Attack and Counterattack

A Speed Racer Fanfic by "Freddo"

Chapter Six: "Trixie and the Air Pirates"


July 13, 1968

Low Earth Orbit

Konstantin Dereyenko and Sasha Kirinovsky were orbiting the Earth in a secret Soviet Space Program Soyuz test flight. They were preparing to rendezvous with a recently launched Russian space satellite, the Cosmos 912, as a dress rehearsal for the Soviet Union's highly secretive attempt to make it to the Moon before the Americans did.

"You know, Konstantin, cold borscht tastes terrible whether you're at home in the Motherland or up in orbit?"

"Da, Sasha," laughed Dereyenko. "But it makes a good snack. Funny, isn't it, that we are rehearsing to beat the Americans over their own homeland?"

Both cosmonauts laughed at that. "Where are we over, exactly?" asked Dereyenko.

"Vermont, I think," said Kirinovsky. Then, he looked at the Soyuz's crude radar. "Is there space junk plotted in this area, Commander?"

Dereyenko looked at a notebook that floated slightly as he moved it around. "Nyet. Have no idea what that stuff is?"

Then, Mission Control called in from Baikonour. "What is wrong up there?"

"General, there are ten objects approaching the ship. Request permission for an emergency burn."

"Describe the objects."

"A large mass, two smaller ones, and seven small, fast-moving masses we cannot identify. We..."

"You what?"

"Commander!" yelled Kirinivosky. "I see those objects! Bozhe Moi, they are not from this Earth!!!"

"What?" said Dereyenko. "I...they're"

"They're what?"

"Firing...something..." said Kirinovsky. "Green laser rays! Coming right towards..."

Then, Mission Control heard only screams, explosions and static.

A moment later, there was nothing left of the Soyuz except for a cloud of expanding debris and burning gasses.

Seven red R'Khell fighter ships, the first stage of their mission accomplished, began to glow slightly as the delta-winged ships brushed the edge of Earth's atmosphere. The evil fighter ships were heading towards Vermont.


Below, on Earth, the race continued.

The racers were now on U.S 2 in northern Vermont, rapidly heading towards the first checkpoint in Plattsburgh, New York.

After nearly a whole days' worth of driving through the forests and mountains of northern New England, Speed Racer was still in first place, followed closely by Racer X, with Snake Oiler in third, and Derek Wildstar in fourth place.

The pack was speeding and screeching over a part of U. S. 2 that stretched between St. Johnsbury and Marshfield.

Trixie's voice sounded over the Mach Five's radio. Speed took the call.

"Yes, Trixie?"

"Speed, I've just come over a ridge...and the road draws close to a lake in a mile or two. Not much room to maneuver. I'd put on some speed now!"

"Gotcha!" smiled Speed. He checked his rearview mirror, saw that the Shooting Star was a comfortable distance away, and he downshifted and accelerated.

"Careful with the engine," said Sparky. "You don't want to redline her in these mountains!"

"I know what I'm doing," laughed Speed.

The Mach Five raced on.


Back in the pack, back in tenth place, Karnaz raced on. "Mehler!" he said over his radio. "Do you have the squadron in place yet?"

"We do," said Mehler up above in space. "We had to shoot down a manned capsule of some kind...primitive thing. But, we had a good launch from the mothership. What is our first order if business?"

"They have primitive airships spotting the race, Mehler. Shoot them down, and then attack the lead car from the air. When you make him crash, then you can take the artifact."

"Our pleasure," said Mehler.

Mehler smiled, flicking a switch in his fighter plane. The R'Khell ship began a transformation, turning from a delta-winged space fighter into a semi-delta-winged attack helicopter. The fusion jet engines shut down, and regular turbojets switched on just in time to begin spinning the rotors on the evil red military helicopters. Soon, Mehler's fellow planes also turned into helicopters. With a grin, Mehler directed them down towards the race course and the ten helicopters that were spotting the race.

Trixie Shimura, of course, was flying in one of those helicopters. Up in the sky with her at 13,000 feet were Nova Wildstar, flying Team Omega's helicopter, a pilot named Brawn Vicland who was spotting for Alpha Team, accompanied by two IRC 'copters, two Interpol helicopters, and three New York State National Guard helicopters from Fort Drum, New York, which was a short ride away by air.

Trixie spotted a few blips coming in on her navigational radar. What's going on? she thought.

Then, a moment later, she heard an urgent, military-sounding voice coming from one of the National Guard helicopters. "Dive, dive, DIVE! We're under attack!"

"What?" muttered Trixie.

She looked towards her left, and spotted some red helicopters plunging in towards the National Guard 'copters. The red ships were firing something that looked like green energy bolts at the olive-drab National Guard 'copters.

"Speed, I've got to land!" she cried into her mike as she dove to avoid some burning debris; one of the National Guard 'copters was hit.

"What's wrong, Trixie?" he said over the radio. Down below in the Mach Five, the desire to touch the globe was stronger than ever.

"We're being attacked up here...we..." Trixie looked back and yelled when she realized one of the enemy ships was on her tail. "They're after me...they..."

"TRIXIE!" yelled Speed. He pulled over, shushing Sparky as soon as he stopped.

Racer X drove past and stopped. "Speed!" he demanded. "It's the middle of the race. Why are you stopped?"

"Trixie's in trouble. Their helicopters are under attack of some kind."

Racer X tried to raise Nova's helicopter. No response. Then, he got one of the Interpol 'copters. He heard a voice saying, "Two of them hit already, including one of the Army gunships. We need reinforcements...."

"What is going on up there, Number eight?" demanded Rex.

"Enemy gunships of some kind...they might soon invade the's a pitched air battle...over."

"Tell me your location! OVER!" said Rex.

"Agent Nine...we're hundred..." Then, there was an explosion, and the signal was cut off.

Speed and Racer X looked up in horror as, in the distance, the Interpol ship followed one of the National Guard ships down in flames.

"TRIXIE!" cried Speed.

"She'll be all right," said Racer X gruffly as Snake Oiler and Wildstar came to stops near them.

"What'cha doin', Racer X?" asked Snake. "Sightseein'? You and baby Racer there?"

"No, we're not," said Racer X. "The race is in danger. We're under attack! You men had better find cover."

"I'm not staying here when there's a battle," said Wildstar.

"What can you do?" demanded Racer X. "You're on the ground."

"While you three chickens talk, I'm takin' the lead," said Snake as he got back into his car. "See ya at the finish line!"

"Snake, come back!" yelled Speed as Snake took off.

"Don't try to stop him," said Racer X. "His mind's made up."

"What's going on up there?" said Speed. "I..." Then, he touched the globe. He smiled. It made him feel better.

"Why are you smiling with Trixie in danger?" said Racer X.

"I'll be all right," said Speed.

The globe...that damned globe thought Rex. That must be it. That must be why they're attacking us."

A moment later, the Doctor's car pulled up. "Stay there, Jo," he snapped as he got out. "The R'Khells are about," he said.

"I know that," said Wildstar. "I haven't been able to raise Nova..."

"...or Trixie," said Speed in a subdued voice.

The Doctor shaded his eyes and looked up. "Two of them are coming. You'd better find cover."

"Where?" said Sparky, who was joined by Spritle and Chim-Chim a moment later as they emerged from the trunk of the Mach Five.

"There, under the pine trees in the forest," said Racer X.

"It'll provide're right," said Wildstar.

"Not from their eyes, perhaps, but it's worth the old college try," said the Doctor. "Let's go."

"What about the 'copters?" said Speed.

"If Nova's still alive, she'll figure out something," said Derek.

"Remember, Trixie's no slouch as a pilot, either," said Racer X. "She'll come through this all right. Let's go!"

In the meantime, Trixie was forced to fly like she had never flown before.

Two R'Khell helicopters had converged on her, and were firing lasers at her tail rotor.

I don't believe this...they're actually trying to shoot me down thought Trixie. Well, I'm not gonna let them do that!

She pushed down on her control stick and pushed the rudder pedal hard to right. Her 'copter almost turned on its side as she dodged another fusillade of energy.

Trixie was evading the predators well, like a mouse outchasing a pair of vicious cats. However, the cats drew closer and closer.

"Damn you, would you get away from me?" cried Trixie.

"Trixie?" came Speed's voice over the radio.

"Speed, I'm in a real jam up here!"

"One of them's after us, too! We're about he comes!" he said over the radio right before Racer X grabbed him and pulled him under cover in the trees.

Then, there was no answer. "SPEED!" cried Trixie.

A moment later, one of the enemy 'copters got in a lucky shot, taking out the main turboprop engine in Trixie's 'copter. Both rotors went dead and the ship began to plunge for the ground.

"And I don't have a parachute!" yelled Trixie out loud. "I'll have to try and..."

One of the enemy pilots flew in closer as her 'copter continued to plunge. Unexpectedly, a shot of blue energy hit it in its tail, and it exploded.

Trixie looked back in just enough time to notice a yellow and black helicopter approaching in a power dive. It was Nova's helicopter!

The young woman in yellow and black sat in the left seat of her ship flying with one hand; the other was extended. "TRIXIE! JUMP!" she yelled over the prop wash.

"Can you catch me?" asked Trixie.

"NO time to argue! Do it!"

So, Trixie unbuckled her seat belt and reluctantly abandoned her blue and red helicopter, jumping towards the yellow and black one with all of her strength. For a moment, she thought it would be the end of her, since her hand skidded against one of the landing pontoons, fetching up on nothing. But, Nova got her wrist just in time.

A painful tug-of-war ensued as Nova braced herself and used an amount of strength a little surprising in such a slender woman. Luckily, Trixie's elfin frame didn't weigh that much, so, Nova was able to support her with one hand, and then with two. Taking a deep breath, Trixie climbed up onto the landing pontoon and then into the 'copter as Nova pulled her in. Trixie lost one of her loafers in the process, but she didn't notice for the moment.

"Buckle in!" cried Nova as soon as Trixie got into the left seat. "This is going to be a rough ride!"

Trixie craned her head back, in just enough time to notice two more of the enemy helicopters. One of the National Guard gunships was in the process of shooting down one of them, but a second one was coming at them.

Nova took some sort of bluish-grey pistol off her belt, pointed out the opening in the side of the bubble, and fired at the 'copter one-handed. To Trixie's amazement, a surge of bluish energy flew from Nova's gun towards the enemy ship. Nova missed, but she jinked right to avoid enemy fire that blasted all around them. Then, Nova fired again. Her shot hit the enemy ship, causing it to break off the attack as it roared upwards, climbing right out of the battle area.

"How high can those things go?" asked Trixie.

"Higher than you think," said Nova. "We've fought them before, back where I come from."

"And where's that?"

"Long story. I'm getting you to safety. Try reaching Speed. I have the proper frequency up already."

Trixie nodded and took the mike.


Trixie finally reached Speed just as the remaining enemy 'copters were finally repelled.

"Speed, are you all right?"

"Yes, I am. They appeared and shot at us once...but then they went away. Are you all right?"

"My 'copter was shot down, but Nova picked me up just in time. I'm all right. We're landing at Plattsburgh."

"What about the race?"

"I've been in touch with the IRC," said Nova. "They're telling you to go to Plattsburgh. Then, they'll make a decision as to whether or not the race is going to continue."

"What a dirty trick," said Wildstar over his radio circuit.

"You sure got that right," said Speed.


Will the race continue?

Have the R'Khells succeeded in stopping Speed Racer and UNIT?

What does the attack on the Russian Soyuz mean for world peace?

Stay tuned for Chapter Seven: "In the Empire State"


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