Ice Princess

Another Invidia Short by AMI MEITSU

A/N: This is a continuation to ‘A Vacation to Remember’ and Voice in the Dark is a song form the anime Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch


Night had fallen over both the mountain and the cabin, cloaking them in a cool black shadow. It was after dinner and everyone sat inside, in the living room, just…relaxing.


Setsuna and Akira quietly talked about their day, Ryou was reading a magazine, Arty’s parents sat reading and Derek and Nova in front of the TV, not really watching it…just cuddling and Arty sat on the other couch with Invidia leaning on his shoulder, asleep.


“Invidia?” He whispered as he tried to shrug her off.


Invidia just moved with him, she wasn’t getting up for anyone.


“Princess, you need to move…” He tried to push her off.


Invidia shrugged and grabbed his arm.


“I’ll take her.” Derek volunteered, a little tired of seeing his friend’s trouble.He got up, went over and gently picked Invidia up.


“Thanks, just take her to our room.”


Derek nodded and carried her upstairs, being very careful with her, so he wouldn’t drop or wake her. ‘She’s adorable…’ he thought. His efforts didn’t help though, she woke up anyway.


“What’s going on?” She muttered. “Arty?”


“No, Derek.” Derek corrected her. “I’m putting you to bed, Honey, you were asleep on the couch and we needed to move you…”


Invidia groaned. “Put me down! I’m not that tired!”


“Yes, you are. I can hear it in your voice.”


“Derek!” She whined.


“Invidia…” He whined back, teasing her.


Invidia said nothing after that; she just let him bring her up to her room.




“Oh, thanks…” Invidia said, looking down at the nightgown that Derek had given her.


“You’re welcome; now promise me you’ll get some sleep?”


Invidia nodded.


“Good girl, now go na-night…”


“Derek!” Invidia laughed at his use of the term that only Arty and Zordar used for her.


“Okay, what you laughing about?” Arty asked as he entered the room.


“Nothing.” Invidia said. “Just go would you?”


“Aw, why?”


“Go! I have to get changed!” Invidia said.


“All right…” Arty said, he left for a couple minutes to give Invidia her privacy. After she called him back in he sat on the bed with her. “Invidia, can I ask you something?”


“Hm?” She looked at him.


“Do you want to come with me tomorrow? Up to the lodge?”


“For what? I don’t ski or skate or any of that stuff…”


“Well, it’s also a nice place to relax; you could always stay in and read.”


“I don’t know…”


“Come on, I stayed home with you so it’s your turn to come with me…”






“Fine, I’ll go but only if you promise not to make me do anything.” Invidia said.


“I promise.” Arty reassured.


“Fine, I’ll go…”


Arty kissed her head. “Thank you, Princess…”


Invidia smiled at him, then she laid down and Arty pulled the blankets over her as she began to fall asleep. Arty lay next to her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her closer to him.She smiled and snuggled down into the blankets as she fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Invidia was awaked to some kind of noise outside her bedroom. It sounded like hard footsteps…and it was.


“Ryou! Give it back!” Akira chased her brother down the hall. He held a book as he ran.


“Nope…” Ryou teased.


“Give it back, junior!” Akira teased back.


“Hey! I was born before you!”


“Knock it off!” Invidia snapped as she came into the hall.


“Oh, Morning Invidia-Mama.” Akira said.


“Don’t ‘Morning Invidia-Mama’ me!” Invidia snapped. “You woke me up!” She held her hand out. “Give it…”


Ryou handed her the book and Invidia handed it to Akira.


“Sorry,” they both muttered.


“You better be!” Invidia muttered as she headed down stairs, where Arty’s parents were helping Nova with breakfast.


“Morning, Invidia...” Nina greeted.


“Morning…” Invidia muttered.


“Hey, you look tired…” Derek said as he came in with Arty, they had been outside getting some wood for the fireplace later.


“I am. Akira and Ryou woke me up…”


“Aw…” Arty went over and hugged her.


“No!” She pushed him off. “You’re cold!”


“Sorry, honey…”


“So, Invidia…” Nova started. “Arty’s coming with us, are you going to be okay by yourself?”


“Uh…I’m coming with you…”




“I convinced her to come, but don’t expect her to get out much…” Arty said.


“It’s okay as long as she comes.” Setsuna turned to Invidia. “You’ll like it, it’s nice and relaxing.”


“Yeah, yeah I’m hungry…” Invidia said.


“Hold on, we’ll eat soon.” Nina said as she flipped pancakes.


“I hope so…” Invidia muttered.


They did, and afterwards everyone bundled up and headed out. The lodge was only a short drive away from the cabin, so there wasn’t much to see, but Invidia just stared out the window.


‘Snow, snow, more snow…’ She sighed.


“You okay?” Arty asked.


“Oh, I’m fine, just a little…”




“Yes.” ‘Sure let’s go with that…’ She thought, she didn’t want to lead on that she was bored on her second day there, but that changed a little when they arrived.


The lodge was a pretty big place but it was nice inside, there was a whole area of nothing but furniture and books…it was relaxing.


“I like it…,” Invidia whispered.


“I knew you would, this is where I spend some of my time.” Akira said. “It’s a nice, quiet place to think and relax…,” she said.


“And I’m gonna take advantage of it…” Invidia said as she walked over to one of the couches, she threw her coat next to her, holding a book she had been reading for a couple of days. It was one of her old Cometine novels, she knew the story but she still loved to read it again once in a while. She sat and Arty came over to her.


“Here, I thought you’d be more comfortable if you had this.”


“Thanks…,” Invidia took her blanket from him.


“And, look and I know I said I wasn’t going to force you to do anything, but could you maybe try something?” Arty asked.


Invidia shrugged. “I don’t know…”

“Just think about it…bye Princess…” He kissed her on the head and walked off, leaving her alone to do what she pleased.


‘Now they leave me alone!’ She thought as she settled down, she sat around for an hour or two, and actually finished off her book. She fell asleep afterwards, and stayed like that for another hour or so. When she woke up, she found that she was bored, very bored.I can’t say there’s nothing to do; Arty will tell me there’s plenty to do…that I just need to try…’ Invidia thought, she sighed.I wonder what Nova’s doing…or where she is…’ She got up, put her coat back on and grabbed her stuff.


She put her stuff in the car and went off, remembering that Nova had mentioned something about skating she headed off to the rink they had. She found Nova there with Setsuna, and just watched them for while. They both looked so graceful, skating and balancing without much fault, spinning and trying some kind of jumps, it looked almost fun.


“Invidia!” Nova went over when she noticed her.


“Hey…” Invidia muttered.


“What brings you here?”


“I was bored…what are you doing?”


‘What’s it look like.”


“It…uh…looks like fun.” Invidia admitted.


“Do you want to try?” Nova asked.


“But I’ve never…”


“Come on, you can learn now…”


“But, I don’t think I’m dressed for it…” Invidia looked down at her black coat over her blue and black gown, then at Nova who wore a light pink skating dress, simple but cute.


“That’s all right, I think I have a dress that you can borrow…well actually its Setsuna’s, but it’s a little big for her…”


“What are you saying?” Invidia snapped.


“Nothing, when I mean big, it usually just means that the sleeves or the dress itself is long and could fit you too…”


“Oh…” Invidia said as Nova led her off in the direction or a locker room. A couple minutes later, she came out in a dark blue skating dress, a little too short for her taste, but Nova said it was necessary.


“Are you sure I can do this?” Invidia asked as Nova brought her onto the ice.


“Yes, you just have to work at it.” Nova let go of her hand and Invidia tried to move, but one of her feet slipped and she fell.


“Ow…I told you!” She glared at Nova and Nova helped her up,


“It’s okay, I fell a lot too when I was learning, just keep trying…” Nova led her for a bit before letting go. This was a bad idea, Invidia fell again and again…But she kept following until Nova finally had her standing up and moving around without any support.


“See, I told you…” Nova said as she watched her.


Invidia paid no attention, she was thinking of everything she saw earlier, all the moves Nova and Setsuna had been working on. She skated a little ways past them, held her arm up, grabbed her wrist with her other hand and spun, she held her arms out when she stopped and continued on, using some the dances she had learned as a guide.


“Wow…” Setsuna breathed as she watched her. “She’s…she’s good!”


“Invidia!” Nova called.


“Huh?” Invidia went over.


“How are you doing that?”


“Oh, it’s not that hard really. It’s just like those Cometine dance lessons I used to take, only on ice.” Invidia explained as she skated off.


“She’s good, but do you think she’s good enough to enter a competition?” Setsuna looked at Nova.


“Huh?’ Nova said.


“The amateur competition, it’s in two days, you think she’d be willing to enter?”


“I don’t know, you can ask her, but I don’t think she’s one to do that kind of stuff…”


“Hey, it doesn’t matter as long as I try, right?”


Nova nodded. “Right, I guess asking her wouldn’t hurt…”


Later, back at the cabin Invidia sat on her bed talking while Arty worked on something with his laptop.


“It’s actually fun!” She said. “And it was really easy once I learned how to stand up! You should’ve seen it!”


“Uh-huh…” Arty said.


“Arty? Are you even listening to me?”


“Invidia.” He turned around. “I’m glad you like skating but I’m busy, can you leave?”


“But Arty…”


“Invidia, Leave.”


Invidia nodded, fighting off tears as she did so. Why was he being mean all of a sudden?


She headed down stairs and out of his way while thinking. ‘If wanted me to bug off why didn’t he just say so?! I would have yelled at him but at least I would’ve gone away!’


“Invidia? Are you okay?” Setsuna asked when she came down.


“Yes, I’m fine.” Invidia said, half-lying.


“Then can I ask you something?”




“Well, you seemed to really enjoy the skating and you’re good at it…so, have you thought about entering the amateur competition? I think you’d do well.” Setsuna said.


“I’m not that good; I don’t think I’d stand a chance…” Invidia said.


“Come on, you have two days, Mom can help you and with some practice you’d could be good enough to place, at least try, please?”


“All right.” Invidia said. “I’ll try…”


“Good, you can start tomorrow.”


Invidia nodded, and the next morning they started.


Invidia could move and spin very gracefully, but Nova needed her to learn how to jump and a jump-spin as part of a routine, Nova could do a few herself, and she used that to teach Invidia.


“Okay…” Nova said. “Invidia, go across the rink and halfway through I want you to try this…” Nova skated across and did a simple jump across; this would be the bases for other moves.


“Okay…” Invidia said unsurely, she wore the same blue dress she had been wearing the previous afternoon. She took a deep breath and did the same, only she landed crooked and slipped. “Ow…” She groaned.


“Invidia, are you okay?” Setsuna asked.


“I guess…” Invidia muttered.


“Just try it again…” Nova said.


She did, but it took about ten tries before she could land steadily.


“You’re doing well…” Nova said.


“No I’m not! I’m falling all time, my legs hurt and so does my head!” Invidia whined.


“Just hold on, it’ll be fine in time…” Setsuna said. “Now try again…”


Invidia sighed, but she did try, and it took awhile. It was about three hours before she was jump-spinning and landing almost perfectly.


“Good!” Nova complimented. “Now let’s see what else you can do…”


They worked for the rest of the morning and through the middle of the afternoon, before going back for a break and to get find Invidia a new dress, something fancier then the dark blue dress she was wearing.


So, after lunch Nova took her out shopping. There was a shop near the lodge, it was a small winter shop with several different styles of dresses that Invidia looked through.


“Don’t they have anything in black?” She asked.


“I don’t know, we could find out…” Setsuna said.


“You don’t have to.” Nova said as she came up with a long sleeved, black skating dress.


“I like it!” Invidia took it. “It’s simple but it works.”


“Then let’s get it and get out of here…” Setsuna said. “You have more work to do.”


Invidia groaned, but she listened.


They went back and worked for a couple more hours, before finally settling down back at the cabin where, Invidia collapsed on her bed.


“You okay, Princess?” Arty asked.


“No! I need a nap!” Invidia whined.


“Aw…” Arty sat on the bed. “Skating get the best of you? I know you like it but you need a break…”


“No! Then I’ll never be ready!” Invidia said.


“Ready for what?” Arty asked.


‘Oh crap!’ Invidia thought, she hadn’t told him about the contest yet, it was supposed to be a surprise… “Oh…well…Akira challenged me and I don’t want her to upstage me.” Invidia lied.


“Oh, well just take it easy…” Arty said.


“I will, don’t worry…”


Invidia lived up to that, she took it easier the next day, the day before the contest.


“Invidia you’re doing great! I think you have a chance to place…” Setsuna said.


“Thanks, but I don’t know…” Invidia said as she came over to the side.


“Come on, you’ll do great!” Nova reassured.


‘I hope so…’ Invidia thought as she looked up.


The next day though, her hope had lowered. She was so unsure of how she’d do. She had her music and her routine ready, but she was still unsure…


Nova took her over at nine, one hour before the actual competition, so that she could get ready. Invidia sat on a bench, wearing the black dress as Nova brushed her hair. She had made and attached a small black cape to the dress, making more Invidia-ish.


“Nova?” Invidia said.




“Are you sure I’m ready? I mean I’ve only been training for two days.”


“I’m sure, your moves are quite different and you’ve got a sync going, the judges will see that. And it is an amateur competition.” Nova reassured her as she brushed her hair.


“I hope so…” Invidia muttered.


“Don’t be so negative.” Nova told her. “Just do your best.”


“Okay…” Invidia whispered.


Later, Arty tried to give her some kind of advice, but he had to sort things out first.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” Arty asked.


“I didn’t want you to stop me…” Invidia admitted.


“But Invidia! You don’t wanna go out there flouncing around in some short skirt…” He stopped and thought for a minute of how she’d look out there, her hair flowing with her, and her skirt doing the same, twirling around her legs… “Go!” He said. “Go, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer! And don’t worry, you’ll do fine.”


Invidia nodded at him as she was called. She skated out to the middle of the ice and got into position, waiting for her music to start. After a minute or so, it did. She had chosen a song that her mother used to sing to her when she was baby; her father had recordings of it. It was called Voice in the Dark.


She moved in sync to the dark tune, just letting the music flow through her as did her hair. It was left down and it moved with her and she jumped and spun around, in a very interesting, very graceful Cometine dance.


She landed perfectly when she was done, looking a little worn out but pleased with herself. She skated off and waited with everyone as all the others went through.


“Princess that was great!” Arty said. “It looked professional!”


“Really?” Invidia said.


Arty nodded.


“Where’d you learn to dance like that?” Derek asked.


“When I was younger my father had me take dance lessons and it’s stuck with me ever since…” Invidia admitted as the final act was completed and the judges analyzed the results.And started from fifth place. Invidia just stood, not really caring if she won or not, she sighed just as they called first-her.


“You’re kidding me!” Invidia looked at everyone as Arty edged her back on the ice.She went back to the center, and looked at the man next to her, who held a tiara.


“You are not putting that on my head!” she said. She didn’t need a tiara; she wore the pin in her hair for a reason.


He didn’t listen and she forcibly had the little silver thing with the red gem placed on her head. He placed a medal around her neck and she skated off before any pictures could be taken. She didn’t want any pictures of her like that out; she would take them later once she was dressed in her regular clothes. When she got back she was hugged by everyone at one.


“I am so proud of you!” Arty said.


“Okay, you can stop!” Invidia said.


They did, and then they all went home where Invidia changed into her nightgown and laid down, Arty sat on the bed.


“You know I’m really proud of you, right?”


Invidia nodded and yawned as she lay down and began to fall asleep.


“Aw, you’re so cute…” He kissed her head. “I love you, my Ice Princess…”