A Postscript to THE NEW COMET--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz

This Story is being completed with the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield (as usual)---Freddo

Thanks to AMI MEITSU, GAIL KOPETZ, and JAMIE TUCKER for some suggestions regarding this chapter.




Planet Earth

The Rosstowski Residence

Monday, April 11, 2208

0600 Hours Local Time



In the morning, Aliscea Rosstowski sat on a cushion, wearing only a light black robe, as she sat in her study in her home meditating.


I’ve been getting all sorts of weird feelings lately, she thought. I know HE has been active agaiin, but where? Paul is in the living room reading. Before I bother him, I’d better have a better idea what I have experienced feelings about….


Aliscea shut her eyes, and she gasped as she saw in a vision the Spectre of the Dark Lord killing someone on what looked like an amusement park ride! Then, Aliscea saw a burning figure all in white like some angel confronting him. The hair was long on the figure, but it was so suffused with Light that Aliscea did not recognize who he or she was-or even the figure’s gender.


Aliscea heard yelling, and she saw Kazuo Foxworth-Savela confronting the Dark One, throwing something and making him fade away as Nova and Derek appeared from nowhere to hug Katrina.


The odd thing about Katrina, she felt and perceived, was that there was something like a spiritual fog around her that kept her an enigma to her. Who put that fog around her? Aliscea thought. The fog is keeping me from perceiving her. I do sense, though, that Katrina is not her true name, and her face is not her true face. Who is this girl?


Then, Aliscea beheld a laughing girl with golden hair, and then, she beheld herself naked with a large stomach, and, suddenly as the images juxtaposed, Aliscea realized that she was looking at her future child. Her daughter. A Voice spoke from within her, deep from within the Pellian Matrix, and the strange male/female Voice said to her, “Behold your child, Aliscea. The child you and Paul will soon have.”


“Will the Matrix pass to her?” whispered Aliscea.


“No,” said the Voice. The Voice was suddenly turning more Female as it said, “The Matrix is Pellian, but it did not originate with us. We originated with our ancient forebears, and the circle must be completed before the Matrix will be Pellian again. Your granddaughter will receive the Matrix, since your Daughter is not ready, since she does not even exist yet, and never shall be ready to bear the Burden. The Burden must pass to another…before you die…”


“…Die?” whispered Aliscea.


The Matrix said, “You will pass on someday as a casualty of the War with Ekogaru. You will give your life in fighting him. I foresee another woman very close to you will do the same; you shall take your last breaths within minutes of each other, someday.”


“Oh, my God,” whispered Aliscea as she began to sob. “How do I pass it on if I die?”


“You shall pass it on to Another at the moment of Death. He will in turn pass the Matrix on to your successor….your successor….she who shall pass into the Shadows with you, but it will be given unto her to walk a strange, hard path. Her fate was written before she was even born. It was given to her to pass from this life and to die, and yet, to awaken, rise from death as a member of the Star Force once did…and it is given to her to live on again, for nearly eighty more years after the day of her Passing, and to actually bear a child after she completes her Task.”


“That Task is?” sobbed Aliscea.


“You are known spiritually to Us the Black Dagger of Pellias. Your successor, when she rises again blazing and reborn with the Power Perfected, will be known spiritually as the White Orchid. You are the fire that destroys. She is the fire that heals, burns out evil, and redeems. It is given unto you to wound Ekogaru, we now tell you. It is given to the White Orchid to bear the Burden and to destroy him at last, with help from others. Then, she shall pass on the Burden to your daughter’s daughter.”


“Who is she?” said Aliscea as tears ran down her face. “Does she…the White Orchid, that is… live now? Or is she yet unborn like my daughter?”


“She exists now her deepest secrets hidden even unto herself, but she is now not as she will be then. Behold this!”


Then, Aliscea saw a strange vision. A tall figure with long blond hair who was in a gown that looked to her just like that of Queen Starsha of Iscandar…except that she was not in blue… but was clad in pure, virginal white. Her face was obscured by a strange Light coming from it, but Aliscea could see she was blonde. For a passing moment, Aliscea was very close to beholding who this enigma from the future who would succeed her would be…but then, the Vision was taken from her and all went dark.


Then, Aliscea came to her own conclusion. “Trelaina,” she whispered. “It is she who will bear the Burden after me. She will live again, walk this universe again, and walk the Earth to be with Venture someday. Trelaina is the White Orchid. Yes…it has be her. It is the only thing that will make any sense. But do I tell Paul? Do I tell Mark Venture? What do I say?” said Aliscea to herself, for the Matrix was apparently confirming to her that Trelaina would live again and would actually walk the Earth and be with Mark someday, but as a living woman, and not a spirit or enigma. “But why is this hidden from me? Why can’t I see this more clearly? I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW?” she sobbed. “Especially since this seems to confirm that I will die fighting him…but when? How? And can I change this vision? How do I change it?” she wept.


From the spirit realm, Trelaina looked down at Aliscea with sadness and compassion, shaking her head as she whispered to herself, “Aliscea…poor woman…if only I could tell you how it is destined to happen, and when it is destined to happen. For I already know, and I have already foreseen it, and even have an idea where Ekogaru will finally die….St. Luke’s Cathedral, on Earth, someday, when the beautiful Cathedral is in ruins…” Trelaina again shook her head and sighed, thinking of Venture. “Mark, my dear, dear Mark,” she thought as she saw him waking up in the morning beside Holly and cuddling her nude body in bed. “I love you so much. It is a pity that you will have to suffer so much before you and I can finally be together…and it is a shame that Holly must also die…at about the same time the White Orchid is revealed…and what a day that will be…it will be both the happiest and the saddest day of my life…when my life begins again…”


Then, Trelaina went quiet.



“Who wants more pancakes?!?” called out Nova in her kitchen at about the same time that morning. She was up making breakfast for everyone, with the help of Ms. Eloise and her mother, for everyone from the previous strange day had stayed over at the Wildstar house.


“I do, I do, I do, I do!” sang little Aurora Forrester as she stood near her big sister wearing a cute sleepshirt with butterflies on it. Nova, pretty in a pink yukata, smiled at her sister, kissed her on the forehead, and said, “Here ya go! Just made three more for you.” Nova then looked at her household robot and said, “Ms. Eloise, would you please make up some more batter?”


The female robot bowed towards her mistress and said, “Yes, Nova. I’ll get right on it, as you humans say.”


Not far away, Nova pivoted on her toes and watched little Alex in his high chair. He was wearing a blue onesie and bare legs, and he was grabbing pieces of his pancakes, eating some of them, but getting other bits into his hair. Nova ran over with barefoot grace to clean her baby’s face off, and she smiled at him and began feeding him apple sauce. Right next to him, in the other high chair, Ariel was making screaming giggly noises as her father fed her some kren from a small jar.


Derek, in a black and white yukata himself, looked at Nova framed in the light from the window and smiled at her, saying, “You know, you look like a space goddess this morning?”


“Yeah, a so--called goddess being decorated with pancakes and baby drool! I wonder if Starsha ever deals with these problems?” she giggled as Alex drooled some food onto her hand. She cleaned him up, and smiled as she fed him more apple sauce. Then, when she was done, Nova picked up her spatula and said, “If I ever, in God’s wisdom, somehow become some floating hyperdimensional space chick in a blue or white gown floating amongst the cosmos, I want to make some changes. Number one: pancakes and sausage will no longer be fattening! Are we clear on that?”


“Number two,” said Katrina from the table as she sat there in a light pink nightie Nova found for her in a closet…”you will ban nightmares!” Katrina then yawned and rubbed at the circles under her eyes.


“You didn’t sleep well?” Nova said as she came over to her. “I’m so sorry. What happened?”


“Nightmares about our mutual friend,” she said in a sarcastic, sleep-filled voice. “You are all perky like chipmunk, chattering away with robot….while I…I am barely on my feet. In your stupid, girly pink nightgown!” Katrina felt like crying every time she looked at herself in the nightgown. It was floor-length (only her toes showed at the hem of the nightie) but it was pink, and it was very light (but not quite see-through) fit snugly and had a frilly collar on it that set off her cleavage (to Katrina, it made “half her chest naked”) and it looked like the blue nightgown Nova had been dressed in for her probable burial on the way home to Earth in 2200 after being overcome by radioactive sleeping gas. Nova had dressed her in it last night while herself dressed in a nightgown that was translucent and covered even less of her body. Katrina thought this gown was suitable for Foxy, maybe…to see her in but no one else. She was embarassed at the fact that it was all she wore at the moment.  


“First, pink’s my favorite color, Katrina. Second, I had some bad dreams about him, too,” Nova said softly as she stroked Katrina’s hair while she knelt down by her to stroke her cheek. “Derek held me when I woke up crying. I’m only as active as I am due to the coffee. I’d call in sick today…”


“Work’s cancelled for you, that’s the good news,” Derek said. “The bad news, though, is we have to see the Earth Defense Council. Remember that call I got a few minutes ago? We’re supposed to be there by 0900.” Then, Derek looked at Foxy, who sat there wearing a set of his own old striped pajamas. “The bad news, Kazuo…Katrina, is that you are both wanted there with us. Luckily, Nova and I both have spare outfits that will fit you. I’m going there in my uniform, while Nova is wearing one of her civilian outfits. They will also have the new head of the Cometine Interests Mission there, a Cometine General named..I don’t know…Kyler, Gyler, Shmyler…can’t get my tongue around some of these Cometine names…sorry…”


“Gaeler; Purvis Gaeler,” said Katrina as she corrected him. “He’s been negotiating a Draft Understanding with Pellias; that’s how I know of him,” she said, hiding the fact that she knew Gaeler from years beforehand when she had been on the Comet with her father and had left with Radnar when he had been banished. “He is an all right-enough sort of man. I understand that they have some activity going on in what you call Forrester’s Nebula?”


“Yes, the star cluster I discovered in 2199,” said Nova as she yawned. “They don’t know if it is a part of our Galaxy or not. It’s sixty thousand lightyears away from here.”  


Derek smiled as he looked at Nova. “The smear you discovered on your scanners that night ended up being classified as a nebula; now it is a star cluster. Next, they might re-classify it as a mini galaxy. And, imagine, it’s all yours,” Derek said with a grin.


“Yeah, right,” Nova replied. “And it’s a mess. The systems there, I understand, are being claimed by everyone and their uncle…right?”


“Yeah, kind of,” said Derek.


Katrina cursed her appearance again…being in pink…pink…while she wondered, I wonder what sort of clothes Nova will be loaning me? I swear, that if they are too girly or tacky….and I wonder what the Defense Council wants of me? This scares me. I hope no one accuses me there or has learned who I am yet…



Later, it turned out that the outfit Nova loaned Katrina was actually rather nice and even suited her tastes.


Katrina found that Nova had a good-sized walk-in closet in the bedroom she shared with Derek that was lined with cedar. In that closet were clothes and uniforms; Nova’s on one side, and Derek’s on the other. Katrina found that Nova had a good-sized shoe rack filled with a good amount of pumps in different colors and styles mostly simple and classic, along with boots for her uniforms and civilian wear, strange lace-up shoes that Katrina didn’t quite recognize at first (not being all that familiar with what sneakers, running shoes, and even soccer and softball cleats were) and, of course, given the warm weather, plenty of sandals of all types.


Derek had popped into the closet while Katrina was in there (Nova herself was in the shower; her romantic singing could be heard dimly over the running water in the adjoining bathroom) and he said, “Having trouble?”


“I thought she vas poorer than dis! How many pairs of shoes does she have?”


“I lost count around fifty pairs,” said Derek as he smiled at Nova and her shopping trips. “She has others in the regular shoe closet downstairs with the house slippers-usually what she thinks she will be wearing out that day. She’s a little like a hippie or bohemian in warm weather, though-almost always barefoot until she leaves the house, sometimes still barefoot afterwards, especially when she rides her bike, when she puts her shoes in her basket on that thing. Worries the hell out of me, but she never seems to mind. Did I ever tell you she’s loaded?”


“Drunk? She is drunk?”


Derek rolled up his eyes and smiled. “Katrina, ‘loaded’ is a term that means ‘wealthy’. Nova comes from a fairly wealthy family sitting on old money, as they call it. If she had grown up Pellian, Gamilon, or Cometine, she would probably have been some kind of Princess or Duchess. Her family’s sort of strange, especially on her mother’s side. Her mother’s family name was “DuFresne”, French for…something. On her Mom’s side, she’s Japanese-British-French, and on her Dad’s side, she’s Japanese-American. Her mother was originally named Teresa Victoria Yuki DuFresne, and Teri‘s sisters were Louise, now Louise Chernak, the eldest, and Yvona, the late Yvona Josiah, the middle girl. Teri is the youngest girl, and she has a brother named Hamilton DuFresne, who is the youngest child. On her Dad’s side of the family, her father Karl Forrester is the second-oldest, and he has two brothers, named Arlen and Antonio, and a sister named Kumiko. Kumiko is very traditionally Japanese and actually owns a noodle house and does business under the Japanese version of the family name, which is “Mori”.  Sorry I’m going on about this…,” Derek said, a little uncomfortable about sitting in his cedar closet with a strange woman while she tried to pick out shoes and a suit. He hoped Nova would get out of the bathroom soon.


A minute later, he got his wish as Nova ran in, clad in only a towel around her body and a smaller one around her head to soak up the water from her hair. She kissed him and said, “Entertaining people in the closet, Derek?”


“She was looking at your shoe collection and looked surprised by the size of it. That and your clothes.”


Nova yawned as she casually pulled off her towels and put them in the hamper. “I need more coffee, hon…sorry. I’ll be easy to dress…” Nova said as she quickly clothed her nakedness in one step by stepping into a pink romper she grabbed off a hangar. Katrina noticed that it looked like a simple jumpsuit with short sleeves and short hot pants. Nova looked at herself in the mirror topless while putting on a necklace with a cross on it and then put on some bracelets, and she said, “Derek, do you think I show that much in these if I don’t wear anything under it? I want to be as cool as possible. ”


Derek felt the material. “It’s midway between heavy and light…you could probably go without for the kids as long as you zip it up a decent interval.”


“I intend to do so,” Nova said with her nose up in the air a little as she zipped her outfit shut and then put an ankle bracelet around one of her bare ankles. Then, she said, “My sunglasses and sandals are downstairs. I’ll grab them on the way out. As for you, dear…I’m sorry…out, out, out! Ladies only in here now!” Nova said teasingly as she kissed Derek and then pushed him out.


“Okay, okay,” laughed Derek. “I know, Katrina..I do not need to see Nova dressing you.”


“You do not need to see me in nightgown!” she snapped as Derek left. “Nova, why you have chest half-bare in this?”

“It is called ‘cleavage’” Nova said. “It’s intended to show off your breasts and make them look attractive.”


“Oh,” said Katrina. Katrina shyly took off her borrowed nightgown and stood naked while Nova got some underwear for her from a drawer; a black, lacy bra and panties of a sort that Katrina guessed Nova might never have owned. After she got those on, Nova handed her a white blouse and dark blue Capri pants. A pair of dark blue platform sandals finished the ensemble as Katrina looked down at herself and smiled, thinking, Nova, dear you do have the good taste!


“Like the outfit I picked out for you?” Nova said.


“I love it,” replied Katrina. “Very nice.”


“Thank you,” Nova said. She led Katrina out and asked,’ How does she look?”


“Looks good,” said Derek, who was putting the finishing touches on his EDF blues and peacoat.


“You have fine taste,” said Foxy, who had gotten dressed in suit pants, a shirt, and a tie belonging to Derek. Nova looked at the knot on the tie and rolled up her eyes as she said, “Derek…Kazuo! Don’t either of you know how to get a tie tied right? C’mon, Foxy…let me get you fixed up,” Nova sighed as she pulled Foxy over and undid and retied his necktie.


“Now you look good,” said Katrina.


“How are we going over?” said Derek.


“We have our car,” said Foxy. “Yours is kind of tight, so we’ll follow you.”


“Who’s driving?” Derek said.


“Let’s flip for it,” Nova replied as she grabbed a coin. “Derek, heads or tails?”


“Heads,” called out Derek while the coin was in the air. Nova got it and slapped it down. “Heads it is,” she sighed. She smiled at Derek and said, “Please don’t get us lost this time? We have to be there in 90 minutes”


“I know the way to Headquarters from here! Don’t be silly, Nova!” Derek snapped back.


“Shall I bring the kids to Heroes’ Hill later after I take Jonathan to school?” said Teri. “What time are you getting started there?”


“Well, we can meet up at home, since the memorial won’t be until around eight tonight…we always do it around sunset,” Nova said while stepping into her backless sandals in the foyer. She looked out the window and said, “Mom, have some rain hats ready for them? It might be raining on and off today since it looks sort of cloudy.”


“I will…see you later,” said Teri. Nova kissed Jonathan, Alex and Ariel goodbye, and she and Derek left with Foxy and Katrina.




Planet Earth

The Tokyo Megalopolis

Monday, April 11, 2208

0817 Hours Local Time



On the drive over, Nova and Derek talked about a lot of things as a contemporary cover version of John Lennon’s I’m Losing You played on their car’s sound system. Derek noticed Nova tapping her foot along with the beat as they drove on.


“Your mom and dad don’t seem all that talkative this morning,” Derek said.


Nova sighed and replied, “Derek, I hoped you wouldn’t notice, but my Mom and Dad’s marriage is going through some strain right now. Dad has to be away on business a lot with all of the international settlements his law firm has been doing, and Mother resents his going around the world again and leaving her with the kids for days at a time, sometimes at their apartment here in the Megalopolis, sometimes back in the house in Boulder, and sometimes in the condo in San Diego, where they’re renting a townhouse at the Rio Amarillo complex with the rest of us.”


“She’s really getting upset at him?” Derek said.


Nova nodded. “One time, when I got up to go to the bathroom last night…I could hear them fighting out in the living room through the walls. Derek, and they were so mad they were even talking about separating at one point.”


“So, your dad is the so-called bad guy because your mother resents his career? He doesn’t sound like me. I don’t resent your career.”


“Yes, Derek. But mother has her own share of this, too. She’s sometimes curt to my brother and sister, and Dad told me some nights she goes out to various bars and jazz clubs. Alone. Dad is usually not invited.”


Derek whistled. “Sounds like trouble in Paradise there, Nova. Good thing we’ve never been that bad off, right?”


“Well, I’ve been pretty upset at you a few times, Derek…but never that mad,” Nova said. “I believe in you. That’s why.”


“And I believe in you, too,” Derek replied. “Therein lies the difference. We’re not putting each other down all the time….like Dawn and Jeff are…sure, sometimes we get at it pretty good. We’ve had some pretty good arguments in our marriage, Nova. But we always make up, right?”


Nova nodded her head at that. “Right! Derek, Dawn’s due date is about fifteen to twenty days away now, I really hope Dawn accepts the fact that she’s going to be a mother.” Then, Nova paused and said, “I think she sort of is. She agreed to a photo session with her mother Lynn next week at the place in San Diego. Dawn must be more comfortable now about being pregnant, since…well, she agreed to have Lynn take pictures of her with her stomach showing, and even some in the nude…like I did when I was pregnant, remember? We’ll be there on the weekend, right?”


Derek nodded. “We will be. Nova…are you serious about what you talked about the other day about the place in San Diego…that you want to make Mrs. Westland an offer for it?”


“Derek, we’re in and out of there so much, we might as well own it,” Nova said. “I’m growing sort of attached to the place. I’d like to do some remodeling and repainting that we can’t do under the current lease we have with Lynn. Speaking of which…Sasha is also going to be at the same photo session with Deke. They sort of arranged it at the last minute…”


“Two pregnant women in the same place, especially those two pregnant women?” laughed Derek. “Nova, what’s Sasha’s due date again?”


“Around the same time as Dawn’s; end of the month. Derek, they’d better not go into labor together. Doctor Sane and I are not prepared for that! I…I remember something, Derek.”




“A prophecy of Queen Starsha’s made on the night Deke and Sasha got married on April 28, 2207. Remember when Starsha talked to us in the President’s office the night they got married?”


Derek remembered that night as Queen Starsha’s words ran through his head again about that night, almost a year ago now….


“Good. The future is not clear,” said Starsha. “But, one possible path of the future I see…I see our child a year from tonight, on a bed, naked, pregnant as you are, Nova, about to deliver Deke Wakefield his child. Now it makes more sense to me. Please let them consumate their marriage tonight, as well.”


“Starsha said ‘a year from tonight’ on the 28th of April of 2207. The 28th of April is coming mighty fast, Nova.”


“Oh, dear,” Nova said. “Well, that would about be Sasha’s time…and she has an ability that she tells very few people about. She has enough control over her own body that she can make herself go into labor with a mere thought. Her mother had to do that when she herself was born, and Sasha thinks she may have to do that if worst comes to worst.” Then, Nova paused, and said, “Derek..I’ve been having some weird dreams myself lately, too.”


“About what?”


Nova sighed. “There is this recurring dream that I have just gotten news that my father has died. It’s a few years down the road; Alex and Ariel are much older, and so are some other children we’re going to have who are not clear to me in the dream. The problem being that my Dad died in some kind of…terror attack…upon Earth. Along with most of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. There’s a new President and Prime Minister in that dream; one person, serving in both offices…at the same time…and that person is facing a very heavy burden…because Earth is being invaded…at the same time….”


“That could never happen, Nova!” Derek said. “Could it?”


“It could…if Parliament somehow ceased to function…or something,” Nova said, seeming somehow reluctant all of a sudden to discuss her dream. “Anyway, in this crazy dream…the President/Prime Minister is standing in….ohh….this makes no sense! I want to be a doctor, for God’s sakes…in that dream…,” Nova said, nauseated by what she had dreamed, she broke (for once) her agreement not to keep any secrets from Derek and she said (hiding the full details of what she had dreamed), “In this dream…I’m…I’m in politics, and that’s all I’ll say right now…But why? Why am I dreaming this crazy stuff? Is it a curse? And how much of it ever comes true?”


Derek looked at her with deep compassion. “Nova, I don’t know. I….”


“You hope it never happens? You hope I never go that route?””


Derek nodded. “Yeah…I’m trying to say it in a way that won’t offend you…I know how you get when I talk about putting your career on hold to have more kids…or just to rest, and…maybe you should rest? Maybe you’re taking on too much? I’m sorry, but I’m getting worried, Nova, about your stress level…about your health….maybe you should just take a long vacation and just be home with the kids?”

“It’ll never happen,” Nova snapped. “I’ll welcome children….the ones I have, and maybe more….but…I’m not putting my life on hold for that..especially because I waited so long for you years ago….I refuse to be just a bored, desperate housewife…doing nothing at all…for you, or for anyone else!” At that, she made a fist and slammed it against the top of the dashboard to make her point. “Medical school will not be on hold for me and you have no veto power over me, my life story, or my career!!! Absolutely none! ARE WE UNDERSTOOD?”


Sorry,” said Derek as he remembered the ghost of an old argument they had revisited several times over. “Is what you’re saying…?”


“Derek, someday, maybe….I might want to get into politics…maybe. But….never serving in Government House,” Nova said, referring to the 23rd Century Earth’s version of the White House. “Being in Government House near the President…it…ages you prematurely. I don’t want to die when I’m just sixty, Derek…all worn out and tired like the forner Prime Minister Pennington recently did.”


“Me neither,” Derek said. “Me neither.”


At that, they drove on in silence….



Finally, when they got to Earth Defense Headquarters, Derek had had to turn on his windsheield wipers on the Mustang, because it was beginning to drizzle.


The drizzle turned into a steady rain just before they approached the side street that led to the tubeway that went into the vast parking garage for Earth Defense Headquarters. After parking the car and gallantly helping Nova out, Derek looked at Nova and said, “We have about two blocks to walk. Have a hat? I’ve got my cover,” he said as he put on his Captain’s hat.


Nova nodded. “It’s in the trunk.” She walked around to the back of the car and got out her slightly battered Colorado Rockies baseball cap in dark blue. “Doesn’t match my outfit, but it’s better than getting wet,” she said. Derek nodded and said, “Your poor bare legs are going to be very wet; it’s coming down good.”


Nova rolled up her eyes. “I’ll survive, Derek. Getting my legs wet isn’t the greatest tragedy in the world.”


A moment later, Katrina and Foxy’s black sports car rolled up. Foxy got out through one of the gullwing doors and helped Katrina out. She heard some thunder outside and shivered involuntarily. Foxy asked her, “Are you all right?”


“I don’t like thunder,” she whispered. “Reminds me too much of explosions in battle, such as…”


Nova looked out as another thunderclap hit and whistled. “That one hit the edge of Ueno Park. That’s not far from here. Let’s hurrry in before the storm gets worse…”


A moment later, after going down an elevator, the four of them got out of a lift and headed into the storm’s teeth. Derek ran along, holding Nova’s hand as puddles and water splashed her bare legs and sandaled feet. She shivered a little as her thin shorts set was plastered against her body in the rain and wind. Looking behind her, he saw Foxy dragging Katrina along; she also looked miserable.


They got into Earth Defense Headquarters about three minutes later after running across the square in front of the building. In the lobby, they were stopped by the usual enlisted guards, who said, “Do your guests have ID or clearance, sir…ma’am…?” Katrina breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the guards obviously recognized the Wildstars.


“They’re with us,” said Derek as he took off his cover and shook his head to get the rain out of his long hair before he and Nova passed through the metal detector and short-ratio wave scanner. They both walked along carefully, aware that the scanners were “stripping” them down to their skin for weapons; a technology first developed during the days of the War on Terror back in the early 21st Century. Of course, Derek, with his military-issue sidearm, was just waved past. Nova, of course, had no weapons, having only the small bag she wore on her belt and the material inside, along with her thin clothes, sandals, and baseball cap. Foxy had on only his suit and shoes, and Katrina had on her borrowed garments. They were trying to keep Katrina engaged in conversation so that Katrina would not notice that her body was appearing blurred but nude on the scanners at the guard posts.


Derek and Nova paused while they stated Katrina and Foxy’s puposes for being there today (they had been summoned by the Defense Council) and then they were given the appropriate passes after their ID cards were checked and their retinas scanned. Then, they were allowed to cross the huge lobby and go up in the lift to the proper floor.


Once they were there, Nova said, “Derek, Foxy, if you will excuse us…Katrina and I need to go powder our noses before the meeting.”


“No problem,” said Derek. “We’ll be waiting in the coffee shop on this floor. Black for you today?”


Nova nodded, “A little artificial sweetener, and make it strong enough to melt the spoon. I think this weird heat is making me drowsy…and I don’t think this rain is going to do much to cool down things,” as she thought, I hope this is not coming across as too terrible, but, once we get the first chance today, after that ceremony…if the rain stops and if it gets above a hundred again today…these clothes are coming right off me and I am going in the ocean regardless of whether I can borrow any swimwear from a girlfriend or not. I need a swim so badly that it is driving me mad. The water’s so nice this time of year. And why is it so hot? What is accounting for this global warming cycle? It is getting worse!


“What are you thinking about?” Katrina said as they went into the Ladies’ Room together.


“The weather,” Nova sighed. “This meeting. Everything.”


“I do not see you putting powder on your nose,” Katrina said as Nova began to walk towards a stall.


Nova just laughed. “What you just heard me tell Derek was a classic female eumphemism for “I have to go relieve my bodily urges”,” Nova said. As she went into the stall and closed it, Katrina heard her zipper opening and heard the sound of her belt being rustled open. There was a slight rustle of cloth as Nova lowered her garment, sat down, and said, “Now, guys, you see…it’s socially acceptable for them to be a little crude and say…’I gotta take a leak….’ or…’I gotta go take a dump so bad…’ Right? But it’s not nice for girls to say such things,” Nova said as Katrina then heard exactly what she was doing…and blushed…(even though she had heard Nova doing the same thing before in the bedpan in the hospital room they shared when they had been in the hospital together!)


These women’s rooms are like locker rooms or something, Katrina thought as she was deliberating whether to hold off or not when another female officer, in greens, came in and said, “Are you gonna stand around all day or can I have one of these four damn stalls?”


“Uh….take this one,” said Katrina weakly as she heard Nova softly singing “Besame Mucho” in her stall before the toilet was flushed. The other officer banged on the side of Nova’s stall and yelled, “What are you doin’ in there, missy?”


“That’s Lieutenant Commander to you, Sergeant Bruckner!” Nova laughed. “Did you get caught in the rain?”


“”Yeah, ma’am…and my stockings are soaked!”


“Where did you get stockings from?” Nova said. “Last time I tried to get a new pair, they only had black and black fishnets. Darn stocking and underwear rationing!”


“These are old,” said Bruckner. “They have runs.”


“Do you have a decent set of panties on?” Nova said while Katrina finally gave up and went into the stall.




“Take them off then,” Nova said. Nova looked down through the stall at Bruckner’s dark green pumps as she got up. “And get yourself something more summery at the PX on the 15th Floor if you can manage it. The new optional issue’s actually open toe and open heel. They’re cute! They decided to import the Israeli issue ones throughout the whole Ground Fleet Support Staff Division.”

“Sounds nice. Why are you wearing pink things?”

“I’m in mufti,” Nova said. “We’re going to Heroes’ Hill later on tonight.” Nova came out of the stall and said, “Katrina, are you okay?”


“Yes. Why all this noise and talking in bathroom?”


“There always is,” Nova said as she washed her hands. Then, she went over to the Execelerator hand dryer, put her hands under, dried them (while watching the blast ripple her skin) and then, she balanced on the ball of one foot as she did a slight high kick, like a ballet dancer at the barre, and raised her sandaled foot up to the blaster, sighing as it dried her exposed toes off. Nova then did the same with the other foot as an older female Captain came in, and said, “Are you with the tour, miss?”


“No, ma’am,” Nova said, her voice recognizable as soon as she spoke.


“They sure teach you some odd things in the Star Force, don’t they, Wildstar?”


“Learned this on my own,” Nova said with a shrug. “Better living through technology, ma’am…why should I be walking around with wet, almost bare feet?”


Techno-geek, thought the Captain to herself as Nova waited for Katrina to stop acting like a Princess and get done.


Of course, had Nova known she really was a Princess….



Later on, over coffee, Nova looked at Derek and said, “There is an incredibly large contingent of people out there who think we are all weird in the Star Force, Derek. Discuss.”


“Well…I’ve been resisting this guy’s request to join the Lodge. Freemasons. Forgot the Lodge Number.”


“Why is that?” Nova said. “Afraid of the Entered Apprentice Ritual, silly?”


“How would you know that?” asked Foxy.


“I read up on all sorts of stuff,” Nova said. “Just finished this book on Ben Franklin and Freemasonry. Dad’s one of them. Still sort of active.”


“What’s the big secret?” Derek asked.


“Can’t tell you,” Nova said. “It’d ruin it for you….and I can’t come into the Lodge with you for this guy stuff…unless it’s a unisex Lodge? Yes, there are military unisex Lodges out there….not sure how many,” Nova said as she stirred her coffee.


“Nosy cowan and eavesdropper,” snorted Kazuo. “Nova, you know that people who stick their noses in things can get them cut off?”


“Be quiet and drink your tea, Foxy!” Nova snapped. 


“I would not really cut off your nose,” he said.


“You’d better not think of it…or I’ll kill you!” snapped Derek.


“Yeah?” said Foxy as he got up. “Listen, Wildstar, you may be some big damn HE-RO, but I’m rich! I know a thousand ways to kill a man by looking at them!”


“Yeah?” snarled Derek. “Then how come I’m still alive?”


“It’s an illusion,” said Foxy. “You’re really dead and Nova here is now a widow. Which means I can have her come home with us and jump in the sack with Katrina and I…”


“Are you mad?” snapped Katrina. “That is ridiculous!”


“I think it’s just too much coffee,” Nova said. “He always gets like this on too much coffee,” Nova said in a blasé voice.


Foxy took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I take it all back. Now, that that is over with, why are we here again?”


“To meet with the Earth Defense Council, you idiot!” snapped Derek.


“Derek, let him alone,” Nova said. “He’s already apologized.”


“I think this is tuning out to be horrible day,” said Katrina.


“You’re telling me,” said Derek. “We’re all on edge…”




Planet Earth

The Tokyo Megalopolis

Earth Defense Headquarters

Meeting Room of the Earth Defense Council

Monday, April 11, 2208

1122 Hours Local Time



“Commodore Wildstar….you’re telling us…” said one of the more skeptical members of the Earth Defense Council, Defense Minister Neil Ainsley, “That Ekogaru’s ghost just killed someone the other day on an amusement park ride? Now you’re telling us jokes. What about the guy from Nantucket, whose….?”


“He did, and it was no joke,” snapped Wildstar. Looking at Nova, (who had just been surprised with a promotion from Lieutenant Commander to full Commander by Commanding General Singleton right before the meeting), he said, “Commander Wildstar made sure that police reports ended up in your briefing extract. We have proof that young man was strangled…”


“By an invisible force no one can see?” sneered Ainsley. “Okay, my guess is that your Star Force hooligans must be bored, must want some action, and must want to go out again? So now you’re making up stuff to justify your budget for the next fiscal year?”


“Wrong,” said Sandor. “Even if we wanted to go out again right now, the Argo could not do so. She’s grounded due to computer issues with the warp system.” He looked at Nova. “Commander Wildstar, would you mind telling them what happened?”


Nova stood and gave a capsule description of the bizarre events of the Argo’s last space warp on her trip home. Some of the less respectful members of the Council chuckled as Nova recited her tale, while other, more thoughtful members, listened to her words carefully.


When Nova finished, Daniel Margolis, the attache’ to the Federation Parliament Assembly. said to her, “You ever find your uniform yet, ma’am?”


Nova blushed and said, “As a matter of fact, sir, I did. Derek and I found the entire Star Force uniform that came off of me in the warp in our attic this morning. Complete with my sidearm. We also have evidence, sir, that the computer malfunction that caused this may have been deliberate and caused by an outside force….”


“Listen, Miss Pretty in Pink!” sneered Margolis, “You don’t want to know what I think of your crap junk science that…”


Prime Minister Gonjin, who was chairing the meeting, banged his gavel down hard for order. “I’m sorry, Commander. Finish your point, please. And I would ask all of you to bear this woman some respect. She is a highly decorated space sailor and she is both an effective computer and biological scientist and has just been promoted. You ignore these young men and women, our best and brightest, at your peril, gentlemen. Especially since it is my conviction one of them may well be in my chair someday. Now, Commander Wildstar, go on please…”


“Yessir,” Nova said. “Some days ago, when that Spectran vessel attacked the ore ship Monongahela and then attacked us, we picked up evidence that it downloaded something to us when we were speaking to the enemy commander. It turned out that at that time, it actually uploaded a type of Trojan Horse program that insinuated itself into our computer through a backdoor node. In order to stop such attacks, we have to build a new security firewall that will do an even better job in intercepting these threats than the security system we programmed last year.”


“How long wiill the Argo be down in the San Diego dockyards?” asked General Stone.


“Probably at least until July or August, sir,” said Sandor. “Mrs. Wildstar and I have to write, debug, set up and test the new code and then make sure that it actually works in the ship..”


“Hmmm,” said the Commander. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce another two of our guests. It sounds as if…we may have more problems, then. Problems even worse than the sort we had earlier this morning…”


“Earlier this morning?” said Derek.


The Commander then tapped on his intercom. “I didn’t tell you about the little battle the Sixth Fleet was involved in this morning. Mrs. Singleton, you can send them in now.”


“Yessir,” said Wendy over the intercom.


A moment later; hubbub filled the room, as Captain Tucker Allen of the North Carolina walked in…followed by a bearded Cometine General!


“Sir,” said Captain Allen. “Where shall we sit?”


“There are free chairs near Commodore Wildstar and Mrs. Savela. You can sit there.”


“Yessir,” said Allen. “General Gaeler?”


“My pleasure, Captain,” said the Cometine General in clipped tones.

“Remain standing, please, General,” said Singleton. “Please introduce yourself and Mrs. Savela to the Council.”


“Yessir,” said the Cometine. “Ladies, Gentlemen, in your parlance, I am General Purvis Gaeler of House Gatlantis. General Radnar has assigned me to the Pellian Interests Section as our envoy to the people of Planet Pellias. As we have no actual formal diplomatic relations at this time, I would like to propose that you vote to have any communications necessary over the next few years between your Federation and the Comet Empire relayed to me through the Pellian diplomatic corps on your world. I believe this channel of communications is necessary for managing the Armistice, and also for exchanging intelligence that may be beneficial to all of our races.”


“With that said,” said Gaeler. “I have some intelligence pertaining to your recent affairs with Spectra that I have been asked; by Radnar, and by Leader Desslok of Gamilon, to share with you. Do you have the communications channel open that I requested?”


“We do,” said Singleton tensely.


“Hold on, why are we listenin’ to the Goddamn enemy?” barked Ainsley. “I mean…a few months ago, to be blunt, you nasty, ugly dirty green sons-of-bitches were trying to kill us, and..”


The Prime Minister banged his gavel. “Ainsley, one more outburst like that, and I will order you removed from this session! My deepest apologies, General Gaeler,” said Gonjin with a bow. “His attitude does not represent all of us in this room.”


“He will be pardoned; once…” said Gaeler. “This I say out of respect for the proven heroes; those men and women of deep honor of your race who sit in this room with us, rather than the Political Hacks,” he said as he looked right at Commodore Wildstar, Sandor, and Nova, and bowed slightly. “The Comet Empire is beginning to realize that the three of you of the Argo have earned the freedom of your world, and the right for our Empire to treat you as equals rather than conquered or slaves. Not all of us feel as some of us do; we still have men and women who feel about you the same way that Mister Ainsley feels about us. However, I am among the party of men and women in our Empire who feel we have more in common than in opposition. Especially because we are beginning to see that we face down common foes.”


“Sir?’ said Derek. “Has Spectra been…?”


“Yes, son,” said Gaeler in an almost fatherly tone to Derek. “They’ve been attacking us, as well. “For several reasons, we hesitate to crush them with our power at the moment; the greatest being that we both now face a new, common, and far more insidious threat.”


He inserted a data cartridge that Earth Defense had scanned and cleared, and an image of about eighteen large vessels came up on the screen. “Technoumgar Goraizu Fortresses,” said Sandor in shock and quiet awe. “Eighteen of them. My God.”


“Leading a whole fleet,” said Gaeler. “They said they came in the name of a…Lord Ekogaru…as his Scourge…to force us to see the honor of his way. They attacked this…”


Then, the others were shocked as they saw a blue-white Comet warping into the midst of the Technomugar Fleet.


“A Comet ship!” Nova whispered. “General, who’s the commander of that Empire City-Ship?”


“Prince Tamlaz. He was one of our greatest commanders and conquerors, on a par with the mighty Zordar himself,” said Gaeler.


“Why do you speak of him in the past tense?” asked Prime Minister Gonjin.


“You shall see shortly, sir,” said Gaeler.


The Defense Council watched as the Technomugar ships turned about and attacked Prince Tamlaz’s Comet. 


The Comet field was soon blasted off the ship as the Technomugar vessels fired their Phased Density cannons at the Comet.


Prince Tamlaz fought back hard, with the belt of his Comet rotating as missile after missile blasted into the Technomugar Fleet. Some of the enemy ships were destroyed, but Katrina sat biting her knuckles in horror as the enemy ships attacked buildings and facilities in that Comet City. Foxy held her hand.


Nearby, Nova looked on and whispered, “Katrina…I don’t blame you. I…think this is the first time I’ve ever felt sorry for Comet Empire forces!”


Katrina nodded, with tears in her eyes as both Foxy and Nova comforted her and Derek held Nova’s other hand.


Then, eight of the enemy vessels fired their ugly, green, lurid Phased Density Cannons into the heart of this Comet City. It began to blow apart..and then…its remains were sucked into a massive artificial black hole. There was a horrid flare of light..and then, it was gone as the Techomugar vessels turned to attack the Cometine Fleet that was transmitting the suddem horrid death of Prince Tamlaz…and the picture faded out.


Derek leaned on the desk and sat up. “What happened to that sector?”


Gaeler sighed. “We regained it…only after two more Comets warped in…even then, a lot of that fleet got away. Needless to say, we consider this to be Lord Ekogaru’s declaration of war upon the Comet Empire. And since I understand he has differences with your race, as well…”


“We’re now on the same side,” said Prime Minister Gonjin quietly. “Does your Emperor…?”


“He does not want a formal alliance…yet….but he is thinking of it…”


“I make a motion that we establish that formal diplomatic channel with Gaeler’s race through Pellias,” said the Prime Minister. “In favor?”


Eleven members of the Defense Council voted in favor of this move; the others voted against it.


“The motion passes,” said the Prime Minister.


Commanding General Hiram Charles Singleton then looked at Captain Tucker Allen of the North Carolina. “Now, for our other business,” he said. “Captain…please tell us what happened this morning when you were with the Sixth Defense Squadron.”


“Yessir,” he said. “We were on routine patrol outside of the Moon Orbit when we spotted a fleet of twenty-six vessels. Of these vessels, there were five space battleships; two of them being R’Khell, and three of them being grey ships of a new design we had never before spotted. There were also ten vessels that we identified as heavy cruisers, also of the same design…and they seemed to be escorting two very large heavies; mission unknown. Finally, there were eight destroyers.”


Allen sighed. “They attacked us as soon as they spotted us. They sent us a message after they began attacking. The message came from a General Balkom; apparently the commander of their forces. I will have you run the message now…”


A moment later, the image of a very ugly-looking man with a shock of wild hair over one eye like Jefferson Hardy’s appeared on the screen. He said, in a rough, nasty, indifferent voice, “In the name of the Bolar Federation, a mighty space power you have not had the pleasure of knowing until now, and in the name of the R’Khell Union, whom with you are now in a state of hositilities along with our new allies in the Crab Nebula and our holy allies in the Blackeye Galaxy, we order your surrender at once. Surrender, and we will allow your Planet Earth to live…”


“What did you say?” snapped Stone.


“We refused to surrender, sir…and we ordered them to leave our territorial space. They responded by attacking us. We were close to outgunned…and definietly outmanned. Then, they got those heavies into position, and they fired two missiles right at Earth. One…we intercepted with a lucky shot. The other one blew off course…heading towards the inner solar system. Then, we did battle with them. The North Carolina took some damage; she is in the dockyard here near the Megalopolis now…but we lost the patrol cruisers Sefid, Selenga, and Rio Bueno along with the space battleship Suriname. The rest of our captial ships formed a battle line and let loose with our wave motion guns; we got six of them and the others got the idea to run. This space battle just happened this morning, sir. But I don’t like the sound of this…”


“Where did that other missile go?” said Singleton.

“We tracked it to the Sun afterwards. There was some kind of small explosion on the solar surface and it vanished. We think it plunged into the Sun, sir. Since then, we did notice something of an increase in sunspots. We’re not sure what that means yet, sir…”



“Good report, Captain,” said the Commander. “You’re dismissed.”


Captain Allen saluted and left. Then, Singleton turned to Wildstar. “What do you think of this?”


“I wish, with all my heart, that the Argo was not down right now, along with the Arizona,” Derek said. “Sir, I request permission to receive the first available space battleship…preferably an Andromeda-class….and I request permission to reform the Star Force out of our best and brightest so that we can leave and investigate these threats. I know some of us probably cannot come on this mission,” he said as he nodded regretfully at Nova, who slowly and sadly nodded back, “but…we need to find out what is going on out there…”


“Permission denied,” said Singleton as he closed his eyes.


“Sir?” said Derek.


“I don’t have a spare battleship to assign at this time,” said the Commander. “However, you, Sandor, and Commander Wildstar are under orders to get the Argo and Arizona back into full operational status as soon as possible. To that end, you’re going to be travelling back and forth a bit between Tokyo and San Diego. I’m also assigning the three of you all of the civilian contractors you need to get this done. Take your time, Commodore, but we need those ships back on line in the next few weeks.”


Derek nodded. “What about that missile and its effect upon the Sun?”


“Unknown at this time,” said Tucker. “It doesn’t sound good…I know. The global warming’s gotten worse…weather has gotten hotter and more violent…and all we need now is more solar energy in the mix…”


Thinking about it made sweat roll down Nova’s back under her outfit; she tugged a little at her outfit for a moment; as it was beginning to stick to her in a most uncomfortable manner. “And it was in the high eighties this morning,” she said. “If the average temperature on the planet goes up much above…say 115 to 120…we may have to return to the underground cities?”


“What if it just stays in the 100 to 110 degree range?” asked Lex Palver, the new Minister of Science.


“If it just goes up that high, you’ll probably just see me at the next meeting with a bare midriff or something. At any rate, we need more data,” Nova said with a blush. She looked at Derek. “Are you okay?” she whispered.


“I’m getting hot, too..” he said. “Can’t wait to get outside.”


“Amen to that,” Nova whispered.


Then, there was a beeping sound. An officer stood up, saluted and she said, “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council, and honored guests. We are receiving a communication…from Gamilon.”


Gamilon?” said Stone.


“Desslok. He was expected,” said the Commander. “Commodore Wildstar, would you speak for us?”


“Of course, sir,” said Derek as he stood up and saluted with the others as Desslok’s image appeared on a video panel behind Prime Minister Gonjin. “Leader Desslok, I trust you and Astrena have been well?”


“We have been,” he said in his dulcet tones as Astrena stood up. “I trust that you and Nova have been well?”


“Yes, we have also been,” said Derek. “Leader Desslok, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?”


“It is my understanding that…you recently have had…some difficulties.”


“We have, Desslok. Do you know about the recent terrorist attack from a Planet Spectra?”


“I know of the world, but do not know much of it,” said Desslok. “We are aware that it is a small, polluted world in the Crab Nebula. I offered them membership in my Empire, but they refused. We understand their government is some sort of strange theocratic system wherein they worship a being called “The Great Spirit.” This being’s will is interpreted by a hereditary house known as the House of Ibn Zoltan. Their Leader is called the High Secretary, and we are in negotiations to send an envoy there someday. We hope, at the least, that we can establish relations. I plan to have our envoy question them for their terrorist activities and sabotage. One of their agents recently tried something in our territorial space, as well. I don’t like that,” Desslok purred. “If they do something major, I will have no choice but to break off negotiations and send in an invasion fleet. I’m sure you would understand my reasoning in that event?”


“We do, Desslok,” said Derek. “Although it is our hope that invasion would only be used as a last resort?”


Desslok held up his goblet and sipped from it. “They started it. If need be, Wildstar, I will finish it.”


“Again, let’s pray it never comes to that,” said Nova as she stood up, bowed, and looked Desslok right in the eye. “We have enough problems right now with other races.”


“And, Nova, they are?”


“Have you ever heard of a power known as the Bolar Federation?” asked Derek.


“Yes. They were a power that had been defeated and enslaved by the Rikashans. When the Rikashan Empire contracted and became the Rikashan Federation, some Bolar worlds became free while others were still subject to the R’Khells. My sources tell me they have been granted their…”independence”…by the R’Khells, but with many conditions,” Desslok said. “I believe this ‘independence’ is a sham so that R’Khell has more warriors for its mad ji’had against the less barbaric and more reasoned interstellar nations such as yours and our own.”


“Meaning we’re no longer ‘barbarians’ in your book?” said Derek.


“Oh, you are,” said Desslok. “You are just…enlightened barbarians, that’s all….”


“Thanks a lot,” Nova said with a wry grin, feeling a bit like a barbarian owing to the fact that she had basically only one garment on for the strange heat. She remembered disticntly the diplomatic visits she had made to Rikasha, where her uniforms had been replaced by one or two pieces of local hide or cloth. She remembered one time where her wardrobe for a Rikashan summers’ day for attending a religious sacrificial and New Years’ Festival of theirs had consisted of a native light, single serape’ type garment more or less cinched around her otherwise by-custom unclothed body with a single leathern sash, worn with sandals. Derek had gotten only a hide fundoshi-like loincloth to wear with identical sandals. You should have seen us in those exotic getups, Desslok. We really looked like near-naked barbarians that day, she thought. And my mother would have died seeing me in that. Or maybe she would have thought it was ‘cute’ Hard to tell with Momma sometimes. And…it would have made a very convenient breastfeeding garment if I had had the kids then….


Then, Nova thought of the riitual of the high point of the Festival’s last Day, known as the L’Kannah…it involved one sacrificial lamb (or a Rikashan animal that looked like one) slain for every ten adults present. Prayers were said; the sins of the group were laid on the poor beast, and then he was slaughtered with a cut throat in front of everyone, and all had to be marked with its blood to share in the feast that followed, which consisted of the roast beast and local vegetables. Their ritual is reminiscent of Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Good Friday, Easter, and Passover rolled into one, Nova thought.


Nova’s reverie was broken when Astrena said, “Katrina Savela, you will rise now.”


Katrina stood, apprehensive as to why she was called out all of a sudden. Did the mysterious Empress of the Pellians know her secret?


Astrena looked at her and said, “We have a charge to give you this day as a faithful Pellian. You live on Earth, but you still have responsibilities to your people; this we communicated to your Government earlier today in a diplomatic note. Therefore, as Empress of Gamilon and reigning monarch of our people, We order Thee to assume the post of Pellian Special Plenipotentiary to the Cometine Empire. As such, we have arranged that Earth will be able to communicate with the Cometines through you, and you shall communicate Cometine and Pellian wishes to the Earth Government. Dost Thee accept?”


Katrina crossed her hands over her heart in what she knew was a Pellian gesture of reverence and bowed her head as she said, “I accept, Queen.”


“Good. Stand upright and assume your duty. We shall, at some point, soon….provide Thee with a small Pellian armed vessel and crew. You are to leave Earth and go on a fact-finding mission in the Crab Nebula…and then, you are to, per the wishes of the Cometines, to travel to a world of their choosing to negotiate with them. You shall then return to Earth and share your findings with Lady Aliscea at the Pellian Embassy and Earth Defense. Your point of contact with the Terrans, upon your return, shall be Commodore Wildstar, if he be available,” said Astrena. “If he is not available, you shall report to Captain Mark Venture. If those men are not available, you shall report to Commander Nova Wildstar. Is that clear?”


“It is,” said Katrina.



An hour later, after the Defense Council meeting ended, everyone broke up into small groups to have coffee, donuts, and sweet rolls, and otherwise to share notes and talk.


While they thus mingled, Katrina was tapped on the shoulder by General Gaeler, who roughly whispered into her ear, “Princess…


Katrina stood there in shock as Gaeler motioned her out of the room into the empty corridor, away from the security cameras. Then, he said, in a whisper, “Invidia, Astrena knows who you really are. She learned this from Trelaina, and she also shared this with Aliscea. These three women are bound to secrecy. Not even Desslok knows the secret, of course. This is a message I have travelled far and wide to bring you,” he said as he handed Invidia a slip of paper. “It is a small scroll in our language on rice paper. Read it and then immediately eat it. The ink is not poisonous.”


Katrina nodded. She unrolled the tiny scroll, and in Cometine, she read:




We know of your contacts on Earth. We would have you cultivate them in line with Our Master Plan for the Universe.


To that End, I summon you and your bondmate  to my Throne at Great Andromeda before the end of this Terran Year. We shall speak as we should have spoken years before. We have much to discuss.


The hopes of the Empire go with you, Princess of House Dezaria.




High Emperor Zordar…your loving father.


“Father,” whispered Katrina, almost wanting to Change here and now. “Thank you. I have missed you…and I have missed our people. A visit would do us good.”


“Now eat it,” whispered Gaeler. “And we must not be seen together again. Go with our love…”


Katrina hugged Gaeler and they thus parted.




Planet Earth

The Tokyo Megalopolis

Heroes’ Hill

Monday, April 11, 2208

1956 Hours Local Time



The shadows were beginning to grow long on Heroes’ Hill as all of the crew who could attend stood at attention before Captain Avatar’s statue; the sun was going down, and the civilians who were present, such at Nova’s parents, Jonathan, Foxy and Katrina, and other friends and family members of the crew, were all impressed at the solemnity of the event as a cool breeze blew in from the nearby beachfront.


“Doctor Sane!” snapped Commodore Wildstar. “Honors for the Captain!”


“YESSIR!” screamed Doctor Sane in his loudest voice. “Captain, we are again here tonight to honor you, and all of the other men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the peace of Earth!” He then paused and said, “Many of us fell fighting Gamilon, the Comet Empire, the Rikashans, and the Technomugar! It was nearly six years ago that Earth was facing destruction from the Lord Ekogaru; and we surely would have been destroyed if it were not for the bravery of those who have made the ultimate sacrifce! Captain Avatar, Sergeant Knox, Sean Conroy, Patrick Orion, Dana Royster, Hiyoshi Bando…and so many, many others! All of you are remembered here…and we must make sure that Earth never forgets your bravery and your sacrifices made in its defense! We will never forget you!”


“All hands..ready!” barked Commodore Wildstar. “ATTENTION! HONORS!”


At that, all of the Star Force veterans present snapped to and held a salute. Next to Katrina, Foxy snapped to….and, after a long moment, but still remembering that many of those here had died fighting her…not quite able to hold back her tears of rage, frustration, and guilt, she also snapped to and saluted.    


She looked over to see that Teri Forrester was holding little Alex, and encouraging the baby boy, in the copy of his father’s EDF blues, coat, and socks he wore…to “salute”, while Karl was doing the same for Ariel, who wore a cute miniature of her mother’s pink hot pants outfit with little pink sandals. Nearby, both Aurora and even David had turned quiet and solemn as they saluted.


Then, Derek snapped, “AT EASE!”


The crew stood down as Commodore Wildstar turned to face them. Dawn looked very uncomfortable as Hardy held her hand. “Now, comrades,” said Derek. “For the moment, we will not be meeting again for a while, since the Argo sustained some damage in her last mission. When we do meet up again for our next planned deployment, probably in late July or early August…we will be making some changes…Lieutenant Commander Kitano, front and center!”


Kitano came up, saluted, and stood before Derek. “Mister Kitano will be moving up in the Defense Forces. He will be leaving us because he has been appointed to command the space destroyer Agamemnon; and he will be leaving Earth again in about four weeks.” Derek paused, and then said, “Mister Kitano, any comments?”


“No….except to say I met this foxy girl soon after we hit port,” he said with a laugh.


“Is her name also Foxy?” said Foxy as he stood up. Some of the crew gave him dirty looks as if to say Who is this idiot and why is he here? However, Katrina stopped a lot of the glares by protectively holding on to Foxy and glaring back at his potential detractors. Then, to Katrina’s surprise, as Derek glanced at her and nodded, Teri Forrester said, “Go up…he wants to see you up there…”


Katrina went up with Foxy and saluted. Derek returned the salute and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, this young woman is a forner pilot in the Pellian forces known as Katrina Savela. She is now assigned to Earth as a representative from Pellias; and she will soon be representing our interests as she makes a journey to negotiate with our former enemies. In order to keep the peace, I would ask you to pray for her success.”


Then, Wildstar said, “Commander Sandor; Lieutenant Commander Henson..front and center!”


Sandor came up, holding hands with Diane. A couple of people whistled until Wildstar raised a hand for silence. Then, he said, “Sandor has an announcement to make.”


“As you know…the Argo is tentatively planned to leave Earth again for a few days for a new set of space trials in the second week of August,” said Sandor. “However, most of us will be meeting up right before she goes out again…because, this time…I can’t be there for this mission. The reason why is because of what is happening on Saturday, August the sixth. Diane, should I tell them, or should you tell them?”


“You tell them,” said Diane, who looked very, very cute in a wide-brimmed hat, sundress, and sandals.


Sandor cleared his throat. “Guys..gals…you’re going to need a new Mechanical Group Leader and new Chief Engineer for this deployment…because Diane and I are getting married on the sixth of August! We decided we had to set a date…uh…after last night at my place…our, place……uh….”


Steve was really blushing at that. “How far did ya get?” yelled Eager.


“Eager, that’s a terrible thing to ask him!” snapped Nova. “That’s very personal!”


“We got to home base, and I’m not ashamed!” yelled Diane as some of the others applauded and whistled, while, some distance away, while playing with Alex, Teri Forrester turned to Karl and said, “Why, Karl…the nerve of that hussy! And look at the way she’s cuddling up to him and looking at him! The little slut probably wants to do it again right now! And look at her sundress! She’s half-naked!”


Karl whispered, “Our eldest daughter sometimes dresses like that…and she cuddles up to our son-in-law a lot!”


“Tha’s different,” huffed Teri. “Nova’s married and we want her to give us a few more grandchildren…for all I care…she could run off right now with our son-in-law and do it in the back seat of the minivan and I’d be peachy with it! So long as they don’t make too much of a mess, that is!”


“Would she do that, Teri?”


“Karl, I wouldn’t care if she did…but this girl! She’s just cheap! And I overheard she once broke Derek’s heart! I don’t give that marriage more than six months…I can spot a floozie from ten kiilometers away! And that is what she is…a red-headed floozie!”


Teri then went quiet because Nova ran over and asked about Alex and Ariel in a whisper. Teri said, “Alex seems fine, but Ariel seems a bit cranky…”

“I’ll take her,” Nova said. “I have an idea of what she might want after Derek has me up there to say my piece…”


Nova picked up her baby girl and held her and said, “Yes…aren’t we the sweetest…Mommy missed you all day! Mommy loves you!”


“Mommy no go bye-bye?” said Ariel.


“No…Mommy is keeping you and Alex all day tomorrow because Mommy is caught up on her work…we’ll play bathtime tomorrow…play on the rug…Daddy might even have that new baby pool up tomorrow for us so we can play splashies in the water!”


“Splashies!” giggled Ariel. Ariel kissed her mommy, and Nova kissed her back, and then kissed Alex as she took Ariel up with her.


Up front, (and thankfully unaware of Teri’s cattiness from the Peanut Gallery) Sandor continued with, “Since we have our wedding coming up, and we will be taking a honeymoon after that in the South of France…we can’t be on the ship this time out. But we wish all of you the best of luck…and I think all of you are invited to the wedding!”


Sandor and Diane stepped away as Derek then said, “Commander Wildstar, front and center!”


Nova came up, holding little Ariel in her arms. Some crew members were going “awwww…” since Ariel was crawling up and down her mommy’s chest and had somehow just squiggled out of one out her little pink sandals, so that one foot had a shoe on it, while the other little foot was bare…the little half-barefoot seven-month old looked so cute crawling around.


“I’m sorry, sir…I can’t…salute right now…our daughter’s kind of not letting me…” Nova said.


“That’s fine,” Derek said. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Commander Wildstar has decided that, barring incident, she won’t be on our next cruise, because she’ll be home with the kids, and because orientation for Medical School will begin for her in August, with classes beginning on August the 29th. So, there’s going to be a new Living Group Leader, new Head Nurse, and new Cosmo-Radar Officer aboard ship when we come back.”


“We’re going to miss you, ma’am,” said Homer, who walked up with Wendy, who was now very heavily pregnant with their twins, who were scheduled to arrive in June.


“Thanks, Homer,” said Nova. “I’m going to miss all of you guys, too. Even Eager with his stupid comments…”


“Any more announcements, sir?” said Domon.


“None!” said Derek. “Okay, all hands…FALL OUT! Let the party begin….”



At that, one of the crew’s usual post-Heroes’ Hill sake bashes started.


Katrina was surprised at the informality, as most of the crew just plopped down on the flagstones and began to talk as bottles of Doctor Sane’s “Spring Water” (Katrina tried a glass of something from one of those bottles and found that it had to be a hundred proof!) came out, along with open bottles of sake, wine, beer, soda and juice.


Soon, Commodore Wildstar was sitting cross-legged on the ground with a bottle of Kirin Beer as Nova sat near him, nursing Ariel at a somewhat bared breast as the baby looked very, very content and played with something in one of the pockets of Nova’s partially unzipped outfit.


Sasha sat near them, looking quite pregnant in a sundress and bare feet as she said, “Is it that hard to do, Auntie?”


“Not if you do it right,” Nova said. “You’ll have an easier time of it because you just have one and don’t have to pretty much strip like me when they both get hungry. Luckily, Mom brought Alex over and he doesn’t want any, so I don’t have to…give a show right now. Not that I’d mind. If my babies were both hungry, I’d go naked for them if I had to.” Nova then winked at Derek, and he winked back.


“You look so happy with them,” said Dawn, with a note of envy in her voice. “How do you do it?”


“It’s not always easy,” Derek said. “We’ve both been burped on, pooped on, thrown up on, and peed on. Sometimes, they even think I’m Mommy when I don’t have a shirt on and they grab at me…one night, when I was cuddling up to Nova and got some milk on me, Ariel thought that I gave it, too...”


“I should have had the camera, then, Derek…that was so funny…” Nova said as she took Ariel away. “Done?”


“donedoneboo” said Ariel, who whimpered as Nova zipped up her top and began to pat and rub her back to burp her while Derek tickled her little foot and then put her shoe back on her. Ariel then crawled over to her father and began pulling his hair as soon as she sat in his lap.


“Hey, stop that!” he laughed. “Yeah…that hair is part of me, sweetheart…it’s not coming off. It’s like mommy’s! It’s attached!”


“I’ve been getting my hair pulled a lot lately,” Nova said. Then, she heard Doctor Sane yelling, “Hey, Nova! Come over here and drink with us for a bit!”


“Doc, are you that drunk already? Remember; I’m still nursing. I can’t have any sake or real beer right now, but I’ll take some O’Douls and pour for you!” Nova said as she got herself a non-alcoholic beer out of a cooler and ran over to Doctor Sane and his group. After a few sips of the non-alcoholic beer (which went down very nicely in the heat for the young mother, although she preferred Sapporo beer when she was able to indulge), Nova knelt down with the group and was busy pouring sake for Doctor Sane and laughing when Teri Forrester ran up and yelled, “Nova, you can’t be drinking anything! You’ll poison my grandchildren!”


“Mother, this is non-alcoholic,” Nova said as she held up her bottle of O’Douls. “And I’m only pouring for Doctor Sane! You taught me the rules of hospitality for sake yourself, so don’t act like you don’t know them!”


“Give me some of that!” Teri snapped. She then grabbed the bottle out of her startled daughter’s hands and took a big swig of sake. Teri licked her lips and then said to Doctor Sane, “Are you my daughter’s sensei? She talks about you all the time!”


“Yes, mother, he’s my sensei,” Nova said as she grabbed back the sake bottle. “And mother, please calm down! You just embarrassed me in front of all of my shipmates!”


“Shipmates?” Teri said. “I had the impression you were going to settle down, Nova Dawn Yukiko Wildstar!”


“I’m in training to be a doctor, Mother,” Nova said. “Some day, when the kids are older, I’ll be taking over Doctor Sane’s sickbay, and, maybe, someday, I’ll be in command of a hospital ship or a whole Unit at Central Hospital, maybe even the Hospital Commanding Officer someday when I get my first star as a Commodore.”


“Where does that leave time for you to make me and the planet more kids?” yelled Teri.


“Here and there,” Nova said hotly.”Mother, I don’t want to be pregnant again in the next six months! Maybe in the next two or three years…(which was actually when the next set of Wildstar children came) but not now!” Nova took some more of her pseudo-beer, while thinking, The way you’re going, Mother, I wish this was the real stuff! I need a drink whenever you start getting like that!


“But Earth needs children and you’re still young and healthy!” Teri protested as she played with her pearls above her dark green sleeveless blouse. They were a fairly new set of pearls; given to her by Nova, who had actually gone pearl-diving in the traditional Japanese manner to get them for her…going by herself into the Great Eastern Sea mostly without even a wetsuit or scuba gear to collect them for her mother’s birthday present. Nova had even drilled out the pearls and mounted them herself, with the aid of some fine tools borrowed from Sandor.


“But I have a life, Mother! Now, go sit down with Daddy…and please don’t steal any more of Doctor Sane’s stuff?”


“Little ingrate! I changed your crappy diapers and this is the thanks I get from you? HMPH!” snapped Teri as she flipped her nose up in the air, turned on her sandaled heels, and flounced away in her blouse and white shorts with her big, bangly bracelets clicking as she walked.


Dash came up to Nova and patted her arm. “Is she getting on your case again?”


“Yeah,” Nova nodded, brushing away tears. “She’s drunk, too. How can Daddy let her stay here like this? And she’s been getting worse and worse at times…”


“Yeah, Mom…she’s a case, all right,” said Jonathan as he sat down in his khaki shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops. “She said she didn’t like the clothes you pick out for me.”


“Wrong because you know I let you pick out ninety percent of your own things…you’re just about old enough,” Nova said to her adopted teenage son. “If she could ever hear half the stories you told me about what you suffered when you were a slave in Rikashan space, she would just scream and then realize maybe that is why you’re so grown-up. You make a better babysitter for your baby brother and sister at fifteen then she does at times at the age of fifty-one!”


“How old was she when she had you, Mom?”


“Twenty-one…she actually got pregnant with me at twenty,” Nova said. Nova was not about to tell Jonathan at this point that Teri had actually conceived her just out of wedlock in college even though she and Karl had married two months later.


However, they were all interrupted again when Foxy was found just screaming at someone.


Everyone turned their heads to see Kazuo arguing with Nova’s cousin, the fiery reddish-blond-haired Jane Forrester…his ex-wife.


Jane had been the only daughter of Karl’s deceased brother Richard and his wife Leslie, who had died in the Gamilon War. Jane was about thirty-three, she looked somewhat like her cousin Nova, albeit with reddish-blond hair, and she was a rancher near Colorado who had a great deal of money. Indeed, she was dressed sort of like a cowgirl in a plaid shirt, bolo string tie, full denim skirt picked up in Texas, with funky open-toe cowgirl booties in grey. She also carried a Native-American looking fringed buckskin purse that had quite a few things stuffed in it.


Kazuo was yelling at Jane as she yelled back, “YOU still owe me money from the divorce settlement, ya varmint! You owe me about three hundred thousand credits!”


“I paid you off, Jane! Definitely not! I’m also remarried, remember? Or are you drunk? You were at my second wedding!”


“I forgot that and I ain’t drunk!” yelled Jane in a loud voice (she was drunk) “Who’s the not-so-lucky girl?” she screamed as people began to gather around.


“I am!” Katrina snapped. “You forgot, dummy? My name is Katrina Foxworth-Savela from the Planet Pellias! I come long way and through lots to get my Foxy! Leave Foxy alone!”


“You married an alien? I kinda remember now….Hah! That’s dippin’ from the bottom of the outhouse hole!” said Jane.


“Jane, cool it! You’re drunk and you shouldn’t be here!” Nova yelled as she came up. “Mom, you knew Foxy was going to be here! Why did you bring her? I swore to both of them I would do all I could to keep them apart after that last argument they had over Katrina!”


“She was in town and said she had to talk,” said Teri.


“This looks like trouble,” said Derek as he came up. “Miss Forrester, I’m sorry, but maybe you’d better leave. Foxy, Katrina…come with us…Nova and I’ll drive you back to Foxworth Manor! Nova, you can hold Ariel; Katrina, you can hold Alex.


“You’re taking her side?” said Jane as she snarled at Nova.


“I don’t want to take anyone’s side,” Nova said. “Katrina, you’re my friend, and I love you. Jane, you’re my cousin and I love you. Why can’t we be civil about this?”


“Because he was never civil to me!” yelled Jane. “Those two years in Foxworth Manor was insanity and he put me through a living hell before I dumped him! Katrina, this is a crazy man who should be put away!”


“You chased me away, if you remember. With a gun,” said Foxy. “I later had to have the police get you out of Foxworth Manor when you took over and starting redoing everything so it looked like a Longhorn Restauarnt on the inside!”


“Is that why you have that hick room in there?” said Katrina.


”Yeah…that was her redecorating idea. Made a nice rec room, though,” said Kazuo. “Now, Jane…let’s get going. Are you dating anyone?”


“No! And YOU OWE ME MONEY!” yelled Jane as she opened her purse. Then, she pulled out…


….a gun. It was an old Colt .45 revolver; which she succeeded in pointing right at Foxy!


Katrina screamed and yelled “Get down!” as Jane fired off a shot! The bullet hit the flagstones and richocheted off.


“YA BITCH!” yelled Jane at Katrina as she pointed the gun at her. Katrina got up, snarling and preparing to charge Jane.


However, something like a hot pink blur tackled Jane from behind and knocked her on her face.


”NOVA!” yelled Derek as he saw the love of his life wrestling on the ground with her crazed, armed cowgirl cousin. It was evident that Nova and Jane were fighting for the gun. Finally, after a few punches, slaps, and hair-pulls, Nova came out on top and held the gun on Jane while she yelled, “There’s Space Marines around! Could one of you guys help me subdue this damn smashed out of her mind lunatic?”


“Gimme back my gun, ya varmint!” yelled Jane. “Ya ain’t actin’ like no cousin o’mine right about now!”


“Oh, be quiet,” Nova said. “Jane, this happens about once a year; right,Foxy?”


“Yeah,” sighed Foxy as he and Katrina got up. She looked daggers at Jane as two Space Marines got her cuffed while Jane said, “You’re ugly!”


“I will make sure you go to jail!” snapped Katrina.


“No,” said Nova.


“NO?” yelled Katrina.


“She belongs in a hospital for now…to dry out and get treatment!” said Nova. “Doctor Sane, would you call the medics? I think she needs to go to the psych ward at Central.”


“Good idea,” said Doctor Sane.





Late that night, after the kids had been put to bed, and after a very intimate hour and a half, Nova and Derek lay together in bed talking before going to sleep.


“So where’s Jane again?” Derek asked.


“The Sixth Ward,” Nova said sadly. “We know she’s been sort of unstable for a while. After she’s treated, she’ll be able to come home. Minus that gun, of course. Foxy and I convinced Katrina not to press charges. We both know Jane doesn’t quite have all of her marbles. She never quite had them after her father died and after her first husband died.”


“First husband?” said Derek.


“She married this man around 2197. They were going to go into business together to rebuild her ranch, but he died of the space radiation sickness in 2200 right before we got back. Foxy’s her second husband. Then, there was her third husband, Alan.”


”What happened to him?” Derek said.


“He couldn’t stand her any more so he…killed himself,” Nova said sadly.


Derek whistled. “No wonder Jane’s messed up,” he said as he stretched his arms above his head.


“Yeah…” Nova got up in just her bare skin and walked over to the bureau, where she had Jane’s gun,with the bullets taken out. “Beautiful old antique. I may give it back to her. Minus the bullets.”


“How could you have charged a woman holding a gun like that, Nova?” Derek asked.


“The same way I charged Desslok that time when you were hurt. Both times, someone close to me was being hurt. I don’t like that….” Nova then thoughtfully put away the gun and yawned.


“Nova, come back to bed?” asked Derek.


“Yeah, guess I’d better,” she said. She crawled back in, passionately kissed her husband, and curled up in his arms as he flicked off their light.


Soon, both lovers were fast asleep.