Lady Lear’s Introduction….
My pen name is Lady Lear because of my background. I used to work at a company, which manufactures the Lear jet. Although I am not a professional pilot myself, I know just enough to be dangerous! My early kinship with the Black Tigers of the Star Blazers universe sparked my interest in flying at an early age!
I started flying Cessna’s when I was twenty-one because my Dad wouldn’t let me do it any earlier. I earned several certificates and ratings over the years and finally earned my multi-engine instrument rating. The great irony about getting your multi-engine rating is you spend most of your hours flying multi-engine airplanes on only one engine! It is always a very defining moment when the prop stops on the ‘bad’ engine! Screaming doesn’t help. I tried that already.
Earning my wings was a technical addition to my classical and analytical university education in English and Business. It helped me understand the language of pilots and the poetry of flight. I attempt to incorporate this prose into my stories, for better or for worse.
My writing is a slow and tedious process. Research helps me portray accuracy, but it adds time to chapter completion. If you are following my story, I ask for your patience. ‘Legacy’ is a tool I use to improve my skills, but I also love the fictional characters of the Star Blazers/Space Cruiser Yamato universe. I enjoy taking these characters and putting them into realistic situations with genuine limitations, which must be overcome. Although my goal is to achieve a great story overall, my greatest hope is for each chapter to be a good and sincere piece of writing.
(Art to the
Right © 2012 by Lady Lear)
The Story: (Legacy By Lady Lear)
Summary: Season 1 of Star Blazers draws to a close when the Star Force returns from Iscandar with their precious cargo. It’s just the beginning. The time to recover and rebuild is at hand. Earth's children must emerge from their underground cities and take their place in the sun. However, before they can move forward, they must break the ties to their shattered and broken pasts.
Lady Lear’s Tale: “Legacy” Begins Below.
Please Click on the Links noted below to access the chapters of her story.
Legacy Ch. 15 (NEW!)
A Special Christmas Story (for 2010) by Lady Lear Just Posted! “The Gift of the Magi, Revisited”
To Read it, Click HERE
More to come soon!
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