Princess in Need


An Invidia Short by AMI MEITSU


“So where are they sending you this time?” Invidia sighed as she sat down at the table with Arty. Once again he was being sent off, but this time it was for different reasons.


“I’m going off to teach a workshop for two weeks. These are kids who want to know all the fundamentals of the Black Tigers but are a little too young and too inexperienced to join the Defense Forces. I’m only a guest teacher, but I still think it’ll be nice.” Arty informed her.


“But isn’t a little cold to be going up north?” Akira asked.


“She’s right you know, maybe we could just stay home and cuddle.” Invidia said.


“No. I’m going. This is a great opportunity and besides I know you can’t be lonely, the kids are here…”


“Oh, be quiet…”


“But you are often lonely when he’s away.” Ryou said. “Which I do not understand at all, you women are just too emotional.”


Invidia glared at him. “Say something like that again and you’ll be sleeping on the balcony! I am not emotional!”



‘You can be…’ Arty thought to himself, and only to himself. And, a couple days later, after their conversation, he was ready to head off with everyone there to see him off outside of the building.


“By dad.” Akira hugged him. “See you in two weeks…”


“Try and have fun, okay?” Ryou said.


They backed up and Invidia came up. “Bye, Arty. I’m gonna miss you.”


“I know Princess, but I love you…”


“I love you, too…”


Arty hugged her, then they looked at each other. ‘She looks so sad…’ Arty thought.


She looked down.


“Invidia, I think I’m forgetting something.” Arty said.


“What?” she looked up at him.


“This…” He then leaned down and kissed her. Deeply.


“Gross.” Akira shuttered, she always thought it was a little weird to see her parents kissing like that…


“Hold that until I come back…” Arty whispered before he got in the car and left…


They watched and Akira and Ryou exchanged a look, and the thought that this was it, he was gone and they were on their own, two and a half weeks with a possibly lonely Invidia.


But, it was fine, nothing happened over the first three days or so, and it was all normal…or so it seemed. Invidia felt worse and worse by the day after the second one, and not from loneliness it was definitely physical. She woke up one morning to find sweat on her forehead and that she felt too hot.


‘No!’ She thought. ‘I know this feeling…I’m getting sick…but how? I know Arty didn’t do it…maybe I got it when I went shopping…’ She turned over so that she was lying on her side. ‘And Arty…I need him now…’ Invidia then got up and practically dragged herself out of bed.


“I hate this…” She whispered to herself as she picked up the phone. The house was quiet, meaning that the kids were gone already. ‘Good…Now they don’t have to see me like this…’ She thought as she dialed the number of Arty’s hotel room, he answered right away.


“Hello?” He asked.


“Arty…you know who it is…” Invidia said.



“Princess, you don’t sound so good…”


“Arty come home!” She whined.


“Lonely already?”


“No! I don’t feel well, you need to come home and take care of me! Please!


“Sorry, Princess I can’t…”


“But Arty!” Invidia whined as tears formed in her eyes.


“Sorry, I can’t just drop what I’m doing! Ask your Father! I love you, Princess…”


“I know…” Invidia then hung up the phone and began to cry. ‘How can he do this? He always takes care of me when I’m sick! I should be more important than a stupid class and the worst part is…I can’t ask my Father…he’s too busy to deal with me…’ She then slipped down to the floor, and hugged her knees to her chest. All she could do was cry, she felt horrible and no one was around to help, after a couple minutes she looked up. “Well…if they can’t help then the only thing I can do is go to Nova…at least she’ll help me…” Invidia said to herself as she got up and got ready to see her, really glad that Nova had taken the day off.


“Okay…I can do this…” She told herself as she stood on the porch, still amazed that she actually drove there, she discovered that driving when you want to fall down is just not good. She took in a quick breath and knocked on the door, she couldn’t wait…well mostly because she was freezing, and it was January.


“Invidia?” Nova asked when she answered. She looked her over. “You don’t look so good….”


“I feel worse then I look and…” Invidia coughed. “And Arty’s away so I…I…”


“You came to me for help. You poor thing, you don’t need to be out in the cold…come on…” Nova let her in and Invidia took of her coat and shoes, replacing her shoes with the house slippers Nova kept around for her. “Come over here and let me look at you…” Nova beckoned her over to the couch and she sat.


“Your eyes are glassy…” she felt her forehead. “And you’ve got a fever…poor dear…”


As soon as she said it Invidia went into a small fit of coughing.


“And you’ve got a cough, you need to rest…come on…” Nova pulled her up and led her upstairs into the guest room. “I know you’ve stayed in here before…” Nova said as she pulled the blanket down. “Now lay down…”


Invidia nodded and climbed up on the bed.


“Take your clothes off, there’s no way you can sleep like that…”


“Then what am I supposed to wear? I…I’m not wearing a slip…I felt too hot, so…”


“Hold on…” Nova left and came back a few minutes later with a light blue nightgown in hand. “This should fit you, here…” She handed the gown to Invidia and then turned to let her get changed, after which she checked her temperature.


“Hmm…102…Fahrenheit…” Nova said as she read the thermometer.


“Oh it’s all right, it’s normal for me to have a fever of 102 when I’m sick…”


“I figured that out a while ago…but for now I’m just going to have to watch you, it can’t get any higher.”


Invidia nodded and then laid down. As she did Nova pulled the blankets up on her.


“Comfortable?” She asked.


Invidia gave another small nod and snuggled into the blankets.


Nova smiled at her and lightly kissed her head. Then she left, went back into the living room and waited for Derek to come home, since he said that he would get off early. Fortunately what he said was right and he came through the door with Setsuna at three o’clock.


“Derek!” Nova hugged him, and whispered to him, “I need to talk to you…”


He nodded and Setsuna went up to her room.


“So, what do we need to talk about?” He asked.




“Invidia?” He gave Nova a strange look.


“Well you know how Arty’s away and she’s left with the kids?”


“Is she lonely again?”


“No, she’s sick. She came to me earlier and I put her to bed, she’s going to be staying here for a while, okay, Derek?”


“But her Father…”


“If she could‘ve gone to him I don’t think she would’ve come here. And we know the kids can’t take care of her, so she’s going to stay here, all right?”


Derek nodded.


“Good, now go check on her would you?”


“Fine…” Derek said as he went up stairs to the guest room with Nova following. When they got up there, Invidia was still asleep, but she was acting different from when Nova first put her to sleep. She was in an uneasy sleep, and breathing hard. Derek went over, and lightly stroked her cheek with his hand. ‘What’s this heat?’ He thought, then he felt her forehead and looked at Nova.


“Nova she’s hot, really hot. Come here…”


Nova went over and felt her head too. “She is…Derek get her up, now!” She left to get something as Derek gently shook Invidia.


“Invidia? Princess get up!”


“What?” She muttered as Derek sat her up. “Derek?” She asked.


“Yes, it’s me…I…” He was interrupted when Nova came in with a thermometer, which she promptly put in Invidia’s mouth. She waited for a minute or so and took it out when it beeped.


“102.6?!” She looked at Invidia. ‘That’s almost a 103…’“We need to bring your fever down, fast! I’ll go run you a bath, Derek, get a cold cloth and put it on her head…”


Derek nodded and left, while Invidia sat there feeling pathetic, she was glad they were taking care of her but she still felt horrible, and now she was way too warm. Tears formed in her eyes just as Derek came back with a cloth in hand, he went over and gently wiped the sweat off of her forehead.


“I’m sorry…” She said.


“For what?” Derek asked.


“For making you go through all this trouble…”


“It’s no trouble at all, you’re our friend and we’re taking care of you…what kind of friend would I be if I thought you were a bother?”


“Not a very good one…”




“Derek, her bath’s ready and I can take it from here for a bit. Do you think you could go back to her place and get some things, and explain this to Akira and Ryou?”


“I left them a note…” Invidia said. “And if you’re going don’t forget my blanket…”




“It’s a black blanket my Father gave me when I was about thirteen…Akira and Ryou know where it is and I need it…”


“Okay, I’ll make sure to get your blankie…” Derek teased.


“It is not a blankie!” Invidia snapped as he left.


“Never mind him, come on, I have to give you a bath.”


Invidia nodded and followed Nova into the bathroom; Nova sat on the floor and watched her.


“Do you have to watch me?” Invidia asked.




“Fine, but could you at least turn while I get undressed? That bugs me.”


“Sure…” Nova turned her head as Invidia stripped down and got in the bath…she screamed when she was in the tub.


“Nova! This water’s cold!”


“It’s supposed to be, we have to bring down your fever…”


“But I wanted to take a bubble bath!” Invidia whined.


“You can take one later, right now just try and relax…and I hope you don’t mind me asking, but, how come you don’t like to be exposed? You’re very pretty and you have a nice figure…”


“I just don’t like it, okay? I’ve never been comfortable with people seeing me naked.”



“Except Arty…”


“That’s different!” Invidia snapped.


Nova laughed. “Okay…I won’t bug you anymore, just let me help…” She then took a small bath bucket, like the kind in public baths, and poured the water over Invidia slowly…


A little while later Invidia sat on the bed with Nova in a white robe she had found for her, while Nova dried her hair.


“There, don’t you feel better?”


“I feel cold!”


“Oh hush…” Nova then put the thermometer in her mouth again, and sighed a breath of relief when she read it. “It’s gone back down, to 101.8 actually, thank goodness…”


“Can I go back to sleep now?” Invidia asked.


“No, not before you take your medicine…” Nova left and soon came back with a bottle and a small dosage cup.


“We don’t have any more pills, so you’ll just have to deal with this…”


Invidia groaned she hated taking medicine, it always tasted so horrible…


“No whining!” Nova said as she handed her the cup. “Just drink it…”


Invidia made a face, but she did drink it.


“Good, now lie down…”


“But what about my clothes? I…”


“You’ll have to wait for Derek to come back.”


“So…you…you’re telling me I have to sleep naked?!” Invidia looked at her with wide eyes.


“Come on, it’s no big deal, you’re just going to sleep and you told me you sleep naked when it’s really hot at your place, just like I do.” Nova said.


“Just be quiet…” Invidia said. Then Nova left and Invidia slipped her robe off, got back under the covers and went to sleep. She was awakened later by Derek.


“Princess, I got your stuff for you…please get up…”


Invidia slowly sat up, forgetting her state for a moment.


“Uh…you know, Nova never told me that you weren’t decent…”


“Huh?” Invidia looked down and quickly covered her chest with the sheet.


“It’s okay, I think you’re pretty…” He smiled at her. “Anyway, here’s your nightgown, you can put it on now…”


Invidia took it from him gratefully.


“I also have two pajama sets, and I think another nightgown for you, oh and of course a slip…and I even got one of your regular gowns…” Derek said as he went through the bag he had, using it as an excuse to look away and let Invidia change.


“I see…and what about…my…” She gulped. “Assets?”


“Oh Akira got those, since I knew you wouldn’t like me handling things like that…here…” He gave her the bag; it was one of her black travel bags. “Look through it for a minute; I’m going to get your dinner…” He left and Invidia quickly searched through it for her panties. After she found them and quickly put them on, then she discovered something on the bed…she picked it up…


‘Is this…my blanket?’ She looked at it closer. “It is…Derek remembered…” she hugged it.


“I see you found your blankie…” Invidia nodded and Derek came over with a tray. “Here, Nova made you some soup…and yes it’s homemade so you can eat it.” Invidia smiled at him and slowly began to eat, but she only ate what she wanted before going back to sleep for the night. And when she woke up the next morning she found Nova, not Derek, shaking her.


“Invidia…get up, I have something for you…”


“What?” Invidia slowly got up and looked at her.


“Come with me…” Nova took her hand, pulled her up and led her into the bathroom.




“I set you a bubble bath…just like you wanted, now get in and relax.”


Invidia nodded and Nova left her alone to take her bath, and she felt so much better afterwards when Nova gave her breakfast.


“It’s not much, just a little bit of cereal and some fruit.” She put the tray down on the bed.




“You know you look much better today.”


“I still feel horrible.”


“I know honey, but you’ll be fine.” She pushed a stand of hair out of her face. “And Derek will be home with you later, we’re working in shifts so that there’s always one of us here with you.”


Invidia nodded and slowly began to eat, after she was done Nova hugged her and took her temperature again. “Still 101…well, at least it’s down, right?”


Invidia coughed. “I guess…”


“For now, just get some rest, Derek brought one of your books over when he got your things, he said he found it on your desk.” Nova handed her the book and Invidia looked at it. It was the new novel Arty bought for her.


She smiled at Nova. “Thanks…” she leaned back and read, but halfway through she fell back asleep. Nova came in right before she left and put the book back in her bag. Then she left Derek to take care of Invidia. He got her up about an hour later to give her some medicine and take her down into the living room to give her a change of scenery and spend time with her. Now she was his sick little Princess.


“You know…what the worst part is of Arty leaving now?”


“No, what?” Derek asked as he held Invidia in his lap.


“He won’t be here for my birthday next week…I’ll be alone…And he always takes me out on my birthday or…he just makes me dinner and he always gets me a present.”


“I know…I’ll take you out Princess…”


“You will?”


Derek nodded. “If you want me to, that is…”


“I do! Thank you!”


“Then I guess we have a date…” He kissed her head.


Invidia smiled and leaned into him, and when Nova came home she found a cute scene that made her smile.


Derek sat the couch holding a very cute, sleeping Invidia wrapped in her ‘blankie.’


“Aw, you two look cute together…hold still…” Nova went off into the kitchen and pulled a camera out from one of the cabinets. She went over and then quickly snapped a picture. “So Derek, what are we going to do with her?”


“Take care of her until she gets better and then I’m going on a date with her.”


“You are not!”


“Yes I am, for her birthday next week. She should be better by then…”


“But for now why don’t we just put her back in her room?” Nova suggested.


Derek nodded and brought her upstairs, but she woke up as soon as he put her down.


“Derek!” She whined.




“I’m cold…hold me…”


“All right…” Derek went over and laid down with her. “How about I stay here until you go to sleep?”


Invidia nodded, and was asleep within ten minutes, to which Derek got up and went back downstairs. ‘I wonder…just how long is this going to last?’


His question was answered over the next week, as he and Nova took turns running around and waiting on Invidia, but she seemed to like Derek more because he could cuddle her and he also became a big help. He kept her cool when she was feverish and held her when she was cold…just like Arty would’ve, and like Nova, he tried to give her everything that made her comfortable… In return Invidia decided to actually cooperate with them in things like giving her medicine, which she usually fought with people over. And her cooperation and agreements made her better in about a week…


“I…I thank you for all you’ve done for me…and I know you didn’t have to so I appreciate it…” Invidia stood in front of Derek and Nova in the blue gown Derek had gotten for her, in the kitchen the day she left…


“Don’t worry, we wanted too, and we’re just glad you’re better…” Nova hugged her.


“And ready for our date…” Derek teased.


Invidia blushed a little, remembering that her birthday was only three days away. “Right…and I guess I’ll see you then, bye…” She quickly left, before they noticed she was blushing… And a couple days later she stood in front of her closet. ‘Why is it so hard to pick out a dress?! It’s just Derek…but then again I don’t know where we’re going…and I want to look nice…it is my birthday, and as far as I’m concerned the birthday girl always has a nice dress…’ After a couple minutes she finally decided on a spaghetti strap, pure dark wine-red dress Arty bought for her. And even though it was cold, she wore it with a pair of black sandals, but she also had a wrap that she used as a scarf. She looked herself over in the mirror. “Perfect…” She said before she headed off. She waited in the living room for all of five minutes before Derek came, and he was even on time. He helped her into her coat and they headed off to one of the fanciest Italian restaurants in town…


“I didn’t think we’d go out to a place this fancy…” Invidia said.


“I wanted to do something nice for your birthday Princess; by the way, you look beautiful…”


Invidia blushed a little. “Thanks, I…I had a hard time deciding what to wear…I mean you just told me to dress up, you never said where we were going.”


“It’s all right, now since this is your birthday I’m treating, you can order whatever you want.”


Invidia gave a small nod and began reading, and when she wasn’t looking a wine glass was put next to her.


“What’s this?” She asked.


“Your favorite wine, I ordered it for you while you were deciding…” Invidia smiled just as the waitress came up and took their food orders, then she left them alone. And their dinner went well, afterwards Derek took her out for some shopping before bringing her home. She invited him in and they sat on the couch together.


“Oh, Invidia, I got you a present…” He handed her a bag.


She took it and looked inside. “Derek I love it, thank you!” She pulled out a blue teddy bear that was holding a bottle of bubble bath. She hugged him.


“You’re welcome, it took awhile to find a present, but I thought it suited you. I mean, you do like baths.”


Invidia smiled at him, and he hugged her again, she leaned against him ‘He’s so gentle and nice…I’m glad he took me out…’ Invidia looked up and sighed, it was the end to an amazing evening…