STARFIGHTER! The Iconoclasts

Chapter 9: Revelations


By: Tom Sczepkowski

With editing and clean-up by: Frederick P. Kopetz


Copyrights: STAR TREK is © 2004 by Paramount Pictures, Inc. STAR BLAZERS is © 2004 by Voyager International, and, STAR WARS is © 2004 by Lucasfilm, Ltd. GARGOYLES is © 2004 by Disney Entertainment. The Technomugar Empire is © 2004 by Frederick P. Kopetz and is mentioned here by the author's permission. All original elements of this tale are © 2004 by Tom Sczepkowski. All rights reserved, not to be copied without the author's permission.  



Col. Alsarida Neri, despite the name, was born T’ Shara on Vulcan. Like Selar, her family too was killed in action during the Khittomer attack by the Romulans. After that, she was sent to live with an aunt and uncle who were living on the planet Iota; a planet ruled by Mafia families, with the mob family rulers known as "bosses".


During a slight “dispute” between bosses there, her aunt and uncle were killed. Now, having lost everything, the-then 14 year old Vulcan abandoned her philosophy and her heritage and sought her revenge out on the family that killed her aunt and uncle by totally wiping out the whole family, including the boss in charge. The head family currently in power called the Neri family saw the young girl's potential and raised her as her own daughter. She took the name of the Don’s mother and completely forgot her Vulcan heritage. When she was 18, and somewhat out of control, getting mixed up in many a brawl, her adoptive family felt that she lacked discipline  He felt that a structured setting would be better for her so she had enlisted in the Marines in the protection unit and eventually became a bodyguard to diplomats and high ranking personnel.


She had become a favorite among the Federation council not only for her abilities, for she was also very beautiful, which sometimes worked to her advantage when she was protecting someone.


This mission was one that she was not looking forward to for three reasons.


It involved the Dantes family.


It involved Ambassador Spock.


They would be traveling on the Enterprise.


These reasons weren’t personal, however, they were professional. At the moment, she kept her feelings to herself when she had been given her orders by General Hideico. She simply saluted and left his office suite.


The Enterprise had arrived as she was there all morning making sure that everything was all set with the security staff. She was somewhat concerned that Captain Jean-Luc Picard would not be available for this particular mission due to a malfunction in his artificial heart which was going to be taken care of at Starfleet Medical. He seemed to have enough faith in his First Officer Commander Riker and Second Officer Commander Data (who was an android) to carry out their mission in his stead. Next, she wanted to finally contact the family.


She piloted the runabout herself while reading the file reports on the entire family. She was stuck on Vaught's persona as she became mesmerized with his picture. She had never met Corsair, however she had heard stories about him. To her, he seemed more like a ghost and a legend than a real person. It was hard to believe that he was a family man with a daughter. She did read that his ex-wife had been killed and she also read about the bizarre events leading up to her death. However, Alsarida simply looked at the picture again. As she gazed at it, the computer started beeping, which meant she was within 100 miles of her destination. She chuckled to herself and put the data pad away as she piloted the runabout along the New Jersey coastline. It was a clear day as she cut across part of the state over the town of Red Bank, along the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers.


She finally came across to Sandy Hook and landed about a half a mile short of the Dantes mansion, near the remains of a mid twentieth-century armory of some sort.


She normally didn’t have to wear a uniform, however, in this instance she wore one. The Starfleet Marine field uniform was not too unlike the Marine uniforms of the twentieth and twenty first century. The Starfleet Marine Corps held more of a traditional military doctrine complete with hats and saluting where regular Starfleet personnel did not. However Starfleet Personnel and Marine personnel always had worked well together throughout the years. Although they were different, each side was careful not to antagonize the other; especially during wartime.


The war was not going well for the Federation… however they weren’t doing as badly as when the war started. They had just re-taken the Deep Space Nine station from the Cardassians. All seemed OK for now, but the war was going to be long and hard.  And the Federation wanted Vaught Corsair back. On the ride down, Alsarida read the entire file on Vaught, the Inferno, and the planet Iscandar in the alternate universe. She was puzzled by certain aspects of it as she found herself standing by the water's edge gazing out onto the ocean.


She sighed heavily as she shook her head slightly and began walking towards the house. Then, she heard a commotion going on. She walked a little faster as she saw a fight taking place.


Not knowing it was Starsha, she drew her phaser, which was a modified titanium pistol with a scope, and she thus bolted across the beach.


As if on cue Starsha dropped to the ground and tumbled, standing in front of Destine. Then, she activated her light saber as it glowed a burgundy color. Also on cue, Alsarida started firing as Starsha started to charge Alsarida. As the two were about to clash Demona, gliding through the air, shouted “STOP!” and interspersed herself between them just as they stood there not breaking eye contact.


“We do this sort of thing all the time,” Destine said to Alsarida. "No need for you to worry about us."


Alsarida raised an eyebrow, saying, “You might try playing Parcheesi, instead, Admiral.” 


“Very comical, Colonel,” Destine replied. “May I present my great-granddaughter, Lieutenant Starsha Corsair?”


Once Starsha realized that she almost attacked a Starfleet Marine Colonel, she was at full attention.  Starsha knew from her own experience with Selar that Vulcans were very disciplined. She wondered what she was in for with a Vulcan Marine Colonel.


Starsha remained at attention even with the full pack on her back. Alsarida was impressed that she could still remain at attention even after fighting with a bat'leth in full gear. Alsarida also did not want to be brutal towards the young girl who was very well respected in the ranks of both the Marines and Starfleet.


“With your permission, Admiral?” Alsarida asked.


Destine nodded. “Yes. I'll leave the two of you alone to get acquainted.”


Starsha didn’t move…in fact, it appeared that she didn’t breathe as Destine chuckled to herself and walked away to the house.                                                           


Alsarida turned towards Starsha whom just looked straight ahead as Alsarida nodded in approval.


“Stand at rest, kid. I don’t want you dropping on me.”


Starsha let out her breath as she stooped her shoulders from the weight of the pack. Then, Alsarida started walking with her towards the house.


“That was impressive work with that light saber,” Alsarida said.


“Thank you, ma'am,” Starsha replied.


“I’ve heard you’re not entirely pleased with this assignment,” Alsarida said.


Starsha said nothing, but just continued to walk.


“You may speak openly,” Alsarida said


“There doesn’t seem to be an assignment to be pleased or displeased with,” Starsha said. “I’m being baby sat.”


“Well with the loss of your mother and your heavy combat record…"


“I need to be out there, Colonel!” Starsha said impatiently. “I need to do my job….If I was anyone else other than Admiral Destine's granddaughter I’d be out there on the front lines right now….just like my father.”


Alsarida nodded. “Ah, yes. I never met your father; I wish I had…,” she said as she chuckled drawing a surprised look from Starsha. Alsarida shot a look back.


“What is it!?” Alsarida asked.


“Nothing, Colonel,” Starsha said quickly.


“Stick close to me during this mission, understood?”


Starsha shook her head, muttering to herself, "Damn. She’s not going to let anyone but Commander Riker and Commander Troi near me.”


Right ,” she added. “And myself. You will be carefully watched."


Starsha looked at her as they got to the house. Alsarida said, “Do you think she would have let me with you alone if she and Nokkar didn’t hand pick me for this mission that we are going on? It is very important!”


“Ma'am, I don’t even know what we are doing! I’m still in the dark!”


“Well that’s one of the reasons why I’m here.” Alsarida said as she handed her a data pad. “Read that now,” Alsarida said.   “You are to familiarize yourself with all of the particulars. Although the Enterprise is here, Destine will hold things up for a few days. You are to be on the Enterprise on Wednesday 0445 with your gear.”


“Yes, ma'am," Starsha said. “Without reading this, uhhhh, speaking candidly, we really got ourselves into the shithouse this time, didn’t we?”


Alsarida shot her a quick smile. “Between you and me…It all rests on your father.”




Vaught shut the autopilot off on the Andromeda’s helm as he preferred to fly the ship manually.


“The old man’s going to yell if you keep doing that.” Sandor said sitting at the station next to him.


“Society relies too much on gadgets.” Vaught said re activating the auto-pilot.


“You’ve been a great help on this flight…I want to thank you,” Sandor said. “Forgive my saying so but Space Marines aren’t always so willing to cooperate.”


“Perhaps.” Vaught said. “But after all this war and desolation I would think cooperation would be more forthcoming.”


“People forget all too quickly.” Sandor said. “This planet is now united only because the Gamilons were overpowering us with planet bombs. I mean there are already isolated incidents of things returning to old school…especially with my people in their homeland.”


Israel and Palestine?” Vaught asked.


Sandor nodded.  “Also with other countries. And there are fanatics…religious fanatics, leading bizarre racist separatist movements.”


“Like that old woman I saw in my vision…Will of the Force.” Vaught muttered to himself. He was relieved when he found that Sandor apparently hadn't heard him.


“Aren’t you concerned for the future?” Sandor asked.


“I’m just a cog in the wheel of things,” Vaught said. “I can't summon the future….The only thing I can do is give knowledge of the past and to enforce the present….I guess that’s spoken like a typical Marine but that’s how I look at it.”


“So your philosophy is just to follow orders without question?” Sandor asked.


“You asked my opinion, didn't you?” 


Sandor sighed and leaned back into the chair as Vaught made some slight course corrections to the auto pilot, then looked back at Sandor who just sat there looking out the windows.


“Your thoughts dwell on your friends in the Star Force, Commander Sandor,” Vaught said.


Sandor laughed, “Well! That’s pretty good for a total stranger Colonel….However, you can just call me Steve.”


“That would have to be for off duty…and I am Vaught.”


“Stickler for discipline, Colonel?”


“Yes, Commander,” Vaught said. "I am. As for your friends….I’m sure that Captain Avatar would have understood your not being present at his memorial tonight. However, I am not sure he’d agree with you about your lack of confidence of his successor, Acting Captain Wildstar."


Sandor turned and looked at him astonished as Vaught continued to look at his instruments. “But then, you weren’t really close to Captain Avatar, were you?” Vaught asked.


Errr…we had a good working relationship,” Sandor said, taken aback. "You have to understand that I had a lot to do on the trip back from Iscandar and he was bedridden at the end.”


“Then there was Desslok’s final attack on the Argo.” Vaught said. “The attack that had you so engrossed in your technical work with your improvised shield system you never really thought much at that moment about Captain Avatar, or the other people around you, dealing with their own hopes, fears, and an impending, untimely death, the passing of one who would have given her life for you and the others?"


Sandor spun around in the chair. God above! How in the hell could you possibly know all that!? You weren't there! You didn't see what happened when the Cosmo-DNA was first turned on or when Desslok attacked us! That's still classified!”


Vaught returned Sandor’s stare. “Am I incorrect, Commander?”


“No. You aren't,” Sandor said with a shaky voice. 


Vaught turned back to his panel as Gideon walked up to them.


“If your counseling session is over, gentlemen, would you mind laying a course for re-entry?”


“Already done, Captain,” Vaught said.


“Wonderful.” Gideon said sarcastically, walking over to his command console. “Then, take us home! You can discuss old tales later on in the Officers' Club over beer if you like. My bridge is not the right place for old war stories…"


Both Vaught and Sandor felt like saying something, but they didn't. They felt that in this case, discretion was definitely the better part of valor….



End Chapter Nine


Next Chapter: "Father Figures"

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