Space Battleship Yamato 5

Part 2: Turning Allies and Twisted Emotions

A Star Blazers alternate universe

Episode 7: Endless Wave from the New Comet! Invidia Turns!

Part 1: The First Battle

Space Battleship Argo

Friday, March 25th 2220

1030 Hours: Earth/Space Time

A week passed and everything went back to normal. Invidia returned to her normal slightly-mean self and she wasn’t angry or sad all time. Astra was finally learning the meaning of work… and me?


“Yes!” Setsuna stood up among the group of cadets being taught by Conroy and Arty.

“Since you seemed to be so spaced out maybe you were thinking of an answer to the problem?” Conroy said.

“Yes,” Setsuna lied, only doing so because she knew the answer already; she solved it along with the other three on the board.

“Then show us how to fix this…” Arty pointed to the diagram placed across the dry-erase board in the hanger.

“Yes, Sir.” Setsuna went up and picked up a marker. She looked up and began to mark the diagram as fit. They were studying the flying and repairing of a Black Tiger, the repairing coming first.

Arty looked at the diagram. “Prefect,” he said. “I guess all that spacing out helps…” He teased.

“I guess,” Setsuna shrugged.

“You can sit,” Conroy said, and then he began to explain the rest of the lesson as Setsuna took her place in the back, next to Invidia.

Invidia often came just to see Arty; he couldn’t spend a lot of time with her so she settled for just being around him when she could be. Right now she actually seemed interested in what he was saying.

“Are you supposed to look interested?” Setsuna whispered.

“No. I just know what he’s talking about, I learned this when I was younger in case I had to repair or fly a plane in an emergency escape, when you’re an evil ruling empire you take every precaution. At least that’s what Father said,” Invidia told her.

“Your father says a lot of things.”

Hey! He does not say useless things! When someone says things like that, they mean the person is useless! My father is actually very informative!” Invidia snapped.

“Invidia!” Arty said.

Vhat?! Invidia snapped.

“Excuse me…” Arty said to Conroy, he then went over and pulled Invidia to the side. “Please be quiet Princess, I let you stay here on the condition that you wouldn’t interrupt. Please don’t make me send you out.”

“Right…” Invidia said.

“Good girl.” Arty kissed her head quickly and walked off as the lesson continued.

Meanwhile Astra was doing some work herself. Derek told her that she needed to learn how to shoot and work with the radar during attacks, but she wasn’t really paying attention at the moment, most of it was stuff her father had already taught her.

Blah, blah, blah…’ She thought as Nova taught her about the basics. “Aunt Nova, I already know this.” Astra said.

“But we have to start with the basics.” Nova said.

Astra sighed. “But I know this; I thought I was going to learn the more advanced properties of using it.”

“Not yet, this radar is probably different than the one you use on Iscandar.”

“No, it’s the same, you do this, this and this…” She pressed a couple buttons and messed with some wires. “And it’s on, then you do this, and this and you see…ships?!”

“Huh?” Nova looked at it, this time the ships detected really were enemy ships! “These…are…these really are enemy ships!”

“Huh?” Astra looked at her.

“Astra go tell Derek, and I’ll take over until he gets back!”

“Right.” Astra nodded and ran off just as the ship was hit with something. She almost tripped but she kept running, the first place to check was the hangar, where he sometimes taught the cadets. It got harder as she went, the alarm went off and there were people coming from all directions.

In the mist of the crowd Invidia trailed behind Arty, and lost him.

Arty? Arty where are you?!’ She thought as she ran, everything just looked the same though, all she could see was a mix of colored uniforms as someone hit her, causing her to trip. Invidia expected to hit the floor, but was caught by something…or someone.

“Derek!” Invidia said when she looked up.

“Am I going to have to keep rescuing you, my Princess?” Derek teased. “I seem to be getting you out of a lot of trouble.”

My Princess?’ Invidia blushed a little at his use of Arty’s name for her, though he only called her that rarely, at times he was even known for calling her ‘My Invidia.’

“Come on, get up.” Derek said as he helped her back up.

“Did you see Arty?” She asked.

“No, and you don’t have time for that. Come on!” Derek grabbed her hand and ran with her into the bridge, Astra followed after them.

“Derek! Finally!” Nova said when he entered. “Oh and you’ve bought a friend…” She teased.

Invidia crossed her arms. “Don’t talk about me like that…” she muttered.

“Aw…have her words hurt you?” Homer asked.

Shut up!” Invidia snapped.

“Invidia, sweetie, don’t be mean.” Derek teased.

“Sweetie?” the whole crew just laughed as Invidia fought off the angry tears coming to her eyes. She was tired of being teased; luckily, for her, something else hit the ship, so they snapped back into action.

“Bring it up on the video screen!” Derek ordered.

“And try to get a reading!” Invidia said.

“On it.” Astra said as she and Setsuna worked at the radar. “It looks like they’re coming from twenty-three degrees starboard! At about twenty-five space knots!”

“Track them! And set the main guns and the turrets!” Invidia ordered.

“Invidia, stop that.” Derek said.

“No! For the last time I know more than you do! Let me talk!”

“And there’s about six or seven of them! And that’s not including the planes!” Setsuna said.

“Wait until they launch theirs to launch ours,” Invidia said.

Derek just sighed and gave up; there was no way to stop her from ordering the crew around.

“Wait!” Nova said. “There’s more, ten? Maybe fifteen?”

“WHAT?!” Derek and Invidia both turned their heads as the image came up on the screen.

“That can’t be…We’ve never fought that many before!” Invidia said. “I mean, we haven’t seen this many on this patrol yet! Get everyone on alert!”

“Start firing hard and send out some of the tigers! Don’t stop for anything! Homer! Try and pick up and communication signals!” Derek ordered.

“I already did, I can’t get a thing.” Homer said.

“Isn’t that what you say about your wife too?” Invidia asked, trying to get back at him for his teasing of her. “You try so hard and she won’t give you a thing, which is why you were a virgin for so long.”

“Invidia! This is no time for jokes!” Nova snapped.

Invidia nodded. “Right.” She muttered as the ship was rocked by a series of several ongoing shots, and several more were fired back, almost destroying two carriers in the process as some of the tigers launched and shot at the carriers themselves.

Invidia prayed that one of them wasn’t Arty, while she knew he had a job to do, it was just dangerous at the moment. She stood next to Derek, put her hands together and closed her eyes. ‘Please…let him be safe…’ She prayed. ‘I don’t know what I’d do if I ever…lost him…’

Meanwhile, Arty was in the hanger ordering the launching and giving coordinates. He chose to stay behind this time and give the coordinates he received.

“Hardy! Invidia says it’s easier to hit from two angles, and if you can get the bottom and the main turret! It’s weakening them!”

“Roger,” Hardy reported back from his tiger, as he maneuvered around all the carriers and other tigers. He took a shot at an already damaged one and it plunged directly into another carrier, destroying them in an explosion that hit another.

“That’s what I call shooting!” One of the cadets exclaimed as his shot hit an oncoming Cometine plane.

“But where are they coming from?” Hardy asked. “They just keep coming.”

“Invidia says it’s from somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy!” Arty reported. “She believes there might be a comet or something there if the ships are this close.”

“Whatever it is we better find it!” Hardy said. “If we don’t then we’re going to be in trouble for awhile. A long while.”

Or worse…’ Arty thought. ‘We get involved in another Cometine war!’

Little did he know what the future would hold


Cometine Carrier

1642 Hours

The battle still raged, now six hours old. But, everyone kept fighting and both sides just kept going at it…

“They just don’t know when to quit, do they?” Victoria asked as she watched from the video screen.

“No, not really.” Razela told her, he had been sent out again in hopes he’d win, and Victoria warned that this was his last chance, but he knew she could do nothing even if he lost.

“Just keep fighting and if you have to, use the magna flame gun!” With that, Victoria cut off the transmission.

“All right then, do what she says, start charging the magna flame gun!” Razela ordered.

And, as soon as he gave the order, it began to charge…

”Keep firing!” Invidia snapped as she noticed the tigers stopping around the ten remaining ships. Many of the pilots had already come back and several were down in the sickbay with Dr. Sane and Setsuna, who had gone instead of Nova. Astra had taken Setsuna’s place.

“We can’t keep this up forever!” Derek said.

“Then fire that stupid gun of yours!” Invidia raged, she wondered why they hadn’t done that in the first place.

“Not yet, there’s got to be something else we can…” Derek didn’t get a chance to finish, the ship was racked by something and it hit hard. Invidia screamed as the ship tilted and she was hit with something from the back caused by the circuitry. She fell hard, as the rest of the crew held onto things and it cleared.

“What was that?” Astra asked.

“Invidia!” Nova said, she looked at her fallen friend. Even through her red gown she could see blood at her wrist and somewhere near her feet. She went over.

“They did it again…” Invidia hissed as she looked up. “Magna flame…gun…”

“We have to do something!” Mark said.

“The ship is badly damaged and I don’t think we can take anymore fire!” Sandor reported.

“That’s it! Fire the wave emotion gun! Send the message down to the engine room!” Derek ordered as he stood up.

“Right.” Orion Jr. Reported form his station, the, he sent the message and Derek got everyone prepared to fire it.

Setsuna’s not here, so it’s back to me doing it…’ He thought as he went over.

“Wave motion energy charge now at thirty-percent,” Orion Jr. Reported.

The charge was only thirty percent, but Derek prepared for fire for the next couple of minutes…

“Wave motion energy charge now at one hundred percent!”

“All right,” Derek said. “Fire!” He didn’t even bother with the countdown, he just shot, and when it cleared there was nothing left but debris.

“Finally.” Homer sighed.

“Yes, but this isn’t the end.” Derek said. “They’ll come back, I wouldn’t know why though.”

“Derek come here!” Nova ordered.

“What?” He went over. “Invidia? What happened?” He knelt down next to her and she looked up at him.

“Derek…It hurts…” She whined in a soft mutter.

“I know.” He pulled her up and hugged her, then, he looked at Nova. “What happened to her?”

“She fell and something probably cut her.”

“That would explain the blood…” Derek pushed Invidia’s sleeve down to see the cut on her arm.

“Look at this…” Nova said. “I know there are more important things to do in the sickbay but you have to be cleaned up before this gets infected.” ‘And I am the only one you trust to take care of you on this ship…You won’t let Dr. Sane near you, let alone touch you…’

Invidia looked at her. “No! I want Arty!”

“Look, I understand how you feel, but he’s busy now. So, we’re going back to your room and I’m going to take care of you, get up.”

Invidia groaned, she didn’t want Nova, she wanted Arty to take care of her, but she did get up. She fell again though; Derek caught her and picked her up, that’s when Nova noticed the blood running down her ankle.

“So, you can’t even walk?”

“No, I was just falling for dramatic effect!” Invidia snapped in a sarcastic tone.

“Don’t talk to me like that! I want to help!”

“You wanna help? Okay then, let me have Derek.” Invidia teased as she hugged him.

“No! Just… bring her to her room!” Nova said, then, she left.

“You heard her,” Derek said as he began to follow. “And don’t tease her; I don’t think she wants to hear it from you right now.”


“Good,” Derek kissed her head and continued on.

A couple minutes later, Invidia sat on her bed in front of Nova, who still hadn’t done a thing with her.

“Invidia…” She said. “I can’t do anything unless I look you over. I have to see if you have any other injuries.”

Invidia turned her head. “I don’t care; I’m not taking my clothes off, even if it’s just you.”

“Stop being stubborn.”

“No, besides if I do then…well…” She glanced at Derek, who was still in the room at this point.

“All right, Derek, leave.” Nova said.

“Fine.” He did and Nova turned to Invidia. “He’s gone, now do it! I don’t have time to play your silly games! I have to get done with you and go down to the sickbay! Hurry up.”

Invidia just looked at her for minute, surprised by her tone…then she sighed, got up and slowly began to unzip her dress…despite not wanting to…

Meanwhile, down in the tiger’s hanger Arty, Ryou and Hardy dealt with the returning fleet.

“Sir!” One of the cadets came up to Arty. “Rivers says there’s something wrong with his engine.”

Arty wrote something down on his clipboard. “Got it, I’ll take care of it later.”

“Later?” Ryou asked.

“I don’t have time now! Go help Hardy check out the planes, and send some of these guys out, it’s getting too crowded!”

At that moment, Conroy came back in. “Arty! How’s it look?”

“Okay, only a couple of the planes seem to need repairs, I’ve got a list here we can look at later.”

“That’s fine, any major damage?”

“Doesn’t look like it from here, but there probably are some…there’s more damage to the ship though. Sandor said they’re working on it…”

“Let’s hope they get it done fast, you know that we’re just gonna be attacked again,” Hardy said as he came over. “They don’t know when to quit…”

“They need to learn then, and no matter how many times they come we’ll just fight back. I don’t know why they just can’t get it…”

“Maybe they’re just stupid,” Hardy said.

“Hah, they’re not stupid if they figured out how to re-work the magna flame gun.”

“That’s a given, but the big question is: who’s giving the orders?”

“Victoria D’Avena!”

Victoria cringed as Desslok’s call came through to her and stomped off into the dining room. “What?!” She snapped, it was the fifth time she’d been in there for the stupid staff meeting, and they were always complaining about something.

“Don’t snap at me, he needs to speak to you.” Desslok motioned toward the man who had been talking about her before, behind her back of course, Captain Vikela.

Not him! Oh, Desslok knows I hate him! But does he care? No! ‘Personal opinions don’t matter’ he says ‘just get to work’ he says, well I say he’s being stupid! He gets rid of people he doesn’t like…or he used too…’ She thought as she went over. “What?” She asked.

“Can’t you ask a little nicer?” Vikela teased.
“What can I get for you sir?” Victoria said, in a fake-nice voice. She hated using that voice, and serving people. While serving she was forced to wear a black skirt and a plain white blouse with black flat shoes, and NO cloak! The symbol of her high status taken away?

“Well, first, you need to be a lot nicer, second, you can take this back.” He pushed and empty plate her way and she took it off, grumbling.

I hate this!’ She thought. ‘It’s pointless and all they do is make me madder! Don’t they know I won’t stop! The Star Force will fall!’

Or so she thought, she didn’t know what would happen, or how her dream would fade into a new revenge…

Part 2: Plans and Conversations

Space Battleship Argo

Friday, March 25th 2220

1800 Hours: Earth/Space Time

A little while later, after finishing his work Arty went off to see Invidia, for two reasons. One, Derek needed her for something, and two, he just wanted to see her. He had expected to talk to her right away, but she was asleep when he came in. He sighed and sat on her bed, then he moved a strand of hair out of her face and lightly stroked her cheek. “Princess…” He said. “It’s time to get up…Derek needs to see you…”

Invidia gave a soft whimper and turned over; she didn’t want to be bothered.

“Invidia, come on it’s time to get up…” Arty said, then, he started shaking her gently.

“Hm?” She turned to look at him. “Oh, hi Arty.”

“Yes, hi, Princess. You need to get up now, you know, Derek wants to see you for a meeting.”

“What does he want?” Invidia sat up and Arty noticed the bandage around her wrist.

“What happened?”

“I fell, something hit me from the back, I think it was part of the circuitry and when I fell down something else cut me, it hurts but I’ll be fine, just like when I cut my arm last week. That one healed up fine too.”

“You’ve got to be more careful Princess. I don’t like it when you get hurt.”

“I’ll be fine. Now, why does Derek want me?”

“It’s about some kind of tactic meeting or something, just go see him.”

Invidia nodded and got up out of bed, or tried too, she cringed and stumbled a bit when she stood up, Arty went over and helped her up.

“I’m sorry.” She said.

“For what?” Arty asked.

“Making you do this, and making you worry about me like this…”

It’s fine, but your ankle…”

“Another cut, something hit me there too and it hurts to walk, but Nova said that it would get better in a day or two.”

“Then I’ll take you.”

“No! I have to get dressed first and fix my hair, I’m barely decent, and no, you’re not helping me.”

“All right, I get it, but I am staying.”

“No! I can walk it’s okay, it just hurts, that’s all!” Invidia practically snapped.

“Stop being stubborn!” Arty said. “You know I can help you…and you know you need it.”

Invidia nodded and put her dress on, then she fixed her hair and let Arty carry her, just as he said he would. She blushed a little as the people in hall stared; she wasn’t used to this kind of attention from these people, they usually just ignored her. Arty put her down when they got to the room, where, Sandor and the rest of the crew stood over the diagram on the floor.

“What did you want me for?” Invidia asked.

“You could help; we need some new strategies for finding out what’s going on,” Derek said. “You know a bit more about other galaxies then we do.”

“But first, how are you?” Nova asked.

“I’m fine, and everything’s all right. It hurts when I walk but I can stand pretty well and it’ll be okay.”


“Now…” Sandor started. “We know that to get to Iscandar we have to go through Andromeda anyway, but if there really is something there we have to be careful, that’s why we need positions around here, here and here.” He pointed to different places on the diagram as he talked.

“No, no, no.” Invidia shook her head. “They could be anywhere and you can’t just assign positions, you need to do a patrol, get a look around and start at the ends,” she then pulled out her pointer, which had been hidden in her sleeve. “Put them here, here and here. Then, move them in later and slowly, so they don’t jump to attack.”

Derek looked at her. “I like the way you think Princess…” He said.

“Thanks, you learn something when your Father is out for conquest. Tactics are an important part of that you know. If they weren’t then we would’ve fallen way before we reached Earth.”

“You know…” Homer said. “Maybe you Cometines aren’t so stupid after all…”

Meanwhile, Victoria was busy working on her own plans, in her head of course. She was supposed to be working and apparently, being on punishment meant no extended breaks.

Okay…’ She thought. ‘If we work quickly we can make our way around the ship and come back for a surprise attack…’ She figured that it would’ve been easier if she had maps, but she couldn’t bring stuff like that around with her, it would only spark Desslok’s suspicion, as if he wasn’t already suspicious enough, currently he, Gorse and a few others were looking over the plans Victoria had come up and gotten caught with.

“This is ridiculous.” Desslok said as he put down another folder. “All of these for one thing?”

“Why does she want revenge anyway? I thought she was Earth blood.” One of the officers said.

“Only half and I never bothered asking her why she wants the Star Force destroyed, I just know she does.”

“Well, she’s got to have a good reason.” Gorse stated. “Otherwise what she’s doing is pointless and a waste of time.”

At that moment, there was a small knock at the door.

“Yes?” Desslok asked.

“Here,” Victoria stated when she came in; she slammed a tray on the table.

“Thank you Miss. D’Avena, and while you’re here my I ask you something?”

“I don’t care.”

“Why do you want revenge on Earth? I’m sorry to ask, but I just can’t see it.”

“Is that really any of your business?” Victoria snapped. “It’s a personal matter and doesn’t concern you, so just leave me alone!” She left, fighting off the tears in her eyes. The truth of the matter was that, it was truly personal; it was something that no one but she and her mother knew about, even if her mother probably wouldn’t like the whole revenge thing. Victoria sighed and leaned against the wall, and pulled out something from under her shirt. It was a gold chain with a heart shaped locket hanging from it, a present from her Father, given to her when she was only five, the last piece of him that she had. She held it close to her heart and cried silently to herself…

Meanwhile, on the Argo Derek sat on his bed with Invidia and Nova, they were working on more plans.

“Now, if you move them here we’ll cover a bigger area…” Nova said.

“Yes, but you don’t want to move them too far, we could be found,” Invidia told her.

“That’s a good point, but maybe if we…”

“No! It’s too risky!” Invidia snapped. “I thought you were smart not stupid! Don’t you know a thing?!”

“Hey! I wouldn’t be working on the radar if I wasn’t smart!”

“If you did something to a certain captain you’d get it with no skills…”

“How can you even imply that?!”

“It’s true, isn’t it?!”

“You two stop!” Derek said. “This is not the time to be fighting!”

“She started it!” Nova and Invidia pointed to each other.

“No, Invidia you started it. Nova, you just continued it.”

“Well it’s not my fault she’s just mean.” Nova said.

“You sound like a three-year-old,” Invidia said.

“Okay that’s it.”

“Stop it!” Derek pulled Invidia toward him. “We are working together, okay? Don’t start!”

“Yes Derek…” Invidia said, then, just to tease Nova, she leaned her head on him and he hugged her. Derek just thought it was her way of apologizing.

As he hugged her she turned to Nova and quickly stuck her tongue out, as if to say “Look what I go now!” Then she turned her head the other way

She’s just teasing me now!’ Nova thought. ‘She’s just so wrong sometimes!’ She sighed and continued working, as Setsuna, who was still on the bridge worked with Astra at the radar.

“They all seemed to be coming from this direction.” Setsuna said.

“From Andromeda?” Astra asked.


“That means that there’s something there.”

“I’d say ‘let’s hope not’ but that’s unlikely.”

“Does that mean…?”

“Yes, if we don’t work together and quickly then something bad could happen,” Setsuna looked down. ‘Something really bad…’

Something like…another big attack or worse…’ Astra thought.

A war…’ Setsuna thought.

Part 3: A Night Attack, Argo Takes Heavy Damage!

Space Battleship Argo

Saturday, March 26th 2220

0345 Hours: Earth/Space Time

After only getting about four or five hours asleep everyone was awakened when the ship was hit by something hard and was almost tilting fully to the right side. This caused several people to almost fall, and one to actually fall, Invidia. She was sent off of her bed and fell hard, which was not good for her injuries. She struggled to get up and began to cry as Arty got her back up.

“Are you okay Princess?” He asked.

Invidia shook her head.

“Well, I hate to sound unsympathetic but you have to suck it up, we’re under attack!”

Invidia glared at him through her tears. “Well I’m hurt! And for your information I’m not crying because I’m sad! It’s called pain dammit!”

“Oh hush,” Arty picked her up.

“You are NOT carrying me in a crowd! And I’m not even decent!”

“Invidia, you’re covered up, that’s plenty.”

“No! My hair’s a mess, and I need shoes and my robe…”

“Here.” Arty forcibly handed them to her and took her out to the bridge, where, he gave her to Derek.

“Okay what’s this about?” Derek asked.

“It’s hard for me to walk remember? And I fell out of bed, so that made it worse.” Invidia clarified as Derek put her down and the ship was hit again, causing her to stumble forward, she looked up to see a bunch of ships on the video screen and gasped.

Meanwhile, Trelania sat on her bed with Misako; they were trying to connect in an effort to make their powers stronger. Trelania hoped that this connection would let them see what was going to happen and how to stop it.

“Concentrate!” Trelania snapped.

“But Mama, It’s three AM! And we’re under attack! This isn’t exactly concentrating weather!” Misako snapped back.

“Well it’s going to be! Just think!”

Misako growled under her breath, but she did start thinking. “I don’t see anything!” She said.

“Shush…you’re trying too hard, just let your power flow…” Trelania said as she took Misako’s hands, when she did Misako’s glow got bigger and brighter.

“Now I see it…planes, carriers…” Misako whispered.

“And the Argo…” Trelania continued.


“…They just keep coming!” Nova reported from the radar.

“Even with the black tigers out there?” Invidia asked.

“They’re helping but not so much as to stop every single carrier.”

Invidia banged her fist on the board in front of her, she could never figure out why it was in front of Derek’s chair though. She cringed when she brought her hand back up, apparently she hit the board too hard. “Ow…” She whined silently to herself.

“You okay?” Setsuna asked when she noticed Invidia’s cringe.

Invidia nodded, then looked back up at the video screen. ‘I don’t know what to say, this attack is just as bad as the last one, and on top of that we’re still under repairs, what do we do?!’ She felt like she wanted to cry, usually she was so helpful, but now…she felt so helpless

Meanwhile, one of the Cometine carriers stood one of the other men that Victoria hated, but got to order around. He was also another one of the few that did not know about her punishment. And fortunately General Aihara was also one of the most intelligent officers she had and even though she hated him, he listened to her.

“So, you gave up on Razela?” He asked over the video screen.

Victoria shook her head. “No, he’s out there with you, but you’re in charge now, I grew tired of his failures, and besides, I’m sure you’ll try everything before just giving up.”

“Of course Miss. D’Avena.” He bowed to her and she cut off the transmission.

“All ships! Advance!” He ordered.

At that moment more shots were fired and half of the planes went straight toward the Argo

The ship was soon severely rocked by a series of almost endless shots and everyone stumbled.

Derek caught Invidia before she fell out of his chair and looked up at the screen. “Dammit! Where the hell did they all come from?!”

“Dad! There’s more coming! Fifty degrees Starboard!”

“Track them! Maybe we can get them before they hit us!” Invidia ordered as she stood up. “And what’s the report from the engine room?”

“We’re taking on heavy damage! But we’re working through it!” Ryou reported, he had taken the place of Ensign Rivera after he was ordered to kitchen duty for hitting Invidia. Ryou actually had two positions he was studying, but he was needed more on the bridge then with the gunners.

“Dammit! They just can’t keep hitting us!”

“She’s right!” Derek said. “I don’t think we can take anymore…” He was stopped when a huge wave of shots was fired, it felt like the ship was going to tip over to one side.

“Derek!” Invidia called in a panicked voice as she fell over.

He quickly caught her before she got hurt again.

“And what about me?” Nova asked, she was on the ground now.

“You can get up if you fall, I can’t. So it’s just better for me to…” Invidia was stopped by Derek picking her up.

“Then don’t get up and you won’t fall.” He whispered. And, even though they were in the middle of a battle Invidia felt better when Derek held her, he was warmer than the chair for one thing. And it was somehow comforting; she seemed to forget about the battle for a moment as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him.

“Invidia, this is neither the time nor the place to be cuddling.”

“But…you comfort me.”

“Invidia, this is a battle, I need you focused.”

Invidia nodded and Derek gently put her back down in his chair.

“All right then, right now I fear we only have one option.”

“And what is that princess?” Derek asked.

“We have to warp out! We can’t take any more damage, and I don’t think we have the time to charge the wave motion gun! Just call the black tigers back and warp!”

“Then you’d just be a coward!” One of the analysis board ensigns, Ensign Tsakara said. “You always complain about them but what are you?! You’re nothing but a whiny baby!”

“Excuse me?!” Invidia stood up. “I am just being logical you stupid bastard! How dare you talk to me like that?!”

“Invidia!” Derek put her back down. “You can’t stay standing up Princess!”

“Aw, how nice…he protects you…” Tsakara teased.

“That’s it!” Invidia got up and went over, saying a soft ‘ow’ as she walked. “Don’t you EVER call me a coward or talk about me like I’m a baby! He wants to help me, so what?! I’m sure if you were hurt like I am then your friends would help you too!” At that, she raised her hand and slapped him. Hard.

“Invidia…” Setsuna said.

Everyone got quiet and waited…

“You little bitch…” Tsakara made a grab for her but something got his hand from behind.

“Don’t you dare touch her… An angry voice hissed.

He looked up. “Hi…” He muttered to a very angry looking Arty.

“Don’t ‘hi’ me! If you ever try and lay a hand on my wife again I won’t hesitate to kick your ass! You don’t hit women! Especially my Invidia! Got it?!”

Tsakara gulped. “Yes, sir!” He said.

Arty put his hand down. “And you…” He looked at Invidia. “Try not to agitate people would you?”

“Fine,” Invidia mumbled.

“Good, Derek! What’s our status?” He called.

“Were heavily damaged…”

“But they just keep coming!” Setsuna said from the radar.

“Three more planes on the way!” Astra reported.

“No!” Invidia said. “I’m tired of this! We’ve been fighting for hours and this is what we get?!”

“Invidia, you know it could get worse…”

“But I hate this! I’m hot and tired and hurt and I just want it to stop! Why can’t you people actually do something?!” Invidia snapped with tears in her eyes.

“Invidia…calm down! We’re trying!” Nova snapped back.

“But it’s not working! And I hate this!” Invidia looked down. ‘If it was me who was really in charge we’d be done by now! If it was my ship we would’ve scared them off! I need power and determination not failure! This is all just a big mess!’ At that Invidia burst into tears, tears that were a mix of sadness and anger.

“Invidia…” Arty grabbed her. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

Invidia nodded, just to make everyone else think it was true, but Arty knew otherwise. He took her into the hall.

“Okay, what’s really wrong? By the look in your eyes I know you’re not hurt…”

“It’s everything, I’m just so tired of failing…It’s getting to me! I feel like I could do something better…I…”

“Shush…” Arty hugged her. “Don’t worry about it, and you don’t need to cry either, okay? Even out of anger…” He then slowly pushed her off, reached up, and gently wiped away one of her tears with his finger.

“Now get back in there and try, okay?”

Invidia nodded.

“And listen…” Arty put his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, just go and show them just how powerful you are.”

Invidia nodded and headed back onto the bridge. “How’s it look?” She asked.

“Bad, and even though it’ll waste time, we have to fire the wave motion gun and then warp out to a safer location!” Setsuna said.

“Then do it!” Derek ordered. “Start charging! Setsuna take your place…” He then went over and picked Invidia up. “And you, Princess, need to sit down. I’m not having you fall again.” He put her back in his chair, as the energy charged up, and was soon fired out by Setsuna.

“Okay…” Derek looked at the debris that was left. “Now, warp out! We need to be in a new location!”

“We’ll try, I’ll see what they can do!” Sandor said, then he sent the message down to the engine and computer rooms. “They say it can be done, but it’s better to wait until we’ve gone through a couple of repairs.”

“Right, until then we’ll just have to be careful and watch out, okay?”

The crew nodded.

“And now that this is over, let’s go to bed…” Astra put her head down.

“Right, everyone who’s not working is dismissed, but those who are going to work on repairs have to stay.”

Several people left and Nova came up to Derek. “So are you going to stay or are you coming to bed?”

“I’ll come, but first I have someone else who needs to go to bed…” He glanced at Invidia, who was now fast asleep in his chair.

Nova smiled. “I guess even Invidia needs a break sometime…”

Derek laughed silently and picked her up. “Do you want to look at her first, to make sure she’s okay?”

“Yes, I probably should look at her, to make sure her ankle is still healing with the amount of time she’s been on it…”

Derek nodded and carried Invidia off to her room with Nova following, he layed her down on the bed, and left for a minute while Nova went over.

“I don’t see any blood…but…” She quickly undid the bandage around her ankle. “It looks a bit swollen…” She muttered to herself.

“What is it?” Derek came back in with her nurse’s bag. “I brought this encase you needed something.”

“I do…bring it over here…” He did and Nova took out some kind solution.

“Nova…what are you…?”

“It’s so this doesn’t get infected, and it might help the swelling go down…” She then reached over with a cloth and gently touched Invidia with it.

Invidia sat up. “Ow…Nova!”

I didn’t mean to wake her up…unless it really hurts that bad…’Nova thought.

“What are you doing?!” Invidia snapped. “That hurts!” She pulled her foot away from Nova.

“I know but I have to do it! You don’t want an infection do you? And can’t you see that we have to bring the swelling down? It’s only a little bit, but it still needs to be down.”

“Don’t touch me! That stuff hurts…damnit!”

“It’ll wear off; just let me take care of you….stop being a baby!”

“Fine…” Invidia finally stretched her legs out and trusted Nova to touch her, though she cringed when she was touched.

“There…” Nova said after she had finished. “That wasn’t so bad was it?”

Invidia shook her head but secretly she thought, ‘yes it was! And it hurt, if it’s suppose to help with the pain then why does it hurt?!’ Then Nova left and Invidia laid down in an attempt to go to sleep…

An Hour or so later, halfway through repairs, Arty came in the room and found Invidia fast asleep.

Aww…’ He thought as he went over to her. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stay long he just had to get some paper work about the planes. “I love you my Princess, good night…” He kissed her head and left for the hanger, to do his repairs while others went on all around the ship…

“So, how’s it going?” Sandor asked the crew in the engine room.

“It’s going to be slow, but it will come along,” One of them said.

“Can you try and make it work faster? Wildstar wants to be able to warp out soon.”

“Which one?” One of the cadets joked.

“This is no time for jokes! You know very well which one!”

“All right…all right…I won’t joke, but we can try and work faster.”

“Good,” Sandor nodded and moved on.

Part 4: The First Warp

Space Battleship Argo

Thursday, March 31st 2220

1445 Hours: Earth/Space Time

“So, the repairs are up enough for a warp, right?” Derek asked Sandor a couple days later on the bridge.

“Right, you can finally warp later tonight. We just need to inspect the repairs one last time.”

“Good, it’s better to get out of this area so they don’t attack us again…whoever they are.”

“And don’t forget you have to report this back to Earth.”

“Right, Homer, go ahead and connect us.”

He did and within a few minutes General Stone appeared on screen. “Yes, what is it?” He asked.

Derek stood up. “Sorry for reporting so late sir, but we’ve been a little busy. These past few days we’ve been under attack from a mysterious enemy with Cometine ships.”

“Have you looked into it?”

“Yes…but we’re not sure about it and…” At that moment Derek heard a scream…a woman’s scream. ‘What the…?’ He thought just as Invidia ran into the bridge and grabbed his arm.

“Derek! Nova’s being mean!” She whined.

“I am not! Derek she’s faking!” Nova said as she came in.

“Wildstar, what’s this nonsense?” Stone asked.

“I don’t know! What’s with you two?”

“She’s being a baby! She can’t take a simple injection!” Nova said.

“You’re just trying to stick me!” Invidia retorted.

“I told you! You need this last one and I’ll leave you alone!”


“Wildstar!” Stone snapped.

“Hold on!” Derek said. “Invidia, go with Nova. If she says you need it, you need it. Go!”

“No!” Invidia snapped. “You can’t tell me what to do!”

“Yes I can, last time I checked I was in charge.”

“Who cares? I don’t.”

“Do not get smart!”

“I will do what I please!”

Stone just looked at them. “Is this normal?” He asked.

“Not really…” Nova said.

“Look, Princess!”

Invidia looked up at the screen. ‘Is he actually talking to me?’

“Derek’s the captain of that ship and we worked hard to get you on it, if you’re going to be insubordinate you can be punished, severely.”

“I know that!” Invidia snapped.

“Then do what you’re told!” Nova said as she grabbed Invidia’s arm and practically dragged her off of the bridge.

“Anyway…” Derek turned back to Stone and continued his report. “We haven’t figured out what it is but we’re all working on it. And even if it doesn’t show, Invidia’s the biggest help with this, she knows these ships and I think is working harder than any of us to find out what’s going on.”

“If you ask me she’s more of an annoyance. I don’t know why you put up with her.”

“She can help. And she’s not annoying; she’s working for us now.”

“Well, just keep working, when you get any word or find out what this enemy is report back.”

“Right,” Derek nodded and the transmission was cut off. ‘That being said I have to talk to Invidia…I know she’s done more research…’ He the left the bridge and went down to Invidia’s room, when he arrived she was glaring at Nova and rubbing her arm.

“Aw, did someone get pricked?” Derek teased.

Do not talk to me like I’m a baby!”

“Fine…but I do need to talk to you. Have you done anymore research on the enemy?”

“A little, but it’s hard since we’re not close enough to see them. But I tried…”

Nova just looked at them and then left, as, she had her own work to do.

“Well, show me what you have.”

Invidia nodded, got up and went over to her desk, where a folder of papers was lying; it had her analysis of the enemy and a couple of diagrams with notes on them.

“Wow…You’ve almost gone all out…” Derek said.

“I guess. What were you looking for anyway?” Invidia went over.

“Possible positions, that way we don’t warp in at the wrong time.”

“I haven’t gotten that far yet…I only have theories…”

“I’d still like to see them. “

Invidia sighed and went over to see what he was looking at. “Don’t bother with these, they’re just side notes…”

“I can see…” Derek read them over; some of the notes weren’t even relevant notes, they were little parts of letters and what looked like lyrics or poems, Derek couldn’t tell.

“Give me those!” Invidia quickly snatched the papers out of his hand. “Some of these aren’t even your business!”

“Fine…do you have any more then these?” Derek began shuffling through the papers on the top of her desk. “I mean…what’s in this?” He picked up a notebook with a red velvet-ish cover.

Invidia’s eyes widened. “Give me that!” She took it. “Don’t touch this! Don’t you ever touch this! My private writings are none of your business!!”

“All right…then we’ll just discuss everything else…” They did, and after awhile Derek had a general idea of where to set the warp path so that they wouldn’t be immediately attacked when they warped out two hours later…

“Are we almost ready?”

“Yeah, I just set the coordinates.” Venture reported. “We’ll be ready to warp in about a minute.”

Derek nodded and sat back, he had told everyone about the warp beforehand, and they were all getting ready for it. The bridge crew and the Black tigers had found their ‘safe’ places, along with the cadets, while the girls, Astra, Akira, Misako, and Trelaina just ended up in Trelania’s room.

“Are you sure this is safe?” Akira asked.

“No, but what else can we do but hide in a closet?” Misako asked.

“And right now, without straps, it’s the safest place.” Trelania said. “Even if we can’t be strapped in somewhere, being confined in a small area is good enough, I just wished they had…”

“…Considered a warp before they designed these rooms…” Invidia said as she paced in her own room. “Every time it’s the same damn thing! Find some closet or corner to hide in because the bastards who designed this ship have no sense!” She slammed her hand on her desk.

“Invidia don’t worry about that!” Arty snapped. “We’re warping in about two minutes! Just come here!”

Invidia just looked at him. “No.”

“Don’t you say no to me! He grabbed her and pulled her toward him in a corner of the room. “You stay here with me…” He then quickly put her blanket around her, as, it was used as a cover if her clothes faded away. If there was one thing Invidia hated about warps it was the occasional clothes fading, even if she was just with Arty.

“Fine…” She muttered as everyone of the bridge finished off their last preparations.

“Coordinates are set and the power is ready…” Venture said.

“Right.” Derek nodded. “On my count…five…four…three…two…one…WARP!”

“WARP!” Mark repeated.

At that, the engine roared and ship took off through hyper space. Everything just flashed by and the stars streaked past in a blue light, but soon the streaking stopped and everything changed into a weird, distorted hyperspace....

“This feels different...What’s wrong with the ship?!” Setsuna said, her voice becoming a weird echo as she spoke.

“Nothing…We’re just using low power because of the repairs… and this kind of warp uses less power…” Derek said.

“So this…”

“…Is the old-style warp!” Nova said as she looked around, while, Invidia did the same in her room.

Surrounded by weird wavy lights, Invidia closed her eyes and wished for it to be over…

Oh I hate this kind of warp! Damn you Derek! I know this was your idea!’ Invidia thought as Arty held her close. She thought she felt herself move but the waving and moving wasn’t what bothered her…What bothered her was that she knew her clothes were fading off…

No…I can’t feel any kind of fabric…I knew this would happen! I hate it when my clothes come off! All this is…is an excuse for Arty to put his hands on me!’

I knew this would happen…they told us it was an old-style warp…and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you princess…but…you do feel nice…but not in a perverted way! And I swear…’

“…When we get through this I’m going to kill you!” Setsuna muttered as the ship shook a bit, and her own clothes started coming off… as she glared at her father.

Just hold on! All of you! It’ll be over in a few minutes…’ Derek thought as everything started to calm down and settle to a calm stop.

“Where are we?” Setsuna asked.

“Somewhere near Andromeda…We chose here to see if we could figure out where the enemy was coming from, and to get away from the spot that we were being attacked at.”

“So, part of this was to delude the enemy?” Homer asked.

“Right…but while they’re not around just continue with the remaining minor repairs.”

“Right, I’ll go inform everyone else.” Sandor said as he stood up and left the bridge. Everyone watched him for a second, and then got ready to go back to work…well some tried.

“You sure it’s completely over…?” Invidia asked.

“Yeah, it’s over; now, get off of me…” Arty said as he pushed her off slightly.

“And you promise you didn’t try and touch me?”

“I promise…” Arty got up and she grabbed him again.

“I’m coming with you!” She stated firmly.

“But Invidia…”

“No buts! I’m coming! I want to see you work, and besides, you shouldn’t keep me cooped up in this room! I have other things I could be doing anyway!”

“No! You can’t come with me! Being in the hanger during repairs is dangerous! Go find Derek and help him!”

“Why are you being so rude?! Maybe I don’t want to help Derek!” Invidia said as she turned away with her arms crossed.

“Listen Princess…” Arty said. “The work we’re doing now…is too dangerous for you to be around, I just want you to be safe…I…don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you…I love you…”

Invidia looked at him, she knew that she was probably blushing but she didn’t care… ‘His eyes…when I look in them I can see…he really is concerned…because…because he loves me!’ She hugged him. “I love you too; now go do your job…”

Arty smiled at her, kissed her head and then leaned close to her. “And you know…” He whispered. “You do feel pretty good without your clothes on…”

Invidia gave him a look, “Arty!” She snapped. He then shrugged and laughed as he left for the hanger and she headed off to the bridge.

Part 5: The Turning Point! Invidia’s Corruption!

Space Battleship Argo

Thursday, April 7th 2220

1225 Hours: Earth/Space TimeA week later Invidia sat next to Derek going over some stuff with him, Venture and even Homer about her findings.

“There seems to be more information now that we’re in a new area…” Derek observed.

“Of course, it’s because we’re closer,” Invidia said. “I thought Captains were supposed to be smart!”

“And I thought you were here to observe,” Derek said.

“Yes, but I’m also here to help you, remember?”

“Yes I do, and you are helping, I just wish you weren’t so secretive about it.”

“You’re also mean and snarky,” Homer said.

“Isn’t that redundant?” Derek asked.

“Kind of.” Invidia said as they kept looking. “Anyway, what have you found?”

“That your first theory may have been correct, with the way those ships kept getting closer, and with the Cometine design, I think that there might actually be a new comet…”

“You’re not serious!” Mark said.

“Yes, I am…”

So…I might actually be right? Wow…I never thought that…’ “What the hell is that?!” Invidia asked as something rapidly flew past on the video screen that they were using for a patrol.

“I don’t know! Nova! Figure it out! Get a bead!”

“It looks like they’re moving at about thirty space knots, and aside from the ones around us there are others about fifty megameters from here!”

“Dammit…” Invidia muttered.

“Dammit is right,” Derek said, and then he made the announcement to all the crew members and took his own post.

“They don’t seem to be attacking…” Setsuna reported.

“Captain! There’s an incoming message from one of the ships!” Homer reported.

“Put it through!” Derek ordered.

Homer did so and one of the generals appeared on the video screen, as Derek stepped up.

“I’m Captain Derek Wildstar of the Argo. Who are you and who are you working for?” He asked.

Why is he so calm?!’ Invidia thought.

“General Aihara, part of the…” He looked around for a minute. ‘Wait a minute! I’ve seen her before…’ “Never mind that! Bring her forward!” He pointed to Invidia.

Invidia?’ Derek thought. ‘Why her?’

Invidia stepped forward and Aihara looked her over. ‘Long black hair…red gown, royal pin…she can’t be!’

“What?!” Invidia demanded. “What do you want with me?”

That voice…She IS!’ Aihara thought. “Princess Invidia!”


“You’re alive…”

“Who are you?!”

“I told you…General Aihara, one of the leading generals of the new Comet Empire fleet.”

New Comet…No Way!’ Everyone thought.

“What do you mean new fleet?!” Setsuna demanded.

“Is there really a second comet?!” Astra asked.

“That’s why I’m here…on orders we’ve been instructed to establish communication with you.” Aihara explained.

“So you’re not our enemy?” Mark asked.

“Not necessarily. We were instructed to use force only if necessary,”

“Then why’d you attack earlier?” Derek asked.

“Orders. Orders from one of our lieutenants…the woman’s a bit crazy.”


As they talked Invidia thought. ‘A new comet…my inheritance created by someone else…no! It’s supposed to be me! And after what father said in our conversation…’

Back on the Comet and even after you lived on Earth you thought that way, well…except about love, but either way you were happy. You had control, and I think you need it more than anything right now…

I was happy…because I had power…power I don’t have here, but that I want…’ Invidia clenched her fist. “Where’s your location?!” She demanded.

“I can’t tell you that.”

“You can and you will! I don’t care who your leader is! I’m the rightful heir to the Comet Empire! No matter where it may be!”

“Invidia…what are you…?” Arty asked.

“Invidia-Mama…” Akira said. She stood next to Arty on the bridge.

“That’s right, you’re Zordar’s Daughter…”

“No! Really?! Now tell me!” Invidia glared at Aihara and looked as if she was ready to rip the screen from its place.

“I told you…”

Never mind!” She snapped. “I’ll find it myself!” With that she ran out of the bridge and headed to her room.

“Invidia!” Arty went after her. ‘What is she doing? What is she thinking?!’

Meanwhile Invidia was busy throwing things into one of her bags, including her diagrams and location theories, along with usual stuff like her clothes and her red journal. ‘I don’t care how long this takes!’ She thought. ‘I will find them!’

“Princess! What are you doing?!” Arty asked as he grabbed her wrist.

“Arty…I’m sorry but…you know how long I’ve waited to get my empire back! You know how, secretly, I’ve always wanted my power. Well now’s my chance and I’m gonna take it!”


Invidia grabbed his hands and pushed him toward the wall, the, she kissed him deeply. “I love you…” She said. “And I’ll be back, I know I will, just let me do what I want, okay? Good bye, Arty…” With that she swept out of the room, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes from falling.

I need this!’ She thought. ‘A chance to be back! A chance to make my secret dream a reality…’

As she ran Akira followed her close behind. ‘Invidia-Mama, why? You don’t have to do this; I know that, secretly, you’ve always wanted the chance to ascend the throne! You want your chance for power, but…I thought that your family and your love were more important! And now this?! What is WRONG with you?!’

It wasn’t long before she caught up with Invidia. “Invidia-Mama!” She called.

Vhat?! Invidia snapped as she glared at Akira.

She’s…she’s actually glaring at me…Invidia-Mama…’ She sighed. “Invidia-Mama! Don’t do this! This isn’t you!” Her eyes filled with tears. “Please! I love you! Don’t ruin that! This isn’t the Invidia-Mama I know! The Invidia-Mama I know wouldn’t leave her family for anything! Even if her empire came back! Please! Don’t do this!”

“Akira while you have some good points I’m still going to say it…” Invidia said.


“Shut up! I know how you feel! The same way I felt when they sent my Father to jail! All I could think was ‘don’t do this!’ and ‘But you don’t understand…’ It was hard but it’s one of those things you just have to deal with. And listen, I love you, and I’ll come back, but just let me do this! You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of this! I’m not giving up my one opportunity to rule again! So this is good bye Akira. Tell Ryou goodbye and that I love him, Derek too. And tell Nova and the others bye and that I’m sorry to do this after all they’ve helped me through…but I have to do this!” Invidia then turned and tried to walk off again.

“Invidia-Mama!” Akira hugged her from behind, but Invidia threw her off. “Knock it off! You’re being annoying! I told you, I love you and the rest of the family but I’m going…and I’m your mother, you should respect my wish!” She then turned again and headed off into the darkened hallway.

Invidia-Mama…why?! Is power really THAT corruptive….?And is it that important that you have to leave us…?’ Akira thought with tears in her eyes as she watched Invidia go off…toward her dream and toward her family’s worst nightmare…

To Be Continued with Episode 8…