Mello’s Prank! Invidia’s New Fear!


Another Death Note/Star Blazers short by Ami Meitsu


“Wait…What are we doing again?” Misa asked. Currently, she and Mello were sneaking down the hall to Invidia’s room.


“I told you! We’re going to take this piece of the Death Note I got from Light and put it in her hand.”Mello explained.




“That way when she wakes up Ryuk here can scare her” Mello pointed behind him, Ryuk followed him, he wasn’t normally there, but Light called him in for Mello.


“Isn’t that kind of wrong?” Misa asked as they entered the room.


“Misa it’s a prank, it’s not wrong, it’s funny.” Mello walked over to her bed, luckily Invidia had one of her hands out, she held the blanket with the other one, the blanket lay diagonal on her exposing part of the slip she wore.


Mello looked at her and carefully placed the paper in her hand. Then he moved Ryuk so he stood at the end of the bed. “Stay!” he ordered.


Misa went outside, she really didn’t want to see what Invidia would do if she caught Mello.


“All right…” Mello murmured, he went back over to Invidia and shook her a bit, after a minute she started to get up. Mello ducked and Invidia sat up, completely unaware of the paper in her hand.


“What?” Invidia muttered. She looked around until she could see what was in the room, her eyes widened. All she could see was a big monster-like thing, she backed up. “W…Who are you?! W…What are you doing here?” she asked. She tried to say something else but she couldn’t- she just screamed.


“Something wrong with her?” Ryuk asked Mello.


“Father!”Invidia called. She began to cry; Invidia laid down and clutched her blanket as she cried harder. ‘It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream…’ she kept thinking to herself over and over.


After a couple minutes Zordar came in. “Princess, I heard you scream. What’s wrong?” he sat on her bed.


“There was this thing…at the end of the bed…it was big and…” she pointed to end of the bed, Zordar saw nothing.


‘Now she’s seeing monsters? Something must be wrong…’ He picked her up and held her, she cried into him. “You sure something’s there?” he asked.


“Father! You don’t understand! I saw something! It was like…A monster from hell!”


“You’re shaking…” He muttered.


“Father…” Invidia whined.


“It’s okay, just shush; you probably just had a bad dream.”


‘I hope so…’ Invidia thought.


He got up and carried her off into his own room, she usually calmed down if she stayed with him. Once he put her on the bed she clung to him.


‘Something must’ve really scared her…’


Meanwhile Mello and Near, who were still in the hallway, they laughed like crazy. “Did you see that?” Mello asked “That was priceless!”


Near didn’t say anything, but then again it was only a little funny to him.


“I mean did you see the look on her face?!”


“That wasn’t funny!” Misa told him. “That was mean! I think you seriously scared her!”


“So? It was funny! Every time she gets scared she just runs to her father! It’s priceless!”


“You’re sick!” Misa hissed, then she left. Even if Invidia didn’t like her that much and didn’t really treat her well at times it still wasn’t right. ‘No one needs to be scared like that!’


As Misa headed down the hall Invidia lay awake next to her father, she just couldn’t go back to sleep. ‘I swear! That thing…it was a like a monster from hell! I s this trying to tell me something..? Is it…coming back to get me?!’She started crying again, she didn’t exactly know why, but she did.


“Invidia…” Zordar sighed; he had been up with her and just couldn’t get her to go to sleep.


She looked at him.


“Oh stop it” he pulled her closer. “No more crying…” he started running his finger through her hair-it seemed to calm her down. “Don’t worry about; it was just a dream…okay?”


Invidia nodded and cuddled up to him. ‘He’s so warm…I…I…’ She fell asleep.


‘Finally’ Zordar thought, he had spent about 15 minutes trying to get her to calm down and it had finally worked. ‘This probably isn’t over though…what did she see anyway?’


The next morning Misa paced back in forth in her cell thinking of what to do, she thought what Mello had done was just wrong and needed to fix it.


“What are you doing?” Mello asked.


“I’m telling her.”




“I’m telling her what you guys did!” Misa clarified.


“You can’t tell her about the Death Note!


“I won’t! I’ll tell her it was a projection formulated by your sick minds!” She walked out, she needed more time to think.


“Aw you’re no fun!” Mello sighed.


Meanwhile Invidia had come to next to someone else-Shamura. Shamura sat on the bed next to her.


“Where’s my father?!” Invidia sat up.


“He left for a meeting about 5 minutes ago, he told me to tell you that you didn’t have to come.” Shamura informed her.


“But…I need him!” Invidia whined.


“It’s all right, he’ll be back, but right now how about I give you a bath? It might help…”


Invidia nodded, she needed something to take her mind off the so-called ‘monster from hell’ she had seen.


“Okay. Come on” Shamura pulled her up and she followed, only to find out that Shamura was right, the bath did help-but only for a bit.


“Hey Shamura?” she asked.


“Yes Mistress?”


“Do you believe in monsters from hell? You know…gods of Death?”


“That’s a weird question…”




“Sorry, but I’d half to say no, I agree with your Father-you probably just had a bad dream…”


“I hope so, I mean…I don’t deserve to die…Do I?” she looked at Shamura with tears in her eyes.


“Oh shush” Shamura pushed a strand of hair out of her face. “It’s all right, just don’t worry about it.”


“Okay…” Invidia nodded but she didn’t exactly agree with her…


After a little while she got out and went to the meeting her father had been called to. She knew it wasn’t necessary for her to go but she needed him. She snuck in while another one of the staff members was talking.


“Father!” Invidia whispered, she was trying to go unnoticed so she sat by his chair.


“Invidia what are you doing here?” he asked.


“I wanted to see you, you…you can’t leave me…” she climbed up and sat on his lap, just as she had done during meetings when she was little.




She stayed, and by now everyone was looking at her.


Zordar thought quickly, he had to find a way out of this without making him or Invidia look stupid. “She doesn’t feel well.” He lied. “I was taking care of her and while she slept I came down here…she just needs someone to look after her, I’ll be right back.” He carried Invidia into the hall, trying to make it more convincing.


“Good lie.” She told him once he put her down in the hall.


“Never mind that! Invidia, you know you can’t do that!”


“But Father! I need you!” she hugged him “What if it comes back?” she cried.


“Invidia it wasn’t real…” he sighed.


“But it looked real! It was a monster from hell trying to get me! I know it!”


“Okay, no more wine before bed.”


“I wasn’t drunk!” she whined. Why is it that he often thought she was?


“Look” he picked her up again “I know you’re scared but you don’t need to be, you’re a long way from dying.”


“But Father! What if it was after me? I’m too young to die!” Invidia had tears in her eyes again, he wasn’t helping, she knew something had been there.


“Princess, maybe you just need a nap…”


“I’m fine, and I can’t sleep anyway! You’ve seen the ancient movies! I close my eyes and end up with a fork in my back!”


“You’re overeating Honey…”


“Father…” She looked at him with what Zordar called ‘Sad eyes.’ She just looked so pathetic, it was cute, but she did often use it for attention.


“Stop it; nothing’s going to kill you.” He held her closer. “Just calm down-okay?”


She nodded, but Zordar knew that she was probably going to become clingy anyway.


He was right, she seemed to follow him almost everywhere, and while she did that Misa sat in her cell working on what she’d tell Invidia to make it sound like an illusion prank, that way, nothing about the Death Note was revealed.


“It sounds good.” Light told her, she had brought him in because she needed a second opinion.


“Good” Misa nodded. “It needs to be convincing, I’m gonna go find her…” Misa left. ‘Now if I was Invidia where would I be…?’ She walked and walked and walked until she found Invidia in her Father’s sitting room with him. She was sitting on his lap, he was on the couch.


“Hey, Princess!” Misa came over.


“Great, another monster form hell…” Invidia sighed.


“Look that wasn’t a monster from hell!”


“How do you know about that?!” Invidia snapped.


“It was Mello’s doing, he set up a projector image and used it to scare you.”


“Wait-so all of this was nothing?” Zordar asked.


Invidia looked at him, then Misa “Wait…so…Damn it! They were trying to make a fool out of me…weren’t they?!”


“Probably, they thought it was funny.”


“Scaring me half to death isn’t funny! They’re getting it!” She got up. “Father!” She held her hand out and he handed her the pointer that she had left next to him.


“Wait-what are you gonna do?”


“You’ll find out…” she left.


“This…will be interesting” Misa said.


~Night Time…~


Mello and Near ran down the hall and past Invidia’s room-screaming.


“What did you do?” Zordar looked at Invidia, currently they were in her bedroom, Zordar sat on the bed and Invidia leaned on him with her head resting on his shoulder.


“I made my own projection…” Invidia admitted. “Remember that old Cometine horror movie I saw when I was 6? The one that you banned from the palace?”


“You didn’t…”


“I did…”


“You’re cruel” Zordar just looked at her, that movie she had seen was probably ten times worse than most Earth movies.


“They deserved it…” Invidia told him.


“Yeah…and I guess this proves that I taught you something right…”




“I’m kidding” Zordar hugged her as she began to fall asleep.


There were no more fears…and no more troubles…