A Postscript to THE NEW COMET--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz

This Story is being completed with the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield (as usual)---Freddo





The San Diego Megalopolis

San Diego Central Hospital

Friday, February 12, 2208

1125 Hours Local Time



“C’mon, PUSH!” Doctor Sane yelled in Angie Hartcliffe’s ear.


In the maternity suite, Angie, who was shaking, sweaty, and clad in nothing but her bra, shook her head and said, “I can’t push any more.”


“TRY!” barked Sane.


Angie bore down and began to sob. “I’ve been trying the past hour! Nothing is happening! I’m too tired!”


“You’ve been in labor for twenty hours,” said Doctor Kei Stuart as she held her hand. Sasha Wakefield held her other hand, trying to offer psychic comfort in the scrub dress she had donned over her own pregnant stomach.


It had been Nova’s idea. Nova and Tasha Cleveland were assisting Sane and Stuart in what was turning out to be a very unsuccessful labor. The baby’s pulse rate is dropping again, Nova thought with disquiet as she watched the fetal monitor connected to Angie’s bare stomach.


Doctor Sane drank from his sake’ bottle, slapped one of his geta-clad feet against the floor, and said, “If we can’t get you to dilate more, we’re going to have to go in and do a C-Section on you!”


“Why didn’t you do one already?” gasped Angie as Nova responded to Sane’s nod and ran to again set up the anesthsiologist’s unit kept in reserve.


“You said you wanted to keep on trying around 0800,” said Doctor Kei Stuart. “This time, if we can’t get you to deliver in the next thirty minutes or so, or that baby’s pulse rate goes down too far…”


“Threshold!” snapped Cleveland as she looked at the sensor, which began to beep. Sane gave Sasha a withering look, and she stepped away. Cleveland quickly undid Angie’s bra from the front and stripped her entirely nude as she attached more sensors to her breasts as Nova got the necessary sterile drapes ready. Then, she finished programming the anesthesia unit as IQ-9 ran over, pushing a tray of stainless steel surgical instruments that made Angie shiver at the sight of them, even as Cleveland painted her lower abdomen again with some fresh Betadine.


Nova and Stuart finished programming the anesthesia unit, and Nova loomed over Angie’s head with the mask. Sasha was beginning to look white. So was Angie.


Nova took a look at the readouts and thought, If we don’t have this baby out n the next forty minutes, this might end up being a stillbirth. My God!


“Nova, get Sasha out of here…she’ll just be in the way now!” Sane barked.


“Sasha, go out and tell Deke and Bryan what’s going on; neither of them can get back in here again now,” Nova said. Nova then pivoted on her sandaled toes and said to Angie, “A few puffs on this, and you won’t feel anything else…”


“I want to be awake!” screamed Angie. “AWAKE!”


“We can’t have that now…we have to get Richie out of you,” Nova said. “He’s not very well now.” He might be dying, Nova thought. The same for you, too, if your pulse drops much more…


The mask came down over Angie’s face as Sasha stepped out of the labor suite, hearing instruments clinking as the buzz of the laser knife came up in the background. The last thing Sasha heard was Sane barking, “Stuart, a Number Two Montrell Spreader, please! Ready it. Nova, ready venous sedation for the patient!”


“Yes, Doctor,” Nova said as Sasha got out of there.



In the waiting room outside, Bryan Hartcliffe sat like a dead man between two Shore Patrol guards. He was handcuffed to one of them, and he was very bruised up and bloodied.


At the other end of the couch, Deke Wakefield sat smoking a cigarette, looking daggers at Hartcliffe. “To think I had to drag you in there twice to see your own wife,” he said. “You lousy piece of crap!”


“I’m scared o’ this,” Bryan said. “That’s why I’ve been drinkin’ again, man. Scared. Bloody scared!”


“And, thus, your probation is revoked, for drunk and disorderly,” snapped one of the Shore Patrol men. “You are going right back up to the Treasure Island Brig after you see your son born, Mister,” said the sergeant. “And you have new charges. DUI, assaulting a friendly alien, assaulting three superior officers, leaving the scene of an aircar accident, speeding…they’re going to be so happy for you at your court-martial, man.”


Hartcliffe screamed and banged on the arm of his chair, and then he threw his face in his hands and sobbed.


“Me whole life’s been like this! Lost me mum at twelve, almost got booted outta the Academy twice, got another bird preggers…”


“What happened to the baby?” asked Wakefield in a dull voice, feeling pity for Hartcliffe at his bad choices, but also noting he could have risen above his bad breaks just as he himself had risen above his own mistakes and offenses in the Academy.


“It died!” yelled Bryan. “Now, wi’ Angie, she’s…”


Sasha came out a minute later, shaking her head.


“Oh, no, don’t tell me…”


“The baby and Angie are in danger,” said Sasha in a flat, dull, tired voice as she came to Deke’s arms. “They sent me out of there to do a C-Section. No one’s had a break for twenty hours, except when they gave Nova a break to care for Alex and Ariel and feed them at 0600.”


“A C-SECTION!?” yelled Bryan.


“It means they’re taking your son out of her,” said Deke in what he hoped was a soothing voice. “He should be all right…”


“Where’s Wildstar?” said Bryan. “Man, I gotta tell him I’m sorry, he’ll get me off, and…”


“Too late,” said one of the Shore Patrol Guards. “We were called by others, besides. Like that female doctor after you tried to slam her through the wall at 0200 after she threw you out of there. Besides, Commodore Wildstar went home with his children at 0700. He is probably sleeping by now…”


“Sleeping?” said Derek as he came back into the room with Jonathan. Jonathan was carrying Alex, while Derek carried Ariel. Deke noticed that Wildstar looked as if he hadn’t had a shave and was wearing a t-shirt and cutoff shorts with flip-flops. Little Ariel wore only a frilly pink baby girl’s blouse and her diaper. “How can you sleep when your kids are crying and Mom’s in the OR? Luckily, Jon and I figured out why they were crying…”


“Diapers,” yawned Jonathan, who had on surfer baggies and a t-shirt with no shoes; at fifteen, he could just about get away with running around barefoot in a beach community (his father had also interrupted him from waxing the brand new surfboard he was getting to use in the strange heat of February). “Dad’s letting me play hookey from school today to help out.” He hugged his brother Alex, who was trying to creep up him, showing a bit of tummy between his little black and gold Black Tigers t-shirt and his diaper as his little bare legs kicked. Unknown to Alexander, he would wear that uniform for real someday as one of the Argo’s pilots when he got older. 


“Wildstar,” said Hartcliffe as he looked at Derek. “I’m under arrest! You’ve gotta let me go!”


“For what?” said Derek as he juggled his giggling daughter.


“Probation violations and more assault charges, sir,” said one of the Shore Patrol Guards. “He should actually be in the brig now, but we’re letting him stay here under guard just long enough to see his son born.”


“Let me go, sir!” yelled Bryan.


“SHUT UP!” barked Wildstar as Ariel jumped in his arms. Then, she began to cry. As her father tried to soothe her, Wildstar came up to Hartcliffe and said, “You’re waiting for your boy to be born. What is your problem? Why are you set on wrecking your life?”


“Pissed at the world,” snapped Bryan.


Then, Bryan really sneered as his near-twin came into the room.


Derek looked at the newcomer, who was carrying an overnight bag. He had much shorter hair than Bryan had, a moustache, and round Beatle glasses of his own. However, he had a much neater appearance. He dropped the bag and saluted Wildstar, saying in a Scouse accent similar to Bryan’s, but not as heavy, “Clive Hartcliffe, at your service, sir.


Wildstar turned and said, “You’re his cousin? I’ve heard of you from Nova.”


“Where is she?” said Clive.


Deke Wakefield got up and gestured towards the delivery room, which now had a red light on over the door. “In there, helping deliver his son behind the sterile isolation field.”


Sasha was holding onto Deke, and she looked as if she was close to tears.


How?” said Sasha. “Bryan Hartcliffe, how could you treat your wife and son like that…delaying in getting them here to the hospital to be cared for…?”


“I thought she was messin’ about, and…” Bryan began, but Clive gave him a withering look and said, “Just like you’ve always never taken a woman seriously, you…”


A moment later, Doctor Sane came out, looking very tired. “It’s over,” he said.


“Over?” said Derek.


Sane nodded. “We were just in time. Mister Bryan Hartcliffe, you have a son. He’s a little small, though. He’ll be with his mother in about two hours when she wakes up, but then he will be in the Newborn ICU unit for a few days since he seems to have a little trouble breathing. When Angie wakes up, you can meet him…”


“Then we can take him with us?” said one of the Shore Patrol Guards.


“Correct,” said Sane.





The San Diego Megalopolis

San Diego Central Hospital

Room 1425

Friday, February 12, 2208

1340 Hours Local Time



Sasha recognized the room where Angie Hartcliffe now lay on sight…it was the same room that Nova and Katrina had shared back in September.


Only, now, the scene was different as Angie Hartcliffe lay there in a hospital gown, woozily holding her new son, who was wrapped in a blue baby blanket.


“That’s ‘im?” said Bryan as he looked at his wife.


“Yes, that’s him,” said one of the Shore Patrol guards.


“He looks a little funny,” said Clive. “His skin tone…it’s off…”


Near the bed, Nova Wildstar, who now wore a white lab coat that went down to her knees, said, “That’s because he has some jaundice. His liver function is a little off. In fact, after his mother gives him lunch, he’ll have to lie under the lights for a while. Ariel, who was in her arms with her little top off in the warm room, cooed in agreement.


“He’s beautiful,” said Angie as she unwrapped him with Nova’s help. Unwrapped, he was naked except for a small baby cap and an identification bracelet, but other than his slightly small size and his jaundice, his little body was perfect from his nose to his chest to his tummy, down to his little boyhood and his legs and toes.


“How do I feed him?” whispered Angie.


Nova tenderly helped Angie out of her hospital gown, and then sat on the bed with her, trying to show her how to put the baby to one of her bare breasts. Angie finally succeeded, but she had a hard time latching him own, so Nova finally sighed and opened her own lab coat (she wore nothing beneath it herself, having showered off the blood of the operation just a few minutes beforehand) and she then put Ariel up to one of her own bare breasts, showing Angie how a baby would latch on. A moment later, Bryan stood there stroking his son’s tummy and side as he fed.


“He’s beautiful,” said Bryan in a choked-up voice.


“Too bad you can’t be here to see him much longer,” said Angie as she looked at him. “They tell me you have to go away for a while.”


“I do…for all the stupid things I’ve done….I…”


“I’ll take care of her and him while you begin to pay your debts to your service and to society,” said Clive Hartcliffe in a reassuring tone of voice as he also stroked the baby. “When you’re back, I’m sure you can start a new life…”


Bryan noticed uneasily that his son seemed to be focusing on Clive more than on him.


“Time to go,” said one of the Shore Patrol men.


“Angie…” said Bryan. “I’m sorry…I…I love yer…”


He tried to kiss her cheek, but she turned away slightly, with a sad smile on her face.


Bryan,” she said in a sleepy voice. “Now’s not the time. We’re not exactly…a happy couple..” she said just as Derek hugged Nova while trying to keep her lab coat over her enough to cover her semi-nakedness as his daughter fed from her.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Bryan.


“It’s obvious we’re going to be separated the next few months,” said Angie. “We’ll talk more at a later time…”




“You have to go, mate,” said Clive. “Don’t worry. I’ll be like a cousin to her.”


The Shore Patrol men watched as Bryan wrapped up his son again in his blanket. “Right…goodbye, Richie…”


But, his son turned away from him, whimpering as he hid his face in his mother’s breast. Nova quickly buttoned her lab coat back up with Derek’s help as she burped Ariel. Bryan looked at Angie with a stricken expression as she just waved weakly to him as he was gently but firmly walked out of the room by the Shore Patrol men. No one said goodbye to him or offered him any funny bubblegum cigars or a card as the accused officer was walked down the hall.


“Well?” said Angie.


“I’ll stay with you to help,” said Clive.


“Thanks,” said Angie, who was softly crying as she thought about what might have been with Bryan at that moment.


Nova then handed Ariel to her father and kissed Derek while she helped Angie back into her hospital gown. Then, she took little Richie and wrapped him up, saying, “He has to go back to the nursery for a while to lie under a little artificial sunlight to help him with that jaundice. He’ll get his first diaper on after he’s done.”


“Will he be okay?” whispered Angie.


“I believe so,” said Doctor Sane. “He’s still somewhat weak. Just give him some time.”


Angie nodded, smiling through her tears as he son was taken away from her. Deke noticed that Clive was holding her hand as she began to go back to sleep.



Later that afternoon, the sun was very hot and bright on the beach near their townhouse where Nova lay on a beach towel beside Derek. Derek wore only his cutoffs as he lay beside Nova, putting suntan lotion on his young wife’s stomach. At the moment, Nova was feeding Alex at one of her bare breasts; her discarded lab coat and sandals were nearby as she lay there sunning in the nude with her naked baby boy on her tummy.


“He’s getting so big,” said Derek as he held Ariel in his lap.


Nova nodded. “Isn’t he wonderful? He sure is growing fast. He takes after his father. Look at our other son. I think he has a girlfriend,” teased Nova.


Derek looked down at the water’s edge. Jonathan was on his surfboard, clumsily riding a wave in his baggies while a redheaded girl in a pink bikini looked on, sitting on her own surfboard; namely, Felicia Carmody. Felicia and Jonathan were finding more and more opportunities to get together, now. A minute later, Jonathan wiped out, and Felicia jumped into the water to “rescue” him.


“Looks like he needed rescuing again,” said Nova as she shook her head in amusement. “I wonder if he’s that clumsy on purpose?


“I don’t think so,” said Derek. “Gives them a nice opportunity to hug, doesn’t it? Is that why he does it?”


Nova smiled and nodded. “I know another young man who is sometimes just as inept on a surfboard himself. A certain twenty-nine year old.”


Derek blushed, smiling as Nova brought up their small age difference; the young mother had just turned thirty earlier in the month. Derek would not reach thirty until July.


“I feel bad for Hartcliffe,” sighed Derek. “It’ll be a long time before he can lie like this on the beach with his wife and his son.”


“Derek, he made his bed. He just has to sleep in it now. If their marriage endures, that is…”




Nova nodded sadly as she cuddled Alex’s little round bottom. “She’s tiring of him. But who can blame her? Mmm….I like that,” Nova whispered as Derek’s hand rubbed suntan lotion on her hip. “I…Derek…does your hand have to go there?” she whispered.


“Nova, it will burn unless I get lotion on it. Relax…”


“Maybe I should have put a fundoshi on?” whispered Nova.


“I know this makes you happy…” whispered Derek.


“It does…the problem is, very soon, I may not want you to put tanning lotion anywhere else…”


They heard Jonathan and Felicia’s laughter a few moments later, so Nova covered her hips with her coat like a loincloth as Derek kissed her. “Later?” he whispered.


“Later,” Nova said. “There’s always the shower. I will need help getting that sand washed off my butt.”




“I’m sure you can figure out the rest…”