A Star Blazers short tale


By Frederick P. "Freddo" Kopetz


Thanks to Gail Kopetz, Jamie Tucker, and "Yuki Wildstar" for support and ear-bending







The Vicinity of Arcturus

Earth Space Battleship North Carolina

May 26, 2214

1408 Hours: Earthtime




“Skipper!” cried Lieutenant Pal Vriker, the young East Indian officer at the Communications Console of the EDF Main Space Battleship North Carolina, which was the Flagship of Task Force 17. “Lost contact with the Arizona!”


“What do you think it is?” said Captain Tucker Allen from his post after he coughed and blew away some of the growing fog of smoke on the battleship’s First Bridge. Task Force 17 was also under attack, and the North Carolina had taken six hits already from Bolar fighter-bombers; one of them had blown her fighter bays and most of her attached Flight Group to bits.


“Interference, like the sort that’s keeping us from calling the Shangri-La for fighter cover, sir!” said Vriker. “And…report from Lieutenant Danson…his command fighter is fatally hit; he’s trying to kamikaze into the bridge of the enemy flagship.”


“Down to three fighters,” said Allen. “Where the hell’s the Shangri-La?”


Another spread of torpedoes smashed into the North Carolina, tearing out her port side keel anti-grav pod.


“We can’t take much more of this, Skipper!” said the ship’s Mechanical Officer, a tough young woman known as Lieutenant Commander Michelle Watling. “Another bloody hit like that’s going to break the keel!”


 “I know we can’t take much more of this!” snapped Allen. A console near him exploded, and wisps of smoke blew around him. “Hard about; one hundred and eight degrees! Vriker, send that order to the capital ships, and then order them to take Emergency Measure 51-Bravo and pull all overrides!”

“51-Bravo, sir?” said Watling. “Sir, the engine room is damaged, and…”


“Would you rather have us go down fighting or singing lullabyes?” snapped Allen. “Carry out my order, people!”


“Aye, sir,” said Commander Ronald Schlosser, the ship’s Navigation Group Leader. “Hard about!”


“Preparing to stop all engines when we complete the turn,” said Lieutenant Commander Hayao Nishigawa at Engineering.


“We have established touch with Captain Luther on the Shangri-La,” said Allen’s comm officer. “They report their flight deck is damaged and they cannot launch fighters and bombers for the moment, but they can assist with their guns.”


“Better than nothing,” said Allen with a shake of his head. “Thank Captain Luther for me.”


“Turn completed,” said Schlosser. “Holding at station-keeping position!”


“Enemy fleet’s at RDX-120; we’re facing it,” said Ensign Darryl Grant, the ship’s Radar Officer.


“Orders, Captain?” said Commander Sherri Haskins, the ship’s Combat Group Leader, who was also a qualified pilot.


“Measure 51-Bravo,” said Allen. “Prepare to fire the wave motion gun!”


“Transferring power,” said Nishigawa. “Pulling all overrides,” he said as the North Carolina began to shake like mad while the wave motion engine tried to bring up power. “Energy level at seventy percent; eighty percent…ninety percent…”


“Prepare all anti-shock and anti-flash defenses!” said Captain Allen as he reached for his goggles.

“Ten seconds to firing!” said Haskins as she pulled on her goggles. “Nine…eight…seven…six..”


Abaft and below the North Carolina, the battered Jean Bart prepared to fire her wave motion gun at the enemy fleet, as well.


On the EDF battlecarrier Shangri-La, the same order was being executed.


five…four…three…two…one,” said Haskins on the North Carolina as she sat smoking, ready to carry out her order.


“FIRE!” snapped Captain Allen.


The North Carolina, EDF Space Battleship Pennant Number 55, fired her wave motion gun a moment later, followed in rapid succession by the Jean Bart, the Shangri-La, and the space battleship Mutsu, along with the wave motion guns of four fleet cruisers that were part of the task force.


As a result, eight beams of wave motion energy roared at the Bolar Fleet.


The beams slammed home, destroying the Bolar space battleships, cruisers, and frigates in one massive explosion a moment later.


The enemy commander, though, who was off in the distance, five thousand megameters behind the main scene of the battle, smiled to himself as the beams roared in. Thus goes our damned 115th Parski Battle Squadron, all meant to be sacrificial lambs for my little scheme, thought the Bolar Admiral as he turned to one of Ekogaru’s Vanguards on the scene, a powerful black-robed, almost robotic cyborg from known as Count Prencov and he asked him, “Lord, your wishes?”

“Move in, Admiral Rosskovsky, and activate the power of your Black Hole Fortress against those stupid Terrans!” said the voice of Ekogaru himself from one of his cyborgs, namely Count Prencov. He bore a grotesque, mechanical face that looked like a cross between a skull and an ancient gas mask, and his eyes burned red from inside thick lenses in his face. His thinner assistant, Duke Hansa, a cyborg that looked like a collection of junk, looked at him and nodded, saying. “Aye. Today, we Neo-Technomugar begin the ascent of our evolution. All life show join our ranks by Your Pleasure, Lord, or…it shall die.”


“I am so pleased,” hissed Ekogaru’s voice from Prencov’s ugly masked mouth. “Begin our ascent, Admiral!”


“With pleasure,” said Rosskovsky after he adjusted the high collar of his own red and black peacoat and took a drag from the cigar he was carrying. “All hands, prepare Black Hole Cannon! Target, Terran Task Force! Scatter those scum to the four winds of space!”


“Preparing the Black Hole Cannon, sir,” said Commander Borski, his executive officer. “We are opening circuits and energizers. Contact in fifteen seconds!”


The Bolar Fortress moved into position and opened its Black Hole Cannon. The Fortress was an ugly, massive collection of armored spheres.


“Target locked,” said Borski. “Ten seconds to firing!”



“Ready to engage Terranisch Fleet,” said Admiral Rosskovsky. “Fire at will, Mister Borski!”


“Firing, NOW!” roared Borski as Count Prencov nodded with approval.


Borski thumbed a switch in his hand attached to a console with a long wire.


The Black Hole Cannon fired.




A ball of energy roared into the middle of the Earth Task Force.


“What the HELL is that?” demanded Allen as he saw the ball of energy appearing.


It exploded, and a void opened up in the very substance of space itself.


The Mutsu was immediately sucked into the small black hole created by the Bolar weapon. It was never seen again.


Another blast came, and the Jean Bart was likewise swallowed up, along with her escorting cruisers.


One of the North Carolina’s escorts, the Patrol Cruiser Sumida, turned about and attempted to kamikaze right into the sphere with the Cannon in it. A blast of gun fire from an adjacent sphere knocked into a sphere nearby. The Fortress took damage, but the Cannon remained viciously unscathed.


The North Carolina, in the meantime, blasted about and attempted to fire all her working guns at the Cannon.


The plasma beams smashed around it, just barely missing it.


Then, the Cannon fired again.


The North Carolina was blown along with the energy sphere.


The battleship smashed into the Shangri-La and then glanced off of her.


The North Carolina, filled with internal explosions, attempted to roar away from the Black Hole as a massive explosion hit the Bridge.


Captain Allen yelled, ”COMM OFFICER! Send General SOS! Code Five!”


“Sending!” said the Comm Officer.


Captain Allen was about to give another order as the North Carolina began to fall into the Black Hole, but he never got to deliver it as his panel exploded around him. Captain Tucker Allen was immediately killed as he went up in flames like a torch.


Another blast killed Commander Sheri Haskins at her post as she was literally decapitated.


Lieutenant Commander Watling stumbled up, with a leg broken. She looked around, saw that she was the sole surviving senior officer and barked “WARP!”


The dying helmsman carried out her order.


He warped the North Carolina towards Earth.


The substance of space stretched as the North Carolina’s fantail started to fall into the Black Hole as her engines went off. There was a blast of energy as her forward portion blasted into warp, and the keel hit earlier caused her to snap in half just behind the Bridge Tower as the wave motion engine of the ship literally ripped in half.


The forward part of the North Carolina roared into warp, blasting towards the Solar System.


Her severed aft half fell down the Black Hole and exploded.


The explosion kicked the Shangri-La into warp just beyond the battle scene. She emerged, badly damaged.


Admiral Rosskovsky laughed like mad as he roared “Stand down! Yes! Our first victory, with little bloodshed on our part!”






Earth: The Tokyo Megalopolis

Central Hospital: Surgical Suite Twelve

May 27, 2214

0215 Hours: Earthtime




The operation that Nova had been called to the hospital for; namely, an emergency reattachment of a dockyard workers’ hand after an accident, was over with by 0200 the next morning.


Nova yawned after some of the nurses took her patient out of the operating room.


She looked at Nurse Fujiko Kiiyama, her head Surgical Nurse for this evening, after the nurse took off her paper shoe covers, exposing her OR sandals. The nurse, who still had on her scrub cap, looked at Nova and said, “Doctor, would you like a cup of coffee?”


“Yes, as soon as I get my own paper booties off and my toes under some cold water. My feet are killing me…” Nova sighed.  


“I’ll get that coffee now, ma’am. How are your kids?”


“Doing fine in Day Care, if they’re asleep….” Nova said. “I’m hoping I can get my Au Pair to pick them up if they put me to work with another assignment,” Nova said as soon as she accepted the coffee, kicked off her own sandals, and ran her bare feet under some cool water near a drain near the scrub sink. “That feels so much better…yes…”


“Where’s the Admiral, ma’am?” said Kiiyama respectfully. “Are you two really separated like the World Examiner says?”


“That scandal sheet again?” Nova snarled. “No, we are not separated, except by duty. The Admiral was deployed on an emergency basis yesterday morning and is off Earth. I only have a vague idea what is going on,” Nova said as she half-lied and accepted the  coffee from the Lieutenant. For, Nova knew that Derek was on the Argo and was in battle, but her senses had kept her from reaching out through her bond for the past few hours…until now…when she shut her eyes, and reached out through the power of the Matrix that slept within her.


Nova? Derek responded mentally to her call through the psychic bond they had had for only the past few years.


How is it out there? Nova sent.


Bad. Bolars and some beings sent by HIM; therefore I have to keep this short. The Bolars and R’Khells attacked a lot of our ships. You’ll be dealing with the fallout of it soon on Earth, I’ll bet, so be ready for it. How are the kids? Derek sent rapidly.


Fine. How are you, Derek?

About to be in the thick of it…we just found wreckage….and….


And what? Nova shot back.


HIS Presence is strong about this thing…a ship…we have to deal with this. I think I’ll be seeing you out here soon, Nova. I feel it in my bones. I love you.


Love you too, Nova sent back, wiping her eyes hard behind the round glasses she now used for close-in work. She thought to herself…I was able to see an image…of what hit the North Carolina…from the Argo’s screen….they are going to be in the thick of it soon, and in thirty seconds…so will I.


Then, the phone rang on the counter.


Lieutenant Kiiyama asked, “What’s wrong, ma’am?” Are you crying?”


“It’s very personal; let me answer that phone, Lieutenant,” Nova said as she shut her eyes and then kicked back into her sandals, getting a flash of what would happen next.


“Doctor Knapp,” she said as she picked up the phone.


“How’d you know it was me?” he said.


“A very good hunch,” Nova responded. “What is it?”


“Make arrangements for your kids to be cared for, Commander. The wreck of the North Carolina has just crashed on Guam. She was in heavy combat and we need emergency surgeons around the wreck. I’ve just landed on Guam and I am establishing a field hospital around this thing and I am using Regulation 1125.25 to declare your remaining Surgical Training over with. You are graduated as of now, Commander Wildstar, and are now a full-fledged Combat Surgeon, along with the rest of your class. We need lots of surgeons around this wreck. The survivors are telling us that the Bolar Federation is now in open war on Earth, and Headquarters received some sort of surrender demand. A battle is going on out near Arcturus, or so I was told. You will be meeting reporters on your way out the door; God knows how they got up there. Tell them no comment, get to the day care area, where you have fifteen minutes to deal with your child care issues, then get up on the roof landing pad to Medical Boat 21107 in your scrubs and doctors’ coat. You will be piloting a medical party of twelve right to Guam on that boat because you are the only qualified pilot I can get at this hour. Meet us here.”


“Yessir,” Nova said, as she almost viciously finished her coffee and threw on her white lab coat over her scrub dress, keeping her hair tied back in the ribbon she had used to tuck it into. “Lieutenant, get ready to meet the press,” Nova said.


“Hmm?” said a very confused Kiiyama.



“Get your papers and get ready to run; we will be flying to Guam shortly,” Nova said as she grabbed Kiiyama’s arm and stepped out into the corridor.


She and Kiiyama stepped into the glare of video lights, men and women holding microphones, and news photographers who yelled questions as Nova smiled a little and held up her stethoscope with her left hand. A moment later, with her right hand, she barked, “One question at a time, ladies and gentlemen! One question at a time! Yes?”


“Commander, why are you being called upon at nearly 3AM?” barked a reporter.


“I’m told a vessel crashed near Guam, I’m not sure which one; we’re heading out there shortly.”


“Commander, where is Admiral Wildstar?” yelled another reporter.


“Deployed already with a vessel, and I have no further comment on that matter since I’ve not yet been briefed.”


“Is it true there’s a hundred dead near Guam?” yelled one reporter. Another one yelled, “Are we facing invasion?”


“What about the demand from the Bolar Federation to surrender?” demanded another reporter.


“Is it true Ekogaru the Great came back from the dead?” yelled another one.


“I have no comment at this time,” Nova said. “I’m flying to Guam to help with relief efforts and I DON’T KNOW anything else!” she snapped.


“Is Pellias involved?” yelled another reporter.


“Is it true you have contacts with Pellias and Gamilon?” demanded another reporter.


“The Pellian Ruling Queen said the mysterious High Queen may have a comment. WHO IS SHE?”


“I wish I knew…I’m just a surgeon whose feet hurt,” Nova quipped…while lying through her teeth. I have to have a psychic talk with Astrena, she thought to herself in an irritated tone.


A babel of voices erupted around Nova and Kiiyama as they pushed past the crowd and into a hospital elevator.


Nova banged the button for the fifteenth floor as the doors closed while some security guards kept the reporters from following them into the elevator.


Kiiyama looked hard at Nova. The younger nurse was crying while Nova took a deep breath.


“Ma’am, how often do you have to deal with those…those..”


“Paparazzi? About twice a month,” Nova said brightly. “You would not believe some of the questions Derek and I get asked. They’ve even taken to beginning to question the kids. They all know when to keep quiet. “


The elevator reached their floor, and Nova was greeted by Jonathan, who was there with Fela.


“You were waiting for us?” Nova said.


Fela nodded. “I brought along the VW bus you purchased last year for the kids, and we’ll help you get them in after your say your goodbyes. Astrena sent me here after you, and she has this message she faxed to the Embassy,” she said as she handed Nova an envelope with the Pellian Royal Seal on it; namely, the six-pointed star of the Ruling Queen. “She asks that you read it and respond mentally when you are in the air on the way to Guam….majesty,” she said with a whisper.


Nova nodded. She opened the letter and rapidly read:


To Nova, High Queen in Waiting, my beloved foster-daughter:


From: Astrena: Ruling Queen of the Pellian Commonwealth.


Majesty Dearest:


I am aware that Arcturus is under attack from the Bolars. I am currently aboard my own flagship a thousand lightyears from New Pellias, in battle myself against an onslaught. Desslok has not responded to the Gamilon Embassy on Terra yet since he is in similar straits himself at the edge of the Sanzar System in battle himself. Why are we all in battle? The Bolar Federation is on a rampage, and I feel HIS Presence there at Arcturus as well as here in creatures filled with his evil presence. He means to kill all of us, but he uses the Bolars and those creatures as his tools.


I prophesy you will soon be facing these wraith-things yourself, in person. Remember who you are, what you Carry, and Whose you are, and you can break HIS link to these demons and then help us in defeating the Bolars by ordinary military means.


I can hold them back, and have conferred with the Blue Council, but we feel you can best break the Link in a quiet mental battle you will fight even as you are in real physical combat. Our trust resides in Thee.


Cheers to thee, and I hope we can succeed and meet soon on New Pellias, but it may not be since I feel you may soon see more of your Future as you come from the Past than you can imagine.


Keep the Faith,




“Not good, NOT good,” Nova responded as she shook her head hard while putting away the letter. “And it’s going to be worse for Derek. Much worse!”


“How bad, Mom?” said Jonathan.


“Not at liberty to say right now,” said Nova. “Except for this. I need to hug each one of those kids, and let them know this may be the last time Mommy ever sees them alive. This might be IT,” Nova said fiercely. “Fela, let’s go. Kiiyama, follow us…”


“Aye, ma’am,” said Kiiyama.





The Vicinity of Arcturus

Earth Space Battleship Argo

May 27, 2214

0308 Hours: Earthtime




The Argo and her task force had come upon the damaged Shangri-La not far from the battle scene.


The Argo was repaired with regard to most of damage she had taken in combat the previous day, except that her comm systems were not working that well for long-range transmissions. She had only been able to send about two blips out towards Earth, and had received only a few orders back.


Admiral Wildstar had not located Captain Mark Venture yet.


However, he remember that Lieutenant Commander Deke Wakefield was still aboard the Argo, but only for the time being, since the Shangri-La had been able to use its own experimental SMITE unit to warp him along with his second flight leader, Angie Hartcliffe, and one other squadron of the Blue Devils in time to assist.


Now, Deke was on the bridge of the Argo, standing again near Sasha. The couple had had their reunion out in the lobby beyond Bridge One while Derek had been mentally speaking with Nova about an hour ago.


Deke looked at Sasha’s radar and asked, “When are they getting back?”


“I don’t know; I haven’t picked up that squadron we sent out on search for the Shangri-La yet,” Sasha replied, still feeling a little self-conscious in Nova’s usual yellow and black uniform colors as her replacement as Living Group Leader and radar officer for this mission. “If you ask me, sir, I’m feeling rather nervous…” As well as concerned, Sasha thought. Auntie’s the only member of the Blue Council who hasn’t psychically contacted me yet, she thought, thinking of the Council of psionic women that had been reconvened by Starsha and Astrena some years back that she and Nova had been inducted to at about the time New Pellias and the Pellians had regained their independence five years ago.


Their five-year watch for Ekogaru, and their close watch on him ever since then when they had almost succeeded in destroying him, although at great cost, was finally bearing fruit, Sasha knew. She could feel His presence far away in those creatures, and that confirmed for Admiral Wildstar what Nova had told him before….that Ekogaru was behind this vicious battle, although mysteriously at arms’ length.


Then, a moment later, all hell broke loose as the Argo shook, very hard. Deke almost fell right into Sasha’s lap, and Sasha began to gleam a little.


The ship trembled horribly.


“Venture!” yelled Wildstar from the Captain’s Station.


“Sir, we’re getting a report from the Indus that the cruiser Sumida has just vanished into nothingness, along with the destroyers Ota, Lagos, and Williamsport!” said Homer from his post at Communications. “Commander Majid on the Indus has no idea what’s going on!”


“We’re falling into a Black Hole!” yelled Sasha. “Just like they did! Some kind of artificially created Black Hole! But how and why?”


Holly was struggling to keep the Argo from falling into a Black Hole which had materialized near it, from out of nowhere as Derek brought the ship up to Red Alert, bringing up the klaxons himself as crewmembers ran to their posts.


 “Black Hole…at five megameters’ range!” said Sasha. “I’ve no idea where it came from. But…there’s a power around it…and…”


“I don’t CARE about metaphysics right now, Sasha!” yelled Derek. “Deke! Keep her in her seat, and Holly, keep the damn stern of the ship out of it!”


Trying!” barked Holly.


“Where did that come from, Sandor?” demanded Derek.


“I read about this in an Intel report, Wildstar,” Sandor said. “They used this weapon in a battle with the Rikashans last year. President Cha’rif sent me a report; they almost killed him with one of these weapons. It’s called a Black Hole Cannon which creates artificial singularities and shoots them at enemy targets! Sasha! Scan for a source of Berthold Energy in the region! If you can find that, you can find the Fortress that is probably the source so we can attack it. In the meantime…we did lose the main SMITE Projector on Bridge Number Two, but we still have the auxiliary ones that can come out of the forward torpedo tube launchers, although the power rating is less.”


“Good! Sandor, get those SMITE units deployed; Sasha, scan for that Berthold Energy!”


“Roger,” said Sasha.


“Wakefield, get to your plane, and tell Hardy I want him ready to launch,” snapped Derek. “When we find that thing, I’m going to use our version of SMITE and will warp in three Tiger squadrons to attack it before we hit it with Wave Motion Cartridges! Rosstowski! Get the gunners to load up the Wave Motion Cartridges, and get them to stand by so I can take that thing out!”


“ROGER, sir!” said Rosstowski.


Then, a moment later, just as the Argo began to pull free from the Black Hole weapon, Sasha cried, “Bolar Fleet, amounting to eight battleships, five destroyers, and a carrier, approaching from port, distance, eight  megameters, speed, thirty space knots! No Berthold Radiation yet detected!”


“DAMN! NOT now!” said Derek. “Hardy! Are you ready to launch yet?”


“We’re just gettin’ the lower bay opened; they’re opening the only workin’ upper bay, the port bay, by hand!” said Jefferson Hardy from his post below in his plane.


“Launch faster, damnit!” barked Wildstar, who gritted his teeth as he saw the two Fleet Cruisers that were part of his Task Force colliding and blowing apart as the destroyer Bethlehem swirled into a Black Hole right before the horrified eyes of the Argo’s Bridge Crew. The Task Force was now down to three destroyers, and the Indus, who engaged the Bolars first. The destroyer Manchester hit one Bolar destroyer, but another Bolar destroyer blew apart the EDF destroyer Buenos Aires even as seven Gamilon destroyers warped into the area and signaled their presence to the Argo before they also began to fire at the enemy ships.


The Bolars then began to return fire with everything they had.


The Argo soon took hits to her radar, her bow, her stern, and to her forward torpedo tubes, even while being protected by the remains of their task force and the Gamilon ships, which as Homer communicated, were under the command of a Kapitan Hel Langford.


Worst of all, one of the forward SMITE projectors, on the port side, was badly damaged.


And, to make things even worse, the Third Bridge was hit and blown off the ship altogether.


“Starboard Auxiliary engine is out! “snapped Sandor. “Upper port Fighter Bay hit, ten pilots killed!”


“Main guns ready for regular fire!” said Rosstowski.


“OPEN FIRE!” snapped Derek. “Target…the Bolar Federation Fleet!”


“Opening fire!” said Rosstowski…even as another Black Hole weapon launched and arrived on scene, swallowing up two of the Gamilon destroyers on site.


“Captain!” cried Sasha. “Source of the Berthold Radiation spotted…at AX-212, range, fifteen megameters! Huge enemy fortress at that location!”


“Holly, get us towards that Fortress,” said Derek.


“Roger that!” Holly Venture replied.


The Argo’s main guns finally spoke as beams of energy blasted from them towards the enemy.


She was beginning to strike back in this mad battle at last.


“Two Bolar destroyers hit…one enemy battleship taken out,” Sasha reported. “One was rammed by one of the Gamilon vessels.”


“Get us facing AZ-212, Venture!” said Derek. “We should just be able to warp in two squadrons with the auxiliary SMITE units. Sandor, is the other one up yet?”


“It just came back up,” reported the Mechanical Group Leader.


“Great,” said Derek. “Now if we can just get in…a little closer…”




“Count Prencov,” said Admiral Rosskovsky on the Bolar Black Hole Fortress. “The Argo is coming toward us.”


“A most cunning move on Our Part,” said Prencov as Ekogaru’s voice came from him.


The Dark Lord himself was far away, in caverns beneath his Temple on planet R’Khell’eva, almost ninety thousand lightyears away from the battle. He smiled as Rosskovsky said, “The Knight is parted from the Queen on Terra, Lordship. Are we to capture her and use her for ransom Earth’s surrender when we take it?”


“No. I want her crucified when we take Earth or her…” said Ekogaru softly as his voice came through Prencov.


“What?” said Rosskovsky.


“She will soon be in a position where Marda can bring her directly to me. The Bitch of Despair shall soon bring me the greatest prize of all when her R’Khell sub reaches Terra…do not worry…you will get to see her stripping, torture, and then her crucifixion at close range…”


“Lord, you said she was to be captured and interrogated for the secrets of the Cosmo-DNA…,” said Rosskovsky.


“Which I can get out of her before I kill her,” said Ekogaru.


“Does not she have young ones?” said Rosskovsky. “Lord, we may be soon killing the father, but why deprive the younglings of their mother, too? I mean…I understand their smallest one is still even occasionally at her mother’s breast!”


“She will not have to worry about the young ones, as I intend to kill them one by one, too,” said Ekogaru. “Five little crosses would look adorable surrounding her cross on R’Khelleva as we nail her to the cross and she gets to see her children again…all preferably dead…”


Rosskovsky had no words for that; he was sickened. “Borski, you are in command…I need a drink,” he said as he left.


“Why are you leaving?” said Prencov.


“I do not feel well. Borski can handle the end of the Argo for a few minutes,” snapped Rosskovsky as he stalked off the Bridge.


“Idiot, M’Lord,” said Duke Hansa.


“He will be dealt with…eventually,” said Prencov, left on his own as Ekogaru’s spirit left him while the Dark Lord focused his attention on the R’Khell Priestess Marda, who was near Terra in subspace on her sub.


A mere moment later, the battered Argo warped in, right near the Fortress.


“Activate SMITE!” said Derek a moment later as six planes, carrying Deke Wakefield, Angie Hartcliffe, Angie’s husband Clive Hartcliffe, Jere “Brew” Marrable, and two other pilots, flew in front of the SMITE projectors and warped right towards the Fortress, followed by six planes led by Hardy who warped in at another angle.


“How are you doin, Dekesticks?” yelled Brew over Deke’s headset as he warped in.


“Tryin’ to keep from throwin’ up, man,” said Deke. “This is the weirdest flight I ever experienced,” he said as he flew in towards the Fortress, blasting missile after missile into whatever ports he could manage.


“I’m scanning one heck of an energy source,” said Angie Hartcliffe from the cockpit of her Tiger.


“I’m right behind you, and ready to back you up, luv,” said Clive, Angie’s second husband.


“I’m so glad,” she said. “You’ve been so good to me these years, luv. I hope Richie is alright on his ship,” said Angie.


“He should be fine…hopefully the battle hasn’t gotten to him yet,” said Clive as he blew a kiss at Angie, right as he attacked a sphere of the Fortress.


A massive gun caught his plane, and blew a wing off.


“NO!” said Angie. “Clive, darling…punch out!”


“I found where the Black Hole cannon is,” he said as his plane began to swirl out of control. “I’m heading for it!”


“Hartcliffe!” said Hardy over his headset. “Pull out! That’s a direct orduh, son!”


“With all respect, sir, it’s about to fire right at the Argo…what a load o’ bollocks! I love you, Angie! Tell him I love him…and…”


Clive blasted his Tiger down the Black Hole Cannon like a missile as Angie screamed.

Just before the fatal moment of impact, Clive saw a gleaming woman with light blond hair floating before him. She did not appear to be clothed.


This is not your destiny, Clive Hartcliffe…said the voice of Trelaina of Telezart as she appeared before him.


“Luv, whoever you are, how am I supposed to crash me plane into that thing?” Clive protested.


“Not by leaving your wife a widow, nor your boy fatherless…besides…he needs you…” Trelaina said as she phased him out of the cockpit…and sent him elsewhere….


The plane smashed into the depths of the Black Hole Cannon and destroyed it a moment later as Angie screamed, wanting to follow him into what she reasonably assumed was a fiery death, until Trelaina’s soft voice whispered in her mind, “He lives still…Angelique…”


“HOW?” she yelled. “I saw that explosion! He’s dead!”


“He will not die there…he is with your son…alive, but together with him in a deadly peril. Let them know that I let him live…”


“Who are you?” demanded Angie.


“I am Trelaina…Trelaina of Telezart…and my job is elsewhere,” she said as she appeared to Angie for a moment, smiled at satisfaction at the burning Black Hole Cannon, and smiled as the Fortress warped away.


A confused Angie just managed to shake the tears from her eyes and fly back to the Argo. She did not know how she landed, but she managed to do so….


For now, the battle was over. But the Argo had lost the ability to communicate with Earth….for now….and the Shangri-La was in even worse shape….






Earth: The Tokyo Megalopolis

Central Hospital: Day Care Area

May 27, 2214

0415 Hours: Earthtime




Fela the Ralkhen, with her furry body, was trying to catch up to a crying Anya Wildstar in the child care area of Central Hospital. The Day Care Suite was misnamed, for it ran twenty-four hours a day now to provide child care for the numerous Doctors, Nurses, Orderlies, and other allied Health personnel who had children who needed urgent child care duties while the medical care professionals of the EDF dealt with their demanding jobs in Terra’s largest hospital.


“You’re not as strong as we are,” said Fela as she caught up to the crying girl. “You’re a bit small to go barefoot in the street; you at least need your flip-flops on.”


Anya threw herself on a couch and moped. “Fela, I do not need my shoes. I need my MOTHER!” she yelled.


“Mom has to go,” said a crying Ariel as Nova kissed her.


“Bad enough Daddy had to run off, but you too, Mama?” whimpered Anya. “Are you going to leave me an orphan?”


“I hope not,” Nova said softly as she rubbed her daughter’s hair while cuddling a crying little Teresa. “Put your sandals on. Please. For me?” Nova said with a winning smile.


“Ohhh…all right,” said Anya.


“Mom, you said that plane you’re getting on is a special boat. Why?” said young Alex Wildstar as he moped beside Stephen, who was reading a book and saying little to his mother.


“You and Ariel were born in that space boat,” Nova said. “It was very special for us, although it wasn’t special for me for a while.”


“Why’s not?” said Anya.


“Giving birth to your big sister and brother really HURT,” Nova said. “You and Stephen weren’t so bad because I’d done it once already, and by the time Teresa here came along, I was a pro at that business,” Nova said as she kissed the crying toddler and tenderly handed her to Fela.


“I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time,” Nova stammered. “I have to go away, probably for a day or so,” as she addressed all her children. “There are sick people waiting for me to take care of them on the island of Guam. I’m going to be very tired and work very hard, but Fela is back now with Hegen and I want all of you to be good for her and your big brother Jonathan and for  your father, who may get home before I do. You all know by now he’s very good at defeating the bad guys. He may get home before I do, who knows?”


“What do we do if both of you die out there?” Anya pouted.


“Be good, and carry on the fight,” Nova said.


“I DON’T WANT YOU TO GO, MOMMY!” cried Ariel as she clung to her mother.


Nova sobbed as she held her eldest daughter, and said, “I will be back. One way or the other.”


“How do we know that?” sobbed Ariel.


“I do not think this is my Time yet,” Nova whispered in her ear. “That’s why. Be brave. Look after them with Alex and Jonathan. You are the Lady of the House until I get back. I love you.”


“I love you, too, Mommy!” sobbed Ariel.


“I’m not crying,” said Alex as he ran up to his mother and hugged her.


“Why not?” said Nova.


“Uncle Mark Venture says boys ain’t supposed to cry!” said Alex as he held his mother, while crying.


“You listen to your father,” said Nova as she hugged and kissed her eldest son. “He says boys can cry if they need to. I don’t mind.”


“Why not, Mommy?” sobbed Stephen as he held his mother.


“Because he’s a man, and he still cries,” said Nova. “And Derek is the strongest and best man I know on Earth. That’s why I love him so much,” Nova sobbed. She put on her lab coat and adjusted her glasses. “Goodbye, kids,” she said.


“GOODBYE, MOMMY!” yelled all of them at once.


Nova saluted her children, and on that note, she left.