Another short by Larry Copeland


Presidential Palace, Tokyo, September 2, 2232. 

The Local Group Alliance has just come into existence via a solemn ceremony, involving the respective heads of state of all allied parties, on the front lawn of the Palace grounds.  Gamilon, Iscandar, Pellias, Rikasha, the Greater Comet Empire of Andromeda, the late Telezart, and Earth have formalized their alliance, designating Earth as the capital planet, and the Sol system as the central system, of the Alliance.  As trusted, long-time friends of the Star Force, the Gamilon royal family, as well as the Wildstars, Chaim and Sarah Kopelowitz were invited to attend the ceremony as honored guests.

As the hours-long ceremony had concluded just before sunset, Chaim needed to quickly duck back into a vacant office in the administrative building on the Palace campus to pray mincha (the daily afternoon prayer in Jewish men are obligated).

Chaim found room 218, and indeed the name placard on the outside of the door read “Singleton, H., Commanding General EDF (Ret.)”, as he had been directed in order to be sure to find an office expected to be vacant.  Still trying to emotionally process the profound meaning of the ceremony that he and his wife had just witnessed, Chaim approached the door and reached out with his right hand to turn the knob.  At that moment, as has happened numerous times scattered through is life to that point, Chaim’s gut filled with a feeling of vague, but serious, anticipation… not fear, but rather like something or someone important was awaiting him in the office he was about to enter.

Tensing up, Chaim gently rapped on the door with his left hand, and then turned the knob with his right.  As the door opened, and he naturally shifted his gaze up from the knob into the office, the first thing Chaim noticed was a whitish-yellow glow that seemed to fill the office… as if a brilliant bulb was illuminated in its center, imparting a feeling of gentle, but immense power, in his heart.  As he finished opening the door, and his eyes adjusted to the light, Chaim recognized the figure of a medium height, thin, woman with long blonde hair, wearing a full-sleeved, long royal blue dress.

“Mark?” the woman’s high-pitched voice whispered softly, as her dark eyes and Chaim’s met.

Immediately, Chaim realized the woman’s identity as well as which “Mark” whose arrival she was anticipating.  Chaim’s jaw dropped open slightly with horror, as he realized he had just stepped into the middle of, and possibly interrupted, a reunion of literally cosmic importance.  Ducking his head in shame, Chaim said, “I’m so sorry, ma’am.”

Realizing the man in the office with her was not Mark Venture, but instead a deeply embarrassed Earthling civilian just looking for a place to pray to the Master of the Universe, Trelaina of Telezart put aside her disappointment, smiled slightly, and said, “It’s alright.  Please do not be ashamed,” in a subdued, but kindly voice.

Relieved that he had not caused an interstellar diplomatic incident, Chaim looked back at Trelaina and nodded.  Quickly, it dawned on him that he was now face-to-face with someone who had saved Earth, and so – even as he was dressed in a very civilian suit and tie – Chaim popped and EDF salute, and said softly but firmly, “Thank you, ma’am.”  Trelaina smiled a bit more firmly in response.

Chaim respectfully backed out of the office, closing the door on his way out.  His mind turned quickly to finding another office in which he could pray.  That would not be easy, as most of the offices were clearly those of higher up officials in the Earth government or EDF – one does not just let himself into such offices, even if they were unlocked, without risking a swift response from security.  Maybe there’s a kitchenette around here, Chaim thought… just some public place (not a bathroom) where he could be for 10 minutes and not be in anybody’s way.

Proceeding down the hallway from General Singleton’s office about 5 or 6 meters, Chaim came to an intersection.  Turning right, he hoped he wasn’t getting himself lost.  Chaim was pondering his next turn in the hallway, when he was startled by almost colliding with another man.  The other man has taller than him by a few centimeters, had dark hair and eyes, and wore an EDF dress uniform.

“Oh, watch out!  Can I help you?” the other man asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

“I’m sorry…” Chaim said, adding “…sir” as he spotted the other man’s rank insignia on his sleeve – the four bars of a captain.  A split-second later, Chaim recognized the man’s voice and face.  “Oh – Captain Venture!”

“Chaim?” Venture queried, upon hearing him speak.  “Are you ok?  Why are you here?”

“I was looking for a place to pray,” Chaim replied.  “I had been told that I could…”  At that moment, Chaim realized why Venture was there, and his eyes widened.

“Have you…?  Is she…?” Venture, reading the look on Chaim’s face, asked two incomplete questions with baited breath.

Chaim responded with a slight, but intense nod, his mouth opening slightly and his wide eyes staring straight into Venture’s.  “General Singleton’s office,” Chaim muttered slowly.

Venture, almost choking up, clasped the outside of Chaim’s left shoulder and nodded an unspoken appreciation to Chaim, before dashing down the hall from which Chaim had come.