Turpis Returns! Invidia’s Worst Nightmare!


By: Ami Meitsu


Is it possible to get lost for 20 years? Many wouldn’t think so, but it has happened-just ask General Turpis (Or General Take a ** as he’s often called). General Turpis is a Cometine general who got stuck on some planet 20 years ago while on a mission, but maybe it was a good thing, considering what he’s done. But what is that? You see, Turpis is crazy, and he gets enjoyment out of making Invidia cry, but why? She killed her mother, or that’s what he thinks, according to Prince Zordar, Invidia’s mother, Sabera, died 5 months after Invidia was born because her body never recovered form the strain of giving birth to the child. And General Turpis blames it on Invidia-just as he blames her for all the bad things that happen to him. Anyway many people thought it was good that he was gone-but they never thought he’d come back, nonetheless be at Invidia’s place! (Arty did it!)


“Why’d you let him stay here?” Invidia asked Arty.


“Well he said he needed a place and…” Arty started.


“Do you know what he’s done to me?!” Invidia interrupted.




“I can’t tell him! What would he think?” Invidia thought. “Never mind…it’s nothing…” she told him.


“All right…” Arty said and walked off, as soon as he did General Turpis came down the hall and into the living room.


“Invidia? Come here.” he told her.


“All right…” she said unsurely and followed him into the hallway. “Now what do you want?”


“I wanted to tell you something-I may have been gone for 20 years but that still doesn’t mean I don’t know you! You think you’ve got it good with this life of yours don’t you?!” He asked.


“Well I...I..”


“Shut up! I don’t care how good you are now, you’re still a devil! A demon! My getting lost is your fault! Everything’s your fault! You killed Sabera!” and with that he slapped her across the face-hard.


Invidia fell to the floor and stayed there-she didn’t even try to move. “Why?” she thought “Why does he have to do this? I…I didn’t do anything…I…” she stopped thinking and started crying.


General Turpis smiled, he was satisfied with himself.




“Huh?” he looked to find Arty standing at the front of the hall-he saw the whole thing.


“No one makes Invidia cry” he said and punched him in the face “and if you’re gonna stay her you have to leave her alone! Got it? I don’t care what you think she did! Leave her alone or you’re gone!”


“Fine” Turpis thought “I’ll leave her alone-but only when you’re around, you don’t understand how much she deserves this!” then he got up and walked off.


Arty watched him walk and then went to see Invidia. “Invidia?” he asked “are you okay?”


She looked up at him, and then turned her head away.


“Come on don’t be like that” he said and lifted her head to face him. “Is he really that bad?” Arty thought “I mean anyone who make Invidia cry has some nerve.”


The she started to get up and he hugged her. “It’s all right” he told her “I’ll make sure he leaves you alone. And what’s this about your mother?”


Invidia looked at him, and then turned her head the other way.


“I’ll find out” he thought, “and if she doesn’t want to talk, I know her father will.” “Okay get up now” he told her.


“Huh?” Invidia said and got up with him.


“Now don’t let him get you okay?” Arty told her and Invidia nodded.-Though she didn’t quite believe him, and let’s face it General Turpis can and will do anything to torture Invidia.


Unfortunately her thoughts were right-and if he couldn’t get to her while she was awake, he could try and get to her while she was asleep.


“Hmm” Turpis thought, coming into her and Arty’s room. “She’s kind of cute asleep, but she’s still a demon.” Then he made his way over to her side of the bed-and started to well…talk to her. “Sure your life is good now, but can you really put the past behind?” he said “can you really forget everything? You know you killed her, and you know it’s your fault.”


“My fault” Invidia muttered.


“Right” Turpis said, it was working and it was kinda fun “oh and you know it’s only a matter of time before your father and your family go too…and it’s be all your fault.”


“Everything’s my fault I killed her” Invidia said.


“Weird…” General Turpis said-he didn’t actually think he’d get her to talk in her sleep.


“Remember honey, you did it you killed Sabera!” he said then left.


“I’ll all my fault! Mama!” Invidia muttered, all she could see was her mother-dying. She just stood there and couldn’t do anything, but watch the woman die. “She can’t just die…I…I…” Invidia thought, and she actually started crying, then she heard someone calling her.


“Invidia! Invidia! Get up!”


“Huh?” Invidia looked up to find Arty shaking her. “What the? What time is it?” she asked.


“2 AM” Arty told her.


‘What happened?” she asked.


“I don’t know, but you were crying.”


“I…I…” Invidia said-it was then she realized that she had been and was still crying.


“What happened?” Arty asked taking her in his arms.






“My mother…she was dying right before my eyes…and I couldn’t do anything!” she cried.


“Invidia…” Arty said and hugged her tighter. “Her mother…” he thought “what did happen to her?”


“Hey Invidia?” he asked.


“Huh?” she said.


“What did happen to your mother? You never mentioned her before this.”


“Oh well…she…I mean I…”


“It’s all right” he told her “you don’t have to say anything If you don’t want to okay?”


Invidia nodded, or at least he thought she did all he could see was black.


“Something must have happened, it’s not normal for her to cry, or have nightmares.” “What do you think is causing this?” he asked.


Invidia gave no sign or reply.


“Invidia?” He said, and then looked at her-she was asleep. “I guess I can talk to her tomorrow…” he thought. –he had to find out what was going on, and why General Turpis scared her.