By: Frederick P. Kopetz
Planet New Pellias
Outside of Beltane
Wednesday July 13, 2231
0937 Hours: Local Time
The hosts of Hell itself had been brought to New Pellias under the command of St. Germain.
General Stone, dragged from Earth by St. Germain, had never seen such a weird, nor horrid sight as this.
There were thousands upon thousands of ranks of Technomugar troops, some Bolars, and some grim R’Khells.
The R’Khell warriors, in dark red uniforms, looked like vile madmen as they used whips and cattle prods to shove some captured Terran slaves into battle as shock troops. Some of the slaves were in torn rags, and some were naked.
were also creatures that Stone guessed were werewolves…no…they had to be
werewolves, mixed in amongst the ranks of frightened Men from Terra in EDF
uniforms who had joined the enemy ranks voluntarily, some of whom were
beginning to realize what they had sold their very souls to be a part of when
they had turned traitor against the legitimate Government.
There were also beastly things, with sallow, dark brown, or jet-black skin who
crouched as they snarled in what looked to be ancient armor. These creatures
were mutants from R’Khell’eva, called orcs by the Technomugars. Many of those
things rode wolves, or things that looked like wolves.
There were also grotesque squat men that looked like a hallucinogenic cross between men, lizards and frogs; ugly green things known as Lizardmen.
Stone shivered as one of them walked up to St. Germain and bowed. “Friendly angel, what is Thy desire?”
“Stand fast, and listen, ye, to a few words from the Captain of Despair...Malat!”
“Who be that?” hissed the Lizard Commander.
A lightning bolt flashed from the sky.
Fire appeared in the midst of the assembly as horns howled and creatures screamed, brayed, and howled. Horses of the robotic and natural variety whinnied in great fear as a man’s form took shape from the fiery pillar as up in the sky, Technomugar starships fired their weapons at Terran, Pellian, and Gamilon vessels.
The man was tall, nearly ten feet tall, and he had black hair, sumptuous robes, and dead-white skin. At his head, two small horns were at the bald spots of his widows’ peak. Names of blasphemy were written on a medallion at his breast.
“I am Asmodeus, the Captain of Despair. KNEEL, diseased St. Germain! Where is my pet, Ekogaru? I have a wager riding on him. Is he not mighty enough to lead a charge against an army of men, Pellians, Gamilons, and kitty cats?” hissed the arch-demon.
“M’Lord, you know he has defected. I shall have him crucified. I am now the commander of his army,” said St. Germain.
“One in name only, St. Germain, until Promecium II takes her rightful place, although I had hoped Ekogaru would hold a bit longer. The Necromancer Bitch has been praying to the Enemy and summoning ghosts and other things that you don’t know about. An army like unto ours is forming around the so-called High Queen, and she….”
A weird humming noise came from nowhere above the Dark Host.
Gamilon dive bomber planes materialized from nowhere thanks to SMITE, screaming down upon the host.
Bombs fell among their ranks as Technomugar, men, beasts, and other things died with unearthly screams.
In space, Gamilon
vessels returned fire from Technomugar vessels as a great battle raged in
St. Germain’s lackey General Varden had retreated to his flagship, the Destruction as the battle continued.
“What should we give them?” Talan asked as Desslok grinned on his flagship carrier.
“More of the same; far more,” said Desslok. “Squadron two: open the barrage!”
Desslok’s flagship and all of the destroyers fired hard upon the enemy fleet, allowing the Yamato and her escorts plenty of space to evade the battle and head into a low orbit near the planet’s surface.
“Venture…take us close to the planet,” said Wildstar. “Take us down to within two hundred kilometers of the surface.”
“Order acknowledged,” said Mark as the Yamato swooped down.
“Ready main guns,” said Derek. “Target, Z105 by R102 on the planet’s surface, on the East Side ONLY of the Grenache River, north of the Capitol City of Beltane City. We do not want to hit our own ranks with friendly fire! Homer, send that to the escorts!”
“Yessir,” he said.
A moment later, huge energy beams from orbiting Free Terran space battleships, including the Yamato herself, blasted into the enemy ranks down below north of Beltane.
Homer said, “Captain, Desslok sent us a message: Good shooting!”
“Tell him we extend our thanks, and that after we have the enemy’s heads down, I will be leading the Black Tigers over the battlefield myself!”
“Yessir,” said Homer.
Desslok received the message and nodded with approval. “Talan, ready our landing parties to reinforce our troops below. When we know the battlefield is pacified, I intend to meet with her Majesty myself.”
“Yessir,” said Talan.
On the Yamato, Admiral Wildstar snapped a command, after hearing from his daughter Ariel, now at the Cosmo-Radar, that the first salvo had struck well.
“Good shooting, Dash. Second salvo, open fire! The same coordinates!”
“Adjusting angle point two,” said Dash from the Yamato’s artillery station. “OPEN FIRE!”
The Yamato fired
again, to deadly effect.
A great crater was blasted into Pellias, killing about a third of the enemy forces outright, as, a moment later, a squadron of Black Tigers roared in from the Yamato.
The fighter-bombers attacked from the air, fighting off Technomugar planes that had just gotten off the ground as they swooped in.
Stone hit the dirt as a bomb hit not far from where Stone himself stood.
“They have bombers, and you give me werewolves?” yelled Stone as he faced down St. Germain and Asmodeus. “What sort of crap is that?”
Unearthly snarls assailed the ears of the confused troopers of Hell as four-legged beasts, running like lions, appeared from nowhere, ripping at the werewolves’ throats.
Stone jumped back as he saw that the “beasts” were fur-covered, massive men, with cat-like features, and human faces with massive fangs.
The “beasts”, who wore only gun belts, were up on their hind legs a moment later, were Rahlkens sent by Nova into the enemy ranks as shock troops, strengthened and augmented by her power and Grace.
“KILL THEM!” roared the Rahlkens as some of them fired at the enemy troops with ordinary slug thrower rifles. Stone was shocked to see some of the cat-people had M-16’s, others had AK-47’s and M-14’s, and some had EDF laser weapons and even Gamilon arms of various kinds.
Some had huge swords.
Others had only their own naked teeth and claws.
All were deadly to the enemy ranks. Creatures of all sorts died; Lizardmen in were in deadly battle with cats, in what would be the first ever battle of that sort seen by mortal eyes. Orcs were slain by Rahlkens who took off their heads, or by sharpshooters who fired at them even as the monsters tried to bring their own blasters to bear.
Stone and St. Germain yelled for Bolar tanks to join the battle, but more EDF Cosmo Tigers from the North Carolina flew in low and blasted at the tanks.
“Up, you bloody fools, UP!” yelled St. Germain as Asmodeus just laughed at him.
“You’re a pitiable demon general, you fool. I think you’ve been amongst the Humans too long!” guffawed Asmodeus.
Then, there came a loud horn-blast, and ranks of cavalry appeared in the midst of the enemy from another corridor.
Stone shot at a few of the cavalrymen; shocked to see Pellians, Rahlkens, and even Terrans riding robotic and natural warhorses.
Indeed, General Stone ran up onto a rock as the first wave of cavalry and lancers rode down his bodyguard.
Stone fired futilely at the enemy, but a war-whooping man in a Star Force uniform shot him down with a rifle.
“Damn YOU, who are you?” he yelled.
“Lieutenant Commander Stephen Wildstar, you damn asshole!” said the short-haired young man with his glasses on under his helmet in the white and blue of the Star Force’s Mechanical Group. “I know you, TRAITOR!”
Then, a loud horn-blast came as a blazing star seemed to descend from the heavens and roared into the midst of the enemy forces.
The enemy parted as they fired at a horse and rider that none of their weapons could stop.
With a great, mighty yell, the blazing rider plunged towards Stone, holding a blazing, crystalline lance in her hands.
She was clad in her armor and red cloak. The Rahlkens cheered at her approach, but she was also clad in light as she bared her teeth and snarled at Stone.
Stone, in panic, fell to his knees, and gasped as the crystal lance got him in the stomach and his guts gave way as the two demons leading the battle vanished while Nova just nodded in thanks to the mighty angel who had entered the battlefront, visible to her eyes alone.
The rider stopped her horse with a kick of her heels, smiled at Stone, and said, “You tell me who’s in command here, General. You tell me! What are your pet demons doing? They ran, didn’t they?”
“Nova, mercy…please…kill me now…”
Nova spat at him while curling her toes, looking almost like a beautiful yet fearsome angel on her warhorse, gazing at Stone with utter contempt on her face as her body blazed with light. She looked terrible and awe-inspiring in that moment. Indeed, some of the Terrans were kneeling before her, pleading for her mercy.
“Not today, Stone. That’s a warning slap, and you will suffer from that. You look scared. That’s a pity.”
Stone began to weep. “You’re not natural!” he screamed. “You’ve become more horrid than Ekogaru!”
Nova kicked him and said, “I’ll deal with you later, Stone, you dark corrupter; a corrupter who has ruined my mother’s soul and sanity. I do not wish you good health.”
With a nod of her head, she undid the chains of the Terran slaves nearby and said, “You are now free men and women. Fight for our world, my friends. Begin now by killing these accursed traitors in the uniform of our forces who still fight against us. I feel more empathy and pity for you than you will ever know. But I request that you leave Stone to suffer in his own misery and pain. I shall deal with him later myself, the Goddamned slime!”
The freed Terran slaves, needing no prompting, picked up weapons from their dead enemies and began to fire at the terrified EDF traitors who had just been sentenced to death by their wartime President and Queen. Screams filled the enemy ranks as Nova reached up with a hand and called down fire in the midst of the enemy forces with a terrifying scream as St. Germain and Asmodeus dragged Stone away by his arms as he begged them to slaughter him.
Nova looked at the spectacle and shook her head with a sarcastic grin, thinking, I shall deal with you creatures from the Pit later on another world, in another battle. Right now, I have other business.
Then, she turned on her horse and vanished in a flash of light.
Tarlixa, Nova’s steed, ran free on the fields a moment later as Nova herself appeared in Admiral Wildstar’s backseat of his fighter while dusk loomed over Beltane.
“It’s a good thing I convinced you to leave this seat free for me, Derek,” Nova said. “I can also get a good view of the battle from here.”
“What happened down there?” Derek asked.
“Stone sold himself to the demons who have been animating Ekogaru’s efforts,” Nova hissed. “I ran Stone through with a lance, but I left him to suffer. He’s enslaved men, women, and children from Terra whom I’ve set free to fight. Those poor slaves were being driven forward by traitors in the uniform of our forces.”
“Like those?” Derek
said as he swooped down in his Super Star and shot down rank after rank of the
screaming traitors, being careful to avoid the poorly clad former slaves who
were leading the attack against the R’Khells nearby.
“Yes, like those,” Nova said with an impish smile. “Nice shooting, love. Have you heard from Trelaina?”
“All I know is that Mark tells me she’s near the battle front. Where is Invidia now?”
Nova nodded. “She’s up the coast in her tank with Radnar’s forces. She’s fighting well, but Trelaina tells me we’ll need her in another role soon.”
“Ahhh…so that’s what she’s up to!” Derek said. “What is that role?”
“It will be a Command role.” Nova looked troubled. “Sooner than we expected, we’re going to be dealing with enemy forces near Earth itself who will want to destroy it. This damn battle here is a distraction, Derek! Why didn’t we catch on to this?”
“A…distraction?” said Derek.
Nova nodded. “Those demons Asmodeus and St German dragged Stone off and vanished after I wounded him. They intend to use the bastard for further mischief; and if you take a long-range radar scan…you’ll see their forces in orbit are beginning to retreat, as I can see via the Matrix.”
Derek did so and he said, “Damn! They’re running! Like rats! And they’re leaving their forces behind!”
“Cowards,” said Nova as she shook her head. A tear ran down her cheek. “I feel sorry for their slaves, Derek, especially since we have to capture or kill them.”
The Cosmo Zero flew higher into the sky. Nova was concentrating very hard, and as she did so, she shivered slightly even in armor and the leather clothing she wore beneath it. “Can you turn up the heat?” she asked softly.
“That system was hit a minute ago,” Derek said. “You’re unable to keep yourself warm with your power?”
She nodded. “Yes. Since I’m trying to see the battlefield…I…wait! I know what I can do.”
Nova shut her eyes, and beautiful strawberry-blonde fur with cream on her stomach and breasts appeared over her skin as she morphed in her armor into her kitsune form, not used in battle for a long time.
Soon, Derek smiled as she sat there clad in her fur under her armor. “There, that did it for the warmth.” she said. “Although, I’m hungry…and my current appetites are turning to a nice, bloody steak tartare at the moment. If I have to eat it in front of you, I promise to be very dainty and neat about it. There’s some kitsunes among the ranks of the Rahlken, I’ve learned. Most of them like wild game but some are quite refined in their tastes and mannerisms just like myself.”
“Did the kids in you just turn into kitsune, too?” Derek asked.
“Yes, and that means they’ll inherit that ability when they’re born,” Nova said.
Derek smiled and nodded. He selected a song on the sound system of the plane and turned it on.
It was…Jimi Hendrix’s Foxy Lady.
“Stop teasing me!” Nova giggled as Derek stuck out his tongue at her. She did the same back with a little snarl.
Planet New Pelias
Thursday, July 14, 2231
0018 Hours: Local Time
Admiral Wildstar landed his Cosmo Zero on the planet about an hour later.
When the warm air drifted into the open canopy, Nova switched back to her normal human form, delighted with the warm breeze around her as she climbed out of the plane and felt the heat of the tarmac against the soles of her feet through her sandals.
“So, what did you find?” said Ruling Queen Astrena as she ran up to them with her own sandals clicking fast on the tarmac.
“I don’t sense any more demonic presences on the planet,” Nova said. “They’ve departed.”
“A lot of the enemy forces have vanished, as well,” Derek said. “We only saw some mopping-up actions as we flew back here to the city.”
“None of them have invaded the city itself,” said Astrena. “Against my advice and Miarahl’s; the all-clear has been sounded and the populace are coming up from the fallout shelters now.”
“Strange,” said Derek.
Nova nodded. “What has Desslok had to say?” Nova asked.
“Desslok informs us that the enemy fleet is retreating; and his fleet is chasing away and destroying the remaining stragglers,” said Astrena.
“Quiet, but it’s an odd quiet,” Derek said.
“Like a calm before a great storm,” Nova said.
“Their next target will not be Pellias,” said Trelaina as she appeared in a blaze of light. “Nova, I would ask you to convene the Blue Council.”
“That would be a fine idea,” said a sad-looking Maetel as she ran up, holding a letter.
“May I ask what that letter is?” Nova said.
“Permit me to read it out loud,” said Maetel. “It is in our script and language from Larmetal; I shall translate.”
“Dearest Maetel,” she began to read. “After much thought and meditation, I have come to reluctantly conclude that our way that we have lived according to, hitherto, our way of organic, natural life doomed to die, is in itself a dying path. The future, I see, lies not in hope in ourselves, our legacies, or in hope in some supernatural God who shall deliver us. We humans with knowledge have already found the answer to immortality, to living forever. Or, rather, it has already been discovered, albeit by Ekogaru and his race of the Technomugar. Now, as you know, the Technomugar Empire is one in a slow state of collapse. Ekogaru himself has been through too many incarnations and bodies and has gone slowly mad, with the latest symptom of his madness being the belief that the God of the Terrans has personally visited him in prison and has redeemed him. The spiritual beings, or, rather, should I say…evolved super-beings that some see as demons as those ruling the Empire in his name, as he holds the throne only in name, and not in actuality, are in charge, and they have asked me to assume his throne and make his works perfect. I have decided to do so, since I have begun to become mechanical already. I will assume the throne, soon, after Ekogaru is formally charged with many crimes and executed.”
The group stood aghast as Maetel read on, “I am breaking Larmetal’s dependence upon the dying Alliance and upon its High Queen, the Terran woman whose wisdom has largely left her, and I will take over the Technomugar Empire myself. We shall continue the war to its logical conclusion, and then we shall make peace with the survivors as I hope that you and I can direct the Technomugar Empire in a new direction, away from barbarism and into progress as I will then rename it the “Mechanoid Empire” after our victory is complete. Maetel, I invite you to join me in eternal life as a grand Princess of this new Empire, and to report to me on the last defenses and doings of the Alliance. Keep this letter totally secret while you consider this offer.”
“With Great Love, your Mother, Queen Promecium I, Empress and Lady Apparent of the Technomugar/Mechanoid Empire.”
“Treason!” hissed Miarahl.
“How many of our secrets does she already hold, damn her?” snapped Astrena.
“She does not know our latest plans,” Nova said, “And I have only told Derek, but I suspected something about her that was not right recently, so upon the counsel of the Matrix, I have taken this upon myself and have been closing her out of contact with it, impulse by impulse, and thought upon thought. She knows little of our minds for the past fortnight and nothing of our minds for the past week. That is, I’m sure, the foundation of her scorn for me reflected in her letter.”
“You’re very wise,” said Astrena as she kissed Nova. “Your warriors’ instinct may seem harsh and abrupt to some in our Council, but your ability to come to quick decisions is what we need right now. My late daughter showed some of the same wisdom before she fell into selfishness and evil; all of this being a wisdom that the survivors of the Pellian Royal Council have not had for decades now. That was part of why we lost to HIM, since our decision-making process was too slow and deliberate.”
was decided that the Blue Council would be convened again four days later. As
it turned out, a lot happened in those four days.
begin with, later on that Thursday, the Wildstars visited an inn that was in
the Rahlken Quarter in Beltane.
sun was going towards the west as Nova and Derek drove up to the area near the
inn in Derek’s Shelby Mustang (actually a Pellian clone thereof).
was in civilian wear. He had on a sweater, jeans, and boots. Nova had on a
fresh leather tunic in light brown with a black belt around her waist with a
bag for holding her money and the like, black leggings, and a set of brown boots
with gold cuffs rolled down that looked a little bit like those worn by a
pirate. They looked up at the sign for the inn: it read THE LURKING TIGER in
both Terranglish and Pellian, and it had a painting of a lurking Tiger painted
on it.
you wanted to come here, Derek?”
I’ve been meeting with a few Rahlken colonels, and…this is where they come,
read his mind smiled. “Is this a setup?”
could say that” Derek said as he held the door open for her and they entered
the common room.
the room was smoky, with plenty of tables and chairs, and a large mahogany bar.
It reminded Nova a little of one of a thousand or so dockyard bars she had
visited over the years, except that it looked a lot older. When her eyes
adjusted to the light, she saw various Pellian and Terran spacers and troopers
in the room, singing, clinking tankards, and telling loud jokes full of
cursing. There were also a lot of Ralkhens and Gamilons in the common room. In
fact, a Gamilon came up behind them and clapped them on the shoulder. “Hey! Our
best two strategists and professional maniacs!” he yelled, laughing heartily.
and Nova turned around to observe that they were talking to Commodore Fomt
Berger, an old comrade they had met what seemed like a thousand years ago. “How
are you, Fomt?” laughed Derek.
fine,” he said as he puffed on his cigarette. “Those bastards gave us a rough
time up there in orbit, but, hey, we adjusted. Good flying earlier. And our
little Majesty ‘ere…I hear you’re damn good at the cavalry charge! They’re
callin’ you “Killer” now, ya know that? I’m buyin’ drinks for you two!” Then,
Berger yelled at the barkeep. “Hey, Meesha! Two tankards of the good ale for
our heroes here! Don’t water them or I swear by El Shaddai’s Name, I’ll get
over that there bar and I’ll dump water on yer head!” Berger slammed some coins
on the bar and said, as he looked at one of the Pellian coins, “How’d you end
up on a silver dollar, Nova? Is that really you on this coin?”
nodded. Her eyes met Meesha’s and both Nova and Meesha said as one to Berger,
“Fomt, you’re getting drunk. And Meesha, make my drink some root beer, please,
since I’m pregnant and I can’t drink ale for now.”
can’t a Gamilon Commodore have one more?” he said as Meesha turned to her task,
whistling to herself and waggling her furry tail over the strings of her apron.
The Ralkhen girl turned around a moment later and said, “Here, you go, Admiral
Wildstar, and Your Majesty, a Dahlke’s Red Ale for you, Admiral, and root beer
for you, Milady. I added some ice cream to it. And Fomt, this will be your last
tankard of Dahlke’s tonight, because if you drink any more, your friends will
probably have to carry you out of here!”
you’re no fun anymore!” laughed Berger. “To victory in this stupid war, Derek,
Nova, and anyone else who’s listenin’…GAHLE TERRA!! GAHLE PELLIAS!!”
and Nova shouted “GAHLE GAMILON!” lustily as they clinked tankards.
Gamilon in the smoky tavern began to sing the Gamilon National Anthem loudly,
and Berger motioned Derek and Nova to a table, where they sat down and began to
sing along as Berger sang loudly and banged on the table.
a Ralkhen member of the Pellian Border Legion sat down at the table, and looked
around and said, “Hey! She showed up! YEAAH!”
of cheering filled the room as Nova blushed and felt as if she wanted to crawl
under the table. “Derek…did you set this up?”
nodded and grinned. “Surprise party for you, m’dear! I know they hang out here,
Ralkhen at the table stood up and yelled, “Meesha! Their food and drinks are on
us tonight! The Legion’s paying for everything for our brave leaders tonight! I
don’t want these two to pay for ANYTHING AT ALL!” he said as he jumped up and
hugged both Wildstars and squished them both together.
Fergis, you just squished me into Derek’s lap,” Nova said with an even deeper
you should stay!” he yelled lustily as he ran back to his seat and banged on
the table with his tankard. He began to sing, in Terranglish, to a tune that
sounded a bit like the Battle Hymn of the Republic:
For the glory and honor
of the Legion
The Glory and the honor
of the Legion!
We sneak up on the en
’my and we rip out their guts!
For the Glory and the
Honor of our Queen!
glad you’re on our side,” Nova stammered.
yelled another Ralkhen. “Let’s sing one for the Queen!”
For the glory and the
honor of our Legion
The glory and the honor
of our Legion
We see that our Queen
Is really, really keen!
And she’s got a pretty
laughed and gave Nova a kiss. “That’s for your pretty face!”
that you’re not drunk, dear?” Nova teased.
yet,” said Derek. “This is their way of showing that they like you!”
got a funny way of showing it,” Nova said while she hid her face. The Ralkhens
did another chorus of their song, ending up with a compliment on the High
Queen’s legs!
bashful!” yelled Fergis. “It’s so damn cute!”
at her blush!” laughed Berger.
sober,” Nova said while hiding her face in Derek’s sweater. “You guys are
drunk. Oh, Derek, when I was dead, and you guys were having that ridiculous
wake around my casket…”
said Derek.
was laughing,” she said. “You adorable nutcases have the funniest way of
showing your affection for me, but it is…uhh…appreciated!”
us a song!” yelled Fergis!
hear that you can sing!” yelled another Ralkhen.
cries for Nova to sing were loud, so, Nova kissed Derek on the nose and said, “I’d
better go please my public, dear,” before she jumped up on the table to a good
measure of applause.
were many songs in Nova’s head; some were hymns, some were Terran pop songs
(including a few that she and Derek had written and recorded with the band
Infinity in their long life together, and a few were songs by her younger
sister, pop idol singer Aurora Forrester. A pang of pain passed through Nova’s
heart when she thought of her sister, since she had heard rumors that her
younger sister and younger brother David had been killed in the war. Then, the
perfect two songs came together in Nova’s mind. She clapped her hands hard for
right,” she said. “Since I have been…voluntold” … to come up here and sing for
all of you, I’ll sing two songs, but only two. The first will be a hymn, since
I feel we must praise El Shaddai for His Presence in the battle recently. He
sent His angels to aid us, and I know He was with us, so I will begin with this
one; “How Great Thou Art.”
immediately began to sing a cappella. Her voice was soft at first, and
then it gained in volume and strength as she sang, with full and honest
So Sings my Soul.
My Savior, God to Thee
How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art
singing the refrain, she noticed Derek’s voice joining with hers for the second
verse, followed by Fergis, and then by Berger. Everyone around her was soon
singing along with the second verse, which spoke of Christ’s Sacrifice for the
world; no, the Cosmos. More people began to sing along with her for the second
refrain, and then, more voices joined with hers as she sang the third verse.
…then I will bow
In Humble Adoration
And there proclaim, My
God, How Great Thou Art!
was singing along with Nova and the others at her table as she concluded the
applause, Nova bowed slightly, and she heard the others yelling, “Give us
another one, please!”
another!” yelled another Ralkhen commander. Nova could see that he had an
eyepatch on, and she knew at once he had lost an eye in the fighting. Her heart
went out to him, knowing all too well what the pain of losing an eye was like;
her mind going back to the Battle of Arcturus on the North Carolina back
in 2214, almost twenty years ago, when an explosion at her Captain’s station
had cost her a left eye that was replaced by a bionic one for the next seventeen
years of her life; up until her recent resurrection, when her bionic eye had
been replaced by a new natural one when she had returned to life.
mind something about a tavern? And is there a piano in here?” Nova asked.
indicated the way to the old upright in the tavern while the piano player, clad
in a white shirt with sleeve garters, bowed and relinquished the bench to her
while Derek helped her down from the table and walked with her hand in hand to
the piano.
and Derek ignored the glares from the three ladies of ill repute clad in “sexy”
costumes who were leaning against the piano looking for business. To Nova,
their outfits looked…un-classy, to give the best possible spin to the
bleached blondes’ profession.
Derek asked softly. Nova nodded as Derek took his place beside her on the piano
of them then began to play the introduction to “Those Were the Days,” as
Nova began to sing,
Once upon a time
There was a tavern.
Where we used to raise
a glass or two…
I remember how we
laughed away the hours…
Think of all the great
things they’d do…
Those were the days, my
We thought they’d never
song had a very enthusiastic response, as soon, most of the crowd was singing
along with Nova and Derek as the song went on to its conclusion.
Wildstars bowed, and gracefully made their exit, driving back to the palace
just three minutes later as the sounds of laughter and merriment from The Crouching
Tiger receded in the distance while Derek sat with one arm around Nova as he
navigated the Shelby Mustang repro over the curves and hills on the way back
they returned to the Palace, they went to a suite in one of the towers, for the
had turned on a cover of Harry Nilsson’s “Without You,” on the small stereo
while he and Nova silently kissed as they began to tenderly undress each other.
hugged him hard from behind as they began their intimate dance.
Derek touched her breasts and she gasped softly as he played with her nipples. She kissed him as he ran one hand down to her stomach.
“I feel the life-spirits of the little ones inside you,” Derek said softly.
“So, do I” Nova said. “Within me, Starsha lives, obviously a girl. There is a boy, too. What do you want to name him?”
“Theodore, after my late father,” replied Derek.
“Theodore Karl, after both of our fathers?” Nova said.
“Theodore Karl Wildstar he’ll be,” Derek said as he ran his hand lower down her abdomen, brushing against the line of her pubic hair.
Nova smiled. “I want you so badly, but before you take me, I want you to…to…” she said as she began to tremble. “Lay me on the bed.”
Derek picked Nova up and laid her down on the bed in the tower bedroom. As she parted her long legs for him, he began to kiss her toes, making her giggle. Then, he ran his tongue down her legs as she parted them for him. Soon, he found her sweet spot as she whispered, “yes, yes, Oh, God…oh YES!” in utter pleasure and ecstasy.
Derek began to communicate with her through their bond, feeling the heat and pleasure than ran through her body as her toes curled and spread. He also felt her joy at only being held down in mortality and this world by her body. Nova gasped, trembled, and a few minutes later, exploded in an atomic burst of pleasure, and she was still in the throes of her climax when Derek slipped onto the bed, scooped her against him, and then quickly took her as his hand slid onto her breast, teasing her nipple, and his other hand teased her between her thighs as he took her, withdrew, took her again, withdrew, and kissed her ear, as Nova shut her eyes and mewed.
“Derek, Derek, Derek, God, my Derek,” Nova whispered as a breeze blew into the open window against their nude bodies. “Please…God…take me…take me now…”
“I want to draw this out for you,” Derek whispered in reply. “I feel your body drinking me in…” he said as he continued to drive her quietly mad as lights began to appear on her body; on her chest, near her navel, on one of her naked toes.
Derek teased his bride one last time and then took her hard, took her urgently, took her as if he was starving for the physical contact and pleasure, which he was.
Nothing else existed for a few minutes as joy enveloped them, and as one of Pellias’ small moons rose burning pink in the sky, signifying that Dawn was near as the bright light of the Crown Imperishable burned anew on the top of Nova’s head. Bells rang in the city below as they rode the wave of their shared climax, gasping…and then screaming as their pleasure enveloped them.
Then, they fell spent onto the bed, touching and cuddling and kissing each other in utter joy, bringing back memories of their original honeymoon years ago in the Caribbean, when, near the end of their honeymoon, alone in the heat, they had both just decided to go naked, making the lovemaking and skin-diving they were engaging in so much sweeter and quicker. Indeed, in the warm sea, they had often combined the two, since they were naked and open to each other.
“We need to clean up,” Derek said.
“Help me in the shower?” Nova said.
“I sure will,” replied Derek as he kissed her and carried her to the bathroom.
They did other lovely things to each other under the warm shower as they washed each other’s hair, and then Nova stood behind her nude Captain and shaved his face herself while kissing him and blowing in his ear.
As they were drying off, someone began pounding on the bathroom door.
“WHO IS IT?” yelled Derek.
“Vat are you two up to, in there, having more naughty sex again?” called back Invidia’s voice as Nova opened the door.
Invidia was dressed for the Blue Council in a black ceremonial gown that revealed every inch of her, nonetheless.
is your white gown?” said Invidia.
was about to get it when you had to walk in here, if you must bloody know!”
Nova said, peeved with Invidia’s rudeness; indeed, she and Derek had intended
to get some more sleep before going to the meeting, planned for 11 AM local
time. “We’re not supposed to be there until 11 anyway, so…”
Astrena changed the time to six,” said Invidia as she looked at Derek getting
dressed, and she licked her lips with appreciation of his maleness while Nova
pulled on underwear and one of her Iscandarian-style dresses. She was about to
throw a boot at Invidia when the Cometine Princess bowed and said, “See you two
there soon. Have fun, you two.”
beat it!” Derek snapped as Nova was helping him with the high collar on his
Star Force whites before she pulled her own boots on.
A few minutes later, a still-annoyed Nova sat on the Crystal Throne in her gown and white boots and let Derek sit near her in his uniform and peacoat as Sasha appeared, now dressed in black. Trelaina appeared, in one of her royal blue gowns. Astrena appeared, in filmy green. Mikala Cha’rif, the Lady of Rikasha, appeared in an orange gown, and lastly, Maetel appeared in black, followed by Promecium, who was smirking as she sat down, clad in white. Miarahl was the last to come in, silent.
“Promecium,” Nova said calmly. “White was my color. I thought I explained that the Council ages ago. You should have worn a different color, Majesty. I’ve also received your letter to Maetel. You have a great deal to explain to us…and a lot to atone for!”
“I have claimed it, since you have become a poor ascetic before us. And that is most unfortunate. As is this war with the Technomugar,” Promecium said as she sat on the floor. “Since you have read my letter, you must realize that I believe this war is useless. The skirmishes so far were minor.”
“Minor? A war where Ekogaru’s allies bring death to billions? You call that minor? I have not heard such madness since I spoke with Prince Zordar years ago,” Trelaina said in a pointed sentence at Promecium. “No. Not death. Genocide. Observe this,” she said.
Trelaina raised her hand, and a terrible vision of Technomugar vessels racing upon a blue-green planet appeared in a ball of light in mid-air. Then, Nova and Derek gasped as they saw what remained of Ekogaru’s Grand Fortress, a death machine over seven hundred miles long, in black, as it approached Leptilia and fired its main cannon.
The beam hit Leptilia, and the planet exploded and then vanished. “Billions of people dead here, as a test, as it was put,” Trelaina said.
“You know what they have done,” snapped Invidia. “They have literally killed billions in the past few weeks. Where are the Leptil and the Leptil delegate we once had here?”
“They exist no more, but the Galaxy loves the Technomugar for it,” said Promecium. “They died for progress.”
These are policies that you approve of?” Nova snapped. “That’s not progress! It’s…”
MURDER,” Derek said in his angriest voice as he stood, hoping he wasn’t out of
turn. Judging by Nova’s smile, he guessed a moment later he wasn’t.”
well put, my Lord Admiral,” Nova said to Derek.
do you let him talk?” snapped Promecium. “Men have no business in here!”
“Derek is not just any man,” Nova said. “He’s just my closest advisor, my best friend, and my life mate,” Nova said. “He is to me what Lord Admiral Denzel Magar was to Queen Pellas after Ekogaru used and slew her and she remarried the Good Admiral,” Nova said. “He is probably more, too, since Derek was and is my first and only love, and he has never truly let me down. He has disappointed me at times, yes…but he has never done anything to truly harm me that I could not forgive. What is your reasoning for your genocide, Promecium? That is not what we do!”
“Ekogaru has gone totally mad,” said Promecium. “They were wiped out in genocide upon his orders. This happened while the High Queen had your forces tied down here, fighting the mere vanguard of Ekogaru’s might. She knew what was happening to the Leptil, and what did she do? NOTHING! SHE LET THEM DIE! On the other hand, I am more reasonable. I do not waste time with skirmishes while many millions die elsewhere.”
“That is a terrible accusation!” said Sasha. “The commanders who raided Iscandar went to Talith next after Leptilia and hit her with that Phased Density Cannon from the remains of Ekogaru’s Fortress.”
“Fifteen billion dead, due to your inaction, Nova Wildstar, so-called High Queen of Pellias, so-called President of Terra.” Promecium said. “You are on trial, you idiot!”
Derek went to stand, but Nova got up and sat on the floor and restrained him. “No, Derek,” she whispered. You mean well, dear, but not now, she sent to him.
“I want to slap her across her face,” he hissed.
“I know. But just let her talk. She’s about to bury herself.”
Derek nodded at that.
“How do you know that?” snapped Invidia. “Nova, why are you sitting there silent?”
“This, I find interesting,” Nova said from the floor on her knees. “The fact that I am on trial…it’s a funny joke. Why? Well, because before Promecium broke in out of order, I was going to advise her that I have drawn up an indictment against her. She is on trial here today.”
“Damn you, you are on trial!” Promecium said.
“Who indicts me?” Nova said mildly.
“I do!” barked Promecium.
“By God, this place reminds me of a madhouse today,” Nova said. “Stand up, Promecium. Bare your chest. I’ve picked up some interesting insights for you while we have been speaking.”
“Stand up, Promecium,” Nova said distinctly in a low and dangerous Voice. “NOW.”
Promecium stood, as if against her will. “You…pregnant bitch!” she hissed. “I can see the beginning of that bulge in your stomach, and have had to run around naked on the damned beach showing it off. Do you love him inside you so much?”
“I’d much rather show off new Life in my bare skin in the surf than what you have to show! Strip, Promecium,” Nova replied. “NOW,” she said, in a low and terrible voice. “Show us what you are becoming.”
“I…you…. you’re forcing me…” said Promecium.
“I can tell what your heartbeat sounds like now but let everyone else just see it. Along with the dials and lights on your body. Along with the artificial nerve channels,” Nova said. “Along with the pipes inside you that have replaced your intestines.”
“Your yourself had a bionic eye before you were killed,” said Promecium as she tore her gown open, baring her chest. Most of it was metal now.
“Everything,” said Nova. “I have no bionic eye now. Let’s see your natural state!”
Promecium, in shame, undid all of the rest of her clothing and kicked off her boots.
Finally, naked, she stood glaring at the group as she pulled off the plastic skin that covered her face. It too, was now metal and plastic.
Like the rest of her naked body.
“MOTHER!” Maetel screamed in horror.
“I did it for you,
Maetel,” said Promecium. “I did it so that we could absorb the Technomugar and
heal them. So that we could spread the truth of the Machine.”
“And your very substance, Promecium, shows that you are guilty of espionage and treason,” Nova said mildly as she stood up.
“And because I hold that she supports genocide by her inaction, I vote that you depose her as a war criminal, and sentence her to crucifixion!” Promecium yelled.
“Let us see which of these verdicts you support,” Nova said.
“Strike Promecium’s motion,” said Miarahl. “Nova, are you not suspending her?”
“I am,” she replied. “Promecium, I suspend you from this Council by my authority. Council, do we vote to expel her and her followers?” Nova said. “Who votes “yea?”
Astrena raised her hand along with Miarahl and Invidia. Sasha raised her hand, followed by Mikala, then Trelaina, and then, finally, Maetel.
Nova raised her hand. “It is unanimous,” Nova said. “Promecium, by the unanimous vote of this council, you are stripped of your rank, color, gown, and voice herein. We pronounce you as enemy, traitor, and renegade, and I sentence you to…”
Promecium hissed and shot a bolt of energy from her hand at Nova, who parried it with an outstretched hand as she summoned her burning crystal sword to her other hand.
Promecium fired again as Trelaina and the others turned to take her out as Derek used the power of the Matrix to clothe himself in his uniform and to bring his Astro-Automatic to his hand.
Maetel was sickened, watching what her mother had become, but she was also awed by the glory and power Nova and Trelaina displayed.
Mikala Cha’rif threw a dagger at the vicious Promecium as Invidia jumped in to just body-slam her.
Promecium made the dagger burn in mid-air and she slammed Invidia against the wall, leaving a bloody stain as her head slammed against the wall.
Then, the demented new Dark Lady turned to Mikala.
Fire roared from her hand, consuming Mikala Cha’rif like a human torch, leaving nothing of her but her blackened bones.
Miarahl howled, a horrid sound coming from her mouth as fire ripped from her staff, slamming against Promecium.
Derek fired his weapon while he tore a chair leg away and attacked Promecium with it like a cudgel. He was shocked as he thought, make my sword burn, and the metal chair leg lit up with rage and energy as it turned into a blazing sword. With it, he chopped a hand off of Promecium after he pumped a shot into her, causing her to scream like a banshee. Then, she began to strangle Derek from afar with her power, but a touch from Nova’s hand cut off the attack.
Nova ground her teeth and her power burned in utter, justified rage as she pushed Derek back gently as he caught his breath, and then she stood to face her foe.
“You’re finished, Promecium, you demented traitor!” Nova snapped as Trelaina’s rage began to illuminate the room, her light blending with Nova’s.
As Nova advanced and stabbed at Promecium, the evil potentate vanished in a pillar of black smoke and flame she drew around herself.
A thunderclap filled the room as Promecium’s pillar of fire vanished.
“You let her do that?” Derek said.
Nova nodded. “I didn’t get her. I was too slow! TOO SLOW!”
And she sat down on her throne and wept bitterly. “Some Queen I make,” she said. “Council adjourned. Let us tend to our wounded,” she said as she knelt and touched a moaning Invidia.
“And…our dead,” wept Sasha as she picked up the mortal remains of Rikashan Lord President Anton Cha’rif’s bond mate.
Nova, her fire spent, was talking to Derek as she wept in the shower. She felt utterly defeated and not very regal at the moment. As a matter of fact, she felt like a total idiot.
“How is Invidia?” Derek
said, dressed again in his peacoat. “I never thought I’d be asking that, but…”
“She’s still unconscious, Derek,” Nova said. “There’s only a little swelling in her brain, though. I was able to keep it from being fatal…”
“I saw President Cha’rif ripping his clothes and screaming when Astrena handed him Mikala’s bones, wrapped in a white cloth….”
“It’s their traditional means of burial for a hero,” Nova said. “President Cha’rif is already on his way back to Rikasha with her…bones…”
Derek gritted his teeth and nodded. “What would Promecium have done? Probably no good, right?”
Nova shut her eyes and
nodded. “She was planning my death…unaware I cannot die again until our mission
of ending Ekogaru’s works is brought to its close.”
“How long might that take?” Derek said.
“Possibly days…possibly months…years…maybe even centuries,” Nova said. “I do remember I was told that when Ekogaru’s works are finished, after the birth of our children, at that time, I will lay down my gifts, pass the Matrix to another, and then I will die again. I am living on what you may call borrowed time, Derek.”
“As I am,” Derek said. “My strength is tied to the Matrix, too. I know that more and more now, especially after today. And I know that when you die, I will not be long behind.”
“Perhaps,” Nova said. She closed her eyes and began to shiver.
“Nova? Are you cold? Nova?”
Nova’s eyes began to glow a strange shade of blue, and she said, in a clear, slow and deep voice, “She is, and she is not, Grand Admiral Wildstar. I have a message I need to deliver to you. And I must do this shortly. My time is short.”
“Nova, who is this?” Derek said as he felt a once-familiar sense of cold flow over him.
“I don’t know for sure,” Nova said. “But I believe it is…”
“Ekogaru, once Lord of the Technomugar, killer of uncounted trillions, forgiven by an undeserved Grace from the Almighty. You have a chance to free Earth, and soon. Promecium has…she has ascended to the Dark Throne I was long ago tempted by power and pride to assume in your ancient Egypt. I am dying, Admiral. I have little you that you will believe or trust me, but I mean you no harm at all this time out. Please bring the renamed Yamato to…to…R’Khell’eva. I am in prison, but I need to meet with Nova before I breathe my last breath. As soon as you can. I…ask…Trelaina, are you there?”
“I am there,” said Trelaina as she appeared in a blaze of light.
“Is he telling the truth this time, Trelaina?” Derek snapped.
“For the first time in eons, he is being honest,” said Trelaina.
“Why the hell would you help us, Ekogaru?” Derek snapped.
“My means of making amends. In fighting you, I have come slowly to respect you. And I respect your High Queen. No, Derek. I love her.”
“We’re married and she’s carrying my twins, Ekogaru,” said Derek. “Especially since you killed her, I’d hope this is a platonic love, Ekogaru,” Derek said with a smirk on his face.
“I can’t very well make love to her in chains, now, in a dying body, can I?” Ekogaru said. Then, a projection of him came forth from Nova’s body to face them. “She has to speak on her own now. So close, finally, to the Matrix’s full warmth in your heart, Nova. And all of the life and power and Grace in you, my dear, if I may call you that.”
“You may, although I’d prefer you not ask me for a kiss, Ekogaru,” Nova said.
He laughed, and his ghost came over to Nova, took her hands, and gave her a chaste kiss on her hands. “Is this acceptable?”
“This must be an unrequited love, Ekogaru,” Nova said as she blushed.
“Any further, Ekogaru, and I’ll have to belt you one,” Derek said.
The former Dark Lord laughed. “You have my promise, Admiral. You are a good mate for her. Please come to R’Khell’eva, and soon. I must speak to you and advise you how to neutralize my own weapons before Promecium uses them…on your sun, and your whole Solar System.”
“Tell us now and save us a long trip?” Nova quipped.
“I cannot…I…must touch you face to face to give you the necessary knowledge…Nova…come soon…the best to all of you.”
He faded away.
“Is he telling the truth, Trelaina?” Derek said.
“He is,” she said.
Derek closed his eyes. “Nova…I believe we are taking a trip.”
“We certainly are,” she said.
Planet New Pelias
Thursday, July 21, 2231
0618 Hours: Local Time
The captured General Stone was dragged forth in chains to a scaffold erected near the High Queen’s palace on Beltane as the sun began to come up.
stood nearby with her body swathed in a translucent violet gown while a Terran
General under her command in the Exile Government chain of command read from a
looked at his wife and was struck at that moment to her resemblance to the
deceased Princess Astra of Iscandar, just the way she had looked when he and
Venture had found her dead body on Mars thirty-two years ago. Now, things had
gone full-circle and Nova looked just like Astra.
At that, the EDF General began to recite, “General Jackson Stone. Owing to your actions, you have been found guilty of the following offenses, to wit: offering aid and comfort to the enemy forces of the Technomugar Empire and the R’Khell Confederacy. You have also been found guilty of fighting on the side of the R’Khell Confederacy and Technomugar Empire as an enemy Combatant. You have been found guilty of the assassination of the President and Prime Minister of the Terran Federation, along with the assassination of most of the Cabinet and Parliament. You have aided and abetted the ruler of the Technomugar Empire in genocide. You have corrupted countless men and women of Earth and have caused them to turn traitor. Your actions have led to the deaths of millions on Earth, which is still under enemy occupation. Nova Wildstar, our President in Exile, and High and Ruling Queen of the Pellian Commonwealth, with which Terra is joined in common cause as an ally and associate Free Commonwealth Member, has justly decreed that you are to be put to death by beheading. Have you a final statement to make?”
“I do,” he hissed. “Admiral Wildstar, I curse you, your bitch mate who is just an usurper amongst usurpers, and I call God to bring you both to death and that I shall join you in judgment before His Seat within the year. Teri Forrester, you bitch,” he said as he snarled at Nova’s weeping mother, who was being held up by her grandchildren Alex and Stephen, “I call you out in public as a Whore who has slept with me innumerable times, and someone in cahoots with me that your bitch of a daughter should justly behead next. Die, you rotten whore!”
“My daughter has pardoned me of the crimes and sins I have committed,” Teri said. “I do not have long to live, but she has assured me my remaining days shall be spent in peace.”
“DIE, whore!” spat Stone. “I don’t need your prayers and absolutions, and I don’t want them,” he spat at the Priest who was about to pray for him. He allowed his guards to tear his uniform jacket from him as he stood there in the white open necked shirt traditionally worn by those about to be beheaded. “May all of you soon die! DIE! DIE!” he roared as he knelt with his head on the headman’s block.
The black-hooded executioner looked to Nova, who shut her eyes and nodded once.
The executioner raised high his huge axe, and he brought it down in a swift motion on Stone’s neck.
The head came off, and the stump of Stone’s neck spurted both blood and some hissing, smoking coolant fluid from the human and cyborg blood vessels as the body of Stone twitched once, and then went still.
Stone’s remains were thrown onto a nearby funeral pyre, and they were thus set alight. Stone would have no grave on Pellias or Terra, and his ashes would be thrown later into the Sea of Stars, to drift forever and ever with no resting place, just as his soul fell into Hell, screaming, to drift forever and ever in the flames, without rest, respite, or comfort, as Stone joined his friends and allies in Hell, and saw, too late, how great his folly had been.
And so, General Stone was forgotten at last, dead, and with no memorial or tomb.
As his body burned on the pyre, Nova turned away, and walked off holding Derek’s hand and her mother’s.
The High Queen would soon have other things to think of.