure you get it!"

"Yeah...if we live long enough for that to happen," said Derek as he held Nova's hand.

"Speed, our enemy took that thing!" cried Trixie. "What's going to happen to us?"

"It's are to be remanded into military custody, all of you," said Olde Codger as he came up. "I was going to continue the race, but I have received orders from Washington, by way of General Bombast here."

"General Bombast?" said Wildstar.

"Correct," said the tall, elderly Air Force General with an evil smile as Karnaz walked behind him, handcuffed, escorted by two MP's. "I've received word from Washington that all of you are under military arrest!"

"You don't know I'm with UNIT?" said the Doctor in an authoritative tone of voice. "And that my friends the Wildstars are also deputized agents of the United Nations?"

"That does not matter," huffed Bombast. "The President has had words with the Soviet Premier on the hotline over this crisis. The USSR blames us for destroying a Soyuz spacecraft in orbit; a likely story. The United States Air Force has determined that some of the men working with Team Rouge were Spetznaz agents inserted into the country by the KGB. And the Navy has determined that there is a huge Soviet Navy nuclear submarine maneuvering in Lake Ontario underwater at the moment. In a short time, that submarine will be disabled by a larger Naval force. And all of you are under arrests as security risks! War is imminent, possibly nuclear war! On my authority, your stupid race is cancelled! You will be held here...until we receive orders what to do with you, that is!"

"Try it!" said Derek Wildstar as he drew a shiny weapon from inside his shirt. It looked a bit like a Japanese Nambu pistol on steroids; Nova recognized it at once as his Astro-automatic laser pistol.

"Do you want to be shot, Wildstar?" said a deep voice behind him as a yellow car suddenly sped up.

"Racer...X?" asked Speed in shock as the Shooting Star braked hard. Racer X emerged, with an Air Force Colonel at his side.

"This is Colonel Viler," said Racer X in a calm voice. "He's convinced me that the best course, for the moment, is surrender." Viler then handed Racer X an M-16 rifle. The rifle was soon leveled at Speed.

"Put that weapon down, Wildstar," said Racer X."

"What will you do if he doesn't drop it?" asked Speed.

"Simple, Speed," said Racer X. "I'll have to kill you. Now, pick up Snake, and take him to the Mach Five."


"You have to drive him...and prison," said Racer X. Rex then made a hand signal, and two Patton Tanks drove up. "Don't make us more force than we have to. I mean it."

"You...Judas..." hissed Speed.


Has the United States Air Force suddenly gone mad?

Is World War III imminent?

Has the Master lost the greatest battle of all by taking the globe?

And has Racer X, who is secretly Speed's older brother Rex, suddenly turned evil? Will he kill his brother and his friends?

Stay tuned for Chapter Nine "Beneath the Lake"


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