Attack and Counterattack

A Speed Racer Fanfic by "Freddo"

Chapter Seven: "In the Empire State..."


July 14, 1968

Lake Ontario

About Twenty-Five Miles off Oswego, New York

The U.S. Navy Patrol Frigate Packard was on a routine patrol of Lake Ontario not far from the territorial limit that separated the American part of this particular Great Lake from the Canadian side.

The Packard was a smallish ship; she was equipped with a light missile battery, two light 4" guns, a depth charge rack, and a good-sized sonar and radar array.

"I can't believe we just went Defcon Three," said Commander Delbert Montgomery, the African-American officer who was the ship's Captain.

"Believe it, sir," said Lieutenant Conwell, the communications officer. "The despatch came right from Washington a half hour ago."

"What the hell could attack us here on the Great Lakes?" muttered Montgomery.

"Sir, sonar's picking up a huge mass nine hundred yards off the port bow."

"I wonder what it is?" said Montgomery.

"Whatever it is, we're going to check it out," said Montgomery. "Hard about...full speed to the intercept. And arm depth charges."

"Aye aye, sir," said the helmsman.


The racers had stopped at the checkpoint at Plattsburgh AFB.

There, the race had been temporarily suspended while the IRC investigated the reports of the recent violence from the helicopter attacks. They were taking time to question the racers and authorities before deciding if it was safe to continue with the race.

"I don't know why they're doing this," said Speed as he left the tent where the IRC officials had been questioning him. He threw his helmet down beside the Mach Five and sat on the ground glaring at Sparky and Trixie.

Trixie was outraged. "You DON'T know why they're doing this? You mean you don't remember that I was almost killed out there? You don't remember that those evil men shot down my helicopter? If it hadn't been for Nova, I would have been killed out there! Why the hell are you so blase' about all this?"

"The race has to go on," said Speed as he caressed the globe. "It'll work out."

"Speed, this isn't like you at ALL! What are you rubbing in your pocket?"

"This," he said as he held out the globe. "You touch it. Go ahead. It'll make you feel better."

Trixie looked at the globe and then she looked at her boyfriend and the strange look on his face. Sparky looked at Speed and said, "Speed, I think that thing is affecting your mind. Put it down and talk to Trixie in your right mind."

"That's right," said Trixie. "You'd better decide who you love more...that globe...or me!"

"If you knew the power of this globe," said Speed. "Come on...touch it. We can be together...and you'll know it'll work out..."

Trixie slapped the globe out of Speed's hand and ran off in tears. Glancing back, she was not at all surprised when Speed decided to pick up the globe rather than run after her to resolve their quarrel.


Trixie ran on, crying angrily into her hands. She ran away from the racers and sat down near a portable Air Force water tank trailer, beating her fist into the dirt in anger and frustration.

I can't believe Speed she thought. He used to be so considerate, so kind...he'd do anything for me. He would fight all sorts of criminals and risk his life to keep me safe. Now, he has that globe...and...he's changed. He doesn't even care any more. He's like an addict with his drug. And he'd rather be with it than with me. Is that what you're telling me, Speed? That it's over? That you'd rather marry that thing than me? What can we do to get the old you back? Or is it hopeless?

A cultured, controlled British-sounding voice interrupted her dark reverie. "It is close to hopeless, my child, but, luckily we can still act."

Trixie looked up. A kindly, but old British man with a curly mop of white hair, a ruffled shirt, velvet jacket, and black slacks squatted near her to help her up. "I've seen you before. You're..."

"The Doctor."

"You're a medical Doctor?"

"One could say that; I am a Doctor of many disciplines. I am aware you're concerned about Speed and the globe."

"How did you know that?" asked Trixie.

The Doctor looked around. Then, he spoke quietly. "Let it be said that...I am not of your world, nor of your time. I am a Time Lord, and I share their gifts. Wildstar, Nova, and Racer X know who I am and why I am here. "

"But you sound British!"

"Britain is my favorite place in the Cosmos, one might say. I have come to fancy it even better than the corrupt halls of the Panopticon on Gallifrey...even though the Brigadier can be so obtuse at times. At any rate, we must get to Speed quickly if we are going to help him. It is the globe which has caused these changes to him."

"That thing. I'm so mad at him for even picking it up!"

"He couldn't help it, you could say," said the Doctor. "It called to him."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The globe is, one could say, sentient in itself. It contains an echo of its master's malevolence that makes it something that can make decisions for itself, in an odd fashion."

"Are you saying it can think for itself?"

"Yes, and it is calling to Speed. And to me. And to the R'Khells. And to the Master, and to Nova."

"Wouldn't it be safer for you to take it from him?"

"No, it wouldn't."

"Why not?"

"I told you it is calling to us. It is tempting each of us to join with it and become corrupt; become its new master. The power increases exponentially depending upon a being's sensitivity to the globe. It is tempting me to become absolute dictator over the Time Lords, for instance. It is hard for me to fight the pull of this object; it takes a great deal of my mental reserves for me to fight the temptation. To the R'Khells, it calls...seeking to make one of them into a new dark Lord, like Ekogaru was to them, so, it calls to Karnaz. It calls to the Master, as well. The Master is already corrupt; in his hands, the globe would be a fearful device of universal domination. He is the one in whose hands it would be the most dangerous of all. And, it calls to Nova."

"I thought she was good?"

"She is. But she was one of those three who personally brought down the Dark One who made it. She, Aliscea of Pellias, and her husband Wildstar met him in single combat in your future. That combat with him marked them, leaving them open to the summons of his final malice. It was a great psychic battle for Nova to resist the globe's call when she first met you, even though she had to find it. For now, it would be safest in Speed's hands. Out of all of us, he knows the least about how to use it, even though its call is hurting him as well."

"So, you want him to keep it so you won't be tempted?"

"Unfortunately, that is the case."

"What the hell is it going to do to him? It's making him a different person!"

"I can deal with that...temporarily. For, that is enough time for him to continue the race."

"They're going on with this thing?"

"They will, unfortunately."


"The globe desires it," said the Doctor darkly. "To save Speed, we must get to him as soon as possible. Come now. Follow me."

Not sure of what would happen, Trixie stood up and followed the Doctor.


The R'Khells, in the meantime, were up to their own tricks and plans. They were gathered around their own pit area off to the other side of the large tent where the IRC was questioning the drivers.

"I wish we could have brought down all of those 'copters," said Mehler.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't quite do that," said Karnaz as he smoked from a hookah. "We need to get rid of all opposition so we can get that globe for ourselves..."

Not far away, two figures squatted behind an oil drum. "Did you hear that, Snake?"

"Yeah, Cyanide. They want the globe, too. What a dirty trick. Everyone wants that thing."

"Shh," said Cyanide. "They'll hear us. Quiet down, kid."

"And do what?"

"Keep listening, you idiot. What do you think?"

Not far away, Mehler took a drag from Karnaz's water pipe. "I have the fleet at the ready, Lord, in case we have more opposition from those fools."

"You've shown our weapons, already. I wonder if that was wise."

"We could use our space fleet to blast this continent to powder. In fact, we could probably destroy this miserable planet altogether. What does it matter if we kill five billion of a lesser species? The Terrans are nothing but pests. And in this time, they have no Earth Defense Fleet to stop us."

"Could we?" said Karnaz. "Remember, Wildstar has his ace in the hole."

"And what is that?"

"You forget that he has one very old space battleship up his sleeve? The battleship that defeated our legions years ago? The battleship that brought down His Lordship Himself?"

"Where's he hiding the Argo, then? In the trunk of his car?" sneered Mehler.

"No, but if we just lay quiet, the Earth authorities will soon find it. It is not far away. In fact, she is closer at hand than you think."

At that, Snake and Cyanide stole away quietly to report back to Captain Terror.


"We're right over the object, sir," said a radar officer aboard the Packard.

"What are you picking up?" said Montgomery.

"Got to be a Russky boomer under the surface of Lake Ontario, sir. Estimated length is about nine hundred feet. If the signal is right, the Russians have built a sub bigger than an Iowa-class battleship in tonnage, and they just snuck the damn boomer under our noses into Lake Ontario."

"All right...ready depth charges. Battle stations."

Klaxons went off aboard the US patrol frigate. Sailors ran to their battle stations. Soon, the Navy ship was ready for whatever sort of resistance the enemy sub might put up.

"Depth charges armed and ready."

"Torpedoes armed and ready."

"We're being painted by their sonar, sir," said the radar officer.


"Whatever is going on, they're awake...and they're! Twenty-five knots from a dead stop! And it's quiet! What the hell do they have on that thing, sir? Jet engines?"

"Pursue it," said Montgomery.

"If I can, sir. She's fading off the sonar, whatever it is..."


Deep underneath the surface of Lake Ontario, a sleeping giant had abruptly awakened.

In the "sub's" main bridge, a chubby-looking man with freckles and a mop of dark hair in a white uniform with green markings (among which were an arrow down the shirt he wore) said, in a pronounced Texas accent, "She's fallin' back, Sandor!"

"Great job, Eager," said a somewhat cold-looking man without eyebrows who wore a crewcut and a white and blue uniform. "The electronic counter-measures are doing their job. They're not going to find our ship so easily. Kitano, keep her on course."

"I'm already doing that, sir," smiled a young man in white and green who sat at the helm of the huge ship. "But when is Wildstar coming back?"

Steven Sandor, the acting skipper of the space battleship Argo, took a deep breath. "I'm not sure. The Captain has a job to do, like the rest of us."

"And our job is?" said Homer, the ship's communications officer.

"To keep watch, like Wildstar and the Doctor have asked."

"But how can we do it if a frigate is chasin' us around?" said Eager.

"Relax. Soon they won't know we're here at all..." said Sandor with a smile.


"Sir, they've disappeared!" said the sonar officer on the Packard.

"Subs don't do that," said Montgomery. "Something weird is going on. Get me Washington. I think someone's trying to start World War III."

"Aye aye, sir!"


What will happen next?

Can the Doctor save Speed from the effects of the globe?

Will the R'Khells recover it first?

What will the Car Acrobatic Team do?

And, will the US Navy start another battle with the rebuilt Yamato in her new incarnation as the Argo?

Stay tuned for Chapter Eight: "Lake Ontario"


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