STARFIGHTER! The Iconoclasts

Chapter 4 "The Adventure Begins"


By: Tom Sczepkowski

With editing and clean-up by: Frederick P. Kopetz


Copyrights: STAR TREK is © 2004 by Paramount Pictures, Inc. STAR BLAZERS is © 2004 by Voyager International, and, STAR WARS is © 2004 by Lucasfilm, Ltd. GARGOYLES is © 2004 by Disney Entertainment. The Technomugar Empire is © 2004 by Frederick P. Kopetz and is mentioned here by the author's permission. All original elements of this tale are © 2004 by Tom Sczepkowski. All rights reserved, not to be copied without the author's permission.  



I*con*o*clast…/, n.


1. A breaker or destroyer of images or idols; a determined

   enemy of idol worship.


2. One who exposes or destroys impositions or shams; one who

   attacks cherished beliefs; a radical…



If you asked the Bajoran people which definition best fit Major Vaught Corsair of the Starfleet Marines…they would probably have said both and paid good money to get their hands on him. It had been remarked that the only thing the Bajorans and the Cardassians agreed upon was their hatred of Vaught Corsair.


When Starsha looked on the wall at her father's picture, she saw a devoted and loving father… a scholar, teacher, and hero.


But there was another picture of Vaught Corsair….a different one that others saw. Namely, they saw him as an assassin; a ruthless killer, a calculating, cold-hearted disciplined warrior. A professional killer; yes, but was he a murderer, or a hero? What was he? Was he a fighter for freedom or a ruthless terrorist? It depended upon one's point of view, as a great fallen Jedi Master had once said to his student.  


Thus, Vaught was in a state of confusion, being all alone in a galaxy that had been turned upside down on him. He waited three hours to rendezvous with the Enterprise.  When she didn't arrive, he knew he was on his own. This was not uncommon for him, and he understood Nechayev’s reasoning and was aware of just how far he could go in stretching her orders. This wasn’t the first time he worked with Nechayev; nor the twentieth. Wherever Nechayev was, Vaught wasn’t too far behind. They usually had a simple plan; Nechayev would go to debate a treaty or action in the foreground and Vaught would work in the background in secret to end the debate. Vaught never questioned her orders or judgment and he got the job done.


Vaught was trying to decide where to go. The last place he wanted to take Inferno was to Earth…that would be the first place in the whole Federation that anyone would look for it. Since the Enterprise was to take him to Deneva, that’s where Vaught decided to take the Inferno. Except when he went to plot a course for his home planet he noticed something very strange…the planet was not there and the star pattern was altogether different.


Weird, he thought. He gritted his teeth in the cockpit and huffed out a deep breath in frustration. He thought that the computer was malfunctioning…however after running a diagnostic all seemed A-OK. He tried next to plot a course for Vulcan. This had the same result as Deneva…Vulcan wasn't there. Then he tried to plot a course to Kronos, which the computer also maddeningly and implacably indicated, wasn’t there.


What is going on with this thing? Is it some system glitch? Damn…mused Vaught as he tried a few other coordinates. Nothing. Nada. All "NOT PRESENT. RETRY? Y N" A bewildered Corsair decided that he had been idle for too long and had to go someplace. So in a last ditch effort, he plotted a course for Earth. Vaught was relieved to find that this worked, so he put the Inferno directly into warp and closed his eyes for a few minutes. As he traveled, Vaught felt something just wasn’t right. It was what he would call a “Tremor in the Force.” And indeed the Force was trying to tell him something…when that happened, it usually meant that there was some sort of danger.


He used the computer to bring up information on the planets that he couldn’t find. He was somewhat surprised to see Inferno’s canopy go opaque. A moment later, the information was displayed all over the darkened canopy. Vaught was relieved to find that the planets did indeed exist and were still in the computer's memory core. OK, he thought. The computer's not dead or dying on me. However…when I try to uplink…nothing.


Vaught tried the procedure again. What troubled him was that he could not interface with the Federation’s main database. This was when he started to realize that something was indeed wrong.


“Computer...” Vaught said quietly


The computer beeped in reply as Vaught nodded. 


“Extrapolate from database of Federation planets and correlate with current navigational data…. Question….How many planets within sensor range can be matched from the Federation Planetary Database to the current navigational information?”


There was a brief pause when the standard Federation computer voice answered


“There is only one system within sensor range that has a 98 percent identical correlation rate to that of current Database.”


"Only one system out of over 2,000?" said Vaught in surprise.




“Is there any evidence that these systems were destroyed?” Vaught asked




Vaught sighed as he looked at his swollen arm. It had recently been burned by a Tholian plasma rifle. To him, the event in which he earned this burn was a minor skirmish that took place when he was attempting to take back Inferno. It was a medium-sized third-degree burn…however through his mind, he was able to control the pain.


Vaught looked at the display on the canopy at the Sol System. There were nine planets plus one on the outer edge of the star system right before an asteroid belt.


Odd…a tenth planet? It sure has an eccentric orbit. It has a definite wobble in its axis, and it's in a different orbital plane than the others. Could this be some sort of rogue planet that was captured while I was gone? Sure is a small rock, whatever it is.  Then, Vaught took Inferno out of warp. Being that Vaught did not have time to acclimate himself to the ship, he was not familiar with all of her features. Also he had already been in the cockpit for over five hours and it was getting very uncomfortable. There was little choice left. He would have to make a landing. As Earth became larger and larger in the canopy window, Vaught was about to disengage the computer display when the klaxon went off and the shields automatically raised.


Out of instinct Vaught flung the craft around 180 degrees and activated the weapons systems. As the Quantum Torpedo pods and Phaser banks clicked into position, the canopy went to a tactical view…However, Vaught saw nothing out of place.


He looked down at Earth. He noticed that he was over the North American continent. It was a clear night for most of it however he lights from cities from the Eastern Seaboard go out.


“Computer?” Vaught asked


“Power spike measured at 331.6 quantum Joules.”


“Damage?” Vaught said




“Let's find out what’s going on down there.” Vaught said as he again turned Inferno and headed towards the blue planet.


Even though he did not know it, the time down below on Earth was September 2, 2201.


And, out around Jupiter, a space battle had just taken place…



General Turpis of the Comet Empire watched as the power went out around the Earth. However he was worried as he looked at a report in his hands and showed it to Gorce.


“I might have known.” Gorce said. “This does not come as a surprise.”


“Our course takes us right past there.” Turpis said. “It could be trouble.”


“I doubt it.” Gorce said as he looked at the report again. “You said the message came from Telezart and was directed towards Earth?”


“I believe so.” Turpis said.


Gorce nodded. “Report the incident to Prince Zordar.” Gorce said, “However, I doubt that there is any cause for alarm."


They left the room together as they walked down a long corridor.


“It has been mentioned that you fear the Humans.” Turpis said


“Fear is too strong a word.” Gorce said “I have learned to respect them as an opponent…Desslok is the one that I fear…”


Turpis stopped walking. He looked at Gorce.  “Why?”


“The obsessed mind is also a dangerous one,” Gorce said. "Sometimes I even fear that Desslok is mad."


“He has a great opinion of himself…that is for sure.” Turpis said


“Yes….just as you and General Naska joyfully pointed out,” Gorce said as he continued walking again.


“We were amused by the humans' reaction… you see…we were monitoring one of their ships' communications,” said Turpis.


“Yes. It was a ship which Naska attacked without prior authorization, Turpis?” 


Turpis remained silent as again they stopped walking.


“You attacked several escort ships and an Earth battleship and you did not destroy them?”


“There was no need to – I-….“


“That was very stupid!” Gorce snapped.  “Now that ship's captain is aware of a threat! If he goes back to his command and reports to them that they were attacked it might possibly put their whole military on alert. Have you ever thought why this ship is made to resemble a comet?”


Turpis shook his head “If that was the case why did Prince Zordar choose to enter this dimension from so far away?”


"You have no control where the Gateway leaves you within several light years…” Gorce said “Just where you enter is stationary.”


“You’re too inflexible, my friend,” Turpis said as he walked away from Gorce. “The humans are no match for us. They can be easily defeated!”



"Bye now…I'm off for a date with the lady robot," said a small red robot down on Earth as he waved and scurried away.


A man in young middle age in a dark green Headquarters uniform with a crew cut laughed. "What a character."


"He's a real tinwit," chuckled a young woman with blond shoulder-length hair in a white Headquarters uniform, short skirt, and red ascot who was with him in the Energy Control Center of Earth Defense Headquarters. The man, who was in his early thirties, was one Lieutenant Commander Stephen Sandor. The woman was named Nova Forrester, and she was a Lieutenant in the EDF. "Which reminds me. You know I got the plane tickets for Key West? I still plan to take my short leave."


"Wildstar's going to be home in two and a half days, Nova," said Sandor.


"I know. I'm worried about him. Hope he's all right in all this. But I still need to get out of the city for a bit. This power surge…that little blackout we had…there's something about this that makes me feel weird. I damn well know I couldn't just sit around in my apartment and mope, since I'm going to be off work for two days anyway."


"Hmm…I feel the same way? But, unlike you,  I can't take any leave. Who are you going with again?"


"Natalie, Veronica, Kumiko and Kazuo…you can't ever separate them…and we're meeting Eager and his girlfriend Lisa there. Poor Chris Eager. He's never seen a beach in his life. We plan to teach him how to play Frisbee."


"Better be careful you don't trip on something," teased Sandor. "Want Derek to see you bruised up?"


"Sandor, I'm not that bad!" cried Nova.


IQ-9 popped his head back into the room. "Ms. Efficiency is late. I'm back!"


"Wonderful," said Nova as she rolled up her dark eyes and tapped one of her pumps on the deck. "I thought you wanted to test your mettle with the nurse droid?"


"Ha ha ha Nova! You made a pun. Hahahaha! Metal. I am made of metal. I am a genius! I am strong. I am coordinated!"


"You're always falling to pieces!" snapped Nova. "Like tonight? I swear, you nearly bonked me in the head."


"You're beautiful, Nova. But, you run like a girl, you fall on your butt all the time, and you make the worst coffee in the known Universe."


"So this is the thanks I get for putting your electrical fire out? Maybe I should've let you roast on that floor, tinwit?"


"Sandor, what is about five foot eight, has blonde hair, and is a big pain in the neck?"


"I hear Ms. Efficiency coming," said Sandor as he winked at Nova and began looking at a computer panel.


"WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!" said IQ-9. Nova giggled to herself as the robot sped out of the room as fast as his tracks would take him.


"Does your bionic ear let you hear that far?" asked Nova.


"Nah. Made it up," said Sandor.


"Thanks, Steve," said Nova as she gave his hand a warm squeeze.




"I have to catch that flight tomorrow morning, so I'll be going now. See you in about three days from now on Heroes' Hill…with Derek, of course."


"Bon voyage, Nova," said Sandor. As soon as she left, he began studying a computer terminal again. He thought, There's something weird about this power surge…but what is it? I know it came from space. Well…let me look at these scans again. See if I can pinpoint the source. 



Turpis walked into the main council chamber where Zordar was sitting with Desslok, Invidia, and Dire discussing different tales of conquest. Desslok remained reserved  during most of the night. There was a chime as a servant girl came in and bowed.


“My Prince…General Turpis has arrived,” she said in a monotone voice. Invidia dismissed her with a wave of her hand as Turpis entered. He bowed and waited for permission from his Prince to speak. At the moment, Zordar was discussing something with Dire. He looked at Turpis, who bowed. Then, at Zordar' gesture, he spoke.


“My Prince, we have intercepted a message transmitted to Earth. It came from the vicinity of the planet Telezart.”


Zordar smirked and sat back in his chair and scoffed. “Of course.”


Invidia, who seemed angered by the report, slammed her goblet down on the table


“Trelaina!” Invidia said. “Father…are you going to allow her to behave with such impudence?”


“I thought she was just a legend.” Desslok said. "The sort of legend of which spacers who are too deep in their cups speak of."


“As did we,” Zordar said.  “However, before our entry through the Tholian portal, I sent an advance force to Telezart under the command of General Scorch."


“So this Trelaina now no longer exists?" Desslok asked.


“Muted… For the time being,” Zordar said turning to Turpis.  “I think for now Telezart should be left alone. We knew she might make a move like this…what can she really do?”


Desslok snickered than laughed aloud. Turpis felt ill at hearing that laugh, for it was the laugh of someone who had gone mad .Then, Desslok regained his composure and laughed uncontrollably again.


Zordar was amused by Desslok's behavior, especially since it was refreshing to know someone that just agreed with you all the time. Invidia, however, was not amused. 


“What do you find so amusing!?” Invidia snapped.


Desslok giggled as he wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard. “The humans have a saying…id ergo… A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”


“And you feel that this message is a first step to what?” Dire asked 


Desslok ignored the old general and looked right at Turpis.


“Did any of the message get through to Earth?” Desslok demanded. "Well? DID it?"


“We think so…uh… at least parts of it.” Turpis said. “We of course jammed it so if parts of it actually got through they wouldn’t be able to figure it out.”


“Perhaps we should ask General Gorce his learned opinion?” chided Desslok.


Zordar glanced at Desslok for a second…than his glance went back to Turpis.


“Leave it, Turpis,” Zordar said. “She is only one woman. What can she really do?”


“She is dangerous, Father,” Invidia said. “Remember, she has unlocked the secrets of the Cosmic Force.”


The comment interested Desslok . “Hmmmm…so…Trelaina is a Jedi Knight? Or perhaps a Sith Lord, then?”


“Fables,” Dire snorted. "Mere fables!"


“No…” Desslok said “I know of such a person with these abilities. The man is my right arm…However, regardless of what Trelaina is… this could work out to our advantage.”


“How?” Invidia asked.


“Gorce is correct in his assessment of human ingenuity.” Desslok said “You see….they will transcribe the message…. When they do they will investigate…. I know that the Star Force would be part of such a rescue mission.”


“What do you propose?” Zordar said


“The remainder of my forces has left Gamilon,” Desslok said.  “We are reuniting for this one last offensive against the Star Force. Then we will return home to pick up the pieces of my battered world.”


“Gamilon is doomed.” Zordar said.


“It is all that I have left.” Desslok replied. "But before we see her again, those who mortally wounded her must be brought low, as they laid her low!"


“So then, you are not interested in the conquest of Earth?” Dire asked.


“I hope you succeed.” Desslok said. "It doesn't matter to me. I want to get the Star Force. That is my mission in life at the moment!"


“Then such is our bargain.” Zordar intoned. “Your vengeance against the Star Force will be fulfilled…and The Comet Empire will continue to conquer destiny by taking the Earth!”


He roared with laughter as a servant filled their glasses. Then, as Zordar and the others stood, Zordar with a sinister smile raised a glass.


“In the words of the Klingon Barbarians…QAPLA!” Zordar said. Then, he drank from the glass.


At that, Desslok smiled. Turpis shivered, for the look in Desslok's eyes was the look of a man who had just shaken hands with Evil itself…



End Chapter Four


Next Chapter: "Fathers and Daughters"

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