Chapter 39 of Starfighter! The Iconoclast


(Part One of Two)


By: Tom Sczepkowski


With editing and clean-up by: Frederick P. Kopetz





Vaught Corsair opened his eyes and touched the intercom on the wall.




“Colonel Corsair To the bridge Please.”


Vaught looked up at the screen and frowned as he walked out of his quarters. and through the corridors. Where Royster came walking up beside him.


“You’re supposed to be in bed.” Vaught said


“Yeah I know.” Royster said “You don’t look too well.”


“Maybe I’ve been doing this too long.” Vaught said rubbing his eyes


Royster looked at him. As Vaught began his long stride as the two entered the bridge


“Welcome to Telezart.” Wildstar said  So What the hell am I looking at ….It looks like a dead planet?” Wildstar said


“I wonder where Trelaina could be living there?” Venture said


“There is no sun to speak of.”


“The main population centers were under the surface.” Vaught said


“Rapid cooling of the lava formed a cavity?” Sandor said


“History states that Telezart once held life above ground but that was thousands of years ago.” Vaught said


“What happened?” Wildstar said


“A war with a neighboring system called Talos IV.” Vaught said. “According to the Talosians they destroyed Telezart’s sun; however both planets were decimated. The Talosians were also forced underground.”


“So what happened when you were there?” Wildstar said


“A civil war,” Vaught said. “All I remember was my school was bombed I was really injured. After I was evacuated someone had the bright idea to deploy a subspace weapon…..It started a tectonic shift that started ripping the planet apart. The whole planet was disintegrating. At least so I thought….Obviously the Subspace weapon ripped open the space time continuum and it placed the planet here instead.”


Royster was busy typing at Vaught’s station with Sandor looking over his shoulder


“There’s nobody down there.” Sandor said “According the Federation Database, most of the population evacuated…which the scans seem to support. Most of the spaceports are without any ships.”


“Did you find any working databases?”


Royster tapped on the keypad


“Nah, Whatever was there they took it with them…..or got busted up.” Royster said


Vaught nodded “Captain I recommend that a closer investigation would be necessary to ascertain the damage to the planet’s surface.” 


Wildstar looked out the window then back at Vaught


“All right,” Wildstar said


Vaught turned to Knox who was leaning against Captain Avatar’s Command Podium.


“Send a survey team to the Surface…..I want every part of the Capital City checked.” Vaught said


“Anyone you want in particular on the team?” Knox asked.


“You, Crocker, and Stavros, with Saperstein and Rizzo,” Vaught said.


“Yes Sir.” Knox said as he turned to leave the bridge.


Vaught turned and looked out the bridge windows as a cold look came over eyes.


“You’re onto something Vaught; what is it?” Wildstar asked


“I sense something…….. “ Vaught said thoughtfully. “A presence I have not felt since………”


Vaught Turned and exited the bridge.


“He’s getting freaky,” Venture said. “If that’s even Possible.”


Wildstar turned to him with annoyance


“He waltzes around here doing anything he wants to!” Venture said “What do you think he did; went to use the bathroom?! Ten to one He’s Leavin’ on a Jet Plane!


“Trilithum-powered Starfighter.” Royster corrected


Venture was about to respond when Wildstar pointed to Venture to keep quiet.


“Where’s he going?” Royster asked


Wildstar leaned forward against his console and looked out the bridge windows.


“He’s going home.” Wildstar said


“That’s a bad idea.” Venture said


“Venture, I feel a lot better with him around so I’m going to give the man what he wants from time to time!” Derek snapped.


“Which always ends up with large masses of people dying,” Sandor said.


“Indeed, Vaught has a penchant to react to things rather…violently,” Wildstar said in a calm voice that, if Vaught had heard it, would have come off as an impression of Admiral Spock.


“That’s the understatement o’ the century!” Eager snapped in his heavy accent.


“I agree with Venture and I agree with Sandor.” Royster said “….and you know how nuts that makes me.”


Wildstar Glared at him Et Tu, Brute?” Wildstar scolded


“Yeah Et me.” Royster said sarcastically.  “Lemmie tell you something! The last thing you want is that man running around Cart Blank!.......


“Cart Blank?” Eager whispered to Sandor. “That a word?”


“Forget it, he’s rolling.” Sandor said as Royster continued


“…..He’s facing up to the reputation of a walking apocalypse, and you saw Desslok’s pal….. He was about to shit himself.”


“Well you saw what he did to the people on that carrier.” Sandor said. 


“That Carrier is just the tip of the iceberg……I’m being visited in the middle of the night by an omnipotent species that is afraid to even speak to him!”


“This is the Q?” Wildstar asked   “Can you get an idea what has them spooked?”


“Ya need to guess!?” Royster said


“I wouldn’t have to guess if you would just tell me what they said,” Wildstar said. “Why is everyone being so opaque around me lately? Do they think I’m an idiot?”


“Q made a reference to a person named Darth Vader,” Royster said “I read up on this guy…..He’s a really bad guy…. once you had somebody like Vader on your ass you truly had somebody on your ass.”


“So this race of people is afraid that Vaught is going to follow what that Vader did. So What?” Venture asked.


The problem is Vaught has the potential to be more brutal than Vader. And he seems to emulate a lot of his traits,” Royster said.


I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none.” Wildstar said


Wildstar looked over at him, sighed and then looked out the bridge windows “Where did you get this information on this Darth Vader?”


“It was a text based on the legend of what was called the Corellian Wars researched at the time by a Midshipman James T Kirk of the Starfleet Academy….” said Royster.


Wildstar rubbed his chin for a moment.


“Kirk….huh?....Homer, get me the Andromeda right away!”




Inferno was prepped and waiting as Vaught, who was now in his Exo-suit came walking through the hanger bay. He activated the breathing apparatus as the mask morphed around him. At the same time he felt a presence in the cargo bay. So, he stopped, looked up at Inferno, and climbed into the cockpit, closing the canopy.


It never took him long to bring the agile Starfighter to life as Vaught’s fingers danced across panels and switches as Inferno shuddered to life. He remained motionless for a second and turned his head towards the rear seat.


“Do you want to call for clearance, Nova? Or shall I?” Vaught said through the sinister sounding voice modulator.


Nova sat up from her crouched position on the floor in the Black flight suit (it was an Exo-suit similar to Vaught’s; he had no idea where she had gotten it), helmet and boots she had worn into the ship and sat in the seat showing a look of annoyance under her helmet. She didn’t have the breath mask down, so her peeved face showed clearly.


“If you say you’ve felt my presence so help me…..Are you throwing me out?”


Her reply was met through the Apparatus’ ominous breathing action as Vaught turned back forward.


Argo Control….Inferno ready to taxi.”


“Who’s this?” came Homer’s voice over the radio.


Vaught shook his head


“This is CNN,” Vaught said sarcastically as Nova snickered in the background. Derek thought he heard her snickering, but then he thought, That’s not possible. This is her watch time in Sickbay with Doctor Sane. Or it used to be…


“Sorry Colonel….turn left on the inner hold short of Echo,  Homer’s voice said “Stand by for Bridge Authorization.”


“Left inner hold short echo Standing By Bridge Authorization.” Vaught said before he cut the transmission off.


“Commence before takeoff checks, co-pilot.” Vaught said to Nova.


“APU?” he snapped.


“Set to Standby,” Nova said


“Inertial damper?” Vaught said


“It’s in.” Nova replied




“They are Armed and ready. Thought Guidance Interface set to standby.” Nova replied


“Point nine up?” Vaught asked


“Yes.” Nova replied


“Zero Zero,” Vaught said


“Okay and takeoff briefing?” Nova said


“Right to zero seven five two Straight into the atmosphere then  left to zero four zero…Yellow Alert All the way.” Vaught said


“Yellow Alert to the Line.” Nova said


“Position and hold one three.”  Homer said “Wait for outer doors.”


Vaught taxied Inferno in front of the hanger Airlock as he saw it opening beneath him


“Inferno cleared for takeoff.” Homer said


Inferno was out of the hangar a moment later as Telezart loomed in front of the canopy. Then something caught Vaught’s eye……As he threw the throttle forward and broke hard right.


Argo, Inferno!....I have incoming Fire 123.45 Mark 18!” Vaught said.


Homer spun around in his seat. “Wildstar! Inferno reports incoming fire 123.45 mark 18!”


“General quarters!” Wildstar said. The Klaxons came up a moment later.


“Nothing on radar,” Eager said as the Argo was hit by a volley of explosions with such force that no one on the ship had ever encountered.


“What in the Blue @#$%*! Was that?” Wildstar said Sandor lifted himself off the floor and to his console.


“Wildstar….we are under attack by Quantum Torpedoes,” Sandor said.


“Quantum-……CRAP! Get Corsair on the &*#%! radio right now!” Wildstar barked.




 “A torpedo attack on the Argo?” Captain Neil Hawk of the Swayback asked 




“No captain.” The tactical officer said “Triangulation said it came from the planet surface what’s odd about it is the weapons signature………”


“Klingon!?” Wildstar shouted “What the Hell did we do to them?”


“Excuse me I’m going to be a trifle busy.” Vaught said “I would suggest that you launch the Space Marine squad now.”


“Good idea,” said Wildstar.


He saw the Inferno jinking again on the screen and heard Nova screeching over the radio.


“NOVA!” Derek barked. “What are you doing up there with him? I didn’t give you any orders to go out with him?”


“Derek, there’s an imperative you do not yet understand, but I do!” Nova said.


“Oh?” said Venture. “Like Royster said, we’re supposed to give you a Get Outta Jail Free Card too, Nova? Like now you can do whatever you want? Hey, Wildstar, where is Royster?”


“She has her reasons, Mark,” snapped Derek “And I’m not concerned about Royster right now!” Even though I’m damned if I know what Nova’s logic is for the moment and why she had to go off on her own, he thought. That girl’s got some explaining to do later on.

Vaught again felt a Presence in the cockpit with him. He ignored it until he heard Wildstar yelling Nova’s name.


Vaught then realized what was transpiring, and he suddenly had an idea how Nova was able to stow away on Inferno without opening the cockpit. He already knew she was there and since she was there, it would be irrelevant to question how or why during a combat situation. “Nova, I need a triangulation of those torpedoes.” Vaught said through the breathing apparatus.


Nova’s fingers danced on the console there was a beeping sound. She said. “One  North 23.65 degrees  by West 89.78 degrees. The other came from North 16.87 degrees by West 43.63. Vaught, there has to be another installation! Those torpedoes hit the Argo from two different directions!”


Vaught raced for the planet’s surface.


“Uh….are you landing?” Nova asked, as Vaught flipped his usual switch whiles music filled the cockpit. It was a 21st century band known as Dethklok.


 Punch It
Smoke Screens
Kill The Lights
Place The Bait
Wait For Signals

Go Move Go Now


 “Really?” Nova asked gripping tightly


Seal The Bridge
Take The
Supports Away
Tear it Down
Leave No Trace
We'll Move
Like Ghosts
This Day

“Positive Shields,” Vaught said over the screaming music.


Orders In
Moving Out
Secret Quarters
Ocean Bound
Arctic Ice
Frozen Home UFO
Cyborg Chrome

Go Move Go Now


 “Tactical,” Vaught said. 

Seal The Bridge
Take The
Supports Away
Tear It Down
Leave No Trace
We'll Move
Like Ghosts
This Day
Sensors Heat
Infrared Fleet
Mechanized Opponents
There Is No Retreat.


“Coming in at twenty feet,” Vaught said. “Here’s where the fun begins!”

“Oh God, Derek did this to me once on his Superstar over the Andes!” Nova said bracing herself.


Homer threw off the headsets as Venture looked up at Wildstar.


“Yeah I know.” Wildstar said.


“Good thing you had a barf bag in that plane, Derek!” Nova snapped.


“Later on, would you tell me why you ran off without orders?” Derek said.


“I’ll try to remember, Derek!” Nova said sarcastically. “I’m having a hard time remembering such things right now just ten meters above the GROUND!”


Vaught pushed the throttles forward, as the rocky barren terrain of Telezart raced past the Inferno; they were flying in like an Exocet missile at very low altitude to avoid radar and sensors.


Seize Burn Kill
Leave No One Alive

Let No One Survive
We Annihilate
We're Gonna Mutilate
Leave No One Alive
Let No One Survive
Get Moving Now


Vaught flipped a switch on his control yoke engaging the thought-controlled weapons systems. He looked ahead as the small installation came into view. As he looked at the installation in an instant, two quantum torpedoes shot ahead of the Inferno.  Striking the installation as she shot through the explosion; Vaught fired his phasers striking the installation again. Vaught quickly pulled the stick back and Inferno blasted up into a straight climb. Nova could feel her heart beating in her throat as she was paralyzed for a second with the G-Force as she thought, This feels worse than the worst roller coaster I have ever been on in my life!

Inferno was back in orbit a moment later as Nova, regaining her coordination, began typing on the computer keypad again. Vaught was looking around.

Divide and Collide


Divide and Collide
Cross Us Your Denied
We'll Provide
Your Insides
To Your Robotic Eyes
We'll Blow Up
Your Home
Your Big
Ships Made Of
Divide Collide
Looks Like
Your Battery Died


“One came from the surface the other came from space.” Vaught said.


“I have one Ship,” Nova said. “But it’s on the other side of the planet and it has a Starfleet Transponder signal.”


“Give me an identification please,” Vaught said


Nova typed quickly. “It’s identified as the USS Swayback.” Nova said “Captain Neil Hawk Commanding.”


Vaught deactivated the breathing apparatus, “Open a channel.”


“Swayback Captain Neil Hawk Here”


“I thought you said you were swallowing the anchor!”


“They tell me you might have some trouble.”


“Welcome to the party…. Can you tell me why the Klingons are here?” Vaught said.


“Whomever they are there not acting on approval from the high council.”


Vaught turned around to Nova “Call Wildstar tell him to maneuver out of the area, and whatever he does do not fire on the Klingon ship.”


“He’ll want to know why.” Nova said “You know that! Besides, I didn’t know what House these guys are a part of…we don’t need any more enemies on top of what we have now…I mean, this is like utter chaos already, and…! I….no! Sensor contact!” Nova said “887 mark 24.”


“Send it to Swayback.” Vaught said as he threw Inferno into a straight vertical climb.



 As the Inferno came up directly underneath the Klingon vessel, Nova identified it from the computer to be a Vorch’a class ship.



Vaught continued his approach upward, placing the Inferno between the Argo and the Vorch’a’s path.



“He’s nuts!” Wildstar said.



On the Swayback, Neil Hawk was looking on with the same disbelief.



“How much more time till we assume orbit?” Hawk asked.



 “Five minutes,” his helmsman said.



 “Bullshit.” Hawk said “This thing will be over in less than two minutes!”



Inferno Fired a Salvo of Quantum torpedoes, destroying two of the six Torpedoes, then the rest destroying the facility.



Vaught could not re-acquire the other two torpedoes and would not get out of harm’s way because of his concern that another torpedo strike would either destroy the Argo or hopelessly cripple her…….so…



Seize Burn Kill
Leave No One Alive
Let No One Survive
We Annihilate
We're Gonna Mutilate
Leave No One Alive
Let No One Survive

He stayed where he was….


And let Inferno act as a shield for the Argo…





Four explosions rocked Inferno as a result of this.


The Cockpit went dark as the Inferno started to spin out of control.


Vaught tried to control the spin and restart the engines using the emergency systems to no avail.


“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!”  Vaught said then turned back to Nova. “Punch out!” Vaught barked.


 “Wait a minute,” Nova said.


 “Don’t screw around.” Vaught said “I’m going to have to ditch and hope for the best.”


“Give it a minute.” Nova said “I have an angle! I just sent the Argo a message pip telling Derek we’ll be all right, and we will be! Give my angle a chance!”


“I don’t need an Angle!” roared Vaught. “What I need is engine power and attitude control and I don’t know how to get it!” Vaught said.


In the meantime, on the Argo, Homer was reading a puzzling message from Nova. “I got this from the Inferno after their Mayday; from Nova, encoded!”


“Read it!” barked Derek.


Derek, I have an angle, see you on Telezart, please bring Trelaina some flowers; she’d probably like them, kisses, Nova!


“Flowers for Trelaina?” said Derek. “Nova’s about to be a frackin’ grease spot in ten seconds, and she wants me to bring flowers?”


“If she and Vaught don’t do something, the only flowers she’ll be getting will be on her grave, Wildstar,” said Venture. “What’s with her?”


“Damned if I know,” said Derek.


“I have an angle.” Nova repeated calmly, as if she was going to the store for a liter of milk….this was, mind you, while the Inferno was in a spiral towards the surface of Telezart.


“WHAT ANGLE!?” Vaught roared.


As if in a reply power came back to Inferno, albeit sparsely the engines came partially back to life as the Cockpit was now dimly lit.


Vaught was able to regain Attitude Control and was barely able to keep altitude.


Vaught deactivated his breathing apparatus and turned to Nova as he heard a sound in the back of the cockpit. It sounded like a groan.


“Royster! Nova, how did you do this?”


 “Jeffries tube in the back,” Nova said. “I knew he was there for a while; so would you, if you had just opened your feelings,” Nova said. “That’s how I snuck in here and how he got in here.”


“Terrific!” Vaught said flipping an intercom switch.


“Neville?” Vaught said.




“Good job not letting us crash.” Vaught said.


“Uhhh….you lost the main Energizer,” Royster said.


Vaught looked back at Nova.


“There really isn’t a procedure for this!” Nova said. “It’d be nice to know how we land? I told Derek to expect meeting us on Telezart, and to bring flowers.”


“For your grave, lady?” quipped Royster.


“No, for Trelaina! And why do none of you GET this?” Nova sniffed.


“In the capital city there was an airport; Telazar Aircraft still used runways. Without the main energizer, she can’t land VTOL so I’m going to have to do this the old fashioned way,” Vaught said.


“What the Hell, let’s do it.” Royster said “We can’t get any worse than we are.”


Nova looked up from her display screen


“According to the computer, Samuel T. Cogley International Airport is at Twelve o’clock and 36 miles,” Nova said.


Vaught shut all of the displays off looking out of the canopy glass.


“The air is denser here.” Vaught said. “Let’s try flying…let’s try flying with the gear down here.”


There seemed to be enough power to lower the landing gear as they heard it lock into place.  


Within a few moments Vaught could see the runway ahead of him it was somewhat obscured by dust; however it seemed clear of debris.


Vaught was able to set the Inferno down and deployed the emergency chute. He let the Inferno roll to a stop as he shut all of the systems down quickly. He activated his breathing apparatus, and both he and Nova then opened the canopy and jumped out, activating their light sabers in one hand and activating tricorders in the other, moving slowly in a circular motion. Royster climbed out of the Jefferies tube and out the bottom of the fuselage.


“Is there something that I should be doing?” Royster asked.


“Yes. Staying right where you are,” Vaught said.


“I can do that,” Royster said nervously.


“I need a damage assessment right away,” Vaught said, knowing full well that Royster was scared.



They continued to circle Inferno slowly on foot as Royster did what he was told.



He was doing his best not to be scared by acting casual but they could tell that he was.



He looked around to find that he was in what used to be a park. It was strangely familiar to him. 



“Clear.” Nova said as she deactivated her light saber.



Vaught followed as Royster sighed with relief as he opened a small access panel.



“How bad?” Vaught asked.



“Bad enough,” Royster replied “She’ll never break orbit in this condition.”



“Estimated time for repairs?” Vaught said.



“Depends on how much parts I need to have replaced,” Royster said.



“Can she be moved?” Vaught asked.



“I don’t know that yet either,” Royster said.



 “I know your specialty is Computers,” Vaught said. “But if you can get her to where Trelaina is….our old house was equipped with a workshop.”



“I’ll have her together and movable eventually,” Royster said. Looking around at the ruins, he added, “Nice place. I’m expecting to see a guy with a mask come out talking into a microphone. Saying just walk away….”



“Nice.” Vaught said “No doubt the Marines will be on the ground looking for us. We have to meet up with them.”



“So?” Royster asked “Go…I’ll get to work on her.”



“Don’t be absurd.” Vaught said “I’m not leaving you alone. Especially since we don’t know what’s out here….And you with no training?”



“I’m not entirely without training,” Royster said as Nova shifted her weight from one booted foot to another, looking at Vaught with her dark eyes.



Vaught glared at them with annoyance, “If I recall…I didn’t ask for either of you to help in the first place! Neither of you should be here! Royster, you just had a heart attack not more than five days ago and you leap right into a hostile situation…..And you,” Vaught barked while pointing at Nova, “What were you thinking? You are nowhere even remotely prepared to be in the field as infantry, not even as a scout! You have neither the equipment, nor the trai…”



Nova glared back at him. “That is a hell of a thing for you to say to me! I made this uniform up to prepare to be in the field!”



“How, brave eager young Space Cadet?” snapped Vaught.



“Sandor’s automated production unit,” Nova said. “I snuck some time and materials when no one was looking; I know how to do CAD design work. As for training, I have some minimal infantry training as a Star Force member, and I picked up more from reading Derek’s training manuals!”



“Hey look, boss.” Royster said “We’re what you’ve got right now.”



Vaught glared angrily at Royster and Nova as he opened a compartment on the side of Inferno and pulled out his Bat’leth and attached it to his back.



“Okay! Here’s what we’re going to do!” Vaught said. “We each walk about 200 yards, then turn around and come right back.  Vaught handed Royster a Phaser Rifle, “You can use this?” Vaught asked him.



Royster nodded.



“Don’t unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Vaught said as Nova took off with her light saber at the ready.



They were gone for about twenty minutes. Royster was the last to return. He seemed dazed and confused.



“You all right?” Vaught asked. “What did you two find?”



 “I met a little girl with a basket for her grandma,” Royster said.



“Wearing a little red riding hood?” Nova asked as she turned off her light saber.



“Actually she was with seven little dwarfs,” Royster said.


Nova giggled at that. “She'd be in the wrong woods……..If there were any.”


“Or the wrong story,” Royster said 


Vaught rolled his eyes “Are you two finished!?”


Royster pointed at Nova, “Are you...done?”


Nova replied with a nod.

“Yes.” Royster said.

“Then, report! What did you two really find? No dwarves, no Grandma, no Little Red Riding Hood!” Vaught snapped.


“Actually……I just saw a lot of devastation.” Nova said. “Burned out buildings; no bodies whatsoever, no animals, no vegetation, no one.”



“I guess a simple crapped out would have sufficed,” Royster said “anything come back to you, Boss?”


“Over there about 20 clicks was once a University where my sister attended,” Vaught said. “I remember bits and pieces.”


Which brings up a question.” Royster said “Was Telezart ever an Earth Colony?” Royster asked


Vaught looked at Royster, and then back at Nova


“No.” Vaught said “They were Humanoid there were some similarities…….why do you ask?”


“Did they ever use internal combustion engines?”  Royster asked.


“No.” Vaught looking at Nova perplexed.


“Never mind….” Royster said “Maybe it was some kind of Earth. ‘Antique Auto show’.”


“What are you talking about?” Nova said.


“It’s weird because everything else is destroyed but I came across four pristine 20th century Earth vehicles, One was, I think a Yellow Camaro, a large GMC Truck, some sort of emergency vehicle and this Tractor Trailer Rig; funny thing though, the rig had a Starfleet insignia on it; At first I thought it might be a support vehicle….but if they didn’t use internal combustion engines……”


Vaught’s eyes widened. He said, “The Rig…..was it pained red with flames across the side?”


“Yeah.” Royster said “How did you know?”


Nova shuddered for a second


“Son of a bitch.” Vaught said “Show me.”


Within five minutes Royster showed him the clearing where the vehicles were. They were still there in their pristine condition. Vaught chuckled.


“Stay here,” Vaught said as he walked over to the Tractor-trailer truck


Nova and Royster watched from a distance as Vaught approached the vehicles. Nova’s gaze became even more intense.


“You all right?” Royster asked. “You’re awfully pale…”


“I’m fine.” Nova said. “Funny thing is I’ve seen that truck before…I just can’t remember where.”


She started walking towards the vehicles when Royster grabbed her arm.


“Hey….He wants us to stay right here.”


Nova pulled her arm back and was about to protest when they heard Vaught started talking in a strange alien language.


“He’s talking to the truck.” Nova said then looking at Royster “Why is he talking to the truck?”


Royster turned around then all of the vehicles shuddered and their parts began to move about.


Nova gasped as the Four Vehicles changed their shape and size to reveal four large Robots.


“Professor Corsair.” The robot who was once the rig spoke “A far cry from Julliard.”


“No further than Harvard Yard, Professor Prime.” Vaught replied while Royster and Nova Approached


“Autobots!” Royster said


“That is some universe he comes from,” Nova said.


“They’re refugees from when their planet Cybertron was devastated in a war.”  Royster said


“Funny coincidence,” Nova said.


“I don’t believe in coincidences, Miss Corsair,” Prime said.


“I know you.” Nova said walking up to Prime.


Vaught looked up at Prime.


I’m amazed at your memory retention,” Prime said. “For a time, we were a security force for the Iscandarian Royal Family….but you weren’t on Iscandar for very long.”


“That was a nice little conspiracy going on.” Royster said.  


“You’re on the other side of the looking Glass Neville Royster.” Prime said “White is black and Black is white.”


 “And where have we met before?” Royster said


“We haven’t.” Prime said “But that information you sent to Starsha was worth a battalion to me…… my compliments.”


“What are you doing on Telezart?” Vaught said sternly.


Prime straightened and looked down at Vaught.


“Walk with me, Professor,  Prime  said “Autobots… Recon.”


Vaught looked at Royster and said, “Royster, get back to the Inferno and patch her up so that she can be moved to where Trelaina is for right now, Nova, Recon with the Autobots."


Prime and Vaught walked the remnants of a city street.


Vaught looked up at him angrily.


“I’m waiting for your answer.” Vaught asked


"I'm waiting for yours." Prime said


"I'm on a mission." Vaught said


"This was not your mission." Prime said "You were to retrieve the Inferno then Meet Neycheav on Deneva then report to Iscandar for that procedure!"


"Selar has a big Mouth."


"It's Allayana that’s making all the noise,"  Prime said. "She is worried about you."


“When you attacked that carrier it made Starfleet nervous. And we know why you attacked it!"  Prime said


“So you’ve come to restrain me?” Vaught asked.


“I knew your temper.” Prime said.


“What do you know about this business with Iscandar?” Vaught asked.


“Only what you do.” Prime said “Times have changed since I was stationed there.”


and Astra?"


“You know if I was there Vaught I would have protected Astra with my life, just as you would.”


“And Starfleet thinks it has the right to say that I’m making them nervous,” Vaught said.


“And you’re also scaring the Hell out of the Q continuum!” Prime said “I didn’t even know that was possible!”


“Q has a hard time comprehending the Living Force.” Vaught said “Besides I don’t have the apparent camaraderie that he has with “Locutus.”


“Still with this?” Prime said.


"You weren’t there!" Vaught said.


"It wasn’t his Fault!"


"YOU WEREN’T THERE!" Vaught shouted. He almost shuddered in pain as he breathed deeply again and gained his composure.


“I said I would refrain from killing him for the moment,” Vaught said.


“He’s a senior Captain!” Prime said “He’s also friends with your father….What’s wrong with you?”


“Much!” Vaught snapped followed by a short growl as Prime looked at him. He then said, “I want you to contact Starsha. I want a copy of that database.”


“Why? Prime asked. “Your Daughter Engaged and Defeated Lysis.”


“That paved a clear road for a peace initiative with the Gamilons. Admiral Spock fears your alliance with the Star Force and the attack on the Gamilon carrier now makes that impossible.” 


“Careful, Prime….” Vaught said “Right now I don’t know who my friends are…..


“Spock has as much business being an Ambassador as I do being a Rabbi.”


“We have enough trouble in our own universe without you jumping into another one alone with your one man apocalypse tactics.”


Vaught looked up at Prime.


“I’ll be sure to pass that along to the Carter Family along with the crew of the Blue Earth!” Vaught snapped.


“We didn’t interfere in that dimension directly!” Prime said. “Unlike what you are doing here.”


 “And where did that get you?” Vaught said “The Nest Team could have handled Darkon in three minutes, Instead, you let that kid Slade do it, took eight months.”


“And yet he defeated Darkon.” Prime said “And no one knew of our assistance or presence.”


“And he gets to be stuck in a wheelchair and barely can complete a sentence,” Vaught replied….but he and his Girlfriend…….. There enjoying those sunsets now aren’t they!?"


"And that what’s this is about?" Prime said "Because you’re about to spend the rest of your days in a wheelchair with no one to enjoy those sunsets with?"


"Don’t handle me, Optimus!”


“I’m not trying to handle you, Vaught.” Prime said "But look harder with regards to those sunsets. You have a whole family and a woman alive who loves you! Stop this insane plan of yours and return with me to the Swayback I will take you to Iscandar!"


"No!" Vaught said


"Why not?!"


"It's not as simple as it seems."


"It's not?" Prime said "Do you know that every conspirator on the Federation’s side that was involved in your wife’s death has been eliminated?"




“Neycheav was able to shut down most of the conspiracy pipeline by assigning Starfleet operatives who were involved in Astra’s assassination to forward areas of the Dominion war. Starships assigned to Section 31 used the Prefix codes to lower the shields on the Starship they were based on making it look like they were killed by Dominion forces.”


 ”Why didn’t she trust me with it?” Vaught asked “Astra was my wife…why would she go after them herself?”


“She was protecting you!” Prime said


“For what purpose…to what end?” Vaught asked


“Really?” Prime said


“So that whole thing with her threatening General Order 24 on Iscandar, and her getting relieved of command? What was that?”


“A ruse to flush out Lysis she felt that the fiction of her being relieved of command would make Lysis think that a major obstacle had been removed so that he could operate freely.” Prime said “I received a transmission from Neycheav.” Prime said “However I haven’t had a chance to read the whole thing.”


“Maybe you should read it and maybe when you’re done here you ought to go to Iscandar and meet with her.”


“She retired I understand.” Vaught said


“Yes.” Prime said “Because of all this.”


Vaught now glared up at him


”The Gamilon carrier?” Prime asked


“What about it?” Vaught asked


“That was something Megatron would have done.”


“Megatron,” Vaught scoffed. “A 400 year old memory you can’t get out of your head.”


Vaught stopped and turned for a moment


She is here.”


“Trelaina?” Prime asked. “What makes you think so?”


“A Tremor in the force,” Vaught said. “The last time I felt it was in the presence of my Sister.”


“Look around you.” Prime said “There is nothing that could have survived the shock of transition to this universe.”


“Don’t underestimate the Force.” Vaught said


Prime shook his head “The Star fighters are a dying breed their fire is slowly dissipating….you and your daughters are all that’s left of their religion.”


“You’re forgetting Macet and Talan, Optimus.” Vaught said


“Soon to be your next victims, no doubt.” Prime said


“What are you after?” Vaught said “Starfleet wouldn’t Deploy NEST unless there was a very good reason.”


“I volunteered the team.” Prime said “it’s only a matter of time before someone geologist or archeologist comes digging around here…..”


“More conspiracy theories?” Vaught asked.


“Your father picked up the same messages from Trelaina as you did, Vaught.” Prime said “Starfleet is starting to ask questions……


“Her attending the university was just a Cover….Your family knew that.”


Vaught Spun around “I don’t want to hear this anymore!”


“That’s why the citadel’s computer core and files are being given now to your Neville Royster.” Prime said. “My report will state that there was nothing remaining of the Citadel and the core and the files were presumed destroyed.”


“How Magnanimous.” Vaught said “Starfleet isn’t going to like that that too much.”


“You know anybody in Starfleet Command that’s going to scold me?” Prime asked.


Vaught looked around quietly then at Prime who looked up.


“Incoming!” Prime shouted as both he and Vaught narrowly escaped mortar fire from a Tank Cannon; then quickly got to their feet.


“They’re going to try for the Inferno,. Prime said.


“No…..Vaught said “You’re wrong….dead wrong.”





"What’s that?" Knox said


"I'm getting a voice comm from the Colonel, He thinks the Klingons are going after the Geek." Saperstein said


"And Royster is Crazy enough to try and his ground, Sarge." Crocker said


"What’s our position?" Knox said


"We’re three miles from the city; Inferno is on the outskirts." Rizzo said


Knox thought for a second, then pressed a button as a small compartment opened up revealing two four wheeled Bike ATV's


"Ok....We split up.......Crocker you and Stavros go and get Royster before he does something stupid....Saperstein, Rizzo and I will Get to The Colonels Randevew signal."




Neville Royster worked frantically trying to get the Inferno mobile. He realized that he was by himself as mortar fire from the tanks was exploding all around him.


He scrambled into the cockpit with a motherboard and was quickly connected it as a few lights dimly lit on the dead fighter.  There was just enough power to activate the sensors as he saw the tanks heading towards him.


“Think fast, rabbit.” Royster said as he pulled another Circuit board from a small backpack. When a large arm reached into the cockpit and pulled Royster out of the Inferno and threw him on the ground.


The wind was temporally knocked out of him as he groaned and opened his eyes he felt himself being dragged across the ground. He looked to his left and saw a large alien walking next to the one who was dragging him.




He quickly wriggled himself out of his over shirt. He quickly got up, reached into his pockets and pulled out two oversized padlocks that he wrapped his hands around as the Klingon charged him using the lock like a brass knuckle he swung at the Klingon as hard as he could he grabbed his over shirt and started running as the other Klingon tackled him. Royster threw another punch with the makeshift brass knuckle got up and started running this time he felt his legs go out from under him and fell flat on his back.


Even in his youth Royster wasn’t very athletic and now at almost 40 years old, with just having had a heart attack, he couldn’t even stand up. The Klingons were laughing at him as Royster just laid back panting heavily looking up as it looked like the Klingon was going to grab him again painfully.


It was then he heard a vehicle rolling past, followed by Laser Fire at one Klingon as he gasped and fell to the ground. He saw a large hole burning in his chest 


Royster knew that the laughing Klingon was dead before he finished falling to the ground.


The second Klingon that tackled him just stood there expressionless as he fired his weapon Frantically  but then he saw his body shudder as several laser bolts pierced his body.


Royster Looked up as he saw two Space Marines In their Desert Gear with their weapons drawn. Royster got up turned around, and saw what the Marines were looking at as the tanks approached.

Crocker looked at Inferno and back at Royster.


He snapped, “How fast can you work?"


Using the ATV they moved as fast as they could to Inferno's position.  Passing by a very ominous sight in front of them.



"Oh Shit!" Crocker said coming to a stop


“You guys have worked together before haven’t you?” Royster said


“Easy.” Vaught’s modulated voice said 


“You were right I *(*&^%! Up.”


“Don’t worry about it Vaught said “We’re going to get you to Dr. Sane.”


“Nah, the lady needs me.” Royster said pointing at Inferno.


Vaught deactivated the breathing apparatus as it un-morphed around him, probably not wanting to frighten Royster any more than what he was or to give him another heart attack.


“This is not a game.” Vaught said with deep concern in his voice “Those Klingons were sent after you……”


“What could they want with me?”


“Your knowledge is what they want.” Crocker said. “They know you hacked into the Gamilon carrier’s computer!”


“And I am certain that Desslok would like to have a talk with you about the virus that disabled his flagship,  Prime said.  


“Look, Royster said “I’m getting real close to getting her to the point where we can move her.” Royster “Maybe even weapons back on line…Now God Dammit you need me out here.”


Vaught looked back at Prime who nodded “I’ll get someone to look after him.”


"I can do it.” Crocker said "Stavros, Meet up with Knox!"


"You sure about that, Bobby?" Stavros said


"There's not enough room in there for all of us." Crocker said putting a fresh energy pack into his rifle.


"And I don’t feel like flying in that overglorfied dart anyway," Stavros said "No offence, Colonel”.


“None taken,” Vaught said “Your main job is to get yourselves locked in and then to cover!” Vaught said 


“What about those tanks?” Royster said


”My Friend Optimus Prime and I will deal with that.”


“You don’t have enough firepower!” Royster said “I Can get her weapons systems on line.”


“How much firepower do you think they need?” Crocker asked. “Do what the Colonel says…Don’t worry about IT! Let’s Move NOW!"


“Everybody tells me not to worry…I worry even more.” Royster said, while walking quickly back to Inferno. There, he climbed back into the cockpit and finished plugging in the circuit board.


“Klingon Tanks, two minutes away!” Prime yelled.


Royster crossed his fingers “Computer?” Royster said “Working.” The computer quickly replied as Royster sighed in relief.


“Computer assume flight control.” Royster said “Fire up the converters; Hold us at about 25 ft.” 


In a reply there was a small whine followed by a loud roar as Inferno gently lifted off the ground, “We’re finally in business,” Royster said as Crocker climbed aboard. sitting in the back


"Can you fly this thing?" Crocker said.


"No." Royster said as the canopy closed.


“Get her out of here I will contact you when it’s safe to come back!” Vaught said.


As Inferno moved away Prime and Vaught both looked at each other.


“So now what?” Prime said .


“Remember that Time on Delta-Vega With the petro-rabbits ?” Vaught yelled.


“I told you never to mention the Petro-rabbits again.” Prime said as he reached over and fired his weapon twice destroying a tank.


“Took you two.” Vaught said.


“I didn’t account for the wind.”  Prime said. There was a beeping on Vaught’s Communicator Pin as he answered. Prime couldn’t hear what he was saying except for the word “Acknowledged……tell Knox that the big Robots are on our side.”


“Petro-Rabbits?” Crocker asked "Who are these guys?"


"Looks like the rest of your guys are at the Rendezvous point." Royster said


Crocker looked out the Canopy as they moved slowly behind the protection of a ridge.


Royster started working on changing what appeared to be packs of some sort as he replaced the packs several of the  Inferno's  systems came back online. Suddenly the canopy went opaque and Crocker could see that the main core of Inferno's sensors were back on line. Royster shouted a command so that the computer would allow Crocker access to the on board systems. Crocker pulled down a panel and thought he knew he could operate it. But it was too complicated to learn at the time.  However Crocker could adapt as well.


"Hey computer, can you understand me?"


"Recognized: Robert Crocker." The computer said


"Can you display Comms? And give me a layout of what’s going on out here as well as in orbit?”  


The monitors came to life around him as he saw the data from the tank battle and the Argo in orbit. He saw the Argo's Hangar deck opening and another transport vehicle coming out. As he listened to the transmission he started to nod his head.


"Wildstar's on his way with reinforcements and an anti-tank weapon." Crocker said 


“No….Wildstar….That’s not a good Idea.” Royster said


"Computer open a channel to the landing craft."


"Unable to comply Transmitter is offline."


Royster grumbled and returned to working frantically.




Saperstein and Rizzo, along with Stavros sat next to Nova who also took cover behind the rubble of what once was a tall building. Knox jumped and landed next to Nova.


“Wildstar’s on his way down with an anti-tank cannon.” Knox said.


“Derek.” Nova said “No, Derek! How can you risk yourself like that?”


“It is his operation, lady,” Saperstein said as he fired his weapon hitting a tank.


“This is his Girlfriend,” Stavros said.


“Not if he keeps acting like this!” Nova said.


“Well somebody’s gotta tell him that there’s way too many of them….Wildstar’s going to be a sitting duck!” Knox said taking cover behind a slab of rocks.


Although Inferno couldn’t send any messages they could hear Vaught arguing with Wildstar.


“Captain….I must insist that you return to the Argo It is not safe.”


“Cluck Cluck number one.” Wildstar said “See ya in Five…out.”


"Punk." Royster said as he went back to work on the main panel.


“Bumble Bee,  Prime said. “Track the Landing Craft now on approach The Star Force Commander is on board protect him at all costs.”


“This is Nova…. He doesn’t even know what Wildstar looks like!”


Royster twisted two wires together and the other end of the Comm Panel lit up. as he pressed a button “He’ll be the one that has the Death Wish!” Royster said.




The sensors on Inferno were still online as Royster saw that there were more enemy tanks bearing down on their position. However he also saw a single contact moving rapidly towards him he magnified the contact on the opaque canopy which was a single 20th century Ninja style motorcycle without a driver it reached the Inferno very quickly then it too transformed into a robot.




Royster opened the canopy and smiled at the female Autobot.


“Hi there.” Royster said “Come here often?”


“Royster,” She said. Are you all right?”


“I got served by a couple of Klingons but I’m ok, thanks to Bobby  I’m trying to get weapons back on line ”


“You’re to stay right here and I will watch over you.”


“Look Lady…” Crocker said


“Chromonia.” The female autobot replied.


“Whatever…. We’re going to get this bird back in one piece then we start clearing tanks!”


No .” Chromonia said.


“There’s no other fighter craft out there the computers can handle the ship so don’t worry about Us.”  Royster said “Get to Prime and Vaught!”


“The Klingons are after you.” Chromonia said.


"Everybody is after us!" Crocker said


"I have an idea." Royster said "It just might work."




Bumble Bee Changed back into his Camaro Form and opened the door as Nova quickly got in.


 Nova and Bumble bee raced across the deserted streets, which were now alive with Photon Mortars from the Klingon tanks. She looked up to see one of the Argo’s landing craft making its way down finally landing in a clearing. Nova Jumped out of the Camaro as Bumble Bee Transformed to Robot Mode and charged. Nova ran harder and arrived just as the main door to the landing craft was opening. Nova slid across the rocks to a stop as she saw IQ-9 coming out with parts to an anti-tank weapon. The area suddenly became saturated with laser fire as Wildstar saw Nova pulling out her light saber. She started deflecting laser blasts while not taking any cover, Bumble-Bee again transformed back into the Camaro and pulled right up to Wildstar.


Wildstar glanced up at Nova as he felt himself being lifted off of the ground by something.


“What the hell!?” he gasped.


 Nova extended her hand and pointed to Wildstar as he flew into the Camaro.


Bumble Bee than went into reverse, opening the driver’s side door as she got in.


“Who’s your tailor?” Wildstar said.


“That’s not funny at all.” Nova said, while opening the window. “For your information, I had Sandor’s Dynamic Production Unit make this suit up.”




“So I don’t have to go into combat in just Royster’s shirt and jeans. Or naked,” she added. “I really hate that gold uniform. It’s too tight and it’s chintzy. You try wearing it sometime, dear. You move the wrong way and it rips.”


“What now?” Derek asked her as a tank shell lobbed over them.


“You tell me…you’re the Captain.” Nova said.


 A stern look came over Wildstar.


 ”Apparently Starfleet has Robots that can change their appearance from Robots to vehicles.” Nova said


“NEST.” Wildstar said “Networked Elements: Supporters and Transformers.”


“How did you-“


“I ain’t here for a flower delivery.” Wildstar said as Bumble Bee swerved to miss two tank mortars coming straight at him.


“You mean you forgot them?” Nova said, stricken.


“No, I have them…but that’s not the only reason I’m here!” Derek barked.


Then .....a salvo of fire.  Coming from behind them Nova looked out the Rear –view mirrors and saw Inferno with Chromonia directly under Inferno with Inferno’s shields extended around her. The Inferno matching Chromonia’s move for move. While she fired her weapon.


“Aim at the Treads only.” Both she and Derek heard Prime say through her transmitter. “Colonel Corsair will be dealing with the Klingons.”


Through a clearing of rubble they all saw an impressive sight; Prime in his vehicle mode and Vaught Standing atop with his Bat’leth Drawn.


Another salvo from Chromonia did just what Prime wanted as the Tanks became disabled one by one. Prime then transformed back into his Robot mode as Vaught flew through the air and landed in front of the tanks as they all began to converge on that one spot.


Vaught jumped onto one of the tanks and ripped opened the canopy top, pulling out the Klingon occupant by the back of the neck and throwing him to the ground.


Vaught jumped off the Tank as the Klingon held a knife in his hand. Vaught instead of activating his light saber swung his Bat’leth. As the Klingon charged, Vaught tumbled under him jumped to his feet, and then he swung his Bat’leth decapitating the Klingon warrior. Before his body hit the ground Vaught was charging another tank. The other tanks’ operators seemed to know who Vaught was for they seemed to be all turning towards his position firing their weapons all at him. Vaught moving like light dogged the mortar fire, throwing a grenade in another tank as it too exploded. It was now apparent that the remaining tanks were clearly concentrating on Vaught, not paying attention to the Marines or to the Autobots.  As the Inferno touched down next to Prime, Chromonia rolled up next to them


“Autobots,” Prime said “Defensive stance only.”


Derek and Nova stepped out of the Camaro as it Transformed back into the robot.


Derek Wildstar had never had the chance to see Vaught perform in a combat role. What he was seeing he would take to his grave. It was amazing to him that someone as large as Vaught’s size was this fast and agile on his feet. He re-attached his Bat’leth and activated his light saber. The tanks fired their rounds. Using his light saber he quickly deflected the laser bolts than in another turn he efficiently would disable a tank he worked counter clockwise until all of the remaining tanks were disabled. Wildstar was wondering why he chose to disable them rather than throwing grenades in the tanks. Wildstar watched as the Marines were cautiously moving up to where Vaught was However When they reached Optimus prime he held his hand up stopping them.


“Sarge?” Stavros asked


Knox looked up at Prime.


“You wanna argue?”


 “Be my guest.” Vaught deactivated his light saber and reconnected it to his belt and removed his Bat’leth from his back and held it to his side.


“Don’t these people ever give up?” Royster said “Just walk away guys…no way this ends good.”


“No.” Chromonia said “To Klingons It is considered a grave dishonor to surrender…..He’s using a Bat’leth?”


“I wouldn’t worry.” Prime said


“Why just not use the Light saber?” Crocker asked


“Again, A matter of honor,” Prime said


Chromonia looked at Royster


“Because they don’t have one,” Royster said.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl as only the sound of the warm wind blew past the remains of the once thriving city and the breathing Modulator of Vaught’s exo-suit. In a reply the access hatches on the Klingon tanks opened one by one as their Occupants one by one came out of their disabled mecha and encircled Vaught, all but one who remained on the tank which Vaught deduced to be General Scorch.


Vaught said nothing to the eight Klingons. In unison the Klingons all roared in a battle cry and charged Vaught all at once. With lightning speed Vaught used his Bat’leth like it was the extension of his own hand. Minimizing each swing as it hit it’s deadly mark until the last warrior fell as a bloody corpse. Wildstar shook his head in disbelief and looked at Nova.


Then, Derek yelled, “Take a good look guys…..That’s a Space Marine!”


Scorch watched from atop his disabled command tank then jumped off of it. And casually walked over to Vaught and smiled at him. He pulled a cylindrical object off of his belt activating it.


Nova activated her light saber and started to move in as Sandor and Wildstar grabbed her.


There was surprise that Scorch was too a Starfighter save for Vaught who just stood there motionless as the Klingon growled at him.


Vaught said nothing as the Klingon moved around him in a circle “Your mask does not frighten me.” Scorch said.


 Vaught did not reply he said nothing all that could be heard was the ominous breathing from his face mask.


He hooked his Bat’leth to his back but did not reach for his light saber, and stood perfectly still. Scorch could not even tell if he was looking at him. Then Vaught touched a button on his arm as the breathing apparatus deactivated as the mask un-morphed revealing his features.


“Vaught Corsair,” Scorch said in Klingonese.


“Now you know who you’re fighting,” Vaught said replying in the same tongue.


“I was on the Raveger at Wolf 359.”


“I remember.” Vaught said.


“Give me the tech.” Scorch said.




“I wish we were not opposing each other,” Scorch said, as he took an attack stance.


 However Vaught remained still not making any moves.


“Until Stovokor.”


Scorch howled as he started to charge him as Vaught slowly turned. Scorch held his light saber in the air and ran faster roaring loudly. When he was in striking distance Scorch moved to strike. Suddenly in a flash Vaught reached, and moved slightly to the right as Scorch missed his strike, Vaught reached out and was holding Scorch’s Light saber and in the same motion stabbed the side of his neck. Scorch staggered to a stop. Vaught turned Scorch’s light saber off and gently tossed it at Scorch’s feet .and began to walk away from him towards Wildstar and the others, who had now assembled around them.


Vaught never turned around to see Scorch dropping to his knees then crumpling lifeless face down in the dirt.


To Nova, Vaught seemed to be in pain, as he dropped down to one knee.


Prime looked at Rachet who Held out a device in Vaught’s general direction. Then, he turned back and nodded at Prime.


“Is there no one else!?” Vaught roared among the bodies of the slain Klingons


“Oh…. My….God,” Wildstar said softly.


Prime looked down at him


“They say that your God created man in his own image and likeness.” Prime said “It stands to wonder who than created him?”


Trelaina who was watching the battle turned off the Monitor.


“Once again Telezart has become a battlefield.” She said as she walked quietly out of the room.  


Vaught stepped over the various piles of rubble as he saw Nova tending to a wounded Saperstein. He knelt down next to him. “How bad?” Vaught asked


“Hit in the shoulder.” Nova said. “I’m tending to the wound.”


“Have Doctor Sane keep me informed,” Vaught said.


"Vaught, I think you should be checked out too,” Nova said.


“Vaught acted as if he did not hear her; or simply ignored her. He looked over to see Optimus prime on one knee talking to IQ-9. 


Wildstar walked over to the two.


As he could see Optimus Prime glancing at him, while IQ-9 turned his head. “This is Captain Wildstar, Commanding officer of the Argo.”  IQ-9 said Just as he was about to introduce Prime, Wildstar broke in.


“Professor Optimus Prime Activated on the Planet Cybertron Approximately 300 million years ago.  Currently the Dean of Harvard University, and Leader of the Autobots, Commanding officer of Starfleet Marines NEST battalion……Do you prefer to be addressed as General or Professor?”


 “Prime, will do…..Wildstar.”


“You two have much to discuss and I should be assisting Royster with the Emergency Repairs on Inferno…..I hope we can talk again sometime”.


“I look forward to it.” Prime said standing as the little robot wheeled away. Leaving the two  as they looked upon the ruins of Telezart and the new scars of battle saying nothing .“I’m going to need a program to follow all the players,” Wildstar said to the Autobot Towering above him.


“My business was with Vaught.” Prime said.


“That makes me feel a whole lot better.” Wildstar said.


 “I find Vaught generally knows what he’s doing.” Prime said


“Except now?" Wildstar asked


Prime looked out at Vaught who was kneeling next to a group of injured Marines.


“At these times.” Prime said “I stay out of his way.”


Wildstar Sighed heavily as Prime looked at him.


"I can’t stay out of his way." Wildstar said


"You are the only one he will listen to." Prime said.


"To a point." Wildstar said "Then what?"


What if Vaught wasn’t here and you were killed?…Royster and all his knowledge would be in the hands of the Klingons.”


“It’s Just the Ruthlessness of him.” Wildstar said.


"Vaught Corsair is probably the greatest single warrior ever born since Achilles." Prime said.


“Wolf 359? Really Screwed him up didn’t it?” Wildstar said.


 “He lost his Mentor JP Hanson,” Prime said. “He was assimilated and he died by Vaught's hand…….so you can understand the conflict that his going on inside of him...... If it was your Captain Avatar or Captain Gideon…could you do the same under those circumstances?”


“Read my file too, huh?” Wildstar said.


 “I’ve seen your work, Derek.” Prime said, “You have the Brush and the easel, Where Vaught has the baton and the piano, He has the Inferno you have the Argo.”


“And the Force,” Wildstar said “And I’m afraid one day it will consume him and Nova....I think it already has Trelaina.”


“What makes you think that?” Prime said.


 “A lot of trouble was made for us not to get here.” Wildstar said “I think there is somebody on the other side that knows who this Trelaina is and what she is capable of….. it worries them, Telezart has nothing here militarily that would benefit anyone….except Trelaina.”

Prime nodded “Vaught’s Parents were taken Captive by the Cardassians when he was two. For five years Trelaina was the only mother he knew.” Prime said


“She was, like her father, an engineer specializing in weapons….When Vaught was brought to her she was the director of weapons research of the United Telezart assembly.”


“Vaught said she was a Law student.”


“That’s what Vaught also believed.” Prime said “I’ve tried to explain it to him however he just doesn’t believe. We knew a Subspace weapon Destroyed Telezart.”


“So she’s behind it?” Wildstar said as Royster walked up to them.


“Perhaps she was just an unwilling participant,” Prime said.


Wildstar sighed heavily As Royster came up to them.


"You all right?" Wildstar said


"Doing fine. Royster said. “After I got Inferno's sensors on line I found that there is a huge source of Trilithum on this planet. It’s core is made out of the stuff! It’s like a huge reactor.”


“That’s what we were doing here before you arrived.” Prime said


"Whatever brought this Planet Down had something to do with that reactor." Royster said


"We keep losing Focus as to why we are here." Wildstar said "We're not here to find out what happened here but to gain information as to stop the threat against our own planet."


"What if we could figure out this power source?" Royster said "We might be able to use it against the Comet."


"Good thought but we don’t have the time." Wildstar said  "Right now I want your main concern to be on the repair on the Inferno."


Royster looked at Prime and shrugged "You’re the skipper."


As Royster walked back to Inferno, Wildstar called out to Vaught.


"Captain?" Vaught asked.


"I don’t want him alone if the Klingons grabbed him once.......”


"Crocker! Stavros!"


Both walked up to Corsair and stood at attention


"Do me a favor and keep an eye on him?" Vaught asked "Nova will back you up."


"Aye, sir." They both said


Wildstar looked at Vaught....he seemed in pain as he started walking off almost with what seemed with a slight limp.


"You ok?" Wildstar said


"I'm fine." Vaught said and motioned to a ridge "I’m going to get a feel with where were going."


As Vaught walked off  Wildstar was going to continue his conversation with Prime however then Nova walked up and intruded. She was now out of her exo-suit but wearing the same desert marine uniform.


"Why was he limping?" Nova asked


"Am I his Doctor?!" Wildstar snapped "Go talk to Dr Sane!"


"What are you barking at me for?!" Nova snapped.


Wildstar gestured to Prime. "Nova, can’t you see I'm Talking to the man!?.......I'm talking to the Man!"


She walked off in a Huff as she passed Bumble Bee


"He's talking to the man!" she said imitating Derek’s voice.


Bumble Bee looked at prime then shrugged. "You seem irritated."


Prime considered Wildstar’s words for a moment “Have you ever heard Vaught play?” Prime said “Have you ever heard the music he’s composed?”


“I listen to him and Nova play.” Wildstar said “And you think that came from he and Megatron sitting at the family Steinway do you?”


Wildstar laughed aloud “No I guess not.”


“He had many teachers”….Prime said “What you saw today…Yes it’s true that He took his cunning from Destine and his ruthlessness from Megatron, It’s true he emulated himself from a dark legend that would make both Megatron and your Desslok look like city thugs. Yes Megatron and Destine along with the Borg put the sword in his hand, But his father put Shakespeare, Galileo, C’tar  in his head and his Mother placed Beethoven,  Hayden, Williams  in his heart. And Nokkar…..His master Taught him to balance the sword the heart and the mind……He’s a good friend Derek…be a good friend to him.”


There was silence for a moment.


“Autobots!” Prime said with authority “We’re returning to the Swayback.”


“You’re not sticking around?” Wildstar said 



Prime looked at him and said nothing within a few moments the Autobots made their Transformation from Robots to their vehicle modes.


Gokouun o inorimasu.” Prime said in Japanese.


“Until all are one.” Wildstar said in reply.


 The Autobots rolled past Vaught who made a nodding gesture as Prime walking up to him Stopped and Looked down.


“I gave all our Intel to Royster…I’m leaving you to handle this in your own way; and The Autobots and I never saw Trelaina.”


Vaught Looked up at Him. “As long as Slade doesn’t Re- assemble that Crystal he has nothing to fear from me”


Prime nodded said nothing he simply transformed into the truck and drove off.


But Vaught knew he understood everything he said, Prime also knew the favor Vaught had granted him as well as the reverse.


Vaught walked over to a small Circle of people which included Wildstar, Corsair, Sandor Knox, Royster and Nova.


“Dr Sane just left with the wounded.” Nova said.


“I see you decided to stay here.” Wildstar said.


 “I asked her to stay.” Vaught said “Inferno needs work badly she’s barely mobile at this point. We  have got to get to Trelaina and it’s too much in the open for Royster to stay out here alone….Trelaina’s Location is only an hour away by foot.”


“Royster; estimated time for repairs.” Wildstar snapped “About three days before she’s space worthy.” Royster said.


 “Do you remember the Layout?” Wildstar asked Vaught.


“Our home was in a cave suspended above a small lake.” Vaught said.


 “Can Inferno fit in there?” Wildstar said


 “Yes sir.” Vaught replied.


Allright!”Vaught turned to Royster “Patch her up enough out here to get her to that cave… you can finish her up in there….be ready by the time I call you.”


“I’ll be there.” Royster said


 Wildstar pointed at Nova “You stay with him.”


“And where do you think you’re going?” Nova said.

“The rest of us are going ahead to find Trelaina.” Wildstar said.


“No, you’re NOT! The area is still Hot!” Nova Protested Loudly.


 “Damn Straight.” Wildstar said.


“There’s NO cover out there…you’re an open target, Derek!”


Wildstar pointed at Vaught “What the hell do you think I’m packing him and Knox for?” Wildstar shouted.


“You’re not a field solider, Derek! This is insane!” Nova snapped.


Wildstar stepped Nova aside and the entire company rolled their eyes and groaned as he said, “You are staying with Royster, Nova! I mean it!!”


“Shaddap!” Wildstar said to them sarcastically.


I’m not babying you, Nova!” Derek snapped. “Personally, I’d rather have you with me….but the Klingons or Desslok or somebody wants Royster in a bad way…I have all the protection I need…But Royster needs some big guns too and next to Vaught the next person in line for that is you. Don’t you see that yet?”


“Ok.” Nova said “Just…….be careful.”


“Hey you told Dr Sane once that I always do whatever you ask of me.” Wildstar said


“Save one,” Nova said with a smirk


“We’ll get there Nova….We’ll get there…..”


Wildstar turned back to the group.


 “Formation L Vaught and I are on point everyone else if you run into trouble…No Heroics.” Wildstar said “Let’s move out.” Wildstar said


“You know what you’re doing?” Vaught said to her


“I’ll keep an eye on him.” Nova said “You just keep an eye on Derek.”


“Like he was my own.” Vaught said


“He is your own.” Nova said


Vaught smiled as he jogged lightly to catch up to Wildstar. They were in their formation for about a mile. As they walked through a deserted street, that was once a major city.


“Do you remember this place?” Wildstar said.


 “Capri.” Vaught said “It was the capital city.”


“Spend a lot of time here?” Wildstar asked.


“Our home was somewhat isolated.” Vaught said “So we spent a lot of time in the city….they were very enjoyable times from me.”


“Somehow I can’t see you running around on a playground.” Wildstar said. “How old were you?”


“I lived with my sister from two until age eight,” Vaught said “My parents were guests of the Cardassians during that time. They wanted some of my father’s designs real bad….they escaped right away; But they had to go into hiding on a Planet called Calix IV.”


“You mentioned that before.” Wildstar said.


“It’s where my built Inferno.” Vaught said “Anyway it took some time before it was safe enough to get back….They were on their way here when all hell broke loose I was pretty Banged up…..If it wasn’t for Mega- anyway…..after everything happened we all thought Telezart was destroyed……We moved to Betazed for a while Then I got shipped off to the Vulcan colony.”


“Is that how you do it?”


“Do what?” Vaught asked.


“When I first saw Alex alive on Iscandar I broke down and cried…You just talk to her like nothing ever happened.”


Vaught stopped walking and looked at him folding his arms.


Wildstar met his stare. “From the day I met you, you haven’t sweated a thing….everything comes to you so easily.” Wildstar said as they continued walking.


 “First off, Vaught said “You were still dealing with the shock of your brothers death….Finding the Paladin on titan….I haven’t seen Trelaina in 30 years….Memory fades Derek.”


 “That and 12 years of Vulcan education.” Wildstar said.


Vaught looked at him thoughtfully


 “What is this really about?.....You’ve been agitated with me ever since that day in the AE-35 room….what is it… Desslok?” asked Vaught.


“Partly.” Wildstar said “It’s just the comment that you made about when the Argo had been trapped on Gamilon.”


“When I said I would have targeted the planet’s core with the Wave Motion Gun?” Vaught asked.


“Yeah.” Wildstar said “It wasn’t the comment that’s been digging at me………I knew what had to be done from the first time that IQ-9 told me we were in an ocean of Sulfuric Acid; I looked at the data very carefully  they had a caldera volcano about the same size as Yellowstone. Unlike Yellowstone, it was interconnected to every other Volcano on the planet. Imagine what would happen if Yellowstone erupted?.......Except I couldn’t give the order….couldn’t even think it….so to give myself an out I went to Captain Avatar and told him I didn’t know what to do….except that I did.”


“So when he gave you the order it eased your conscience.” Vaught said.


 “Something like that.” Wildstar said.


 “I don’t blame you for that I blame him.” Vaught said.




“As you know, your Captain Avatar and Captain Gideon go by different names.” Vaught said “But I can guarantee he saw Jim Kirk in you he was trying to make lightning strike twice.”


Wildstar just looked at him as they continued to walk.


“You have similar histories.” Vaught said.


 “I never had that many girlfriends.” Wildstar said.


 Vaught chuckled “Jim Kirk went right from the Academy to the command of a Starship. Basically so did you…..but where Kirk always had a knack for outsmarting death….you always seemed to be forced to accept it….If I might be so bold….You did what you should have done….. it wasn’t your place to order that kind of solution even suggest it….and you shouldn’t have been placed with that sort of burden.”


Wildstar stopped for a moment he looked up at the top of the cavern. “You can’t see any stars.” Wildstar said “Even at night.”


“There is no night on Telezart.” Vaught said “I guess Galileo would have been out of a job.”


Wildstar stood there silent for a moment lost in thought.


“Galileo Galilei.” Wildstar said looking back up towards the top of the cavern.


“He sat in a cathedral in Pisa” Wildstar said “He watched a lamp suspended from the ceiling……as it oscillated back and forth…..He used his pulse to keep time…and discovered the period of oscillation was independent of the size of the arc….then a few years later he contradicted the theory that a heavier body falls faster than a lighter one.”


“That took some guts back in 1609.” Vaught said. “When you consider that the theory he was contradicting was Aristotle’s.” Wildstar Smiled as his Blackberry device vibrated as he pulled the device out and read the message.


He showed Vaught the blackberry device who nodded


“That’s about a quarter of a mile from here.” Vaught said.


“He contradicted Aristotle, Vaught.” Wildstar said.


 “And saw the rings on Saturn.” Vaught said.


Wildstar laughed as they continued walking 1Q-9, Sandor, Knox, Wildstar and Vaught all converged at the Mouth of a cave some time later.


“That’s it.” Vaught said “Trelaina is there.”


“Are you sure about this? Wildstar said.


“My father likes isolation.” Vaught said “That’s why he put it all the way out here.”


“So did Bruce Wayne.” Sandor said as they walked into the cave.


As they walked into the cave it became quite dark.


When Wildstar asked IQ-9 to turn on his work lamps as soon as he did there was enemy laser fire.


Everyone scattered for cover…. except for Vaught and Knox.


“Cover!” Wildstar said.


 “My patience has just about run thin.” Vaught said to Knox this time activating his light saber.


“What’s he doing?” Sandor said.


Vaught was about to charge when Knox gently grabbed him by his arm.


Vaught snapped towards him.


“You ever have been to Vegas, Colonel?” Knox said over the laser fire.


“What do you mean?” Vaught said through the Breathing apparatus.


“Because the boys there would say you’re trying to make your point the hard way.”


He motioned Vaught behind a Rock and opened a small case reveling two ball-like objects.


 Knox took one of them squeezed it than threw it as hard as he could.


“Eyes!” Knox yelled.


 They all ducked behind their respective rocks.


 The object bounced once than let out a large flash a few seconds later they heard no more disrupter fire when they came out from their cover they saw all the Klingons rubbing their eyes….unable to see.


“Sandor” Vaught said “Gate of some kind.”


Sandor said running up to them then walked over to the control panel.


He looked at the display than at the Klingon solider struggling to stand. “I’ll need the code to get in.” Sandor said looking at the Klingon “jaH ghe'tor p'tahk.” The Klingon replied Vaught Muttered something in Klingon as he walked over to the Klingon.


“I’m not Playing around anymore.” Vaught said face to face with the Klingon “You will tell me what I want to know.”


“Be'nallI tova'Daq toj Qo' vum – toil lIt   jIH…. Hov HIvDuj Ha'DI bah!” Vaught turned away from the Klingon and looked up at Wildstar, His eyes filled with rage.


He turned back towards the Klingon.


“Mind Tricks?” Vaught said. He then began to strike the Klingon repeatedly as hard as he could. Over the objections of everyone around him.


Vaught Being part Gargoyle and physically much Stronger than most species the beaten Klingon, both his eyes knocked closed held up his hand as if to say enough that he will talk.


“That Time has passed,” Vaught said as he was about to deliver a death blow.


 “VAUGHT!” came the yell of a voice he hadn’t heard in years.


He turned as well as Wildstar and the Others.


“It looked like they were holding you prisoner.” Wildstar said “There are doors……”


Trelaina said waving her hand _         “……..And there are doors.” She turned back to Vaught “All too easy……” Trelaina said looking at Vaught “Let the Klingon go.” Trelaina said to Vaught gently.


Almost instinctively Vaught released the Klingon as he panted heavily “You have a way off this planet….Yes?” She asked the Klingon


“I can find a way.” the Klingon said.


“Find it……. Now.” Trelaina said.


“What is wrong with you?” Wildstar asked Vaught. “You need help I will pay for it!”


There was a moment of silence when Trelaina turned to Wildstar “I thought for a moment that you would be Mark Venture.”


Knox, Sandor IQ9 erupted with laughter…even Vaught chuckled slightly.


 Wildstar however was not amused, “I am Derek Wildstar.” He said looking at the others. “Captain of the Argo.”


The introductions began as Sandor introduced himself and of course Knox Being Knox, pushed Sandor aside introducing himself loudly. She next looked at IQ-9, who Introduced himself as a series nine of his model.


“What happened to the part about being a genius?” Knox asked.


Trelaina walked up to Vaught slowly. She seemed startled at first because the breathing apparatus was concealing his face. The only sound that was coming was the mechanical breathing.


 Wildstar gave him a what’s wrong with you look;  then turned back to Trelaina, “I believe you already know my first officer Vaught Corsair.”


There was no response from Vaught the only sound was that of the breathing apparatus.


“Vaught!” Wildstar said.


Vaught said nothing as he deactivated the breathing apparatus as Trelaina looked into his eyes….

