Being the fifth part of THE NEW COMET--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz

This Act is being completed with the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield (as usual)---Freddo



Space Battleship Argo

Planet Melezart

Wednesday October 1, 2206

1042 Hours: Earthtime

Having received new orders, the Argo was at last ready to leave Melezart for the Solar System.

“Attention, all hands,” said Commodore Wildstar over the ship’s intercom. “At 1100, we will be breaking from orbit over Melezart. We will make a long space warp at 1115, with our target being the Neptune orbit. There, we will make our rendezvous with the Huron in order to drop off the Melezartian Envoy, Pyle Janlits, for a meeting with the Earth Government. After that, we are under orders to head to Saturn-Titan Base for repairs, refit and replenishment before we head back out into deep space in order to aid the Gamilons in patrolling Procyon VI.”

Wildstar paused as he sat at his post on the Bridge holding the microphone in his hand. “I wish that we were returning home to Earth. Like all of you, this war is wearing upon me. I know that most of you miss your loved ones and families and are longing to be home. I know that we are understaffed and have had to go on alert many times in the past few weeks to prepare either for real combat or for imminent threats from our enemies which turned out to be false alarms. But, we have our orders to remain on deployment. So, we must continue to carry on and do our jobs to the best of our abilities. I know I can count on all of you to keep on serving to protect Earth. I am proud of all of you for your service.”

Wildstar ended and set down his microphone with a deep breath. “Skipper,” said Sandor as Wildstar gave him a slightly annoyed grin. “You know we’re behind you.”

“It’s been tough,” agreed Kitano. “I’d love to see my girlfriend back home again, but I know we’ve got to carry on.”

“I miss my Lisa,” said Eager, “But, I know we’ve gotta keep on fightin’. I hope we can have our weddin’ sometime in the next year…”

“I miss my parents, sir,” said Domon. “Sir…I hope you don’t mind my saying so, I’ve heard Nova’s expecting on the Arizona…”

“Where’d do you hear that?” snapped Wildstar.

“The Scuttlebutt Express, sir…uh…one of Doc Sane’s nurses, to be exact….…uh…is it true?” asked Domon.

“It is,” said Wildstar with a blush. “I just got an e-mail from her…uh….it’s going to be twins…I think…little too flustered to remember.”

The bridge crew applauded as Wildstar smiled and shook tears from his eyes. “Thanks, guys,” he said quietly as Janlits came onto the bridge.

“Did I miss something?” said Janlits as he adjusted his long black cloak.

“Just some…personal business, my friend,” said Wildstar. “You can take your seat beside Mister Domon for the space warp where that little blue robot is sitting. It’d be a good idea if you close your eyes while you warp.”

“Why is that?” said Janlits as he took off his cloak and folded it up.

“You see weird things in warp-space,” said Domon. “Warping can be a horrible experience for those who aren’t prepared for it.”

“The human is inferior,” said IQ-9.7 as he stared balefully at Janlits from his seat at Analysis. “I’m not sure he can take it.”

“You be quiet!” snapped Wildstar. “Sandor, when we get to Saturn-Titan…”

“Put in a requisition for a new Analysis robot?” said Sandor. “Gladly, sir.”

“I am not defective,” said IQ-9.7. “All of you humans are the ones who are…”

“Get your butt out of my chair, you tin can!” snapped Janlits as the bearded old man shook his walking stick at the robot.

“It would probably be a good idea to do so,” said IQ-9.7. “I will depart, now. No thanks to you, Commodore Wildstar.”

“Get the hell off my bridge!” yelled Wildstar. “You’re relieved!”

IQ-9.7 did so, but then he said, “You may come to regret that, sir.” At that, he burbled off.

“Sandor, watch him,” snapped Wildstar. “I want him off this ship before the day is out. Preferably deactivated.”

“A good idea, sir,” said Sandor as a rather annoyed Janlits sat down and strapped in for the warp.

At that, the Argo soon accelerated out of orbit, heading towards interplanetary space in the Melezart system as she prepared to make her space warp.

On the Arizona, Nova was close to finishing a watch on the cosmo-radar on the First Bridge. This outfit is getting tight, she thought as she looked down at the slightly growing bulge in her abdomen beneath her gold and black jumpsuit. Even though she knew it would soon happen as a part of her pregnancy, it was still a little disorienting for a very slender woman who had enjoyed a flat stomach for all of her life to suddenly begin showing a bulge down there.

As Aliscea came up to relieve her, Nova said, “How are you today?”

“How are you, ma’am? You look a little pale.”

“You know…” said Nova. “Uh…you know what I…”

Their conversation was interrupted when Nova spotted a blip coming in on the Arizona’s radar. “Unidentified object!” she barked. “Range, two hundred megameters, speed, twenty-one space knots.”

“Where should I go if you’re tracking that?” said Aliscea.

“Mrs. Rosstowski,” said Venture. “Take a spot at the Tactical Radar! Mister O’Caffrey’s not at his post.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” said Aliscea with a salute. A moment later, Nova added, “Visual on the object, Captain! Twelve objects have just emerged from the ship! They look like planes!”

As the visual came up, Venture nodded grimly at the sight of a Cometine light carrier releasing Scorpion boats over Alpha Sirius. “Mister Rosstowski! Battle stations!”

“All hands to combat stations!” yelled Paul Rosstowski as he flicked on the klaxons. “All hands to combat stations! Sun Tiger squadrons one and three, prepare to take off! Intercept the enemy gunboats!”

“Calculating firing solution for the enemy carrier,” said Lt. Morris from her post at the Artillery station.

“Bringing up power in wave motion engine,” said Mister Marchand from the Engineer’s post.

“Evasive manuevers ready,” said Holly Venture from the helm.

“Enemy ship, range, one hundred eighty megameters, at RPX-212 off the port bow, enemy planes rapidly approaching!” said Nova.

“Missiles approaching!” snapped Aliscea from her post.

“Ready pulse lasers, Rosstowski. Holly, take evasive action!” snapped Venture.

“Pulse lasers, open fire!” yelled Rosstowski.

The Arizona’s port side pulse lasers went off, wiping out most of the first wave of missiles…all but one, which hit the ship’s port side with a blast and shiver that ran through the whole ship.

“Minor hit near the observation deck!” snapped Nelson from Mechanical.

“Tigers taking off!” said Rosstowski.

About two minutes later, from his cockpit, Deke Wakefield smiled grimly as he and his flight roared in to intercept the enemy planes. “Looks like we got ‘em, people!” he said.

“Good to have you back, skipper,” said Ensign Simon from his plane.

“It’s good to be back,” said Wakefield. “Enough philosophizing, guys..we have a job to do! We have to get those green SOB’s!”

In one of the enemy Scorpion gunboats, the space-armor clad pilot said, “Major Halla, I have the Earth planes right in my radar!”

“Good job, Mister Krakus. Do not allow yourself to be captured; otherwise, you can never return to our ranks again. Defeat them or die trying!”

“Locked on,” said Krakus. “Now, DIE, Earth scum!”

Krakus fired right at Venable’s Tiger, but he missed as the Earth pilot evaded his fire. “What?” He checked his scope and saw another Earth plane on his tail. It was Wakefield. “Damn you, you rotten Earthling trickster! And you’re all too close to my radar blind spot! My dorsal turret will make things nice and hot for you.”

Deke jerked hard to starboard when he saw the Cometine ship firing his topside turret at him. “You’re gonna be dead meat soon, you rotten boat pilot,” he grinned. The enemy boat came up in his gunsights. “Now eat energy, buddy!”

Deke fired, smiling as his blue laser bolts roared right into the enemy plane’s body. The ship began to burn, and, then, with a satisfying blast, the enemy cockpit shattered, blowing Krakus out into space with a scream to be blown apart a moment later as his Scorpion died along with him.

Wakefield then flew around to attack another gunboat. One gunboat, one missile fired, and another Cometine pilot flew on into whatever awaited him in the next world.

Then, in the distance, Deke looked up (just as Venable got the third enemy pilot) and grinned as the Arizona’s main guns went off. Long blue lances of energy flew out of the baby-blue space battleship into the guts of the Cometine carrier, with deadly effect as the enemy ship and Major Halla all perished together.

Not far away, Conroy’s squadron took care of some more enemy planes with deadly effect. Then, Brew came whooping over Deke’s headset. “We’re batting a thousand today, Sticks! We got our three enemy birds without a scratch!”

“So did we, Brewski!”

“Return to base, people!” said Conroy over their headsets with a hearty laugh. “All enemy planes destroyed, and the enemy carrier is toast! The Arizona just took one hit! Thanks to us, she didn’t get hit again! Good work, everyone…”

The Argo emerged from warp just a few minutes later near Neptune, coming out of hyperspace with a long blue blur roaring ahead in the windows.

Janlits had disobeyed the advice he had been given and he looked into the swirling vortex several times, and he regretted it as normal space burst back in around them like a very bad dream. His stomach was doing somersaults as he took several deep breaths to keep from throwing up all over his tunic.

“Warp completed,” said Kitano to his right as a loud, weird humming noise filled his ears.

“Is it suppposed to hum like that?” gasped Janlits to Domon. Domon nodded as he looked to his controls. “All weapons systems normal,” he said. “The noise will pass,” he added.

“Hope so,” said Janlits as Homer got up from his post. “Captain! Message from the Arizona!”

“Read it,” said Wildstar.

“At 1105 hours, Earthtime, Arizona engaged and defeated a Cometine light carrier above Alpha Sirius. Enemy force destroyed with only minor damage to the ship and the base. No injuries aboard Arizona. Signed, Mark Venture, Captain, Space Battleship Arizona.”

“Not bad,” said Wildstar. “It’ll be a while before we’re able to match that, again…”

“But not too long,”  said Sandor. “We’ll have to be ready by then, Wildstar.”

Derek nodded as, a moment later, Becker said, at the Cosmo Radar, “Sir, the cruiser Huron is approaching.”

At that, the EDF space patrol cruiser Huron slowed down as it approached the Argo.

“Incoming message from the Commander,” said Homer.

The crew stood and saluted as Commanding General Singleton returned the salute on the main screen. “Welcome home, for now, First Star Force.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Wildstar.

“I’ll be aboard shortly with my adjutant, Lieutenant Wendy Singleton, and Lieutenant Ghormley, the Master-at-Arms from the Huron. We’ll meet Ambassador Janlits in your port side upper fighter bay after my shuttle lands.”

“Of course, sir,” said Wildstar.

“Captain, permission to come down with the party,” said Homer as the transmission ended.

Wildstar raised an eyebrow. “Any specific reason…?”

“Uh…none…except that I’d like to see my fiancee’ again, sir.”

“How long’s she been your fiancee’?” asked Domon.

“Since May,” said Homer with an embassed grin. “We kind of wanted to keep it quiet…”

“Ya mean you’re not gay?” laughed Eager.

“No,” snapped Homer. “I’m not gay!”

“Good..,” said Eager. “I don’t have to look at ya funny in the shower room no more, Homer!”

“Remind me to tell Wendy to slap you at our wedding, Eager,” said Homer with a sick grin.

“I’ll have Lisa guardin’ me then, boy. Just watch it! We might have a catfight at your weddin, son!”

“Yeah, if Nova doesn’t break up up first,” teased Kitano.

“Do you know how thick it’s getting in here, people?” said Becker. “Save it for the locker room!”

“Provided we can pry one of the kids away from her boob, first,” said Eager. “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Wildstar with a baby carriage!”

“SHUT UP, guys!” laughed Wildstar. “We don’t want to keep the Commander waiting…”

A few minutes later, after the shuttle landed on the Argo, Wildstar, Janlits, Sandor and Homer stood at attention behind the hatch that led to the fighter bay. The hatch opened, and Commanding General Singleton, his granddaughter Wendy Singleton, and Lieutenant Ghormley came through the hatch.

After the appropriate courtesies were exchanged, Commanding General Singleton shook hands with Janlits and said, “On behalf of the Earth Government, I welcome you to the Sol System, Ambassador.”

“I hope that our association with your world can help bring an end to the Comet Empire’s disgusting reign of terror across the galaxies,” said Janlits.

“I am sure that it can,” said Wildstar. “Commander, I am sure you learned one thing from us..back when the Comet Empire first tried to invade…five years ago.”

“Yes,” said Singleton. “Never give up. Never surrender.”

“I understand that your Government once tried to surrender to them?” said Janlits.

“Yes…when we were deluded and disheartened by the loss of our fleet,” said the Commander. “Wildstar and Trelaina of Telezart taught us some rather different lessons, though.”

“Wildstar told me the tale…yes,” said Janlits.

“Mister Ghormley,” said Singleton. “Please see the Ambassador to his shuttle. I will be aboard for about twenty minutes speaking with the Commodore before we go back to the Huron. Make the Ambassador comfortable.”


“Sir,” said Wendy, respendlent in her white Command Staff uniform. “I request permission to speak with Mister Homer Glitchman in private.”

“Fifteen minutes. No more,” said the Commander with a slight smile.

“Thank you,” said Homer and Wendy together.

The young couple retired alone to the Argo’s aft observation deck for a few minutes. “It’s beautiful….out here…but so lonely,” said Wendy as she held hands with her fiance’.

“Now you know how I feel most of the time when I wait for your next letter,” said Homer in a soft voice.

Wendy nodded as she smiled at Homer. “When do you think we can have our wedding?”

“I don’t know yet,” said Homer as he bowed his head. “You’re beside your grandfather…you know how the war is going.”

“Every day, another report of another ship being atatcked somewhere, either by the Comet Empire, or those damned R’Khell fanatics who serve them. Every day, I wonder how much more we can take…how many more losses Earth can sustain…”

“But we’re rebuilding?” said Homer.

“Not fast enough,” said Wendy as she dabbed at her eyes. “And we’ve made every young man and woman possible 1-A in the draft, but how many of our men and women can we sacrifice? How much more can we give?”

Homer held her as she began to cry. “I don’t know,” said Homer. “But I promise you…we’ll be together…some day.”

“It’s dark…and getting darker,” said Wendy. “Even then, I have a light to remember when I go to sleep at night…”

“That is?”

“The light in your eyes,” said Wendy in a soft voice.

The two lovers exchanged a long, searching kiss as they held each other. Then, Homer broke the kiss and he checked his wrist chronometer.

“We have to go, for now…” said Homer.

“We’ll meet again,” said Wendy. “I swear it.”

“Me too,” said Homer. He waved goodbye as Wendy went her way…and he went his.

At that, the Argo headed home, following the Huron in another warp towards Saturn. Then, the two ships parted company as the Argo went its way, towards Saturn-Titan, and the Huron headed off again towards Earth.

“Well, it’s time,” said Wildstar as he watched the Huron disappearing around Saturn.

“Time for what?” said Domon.

“Time for a short rest. I think we’ve earned it. Mister Kitano, take us towards the base.”

“They’re waiting, sir.”

“Good. Prepare to land.”

“Roger,” said Kitano. “Heading towards the Base…”

And, at that, the Argo began to make ready to land.


Planet R’Khelleva

The Temple Dungeons

Wednesday October 1, 2206

Yvona’s clone lay weeping again in her cell.

The other day, two Temple guards and a R’Khell lieutenant had overheard her prayers…which were not to Ekogaru, when they had brought her her diet of gruel.

Not caring for Ekogaru’s Child, the men had beaten the clone within an inch of her life.

And the clone was too weak to have any psionic or physical response of any kind to defend herself, or the Child against those evil men.

The gasping, weeping woman lay holding her stomach (which was in great pain) and she whispered, “Lord. I do not mean Ekogaru. I mean You. Prove it to me, please, that You have forgiven me, and this suffering is worth it. Help me remember, please. I know that my mother had verses of Scripture in her mind…Scriptures she memorized for sick purposes. I have no book here to read. Please help me….please let me know I have not believed in vain…please.”

Then, Yvona cried herself into a bitter sleep. And, in her sleep, she began to dream.

In her dream, Yvona then found a strange vista opening up in front of her.

She found herself in a long dress, or a robe of some kind, with a veil and sandals. Simple but ancient clothing, as she stood in the midst of a company of weeping women. She was also jostled by men in fine robes, men in expensive robes…old men with white beards, old men who were acting most unseemly by screaming like boys at someone in mockery.

“Look at him!”

“You say you’re a king, well come on down, your highness!” roared another one.

“The Scripture says whosoever hangs upon a tree is cursed of the Lord!” bellowed another man. “You are cursed, blasphemer!”

“He saved others, he cannot save himself!”

“False prophet! Deluder of Israel!” yelled an old man in very rich robes.

“You’re damned, you faker!” yelled another one of the men, who threw a clod of dirt up over the head of one of the weeping women Yvona was standing next to.

Yvona looked up, seeing a rocky, crude hill that was spattered with blood. Soldiers in ancient armor looked like they were gambling over some garments that were before them.

Yvona looked up, trembling at the sight, as she beheld a darkened sky, and…three rough crosses.

A wind blew as she looked at one of the men. He hung at the right side of the hill, nailed to a crude, cruel cross. He was naked, and it was obvious that he had been horribly scourged. He roared to the man at his left. “Are you not the damned Messiah, you faker? If you are, save yourself off that thing, and get us down, too! We didn’t do anything!”

Yvona shivered as she looked across the hill to another man, at the far left side of the hill. She could somehow read the notice above his head; it read “DISMAS, BRIGAND, TERRORIST, ZEALOT, MURDERER”. That man gasped out, “Gestas! You fool! Don’t you fear the Almighty, since you are under the same death sentence I am? We are being punished justly for our crimes with Barabbas, for we are getting what we deserve for our murders from Rome. But this man here has done nothing wrong…”

He looked over and said, “Y’shua, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom, please…”

Yvona then looked up and glanced at the center cross. She went cold and bowed her head at once. She KNEW at once where she was and who that naked, horridly beaten Man was. There was a flash of lightning, and she saw a disfigured, bloody, swollen face and a crown of thorns before she looked down at the ground. She didn’t DARE to look Him in the face, vision or no. But, she heard a cracked, gasping, but still truly dignified, authoritative and gentle voice that answered, “Dismas…

“What is it?” gasped the murderer.

Truly, truly I tell you, today, you shall be with Me in Paradise

Lightning illuminated the horrid scene again as Yvona suddenly felt the ground spinning beneath her.

She was back in her cell, awake, a few minutes later. After she awoke, a gentle Voice then responded in her heart, “Yvona, I forgave Dismas at Golgotha about two thousand two hundred years ago. He had been mocking Me himself fifteen minutes beforehand.”

“So?” said Yvona. “But how could you forgive me? And Ekogaru said I am a clone? Do I even have a soul? He could not have made one…”

But in Pity and Mercy, I gave you a soul when you came forth from that machine on Ekogaru’s abomination of a so-called world. You asked not to be made like that by him. Do you not have a conscience? Are you not aware of when you sin? It is not Ekogaru’s work. And, why do you think what I did there on the Hill long ago did not suffice for you, too? You shall be with Me in Paradise someday, too…you will be what your ‘mother’ should have been…”

“Thank You,” said Yvona. “Thank You so much…it makes it easier to bear whatever happens. But, please, please help me.”



Planet Great Andromeda

Homeworld of the Cometine Empire

Thursday, October 2, 2206


“What do you think of this report from House Gatlantis?” said one of the Grand Emperor’s adjutants as he handed a report to the Emperor.


The Emperor scanned the report. “I told them they were to stop their attacks upon Earth vessels, and, they still continue? This is gross insubordination, even though Invidia claims it is only “an effort to wind down the war…” as she puts it. We must do something about this House!” roared the Emperor.


Viceroy Savela said, “Did you not order them to begin peace negotiations with the Terrans and the Gamilons?”


“I did. I am tempted to recall the Eritz Gatlantis to the homeworld at once, and…”


“We would appear weak, Lord,” said Savela. “Treacherous as she is, Invidia has gained us territory we would have not had title to for many years. She can be useful…”


“But, she is dangerous,” said a deep voice as its owner entered the hall.


“Who disturbs the repose of the Emperor?” snapped Savela. “I have not given you permission to seek the Presence.”


“I recognize that voice,” said the Emperor. “Radnar, is it you?”


“It is I, my Lord. Your humble priest and servant seeks an audience before the Presence,” he said as he approached the Throne and knelt.


“Leave,” hissed Savela.


“No, Viceroy!” snapped the Emperor. “I was awaiting you, my friend, Radnar. You may rise.”


“Thank you, my Lord,” said Radnar as he rose, leaning on his staff. “I have a vision to report unto you.”


“Report,” said the Emperor.


“My Lord. Invidia, as the goddess Arishna has revealed to me, is planning to use the peace conference that you ordered her to begin with the Terrans and the Gamilons as a façade to continue the war. She plans to assassinate the Gamilon and Terran representatives and then state they attacked her. In turn, she would then use that as a justification to continue fighting them. We cannot allow this. It is a base treachery that disrespects your authority, Lord, especially since you ordered her to cease operations.”


“Rather than being a faithful vassal to my glory as her father Zordar was, it appears Invidia seeks to establish her own policies in opposition to I,” said the Emperor. “Savela, we cannot permit this. Order Invidia home to stand trial for sedition!”


“I advise a different path,” said Radnar. “In the name of Arishna, of course.”


“It is?” hissed the Emperor.


“Let her treachery play out. If this open sedition and disobedience to your will plays out, then she can openly be declared an enemy of the State. Her and all of House Gatlantis,” said Radnar with an evil gleam in his eye above his beard as he remembered how Zordar had banished him from his ranks years ago. “After she openly turns against you, I beg leave to attack her in the Name of Arishna and wipe out House Gatlantis. Then, if Arishna commands me, I will either seek your peace and end the war with the Terrans and Gamilons, or attack…whatever the goddess commands…I will do.”


“If her sedition is so open, she can thus be eliminated as a rebel House,” said Savela. “My Lord?”


The Emperor nodded. “If she turns rebel so brazenly, you, Radnar, my friend, can do me the honor of removing this stone from my shoe and exterminating House Gatlantis. For now, gather your forces and watch her. If her plan plays out, you may then launch your holy war against her. The winner claims the possessions and rights of House Gatlantis.”


“Thank you, my Lord,” said Radnar as he genuflected again before the Throne. “Your wish will glorify Arishna before our Race forever.”



One day later, as repair work on the Argo progressed on Saturn-Titan, Commodore Wildstar decided to take an inspection tour of the engine room.


Down below, he spotted Sandor, Yamazaki, and Henson working together near an access panel near the bottom of part of the wave motion engine.


“How’s the work going?” said Wildstar.


“Have a look at this,” said Sandor. “This manifold for the wave motion supercharger is cracked. All of the firings of the wave motion gun and our long warps have done it. It’ll have to be replaced.”


“Can we do that in the time we have?” said Wildstar.


“Luckily, they have a replacement that they can cannibalize out of stores here on the base,” said Yamazaki. “It’ll be here in a few hours.”


“I’d like to report for duty,” said a strange electronic voice behind them.


“Well,” said Henson as she stood with her greasy hands on her hips. “You have a down-home sound about you…what class are you?”


The American Southern-sounding robot said, “I am a replacement for the defective IQ-9.7. I am IQ-8.9.”


“An old Eight Series?” said Sandor as he rolled up his eyes. He looked over the old, dented Analysis robot. It looked similar to IQ-9, but it had paint peeling on several places, and a very old, peeling United Nations Space Defense Force decal was still on the old robot.


“I’ve been upgraded to be almost as efficient as a Nine,” said IQ-8.9. “I know more about space than you whippersnappers think, sohn. I was built in the Robotics Corporation plant in Wilmington, North Carolina waaay back in 2186. I was about to be scrapped and cannibalized for parts when I suddenly got reactivated a few days ago. It’s an honor to be aboard your ship, even though I’m sorta partial to the battlewagon North Carolina, myself. I know some tricks that even old Captain Avatar forgot. Y’see, I served with ‘im once.”


“When?” said Wildstar.


“Long, long time ago. Don’t be askin’ me to kiss the behinds of no Gamilons, though. I don’t like ‘em.”


“Interesting,” said Sandor. “Wildstar, this may turn out to be a very interesting refit…”


Wildstar smiled at that.



On the Eritz Gatlantis, Invidia sneered at Dyre as they went down a conveyor belt in a corridor together.


“I don’t quite believe that Gernitz has a strategy to finish off the Star Force and force Earth to the bargaining table..even with a new fleet and that Dreadnought of his he pulled out of storage in one of our inner systems,” hissed Invidia.


“Give Gernitz a chance with this one,” said Dyre. “He may just be able to force Earth to do what we want this time.”


“He might be effective,” said Gorse.


“He might completely fail us and lose a Dreadnought and eighty ships,” said Invidia.


“I say, hear him out, Princess,” said Dyre.


“All right,” said Invidia.



Two hours later, in Invidia’s throne room, Gernitz had finished his presentation. “And that is my strategy, Princess,” he said. “It will serve as a great psychological blow to Earth. Do I have your permission?”


“Can you get your forces into position in time?” hissed Invidia.


“Yes. I can begin the attack in two days….or…maybe even less time than that.”


“Good,” said Invidia. “While you keep the Arizona and the Argo occupied, you have my permission to close in upon the Earth itself.”


“Gladly,” said Gernitz with an evil grin. “Maybe it will even make them surrender without the false peace conference and without endangering the Eritz Gatlantis!”


And Invidia put her hand over her mouth and laughed at that.


She thought Gernitz was very amusing.


“Marshal, I like it when you are optimistic!” she hissed.


“Thank you, your Highness,” said Gernitz with a sick smile.


“Now, go, Gernitz. Win this war for us at last!”


“With honor, Princess.”


While Gorse smiled and Invidia continued to laugh, Gernitz left.


He was very confident he would return home with a victory.



Space Battleship Arizona

The Vicinity of Alpha Sirius

Saturday, October 4, 2206

1400 Hours

On the Arizona, Wakefield and Marrable were at attention before Captain Venture in his cabin. Conroy was also there, and they were wondering why they had been summoned up to the cabin at this time of day.


“Gentlemen,” said Captain Venture. “You know that in the last battle that we had yesterday that we lost four more planes.”


“Yessir,” said Wakefield and Marrable together.


“Mister Conroy tells me we are in need of new Section Leaders for the Second Sections of Squadrons Two and Three because of our losses,” said Venture. “Do you two think you could handle promotion to Section Leader and full Lieutenant at the same time?”


“Sir, with all respect, it’s a bit sudden,” said Wakefield.


“It’s wartime,” said Conroy. “You two are good guys, and I need you leading both those flights and those sections. You don’t have to accept…this is on a volunteer basis, but…”


“I accept,” said Wakefield as a lump filled his throat. Wartime does make you go through the ranks faster, he thought. But at one hell of a cost.


Marrable then nodded his head a moment later. “I accept my promotion, too, sir,” said the young pilot.


“Good going,” said Venture as he shook their hands and handed them the silver anchors that meant they were now both full Lieutenants. “If this war goes on, you two may have your own squadrons, next. But, you guys have something else to be concerned with.”


“What’s that?” said Deke.


“Calling home,” said Venture. “At 1600, Nova’s going to begin lining people up to call Earth. You’ll get five minutes on the communicator. Good luck.”


“Thanks, sir,” said Marrable.



“So, who are you calling?” said Marrable to Wakefield as they stood in line later that day near the Communications room.


“I don’t know, yet,” said Deke. “Part of me wants to try Dawn…part of me wants to try Sasha.”


“Sheeeit, boy, you are one confused boy. Can’t even make up yoah mind which squirrel to chase, Dekesticks?”


“Oh, I know which one I want to chase…I think. It’s just a problem of getting the other one out of my head.”


“I know who I’m calling,” said Marrable with an evil grin. “I think I may have met me my Nubian Princess at last,” he said with a wide smile.


“What’s her name?” said Deke.


“Pat. She’s serving with a Marine unit back home.”


“A Marine?” said Deke.


“No, a Navy Corpsman, nurse-type. But she is cute. She’s serving with a unit around Berlin right now.”


“I wish you luck,” said Deke.


“You too,” said Brew.


Brew went in first.



Five minutes later, Brew emerged with a very glum face.


“What’s wrong?” said Deke.


“My Nubian Princess is having second thoughts,” said Brew. “She’s thinking of going out with someone else in her unit. But she was nice about it.”


“Did she Dear John you?” sighed Wakefield, who was getting used to Brew’s unlucky love affairs.


“Yes and no. She said she’d want to date me if things didn’t work out with Mac back home. Not cool.”


“Mister Wakefield,” said Nova near the hatchway. Deke did a double-take, noticing that Nova had on a different outfit…namely, a male-pattern EDF shirt in gold and black, with her belt, a black skirt, and sandals.


“You look different, ma’am,” said Wakefield.


“Maternity uniform,” she said. “And the kids are really bugging me in there right now,” she said as she held her stomach. “Get in, Deke. You’re holding up the line!” she snapped.


“Aye, aye,” said Wakefield.


Wakefield entered the Communications room and stared hard at the blank screen. After a moment’s worth of deliberation, he made up his mind, and he typed in an address.


It was at the EDF Academy.



In her dorm room, Sasha jumped as the videophone rang. She was wearing an old grey t-shirt and shorts…she had been running earlier in the morning, and it was a very hot and unseasonably muggy October back home on Earth.


“Hello?” she said.


“Long time no talk to,” said the voice at the other end of the line.


Deke!” she cried with a big smile on her face. “I’m glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I heard there was more combat out in space and you were…”


“I’m all right. We lost some guys, though. I’ve been promoted to full Lieutenant and they gave me command of a whole Section. I’m responsible for two flights now; half a whole squadron.”


“That’s great news…but isn’t that more work for you?”


“It is,” said Wakefield.


“When will I see you again?” said Sasha.


“It still looks like next Spring,” said Deke with a sigh. “I heard you might be graduating early.”


“They said that might be a possibility…they haven’t told us a lot yet.”


“I see.”


“I hope we can serve together some day, Deke. If we survive this war, that is.”


“Sasha, you have to be optimistic.”


“I’m scared, Deke. You don’t know…what kind of dreams I’ve been having.”


“What kind of dreams have you been having?”


“Strange ones, lately. Mostly bad ones. I’m scared for you, Deke.”


“Why is that?”


“You’re at war…and…you have so much to think about,” she said as she looked at him with knowing eyes that made a chill run down his back for a moment. “But I know you love me. I just know it.”


“How do you know?”


“Deke, I have faith in you, and….I’ve…no…don’t worry about that.”


“Don’t worry about what?” said Deke.


“Nothing,” lied Sasha as she thought, I can’t tell him I know about so much of the conflict in his mind. I can’t tell him I know about that shadow between us…not yet. And I sure can’t tell him I’ve seen our future…not yet…because, he doesn’t…


“Sasha, what are so you worried about?”


“I wish you could tell me,” said Sasha with a rare moment of honesty.


“Sasha…there’s so much I want to tell you,” he began as he decided to spill his guts now. But, he could see the timer was down to one minute. “But I know we’re running out of time.”


“I’ll wait,” she said. “You can write me a letter, Deke. A long one. But, I do love you…”


“Sasha, I…I love you, too,” said Deke as he squeezed out the words as if they were going through a lump in his throat.


“Thanks, Deke…I love you, too…”


And, at that, the screen went dark.



Far away, in Pensacola, Florida, Dawn Westland was adjusting a very brief bikini top as she prepared to go swimming during a free moment in her studies.


As she stepped into her thongs, she felt something loosening around her neck. She was surprised a moment later as Deke’s Star Pendant ended up draped over the top of her foot.


“Now I wonder why it did that?” she said as she picked it up. Dawn looked over the pendant and saw that one of the links had suddenly snapped.


“That’s weird,” she said to herself. “It never did that before. Well, I can go without the damn thing for a weekend before I take it to the jeweler to be fixed. I’m sure Deke won’t mind,” she said in a sardonic voice.


Still, something about the timing of the pendant breaking made Dawn think, I wonder if it was an omen of some kind? I’d love to know what Deke is thinking right now….



Finally, Nova took her place before the communications screen. She was alone, and she made sure the hatch was locked.


With a flush running across her features, Nova typed in a code number.


I hope I can get him, she thought. It’s hard to say. I know Derek is so busy these days…


On the Argo, Commodore Wildstar was alone in his cabin working on a report when his visiphone rang. “Hello, Space Battleship Argo…Captain’s Quarters. Commodore Wildstar speaking.”


“Hello, Derek,” said the soft alto voice through the speakers as a familiar face appeared on his screen.


“Nova!” said Derek with a pleased laugh. “This is a pleasant surprise! Are you all right?”


“Never been better,” she said with a girlish grin. She stood back from the chair and made sure her side faced the screen. She put one foot up on the chair arm and said, “Have a look at me now, Derek…”


“You’re showing!” he laughed as tears ran from his eyes. “I’m having trouble keeping track…how long is it now?”


“Getting close to five months as of the eighteenth,” said Nova with a proud smile. “They’ve begun to wiggle in there already, Derek!”


“They?” said Derek. “Uh….I….?”


“They,” said Nova. “Remember, you silly flag officer you? We’re having twins, my love. I told you that in my last letter! The doctor thinks it’s a boy and a girl, but she’s not sure.”


“Oh…yeah…thanks. I like the maternity outfit. But are you still safe in battle dressed like that?”


“I put a jumpsuit and boots on when I have to be on the Bridge,” said Nova. “But, I’m fine in this now. Having trouble keeping Tinwit away, but…”


“The skirt is sure short…”


“It’s comfortable,” huffed Nova. “I’ve been hungry a lot, and my ankles swell a little at times. Now I know what they mean by ‘barefoot and pregnant’,” she said as she wriggled her toes up in her sandals.


“Yeah. How does your stomach really look?” said Derek.


“Like to see?” said Nova sweetly. She sat down and, to Derek’s surprise, she unzipped her top and spread it open.


Beneath it was a bra and her somewhat swollen tummy.  The ship seemed to shake a little as she did so, but she ignored it. “I still have an innie navel….even like this…”


“Do you see your stomach moving?” asked Derek. Then, his question was answered when he saw a little jump beneath Nova’s skin. “I think I saw something…was it?”


“Yes. That was a baby kick,” she said with a tearful laugh. “I wish you were here to share this with, Derek.”


“So do I,” he said. “I hope we can be together when you…go into labor…”


“I don’t know how that’ll be possible,” she sighed. “My due date is sometime in February…I’m not sure how we’ll be together then. Unless the Comet Empire lays off for a few months.”


“How will you take care of them when it…happens?”


“Doctor Bradford will give me time to tend to them in Sickbay whenever possible. They’ll have a little nursery in a corner somewhere until I bring them home…to where they were conceived…,” said Nova as the ship seemed to shake again. She again ignored it. Holly must be manuevering hard, she thought.


“Earth,” sighed Derek. “Our house. I miss it already. But not as much as you…”


“I love you,” said Nova.


“I love you, too,” said Derek. A moment later, after the transmission cut off, Nova jumped as someone banged at the hatch. As quickly as possible, Nova closed her blouse and spun around, although she looked a bit disheveled. She opened the hatch.


She found herself looking right at a red-faced Venture. “Damnit, didn’t you hear the klaxons?” he snapped.


“I was talking to Derek…sorry…what’s going on?”


“A huge Cometine battleship squadron…we took two hits already! Get changed and get to your bridge post in two minutes! Nova, stop lollygagging around!” snapped Captain Venture.


“Yessir,” said Nova as she ran off, blushing as she ran.


“What’s with her?” said Mark to a nearby IQ-9.


“Never try to analyze the mind of a pregnant woman,” said IQ-9.


“Yeah, you got that right,” said Venture.



Unknown to Earth, Gernitz had just warped into the solar system.


His flagship, the huge, 12.1 kilometer-long Cometine Black Dreadnought Devastation, had last come into these tales back in January 2202, when it had been so close to attacking Earth. Only the orders of Viceroy Savela had saved the Earth from devastation that day.


Gernitz had been waiting for this opportunity for years. Now, the evil Marshal smiled as Pishda, his new executive officer, came up to him with a salute. “I am pleased to report that General Higner’s squadron is attacking the Arizona near Alpha Sirius, and it is our hope that we can retake that base for the conquest of Earth. General Kavnar stands ready to attack the Saturn-Titan base and hopes to destroy the Argo at her moorings. Generals Vacratz and Edig stand ready to escort your flagship in to the main attack point in far orbit of Earth.”


“Commence the operation!” barked Gernitz. “Our target…Earth!”


Just before one of Earth’s spy satellites could detect them, the Cometine Fleet of sixty-two ships split up and began to roar on towards its objectives at Saturn-Titan and at Earth.



“This is Captain Matsuyama of the space battleship Mutsu, of the Fifteenth Battleship Squadron, part of Second Fleet, making routine report at 1800 hours,” said a rather bored-looking skipper as he received a routine report from his crew. “We are between the Earth and the Moon, and we are on normal patrol, General Stone. No enemy action detected.”


At the other end, Stone nodded on the space battleship’s screen. “Good job, Captain, Continue patrol; condition normal.”


“Yessir,” said Matsuyama. “Mutsu out.”


“Skipper,” said the ship’s radar officer. “Big wave of ships just detected.”


“Must be a bunch of freighters,” said Matsuyama.


“Negative, Skipper..they’re too big…I read ten space battleships…six light carriers, six heavy carriers….eight missile cruisers, thirty destroyers, and one huge ship, as ugly as Sin!”


“What?” said Matsuyama. “Visual on main screen!”


Matsuyama gasped as he looked out at a massive Comet Empire fleet approaching Earth. “Oh, kamisama! This is bad! Really bad!”


“So what do we do?” said Matsuyama’s exec.


“Mister Spignoli, let our escorts know at once on intership…then have Mister Denkler call Earth Defense. We need the whole Second Fleet here for this. All hands, battle stations!” he yelled as he brought up the klaxons. “All hands to battle stations!”



“Marshal!” reported an officer on the bridge of the Devastation. “Earth Defense battleship squadron spotted off port, distance, eight hundred gerad. Fleet appears to be sounding alarm to Earth and drawing in its forces to attack. Should we have the destroyers move in?”


“I’ll prove our power by doing this ourselves,” hissed Gernitz. “Main guns, train on the enemy flagship…open fire on my mark!”


The Devastation’s main shock cannons swivelled about and locked on target as the Cometine escorts cleared the firing area. Soon, they were locked on target.


“Ready for firing, Marshal!” barked an officer to Gernitz’s right.


“Wonderful,” laughed Gernitz. “Open fire!”


The Devastation’s main guns then began to blast one by one, sending a horrible barrage straight at the Mutsu’s starboard side. Before Captain Matsuyama and Commander Spignoli could react, orange lances of energy were roaring right through the Mutsu’s armor like hot knives through a stick of butter.


“We’ve taken heavy damage!” cried Matsuyama’s Mechanical Officer, a Mister Smith. “Auxiliary engines damaged! Both aft gun turrets out!”


“Fire what we can!” yelled Matsuyama.


The burning Mutsu turned about and fired two of its working gun turrets at the enemy Dreadnought. The energy from her shock cannons bounced off the Cometine ship’s black armor as if someone had fired a load of BB gun pellets against a brick wall.


The Devastation’s guns trained again, and there was a second terrible barrage.


The Mutsu broke out into many cherry blossoms of flame. A moment later, the cherry blossoms combined into one, and the Mutsu blew apart with a clap of thunder, followed in death by many of her escorts as they also fired at the enemy Dreadnought, and came to nothing as Gernitz’s guns blew them apart, as well.


“Not bad,” laughed Gernitz. “Pishda, have the fleet screen our flanks. Open the main gun! Planet Earth is our target! Blast the first city you detect!”


“With pleasure,” said Pishda. “Open the siege cannon!”


As the rest of the Earth Defense Fleet began to regroup to defend the planet, Gernitz had a terrible, horrible, clear shot.


“A large city, right below us,” said Pishda with sick glee. “A large Metropolitan area. They call it the New York Megalopolis. My gunsights are lined up right on a crowded area called Manhattan Island.”


“Fire,” said Gernitz with a deadly whisper.


The gun lowered beneath the Devastation’s underbelly and locked into place.


It did not take long for the gargantuan Magna-Flame Gun to come up to full charge and for its gunners’ controls to turn green.


“Goodbye, New York,” said Gernitz with a sick smile as he squeezed a firing grip.


The gun went off a moment later.


A massive and lurid golden surge of energy roared towards Earth and blasted into the atmosphere.


In Manhattan, at one moment, millions of people were heading to shows, heading to work, heading to do all of the many things that one would normally do in a great metropolis on Earth in the year 2206 on a warm fall night.


A moment later, a ball of fire appeared in the sky without warning. Millions of terrified people barely had a moment to scream before the fire blasted into the island.


A moment later, the very island itself was obliterated, the towers of Manhattan were falling like toys, and the Hudson and East Rivers were blasted at once into hot, superheated steam.


The devastation roared outwards…the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Westchester County, Nassau County, suburban New Jersey…all of those areas were blasted into lakes of fire.


A huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky a moment later as the Big Apple disappeared.


“What do you think?” hissed Pishda.


“This is glorious!” yelled Gernitz. “Utterly glorious! Continue the barrage! Today, we shall force them to submit to our will! Today is the day that the Earth loses! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HAAAAA!”


“Message from the Earth Defense Command!” said a Cometine officer.


“You take care of it, Pishda! I’m having too much fun!” roared Gernitz as he sighted upon another target. “This is glorious! See what you think of this, Invidia!”


And, at that, Gernitz prepared to fire again.


His target, was the Earth….



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