Unexpected Guests

Another Invidia tale by AMI MEITSU

A/N: Part two of ‘Traveling Companions’ in which Derek and Invidia travel together to the EDF’s annual conference.

It was shortly after dinner, and long past sunset as Invidia walked with Derek back to their hotel after dinner. It had been an elegant dinner with four of the diplomats Derek was working with and their guests. It went well, better then the last time Invidia saw him working with diplomats, but that horrible meeting was caused by Invidia’s hatred toward Desslok more than anything else…But, Derek had said that she probably wouldn’t see him again if it wasn’t necessary, which made her almost forget that he was around at all, much to Derek’s relief…


“Derek?” Invidia asked as they approached their room.


“Hm?” He looked at her as she hung onto his arm, walking close to most likely make herself look taken or protected, due to an earlier incident.


“Can I kiss you?” she asked.


“What?” Derek said. He was surprised…to say the least.


“Can I kiss you? Please? It’ll just be a small peck on the cheek, I promise.”


“Fine,” Derek agreed. “But just on the cheek, okay?”


Invidia nodded and they stopped by the door, where she moved up and gently kissed Derek on the cheek. Then she smiled at him shyly.


“Don’t give me that look, we’ve kissed before.”


“Only at Christmas by accident, and I’m not sure if it really counts,” Invidia said, turning the other way with crossed arms.


“First of all, yes it does. Second, I wouldn’t kiss you any other time besides that, and third, don’t pull that on me! You liked it!”


“Well maybe a little,” Invidia said as she followed him inside. ‘Or a lot…he is a good kisser…’


Derek stopped to take off his coat as Invidia took off her sandals and went into the bedroom.


“I’m going to go take my bath now, okay?”


“That’s fine,” Derek said, not really paying attention.


Invidia walked off and as she got ready to set herself a bubble bath, Derek called Nova, who he had been meaning to talk to. And luckily for him, she was the one who picked up the phone.


“Derek?” She asked, remembering the number he gave her.


“Yes, it’s me. You told me to call you.”


“I know. So how are things there? Invidia’s not a bother, is she?”


“Things are fine, and no, Invidia doesn’t bother me. She’s a pretty decent houseguest.”


“That’s good, but you’re not getting too attached to her, are you?”


“What? No. You know I love her, but only as a friend, maybe a sister, but that’s it. I promise.”


“Just checking, now tell me about how the conference is going…?”


“Well…” Derek told her all about what had happened in the few days he’d been there, and how things were working out, but midway through their conversation he swore he heard thunder outside. Derek turned toward the window and after a minute or so he saw a small lightning flash. ‘Oh no…’ he thought.


“Derek? Are you there?” Nova asked when she couldn’t hear him.


“Yes, I’m here, but I have to go, it’s getting late, I need a shower and I still have things to look over.”


“All right, I’ll see you soon then. Bye, I love you.”


“I love you too,” Derek said, then he hung up and started looking through folders that were lying on the coffee table, while he watched what was going on outside. ‘This is not going to end well…especially if it turns out to be a real storm and not just a passing one.’ He then put what he was working on down and went into the bedroom, where he found Invidia going through one of her suitcases, in nothing but a white bath towel.


She looked up at him. “Derek!” She said in a surprised-but-panicked voice as she backed up against the bathroom door while trying to cover up as much as she could. “I…I just forgot something, I was going to change in the bathroom but then you came in and…”


“Invidia, why do you sound so…?” He trailed off and thought for a second. ‘That’s right, she’s shy…but why is it…whenever I accidently see her like this she always sounds so worried…’


“So what?”


“Oh, you sound worried and I want to know why, it’s not like I’m going to hurt you.”


“You just surprised me, that’s all. And I’m nervous; I mean…I am naked…”


“Well, just to let you know, it’s alright. Just go. I only came to get something anyway.”


Invidia said nothing more and just went into the bathroom. When she came back Derek was reading something on his bed.


“What’s that?” she asked.


He looked up at her, and just smiled a gentle smile.


“What?” she asked.


“Nothing, you just look cute…purple is a good color for you,” he said.


Invidia looked down at the light purple nightgown she was wearing and then asked, “Thanks, now what is that?” She sat on the bed with him and looked at it.


“Just some notes about the Gamilon treaty.”


Invidia just scoffed. She thought,‘Stupid Gamilon, especially Desslok! No good spotlight and Father stealing bastard!’


Derek just shook his head and sighed as the first huge clap of thunder sounded.


Invidia jumped a little and looked at the window. As she did Derek gently hugged her from behind.


“You okay?” He asked.


“Yeah, I was just a little startled…”


Derek gave a small nod. “Alright then. I’m going to go take my shower, okay?”


Invidia nodded back to him as he left. As soon as the bathroom door closed she began to look over his documents. ‘Gamilon…ick…I don’t know why we treaty with them…’ She thought as she read.


“They’re a bunch of useless morons,” She muttered. “All of them…they’re all just rotten, unless…” She was interrupted by another loud crack of thunder and a lightening streak, to which she jumped and looked toward the bathroom door, a small part of her wishing that Arty was there with her, not Derek. Invidia then got up and looked out the window at the pouring rain. ‘Rain is a lot more peaceful when it’s not accompanied by loud thunder or deadly lightening that’ll kill everyone here if it knocks something down…’ As soon as she finished her thought more lightening crossed the sky in the distance and Invidia backed up, only to trip over her own feet and fall backwards.


She got back up and then climbed into her bed and tried to go to sleep in hope that if she did, then the storm wouldn’t be a problem. She heard Derek come out about ten minutes later and after ruffling around he turned off the lights climbed into his own bed. After that, it just got worse.


‘I hate this…’ Invidia thought as she gripped the comforter. ‘I’ve always hated thunderstorms! But it’s gotten better since I’ve been with Arty he always comforts me…which makes it harder to deal with it alone…’ As she was thinking about that there was another loud clap and several lightening flashes, she whimpered and held her hands to her chest.


“Invidia, are you okay?” Derek asked.


“Yeah, I think so…why?”


“You sound scared, do you want to come over here?”


Invidia nodded, grabbed her blanket, and climbed into bed with him.


Derek hugged her and then he asked, “What’s wrong. Princess?”


“You know what’s wrong! I hate thunderstorms! Something could just get shocked, fall and kill us without warning! I hate them!”


“That’s not going to happen…” Derek said. “And even if something does happen I’ll protect you, I promise.”


Invidia then cuddled up to him and he held her tighter, making her feel safe, but just as she was starting to feel better, she saw another streak of lightening and buried her head in the blanket with a soft whimper.


“I haven’t seen you this scared in a long time,” Derek said. “Is it because of Arty?”


Invidia nodded. “Yes,” she said. “He helped me with my fear a lot, and when I’m with him it doesn’t matter because I know he’d do anything to keep me safe. And it makes me feel better, knowing he’s there but when I’m alone a lot of those feelings just don’t come…”


“It’s alright; I’m here for you…” Derek said. “I told, you, I’ll protect you.”


Invidia gave a small nod and started to tell him about how she felt during storms and why she always felt that way, it made her feel a lot better, and within about thirty minutes she was sound asleep. Derek looked at her and smiled, she was so cute, warm too. As he held her he started to get an idea of what it was like for Arty, and why he liked cuddling with her. They were the same reasons he had for doing it with Nova, but he never thought that it would feel the same either way, warm, comfortable, and sweet, however, he knew it wasn’t something he wanted to do every night she was here. He thought about that for a few moments before finally going to sleep himself.


When Invidia woke up the next morning it was early and Derek was still with her, she looked at him briefly. ‘He’s so warm…just like Arty and he looks cute when he sleeps…it make me wish Arty was here to hold me right now and every night here, but Derek’s fine…wait a minute!’ She thought.


“Who said I can’t feel warm like this every night I’m here? I’ll just sleep with Derek…” she whispered to only herself, then, she moved closer to him and drifted back to sleep.


After that night there were no more thunder storms, but that didn’t stop Invidia from moving into his bed just to cuddle over those next four days, giving Derek a surprise each morning, since she waited until he was asleep to sneak into his bed. And on the fourth morning, instead of leaving her alone, he woke her up to ask her why she was in his bed.


“Invidia?” He said as he shook her. “Invidia, get up!”


“What?” She whined. “I’m sleepy!”


“Why are you in my bed? You have your own!”


“Well, ever since that storm I remembered how warm you are and how comfortable I am sleeping with you. Plus, I kind of missed being cuddled every night by Arty.”


“Invidia…” Derek shook his head.


“What? Are you mad at me?”


“Not at all, it’s just…well to be honest, annoying.”


Invidia gave him a look.


“Well it is. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like you, in fact, I was wondering…since I have the day off, do you want to go out? Just explore this place together?”


“Sure, I’ve wanted to get out since I finished my second article…but you were always busy, and it’s not fun just walking around by yourself sometimes…”


“Well them why don’t we start by going out for breakfast? I saw a nice café while I was out the other day.”


“Sure, that would be great, just give me some time to get ready and we can go.”


Derek just nodded to her, then she got up, went through her suitcase and then went into the bathroom to get ready. When she came out Derek, who had gotten ready in the smaller bathroom, was waiting for her.


“So, you’re all ready to go now?” Invidia asked.


“Ready when you are, Princess,” Derek said.


“Right,” Invidia nodded and then quickly put her sandals on and grabbed her purse, then she grabbed Derek’s hand and led him out of the room.


“So, how d we get there, anyway?”


“It’s just down the street a little ways; you don’t mind walking, do you?”


“No, it’s fine…” Invidia said as she grabbed Derek’s arm.


The walk wasn’t as long as she thought it would be, and it was fairly pleasant with the nice weather and setting outside.


When they arrived, they were given a table outside and ended up with a young and somewhat flirtatious waiter. As soon as he came to take the order he looked at Invidia.


“So…” He started. “You two look nice…couple…”


“We’re not together,” Invidia stated. “Just friends…”


“Well then, I guess that means I can talk to you…So, do you want me to show you a good time?”


“That’s his job, I’m here as a guest for the EDF conference, and by the way,” Invidia reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her and Arty. “I’m married.”


“Every time…” He muttered as he walked away.


Derek and Invidia laughed, and then went on talking, then Invidia asked no one in particular, “Why does it seem like half of the waiters I see try and flirt with me?”


“You’re pretty,” Derek said. “And really pretty out of your gown, I mean it. By the way, I do like your outfit.”


“Thanks” Invidia nodded, then quickly looked down at the strapless, navy blue sundress she wore along with a pair of matching sandals that had a flower on the ankle strap that she’d gotten while on a trip with her Father


“Anyway, let’s pay and go explore a bit, huh?”


“Sure,” Invidia said as she put her half of the money on the table along with Derek’s, then she grabbed his hand. “Come on, I want to check out some of the shops!” She pulled him and he just smiled and followed her.


They spent the whole morning out shopping, exploring and just talking and when they arrived back at the hotel it was about one o’clock.


“That was fun, but I’m tired…” Invidia said.


“Me too,” Derek admitted as he yawned.


“Then why don’t we take a nap together?” Invidia asked.




“You heard me, let’s sleep together, I’m warm and it’s comfortable…Please?”


“Well…” Derek started, then he thought for a minute. ‘She does have a point, it is comfortable, and it would only be one time, so…’ “I guess it’s okay.”


Invidia hugged him, then went into the bedroom, fixed her bed so she could sleep and changed into a blue satin-like pajama set. Derek came in just as she finished changing and got into bed, followed by Invidia who quickly cuddled up to him. He smiled and held her, finding that it was definitely comfortable…and warm. And soon enough they both fell fast asleep. It did not last long though, an hour and a half later Derek was awoken by a knock on the door.


“Huh?” He muttered as he got up.


As he did Invidia reached across and tried to grab him. “Derek…” She said sleepily.


Derek moved her hand and went to answer the door, thinking it was a diplomat, but…


“Hi, Derek!” Nova said when he opened the door, next to her was Arty. Nova was wearing a white sundress with a white hat with a pink hatband and pink sandals, and Arty wore a white turtleneck top, jeans, and boots.


“Nova?!” Derek stammered. “Uhh..errr…duhhh…what’re you doing here?”


“I got some time off to come see you! And since I was coming I didn’t want to leave Invidia out, so I brought Arty.”


“Hey,” Arty nodded.


“Well then, come in…” Derek motioned them in and they followed, each with a luggage case in hand. As soon as he closed the door Invidia appeared in the bedroom doorway.


“Derek, why did you…” She then looked at Arty. “Arty?”


“Hi Princess,” Arty greeted her.


“Arty!” Invidia ran over and hugged him. “Why are you here?”


“Nova managed to get time off to see Derek, and she invited me to come so you wouldn’t feel left out.”


“Thank you, Nova,” Invidia said.


It’s fine, I don’t need to be thanked…” Nova told her as she took her hat off and threw it on a desk.


“Princess, why are you still in your pajamas?” Arty asked.


“Well, we were taking a nap and you woke us up,” Invidia said.


We?” Nova looked at Derek. “Derek, you normally take naps with me.”


“Yeah, well…”


“We were out all morning, and when we came back we took a nap together. He’s really comfortable to sleep with you know,” Invidia said to Nova.


Nova gave Derek a look. “Yes, Derek. WE?” she said as she tapped her foot hard against the rug.


“Don’t look at me; she’s the one who kept climbing into my bed, Nova. She’s worse than that cat you got us once!”


“Well it’s not my fault you’re warm and comfortable. And you never tried to stop me!” Invidia retorted.


“She’s got you there,” Arty said.


“Well it doesn’t matter,” Derek said. “I’m just glad you got some time off, both of you.” He turned to Arty and Nova.


“Now we can be together,” Invidia said as she hugged Arty.


“And since we are, why don’t we all go out to dinner tonight instead of staying here?”


“No!” Invidia said. “I wanted to make primavera! I bought vegetables and everything!”


“But Invidia, don’t you think Arty would rather see what’s here then stay in the hotel all night?” Derek whispered to her.


“Yes,” Invidia replied. “But we went out for breakfast and lunch! Going out three times in one day cannot be good.”


“It’ll be okay just this once…” Arty told her, and with that the decision was made to go out to dinner at a small Japanese restaurant.


“I never liked eating like this…” Invidia said as she sat with the others at a small kneel table.


“That doesn’t matter,” Arty said.


“It takes some getting used to,” Nova said as she filled up her mouth with some sushi that she had picked up with her chopsticks.


“Right, what matters is that the food is good,” Derek said.


“I guess…” Invidia said as she started to eat, the she looked over at Arty’s plate. When he wasn’t looking she swiped a rice ball and two dumplings off of his plate.


He looked back a minute later and counted in his head. “Wasn’t there…?” He shook it off and turned to Derek and Nova. “Anyway, are you two planning to do anything tomorrow?”


“We’re going out after Derek’s meeting in the morning so we’ll be leaving you two alone to spend some time together,” Nova said.


“That’s fine…” Invidia said, then she looked at Derek’s plate. “Are you gonna eat that?” She pointed to his rice bowl.


“You can have it.”


She took it and Arty smiled at her.


“What?” Invidia asked.


“Oh nothing…maybe I’m just glad to see you.”


Invidia smiled at him gently. “I love you…” She whispered.


“I know,” Arty whispered back.


‘They’re so cute together…’ Nova thought as she watched them from across the table. She smiled to herself and thought the same thing a few mornings later when she saw them curled up together in bed.


“Nova, you’re up too?” Derek said as he came in the room.


“Yes, and I thought you left. But since you’re here why don’t we go out for breakfast before the meeting?”


“But what about…?” Derek motioned toward Invidia and Arty.


“Leave them, they look comfortable. Invidia’s sleeping with the person she should be sleeping with,” said Nova with a little wink.


“Right,” Derek nodded and went to wait for Nova in the living room. When she was ready they both left and when Invidia got up the first thing she noticed was that they were gone.


‘So we’re alone? Perfect…’ She thought with a sneaky smile, then, she got up to make breakfast and get ready like normal. She didn’t approach Arty with the fact that they were alone until after lunch when she was working on an article. She pushed her laptop aside and looked at him.


“I’m bored,” she lied. “Why don’t we do something together?”


“Like what?” Arty asked.


She got up on the couch with him. “I don’t know, but we could do anything you wanted…we are alone…No Derek. No Nova. They are off doing their things. Let us…


“Invidia, I know that look…what are you suggesting?”


She landed close to him. “Make love with me.” She whispered.




“Come on…we’re alone, and it’s almost like a vacation…so let’s have some fun…I mean, they’re not gonna be back for awhile, right?”




Invidia leaned even closer. “Please?” She asked, then she kissed him deeply.


Arty hated to admit it, but he like her kiss. A lot. He responded by kissing her back, then pulling her up. He intended to move her but she backed up against the wall and pulled him toward her while he moved down and kissed her neck, which, was a definite sign that Arty wanted her.


“Arty…” Invidia whispered a minute or two later.




“I don’t think we’re gonna make it to the bed…”


“I don’t either…,” Arty said as he pulled her away from the wall.


Invidia then turned and slowly began to lower herself to the floor, pulling Arty on top of her. From there they spent the next half hour making hot, but sweet love to each other, which would just be a secret between the two of them for as long as they could keep it…


And by the time Derek and Nova came back everything had been picked up and changed back to normal, and it stayed that way until the night of the reception, in which Invidia’s clothes made a cluttered mess on the floor until she finally decided on a dark red gown, black sandals, and a black wrap. With the outfit she also wore her comet-charm necklace.


“You look nice…” Derek complimented when she came out.


“Thanks…” Invidia replied, then she grabbed his hand. “Now, come on, I was your guest to begin with, so you’re escorting me.”


He nodded and when they arrived he even gave his first dance to Invidia, who, despite always saying she couldn’t dance, danced wonderfully under the bright lights with Derek and later under the moonlight with Arty, they had gotten away and were dancing alone on the balcony. The stars gave a soft, shining glow to them as they danced, just happy to be with each other in the clear evening…