Father Figures


Chapter 10 of Starfighter! The Iconoclast


By: Tom Sczepkowski


With editing and clean-up by: Frederick P. Kopetz                                                                               

Copyrights: STAR TREK is © 2004 by Paramount Pictures, Inc. STAR BLAZERS is © 2004 by Voyager International, and, STAR WARS is © 2004 by Lucasfilm, Ltd. GARGOYLES is © 2004 by Disney Entertainment. The Technomugar Empire is © 2004 by Frederick P. Kopetz and is mentioned here by the author's permission. All original elements of this tale are © 2004 by Tom Sczepkowski. All rights reserved, not to be copied without the author's permission.  


   Captain Abraham Avatar  --  EDF Argo           



Admiral J.P. Hanson of Starfleet Command  (U.S.S. Melbourne)


Vaught had not familiarized himself with all of the aspects of the Argo’s  voyage to Iscandar. He did have enough perception to understand what Captain Abram Avatar had meant to the crew of the Star Force, and how his passing affected them. He was suddenly reminded of Starfleet Admiral J.P. Hanson whom he had worked closely with until his death at Wolf 359 fighting the Borg.


He thought of Hanson for a while as he made the final approach for the spaceport. As Earth loomed, he banked the Andromeda to port as he looked out the windows and saw a hill top lined with statues and plaques. Sandor noticed Vaught looking at it intently. So, he commented on the place's name.


“That is Heroes' Hill,” Sandor said. "It's our memorial for those who died on the voyage to Iscandar and back."


Vaught nodded slightly as he continued his turn and then headed straight over the hill. He knew that there were people down there and almost felt bad for buzzing them, for he knew the Andromeda had to be making the Devil's own noise as they passed overhead.


Below, on the ground, there was a gathering of the members of the Star Force to remember their fallen Captain. They had finished the formal part of the ceremony, and they were enjoying drinks just as the rather noisy Andromeda passed overhead.


"Look!" said Eager. "It's the flagship Andromeda!"


"Yeah...the flying computer's home," said Homer.


"Yes," cried Nova as she knelt on the ground trying to keep her hair in place. "She is returning from her test run..."


"Damned noise," said Orion irritably.


"He's disturbing my drink!" snapped Dr. Sane.


"Yeah, what a bunch of jackasses!" snapped Dash, who was next to Nova.


"YOU IDIOTS!" yelled another member of the Star Force; Nova recognized it as one of the pilots. Wish my ears would stop ringing; what's that pilot's problem coming so low? she thought as the mighty ship passed overhead on its way in for its landing.


"Annoying, isn't it?" said Venture. "Wildstar? Hey, Wildstar? What's wrong?"


"Derek?" said Nova as she got up. "Mark's talking to you. Derek?"


Derek Wildstar didn't reply, having been uneasy for most of the day.  He stared at Andromeda until she was out of sight behind the tall buildings of the city. In the distance he could hear the reverse thrust of her engines as he pictured in his mind her touching down on the landing pad.



The sounds of the evening returned to normal as Derek looked up at Avatar’s statue which loomed over them like a guardian protecting his children. However Wildstar felt no safer by the presence.


During the voyage to Iscandar, Derek remembered the long talks that he had with Avatar.  One of the things repeating in his mind was not to be afraid to seek counsel. He remembered that Avatar had said that a Captain doesn’t have to have all the answers... he just needs to make a decisions based on the answers. Following that advice, he walked over to Dr. Sane who was enjoying a drink of his homemade brew as the base of avatars Statue.


Wildstar looked at Sane for a moment. The old doctor noted that he was staring and looked up at him. He offered him a bottle which he declined and stood up.


“Ok.” Sane said in Japanese “Out with it, young man...what’s bothering you!?


Wildstar looked at him and answered him in Japanese  which caught the rest of their attention. It was very rare that Derek spoke his native dialect which to the others meant that there was something wrong.



Venture's eyebrows went up at that one. Now he knew why Wildstar had ignored him and Nova. Mark, at the time of the mission to Iscandar, was the Argo’s chief navigator who was also Wildstar’s closest friend and even at times…his rival. They always didn’t see eye to eye and over the past year had somewhat drifted apart as friends, but they had been happy to see each other that evening, at least before Wildstar began acting weird, that is. Venture, being a native of Boston, could not understand what the two were saying, but he could detect nervousness in Derek’s voice.


“Hey, Wildstar!” Venture said with his thick New England accent. “You’re making us jumpy. I mean, talking in your own language like that..."


"And ignoring us," snapped Nova, who was more than a bit miffed at her boyfriend's attitude.


Sane and Derek looked at each other as Sane gestured to Venture.


“We were attacked on our way home.” Wildstar said. “That’s why our radio was out. I'm sorry, you two, but sometimes there are things more important than chit-chatting with your friends.”


“Wildstar!” Venture exclaimed. “Are you sure!?”


Wildstar paused for a second, nodding once.  “Yes. I was in my Super Starfighter when it happened. These guys flew rings around me...their planes were faster and more maneuverable than anything that’s out there.”


“What were you doing out in your fighter?” Nova said. "Your place was on that bridge!"


Wildstar turned around and met her eyes “What do you think I was doing?”


“Oh I can imagine.”  She said in a deadly tone “Derek.”  Then, she began to snap her sneakered foot on the ground. "And, listen! I know this is important, but this is a fine way to act, risking your neck like that...and ignoring your significant other when she tries to talk to you? What is your problem?"


Derek spun around angrily at Nova and glared at her for a few moments.


“Yes?” she said. "C'mon, spit it out! Did Mimi get your tongue or something?" 


You ...I'll get to later in the car,” Derek replied in a low, deadly voice.


“Yeah...If I’m lucky,” she quipped with a wink. "I'm prepared to have my ears blown out again. Won't bother me; they're already ringing thanks to that stupid Andromeda. Wait until I talk to that pilot. I'll give him a piece of my mind, too!"


Wildstar stared at her again and chuckled and walked over to her. He tried to hug her and she warily accepted the hug, saying. "Okay, trying to make nice, now? Fine. But I'm not through with you yet, Derek."


"Same goes here," said Wildstar with a smile.


“They're getting better at this.” Venture said to Sane.


Sane cleared his throat “Wildstar, you have spent a year in space I think you just have the jitters. Doesn't he, Nova?”


"Maybe," she said diplomatically, "Maybe not."


“Nova, guys...I didn’t imagine those planes.” Derek said than paused.  “Yes, I’ve been in space for a while and in space you tend to be more on the alert …in space , you see things differently. Out there, your mistakes can be deadly…especially when you're in command…..I’ve got a red alert in the back of my head that this is the calm before the storm.”


“A tremor in the Force, isn't it?” Nova whispered.


“What did you say?” Derek said.


“On my flight back from Key West...well... I told you about this Space Marine Colonel that I met.”


“Yeah?” Derek said. "What about him?"


“He had the same feeling of uneasiness except that he called it a Tremor in the Force.” Nova said. "Funny term. But, he didn't sound very funny when he spoke about it. You know we've seen...things...happen with Queen Starsha no one else could explain. Maybe it was like that?"


“Sounds like he had a tremor in his pants, Nova,” Venture said. “He was probably just trying to get your phone number.”


“Then, he could have pulled it from my head,” Nova said.  “He knew things about me that I never told anyone….not even Derek...and he picked up things about Derek just by looking at his picture.”


"That's weird," said Derek.


“Yes. Very strange,” Sane said.  “I wonder if this gathering was for a different purpose.”


“What do you mean, Doc?” Venture said


Sane looked up at Avatar's statue. “Perhaps Captain Avatar is still trying to protect us!”



There were many things that were on Derek’s mind that evening. And for his first night home, he felt overwhelmed...and after dropping Nova off at her apartment (after patching up the last of their differences in the car), he walked around the base trying to sort in his mind everything that happened. He felt that a lot of what occurred…the attack... the shorting out of most of the Argo’s computers and communications... and the message tapes that the Argo recorded during the attack all seemed out of control and far away. Except there was one thing he knew he could affect as he clenched his fist and started walking…to confront the Captain of the Andromeda.


In the meantime, back at her apartment, Nova had just taken a bath. She now sat at a small desk swathed in her nightgown and robe, and she had her journal open. She sat biting the edge of the pen (one of her bad habits) until she found the right words to describe what was going through her mind about tonight's business at Heroes' Hill.


She finally wrote:


I love him, but there are times when he just drives me up the damned wall!


Tonight was one of those times. I was afraid he'd changed. Well, in these regards, he hasn't changed much. He gets into battle. He risks his life. He's pig-headed and ready to fight the world. Not that much different from last year. Get him angry, and he's still ready to start a fight. Part of me thinks that if I'd been Mark Venture, he might have punched me in the nose or something tonight. Part of me thinks that I averted another fistfight between him and Venture tonight.


Part of me knows that we made up, but I'm wondering a little how things will work out. Oh, I care for him...but does he care for me in the same way? I think he does. He was contrite in the car. We kissed and made up. Maybe it's just part of a relationship; you're bound to have fights every now and then.


But, I've changed, too. I gave him a piece of my mind at Heroes' Hill, and I didn't cook him the Tempura I bought for my pathetic little kitchen, nor did I have him stay like I had planned to earlier this evening. I told him "I'm tired" and he left.


There's one thing for sure.


Tonight, I showed Derek I am no doormat. Maybe he respects me a little more.


But, I find myself worrying. Why? He said he "was gonna have it out with Gideon tonight." Captain Gideon is a higher-ranking officer, and Derek's still just a Commander. Damnit, I hope Derek doesn't do anything tonight that'll wreck his career....He's too good for that, even with his temper.  And we have a future, even with his attitude, we have a future...


But...that weird stuff...that "Tremor in the Force" the Marine Colonel mentioned...why is Derek feeling it, too? And what does it mean? For Earth? For us?


Hand's tired. I'm calling it a night. And I have nothning (sic) (can't spell right when I'm this TIRED) more to say for now...


On that note, Nova went to bed.



On the Andromeda, there was nothing else left for Vaught to do, and since it was so late at night, he intended to just stay on board that evening and just continue his research.  He checked out Inferno’s systems from the wrist data pad and all was ok.  So he sat at the master computer station on the bridge and continued where he left off. It was also at this point that he began recording a log of what was transpiring.


SS Inferno log Star date………(Looking at his data pad chronometer) 8175.9


“Uh…….Completed….No wait scratch that………Jesus Christ what the hell am I doing here? What am I looking for? So far all the information I have come across is bad. Astra’s dead I don’t know what I’m going to say to Starsha…or perhaps she even knows….The Force is filled with uncertainty. Perhaps it is because I don’t belong here and maybe that’s what it’s trying to tell me…..So in the morning I'll make my way back to Inferno and go home and leave this Earth to whatever fate awaits it."


Vaught paused for a moment than looked back at the console.  He shut it down and gathered his things.


“Time to go home.” Vaught said to himself as he picked up his bag and left the bridge.


He made it as far as the gangway when someone else was coming up from over near the Argo, which sat next to the Andromeda in the other berth of the underground dock. Since there was only room for one person at a time, Vaught waited for the young man to come up the gangway. Immediately he recognized him...he was the young man from the picture that Nova had shown him on the plane. He had forgotten all about their meeting.


Derek stopped at the top of the gangway as he saluted Vaught.


“Permission to come aboard?” He asked.


Vaught returned the salute. “Permission granted. Welcome aboard the Andromeda, Captain Wildstar.” Vaught said in a monotone voice


“I’m actually here to see Captain Gideon,” Wildstar said as he then noticed Vaught's shoulder bag. “However, since you probably are on your way out, you probably don’t care about that,” Wildstar said.


Vaught sighed, “What I do care about right now is a chilled glass of Gewurztraminer with a lobster salad.” 


"I know what you mean," said Wildstar. "After I'm done here, I'll probably grab something at the Officers' Club. My girlfriend was a little too miffed to whip up anything tonight. We had a nice little argument at Heroes' Hill."


"About what?"


"About business in space. Something funny's going on out there. Nova met this...guy...leaving Key West," said Wildstar, who was unaware that he was talking to the very person that Nova had been alluding to. "He talked about something called 'A Tremor in the Force', some weird metaphysical stuff. Well, if there's a tremor in anything, it's in my brain. Damn, I wish I could have a drink, a cigar, or something. I feel like the universe is trying to warn me about something."


"You're not alone," said Vaught in a low voice. Then, he paused for a moment, and walked back into the ship. “Follow me, Captain. I'll take you to the bridge.”


Gideon was in his cabin located above the bridge. It was both spacious and comfortable.  On his desk he had a series of printed paper reports that he was reading...the results of the ship's test run. He was interrupted by a knock at the automatic hatch from outside.


“Come,” snapped Gideon as the hatch opened, revealing Sandor.


“Ah, Mr. Sandor. Glad you're here.” Gideon said. “Well, Command shouldn’t have any issues with the mechanical performance of their new prize.”


“Yes sir.” Sandor said.


“The crew on the other hand ……does have me...uh....concerned. They're like a bunch of cadets!”


“With all due respect, Captain, the Andromeda is a new ship and the crew isn't yet familiar with all of the new equipment."


“Col. Corsair doesn’t seem to be intimidated by her.” Gideon said. "Not at all."


Sandor nodded. “Space Marines don’t seem to be intimidated by anything, sir.”


Gideon leaned back in his chair, "If he's really a Space Marine, well, then, I'm a space pirate!"


“Sir?” Sandor asked.


“Look at the way he conducts himself …. …His…mannerisms….how he wears his uniform…His grammar is impeccable, and his tone hasn’t gone above a whisper, even during the near collision with the Argo its almost as if he were a-…"


Gideon stopped suddenly and looked out the port. Then cleared his throat


“Captain?” Sandor asked.


“What was his assignment before you approached him?” Gideon asked.


“Historical research,” Sandor said. “I think his file says he’s a history teacher or a professor of some kind.”


Gideon scoffed, “That is even more reason not to trust him.”


“Do you suspect him to be something other than what he says he is?” Sandor asked.


Gideon leaned back into his chair.  “Well...Don’t you?” he asked.


“With all respect, no,” Sandor said.  “He seems pretty solid; I don’t know how we passed over him for the Iscandar mission. He has a fantastic knowledge of engineering.”


“What’s your next assignment?” Gideon asked.


He was interrupted by the whistling of the ship's intercom.


“Gideon here,” said the Andromeda's skipper.


“Captain Wildstar of the Argo is here to see you, Captain,” responded Vaught.


Gideon looked up at Sandor. “I see. Show him in, Colonel.”


The hatch opened as Wildstar walked in. Vaught was turning to leave when Gideon called after him to remain. He nodded and walked back in before the hatch whizzed closed as Gideon and Wildstar never broke eye contact while Gideon studied Wildstar from his side of his desk.


Sandor gave a small smile to Wildstar as Vaught deduced that they were friends. Vaught quietly stood in the corner of the spacious compartment as Gideon lifted his hat revealing his eyes.


 “So….," Gideon began, "YOU are the Captain of the Argo.”


“Not formally,” said Wildstar confidently.


“Take a good look at that man behind you,” Gideon said referring to Corsair. “You owe him your life.”


Wildstar glanced at Vaught and then turned back to Gideon. “Maybe you owe him yours,” Wildstar responded. "We were talking a little on the way to your quarters."


Vaught could tell that Gideon did not like the young man's answer or his brashness as the old Captain rose from his chair.


“This ship is the flagship of the Combined Forces of the Earth Defense Fleet! In the future you will yield to this ship when you are in her path. Is that understood?”


Wildstar felt a huge wave of anger wash over him. “Absolutely not,” he snapped.


“What was that?” Gideon snapped back


“Article V of the Space Navigation Law states, and I quote... 'A returning vessel upon approach has the right of way regardless of type. Further, if the vessel is disabled or damaged, said vessel has additional priority and landing rights', end quote."


"So?" said Gideon tartly as he sat with his arms crossed across his chest. "Continue with your lecture, Wildstar, since you seem to know regulations so well..."

"Sir...you knew our radio was out; I had to get that ship on the deck fast. Since we couldn’t send or receive...as per regulations..."


“Who are you to quote regulations to me!?” Gideon snapped “Especially since I am the one who taught them to you at the Academy!? Wildstar, are you aware that I ordered a weapons lock on your vessel!?"


"No, sir."


"Since you are so big on quoting regulations, do you know what General Order Twelve is, Wildstar?"


“Yes sir, I do” Wildstar said. "It states..." 


“Spare me the lesson. I know it, and you do, too. Now, suppose that the Argo had been commandeered by some hostile party who then used that ship to get close to us and then attack?! Consider that."


Vaught eyes widened as he looked at Gideon. Now, he understood the image that had come to him on the bridge during the near collision with the Argo.


“The Reliant. Khan,” muttered Vaught as Gideon gave him a brief look of anger as if he had overheard him. However he looked at Wildstar. "No answer for that one, Captain? In any case…," Gideon continued. “The flagship of the Combined Fleet always goes first….It’s a matter of rank. If you are going to remain as Captain of your ship, you had better become aware of rank.”


Wildstar gritted his teeth and walked over and leaned in on the desk.


“Whether I am in command of the Argo, or of any other ship, is not the issue of the moment. Captain Gideon, you may assure yourself that as long as I command the Argo, she will remain steadfast in her cause.”


“Impertinence noted.” Gideon said. “Do you wish to lengthen the entry?”


Wildstar nodded. “I do. It never occurred to me that the Commander of the Flagship of the Combined Earth Defense Fleet would base his navigation upon the rules of rank rather than on plain old common sense.”


Sandor grimaced at the remark and stepped away from the desk knowing what Gideon was going to do next. Gideon followed suit by flying around the desk and was toe to toe with Wildstar.


Wildstar showed no fear and had complete confidence in his convictions when it came to the Argo, as Vaught noted. He was impressed by the young man’s actions as Captain Gideon or Kirk or whatever he was known as laid into Wildstar. 


“I don't believe this, Wildstar! You were a bright student; everyone predicted a bright future for you. However I'd hate to see how your career would wind up if you keep on addressing your superior officers this way. Remember who is the senior man here, for your sake!"


Wildstar returned his gaze, “When it comes to the safety of my ship, sir, I have one thing to say to you."


"And that is?"


"To hell with your protocol!”


“Well...you'll learn the hard way then,” Gideon said returning to his desk. "Now get out of here!”


"Yes, sir," said Wildstar with a deadly quiet voice as he saluted Gideon. Gideon returned the salute and watched ruefully as the younger man turned on his heel and left.


“My greatest student….and my greatest failure,” Gideon said to Vaught as Wildstar walked through the automatic hatch and Sandor followed.


Vaught was now alone with Gideon as he leaned back into his chair smiling broadly.


“Permission to speak?” Vaught said.


“Of course,” Gideon replied.


“There wasn’t any truth in that bullshit tirade of yours, was there?”


Gideon chuckled “No.” he said.


“Sizing him up?” Vaught asked.


Gideon nodded. “You have to admit he has a lot of balls. Maybe he’s like the Captain Kirk you revere.”


“You have heard of him, then?” Vaught asked with interest.


“Level with me, Vaught. You believe that I am him, just as I believe that you aren’t a Marine at least... not one in this service.”


“So we both don’t think the other belongs on this ship?” Vaught said.


Gideon looked at him as his eyes widened. “Oh, I belong on this ship, Colonel. You don’t belong on this planet! Now who are you, really? Cut the bullshit!”


“Who are you?” Vaught said in a deadly tone as his hand dropped down to his saber.


“Oh? A test of power?” Gideon mused as his hand dropped towards his own sidearm. “Your skills against mine...who would win?” Gideon chuckled.


The two men stared hard at each other before Gideon broke the pregnant moment by walking from around the desk over to a model of the Andromeda. As he looked at it, he said, “As for my question. Someone asked me that question a lifetime ago.”


Another image flashed into Vaught’s mind very briefly. It was even more perplexing than the image of the Reliant. 




Despite the questionable identity of this man, Vaught found him to be very complex. Despite the fact that he was just human, Vaught felt the respect that Gideon had commanded. From the look on his face, he knew that whoever he was, he had faced death numerous times and come through as a better man. Vaught knew, on the other hand, that he was the cause of numerous deaths as for the first time he felt embarrassed about what his life had been like. Vaught took his hand off his saber and quietly but forcefully put his hands behind his back.


Vaught looked at Gideon thoughtfully for a second as Gideon walked over to him.


“I am returning home in the morning, Captain. My research has been completed, and you have nothing to fear.”


“I know, Vaught,” Gideon said. “You’re a good officer and well disciplined….I am not this Captain Kirk you seek but if I were Kirk and he asked you to stay on, would you remain?”


“But it’s not Captain Kirk that’s asking me,” Vaught said. “It's Captain Gideon.”


“Yes.” Gideon said. He then picked up a model of the Argo from his shelf and gazed hard at it. “That boy was attacked not long ago, and I damn well know it. I am aware  that’s why the Argo’s radio system was knocked out.”


"How do you know he was attacked?" said Vaught.


"A good hunch. Plus, as commander of the Combined Fleet of the Earth Defense Forces, I have access to log uploads from other ships, the Argo included. After we landed, I read Wildstar's last upload, to try to figure out why he was acting like such a clown out there. It backed up my hunch. The young man was in battle, with a damaged ship. It was for that reason, and that reason alone, that you didn't see him taken off this vessel under arrest for his disrespect, or written up. You'll note that I took no notes of his immature tirade."


“And you think it’s a prelude to an invasion?” Vaught asked


“Commander Wildstar seems to think so,” Gideon said. “And I know at some point he’s going to do something about it, within regulations, or not. When he makes his move, I want you there.”


“To help him...or to stop him!?” Vaught scoffed


“You’re the Jedi,” Gideon said pointing at Vaught’s light saber. "You should already foresee what you will have to do."


“My kind is known as Starfighter not  Jedi…How do you know of them?”


“Fables and stories.” Gideon said “Will you stay?”


“Perhaps my research is not yet complete.” Vaught said.


Gideon cracked a smile as the two shook hands. 


Vaught turned to leave. But, as Gideon went back to his reports, Vaught turned towards him with a thoughtful look on his face.


“Rayna,” Vaught said.


Gideon had a look of surprise on his face as he truly did not know that Vaught was referring to the image of the young blonde woman that had flashed into Vaught’s mind a few moments ago when Vaught had decided to put aside his saber.


“That’s the name of the girl you’ve been dreaming about...but have no idea who she is.” Vaught said


Gideon cracked a smile. “I see. I dream of a lot of women which gets me into a lot of trouble with my wife at times….her name isn’t Rayna.”


"So I see," said Vaught.



End Chapter Ten


Next Chapter: "Further Revelations"

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