Being the fifth part of THE NEW COMET--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz

This Act is being completed with the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield (as usual)---Freddo



Deep Space: 80,000 Lightyears Away From Earth

Planet Melezart

Derek and Nova Wildstar’s Villa

Thursday, October 16, 2206

0700 Hours: Earthtime

Commodore Wildstar awoke the next morning (after a wonderful night with Nova) to find her side of the bed empty.

Confused, and feeling a bit scared for her, he got up, pulled on a pair of gym shorts and an undershirt, and he walked around the villa calling Nova’s name.

“In here, Derek!” she said.

Derek stuck his head into a side room to find Nova sitting there in a halter top and shorts. A window was slightly open, and a warm breeze blew in as Nova sat at a desk under a bright worklight. She was taking apart the dagger she had taken from the reception the previous night with fine tools with a jeweler’s magnifying glass in one of her eyes.

“Derek, did you know this thing is a syringe?”

“A syringe?” replied the befuddled Commodore.

“You’re going to need some of my coffee before you get back to the ship. And breakfast,” said Nova. “I can oblige with both-they’ve left us food. I need to leave an hour early to report my findings to the President and to Desslok. Maybe we should call off this stupid conference.”


“They are playing very dirty. This dagger was designed to inject some kind of poison into its victim. I think they were trying to kill us last night, Derek. And I would not put it past them to try it again.”

“Why call off the conference?”

“Why negotiate with treacherous snakes who want to kill you?” hissed Nova. “And that Invidia? Do you believe the nerve of that woman, trying to make advances upon me? I believe if people want to….go that way, that is their business, but please, don’t force it down my throat! That woman is sick!”

“I’d never bow down to her if that’s the price of peace, either. If that’s the way she feels, and if they are so arrogant, let us fight it out on the battlefield,” snapped Derek. “They started this. And if Desslok can take over that rat’s nest of that Comet City somehow and order them to stop this war, that’s good. He may not be perfect, but at least our former enemy is an honorable and decent man, and a very cunning warrior and statesman. In fact, I’d prefer Lord Cha’rif to that Invidia creep in a heartbeat.”

“Now, you see what I mean,” said Nova with a smile.

The phone rang again. Derek picked up and listened. Finally, he handed it to Nova. “Desslok,” he said.

“Good morning; ready for the conference? Or, ready to watch our backs?” said Nova. “Maybe we should call it off and tell Invidia where to shove her conference.”

“Hmmm…strong language from you, Nova? But it is fitting. I have been inclined to agree, but Astrena talked me out of it.”

“Why?” said Nova. “Desslok, I discovered what that dagger was…these things are made to inject poison! They were just out to kill us last night! They’ll probably say the had the daggers to defend themselves, but you don’t defend yoursef with a poisoned dagger!”

“My technicians also found the same,” said Desslok. “I have already lodged a protest with the Cometines. A message came back that this matter would be considered at the conference. I will tell them what I think at the conference. So will the others. Incidentially, Lord Cha’rif told them that he will withdraw from the conference as a protest if this matter is not resolved. While I do not like the idea, since it may fracture our united front, I do not disagree with the man. Especially since one of them also tried to openly kill his wife last night…”

What?” cried Nova.

“The Laady Mikala was walking by herself down a beach not far from the city watching the stars in the evening when two men in black clothing assaulted her. She escaped only because she knows how to fight and has some of her husband’s psi-abilities. She killed one of the men. He turned out to be green. She also reported finding circumstantial evidence that another couple had been at that same beach earlier that night, and that they were being stalked by the enemy…but got away just in time by boat…”

“My God,” said Nova as the thought that their intimate rendezvous the previous night was possibly being watched hit her. It made her feel sick. “I’m talking with the President later. As far as I’m concerned, maybe we should withdraw from the conference.”

“Maybe we should,” said Derek. “Especially since I’m scared for you being there…”

Wakefield will be there,” said Nova. “I called the Arizona while you were asleep…he’s getting better. He won’t be one hundred percent recovered, but he can still do his job…Doctor Bradford is reluctantly releasing him from Sickbay today. I hope he’ll be all ritght.”

“I hope so,” said Commodore Wildstar. “Nova, I hate the thought of not being there with you…”

“I know,” said Nova. “I’ll see what the President has to say about this…” Nova looked down at herself. “I’d better put on some more clothes soon, too. I don’t want to be seen talking with the President of Earth dressed like this. I’ve got to get my uniform on…”

“Makes sense,” said Derek. He stroked her hair for a moment. “I like seeing you like that…though…Mom…”

Nova smiled. “Thanks..Dad…”

Later that morning, Nova sat in her Star Force shipboard uniform, boots and peacoat in her cabin on the Arizona, talking with the President. He was aghast at the news Nova had shared about the assassination attempts. “How do they explain this?” said Mendellsohn.

“I asked Desslok to confront them already. He spoke with a General Austereatz from their side this morning, sir, when the Gamilon Empire lodged a formal protest on behalf of Rikasha.”


Nova sighed. “The Cometines told Desslok that the assassination attempt on the Lady Mikala of Rikasha was part of a rebellion by “uncontrolled elements” in the Empire who are being punished for it.”

“How are they explaining the daggers that Invidia and Dyre had, Lieutenant Commander Wildstar?” asked the President.

“They said they carry them for self-defense….but do they have to be poisoned knives?”

“Wildstar, you will explain to Desslok that you will not meet again and negotiate with them again unless your safety can be guaranteed by another party, such as, say the Melezartians.“

“Thank you, sir,” said Nova. “I think the others are coming to that conclusion, as well. I’ll make sure the Gamilons tell the Cometines where we stand…”

In the meantime, Stovall sat alone in a park in Sterlent after breakfast. He had managed to steal away to “meditate”…but his quiet time was really a talk with the malign ghost he had been keeping company with lately.


“I say, Lord, we should help the Cometines and kill them now,” said Stovall as he stroked the Crystal Sphere.


“Patience, child,” said Ekogaru in his mind. “I am having too much fun observing both sides of the coin, so to speak, in this war. I am not on anyone’s side, even though R’Khell is allied to the Cometines as a matter of mere conveniece. As I told you on Earth…wait until the time is right. Then let me act. I can create more chaos than you would think.”


“And what would we do in the chaos?”


“Laugh, Michael, as everyone’s house of cards comes crumbling down on their heads…and we wait in the Chaos for me to show myself openly again.”


“You said you wouldn’t make me do that yet?” whispered Stovall as he trembled.


“Did I not promise you eternal life?” whispered the Dark Lord. “Letting me have your body when the time is right is just a step in that greater good. And I would make sure you lived on in a new body.”


“Would you?”


Ekogaru chuckled at that.


1120 Hours, Earthtime…

What?” hissed General Dyre as he read the note that General Talan had handed him in the empty meeting room in the Great Hall of the People on Melezart. “Does this explain why the others have not arrived yet?”

“You caused the danger, I am sure,” said Talan. “We will not accept any deliberate attempt on your part to humiliate or harm Emperor Desslok. And, as you will see, neither will the others accept any attempt to harm or humiliate Lord Cha’rif, Lieutenant Commander Wildstar, Empress Astrena, Princess Astra, or Concillor Janlits. This official protest was signed by all of the Alliance representatives, and we are all in agreement that our negotiators cannot accept any further risks of that sort.”

“This is a grave insult, Talan,” hissed Dyre. “You always were the arrogant one, but this reaches a new low.”

“We are more insulted by your attempts to kill one of our representatives and two honored heroes of Earth and Rikasha last night.”

“I did not lay hands on that pregnant woman from Earth!” snapped Dyre. “Not even I would do that! What do you think I am, Gamilon?”

“Then why did she take a dagger from you?” retorted Talan. “And a Cometine dagger? The Earthlings have their shortcomings, but I know they cannot duplicate your technology. Desslok had one of the daggers dismantled aboard the Farushar earlier, and we proved it was your handiwork. The Earthlings confirmed that.”

“All right…Invidia ordered me to do it,” said Dyre as he sweated.”You are in a similar position to my own, Talan. You know that we must follow orders. I understand Desslok is no more forgiving than Invidia in those regards.”

“Do not sully the name of Leader Desslok by mentioning him in that context again!” yelled Talan as he made a fist. “Those are our demands. We have most of the Cometine security replaced by Melezartian security, and no one is permitted to bring any weapons into the conference except security personnel. If those conditions are not met, we end the conference now.”

“You realize that also ends the truce,” said Dyre.

“Why should we be afraid of that?” said Talan.

“If I were in your boots, Talan,” said Dyre as he wiped sweat off his brow, “I would be very afraid. I will consult with Invidia, and see what she thinks of this…demand.”

At that, Dyre left.

So did Talan.

In an anter-room, the other representatives waited, along with Wakefield and Stovall. The Marine and the pilot were keeping their distance from one another, but Nova sat near Deke as Nova let Wakefield read the memo they had presented to the Cometines.

“What do you think?” said Nova.

“It sounds reasonable,” said Deke. “I almost wish that they’d just wash their hands of this so we can have a good old straight fight.”

“That isn’t very progressive,” said Astra.

“No, but it makes a lot more sense than wondering if they’ll keep their treaty or not,” said Deke.

“Astra, after last night…I do not trust them at all,” said Nova as she straightened some of the campaign and medal ribbons on her navy blue and red peacoat. “You mean to say you cannot pick up their duplicity?”

Astra was about to answer when Talan came into the room. Desslok looked at him with eyes that burned like coals. “What did they say?” said Desslok.

Wakefield looked uneasily at the Gamilon ruler for a moment. This was the first time since he had gotten into the room that he had actually heard the dreaded ruler of Gamilon speaking up, and his cold, cool voice both chilled him and nauseated him.

Talan replied, “They said that they have to ‘consult’ with Invidia. I do not know what they are planning.”

“If they do not accept our terms, we leave,” said Desslok as he clasped his hands together. “I don’t particularly care about how many of them we will have to exterminate afterwards in the battle.” Desslok laughed in a cool chuckle that chilled Deke. However, a moment later, he had to admit the Gamilon bastard had some style when he brushed his gloved fingers against the tabletop and said, “As far as I am concerned, those men and women are vermin. Does not one usually exterminate vermin that infest their home?”

“Interesting, considering that you once considered us to be vermin that infested your new home, Desslok,” said Nova as Deke took in a deep breath. She told me I’d risk being shot for back-talk to him? Wakefield thought. Is she really tight enough with him to get away with this?

Desslok laughed that maddening, low laugh again. “Oh, yes, Nova. Thank you for reminding me. I changed my mind about you and your Terran compatriots after that meeting on the Gamilstadt almost five years ago. But, the Cometines truly are vermin. Never did you Earthlings seek to plunder and conquer worlds for no good reason other than to make yourselves richer on the back of others. We Gamilons use the resources of other worlds, but we give back peace, security, protection, and prosperity in return. I see no good in Invidia and her sort at…”

The room went silent when General Dyre came in. Wakefield bit his lip to keep from throwing up at the sight of the fat Cometine general. If the Gamilons aroused fear, dislike, and hatred in his heart, the Cometines aroused repulsion, an even deeper hatred, and nausea in Deke’s heart. For a fleeting moment, Wakefield thought that he would rather share a room with Desslok than this piece of green lard.

“The Princess has made her decision,” said Dyre. “Desslok, Talan, she awaits your pleasure inside. Please come in.”

Desslok shook his head. “Not without a witness from the others. If she says something to me, she can say it to at least one of the others.”

Dyre nodded. “We choose the Earthlings. Let Nova Wildstar, Deke Wakefield, and Michael Stovall come in with you. The Princess will address all of you.”

Nova and Deke looked at each other, nodding as Deke quietly made sure he could draw his Astro-Automatic. Even Stovall made sure his weapon was free as he glanced at Nova and took a place at her left while Wakefield stood at her right.

With Talan walking beside Desslok, they went in to meet Invidia.

Desslok sneered slightly when he saw that Invidia had ordered a portable throne set up at the edge of the large conference room. Wakefield looked on with some surprise when Invidia, in a red and black gown, stood up and he noticed how short she looked. That little pale shrimp is the cause of all this war? Wakefield thought. She’s short! And I wonder why she’s not green?

Gorse came in and saluted, stating, “Princess, the fleet is ready, regardless of whatever transpires here.”

Invidia nodded. “Thank you, General. Desslok, Talan, Nova….I have considered your position, and have decided, for our own reasons, to accept your request for the sake of continuing with the negotiations.” Invidia gestured wth her hand. “Three-quarters of the guards in here are now Melezartians, and I agree not to bring in any more weapons.”

“Why did you bring in the daggers to begin with?” asked Desslok.

Deke was not impressed by Invidia’s haughty voice and strange accent when she replied, “They were to protect ourselves from you, and from the Earthlings. We all know Earthlings are barbarians. And I know damn well that you held a gun on me once, Desslok, you ever-so-noble Leader! But, for the sake of your paranoia, we will agree to disarm ourselves.”

“Civilized peoples usually do not try to kill women,” said Nova with a polite nod of her head. “Nor do they attack women walking on the beach at night watching the stars.”

“You be quiet!” snapped Invidia as she pointed arrogantly at Nova with her usual pointer. “I did not ask your opinion!”

“Where I come from,” said Nova. “It is usual to be courteous to envoys, Your Highness.”

“I will say this for Earthlings,” said Talan. “They do not take well to diktats, Princess! You would do well to remember that.”

Then, to Deke’s surprise, after standing in thought, Desslok walked towards Nova. “Do you accept that we should go on?”

Nova stood in silence for a moment, staring at the deck. Then, she said, “I accept it…if you do.”

Desslok responded with a nod. Then, he shook hands with Dyre. “I’m glad you could see reason.”

“Good,” said Dyre with a laugh. “Talan, please tell the others they can come in. Let’s get started. Gorse, Austereatz, show them to their seats. Then, we’ll get started.”

Desslok and Nova sat down at the large round table, followed by Wakefield and Stovall. Invidia sat down across from them, avoiding their gaze as she looked at a binder in some ornate red material she had opened. Soon, Janlits and the others came in, and the others sat down as Dyre and Gorse flanked Invidia at the conference table.

Wakefield noted the Cometines were at the far end of the large white-cloth covered table, separated by several chairs from the others. He looked at Cha’rif with some curiosity as he nodded in their direction with a grave look on his face.

Finally, Janlits stood up and said, “As President of the Alliance delegation for the day, I, Concillor Janlits, welcome you, Princess Invidia, and your party to Melezart on behalf of all of us. We are glad that you raised the opportunity for peace negotiations, and we are grateful you are here.”

Invidia nodded back. “We are glad to be here, Janlits. For the sake of peace, we will negotiate, even though some of those here are criminals, cut-throats, and brigands. Perhaps we can make you enemies of the Comet Empire into friends.”

Over my dead body, thought Deke as he drew in a deep breath.

At that, Invidia began to talk.

Eight Hours Later….

A very relieved Commodore Wildstar met Nova back aboard the Argo in the Captain’s Quarters when she came back aboard. “How did it go?”

“Awful,” said Nova as she pulled off her boots to relax. “Invidia spent most of the time treating us with contempt. She listened to the first three points of our proposals, but then she responded how we were best fit to be slaves of theirs and how Cometines were superior to everyone else and how we should drop our defenses and enjoy the protection of their Empire. When I report to the President later, he won’t like it.”

“What did she say she’d do if we insisted upon our sovereignity?”

“They would be forced to attack, and in greater numbers,” said Nova. “Why do I have the feeling they are stalling? Stalling for what?”

“Time? Time so they can bring in more forces?” said Derek.

“Maybe,” said Nova thoughtfully. “I asked the President, you know, if we could stop negotiating, and he said “no.”

“So what will you do, Nova?”

“Tomorrow, I’ll continue by presenting the points I helped them lay out,” said Nova. She also dabbed at her outfit. “And I’ll wear a skirt again. I never guessed it could get so hot in there! Whew!”

Derek laughed as he kissed his wife again. Then, she pulled on her boots and said, “I’ll need the Argo’s Communications Room to call the Megalopolis.”

“Of course,” said Derek.


Deep Space: 80,000 Lightyears Away From Earth

Planet Melezart

The Great Hall of the People

Friday, October 17, 2206

1148 Hours: Earthtime

On the second day of the conference, Nova, who had been elected as the Alliance delegation spokesperson (or “President”) for that day stood up in her peacoat and skirt and she addressed the group. They had started at 0930 Hours today.

Astra noticed with particular discomfort that a Cometine media crew of some kind was filming (or broadcasting) the conference with cameras of some type, and that they sat under bright lights today. She wondered how Invidia was using this coverage for propaganda in her House.

“We do not desire dominion over the Comet Empire, nor do we desire to humiliate you or have any sort of revenge.” She glanced at Desslok and said, “It would be our perfect right to demand revenge because you have harmed us and have killed millions upon millions on our side on our worlds due to your war of aggression.”

“We are fighting you because you are rebelling against us,” hissed Invidia. “You have also caused the deaths of many people from our race. If you had surrendered and accepted the protection of the Comet Empire five years ago, this never would have happened! Why cry about war, Earthling? You brought it upon yourselves!”

“You could have accepted defeat and left us alone, and none of this would have happened,” retorted Nova.

Desslok laughed. “It appears, Princess Invidia, that we are at an impasse.”

“If we are, it is your fault,” hissed Invidia.

“Your war against us, in particular, was utterly unprovoked,” said Cha’rif. “Rikasha never had any dealings with your Empire.”

“No, I will say that,” said Dyre.

“I do not care,” said Invidia. “You and your proposals are laughable.”

“Princess,” said Nova after taking a deep breath and tensing herself up so much that Deke could see her teeth clenching, and her fingers gripping the edge of the table, and her sandal-clad toes gripping the floor before she regained her calm. Wakefield could tell Nova was growing exasperated with Invidia, and he did not blame her. “Be reasonable,” said Nova. “You read our proposal. In return for reasonable reparations paid to us to repair our worlds, we offer you a one-hundred year mutual non-aggression pact, trade, currency exchange, verification of each other’s offensive space fleets, even the right for you to maintain listening posts at the edge of the Milky Way if you allow us to maintain a listening post here on Melezart and perhaps other listening posts to observe your domains in the Andromeda region. We ask only that you respect our territorial integrity and return to Rikasha and Gamilon the worlds and territory your people plundered from them. If you really want peace, I am sure that is not an outrageous set of demands. It is called détente, Princess. It is an honorable peace. Won’t you consider it?”

Invidia looked at her generals and glared at Nova in hateful silence. “All right. We will consider it.”

“Do you need time to consider things now?”

“What we need time to do is to think about your proposals,” said Invidia. “We have talked enough for today. We shall meet again at 0900 Earthtime tomorrow. Then, we shall give you our answer.”

“And, perhaps,” said Desslok. “Perhaps we shall have counter-proposals to give you at that time, as well.”

“Perhaps,” said Gorse as he rose with the Cometine delegation and turned his back to them. Then, they left, followed by their guards, and even followed by their media crew, who turned off their lights, packed up their cameras, and left.

“What do you think of that?” said Nova as she looked at the others.

Verrantz!” yelled Cha’rif as he banged the table. “For those not conversant with the R’Khesh tongue, the word is translated roughly as ‘scum-masters’.”

“I assume you mean the Cometines,” said Astrena as Astra sat in silence, looking as if she was about to cry.

“I mean them,” said Cha’rif. “I can pick up sneering, laughing, gloating thoughts in their minds. That sickening band is up to something. Desslok, I strongly advise you to have your fleet on full alert tomorrow. I think we shall be in for some fighting.”

Desslok sat in silence. “I agree with your idea, Cha’rif. Nova? Can you have Commodore Wildstar take off in the Argo at dawn, accompanied by the Arizona?”

“That’s a good idea,” said Nova. “I can certainly have him do that…but will it arouse their suspicions?”

A moment later, General Fraken of Gamilon bowed and entered the room. “I have seen the Cometines leaving the hall, Leader Desslok,” he said. “My squadron has also noticed that fifteen more Cometine space battleships have joined their fleet…in just the past hour. The Eritz Gatlantis now has a larger fleet around her.”

“Fraken, speak to Talan as soon as possible. Tell him to order in the Fourth Carrier Group and the Twenty-Sixth Battle Group from the Kolg Battle Area. I want the Twenty-Sixth because I want the first of the new Garuman-design ships out there on line. I want you to assume command of the Fourth Carrier Group. General Dagon will do well with the Twenty-Sixth.”

“Yessir,” said Fraken as he saluted, bowed, and left with a swish of his cape.

Astra was crying a moment later. “What is the problem?” said Desslok.

“We were about to have peace, when this began to happen…Desslok…why must it always be war? Mother was right; you are an uncivilized bully!”

“It is not I who is plotting to attack,” said Desslok as he stood and put his hands on the Iscandarian’s shoulders. “They are.” He stood in silence for a moment. “I would love to suggest an attack now, when they would, perhaps, least expect it…but, I would also like to see how Invidia responds to my proposal.”

“Astra, even we are taking action to defend ourselves,” said Nova as she stood up, followed by Wakefield. Stovall glared at Nova as the Terran woman held the Iscandarian’s hand. “Sometimes, even though I hate to admit it…you can’t have peace by just wishing for it. Sometimes, you have to go out there and fight for it.”

Nova, unlike this peacenik from Iscandar, you’re a realist, thought Deke.


Deep Space: The Edge of the Andromeda Galaxy

Radnar’s Fleet Flagship

The Cometine Dreadnought Purification

Friday, October 17, 2206

1510 Hours: Earthtime

Vila is about to report again from the Eritz Gatlantis, General Radnar,” said Admiral Tendor, who was the commander of Radnar’s flagship and the fleet of Cometine destroyers, missile ships, space battleships, and carriers that surrounded the massive black Dreadnought which was similar to Gernitz’s own Devastation. Radnar had close to one hundred and fifty ships under his command at this time, and there were rumors that more ships might join him as other Houses grew quietly disaffected with Invidia’s war.

“Good,” said the bearded religious fanatic. “May Arishna be praised. Interesting that Invidia again allows some priests and priestesses free reign in her fleet. She considers us beneath contempt. She is not as wise as her atheistic father, I will grant you that.”

“What about the Earthlings?” said Tendor.

“The matter of whether we let Earth live or sacrifice it to Arishna is secondary, right now, to the matter of punishing Invidia for her lese majeste to the Grand Emperor, her refusal to obey orders, and her blasphemy to Arishna,” Radnar said as he scratched his beard. “I had even thought of capturing the Argo after the holy war with Invidia is over and using her wave motion gun to wipe out their Tokyo Megalopolis. Too bad that damned Gernitz got to New York already. That would have been an interesting test of our firepower, or the Argo’s.

“Interesting plans…,” mused Tendor.

“The goddess provides,” said Radnar as Vila came up on the screen and bowed. “Speak, Priestess. And why are you using video? It is risky for you to transmit thus from that base…”

“Lord, I am about to send you a video taken today and transmitted through the HoloNet by Invidia. It is a video of clips from the peace conference. Read the notes I appended therein, Lord. You might find them interesting.”

“Interesting?” said Radnar.

“I have learned much to our advantage,” said Vila with a bow. “Even the Gamilons have some interesting plans. Plans that might be useful to the Cause.”

Gamilons?” hissed Radnar. “You mean the nasty little blue muck-rakers?”

“Yes. I have spies in their ranks. We’ve stolen a little bit of information that I am providing to you. It is a message from the past that might help us.”

“I do not think much of Desslok, but….he does have a deep hatred for Invidia,” said Radnar in a meditative fashion. “I met the insane little blue lad briefly before Zordar exiled me. Atheistic and heretical, but a bloodthirsty fellow, he was. I hear tell he is somehow using Earth’s Star Force for his own ends. I wonder how he accomplished that? As Zordar said, “here is a most unusual man…””

“Listen to the material from the Conference, first. A Cometine interpreter of ours was speaking in our language over the Earth woman to “translate” the words. False translation. Usual tactic. Of course, what the interpreter is saying is made-up propaganda. Read the woman’s lips. What she really said was much more interesting…” said Vila with a smile.

“I will listen,” said Radnar. “Transmit.”

Vila bowed and went off the screen.

A while later, Radnar sipped some liquor as he sat with Tendor in the anter-room of his suite on the Purififcation. “Now, this is the usual,” he said to Tendor in their own tongue. “They picked a woman who sounds like that Terran, Nova-Whatshername and they spoke over her and put words in her mouth. Listen to this…”

Radnar let the video play and the dubbed Cometine voice on the soundtrack that spoke over Nova’s actual English said, in Cometine, “We cannot be reasonable,” said “Nova” in the voice of the interpreter in Cometine. “You read our proposal, didn’t you, fool? In return for centuries of reparations paid to us to repair our worlds and to extract our lump of flesh from your backs, we offer you the right to live. You will become slaves of Desslok, whom we have agreed to kneel to because of his greatness, for a century under a one-hundred year pact, and trade, currency exchange and exchange of slaves will proceed on our terms. Won’t you consider it? Do that and we may let you live…

“Sounds badly scripted,” said Tendor with a chuckle. “Invidia needs better writers.”

“It is meant to fool the lower-ranking military drones, commoners, subjects, and slaves of House Gatlantis’ worlds, of course,” said Radnar. “Listen to this commentator…”

A male Cometine announcer then said, “For two days, our noble Princess Invidia has had to sit listening to this arrogant garbage from the so-called Galactic Alliance. It is obvious that Desslok of Gamilon is the mad puppetmaster behind this whole farce. See how the vengeful demon sits there and grins? It is noble of the Princess to put up with this excuse for a peace conference from the vengeful, twisted, rebels of Gamilon, Terra, and the other worlds that Desslok has somehow bamboozled into a so-called alliance. And the legions of Rikasha wait to strip our worlds and turn our Empire back into utter barbarism and uncilvilzed prayer to stone idols.”

A shot of the inside of a Terran cathedral showed on the screen next, and the Cometine announcer continued with, “As you see, the deluded Earthlings pray to some god made of stone who is hanging on a bloody execution implement. In the most popular religion on Earth, to my knowledge, the Earthlings wear that barbaric execution implement around their necks. In their second-most popular faith, they believe in some mad warrior-prophet who said that the infidel has to be slain, and in another one of their popular faiths, they worship dirty, smelly animals and guard sacred cows while refusing to eat them! Idiots! The Earthlings have no culture. They are a bizarre race who will do better under our guidance. Their scientfic skills are great, but they need the guiding hand of discipline to make something useful out of them. Deluded idiots! I almost feel sorry for them.”

“Stop,” said Radnar as the film stopped in freeze-frame. “You’ve seen the usual news-holos they put out. However, I did some post-production and figured out what the Terran woman was really saying. Here is her voice, speaking her native Terran, which Zordar had us learn for the conquest and administration of these primitives. As you will find out, they are more subtle than we thought; or than Invidia gives them credit for. Computer, reverse, remove first soundtrack layer, play original unprocessed audio layer from Frame 970 with repeat of video. Proceed.”

Tendor sat in shock as he heard Nova’s real voice speaking and she said, ““Be reasonable. You read our proposal. In return for reasonable reparations paid to us to repair our worlds, we offer you a one-hundred year mutual non-aggression pact, trade, currency exchange, verification of each other’s offensive space fleets, even the right for you to maintain listening posts at the edge of the Milky Way if you allow us to maintain a listening post here on Melezart and perhaps other listening posts to observe your domains in the Andromeda region. We ask only that you respect our territorial integrity and return to Rikasha and Gamilon the worlds and territory your people plundered from them. If you really want peace, I am sure that is not an outrageous set of demands. It is called détente, Princess. It is an honorable peace. Won’t you consider it?

“STOP!” barked Radnar. The video stopped.

“The girl really said that?” said Tendor. “They’re more subtle than we thought!”

“They’re a primitive lot, but they don’t have any guile,” said Radnar with a smile. “We have our own version of the “noble savage” myth. The Black Nebulans were like that. That is why Zordar integrated them into the Empire’s system with little bloodshed. Maybe the Earthlings are noble savages we can use?”

“Would Arishna accept that?” said Tendor.

“They fought for the honor of their world, and I wanted to do them the honor of a clean and efficient extermination,” said Radnar. “Now, if we let them live, and a reconstituted House Gatlantis under my leadership signs an alliance…hmmm….Arishna might not mind a sacrifice by way of service…maybe their détente is not a bad thing, eh? Now, let us see what our spies stole from the Gamilons…”

Another visual came up as Radnar and Tendor again watched the original White Comet, heard the anthem, and then heard Zordar as he began to speak from beyond the grave, “Desslok. I intend this message for you. I left it aboard your flagship for you. If you are now seeing this, you have your flagship left, and I am sure you have succeeded in your quest in settling matters against the Star Force, whether by violence, by guile, or by subtle diplomacy…I do not know, and honestly, I do not care. I know you better than you know yourself. If you are now seeing this, I am also now quite dead…”

“Obvious he’s dead,” said Tendor irritably. “I hope Arishna is having fun tormenting him in the Hall of Iniquity…”

“Hush, Tendor,” snapped Radnar. “Let’s hear what the damned atheist had to say.”

The message continued, and the two men’s mouths fell open slowly. Finally, Radnar was shaking his head as the message neared its end and he heard, “Act well, Desslok. I am praying in the Name of Arishna that your efforts will succeed, and that Arishna will bless you. If you need aid in this endeavor, seek out General Radnar, a kinsman of mine and priest of Arishna that I deposed after a quarrel. He has the same hatred for Invidia that you share for her. Act well, Desslok. From the next life, I wish you glory, and success…

“A deathbed conversion for Zordar?” sneered Tendor as the message ended.

“Arishna provides. Arishna forgives,” said Radnar as tears ran down his cheeks. “So, Zordar must have decided to forgive me. That is useful. Maybe by his repentance, Zordar found his way into Arishna’s Bosom after all.”

“Desslok was named as his heir?” sneered Tendor. “How can that be? He is not of our…”

“Invidia herself is a half-breed and she sits on Zordar’s seat as a slut,” sneered Radnar. “Gamilons, at least, are a little more noble and bloodthirsty than the race Invidia’s mother came from when she slept with Zordar. And she gave her daughter her own morals…I heard…rumors of incest with her own father and taking her own mother’s place, tales of open and brazen bisexuality, sleeping with people like a cat in heat, all sorts of interesting perversions that Arishna hateth. If I was to go back, I would rather bow my knee in fealty to Desslok than Invidia.”

“Are you serious?” said Tendor.

“If the Grand Emperor gives us leave to conduct the holy war, which I am sure he will after we see what they do at the conference,” said Radnar as he looked at a text file. “Ah…assassination attempts. Nice work, Invidia. Playing right into my hands, are we? Have you ever heard of being the power behind the throne, Tendor?”

“Yes,” said Tendor.

“If the Grand Emperor lets us prevail, Zordar may have just given us the key, from beyond death, to controlling House Gatlantis and letting us run things…under the word of our noble new Prince Desslok, of course,” said Radnar with a twisted smile. “House Eriitara has an intelligent alien Prince as ruler that they control. Why can’t we?”

“Lord, you would swear to…?”

“Isn’t that what I have just said, boy?” hissed Radnar. “But it can be to our advantage. I don’t think Desslok will be terribly interested in hanging about the borders of our Empire if he becomes Prince, do you? I have heard the lad prefers his rebuilt crypt on Gamilon to being out here. If he is a homebody, oh how convenient.”

“And?” said Tendor.

“If I rule in Desslok’s Name as Regent, we can have a perfect Theocratic House at last. Arishna be praised!” laughed Radnar as he began to laugh like a maniac. “If this works, we will legally control House Gatlantis by right of legal accession and by right of conquest, behind the little blue sock-puppet’s back, of course!” And, at that, the rather mad Radnar laughed like crazy.

Later on that day, at the request of Melezartian authorities, the Argo was moved to an underground dock next to one of the Earth cruisers.

Wildstar and Venture were a little puzzled as to why they had both been summoned to the Argo when a request came from the newly-arrived EDF cruiser Westphalia. Derek wondered where Nova was and wondered what all of the pomp and a request for the crew to man the Argo’s rails was for when the EDF march started up and Nova appeared from off the gangplank of the Westphalia in a dress white peacoat…

…with Commanding General Singleton himself in tow!

“The Commander?” someone said.

“Is the Commander assuming personal command of Second Fleet?”

“What is going on?”

Singleton turned to the crew of the Argo and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been sent by the Prime Minister and the President for what they hope will be the last day of the conference. I am not here to usurp Lieutenant Commander Wildstar, but…”

“Sir?” said Nova. “Can you please let us know what is going on? The President didn’t tell me anything about this…”

As Derek came up, the Commander sighed and said, “They think we’re about to sign a treaty tomorrow, and the Prime Minister…asked me to sign for the Earth Defense Forces…”

“Is he delusional, sir?” said Derek.

“Wildstar?” said the Commander. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“Sir, haven’t you heard about the messages I have given the President?” whispered Nova. “The negotiations are on the verge of coming apart! We might be going into combat tomorrow, sir.”

“I was not told that,” said the Commander. “I only saw the President briefly before leaving last night. Most of my talks yesterday were with Prime Minister Kopechne, who seemed to be very optimistic about how it was going.”

Derek sighed. “As we will tell you, his optimism was a bit misplaced. Please come aboard the Argo.”

Singleton nodded his head and came aboard.

“So, he’s trying to make things look good because he’s up for re-election?” said Derek Wildstar in the Argo’s Captain’s Cabin as they sat at the small table and heard the Commander’s strange news about how the Federal Government of Earth was making things look better for public consumption than they truly were.

“As you can see, the President and Prime Minister have hidden a lot…even from me,” said Singleton as he stared at a cup of coffee Nova had made. It was very strong and bitter, but the bitter Space Navy brew matched the General’s dark mood at the moment. “Stone eats it up, of course. He is even suggesting I call you home again soon.”

“We could use the rest,” sighed Nova as she put her hands over her stomach. “I am awfully tired.”

“Nova, I won’t make it an order, but I would suggest you come home with me if the Argo and Arizona are not recalled,” said Singleton.

“No,” said Nova. “My place is here, sir, either on the Arizona, or on the Argo if my orders could be changed. We have a job to do, and I don’t want to give it up…”

“It was a suggestion,” said Singleton.

“The Prime Ministers have always made things look better than they really were,” said Derek. “Prime Minister Yarnell Acton made things look as good as possible from 2200 to 2201, when he fell after the Comet Empire came back the second time under Gernitz’s command before the Rikashans came. Prime Minister Wolfgang Grossinger wasn’t much better after he took over at the end of ’01, and in 2205, when Prime Minister Dixon Gelder took over, it was a relief, until he got caught in that bribery scandal, sir.”

“Then, we got Mister Kopechne at the beginning of this year,” said the Commander. “If the negotiations fail, there are some in Parliament who will be calling for his head.”

“Who might get the Prime Ministership, then, sir?” asked Nova.

“Possibly the Opposition Leader, Senator Hideki Gonjin,” said Singleton. “That’s providing President Mendellsohn even gets re-elected. His opponents are pulling a very nasty negative campaign against him. You really think the negotiations are that bad?”

“I know they are,” said Nova as she and Derek spent the next five minutes going over the Cometines’ assassination attempts while the Commander just shook his head.

“This does not sound good,” said Singleton. “Now I see why both of you spoke the way you did when I left my ship.”

“How would you handle this, sir?” said Commodore Wildstar.

“Increase your security tomorrow and be ready for anything. I’m going to return to my ship and order Captain Jankovits to take off at once.”

“The Argo is taking off at first light tomorrow morning, sir, followed by the Arizona,” said Derek. “Would you take off behind us?”

Singleton nodded. “I’ll have Captain Jankovits take us to the Fleet along with you two,” he replied.

“A good idea, General,” said Nova.


Deep Space:  Planet Melezart

Underground Space Dock

Space Battleship Argo

Saturday, October 18, 2206

0120 Hours: Earthtime

A message had been sent to the Arizona, and Aliscea Rosstowski prepared to assume Nova’s duties aboard ship for the next twenty-four hours as both Star Force units prepared for the next day and whatever it would bring.

Nova spent the night beside Derek in the Argo’s Captain’s Cabin in her old bunk, but there was little romance that dark night. Both officers were very uneasy and they could barely sleep. They felt very apprehensive about the next day. As a result, they slept for only four hours. When they woke up, they greeted each other with a sleepy kiss…

…not knowing, perhaps mercifully, that because of the events of this coming dark day, they would not sleep beside each other again for several months.

By the time the gloomy half-light of Dawn was shining into the underground dock, the First Star Force was preparing to cast off. The mighty vessel finally began to creep out of the dock at 0530 Hours Earthtime that morning. The Commander stood at the dock with a party consisting of officers from the Arizona, the Westphalia, and from the Melezartian Government as the Argo left Sterlent at slow speed. What no one knew was that she would never return to that city of three million souls again. However, everyone there felt a deep, dire sense of foreboding.

To keep her mind off the weight of her duty as the Earth Representative, a Representative carrying out a task she now felt to be very dangerous, Nova requested Derek’s permission to man her old post again on the Argo’s First Bridge at the cosmo-radar. No one objected to her request at all, although everyone felt a silent sigh of relief as she made sure her warp harness was on over her pregnant stomach in her usual gold shipboard jumpsuit as she sat down at her post.

I wish I was staying here, she thought. I wish I was not going back down to that planet in a few hours to be with those people. I want to be here, even if we are in combat again…I just want to be here. I think the negotiations have failed. The Cometines wouldn’t agree to anything. If they wouldn’t agree…what the heck was the whole point of this farce?

The Argo rose through the grey and cloudy dawn sky into the gloomy morning clouds that were high over Melezart. Off in the distance, a few Melezartian fighter planes approached as Nova plotted their speed, number, and vectors after she identified them; the silver planes, which looked a bit like old American Lockheed 104-C Starfighter interceptors, flew a few ceremonial passes around the Argo as they sent a message. Homer read the message. “They’re wishing us luck, Captain. It’s a ceremonial escort for Concillor Janlits.”

“Tell them we thank them,” said Wildstar.

“Speed is normal,” said Kitano. “Wings are open and locked. We will achieve escape velocity in ninety seconds.”

“Wave motion engine is normal,” said Yamazaki.

“One large object four megameters behind us,” said Nova as the Cosmo-Radar bleeped. “It is identified as the Arizona, Captain.”

“Homer, tell them to keep on course,” said Commodore Wildstar as he looked at a stopwatch.

“Yessir,” said Homer.

Lieutenant Victoria Becker came up to the bridge to assume her post at the cosmo-radar, but she was very shocked when she recognized Nova sitting there on watch.

“Ma’am?” she said. “You’re…?”

“This gave me something to do for now,” said Nova. “The Captain allowed it…”

“But…,” said Becker.

“Miss Becker, please take your tertiary combat station at Time Radar Control on the second bridge until we call for you,” said Derek. “Our radar is in good hands, Miss.”

“Yessir,” said Becker as she looked down at her boots. She gave Nova a strange look and left the bridge.

“What the heck does she think, Nova?” said Eager. “You can still do yo’ job!”

“Some people are very ignorant, Chris,” sighed Nova as she looked at herself. “Even some women. Women who should know better.”

“You can say that again,” laughed Sandor.

“Thanks, Steve,” said Nova as she smiled back. “It’s great to be back…even if only for a few hours. Derek, where’s Mister Wakefield?”

“On the Arizona,” he said. “He’ll meet you in orbit in his Tiger. Hardy will be flying you, Astra, Janlits, and Stovall back to Sterlent in a landing ship himself.”

Nova nodded and said, “Second vessel behind us; identification positive; she’s the Westphalia, Derek.”

“Good. Homer, tell Captain Jankovits to follow our course.”


An hour later, as IQ-8.9 helped Nova scan the rest of the Second Fleet from Earth (they carefully avoided scanning the New Comet, which hung far-off in the distance like some ominous figure of Death), Stovall brought Astra and Janlits onto the First Bridge with Hardy.

“Suh,” said Hardy as he looked at Wildstar. “It’s time.”

Derek stood. “Mrs. Wildstar, you’re relieved. Mister Eager, assume her post.”

“Yessir,” said Eager as he got up and saluted. Nova was up, and she stepped away from her chair and got into her white dress coat as Eager sat down behind the radar. She looked at Derek and said, “Captain, should I call for Miss Becker to take over Eager’s…?”

“No,” said Commodore Wildstar. “Sandor, get Bando up here instead.”

“Yessir,” said Sandor.

Domon stood up. “Ma’am…we just wanted to wish…”

“Come over, Mister,” said Nova.

“I…..oh heck,” said Domon as he impulsively hugged his beautiful superior.

“Thanks,” said Nova as tears filled her eyes. Soon, Kitano was up; he hugged her. Sandor gave Nova a quick hug and turned away. So did Eager. Even though he didn’t know her very well, Lieutenant Donovan McCloskey, the tall young African-American who has assumed the post of Artillery Section Leader after the death of Kumyat, also got up and hugged Nova. “Good luck, ma’am,” he said. “You were on this ship when I was still in high school. I had a model of the Argo on my bureau at home in the underground city…and a picture of you up on my wall. Had a hell of a teenage crush on you, ma’am…”

“Thank you,” replied Nova with a blush.

“Knock ‘em dead, ma’am,” said IQ-8.9 in his down-home voice.

“This is neat! Who programmed you to sound like Slim Pickens?” laughed Nova as she accepted the battered robot’s embrace.

“I was made that way in North Carolina, ma’am…”

Homer hugged her and said, “Hurry up and get back here, Nova. Either with a treaty or without it…we don’t care. This ship isn’t the same without you.”

“Thanks,” said Nova.

She turned last of all to Derek. Husband and wife stared at each other before she ran into his arms for a very deep hug and a kiss.

“Come back to me, Nova,” Derek whispered huskily as he choked back tears. “Come back safe.”

“Derek, I should be well-protected,” she said as she wiped away tears of her own. “I’ll be all right….”

“It’s not just you I’m worried about,” said Commodore Wildstar. “Swear you’ll be back on this ship today. You…and our kids.”

“I swear it,” said Nova. She kissed Derek again and said. “See you soon. Permission to leave?”

“Granted,” said Derek as he looked at the deck.

Nova turned away and walked beside Jefferson Hardy in silence as Derek watched her slip out the hatch with the others. He felt a sense of foreboding, but he did not know that Nova would not return to the Argo’s bridge for many months.

Right now, it was better for him he didn’t know it.

Had he known, orders or no orders…he never would have let her go down to that Damned Planet.

As Deke Wakefield met the Argo’s landing boat and spoke with its pilot, he was very glad to hear who was aboard commanding the flight.

“It’s good to hear from you again, sir,” said Wakefield to Hardy.

“It’s real good to be heah, Wakefield,” said Hardy. “I just wish we were meeting unduh better circumstances?”

“How’s our princess, sir?” said Wakefield.

“Miss Astra’s doing fine; although she has huh nose up in the air too far in that flimsy nightgown of hers to talk to the likes of…”

“I don’t mean her, sir. I mean our lady.”

“Mrs. Nova’s doin’ fine,” said Hardy. “I made sure she was as comfortable as possible in her seat before we left. Strapped huh in myself.”

“Did she mind, sir?”

“Fussed a little, but she didn’t mind my gallantry. She’s a real lady, unlike the Royalty we got below.”

“Tell me about it,” said Deke. “Iscandarian peaceniks. We’re dead ahead on Sterlent,” said the pilot as an instrument beeped on his panel. “Landing in five minutes.”

“I’ll take huh in first; you follow,” said Hardy.

“Roger, sir,” said Wakefield.

A while later, after landing, a Melezartian aircar and driver stood near the Argo’s landing boat as Wakefield’s Cosmo Tiger slowly taxied up to an apron near the landing shuttle. A Melezartian military guard snapped a salute as Janlits got into the front of the aircar with Astra and Stovall and Nova got into the back seat. No one helped Nova get into the car. Wakefield got in a moment later after he left his plane, helmet, and gloves behind.

“I’ll be waitin’ heah for you to leave,” said Hardy as he stuck his head into the vehicle.

“Thanks,” said Wakefield.

“Ma;’am, good luck,” said Hardy as he shook hands with Nova. “Get back here ASAP, Missus Nova.”

“I’ll do my best, Jeff,” said Nova. “Nice to see you again.”

“Likewise,” he said as he popped a salute. “Treat her like a lady, sohn,” said Hardy in Deke’s ear.

“I will,” said Wakefield.

Ten minutes later, they were back at what was becoming the truly hateful modernistic alien bulk of the Great Hall of the People of Melezart.

The EDF anthem played in the background as Melezartian troops snapped to attention in their green uniforms with gold ascots and shiny silver helmets with their blaster rifles at order arms. 

Wakefield got out of the aircar first, holding up the gullwing door and gallantly giving Nova a hand as she slid her booted feet down onto the pavement. Stovall got out the other door and ignored them, snapping a stiff salute but doing nothing as Janlits helped Astra out of the car as the breeze plastered her light gown against her thin form.

“How goes it?” said Janlits as he saluted one of his own men.

“You’re the last party to arrive, sir,” said the Melezartian sergeant. “Everyone else is waiting inside. Be careful. They have more Cometine troops here than usual today. I’d love to know what is going on.”

Nova checked her wrist chrono for the time. 0930, Earthtime, she thought. Here we go. She heard cannon going off in the city along with bells as the Cometines at the door of the Great Hall of the People saluted her. She stepped inside with apprehension.

Inside, discordant Cometine music played very loudly as the Cometines in the halls laughed and clapped their hands while speaking loudly in their native language, which Nova barely understood any of. I wonder why they’re so happy today? Nova thought uncomfortably as she noticed some of the green men and women in officers’ uniforms were even holding drinks. They’re acting as if they just won the war or something….

“Deke, I don’t like this,” whispered Nova.

“Me neither,” said Wakefield. “I wish I could understand their language.”

“You don’t need to. They’re incredilbly happy about something, Deke,” said Nova. “But…what is it?”

The guards at the familiar heavy doors opened them as the party passed in and took their places at the table in silence. Nova noticed a Gamilon holo-projector sitting on the round table, and she saw Desslok nodding to her with grave courtesy.

We may have to use that, she thought.

As Nova sat down, she noticed Invidia smiling like a gargoyle. Janlits looked very uneasy.

“Now, we shall begin,” said Invidia. “Astra of Iscandar, has word been sent to your worlds that we expect to end this today?”

“Word, Princess, has been sent to all of our worlds. They eagerly anticipate your response, Your Highness.”

“Good,” smiled Invidia. She picked up a binder that held in writing all of the proposals that they had presented to her in the past two days. She opened the vinylite binder…and then, in a gesture of rage and contempt, she tore it in half down its thin binding and threw the two halves onto the table.

She then startled everyone as she picked up a dagger and stabbed the binder, nailing it to the table. “The Comet Empire and House Gatlantis rejects your foolish demands for peace!” she snapped. “Have you people anything else to offer to us, or do we just waste our time? Or do you wish to return to baseline and accept our original demands for surrender, possibly surrender with terms?”

“In light of what we have talked about, the Princess has decided that your surrender today need not be unconditional,” said Dyre. “We do have a small measure of mercy. Terms of surrender can be negotiated.”

“We do have a counter-proposal,” said Astra as she trembled.

“For surrender?” snapped Invidia.

Desslok stood. “Princess, we are not saying a word about surrender. We are speaking of a second proposal!”

“That is?” huffed Invidia.

“We offered you a carrot of peace, as the Earthlings say.” said Desslok as he pulled off his gloves and cast them on the table as Talan watched. “Now, Invidia, you shall see our stick.”

Desslok then turned on the holo-projector. The Cometine anthem played as the Cometines watched the holographic image of the White Comet appearing in shock.

“Is it some trick?” hissed Marshal Gernitz.

“What are they doing?” muttered Gorse.

“Why are they playing games, sir?” muttered one of the guards.

They sat in shock as the late Prince Zordar appeared. His deep voice intoned, “Desslok. I intend this message for you. I left it aboard your flagship for you. If you are now seeing this, you have your flagship left, and I am sure you have succeeded in your quest in settling matters against the Star Force…

“What has he done?’ whispered Gorse. “Princess, he just knelt to them…”

“This is a fake,” whispered Gernitz as the message played on. “A Gamilon forgery…isn’t it?”

“We wish it was,” said Dyre as he began to sweat. “Princess, he kept it. He knows. Damn him, Desslok knows!”

“He knows what?” whispered Gernitz. “You never told me…”

Silence!” hissed Invidia as the message played on. She snarled as she heard her father saying, “In keeping with my wish, find attached to this message computer files in my language that serve as a warrant of adoption of you as my foster-son and heir and a warrant of succession naming you as Prince and Lord of the House of Gatlantis over the objections of Dyre and the others. If you live, and find I have died, it is my wish that you will claim your own, the gift I was aware you wanted. The throne of House Gatlantis is now yours, Desslok. I charge you with taking whatever action you see fit to depose Invidia. If she is now ruler of our House, she is an usurper, an usurper I want dead…”

The rest of the message played on in utter silence as Astrena handed out folders to each of the Cometines. Dyre opened the folder and saw hard copies of Zordar’s Warrants of Sucession and Adoption in their language. He glanced them over. We tried to hide this, he thought. It is legal. By Arishna’s bonnet, this damned thing is legal.

When the message ended, Desslok said, “Do you accept the last political testament of your father, Invidia?”

“I deny it,” she hissed.

“You deny its authenticity?” said Desslok. “We can prove it.”

“Father was mad when he died,” snapped Invidia. “Therefore, his testament was null, void, and without effect. I have succeeded to the throne per the laws of the Empire and of our House. Not you.”

“Your right to rule is illegitimate,” said Desslok. “Bow the knee to me, Invidia. I strip you of your command since I am now a reinstated Lord of the Comet Empire, by your laws.”

Desslok clapped his hands once and a platoon of Gamilon and Garuman foot soldiers in blue and brown armor filled part of the room as Nova looked on in some surprise, even though she was in on Desslok’s last turn of this deadly game. “Bow the knee to me and agree to counter-sign our treaty with the Alliance or I will place you under arrest for sedition, former Ruling Princess Invidia.”

Never!” screamed Invidia.

Desslok smiled and laughed a low chuckle. “Gorse, Dyre, Gernitz, I am your new commander. Invidia is now my prisoner. Arrest her and sign this treaty.”

“We are signing nothing,” hissed Dyre. He clapped his hands, standing beside Invidia to face Desslok from across the large table.”

Invidia then pointed at the group. “All of you are finished!”

Cometine troopers, far more than before, flooded into the hall as Nova took a deep breath and stood next to Wakefield. He nodded and undid the strap that secured his Astro-Automatic in its holster. Next to Astra, Stovall did the same, although he did so with a sickening smile on his face.

When the Cometines came in and levelled their weapons at the others, Invidia pointed at the again party and said, “Guards, I declare this conference and our truce ended! Arrest those men and women at once and carry out my sentence for rebellion!”

“What is your sentence?” hissed Lord Cha’rif.

“Are you that simple?’ laughed Invidia. “My sentence is death. And, Desslok, you will be the first one to go!” she screamed as she plucked the dagger out of the table.

And, at that, the universe seemed to freeze in time for Deke Wakefield as he gritted his teeth in rage.

We’ve been tricked, he thought to himself. No. Correction. We’ve been screwed.

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