By: Frederick P. Kopetz
With the Cooperation and Assistance of Derek A.C. Wakefield
The Ethereal Plane
Unknown Place
Unknown Time
of Telezart was roaring, with a deadly purpose in hand, through the Cosmos to
the City of the Presence.
She, like many other Guardians of her sort, had been Summoned there by the Most High for a Council that, in her heart of hearts, would be of great importance.
As she flew, stripped and naked like a flame through the Cosmos, she was met along the cosmic wayside by Arishna, Lady of the Cometines.
Now, one of the more interesting of matters is that Trelaina, who had humbled Prince Zordar, had formed an unlikely friendship and alliance with the foreboding masked Guardian of the Cometines known as Arishna. Arishna had been their special patron Saint of a sort once, overseeing their development into an Empire, which had once begun with the best of motives.
But now, Arishna was disappointed with her people, especially upon seeing over and over again how the Cometines had degenerated, in many cases, into an evil group of men and women, quarrelsome, violent, and with little honor.
Yet, now, even they were threatened by Ekogaru’s madness and his dark desire to usurp the Most High and all His Guardians, Messengers, Saints, Holy Ones, and Designated Powers of all Sorts, and to place himself above all of the Powers and Principalities still Faithful as sub-agents of the Divine Plan, which was grander and far more vast than any living mere Mortal could imagine.
“How do things go with Zordar?” said Trelaina as she rocketed along beside Arishna.
“Not well,” said Arishna. “On some days, he retains his desire to fight on, but on other days, with the bad news from the battlefronts, I fear even he may yield.”
“I have a Plan for that, or maybe the Most High does,” said Trelaina.
is that Plan?” said Arishna, as flame burned in her eyes behind her Mask.
Arishna, since time immemorial, had never been seen unmasked. It was whispered in Cometine Legend that when the day came when she removed her Mask, a terrible Doom would await the Cometine Race. It was the darkest of their prophecies, and one that was seldom even whispered, let alone spoken of openly.
“To support Zordar, ironically, so that his power can be converted and harnessed to the Good,” said Trelaina.
“It would take a Goddess to do that,” Arishna sighed. “Do you nominate yourself for the task, or are you proposing me?”
“I intend to volunteer, but I know I cannot nominate you. I intend to nominate another,” said Trelaina.
Soon, the two mighty spirits arrived in the Holy Court before the Presence.
Waiting before the Holy Presence, the very Presence of He Who dwelt forever in Lightnings, Voices, and Great Peals of Thunder, Trelaina and Arishna genuflected before the blazing Eternal Light, followed by the Archangel Michael, Saint Francis of Assisi, Moses Maimonides, Bayazid Bastami who had been a great Sufi Mystic of Earth, the Holy Priest Mi’klad of the ancient Tra’dska School of the R’Jhkarraz of Rikasha, and Mother Teresa, who were all standing near them, along with the brightly blazing, and also naked, spirit of Queen Pellas herself.
“When is He Coming?” asked Saint Francis.
“Soon,” said Michael as Arishna bowed and nodded to the Cometine General Hamals of the 228th Mobile Fleet, who smiled as he saw his Patron as he was escorted into the Assembly on the arm of Odin himself, with the spirits of General Lysis of Gamilon and Admiral Avatar of Terra walking beside him.
“This warrior did you great honor, M’Lady, fighting that vicious turncoat snake General Stone, the lapdog of Ekogaru,” said Odin as he presented Hamals to Arishna here in the High City before he escorted him to drink in Valhalla.
“I honor your bravery, Hamals,” said Arishna as she kissed the brave fallen General’s hand.
“What is the purpose of this Assembly, and who are all of those Mighty Ones?” said Hamals.
“The Purpose here is the defeat of that Monster who wishes to bring about the End well before the Allotted Time in his arrogance,” said the terrible, huge form of the Archangel Michael. “Father Odin, you did well bringing this warrior here, for if the minions of the Unnamed try to again attack the Gates, you may have to fight with Us, O Hamals.”
“You mean you get to keep on fighting here?” said Hamals.
“Yes, if the cause is just,” said Lysis with an evil smile.
“My heart tells me there will be much fighting before this whole business is over, and that I died at only the Beginning of the matter,” said Avatar.
just came in at Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty-Seven, old Captain,” said Loki as
he came up with his usual demented grin on his face.
“What have you been up to?” demanded Odin.
“Looking after my friends, and screwing about with the heads of my enemies,” said Loki.
A vast Thunderclap hit the assembly, and Loki yelled out, “Hey, Brother! Didja drop your Hammer on your foot, Thor?”
“Peace, Loki, be still,” said a commanding, deep voice over the assembly as the form of a Man in white robes, dark cloak, and a Crown that burned like Living Fire came up the dais boldly into the Divine Presence, where His Blazing Light merged with the Light of His Father as He Genuflected before the Blazing Light before He sat down on the Throne at His Right Hand. “My Abba and I Summoned you all here to take up the matter, at last, of the being known as Ekogaru, and how he is to be dealt with…so, you will pay attention as I open this Assembly with…”
“Hey, YOU!” roared an arrogant voice as a terrible being, who looked like a snarling version of the Archangel Michael but clad in a coat and robes that looked like black leather, with weird, burning green eyes, slammed open a golden gate and strode arrogantly into the Assembly, with a train of various dark fallen angels, demons, monsters, and hideous things walking behind him.
do YOU want, Father of Lies?” snapped the High King as He raised a hand at
“I have legitimate business here, Son of the Most High,” snapped the Evil One as he grinned and unfurled his black wings, which were clad in greasy feathers like those of the basest of ravens.
Even Ekogaru trembled as he looked at the white-horned Arch-Fiend, who seemed to absorb the Light of Heaven like a black hole in the very surface of Creation, a blight upon Creation as ugly and as alluring as a many-colored oil slick.
“None of your business is legitimate, fallen one,” said the King. “You are the Prince of all liars, thieves and murderers. There is no truth in you, just as it was in the beginning when you rebelled.”
“Rabbi,” said the Evil One with a slight bow of the head towards his Creator, “You are so mistaken! I’m exercising a basic principle of equity. If Ekogaru is on Trial…” began Lucifer.
“This is not his final Trial before Me at the End,” said the Anointed One Himself. “Our Counsels,” He said as He indicated the High Father and the Presence of the Nurturing Spirit that flowed from their Thrones like a River, “are so far above your thoughts that I say you have no right to be here…”
“You mean you’re deciding my Fate and I don’t get to say shit to You?” said Ekogaru himself as he came up in spirit and gave Him the slightest of nods of obeisance.
“I need not honor your request, Ekogaru, nor to let you remain in My presence, you arrogant base Master of Treachery,” said the True Anointed King. “Yet, so that you shall see that you have no case you can lay to My Charge, I will show you I will even be scrupulously fair to you and your vile Master. Michael, Odin, forebear, and let him stay here and grant him and his chosen Attorneys leave to speak for him.”
“You demanded this,” hissed Lucifer as he stood behind Ekogaru with Asmodeus. “You had better not make me waste my breath on you, Worthless Dung.”
“Even you will see my brilliance before the Assembly,” said Ekogaru.
“What is Your plan for this One?” demanded Lucifer as he pointed at Ekogaru.
end of his Kingdom, so-called, which is really another way of saying YOUR
usurped Kingdom, Lucifer?” said the Most High.
“My Kingdom is not of HIS!” snarled Ekogaru. “I have different purposes! The betterment of humanity, for one!”
“By doin’ Wot?” said a voice that spoke in a very nasal North British accent as its owner leered right at Ekogaru through his little round glasses. “Turnin’ people all around into bloody morons who can’t think for themselves or create anythin’ except your one-note-dead-Elvis-rock and roll wi’ just one chord? Even I knew more eventually than ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah…!”
“Who’s that?” said Arishna to Trelaina as she looked with a perplexed look at the tall red-bearded artist with long hair and a denim suit and sneakers carrying his Rickenbacker 320 electric guitar.
“Lennon,” said Trelaina with a giggle. “A Terran poet and singer. He tolerates him in His grace even though he said some weird stuff once upon a time.”
“Hey, I said me band at the time was more popular than Him, not better or bigger,” said John Lennon. “And I was actually deplorin’ it because the state of the Church of England at the time stank owin’ to the fact they couldn’t attract any kids like we could.”
“I knew your heart, Lennon,” said the Most High as John gave Him a bow. “And, Ekogaru, through his cheek, the human poet makes a good point. What have you created?”
“An Empire! Eternal Life for men without kowtowing to YOU!” roared the Dark Lord.
“By kowtowing to you?” said the Master mildly. “Now, Lucifer, does even that make any sense?”
“We need more viewpoints than YOUR monomania,” said Lucifer.
“Everyone here has a bit of My Spark, my ability to create,” said the Most High. “You could even do some good, Fallen One, if you’d just sit down and think a bit rather than just wanting to put yourself on My Throne and be Me.”
“NOT BLOODY LIKELY!” roared Lucifer.
“And…your own Pride is the eventual lock that will keep you forever in the deepest of Hells,” said the King as He Shook His Thorn-Pierced Head in wonder. “That goes for you, too, Ekogaru. For your current chosen Master, his destiny is fixed because of his own stiff neck and because he has a million locks and keys at hand to lock himself in Hell from the inside. These scars I suffered when I was on Terra, Ekogaru? They were suffered for you, as well as for a vast company too great to count from worlds upon worlds. I have an offer for you, Ekogaru. Repent. Just give it up. Be human again. As I meant you to be. My ultimate plan is for your Good, and when the day comes when I send my Chosen Lady to demolish your works-she will have her hand open to you in friendship in My Name, offering you My Grace.”
“As mine was until you slew me and drove yourself towards the Black Hole I made to finish your works, not you, Ekogaru…whom I loved,” said Queen Pellas.
“I have nothing else to say,” said Ekogaru. “I can’t go back!” he roared. “I’m lost!”
“You will have to try very hard to be lost,” said the Most High. “Especially when I will continue to seek for you until your last breath!”
“He’s already damned,” hissed Lucifer. “We’ve said enough. God, we rest our Case!”
“Lucifer, you have no right to say that!” roared the King. “His case is not closed until he breathes his last!”
“Which will never happen, because I will be IMMORTAL!” roared Ekogaru as he pushed Lucifer aside and turned his back on the Throne of Glory.
Michael stood forth to stop him, but the King said, “Michael! Odin! Let him go! He has much to learn! Let him be! Lucifer, DEPART! You have said enough before Me today!”
Satan leered at the King of Kings, and then he left.
“Trelaina, Arishna, we have much to discuss,” said the King. “Draw close to me…we have to discuss…my Champion…She whom I chose to finish this evil in My Name…and her fate…”
Planet Earth
Off Maui, Hawaii
Thursday. June 9, 2231
1010 Hours Local Time
Nova Wildstar swam in the warm waters off Maui looking like a graceful porpoise.
She went very light, even though she was on live TV at the moment, swimming in only a mask, bikini, snorkel and swim fins. Derek swam behind her, also clad the same way she was. Near them swam Mother Miarahl of the Rahlken and a Leptil woman named Shatela.
Nova’s snorkel had a small transceiver mike in the mouthpiece, so she was able to say a few words on her air. “How do you like our oceans, Miarahl?”
“I could swim in here for hours,” she said.
“So could I,” said Derek.
Nova kicked along, smiling at the warm feel of the water on her flanks.
Soon, the group broke the surface, cleared their snorkels, and swam back towards the beach.
A few minutes later, Nova stood on the shore in the warm
sun, with Derek beside her. She
had her snorkel off, and had put on shorts over her swimsuit bottom and had put
her sandals back on. “You say we’re in a Paradise area. What makes that
different from other places on Terra?” Miarahl said.
“Well,” Nova replied. “It means we keep it as unspoiled as possible, taking nothing from the area except maybe the fruit or fish a camper might need to live off the bounty of the beach and the ocean, and that we are to disturb it as little as possible…
Shatela said, “And, from what I’ve seen, even in warm
areas like these islands, you have to have some rags on yourself? That’s a bit
silly, I think…on a beach, shouldn’t you be naked?”
Nova blushed and said, “Well, this is Earth, and it’s not other worlds where you can run around like that,” Nova said. “But, even some here on Earth think my swimwear is too…brief…”
“The more puritanical elements here on Earth would have you covered up more, even in the heat?” said Miarahl.
“Definitely,” said Nova as she laughed while Derek began to tickle her toes in her sandals. “STOP THAT, DEAR!” she giggled while Derek began to tickle her stomach and belly button.
“Do you want me to stop?” Derek asked.
“Yes…we…hahahahaha..have a show to do! I…heee heee hee hee…” Nova said.
“Actually, keep on doing that,” said Shatela. “I think it’s cute!”
“No!“ Nova cried, her long legs kicking as she squirmed in her husband’s lap. “You traitor! Ha ha ha ha ha…”
“I’m keeping you against me for a few minutes, Nova,” Derek whispered.
“Why?” she whispered back.
Derek smiled, kissed her, and gently sent a sweet thought
into her mind which was very private and sweet.
I sort of noticed, Nova sent back with a blush. Unfortunately, we have half an hour left of a show to do…
We can get back to this in a while, dear, Derek sent back. We have a shady tree over there, a beach blanket, and some privacy when they leave us alone…
After the show…it’s a date, then, Nova sent back.
The camera girl called for a commercial break, and she said, “That was a distraction, but a cute one. In a bit, we have to go back in with the tanks.”
“For us,” Derek said.
“Shatela and I have no need for them,” said Miarahl. “Deep in the water, we can adapt and form gills to just go along in your water, which tastes nice in our mouths.”
“Unfortunately, I need scuba gear…for now, anyway,” Nova said with a laugh as she undid her sandals and took off her shorts and then slipped her bare feet into deep-sea fins and put on her tank and gear, and then helped Derek into his gear.
Nova and Derek went back into the water, followed by the cameraman and others, and the show continued…
When they surfaced, they had a luau breakfast prepared for them.
They ate while discussing their differing customs as the show ended.
Doctor Nova Wildstar, now the Surgeon General of the Earth Federation, and, by tradition, now the chief Administrator of Central Hospital in the Tokyo Megalopolis, sat on an office chair on her knees, her sandals kicked off under her desk, and her toes showing under dark, short skirt as she organized items from boxes onto her new desk on the 39th Floor of Central Hospital, near the top of the building.
Doctor Rengo Kitara, the African Doctor whom she had served under as a time as a nurse many years ago, and under whom she had worked as a Medical Student, was now her Associate Administrator.
“You know how a ship works, Doctor,” the dark-skinned man said in his sonorous voice to Nova as she worked at unpacking. “You’re the new Captain here, as it were, but I’ve been the XO here as Associate for the past nine years. I’ve seen five Surgeon Generals come and go, but you’re the first one who had to just bring her things up from her office on the Twenty-Third Floor. The rest of them took weeks to move in here.”
“I hope that’s a compliment, Rengo,” Nova said with a smile as she adjusted her lab coat.
“It’s meant to be, Nova,” he said, somewhat relieved at the fact that this Surgeon General was someone he respected, and, dare he think it, she was a friend. “I saw you on video, yesterday, in the ocean. I know you have a few ailments, typical to someone your age…”
“Yes, a bit of myopia, a little arthritis,” Nova said as she winced a little while moving a leg up, “and, you know I have a little bit of asthma.”
“Yet, I know your medical history,” he said. “But, yet I marvel how you remain looking twenty years younger than you have a natural right to look,” he said.
“I hope that’s a compliment,” Nova said with a raised eyebrow. They both laughed at that.
“If I can say so, you looked rather cute going naked before all of those viewers,” said Kitara. “And it didn’t seem to hurt your poll numbers, or your father’s.”
Nova made sure the door to their office was closed and she said, “It’s too bad I can’t yet reveal the real reason behind why I’m so comfortable in just my skin now. Namely, on New Pellias, I’m usually in just my ceremonial gown or in the nude when I do Ritual there…”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Kitara as he bowed his head a little, aware of Nova’s secret.
“My time is drawing nearer and nearer,” she said, a little cryptically.
“If you know that, why did you accept this post?” said Kitara.
“It was sort of thrust upon me…as soon, something else may be thrust upon me,” Nova said cryptically.
“What?” said Kitara.
“If I could foresee it clearly, I would be telling more of you,” said Nova. She then gazed hard at Kitara and said, “If…IF..Earth was conquered…”
“That cannot happen,” he huffed. “The military has the planet protected, and too well. They are on guard…”
“Not all of them,” Nova said. “Derek is investigating several Admirals and Generals right now for corruption, dereliction of duty, taking bribes from contractors and even from alien agents. My father knows that several members of Parliament should be investigated for ethics violations. The Government looks strong and beautiful on the outside, but we are learning that it is as rotten as a gangrenous limb on the inside. Some are allowing that to happen by way of neglect. Others…by design. And I am finding that in New Pellias, some of the Ruling Queen’s officers are just as corrupt, and just as venal. You think they would have learned by now! So much, I keep under my hat, so to speak. I’ve bared my nude body to millions in the name of art and esthetics. My soul…is bare to very few. And, maybe that’s a good thing. Because, you see, I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” said Kitara.
“Scared of what I know I have to do. I have to eventually “pass through the fire” to finish my work…”
“And what is “Passing through the Fire?” asked Kitara.
“It is a great and terrible trial, probably leading to…my death,” said Nova.
“I would hope not,” said Kitara.
“But I’ve foreseen that,” said Nova. “It’s going to happen at some point, just as sure as, over the years, I have needed to clean up the bodily wastes of a geriatric patient more often than not…”
“Which reminds me,” said Kitara. “We have an elderly Admiral…an Admiral Shimabara…in his suite on the 20th Floor….he’s demanding that his results be checked and reviewed…”
Nova sighed. “That reactionary old man? Does he want me to check his tests personally?”
Kitara nodded.
Nova smiled ruefully as she stood, kicked her feet back into her sandals, and said, “Let’s get to it…”
“Why the heck am I being poked and prodded at by a Lady Doctor?” yelled Admiral Ryusuke Shimabara as Nova poked at the old man’s wasted stomach under his thin hospital gown.
“You asked to have your results redone and reviewed,” Nova snapped. “I’m the highest authority in this hospital and I still practice hands-on medicine,” Nova said.
“Let the damned nurse do it!” yelled Shimabara.
“You were just cursing at us an hour ago for a doctor,” snapped Kitara. “Admiral Wildstar here is the Surgeon General and a Board-Certified Surgeon…what are you finding, Doctor?”
“Evidence of mega colon…and this man could use a flush and a hemoccult test…” Nova said as she nodded at the nurse, who undid his hospital gown.
A moment later, fully benuded, the 79-year old Admiral
with bloated stomach and thin body reminded Nova of a concentration camp victim
as she used a portable scanner to scan his gut. “Look at this, Rengo…”
Shimabara cursed more as Nova began to perform some
Soon, he would have to be held down as he fought his
doctors and the nurse…all with a foul mouth…
When they were done…everything was a mess, because the
vile old man had messed his bed during the exam.
“Are you OK, ma’am?” asked the nurse.
“No, I’ll take care of this old fellow,” sighed Nova. “Call for Housekeeping to come by with new sheets…”
“Good!” yelled Shimabara. “We should be invading other worlds and starting an Empire, just as true as your girly-man husband has long hair, Wildstar, and just as true as the only thing a woman is good for in a hospital is cleaning up MESSES!”
After thoroughly scrubbing down in the shower, Nova clothed her nakedness in only a fresh pair of underpants and a pert mini scrub dress (since Admiral Shimabara’s mess had soaked her garments down to the skin) before stepping into a pair of white flip-flops and pulling on a fresh lab coat.
She got into her office and furiously typed notes into her laptop. Do workup of Shimabara for Alzheimer’s. Combative, and toxins may be interfering with brain function, as well. Possible metastatic colon cancer-heart and lungs appear to be compromised…
Nova’s phone buzzed. “Office of the Surgeon General,” she said.
“Kitara here. I still can’t get that stink off me,” he said.
“That’s the way kaka goes,” Nova replied. “I’ve raised five children. Baby poop smells somewhat better than old man’s poop.”
“I looked at the scans…he probably has a bad colon…”
“I ordered that workup so we’ll be sure,” said Nova. “Today’s Friday. I’ll probably have him open on the table to get his colon out and resection him by Wednesday.”
“Good call,” said Kitara. “Oh, you have a call holding on Line Five.”
Nova shut her eyes and said, “I know who he is…it’s the ‘girly-man’,” she giggled. “Patch him through,” Nova said as she stood up and flexed her toes in her flip-flops, waiting eagerly for the feel of sand from their beach on her feet in about two hours after her workday ended. Then, before either cooking dinner or calling out, Nova knew she would be spending some time sunning herself on a beach towel. She knew Derek certainly wouldn’t mind…
The call came through and Admiral Derek Wildstar said, “Hi. From a four-star Admiral to my two-star Admiral girl…how was your day?”
“Shitty,” giggled Nova. “Literally. I got to work with your old nemesis Shimabara today. He called you a ‘girly-man’ again, and he decided to mess the bed right after I got done checking his prostate and doing a hemoccult test.”
“Was he going on about how we should be an Empire and all that?” said Derek.
“Yes, just like on that TV show a year ago. The right-wing one where he was on with two other retired Admirals and our friend Pastor Spector.”
“I had to deal with a bunch like him at the Defense Council today,” said Derek. “By the way, you remember that Beemiran and his message when we got back from patrol?”
“We received word that some strange vessels attacked an Earth Monitor Station out beyond Arcturus,” said Derek. “We didn’t get a complete transmission, but we think the vessels…may have been Technomugar Goirazu Fortresses. Vessels of a type we have not seen in many years…”
“He’s awakening again; spreading his baleful influence,” said Nova. She shut her eyes and shivered. “His cold….he’s back…what are you doing?”
“I discussed this with your father and the Commander, then, the Defense Council” said Derek. “I’ve dispatched the old space battleship Potemkin out there with two patrol cruisers as escorts. Rear Admiral Ivan Borsikov is going to be in command of that mission…he’s a good man…unfortunately, he’s going to be accompanied Brigadier General Gary Maples of Intelligence. You know? The Judas Goat who just got promoted?”
“I don’t like that,” said Nova. “Is there any way to exclude him? I do not trust that man!”
“I tried, but, Nova, the Defense Council imposed the condition of having Maples on the Potemkin.”
“Then let me take command of that mission and go out there in place of Borsikov!” Nova demanded. “I’m a two-star Admiral now, and I’ve commanded several warships in combat ops! The Danube back in 2205, the North Carolina and her task force in 2214, and when you were ill and Venture was away on the Arizona during those Spectran incursions of 2225, you know Singleton put me in command of the Argo and sent me out to intercept that mecha device!”
“Yes, and you nearly got killed on that mission, Nova, and you ended up in your own Sickbay on the Argo in a coma for a week!” Derek snapped. “If you go out in space again, I’d much prefer that you be in a Sickbay practicing medicine like you’ve trained to do, Dr. Genius and Nobel Prize Winner!”
“Derek, this is more than wanting to go out and play Captain, which you well know I hate in the first place!” Nova snapped back. “It’s Maples! I’m getting the idea he’s connected with you-know-who! I want that madman watched carefully this time, and I want to be there to do it! And I know you and I don’t agree with this, but I still think he should have been court-martialed in 2225 because he was too close to me when Zoltar boarded the Argo and he shot me with that poison dart after we thought we had killed him back in 2222 at the Battle of Spectra when we ended up destroying their Moon with the wave motion gun on your orders….he… ”
“We never saw any evidence of that on the security tapes, Nova, and your memories of it were, as even you admitted, blurred by that poison Zoltar had in that dart! We know you had two minutes’ worth of memory loss…but I’ll ask Singleton if you can go instead. I do agree with you that I don’t trust Maples, either.”
“Why?” Nova asked.
“A hunch about him…possibly one of those things the Matrix whispers to me that I don’t quite get,” Derek said in a low voice.
Derek’s last words were heard on a set of headphones some kilometers away, in a communications room on the Potemkin, as he said, “I don’t quite get everything, but I agree with you, Nova. He is a miserable piece of garbage.”
“Nice to know how highly ya think of me, Wildstar,” whispered General Gary Maples in a calm, low voice, which dropped in pitch and timbre as the Being in him added, “And, it is even nicer to hear our Little Queen of the Hour, Nova Wildstar, Bumbling Girl Detective, calling Us vile names. You’re getting closer, you little scheming, meddling little trollop walking in the footsteps of several High Queens before you,” Ekogaru said as he made Maples gasp as he took him over and his face changed in the room. “I will make sure you never get on board the Potemkin, Nova. You’re too smart. And your theoretical writings as of late show you’re getting closer to learning the secret of my Entropy Wave…my masterpiece, that, along with the power of the Matrix, will finally allow me to not only create my Master Race of immortal cyborgs but also to wipe the slate of Creation clean, put us in a dimensional pocket, which has never been done before, and then…I can be both Shiva the Destroyer as I destroy the whole universe…and Christ the Savior as I then restore my little ghost copy of it and instead repopulate it with my new genus of humanity! When I do that, Satan will be kissing my feet, and the LORD will be FORCED to grant me His Viceroy-ship over my new universe as its mad killer God, for there won’t be anything left for the LORD’s Christ, the so-called, to come back to. But to do this, I have to lay a little trap for the Potemkin, a false-flag attack, and then we have to have an excuse to go to Iscandar, where Starsha and I will have a little talk…after I get my hands on some crystals for the Potemkin’s experimental new wave motion engine….yes…”
“Lordship,” whispered Maples. “You said you were going to have a new body soon, and I’d get to die for the cause and finally rest. This is killing me, my Lord. Your presence is a great pain to me. When will you just let me die?”
“Soon, my dear Maples…very soon,” said Ekogaru as he juggled his Sphere in his hand. “It will be over in a few days…much sooner than you think, my friend.”
“Thank you,” whispered Maples.
Planet Earth
The Tokyo Megalopolis
Friday, June 10, 2231
1900 Hours Local Time
At home, Nova was making dinner.
She was fresh off the beach, and out of her third shower of the day, with only Derek, Ariel, Hegen and Fela around, working in her house with only an apron on over her bikini-clad body. Nova’s slender back and shapely bottom looked very nice in her apron, and no one had any complaints about Nova’s summery bareness as she worked in the kitchen, while she sort of hoped that she would be allowed to leave Earth later that night in command of the Potemkin’s Task Group.
Derek had on a yukata in green and white, and of course, the Ralkhen couple had on only their fur. Ariel had changed from her EDF uniform to a short sailor dress before driving over barefoot in her 2230 model VW Beetle. She smiled a little as she watched her barefoot mother navigating the kitchen with grace, knowing that she was moving just a little more slowly due to arthritis in her knees.
Hegen said, “I just got home from a recon mission a month ago. We found more Neo-Technomugar vessels out beyond Pellian space beyond Schindler’s Nebula. Did you know that, Derek?”
“Yes. It’s just one of the reports I was trying to get the damn Defense Council to approve, but they said no to it. I want ammunition to send the Argo out again to investigate.”
“Do you think Jonathan can handle it if the Argo goes out?” Nova asked as she stood up on her toes to stir some miso soup. “I can rendezvous with him in the Potemkin if I get permission to go out; then, later, Derek, you can meet up with us in the Aquarius.”
the Aquarius?” asked Hegen.
“Earth’s new flagship,” said Derek as he walked over and flipped on a video screen in the kitchen. The image of an immense EDF space battleship with five huge four-gun main turrets and two huge wave motion guns appeared. “Most of her details are classified. This picture of her is from her test run from three months ago. She’s so huge that Queen Starsha sent a quiet diplomatic protest about “are we becoming the new Gamilons? Why do we need such a huge interstellar monster of a ship almost a kilometer long?” he said as he gazed at his new command as Commander of the EDF Combined Fleet.
“Why do we need something that big?” Nova said rhetorically.
“I say for defense, and you know what I mean,” said Derek.
“Yes, that bastard who is out there who still has a space fortress bigger than Earth!” snapped Hegen as he banged his furry fist on the table. He then looked at Nova. “Your Majesty…CONFRONT HIM! Take the Oath of Pellias, strip off that silly apron, pass through the Fire, gain the full Matrix, and finish Him before He finishes us! PLEASE!”
“It’s not the time yet, and you know it,” said Nova. “Ariel?”
“I don’t know a lot about all of this, Mom,” said Ariel as she shut her eyes. “But…I can also feel Ekogaru’s strength is growing, but he’s not there yet….”
“No, he’s not,” said Derek.
do you know these things, father?” said Anya as she came in, clad in her red
and white Star Force uniform, except for her boots, which she had replaced with
house slippers. Nova gave her a cup of coffee, which she accepted with a bow
before sipping at it and then munching at a sweet bun.
“We’ve been over this before, Anastasia,” snapped Derek. “I share some of your mother’s light and ability now. I think I always have, in a sense. Nova, do you remember how when I came home from that one-year mission, how I could feel that things were different-before Zordar began his invasion?”
“I remember that,” said Nova. “Anya, that’s evidence your father shares our Light. You should not mock things that you do not understand. Even if you do it in bluster, fear and defiance…”
“Then why do you look at me as if I am some kind of bacteria?” Nova countered.
“I DO NOT!” yelled Anya.
“I wish you’d stop this!” snapped Fela. “It hurts my ears, and you have been going at this for so long, Anastasia, that you remind me of the Pellian street actor with only one routine, or of a gria on Ralkhandar who knows only one tale and repeats it over and over and over and over again!”
“Everyone’s telling me to shut up! All the time! My words don’t count with any of you!” Anya snapped.
“We don’t feel that way about you,” said Ariel as Hegen snarled at her before Derek raised his hand. “But, you do try our patience, Anya.”
“And you still don’t feel that we should conquer other worlds?” snapped Anya.
“Enough of that party’s poison at our dinner table!” demanded Derek. “We are not going to become an Empire and dominate others; not on my watch!”
“Mother, I thought you and father accepted a free argument!” said Anya.
“Yes, but you have no need to scream it at us,” said Nova. “Or to come here and mock your parents? I believe you owe us an apology, my dear Anya…”
“Apology?” said Anya. “Not from me...not tonight,” she said as she got up and slammed her cup on the table. “Mother, I hate to tell you this, but after over thirty years, your coffee still sucks! Good evening, all of you,” she said as she bowed and stomped out of the room.
“Why…that nasty little…,” snarled Ariel. But, Nova held her other daughter back.
“Let her go,” Nova said quietly. “She has much to learn…”
“Why don’t you take up a two by four and slam her in the head with it?” demanded Hegen.
“As I can foresee…life itself will be doing that for her,” said Nova. “Sooner or later…”
Derek nodded. “Now, for that miso soup?”
“Of course,” Nova said.
The next day, Ariel woke up in her room in the Bachelors’ Officers Quarters, having experienced a terrible dream.
It happened to be a bright morning, and birds were singing outside. But the dream still burned in Ariel’s mind.
She had dreamt that the Tokyo Megalopolis was in flames.
The entire city was smoking in her dark dream. At street lights, wooden beams were affixed to the metal lighting poles…and…and…
…people were nailed to the wooden beams and poles. People crucified right at Federation and Fifteenth Streets, writhing in pain as they slowly died, stripped of clothing, dignity and everything.
“It looked like Hell,” Ariel sound out loud as she shook her head and realized she was crying. “It looked like…Hell…”
Then, a knock came at her door.
She threw a yukata around her sweaty form and yelled, “Who is it?”
She opened the door and found a familiar, white-furred short figure leaning on a staff. Namely, Mother Miarahl.
“I,” she said, “have been having nightmares. So have others.”
“I was about to call my mother,” said Ariel.
“No need,” said Miarahl. “I have contacted her already.”
“She had a similar dream. She is before the Defense Council now, asking if she can be made the commander of the Potemkin for her upcoming departure.”
“Will she be made the Commander?” said Ariel. “If so, I’d like to…”
Then, a phone rang in Ariel’s quarters. She picked it up. “Yes? Father?”
“They denied our petition to place your mother on the Potemkin,” said Derek. “However, they told us they would like Sasha on board the ship instead. Could you call her for us?”
“I most certainly shall,” said Ariel. “Thank you!”
“So, how does it go?” asked Miarahl after they spoke some more, for about forty-five minutes.
“NO to Mother…yes…to Sasha,” said Ariel.
“Are you aware of something?” said Miarahl.
“What?” said Sasha.
“I feel a darkness beginning to descend over Terra,” said Miarahl. “Something is in the air…”
the meantime, at home, Nova sat in her garden, having changed out of her
uniform into a summer top, jeans, and sandals.
“I feel something terrible in Anya’s anger at us; you know she didn’t return our calls.”
“I know,” said Derek. “I hate being turned down by the Council, too,” said the Admiral, who had changed into jeans and a top himself. “And, there’s a bad feeling in the air,” he said. “Like a great calm…”
“…before the storm breaks,” Nova sighed.
She put down her flower pot and shut her eyes.
“I know…” said Derek. “You have much to do, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she said. “We need to practice with our boken sticks later, and then I need to meditate before I report back to the office,” she added.
“Do you need to instruct Sasha?”
“Yes,” said Nova. “I think they’ll end up on Iscandar, and I have to try and reach Starsha.”
“To communicate with her?”
“No,” said Nova. “To warn her. Something bad will be happening to the Potemkin….but what?”
“What?” snapped Derek.
“Something I wanted to be there to prevent,” she said. “But now…I can’t do it…”