Space Battleship Yamato 5

Part 1: The Beginning of the 2nd Generation

A Star Blazers alternate universe

Episode 4: Rising Suspicions…

Part 1: Information

Space Battleship Argo

Thursday, March 17th 2220

0708 Hours: Earth/Space Time

Come on! There’s got to be more useful information somewhere!’ Misako thought as she sieved through several documents of Cometine diagrams.

“What are you doing?”

“Huh?” Misako leaned her head back and saw Invidia standing behind her.

“Well?” Invidia asked.

I thought she was asleep…’ Misako thought as she kept looking up at her. “Well…I…uh…you know you’re half-naked…”

“I know” Invidia told her as she pulled her falling bra strap back up on her shoulder, she assumed that after she had fallen asleep Arty put her to bed and took her dress off, leaving her in only her underwear and slip, all of which were black. “Now, what are you doing?”



“I’m looking at your diagrams. I wanna figure out what’s going on…”

“Well, it’s none of your business! Don’t you have something better to do then meddle in my affairs?!” Invidia snapped.

“Who said it was your affair?” Misako snapped back, just because it involved Cometines that didn’t mean only Invidia had to know what was going on.

“Look I’m the only one on this ship who understands Cometines and their morals! I’m the one that has the diagrams! Therefore it’s my affair! And you need to stay out of it!”

“No! You just don’t want me to figure it out before you do because I was right about the enemy! You’re trying to beat me to the conclusion!”

Please, I’m not like that! You think I’d hold a grudge over something like that! You only knew something as coming because you’re a freak! And your mother is too! So why don’t you take your freaky little powers and zap yourselves out of here!”

Misako glared at her and stomped out of the room ‘God she’s evil when she hasn’t gotten any sleep! Then again she’s evil anyway…either way she doesn’t have to be so rude! It’s not just her affair! It’s everyone’s affair! If we don’t know we’ll never defeat them!’

She didn’t pay attention to where she was going, she was too angry to care, and halfway down the hall she ended up running into something and fell down. When she looked up again she saw Arty sitting in front of her.

“You okay?” Arty asked her “You look angry…”

“I am angry.”

“Why?” Arty asked as he helped her up.

“Invidia” Misako stated.

“What’d she do?”

“She practically yelled at me for trying to figure out what was going on with this attack, you know she talks tough for a half-naked woman.”

“Wait-she’s up?”

Misako nodded.

“But I just put her to bed about two hours ago…”

“Well she’s up…have fun arguing with her!” Misako said as she left him.

Yeah, Well I’m not arguing anymore’ Arty thought as he headed down the hallway behind Misako. ‘She can do what she wants; I have more important things to worry about…’

Black Tigers Hanger

0730 Hours

“All right, I’m glad to see that most of you showed up on time.” Arty stated as he glanced at the hanger full of cadets, six of which were missing. “But, we have no time to waste, from now on anyone who’s late stays to clean the deck during dinner, do I make my self clear?”

“Yes Sir!” the group told him.

“All right, now we’ve spilt you into two groups, group one is going to join Hardy and myself outside for some flight training, and group 2 is going to work with Sandor on repairing the broken fighter, the list is on the board.”

After he finished all of the cadets got up and crowded around the board, while the missing 6 tried to sneak in behind Arty…

“Hold it!” Arty barked at them. “Why are you late?”

“We...uh…” One if them started.

“Never mind, just join a group!” Arty sighed; he hoped it wouldn’t be like this all the time, if they were gonna join the force they had to be more responsible! It seemed as if they acted differently in battle, there they were focused…now they were just being lazy ‘these are supposed to be high-ranked seniors, they probably thought this was just gonna be a break-it’s not!’

“Okay Miss D’Avena, care to explain this?!” Desslok barked as he threw down a folder on the small black table in front of her, she was sitting on the couch in her room, trying to act like she normally did, hoping that the folder wasn’t what she thought it was...

“Nothing…” Victoria turned her head the other way.

“Really? Because Razela asked me to do something about your orders.”


“Your orders of attack! Who said it was alright for you to attack the Star Force! I gave no orders!”

“I know, I did” Victoria told him “We need to get rid of them! They’re a threat!”

“I never said they were! I only said that we might have to fight them! I didn’t say I wanted to, nor did I say that I wanted to conquer Earth!” Desslok snapped.

“Why? It could add to your empire and help us gain more power.”

“Victoria, Earth is also a valuable ally, and it would be easier if we work with them, not against them!”

Victoria sighed and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. “Who cares? I mean wouldn’t they be easier to control if we captured them. Honestly I don’t give a damn about who Gamilon was allied with, this is another place. Besides, Earth could be a valuable planet…Think about that” she said as she got up.

He watched her go ‘she only thinks that way because she was raised by her mother on Cometine morals, she understands nothing of government…though she could be right- on a low scale.’

“Come on you stupid thing!” Invidia snapped as she watched the computer. “There’s gotta be something here…”

“Invidia-Mama?” Akira asked as she came into the room.

“Who gave you permission to come in?” Invidia snapped.

“Well…no one, but I am your daughter and…”

“Don’t care, I’m busy, LEAVE” Invidia raised her voice as she pushed Akira out of the room.

“I...uh…Never mind!” Akira said to no one in particular as she stomped off. ‘Why is she being so mean anyway? I didn’t do a thing!’

“Okay…Now that she’s out of the picture…” Invidia muttered as she looked at the computer screen, “I can get on with my search…” ‘I will find it!’ she thought as she scanned in a couple more diagrams.

0900 Hours…

“I don’t get it” Setsuna told her mother as she looked at the radar. “The scan comes up

with nothing, but if there was attack then there’s gotta be more out there-right?”

“I don’t know Setsuna” said Nova as she studied the results. “But if there is we have to be on the look out.”

Setsuna nodded and yawned, the whole thing was getting a little of dull.

“Setsuna, if you think that this is so boring then why don’t you just join Astra in the kitchen? You can help her eat doughnuts” Nova said.

Setsuna giggled, she knew her mother was only teasing. “It’s not all that boring; I just want to know why we have to study the same scans over and over…”

“You know she has a point” Nova said to Derek, who was at his post in the captain’s chair-it had been his idea to study the area.

“What we need to do is extend the range of the scan, and get a better view of the area.” Mark suggested.

“But how?” Setsuna pondered.

“You know Invidia-Mama’s been working on her own scans” Akira stated as she entered the bridge.

“Akira, you know that you have restrictions” Derek told her.

“I’m vaguely aware of that, but my father was busy so he asked me to give to this” Akira moved up and handed Derek a folder. “It’s Conroy’s report on the Black Tiger’s progress…”

“Good, now what’s this about Invidia’s scans?”

“Well for awhile she’s been in her room studying old Cometine diagrams and scans of the area, she’s looking for the same thing you are…”

“For once” Setsuna muttered.

“Setsuna” Nova scolded silently, she knew it was the truth but she didn’t want Setsuna saying things like that.

“All right, I’ll go talk to her and see what she knows, Setsuna, keeps those scannings in hand we could use them later. Nova try another scan, and see how far we can extend it.” Derek ordered as he left. ‘It shouldn’t be too hard to get the information, unless Invidia’s in one of her stubborn moods again…’ he thought as he headed down the various hallways of the ship, after a long walk he finally found and entered Invidia’s room, where, like Akira said, she was studying Cometine diagrams.

“Uh… Invidia?”

“Huh?” She muttered without looking up.

“Okay, can you look at me?” Derek asked, as he picked up one of her diagrams.

“Huh?” Invidia looked up “oh it’s you.”

“Yes me.” Derek put the paper down and for the first time since he entered he noticed that she was barely dressed. He looked her over real quick, she looked tired.

“Are you done?” Invidia hissed.

Derek looked at her; a little embarrassed that she noticed he was kind of…staring.


“Oh, sorry, I just wanted to see your scans.”


“But we need them, if we add them to the information we already have it could help us find out what’s going on.” Derek informed her.

“No! The information I collect is to stay with me!” Invidia snapped as she stood up. “What I have is really none of your business!! This is my race and my business! You’re just…you’re just…” Invidia trailed off as she began to fall forward “Derek…” she muttered.

“Invidia!” Derek caught her. “How long have you been here?”

“Almost all night…” Invidia murmured.

No wonder she’s so weak, but where’s Arty?’ Derek sighed and picked Invidia up, she looked like she was about to fall to the floor.

Invidia looked up at him, then glanced down at herself and blushed slightly when she realized that after he had picked her up one of the straps on her slip had moved halfway down her arm and he could see part of her bra.

“Invidia why are your cheeks red?” Derek asked.

Invidia shook her head quickly “No reason!”

Derek sighed and placed her on her bed, she looked at him and he put his hand to her head. “Hmm, you are a little warm but that’s probably nothing. And tell me, when was the last time you ate? I didn’t see you at dinner last night or breakfast…”

“That’s because I haven’t eaten since noon yesterday.”

“Invidia that’s not healthy” Derek informed her.

“I know” Invidia muttered as she looked down.

“Well never mind that” Derek told her as he pulled the blanket onto her “Just go to sleep.”

“But I don’t…” Invidia trailed off as she began to lie down. She had to admit, she was tired and lying down felt nice.

I’ll tell Arty later…’ Derek thought as he left, but before he did he grabbed a couple documents off of her desk and started rifling through them. ‘Hmm, This stuff is a big help, I’m sure we’ll find something with the combined scans…’

Part 2: Missing Pieces

Space Battleship Argo

Captains Quarters

1245 Hours: Earth Time

“So Invidia’s scan cover one part of the area while ours cover another, but that still doesn’t help.” Setsuna stated, she sat on her father’s bed looking over the scan results with her parents and Arty.

“Where’d you get these anyway?” Arty asked Derek, he knew very well that Invidia wouldn’t willingly give him her scans.

“I stole them after she went to sleep.” Derek admitted.

“Well then, don’t be surprised if she goes after you.”

“I don’t think she’d touch me, she’s threatened me, but never hit me.”

‘Can we get back to the situation at hand?” Nova asked.

“Right, now I don’t think we need to extend the scan, I think we need to scan another area.” Derek suggested.

“He’s got a point, I mean we’ve only covered about a quarter of this area” Setsuna pointed out.

“True” Arty mused “and maybe I can talk to Invidia about helping you.”

“Yeah right, she doesn’t want to share anything with us.” Nova told him.

“I can find a way to convince her…”Art said slyly.

“Okay, I don’t even wanna know what you’re thinking” Setsuna stated as she got up and left.

It’s funny Akira’s that way too…’ Arty thought as he watched her, then he left himself.

After they were gone Nova turned to Derek “you know, what Arty said got me thinking…” she purred.

“About what?” Derek asked.

“I think you know what” Nova whispered.

“Later, I promise.”

“You better keep that promise” Nova told him, before getting up and leaving the room herself.

I will...’ Derek thought as she left.

Meanwhile Arty decided to head back to the Black Tiger’s hanger, but first he wanted to see how Invidia was doing, earlier Derek had told him that he put her to bed but he wanted to see her. To his surprise she was actually asleep when he came in, she looked so peaceful and he hated to wake her, but she also needed to eat something and they were gonna eat lunch soon. He sat on the bed and began shaking her. “Invidia? Honey? Its time to get up…”

“Leave me alone” Invidia muttered and turned away from him.

“I can’t, now get up” Arty shook her harder.

“What?” Invidia growled and sat up.

Arty got off the bed and picked her up “Hi, Princess…” he greeted her as he held her close.

“Why’d you wake me up? I was having a good dream” Invidia whined.

“You have to get up and eat something, lunch will be ready soon. And you didn’t take a shower last night, so I figure you might as well take one now.”

“What are you saying?”

“Nothing I just think you need to get cleaned up is all.”

“That would be easier if you put me down.” Invidia hissed.

“I thought you like being cuddled” Arty teased.

“Not now.”

Arty sighed and put her down, she went into the bathroom and he headed to the hanger.

Meanwhile, on the comet Victoria was doing her own work in their hanger. She watched as some of the ships from battle were repaired and new ones were checked.

“Pick up the pace you lazy assholes!” she growled as she began writing stuff down on a clipboard she had.

“We’re working as fast as we can Miss. D’Avena” one of them told her.

“Then work faster! I want everything finished by the evening-you have until midnight, GOT IT?! Or there will be executions!”

“You can’t order us executed!” Several of them shouted.

“Watch me!” Victoria hissed before she turned around and left with her cloak trailing behind her. ‘If that doesn’t get them to work harder nothing will. And if they can get it done before Desslok finds out I could use it to my advantage…’ “And destroy that damned ship!” she thought the last part out loud by mistake. She looked around ‘Thank god no one heard that…’ she looked around one more time to be sure and headed to Desslok’s throne room to give him her versionof the report. ‘What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him…’

“I don’t get it” Rivers complained as Arty worked with him on engine repairs.

“What’s not to get?” Arty asked as he looked at the diagram he had issued him, it was fairly simple for any trained cadet to follow.

“Every time I connect these wires it short circuits!”

“What color are the wires?”

“Red and blue…” Rivers stated.

“No wonder, you don’t connect two different color wires together!” Arty informed him.


“Well it’s all right; all you have to do is…”


“Huh?” Arty turned around and saw Invidia walking toward him wearing her all blue gown.

She stopped in front of him “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Nothing” Arty stood up, got behind her and put his arms around her waist. “So you’re all clean now Princess?” he pulled her closer to him.

“Arty stop it” Invidia laughed. Then she realized the cadets in the hanger were staring. “What? You never seen people in love before?” she asked.

“She’s got a pet name” Weston laughed.

“Why you…” Invidia growled and tried to approach him but Arty grabbed her.

“All of you get back to work. And for your information she is known as Princess Invidia, it’s not a pet name.”

“Thank you” Invidia whispered and gave him a quick kiss.

“Anytime.” Arty smiled at her.

“And Arty….”


“Watch the affectionate names around the cadets, you know very well that Princess is a title as well as a pet name and I get messed with enough.” Invidia told him.

“Got it, wait for me outside and we’ll go eat in a couple minute.”

“Okay” Invidia nodded and gave him a small peck on the cheek before she left.

“Aww!” The cadets chanted in unison.

“Back to work!” Arty ordered.

“But it’s lunch time…” One of them complained.

Back to work” Arty ordered, he hated it when they complained like that.

“But you’re going!”

“I’m in charge, and right now I have time off, you need to stay here and finish your projects! You can come eat after they’re done!” Arty walked off.

“He’s probably gonna go play around with his Princess.” On of them whispered.

“I heard that!” Arty turned around “One more comment like that and I will shoot you and your plane out the Wave Motion Gun Barrel! Are we clear?!”

“Yes Sir…”

“Good” Arty nodded and headed out in the hall. When came out Invidia immediately grabbed a hold of his arm. “What’s this about?” he asked.

“Nothing” Invidia stated, as she began walking with him, well technically she was hanging on him, but, he didn’t care.

“So what is so interesting about those scans you’ve been working on?” Arty asked.

“It’s none of your business, so stay out of it!” Invidia snapped.

“Okay” After that Arty didn’t ask anymore questions, he just kept walking.

"You think there’s something missing in these scans?” Setsuna asked, currently she was with Nova, Trelania and Misako in the mess hall overlooking the scans they had acquired.

“I don’t know it’s possible…” Trelania picked up one of the documents.

“I tried my own scan, but it didn’t’ work” Misako told them.

“Your power probably isn’t strong enough to do something like that” Trelania said, then she picked up two more documents. “I could try and help you with that, and see what forces we pick up.”

“Are you telling me that you could’ve helped with that the whole time?” Nova asked.


“Okay then, next time we run into a mysterious enemy…Start with that!”

“Sorry” Trelania muttered.

“It doesn’t matter; the important thing is we’re getting the information we need” Setsuna told them as she picked up another diagram and moved it, sending another paper to the ground. Unfortunately this one landed right in front of Invidia’s feet.

“What’s this?” she picked it up and read it. “My scans…” Invidia turned and glared at the girls and walked over"Where did you get dis?!” she slammed the paper down on the table.

“Derek said he took them while you were asleep.” Trelania told her.

Derek! I should’ve figured as much!’ Invidia looked around and saw him at a table with Mark, Eager and a couple other members of the bridge crew. “Derek! What is dis?!” Invidia snapped, she help the paper in front of his face.

“It looks like a diagram.” Derek stated.

“Yes, it’s my diagram that you stole! Why?!”

“Invidia we needed them.”

“I don’t care” Invidia barked “They’re mine! And you had no right to take them! Is that why you put me to bed? So you could steal my stuff?!”

“No, I did that because you looked worn out, and what you were doing wasn’t healthy. I only took the diagrams then because you won’t willingly give them up, they’ve helped us Invidia. Why can’t you understand that?”

“Why can’t you stay out of my business?!”

“Because it’s our business too!” Derek barked “If we don’t figure this out and end it soon we could be in another war! And if you don’t like it then leave! No one said you had to be here! And further more no one cares if you’re here or not! You’re nothing but trouble, we don’t need you!” Most of those things he said weren’t true, they were said out of anger, and right now he didn’t care.

Invidia stared at him in shock as tears began to form in her eyes, normally she didn’t put up with this kind of thing, but it was quite harsh coming from Derek. “You never wanted me here…no one did, to you I’m just…I’m just a useless bitch aren’t I?!”

Derek said nothing, but the cadets did.

“You’re right!”

“She just makes things worse!”

They’re all against me! And there’s too many of them to face alone…they never wanted me here…no one did!’ Invidia thought, then she ran, weeping angrily as she came into her room. ‘I hate this! I’m tired of being…’

“…Made out to be a fool!” Desslok snapped as Victoria presented him with her report. “Do you think I’m that stupid? You’re lying to me!”

“I am not” Victoria stated “How dare you perceive me as a liar!”

“Oh really? Because I got a different report from Talan about 10 minutes ago!”

Damn it Talan! I’m gonna kill you later!’

“You know there are consequences for lying to me.”

“So what if I did?” Victoria asked “it’s not like you’ve never lied before, I mean no one told your Earther friends about this did they?”

“I will deal with that when the time comes, and why would you have resentment for Earth? Half of your blood is Earth blood.” Desslok stated.

Victoria’s eyes widened a bit “How did you know that?!”

“We do have background checks Miss. D’Avena.”

“So what’s that gotta do with me? I was raised on Cometine morals you know, and we don’t like Earthers very much.”

“Well, if you don’t change your ways soon, you’ll be out of here! Got it?”

“Yes Sir...” Victoria muttered and left. ‘Like I said before, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him; all I have to do is give the orders!’ With that she headed back into the hanger. “All right, forget what I said earlier I want all of you finished and ready to be dispatched at 1800 hours!”

“What?!” they all glared at her.

“That’s impossible!” Someone shouted.

“You heard me! Just hurry up! After you’re done head out! Target: Argo!

“But Desslok didn’t say…”

“He told me to tell you, and if you ask him he probably won’t remember it, so don’t ask! Just work!”

Arty didn’t go after Invidia, he figured it was better to leave her alone, he figured Derek should be the one to talk to her anyway, he started the whole thing.

“Why’d you do that anyway?” he asked.

“I told you I didn’t know what I was saying” Derek told Arty “It was an accident.”

“Yes but you got everyone else started” Nova told him “you know how that gets to her, here she has no power, and they don’t take her seriously. She’d fix it if they did.”

“Go talk to her” Arty and Nova said together. They looked at each other

“Weird…” Arty said.

“Yah” Nova nodded. “But anyway” she leaned closer to Derek “If you don’t fix this you can drop that promise of yours.” She whispered.

“Fine” Derek sighed and stood up. He didn’t really want to but he knew he had to go. When he came into the room Invidia was sitting on the floor, with her head resting on her arms on the bed.

“Invidia?” he asked.

She glared at him “What do you want?!”

He saw that she was still crying, but look on her face told him it was out of anger.

“I wanted to apologize for what I said, it was unnecessary and untrue.

“Accepted” Invidia stated.

“Then why are you still…never mind, but listen I had to take the scans, I mean we’re all looking for the same thing, we want answers.”

“I know that!” Invidia snapped.

“Then why are you so stubborn?”

Invidia shrugged. “I guess I thought I could solve it all on my own…”

“Do you work with us?” Derek asked. “We can find more answers if we work together, not against each other.”

Invidia nodded “We just have to fill in the missing elements.”

“Missing Elements?”

“Why we were attacked and where it came from are important factors that we don’t have! That’s why we need a wider scan!”

“Is that a ‘Yes’?” Derek asked.

Invidia nodded.

“Good, not that we have you with us, it’ll be easier to find out what’s going on…” ‘What ever that is…and we better find out soon, I’m not gonna sit and let us be attacked again!’

Part 3: The Second Attack! A Location Theory!

Space Battleship Argo

Trelania’s Room

1900 Hours: Earth Time

“Mama is it really possible to do some kind of scan with our power?” Misako asked, she was sitting on the bed with Trelania while Trelania explained what she wanted to do.

“I’m not sure, but we could try, I mean if I can communicate without a radio we could try to find where our attackers are coming from…”

“But you said my powers weren’t strong enough.” Misako stated.

“That’s why we’re going to do it together, give me your hands.”

Misako let her mother take her hands, and Trelania began to whisper something. After a couple seconds both women were covered in a yellow-white light.

“Just think about it and tell me what you see” Trelania whispered.

“An endless darkness, the end of the Andromeda galaxy…”

“There’s something there…” Trelania muttered.

“WHAT are you doing?”

“Huh?” Both broke their concentration and looked at Mark.

“What’s with the angry look?” Mark asked

“You ruined it! We could have had something!” Trelania stated.

“Oh, I‘ll give you something, a big something” Mark whispered, then he kissed her.

“Okay gross” Misako shuddered.

“If you don’t like it then leave” Trelania told her.

“Fine, I don’ wanna be around when you two ‘get busy’ anyway” Misako said as she left the room.

“Hey don’t talk like that!” Trelania scolded.

“Why can’t she? We don’t want her here now either…” Mark said as he wrapped his arms around her.

Trelania giggled, she wasn’t sure is her assumptions were right, but she hoped they were, she flipped around, ready to kiss him back when the ship was racked by something.

“What was that?” Mark asked.

“I don’t know” Trelania told him.

Then the alarm started going off and Mark ran back to the bridge, only to find more Cometine ships.
“Okay what the hell is going on with this?” Setsuna asked.

“I don’t know but it doesn’t seem good!” Derek said as he watched.

“Not this again!” Mark stated.

Where are they coming from?” Invidia muttered when she came onto the bridge.

“I don’t know, but we don’t have time to find out now! Setsuna! Nova! Get a bead on the fleet!” Derek ordered.

“About 30 megameters from us!” Setsuna reported “Moving at 21 space knots and coming toward us, there’s 3 more in the distance.”

“Something is definitely going on-Move!” Invidia pushed Derek out of his chair and sat in it herself.

“Invidia, you have no right to sit there. I’m the captain.” Derek informed her, normally he wouldn’t have been pushed in the first place but she caught him off guard.

“Do you want me to help or not?” she snapped.

“Yes but…”

“Then let me do what I need to do! It’s easier to see from here!”

“Okay…” Derek backed off, it was no use arguing.

“Do we have a bearing?” Invidia asked.

“Two of them are about 20 degrees to port, and the other 3 are 40 degrees starboard.”

Two angles? What do I do?’

“There’s a carrier coming at us!” Mark reported.

“Put it up on the video screen!” Invidia ordered.

Mark did and Invidia studied it ‘That’s the carrier we saw yesterday!’

Indeed, it was the same carrier, Razela was once again sent under Victoria’s command to destroy the Star Force.

“Now don’t stop until one of you is dead! Got it?!” Victoria ordered over the video screen.

“Yes Ma’am” Razela and his officers saluted, then Victoria cut the transmission off.

“Why do we let her order us around again?” one of the officers asked.

“She’s our commander, if we don’t she’ll mostly likely kill us.” Razela stated.

“Does she have the power to do that?”

“Probably, Desslok likes her, so she can probably do whatever she wants.”

“When is he gonna realize that she’s just a crazy bitch?” one of the others asked.

“Or that she’s making us attack allies?” another asked.

“Who knows? Who cares? Let’s just get this over with!”

”Fire” Invidia ordered. A set of gunshots destroyed one of the planes and damaged the carrier a bit.

“Why are we listening to her again?” Eager asked Mark.

Mark shrugged.

“Hey I heard that!” Invidia snapped “You’re listening to me because I am a Princess and your superior! And I know more about Cometine diagrams then any of you idiots! So don’t question me-EVER! Or you’re DONE! GOT IT?!”

“Invidia!” Derek snapped “you’re not in charge here! You can’t tell them that.”


“No! You can’t execute them either!”



Invidia pouted as more planes came up on screen. “Send out the black tigers!” she ordered.

”You heard her! Move it!” Conroy ordered the pilots, then he went on to read a list of Pilots who would be sent out. Arty was one of them.

I can’t believe we have to go through this again…’ he thought as he took off in his plane. Following him were Hardy, Conroy, and several cadets

“Take out as many as you can! If we can lower their defenses we can get to the main carriers!” Conroy ordered.

This should be fun…’ Hardy thought, there were more of them than last time, meaning he could have a little more fun getting rid of them. He headed past one, firing missiles into it as he passed, it fell and plummeted into two other ships.

“Not every day you get to see that huh?” Arty asked.

“Nope” Hardy replied, and shot again.

Several of the cadets followed as more planes came from the ships, and two of the Cadet ships were almost shot down for good.

“We need to send out more planes!” Conroy reported back.

“Then do so!” Invidia ordered “bring them down! Or at least capture one so we know what the hell is going on!”

“I don’t think that’s possible, there’s more coming, 2 destroyers, and 4 more planes.”

What the hell?! Where are they coming from?’ Invidia asked herself as they warped in. ‘Cometine ships aren’t suppose to be around this area…’

“It seems as if there’s too many for them to handle!” Razela laughed as he watched them.

“They’ll find away around it, I’ve heard of their actions” one of his officers said.

Razela went over punched him “Are you defending them?!”

“No I’m just stating facts…”

“Well don’t! Especially nonsense like that!! Just take them out!”

2206 Hours…

“We’re getting nowhere!” Invidia stated.

“That’s not true!” Derek told her, it had been 3 hours and they’d taken out most of the planes, and one destroyer, but the main one and a couple more planes were left.

“Yes it is, we should have them done by now! I just don’t get it!”
“You know there is one way to handle this…” Setsuna said, she looked at Derek.

“Wave Motion Gun” they stated at the same time.

“I guess that’ll work” Invidia said.

“All right, start charging” Derek ordered.

“Right” Orion Jr. sent the message down to the engine room, and it began charging, Derek took his place at the gun.

“Wave motion engine charge to 20”

Derek studied the ship, and caught a glance at Setsuna, then he thought of something. “Setsuna come here.”


“Huh?” Setsuna went over and for the first time in ages Derek place her on his lap. She smirked.

“Wave motion energy charge now at 100” Orion Jr. Reported.

“All right” Derek said as the crew put their goggles on.

Setsuna held the trigger and Derek put his hands over hers.

He counted “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”

“Fire” Setsuna said and in an instant half the fleet disappeared in a bright light, the rest warped out before the blast hit.

“Are they gone?” Homer asked.

“Yeah, I don’t see anything.”

“Where are they coming from?” Setsuna asked.

“I don’t know” Derek told her.

“That was pathetic!” Razela raged at his crew.

“But at least we warped out before they got us.” One of his officers said.

“Yes but we almost had them! You know Miss. D’Avena’s gonna be pissed.” Another said.

“So let her be pissed off, she’s always pissed off anyway.”

“But she did threaten to shoot us.”

“If we can get to Desslok before she finds us, there won’t be a problem…”

2300 Hours

Later Setsuna sat with her mother looking at the radar again, so far it had occurred to her that the radar could track ship movements-but could it track other things?

“Hey…” she started.

Nova looked at her “Yes, Setsuna?”

“Is it possible to track a warp path?”


“Yeah, could we track the path of the warp?”

“You’re funny” Nova patted her head playfully. “But that’s near impossible, if we could do that our job would be much easier.”

“Oh…” Setsuna muttered.

“Well just forget about it and go to bed, it is getting late.”

“All right” Setsuna sighed and left.

And after a couple minutes Derek showed up.

“Nova? You’re still here?” he asked “Come to bed, I seem to remember that I promised you a favor…”

“Sorry Derek, not tonight, I have something to do.”

“Okay…” Derek muttered.

“But maybe tomorrow.” Nova whispered and kissed him.

“Fine, but you remember that.” He told her.

“I will!” Nova said, and ran off. ‘Sorry Derek, but I have to go!’ she thought as she headed down the hall into the black tiger’s hanger, she had a couple questions for them.

Only Hardy and Conroy were present, but that was really all she needed and maybe Arty-but she could get him later.

“Conroy, Hardy, can I ask you two something?”

They looked at her “Sure” Hardy told her.

“The ships you saw, did you see what direction they were coming from?”

“No, I only saw them coming from the carriers.” Conroy told her.

“And the ones that warped in-it’s hard to tell.” Hardy said. “You could try asking some of the others too

“Okay” Nova nodded and went to go see Arty.

At the same time Arty had come out of the bathroom, to find Invidia on the bed-reading. It was one of those old Cometine novels she kept-he didn’t know why, considering he couldn’t understand a word of it.

“Why do you read those things anyway?” he asked.

Invidia muttered something that Arty recognized as Cometine language.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“Huh?” she looked up “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Well you said something to me.”

“No I didn’t, I was trying to figure something out...”

“You’re weird.” He told her.

“Yes, but you married me, which makes you weird too.”

“That makes no sense.”

“Who said I made sense?” Invidia asked.

“No one, ‘cause you don’t.” Arty stated.

Invidia threw a pillow at him.

He moved “Sorry.”

“You better be…”

Arty sat on the bed “How about I make it up to you?” he sat her up and pulled her close to him. “Besides I wanted to ask you if you’d let us keep using your scans…”

“I already…” she stopped. ‘If I say yes he’ll leave me alone, but if I say no he’ll try ‘convincing’ me…I can use this to my advantage…’


“I already told you ‘No’ once, and I mean it, my scannings are my business!” she lied.

“Come one, you could really help us…”


“Please?” he whispered, then he leaned forward and kissed her neck twice.

She looked at him lovingly; she had a weakness for neck kisses, and knew that if she kept this up she could get what she wanted. “Keep doing that and maybe we’ll talk…” Invidia purred.

She turned around and kissed him again, then Nova came in.

“What are you doing here?” Invidia snapped.

Nova looked at them “am I interrupting something?” she asked.

“Yes!” Invidia hissed.

“No” Arty said “What is it?”

“I came to ask you about the planes you were battling.”

Invidia sighed and picked up her book again, Nova looked at it, she couldn’t even make out the title.

“What does that..?”

“I don’t know” Arty said “It’s Cometine.”

“Anyway, I want to know, did you catch where the ships were coming from?”

“No, but I assume that…”

“You people are so dumb…” Invidia muttered.

“Excuse me?” Nova looked at her.

“If the ships are Cometine, then they’re coming from the Andromeda galaxy.”

“Huh?” They both looked at her

“Look when I was younger I heard rumors of a Cometine world in the Andromeda galaxy, and that’s where the first Comet was started anyway, by my Father’s grandparents, my father was talking one night, and he said back then that’s where it stayed, only being set out right before his mother was born. He was unsure himself though, as were his parents and my mother. Unfortunately I never knew myself, my grandparents died when I was 6. Though I never liked my grandmother that much anyway…”

“Your point?” Arty asked.

“Right…the point it that this think has most likely come from the Andromeda galaxy, If we wanna find it we have to head there fast, but first we should confirm that it’s there.”

“How?” Nova asked.

“I don’t know! I’m just here to help not give you answers.” Invidia told them.

“All right, we’ll figure that out, I’ll go tell Derek.” Nova left.

Invidia looked at Arty “So?”

“So what?” Arty asked.

“Aren’t you gonna try and get my scannings?”

“Right…you know what you just told us could void those.”

“But they could still help, and you shouldn’t start something you can’t finish” Invidia kissed him.

“No” Arty stated.


“No, I’m gonna go talk to Hardy about this.”

“But I wanna make love!” Invidia whined.

“So that’s what this was about?”

“Maybe” Invidia muttered.

Arty looked at her suspiciously.

She sighed “yes, I already told Derek I’d help you…”

“You’re bad.” Arty teased.

“Just go!” Invidia threw another pillow at him.

“I’m going” Arty left.

Part 4: Victoria’s punishment plan…

Somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy

Desslok’s Throne room

Friday, March 18th 2220

0900 Hours: Earth/Space Time

“You wanted to see me?” Victoria said as she entered the room.

“Yes I did” Desslok stated “You’re in trouble Miss. D’Avena.”

She gulped; when he got formal with her he was mad. “Yes?”

“Razela told me what you did, so did 4 of the other generals. I gave you no orders! And on top of that you lied to me on several occasions!”

“Sorry sir.” She looked down.

“That’s not gonna cover it, you’re going to be demoted if you keep this up!” Desslok informed her.

“But…But…” she stuttered.


“No excuses, in fact for the next week you’ll be working in the kitchen! You’re a servant, and don’t take this lightly. I could just as well shoot you!”

“I understand” Victoria muttered. ‘And I’m a pain!’

“Good, you start now! Go change your clothes and meet me in the kitchen.”

Victoria sighed and left ‘A servant?! God this is degrading! How could he reduce me to a simple kitchen servant?! What are the others going to think? This is horrible, but it is better than being shot…He’s still an ass anyway…’ “Wait a minute!” she said to herself. ‘This means…I can’t do a thing!! The ‘Argo’ will go free!! I have to destroy it somehow! Some way he doesn’t know…technically I am still a commander…’

Part 5: Arguments

Space Battleship Argo

Mess Hall

Friday, March 18th 2220

1245 Hours: Earth/Space Time

“It’s where?!”

“Invidia thinks there’s something in the Andromeda galaxy, possibly coming this way” Derek told Setsuna.

“You think there’s another Comet or something?” Astra asked.

“Possibly” Invidia told her “it all depends on what we find, but that’s what I think.”

“The question is…Who would run it?”

Invidia shrugged “I don’t know! Am I supposed to?”

“None of us know-that could be a problem” Nova stated.

“We’re dealing with an unknown enemy” Trelania said.

“No shit!” Invidia snapped.

“Invidia!” Arty snapped.

She looked at him like ‘what? I didn’t do anything wrong...’

“Don’t give me that look.”

“Okay enough you two, point is there’s something out there to get us and we don’t know who or what it is.”

“It’s Cometine dumb ass!”

“Invidia if you’re just going to insult us then leave” Nova stated.

“No! I’ll do what I want! I’m a Princess, your word means NOTHING!”

“Invidia, I’d appreciate if you didn’t yell at her like that, you’re on this ship to help us not to insult us.”

“Isn’t she supposed to be our friend?” Astra whispered to Setsuna.

Setsuna shrugged. “No one knows, she could go either way.”

“Hey! I heard that!”

“You were supposed to…” Astra stated.

“Okay enough! This fighting is getting us nowhere! We have to work together if we’re going to solve this!” Trelania snapped.

“Oh now the anti-matter freak is going to preach to us!” Invidia hissed.

“Okay I’ve had just about enough of you!”

Then they both started shouting at each other, everyone stared at them.

Arty grabbed Invidia and took her outside. “What is wrong with you?!”

“Nothing, she’s just mad because she can’t win.”

“Listen to me” Arty pulled her closer so she heard him clearly “no more causing scenes-got it?”

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Invidia crossed her arms.

Arty grabbed her arm and pulled her over again “No more scenes!” He hissed.

“Okay” Invidia backed off, it was no use arguing with him when he was mad, she just went back to her room.

So what if I’m a little insulting? I’m just trying to prove a point! There’s something out there and I will find it! I might even join with it! What do they care? That’ll teach them to mess with me!’ “They can’t tell me what to do, I am superior! They just won’t admit it…But I’ll get them…especially Trelania! Her and her freaky little daughter think they’re all that because they have those stupid powers! It’s just not right” Invidia raged, and then she picked up one of Arty’s books and threw it across the room. “I’m more important than any of them!! They can all go to hell!!” she pulled down the curtains and threw them down with the rod. “I’ll show them! I’ll show them all!”

To be continued with Episode 5…