Being the first part of THE NEW COMET--- BY: Frederick P. Kopetz
(Thanks to Derek A.C. Wakefield for technical assistance lent in the creation of this installment---Freddo)
EDF Pluto Base
Officers' Club
Friday, June 7, 2205
2029 Hours: Earth Time
"You know, Wildstar," said Hardy as he sipped at a beer at the main bar in the Officers' Club on Pluto. "Those attacks are making me think that this ain't gonna be the last we see of those guys."
"Don't you think I know it," sighed Wildstar after he took a drag of his glass of wine. "We can take liberty all we wish, but that still doesn't eliminate the fact that we've got to go back out there again and face the possibility of another attack; even on our way home."
"I talked to Wendy before and she was pretty worried," said Homer while he sipped at his Bloody Mary.
"Who's Wendy?" asked Hardy.
"Wendy Singleton, my girlfriend," said Homer. "She's the Commander's granddaughter. I met her last year not long after that mission where we ran into the R'Khells in the twentieth century after a call for help. What exactly happened there at El Tigre before we picked you and Nova up?"
"Don't ask," sighed Wildstar. "I still get chills when I think about that whole business, because I can’t remember half of it. And that damn Karnaz is still out there, too...I think. It was interesting working with UNIT; what I can remember of it.”
"That was funny," said Homer. "Remember that time that IQ-9 chased that Jo Grant around UNIT Headquarters?"
"Yeah," chuckled Derek. Then, he looked worried again. "Nova's late. Wonder what's keeping her?"
"IQ-9," said Hardy.
Wildstar groaned. "Yeah, probably. He's a genius, but I don't see why someone can't fix his programming quirks. And Nova's tried every reverse psychology trick known to man to stop him."
"Like what?" said Hardy.
At that, Wildstar
began to sweat a little, as he thought something to himself in Japanese about
his tight collar.. "Uh…This is my wife we're talking about, you know. Most
of these measures of hers involve…uh…her wardrobe. Other than that, I don't
want to talk about it. Just wait until you get married, Hardy…and he starts
hitting on your wife."
"You know I almost was married once," said Hardy in a morose voice.
"Sorry," said Derek, remembering the whole business about Mio. He placed a comforting hand over Hardy's. "I got on a certain train of thought and I misspoke. Please forgive me."
"No problem," smiled Hardy.
"So have you ever figured out what to do about IQ-9?" asked Homer. "Sometimes, he can be a real trip."
Wildstar sweated even harder, "Guys…I'm not sure I want to get into this…"
But then, at that, Wildstar's train of thought was interrupted by a pair of soft hands going over his eyes.
"Guess who?" called a soft voice in his ear.
At that development, Hardy and Homer whooped and clapped their hands.
Great, she's finally here, said Wildstar to himself. Think I'll tease her a little first.
Graphic above from "Ai-Eye" site I・愛・EYE © 2004 by Hitomi-- used by permission
"Uh…is it IQ-9?"
"Uhh…you sound like you're imitating Nova."
"I am Nova, you big silly baka," said Nova as she grabbed Derek's bar stool and twisted it around. Hardy and Homer laughed again as she reached up and kissed while standing on tiptoes. Then, she said, "Hardy, I need your seat. Derek, buy me a drink?"
"Sure," said Wildstar as Nova sat down beside him after Hardy moved down one stool. "Cute outfit," he said, looking at her short skirt, long legs and open sandals. "But, it's not regulation, Skipper."
"Stow it, we're on liberty," said Nova.
"All right! What do you want?" asked Derek.
"A Mud Slide," replied Nova.
"Bartender!" yelled Wildstar. "A Mud Slide for my wife, please! I'm buying."
"Gotcha, sir," said the bartender. Soon, Nova had a Mud Slide before her in a frosty glass.
"Thanks," she said after she took the first sip of the creamy cocktail. "I could sure use this after the day we had. They said my ship just barely made it back, Derek."
"What? How bad was it?"
Nova sighed. "The engineers said that the Danube isn't really even space worthy now. They found some major damage to the internal framework inside the bow. It was thanks to the last near-miss we took in the battle. They say she'll need three or four weeks' worth of repairs here at Pluto Base before we can even think about taking her back home to Earth." Nova then opened an envelope. "I have new orders; after I'm done with my liberty, I'm to disband the crew and turn over command of the Danube to a Commander Pierson, who'll supervise the repair work. Then, I'm to await new orders."
"So, in other words, you're stuck here?"
"Yes…at least until I get new orders," said Nova.
"Would you like to rejoin us for the trip home, at the very least…if not more? I can arrange it."
Nova smiled, because she guessed that he was considering the suggestion that had been made to take the Argo and mutiny again.
"Thanks, Derek," she said. "I just feel sort of…deflated. I never lost a ship before."
"You didn't lose it, Nova…you brought it back home," said Hardy. "That's a job worthy of old Captain Avatar with the 225. Remember, he suffered a defeat before they gave him the Argo."
A moment later, Barandini appeared in the bar. He came up to Nova with tears in his eyes. "Ma'am, you've heard…?"
"Yes, they told me first," sighed Nova. "Derek, that's why I went on a little shopping spree with IQ-9. I'm just…depressed…they're taking my command."
"Nova, that's not necessarily a disgrace," said Wildstar. "At least you came home with most of your crew. And I think they'd better do something about this."
"So, you haven't found anything out by Alpha Centauri?" asked the Commander as he spoke to Captain Mark Venture, who was on the bridge of the Arizona. The Arizona, of course, was the second Star Force special missions vessel out on patrol, other than the Argo herself.
"No, sir, we haven't found a thing," said Venture aboard his command. "You thought they were going to come out here, but…we've had no contacts."
"Nothing?" asked General Singleton.
"Nothing, sir," said Venture. "Aliscea's told me she hasn't sensed anything, either."
On the main screen of the Arizona, the Commander nodded. "Then, I think they're still near the solar system. It's a long shot, but…"
"Sir?" asked Venture.
"I'm going back to the Council. You're getting some help. I think we need another ship on this, despite what the Council told me the first time I asked for this."
"The Argo, sir?"
Singleton nodded. "I'm going to go back to the Council tonight. And, if they don't give me permission to send the Argo back out to the edge of the solar system and beyond, I'll do it on my own authority. Continue your search, and be prepared to rendezvous with the Argo near Centaurus a week from today at 0900 Hours. Understood?"
"Yessir!" said Venture as he smiled. He thought, It'll be nice to see Wildstar and the others again…but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances.
The Commander saluted and the Arizona's screen went dark.
"Sir, we've got work to do?" asked Paul Rosstowski, who was the Arizona's Combat Group Leader and Executive Officer.
"We sure do, Rosstowski," replied Venture. "We're stepping up our search for the Cometines, and this is how we're gonna do it…"
Later in Officers' Club, by the pool table, a game of billiards had just ended.
Wildstar, Nova,
Homer, Hardy, and Barandini had reserved the table room, and had ordered a
bottle of wine and a platter of food from the bar. The game of pool had gone
Nova had just beaten Derek. But she was smiling.
"I lost, damnit," said the Commodore.
Nova set her pool cue down on the table and smiled. "Still, isn't this better than sitting by the bar with those drunken Space Marines, Derek?" asked Nova as she broke off a few cheese and bacon fries from the platter nearby for Wildstar and Barandini to share.
"Yes, it sure is," said Wildstar. He smiled at Nova, and Nova came closer to him and smiled back. She had her full outfit on, but looked a little more casual, having removed her gun and shoes to both shoot pool and dance. It amused Derek that she tried to do so at the same time, and still beat him. He thought he was a good billiards player.
"I wish Wendy was here," sighed Homer. "She enjoys games like this."
"Wish my girlfriend was here, too," said Barandini. "Ma'am…you're really lucky. You know…you pull us out of battle, and your husband's waiting here for you to enjoy liberty with?"
"Yeah," said Nova softly. "And to help me put back the pieces after losing half the squadron out there. Derek, we haven't taken a beating like that in years. I’m so pissed off!"
"Yeah," said Wildstar. "And…I'm afraid that's not gonna be the last of it. Can you guys come outside with me…for just a minute?"
A mystified Nova put her sandals back on, and with a shrug, she stepped out into the hall with the others, who looked equally dumbfounded.
Derek looked around. The hall was empty. Commodore Wildstar then looked Nova, Hardy, Homer, and Barandini right in the eyes, and he said, "I think I can trust all of you. I've come to a decision in the past few hours. Can you keep it a secret?"
Barandini looked at Nova and said, "Ma'am, maybe I shouldn't be here…"
"Nothing doing," said Nova. "You're staying here, Barandini. In fact, Derek might want you to come with us."
"Come with you?" asked Barandini.
"I requested permission to take the Argo out to investigate this attack," said Wildstar. "The Commander agreed with me and asked the Defense Council for permission to deploy us along with the Arizona, which is out by Alpha Centauri beginning her own investigation. However, the Council turned him down. So, I'm staying here for twenty-four hours to allow the Argo to received needed repairs, and then I'm leaving. However, I've made up my mind; I'm not taking the Argo home. Instead, I'm going to warp out and begin investigating this attack myself, orders or no orders. Think you could stand joining a band of mutineers, Barandini?"
The young man laughed. "Count me in, Commodore."
"Of course, I'm in," said Nova.
"Great, I can use a good Executive Officer," said Wildstar.
"I'm in," laughed Homer. "Wish I could bring Wendy."
"Uhh…don't think so," said Nova. "Sorry…we're not gonna be too welcome around Earth for a while."
"I'm in," said Hardy. "Me and the rest of the Black Tigers, Wildstar."
"Great!" said Wildstar.
At that, Sandor came down the corridor. "I heard you guys were here," he said. "I've been relieved of command of the Thames. She needs repairs, too."
"You're in?" asked Wildstar.
Sandor looked surprised. "You mean, you've decided…?"
Derek nodded.
"Well, I wasn't doing anything, anyway," said Sandor with a smile. Count me in."
"Thanks," said Commodore Wildstar. He looked at Nova and Sandor. "You two will both be my executive officers…"
"Great," said Nova. "Now, let's talk about this. Barandini…make sure no one is listening…"
Later that night, Derek and Nova retired to a hotel room in the base complex.
Derek came out of
the bathroom, and his eyes went wide when he saw Nova lounging on the bed in
her new sky-blue and black negligee wearing a smile and a come-hither look.
"Don't you want to celebrate our reunion?" teased Nova as she stretched her long, bare legs. "I've been waiting for this for a long, long time."
"You know...," laughed Derek. "Me too."
At that, Derek jumped onto the bed with Nova. She took him in her arms and tenderly began to work him out of his pajamas…
Derek responded by kissing her. While running his hands through her hair, he tenderly began to undress her, as well.
When they were out of each other’s garments, nude, and utterly unashamed, Nova looked at her husband with quite some interest. “Ready to go, aren’t you?”
“Yeah…sure am,” he said as he cast his eyes downwards. “I’m…sort of ready to go…”
“Derek, what’s wrong?” asked Nova as she grasped his hands.
Commodore Wildstar let out a sob and pulled her close. “Just that battle…” he said. “You were doing your job, but…we lost so many of those little tin-can cruisers out there! We could have easily lost the Danube…and I could have lost you, tenshi…I…oh, God, this is just like the nightmare from three years ago, all over again!”
Nova held her husband as he wept, and she felt her own tears running down her cheeks. “I know it was dangerous out there. Do you know how I would have felt if we had lost the Argo?”
“We’ll never lose Argo,” said Derek said in a husky voice. “She’s too strong…”
“That’s what they said about the original ship in World War II, Derek,” said Nova as she shivered while Derek kissed her collarbone. “Yet, she was sunk by over two hundred American carrier planes, Derek. Nothing lasts forever.”
“But they brought her back…and….you know,” said Derek as Nova grasped him in a very, very sensitive place, teasing him like crazy with her hand.
“Nothing lasts forever,” said Nova as Derek’s kisses ran down to her breasts. “We enjoy what we have now…” she gasped as she drew up her leg. Derek kissed her knee, her ankle, her toes, and then he hungrily kissed her thigh, running his tongue around her, to….
“Oh, Lord,” said Nova as her breathing sped up. “You would have to do that…”
“You say nothing lasts forever…”
“It’s a fact…things
die…people die…we…” said Nova as she became more and more inarticulate as she
opened herself like a flower to her husband’s kisses.
“The Danube…she won’t last forever, either. One day, she might well blow
up in battle, too. Just like the other ships we lost.”
“God, don’t talk like that!” cried Derek. “You could have died on me out there…”
“You too,” said Nova as she shivered and writhed in his arms, feeling like she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time as they shared passion, joy, and grief all at the same time in a powerful, heady mixture.
Finally, a thought came to Nova’s mind. God, please let us live long enough so…we can be together…enjoy peace…
have children, she thought. Derek, when the time is right, and I hope it is soon, I want to have your child. You see I love children; why can’t there be peace for just long enough so we can settle down a little…so we can…have children? There’s our careers, there’s my career, but how much more…
…how much more of war and grief can we take? Derek thought fiercely. Nova, why can’t we really be a family? I just wish…
“Am I driving you crazy?” whispered Derek tenderly as he drew breath while he stroked her with his hands.
“yes,” said Nova in a tiny voice. “Let me reciprocate,” she whispered as she licked her lips.
“Not yet,” said Derek.
“Wanna make you happy first. You earned it out there in the field of battle, Mrs. Wildstar.” Then, Derek responded by wetting his own lips and then giving her the most intimate and private of kisses. Nova just moaned as she put her legs up for him, gasped as his hands teased her breasts, and she worked her toes into the bed sheet as if it was beach sand. Many pleasurable minutes passed as Derek worked on her, making sure with all due tenderness that his beloved was ready before he even made the last move.
Finally, when he knew she was riding the crest of her own burst of intimate pleasure, when he knew he had fully satisfied her, he took her as quickly as he could with a suddenness that took their breaths away.
They spent quite a bit of time joined in their act of love.
What followed afterwards was bliss…
Pure bliss…
Nothing more need be said…
Tokyo Megalopolis
Earth Defense Forces Headquarters
Saturday, June 8, 2205
0412 Hours: Earth Time
"Singleton, you can't be serious about this?" demanded a member of Parliament who was in on the Earth Defense Council's meeting.
"That's right," said another Parliamentarian, an old Senator. "General, you have the Arizona out there already. Why do we need the Argo there?"
"The Arizona is doing very well in looking around Alpha Centauri," said the Commander. "However, there could be more of them lying in wait at the edge of the solar system. That's why we need the Argo. And, ladies and gentlemen, she's already there. There's no harm in having her explore the area in one last sweep for about a month before they return home. You should understand the logic of that."
"It's a waste of time," snorted General Weller. "And money, sir."
"You think it's
a waste of time to make sure that Earth is secure?" demanded Singleton as
he stood and shook his fist. "Now, let's take that vote again. And, bear
in mind, that if I don't do this with you…I may have to do it without
you! Well?"
"Let's take that vote again," said General Stone.
At that, the Council again began to vote…
This time, the Commander thought the vote would go the right way…
An hour later, Derek was sleeping on top of Nova. Their evening had been very beautiful and intimate, but now, the young couple was trying to get some much-needed sleep. After all, it was five in the morning, and they were still on liberty.
The phone began to ring in their hotel room. "Derek, I'm sleepy," muttered Nova. "Can you get that?"
"Yeah…I'll get
it," mumbled Wildstar. Making sure that the phone was set to 'sound-only',
Commodore Wildstar picked it up. "Hello, sir? Commodore Wildstar
"Wildstar, this is the Commander."
"Sir," said Derek, who suddenly snapped awake. "What do you need?"
"Wildstar, the Defense Council has just granted me permission to order you back out to investigate those attacks as soon as the Argo is repaired. How soon can you go out again?"
Illustration: From "Kodai and Yuki's page" by "Meixiang" used by permission. Kodai and Yuki's page can be reached at: 古代君と雪のページ
"Sometime tomorrow, I think, sir….She's still being repaired."
"Good. I'm reassigning Nova and Sandor to the First Star Force, along with some of the surviving crew members from the Danube and the Thames. Along with some personnel whom I'm reassigning from Pluto Base, that should fill out your crew complement. I'll expect you aboard the Argo ready to leave Pluto at 0600 on Sunday morning. Then, I'd like you to scout the edge of the solar system and near interstellar space as you see fit. If you find any enemy forces, you are to engage and destroy them before they cause us any further damage. I'd like you to compare notes with Captain Venture aboard the Arizona on the fourteenth. That'll be all, Wildstar. Any questions?"
"Uh… no, sir."
"Then I'll leave you to your liberty, Commodore. Your orders will be confirmed via fax. That'll be all."
"Thank you, sir…"
Derek hung up with a look of shock on his face.
"Derek, who was that?" said Nova in a very sleepy voice.
"The Commander. We don't need to mutiny any more."
"The Argo leaves at 0600 on Sunday per his orders to investigate the enemy fleet. He wants us to investigate the area around the solar system and then rendezvous with the Arizona on the 14th to see what they've learned. We've been mobilized. The Defense Council's finally listening…"
"Well, that's good," sighed Nova as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes. "We're still on liberty, right?"
"Hold me again?" said Nova is a very small voice.
Derek smiled and again began to kiss his wife.
It was quite a while until they got dressed. For now, at least, there was no rush.
Tokyo Megalopolis Region
Earth Defense Forces Space Fighters' Training School
Saturday, June 8, 2205
0602 Hours: Earth Time
It was a rather relaxing morning for two cadets at the Space Fighters' Training School. Finals were long over for the term.
In their room, the first of these two cadets was up, and he was getting dressed. He was a cadet who had been born in Texas, but had lived much of his life in the San Diego area. He had sandy blonde hair, a rather tall and sturdy build, and glasses. His name was Deke Wakefield, and he had just completed his third year at the Academy; having completed his elementary flight training in that year.
He had a song running through his head at the moment, and he was banging out a tattoo on the windowsill with the drumsticks he always carried. The room lights were on, but they were on "dim" intensity; they were needed because it was a rather dark and cloudy morning outside.
"Sheeeiiit!" yelled his roommate, a tall, thin African-American cadet known as Jere Marrable. Like Wakefield, Marrable was interested in naval aviation and had done well in his first year of flight training. Both cadets hoped to become fighter pilots in the near future. "Sticks," he yelled, referring to Wakefield by his nickname. "Would you cut the crap? It's too early in the morning for that shit!"
"Your fault, Brew," teased Wakefield as he referred to Marrable by his nickname. "You should've been up already, you slacker! It's almost time for PT."
"Reveille ain't until 0630 on weekends when we got nothin' to do, man! I wanna get some more sleep! Reviewing information for our upcoming summer cruise was a killer!"
"Yeah, anything that makes you use your brain is a killer."
"You're not bein' fair, Sticks! And would you chill out a bit?"
"Chill out over what?"
"You and your squirrel, man…"
Wakefield sighed, "Brew, my squirrel…my past…Dawn, that is…she's about the last thing I'm thinking of right now. Even though it is gloomy and dark outside."
All of a sudden, the room lights went out.
"That how gloomy and dark the inside of your head is, Sticks?" asked Brew.
"That's not what the inside of my head is like…there's some weird shit going on," said Wakefield. Deke got off his bunk and looked outside the door of their room. The corridor was also dark, except for the emergency lighting.
"Power's out!" yelled Wakefield.
"What the hell is goin' on?" yelled Brew.
The voice of
the tactical officer was heard a moment later. "All cadets on Bravo Deck,
now hear this!" he yelled down the corridor…Wakefield noticed he wasn't
using the PA system. "There's some sort of local blackout. Remain inside
your quarters until we figure out what is going on. PT formation is delayed
until 0700! Repeat; PT formation delayed until 0700!"
Sticks?" said Brew. "Just like the inside of your head! Dark and
gloomy in here!"
shut up," said Wakefield. "You know, this reminds me of something."
"The days right around the time with the war with the Comet Empire. Do you think they're up to something again?"
The Commander sat in gloomy thought in the emergency lighting in Earth Defense Headquarters as reports of a new world-wide blackout were coming to him. The Idlewild Air Base was dark. Vladivostok was dark. The Space Fighters' Training School had lost all power. New York had gone dead.
"Stone, what is going on?"
"The Moon station and Mars power station are both out again, sir."
"Sir, the patrol cruiser Rio Grande reports unknown vessels around the Venus power station. First Fleet is coming in to investigate."
"Sir," said a technical officer. "Lunar Switching Station Beta reports that they can bring up emergency systems and bring the Moon station back on line in twenty minutes. Power will be restored in half an hour."
"Try contacting the outer system bases."
"Sir, the wave motion radio to Area Five has gone dead. Trying to bring up emergency power to reboot."
"What do you think it is, sir?" asked Stone.
"I have my suspicions that we just listened to Wildstar's warning in the nick of time," said Singleton. "Now…if only we could reach him and the Argo. Then, maybe we'd find out what's going on?"
Stone nodded at that.
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