Yes Gemma, there is a Santa

By Yuki Wildstar




“Why can’t daddy be home?” Her youngest asked.


“Oh sweetheart, I know that you would love for daddy to be home for Christmas, but unfortunately he won’t be able too. Not this year.”

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Gemma Wildstar was the youngest of Derek and Nova Wildstar’s three kids. Her older brothers tried hard to keep their sister distracted but she was too attached to her father. “I hate that he has to go away. Why can’t daddy just stay home.” She pouted.


Nova Wildstar just gave a sigh. She was missing her husband as much as her daughter. She was still young to know that is who her father was and he loved what he did. “Oh Gemma I’m sure he will make it all up to all of us when he gets home.” She hugged her youngest child and said, “now go and get ready for bed. I’ll be in a minute to tuck you in.”


“Mommy, what about the cookies for Santa?”


“Oh yes, come on let’s go get some and put them out.”




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Admiral Derek Wildstar sat on the bridge looking out to the planet before them. He hated being away from his family, especially on holidays. He missed them all so much. Almost 8 months in space and he was exhausted from being gone. He has visited many planets, seen many worlds and their leaders. But the only thing he wanted was his family. He called as much as he could and at times, he was too far out to call them. The last time he spoke to his family was over a month ago and he wanted to call them, but he couldn’t. It will ruin their Christmas. No, he will wait to let them know. “Sir, we are making our final warp.” His second in command called out.


He nodded, “go ahead call it out.”


“Aye, aye sir.”






She woke in a startled state. Who was touching her? She sat up quickly and looked around. “Hey, hey. It’s me.” She heard him say. Quickly she turned on the light and her heart sore. He was home!


“Your home!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “I didn’t think you would be home in time.”


“I pushed my crew to get home. Kind of helped that they were just excited to come home for Christmas. We landed four hours ago and I let them off as soon as we landed. We can deal with the break down and turning the Argo over to the dock master later. Getting them home was more important.”


“Oh Derek, Gemma has been so sad since you left. She misses you so much.”


“I miss her too. But I miss you more.” He kissed passionately.


“I missed you to. More than you can stand.”


“Well Mrs. Wildstar. I will defiantly be making it up to you soon enough, but first I have some cookies to eat.” She laughed and jumped out of bed. “Where is it?”


“I’ll get it. You get the pillows.” She raced to get his suit and he grabbed some pillows.





Gemma looked out the window and up to the stars. Her daddy was up there somewhere. He wasn’t coming home. He’s going to miss everything. There was a crash and someone giggling. Gemma climbed out of bed and snuck out her room. She slowly made her way down the hall, past her brothers’ rooms and to the living room. She could hear people whispering. She peeked around the corner and her eyes widen. He was here! Santa was here. She frowned to see her mother helping him with presents. Why was mommy helping Santa? Where are his elves to help? Her mother giggle as Santa placed the presents under the tree, with every present he placed down he took her in his arms and kissed her. Her mother was kissing Santa. Ready to come out from the around the corner someone stopped her. His hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. Alex stood behind her and asked. “What are you doing out of bed this late.” he spoke in a low tone.


“I heard something.”


He peeked around the corner and saw his mother with Santa. He smiled to know it wasn’t just Santa, it was his father pertaining to be Santa. “Go back to bed.”


“But, Mommy and Santa.”


“Trust me Gem. I don’t think you should worry about it. Now go to bed before Santa sees you.”




“Bed, now.”


With hesitation she went to bed and wished her father was home.





“She’s going to be so excited that your home.” Nova slipped into her robe as he threw on some pajama pants and tee-shirt.


“Do you think they are up already?”


“It’s Christmas morning. What do you think?” she giggled


How do you want to do this? Should we walk out together, or should I walk out once they start to open presents?”


“I think you should wait. It will be nice to see her face.”


“Sure hide me away like the grand present.” He took her into his arms and held her tight. “I love you Mrs. Wildstar.”


“I love you too. Oh by the way,” she kissed him and said, “Merry Christmas and welcome home.”


“Go, I can’t wait any longer to see the kids.” He hurry her out the door.



Nova walked into the living room to find them waiting for her to come in. DJ Wildstar had a present in hand that had his name on it and shook it. “Okay you three, I guess you’ve waited long enough.”


DJ ripped through the present and began to pull things out of the box. “OH RIGHT! I got it! I got the new star fighter Game! I gonna go play this now!”


“Wait just one minute, young man. You have to wait until Alex and Gemma opened theirs also. And you have more under the tree.”


“Mom, I don’t want to opened socks and underwear.” DJ sulk.


“Well then you still have to wait. I have a really big surprise for all of you.” She picked up a present and handed it to her daughter. “Here you go Gemma.” Gemma took the present and put it back on the floor. Nova noticed that she was upset. She must be still upset that her father wasn’t home. “Gemma, don’t you want to open your present.”


“No.” she pouted.


“Why not.”


“I just don’t want too.”


“That’s settle it. I can go play my game.” DJ said.A picture containing text, doll, toy, clipart

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“No you are not. Now sit down. Gemma what’s wrong?”


“Nothing.” She sat there still pouting.




“Mom, maybe we should talk after your surprise.” Alex said.


Nova looked at her oldest son and could read his mind. It was important that she give her husband the que to come out. “Okay. So now for my big surprise.” She stood up and walked over to the hall that ran down to her room. She smiled and gave him a wave. “Gemma, look up to me please.” She notice that she had her hands found and looking down. “Gemma, please sweetheart. Look at your big present.”


Slowly she looked up and her eyes widen with excitement. “Daddy!”


“Hey there pumpkin. I couldn’t miss another Christmas so I came home early.”


She raced into her father’s arms and hugged him tight not wanting to let go. “Daddy,” she cried.


“Shh, I miss you so much.”


As his father and sister bonded, Alex pulled their mother aside. “Mom, I think it’s time to tell Gemma the truth about Santa.”


Nova frowned, “why? she would be devastated.”


“Mom, Gemma was up late last night. When you and Santa were putting the present under the tree.” He put his finger up and made quotation signs. “You know when Santa kissed you.”


“Ooooh. And she thinks that I,”


Alex nodded. “Yeah.”


“Hmm, I guess that talk has to happen.”


“Hey Al,” Derek finally said to his oldest son.


“Welcome home dad.” It was a moment of father and son hugging. “We missed you.”


“I miss you all. How was everything while I was gone?”


“Well besides DJ getting into trouble most of the time. We all survived.”


“DJ there’s a lot of things we will go over later.” He said with stern voice. “But first let’s enjoy Christmas morning.”


“Um, Derek, I need to talk with you.” Nova said.


He frowned and put his daughter down. “Sure. Give me and mommy a minute. We will be right back.”


“Can I go play my game if you two are going to talk?” DJ announced. Derek turned and looked at him with a frown. “Fine, I’ll wait! Geese!” He threw himself on the couch and turned on the TV.


“What’s up?”


“We need to tell Gemma the truth about Santa.”


“What? Are you really asking this? She’s only 6.”


“Derek, Alex told me that Gemma was up late last night. She happened to see Santa last night.”


“Yeah and?”

“She saw Santa kissing her mother.” She told him.


“Ooooh. I see. What did Alex tell her?”


“Nothing, he just told her to go back to bed. I know it’s not the best time and I was hoping that we had one more year but looks like she has other thoughts going on about me and you.”


He sighed, “I guess we need to have that conversation,” he thought and then said, “Let me tell her. Come on, let’s get this over with. Either way she’s going to be upset.”


He took her hand and walked back out to the living room. Gemma sat on the couch giving her mother stared with daggers. She wanted to protect her father from ever finding out that her mother was having an affair with Santa. “Gemma, your dad and I have something to tell you.”


Her face showed fear that they were getting divorce. “Daddy, it’s all mommy’s fault, she was kissing Santa!” she blurted out.


The room went silent and DJ was the first to speak. “Gemma, foolish kid. There is no Santa. Mommy was kissing dad.” They all turned around and stared at their youngest son. “What? She’ll get over it.” He shrugged and turned to the TV.


Gemma’s eyes build up with tears and her face showed pain and anger. “Your lying! DJ take it back! You liar!”


“Gemma,” Derek spoke softly. “Listen to me. Santa was really busy last night and well, he asked if I could step in for the night. He was running a little behind and well, I figure since I was on the way home, I can help.” He wanted to salvage what he could for his daughter’s imagination.


DJ turned his head and sighed, “just tell her that he’s fake and we can finish up opening the presents.”


Derek senior threw a pillow at him and gave him an annoying look. “Don’t listen to your brother. Santa said that he is sorry he couldn’t make the drop, but he figured I’d be a better surprise for you.”


Nova looked at him and smile, he managed to save his daughters hope of there being a Santa. She kissed her husband and whispered. “Good save.”


“Now, let’s finish opening these present. DJ, turn that TV off and come help. Alex.” He tossed him a present and said, “I believe this one’s for you.”


Nova couldn’t love him more than that moment. He saved Christmas for his daughter, and he was home. She slipped her hand into his as they sat on the couch, watching their kids open up their present. “I love you so much.” She told him.


“Love you too.” He whispered back as she placed her head on his shoulder.



Merry Christmas Star Force!!!