Drag Special
By Yuki Wildstar
Who knew that he would see her sitting there at the bar? It’s been a little over two years since he saw her. Two years, wow. From where he sat, he could see she still looked amazing and beautiful. She was talking with a tall gentleman with sandy brown hair. He watched as she laughed and touched his shoulder and arms. He whispered something into her ear, and she nodded. He kissed her cheek and she stood there alone as she drank. “What are you looking at?” Captain Steven Sandor asked. He nodded in her direction, and he let out long, “oooh. When was the last time you seen her?”
“A little over two years.”
“She looks great from here.”
“Yeah, she does.” He agreed. He watched as another gentleman walked over to her and began to speak. Her facial expression informed him that she was not thrilled with him intruding into her time. “Excuse me.” He told his friends.
They all watched as he stood up and walked over to where she was at the bar. “Looks like he and her aren’t done just yet,” Sandor said.
“And you’re figuring this out now?” Homer replied. “I knew they were never over.”
“Yeah, you knew from this moment.” Eager said.
“Geese thanks for the drink but, really I’m waiting for someone. He should be here any minute.”
“Well, until he gets here, I don’t mind waiting with you. Such a beautiful woman all by herself in this sleazy bar.”
“Really, I’m good.” She said a little firmer and try to walk away. He quickly grabbed her arm, and she was ready to tell him to let go.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late.” He leaned in and kissed her lips. “Got held up in traffic.” He looked at the man and said, “thanks but she’s with me.” Wildstar stood his ground and stared him straight in the eyes.
“Sorry, man. Thought she was alone.”
“As you can see,
my wife here isn’t.” He slipped his arm around her waist and smile.
“I should tell the kids how daddy almost left me to fend for myself.” She replied playing along. They watch as he walked away at the mere mention of kids. Making them laughed. “Thank you for being my night and shining armor. I thought he was going to be one of those men that don’t accept no for an answer.”
“No problem. It’s been a long time. How are you?”
She smiled wide and saw that he was still handsome and in shape. He was the only one to make her feel weak in the knees. “Good, and you?”
“I’m good. You look great.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Captain.”
“Would you mind if I bought you a drink?”
“Um, I was actually just leaving.”
“Come on, just one drink. And you don’t even have to drink it all.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Sure, why not.”
“A drink for the lovely lady, Spicy chipotle Martini. And put the good vodka in it, please.” He ordered.
“You remembered.”
“How can I ever forget. So, who was the gentleman you were waiting on?”
He never missed a thing, “you figure that much, huh?”
“Figure once the other guy left that you were actually waiting on someone else. Speed dating?”
“Hardly. Actually, I was just going when that creep came over.”
“Well, I’m glad to be of any assistant. So, what have you been up to? Heard your contract was up and you decided to leave.”
“I work as a contractor now for Ming Contracting company. I’m in charge of negotiations with EDF.”
“So that was you that outbid Tanaka Sublet and haggled up the price in workers.”
She grinned wide. “That would be me.” She said with pride.
He had to giggle, “that was some negotiating. I heard Admiral Suko left with his tail between his leg. I wish I was part of that meeting, maybe I would’ve got a better deal.”
“I would’ve ran circles around you and got you dizzy enough you’d forget your name and rank, Captain.”
He laughed; she was funny. “I could’ve made a better deal with you.”
“Really, what kind of a deal.”
“I’d throw in dinner at a nice fancy restaurant and then a nice walk along the beach.”
“It’s too cold to walk on the beach.” She slyly said back.
“I can keep you warm.” He slipped his hand into hers and smiled.
This is getting too real. Time to go Forrester. “I would’ve turn that offer down. I don’t mix business and pleasure.” What are you doing? You have to go! Let’s see where this goes. I’m intrigued.
“Who said anything about pleasure? It will be all business.”
She narrowed her eyes more, “hmm, really.”
“So let me ask you, Ms. Forrester. Are you hungry? I know its late, but I could use a bite to eat. My treat.”
He’s changing the subject that quick. Why not? She was having fun. The cat and mouse chase, was now in full swing. “And where would you be wining and dining me at?”
“A little place down the street. I think you’ll like it.”
“And how many women have you taken to this little place?”
She was smart and he loved that she didn’t want to be like all the other women he’s been with. “Actually you would be the first.” He gazed into her eyes. “It’s a really nice quint place. I think you’ll like it.”
Okay Forrester what is it going to be? She always wondered what happened to him besides being on the front page of magazines with some barbie. “I could eat. But wouldn’t you be leaving your friends to fend for themselves in this sleazy place.” She nodded in their direction and gave a wave. She watched as they looked over to them and talk amongst each other. They were probably placing bets as to what she would tell him.
“I think they all will be just fine. They’re all grown up now. No need to worry about them.” He gave her a mischievous grin.
“Hmm, I don’t know. I barely know you now. What makes me think that you don’t take me back to your place and have your way with me?”
“Only if you ask me too. I promise I will be a total gentleman.” He bowed down to her. “Cross my heart, hope to die because of a beautiful lady.”
“Pouring it on thick, aren’t you?” a beat, “fine, a quick bite and then I am off to my place, Alone!”
He laughed, waved at his friends and stuck his arm out for her to take.
Geese what a
night, she thought as she looked over to where he was sleeping. He was still
great in bed. After dinner they walked along the buildings talking more about
their lives since they broke up. He told her about his nightmare dates, and she
told him about almost getting engaged. He could feel a jab to his heart to know
she was in love with someone else besides him. She reached over and touched his
face. He needed a shave. Unless he was trying to grow it out? Naw, she never
like him with all that hair on him. Her touch made him open his eyes and look
around. Where was he again? He had a little too much wine and wasn’t sure as to
where he was. He looked over and saw her face. “Morning, sailor.”
“Is it morning already?” Her face made him remember their night together.
“Yes. Did you sleep okay?”
“I slept great.”
“Last night was amazing.” She blushed.
“I thought so too. He reached over to her and pulled her closer. “I really would like to,” he was ready to say when someone knocked on her door. “Um, Should I be aware of something?” He looked at her confused.
“Novie, sweetheart are you good?” they heard a mans voice come through the door.
“Yes, Max. I’m fine. Are you leaving?”
“In a couple of hours. Are you sure you’re okay in there?” As Max went to get coffee, he noticed a man’s coat and shoes at the door. She never brought anyone home before, so he was concern.
“I’m just fine. Be out in a minute.”
Wildstar sat up and looked at her. “Shouldn’t you be explaining who that is?”
“Relax sailor boy, he’s my roommate and he’s gay.”
“Explains the Novie, part.”
She slapped his arm, “not nice Wildstar.”
“So, tell me Ms. Forrester, Novie, am I the only one you ever brought home or should Max be concern from the past.”
Nova frowned as she began to put on a robe. “I have never brought anyone back home.” She picked up his pants and tossed them at him. “Get dress. I’ll get coffee.” How dare he think I do this often. She was mad for him to even think she was loose. “I’d offer you breakfast, but you kind of piss me off.” She said as she was ready to walk out her room.
“Whoa, wait one minute. I’m sorry if I insulted you. I should have known better. Please, let’s start over. Good morning gorgeous, last night was amazing.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled, “Good morning captain. Yes, it was. Now, would you like some coffee?”
“I would love some coffee.” He sang.
“Put your pants on or Max will come on to you,” she said. He blushed and put his pants on quickly, then follow her out to the kitchen. “Max, this is Captain Derek Wildstar.”
“Good morning, Captain Derek.”
“Morning Max.” Derek looked at the tall man closer. It was the guy at the bar with Nova. He was about 6 5, thin built and he had deep green eyes. He towered over Wildstar. If he wasn’t gay, he would feel awkward facing him.
“My aren’t we full of surprises.” He looked to Nova.
“Too early Max. I haven’t had my coffee yet.”
“So, tell me Captain Derek, how do you know my Novie.”
Wildstar wanted to laugh as to what he called her. “Novie! and I dated way back after we got back from Iscandar.”
Max looked at him and then at Nova. “So, you’re the one who broke her heart.”
Derek sat there and looked from Nova to Max. “I don’t think I did. She broke it off with me. She broke my heart.”
He stared back at Nova and looked at her confused. “We just went our separate ways, that’s all. Here some coffee, I need to go to the bathroom. Max, try not to integrate him too much. I’ll be right back.”
“Well, this is going to be interesting.” Max placed his elbows on the counter and then rested his head on his hands. “So, you and she dated. Was it a world wind romance?”
He wanted to laugh. “Kind of.” He looked past Max to see if Nova was in ear shot. “I never got over her.”
“Oo, do tell.”
“But we just drifted apart, or at least that what she told me. I think she just didn’t like dealing with the press.”
He knew his friend was a very private person. It took a long time to opened up to him about her past. He was the one she mentioned without names. So, he was the one that she loved.
“She is a very private person. And I respect her wishes.”
“My turn. Tell me. Has she ever brought someone home?”
Max looked back to see if she was coming back, quickly he said, “never. You are the first man I’ve seen her with in a long time. I swear sometimes I think she lives the life of a nun. Her Ex, the one that asked her to marry him, was a real pickle. Thank GoD! She cut it lose with him. He was such an Asshole. I,” he looked at Wildstar as he shook his head and then watched his eyes look past him. He turned his head back to see Nova walking towards them. He gave him a gentle squeeze of the hand to thank him for warning him. They both knew how Nova can be when someone is disgusting her private life.
Wildstar was still in awe as to how beautiful she was in the morning. “Well, I should get dressed. I know you have a hundred things to do.” He walked to her and stood close. “Can I see you tonight?” he asked in a horse tone.
Nova smiled, was she ready to see him again? “Yes, she will.” Max yelled out; Nova looked at him with annoyance. “Well you better, or I will.” Max said out loud. She laughed hard and he looked at him confused. “Don’t worry Captain, I’ll set you straight.” Max said batting his eyes at him.
He laughed at the thought that he would be interested in him. Nova frowned and snapped, “sorry Maxwell.” She knew he hated when she called him by his given name. “But the captain and I have a date.”
They started out slowly, going to dinner and then he would meet her for lunch if she was in the area. Max wanted all the juicy details. She simply laughed him off and stay quiet. It was rare that he spent the night. She never wanted to go to his place. Although he told her that he never had any woman over there she still felt strange. Max grilled him as much as he could to their relationship. But like Nova, he was silent. If anything, he didn’t want to jinx how things were going with them. He was finally managing how to keep out of the press, and he wasn’t going to screw it up with her. A few months into their relationship he knew he wanted to marry her. It was their nightly dinner date, and he was excited that he was going to see her. He knew the minute he saw his face something was up. “Is she ready?”
“I think you better come in and sit down, Captain Derek.”
“What’s going on?” He asked confused to his demeanor.
“I think you better look at this.” Max handed him a magazine of him on the cover. In bold letters read, Captain Wildstar and girl friend Jill. An inside dept to their blooming relationship. He read it three times before he looked up to Max. “This is old news. I broke it off with her months before I ran into Nova again. This is the reason why I broke it off with her. Did she think this happened now?” Max simply towered over him. “I swear this is an old interview. Look I can show you the date it was done.” He quickly looked through the magazine, looking for the date publish. He was frantic to make her see that it was over with Jill a long time ago. “I’ll find it, I swear.” He said as he looked through the whole magazine. “You gotta believe me, Max. I would never do this to Nova. I love her. I want to marry her.”
“She doesn’t want to see you right now. Give me some time and I will talk with her.”
“Damn it where the hell is the reported date!” He fumbled through in hopes that he would find what he was looking for.
Max led him out the door and bid him goodbye. Seeing him sad was heart breaking for Max. He really like the captain. He seemed sincere in courting his friend. He looked down the hall and yelled, “he’s gone!” She walked out with her arm folded across her chest. “Did you hear him?” She nodded. “I believe him.”
“I believe him once before also. But it never worked out.” She replied.
“Nova,” he said. “You should have seen his face. He wants to marry you.”
“He wanted to marry me before. It didn’t work out. I can’t let him do this to me again. I don’t want to be the next flavor on his belt.”
“Technically you are an old flavor and the original.” Max tried to make humor out of it.
She just gave him a dead stare. “Not funny, Maxwell.”
“Listen, sweetheart. Sit down. Trust me when I say, this is the one. I can see it in his eyes how he adores you. Unlike all those other idiots. I really think you should give him another chance. He looked so desperate to find that information to prove ME wrong. If you want, I can call my friend over at the magazine and find out when the interview was done and why it came out this late.”
“No. forget about it and forget about him.” She stood up and walked to her room.
Well, if she wasn’t going to believe the poor sap, I need to get down to the truth and help her see it.
It took a week to finally get in touch with his friend at the magazine. And he confirmed that the captain was telling the truth. The magazine was getting low press and needed something to boost their numbers. So they went with a story that didn’t make it to press. Once they heard he and Ms. Jill split up they trashed the story. Plus, he never agreed to participate in the article. He waltzed into her office and announced that he was taking her to lunch. As they sat down to eat, she talked about what was going on with work. “That damn guy asked me out again.”
“Who, the troll with the hairy knuckles?”
She laughed to his description of him. “His name is Donald.”
“Whatever. Are
you planning on going out with him?”
“Ewe, no. And it’s not because of what you said. He’s just a big douchbag. He thinks he is god gift to women.”
“More like God’s gift to rejects from the turnip truck. Even the troll wouldn’t want him.” He said and looked at the door.
She was quick to catch his stare. “Are you expecting someone?” Something was up.
“Not exactly. Nova, I need to tell you something. I know you didn’t want me to see about that article, and you know I never listen to you about things like that. So, I reached out to my friend. It took some time for him to call me back and well, he finally got reached out. And well, Captain Wildstar was telling the truth. He wasn’t seeing that woman anymore. That interview was done months before you and he met up. They couldn’t run it because he never gave permission for them to use his pictures and the fact that he broke it off with her because she gave the interview. I read the article and she seem needy and winy. He was probably going to break it off with her eventually. So, with that being said.” He saw as he walked through the door and headed their way. And he spoke faster, “I decided it was best for you and him to talk. I got the check.” He stood up and said, “she’s all yours Captain Derek. I’ll see you at home.” Max grabbed his things and raced out the door before Nova could object and Derek stood there confused.
“That sneaky little shit.” Nova said under her breath.
“I’m a little confused. What just happened? I thought it was just going to be me and him?”
“That coward just left.”
“What did he mean by your all mine?”
She huffed, “sit. Order a drink.”
“I rather just sit. Drinking is for later. Or now depending on what the hell is going on?”
“My dear friend and confident has gone to the other side. Which is you. He managed to get in touch with that magazine that put that article out and found out you were indeed telling the truth. Not that I don’t like anyone prying into my personal life. I should at least try to address it.”
“I see. Maybe I will order that drink.”
She waited for his drink to come and sat back, “I love my friend, I really do. But sometimes he is a big pain in my ass.”
“I see.”
She sighed, “but he does mean well and that’s why I love him dearly. He’s never gone to bat for anyone I’ve dated in the past. So, I need to at least listen and address the issue. SO, I do have to at least give you the benefit of the doubt. When was the last time you seen her?”
“Months prior to us getting together again.”
“And have you ever talked to anyone after we got together?”
She’s admitting that they were a couple. He smiled, “Not one hello to any woman.”
She gave a thought and asked, “Not one?”
“Well, to be honest I say good morning to all female officers and male officers and say hello when addressed.”
“Are you trying to be a funny guy?” She asked with sarcasm.
“I don’t know, am I making you laugh?”
She rolled her eyes. “not really. But it was little funny. Derek, I’m sorry I didn’t speak with you about that. I shouldn’t have made Max tell you to go. I just thought, well, since it didn’t work out for us last time, that it may not again. I know we decided to go our separate ways.”
“No, you decided that. I didn’t. I wanted
to work it out. But I understood that things were getting crazy with my life. I
never wanted that for you, or us. And I knew how private you are. I never knew
that until I try dating and had every eligible woman trying to get their claws
on me. I want a quiet life with someone I love and trust. That someone has
always been you. Nova Forrester will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend
“Geese sounds like a high schooler asking me to the porm. Aren’t we a little too old to be calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“Would you rather me call you, my fiancé?”
“You have to propose to me for that to happen.” She raised her hand, “and I don’t want some lame proposal here in this place that Max pick out. I rather have something romantic, like on the beach over a candle lit dinner or our favorite restaurant, even on a cliff overlooking the city and seeing the stars. My expectation are pretty high on that, captain.”
“And the wedding?”
“Something small, or even the justice of the peace. We can always do something later.”
“Very well, Ms. Forrester. You will be my special lady friend. Sounds more mature don’t you think?”
She laughed at the thought. “I kind of like it.”
Max was thrilled that they got back together. He loved to see his friend happy and in love. It was their night to go have dinner when she opened the door. Wildstar stood there looking confused. “CAPTAIN!” he heard him say. Max laughed out loud. “It’s me Max, or should I introduce my other self. Hello darling. I’m Maxine Factor.” He held his hand out for Wildstar to kiss it.
“Um, I,”
“Aren’t you going to kiss my hand darling? A gentleman always gives a lady a kiss on the hand, out of respect.”
Wildstar quickly grabbed it and gave it a quick kiss. “Am I missing a party?”
Max laughed, “not at all. I’m heading out to my next gig.”
“Um dress like that?”
Max wore a channel cocktail dress with black, 5-inch platform stiletto shoes. He was now taller than ever. Wildstar looked up amazed that he could stand in them. “I’m a drag queen, mon amour” He waved his hands up as if dismissing people.
“I’ll say.”
“Derek!” He heard Nova voice come behind the now tall Maxine. “Max for god sakes. I hope that’s not my scurf you have on and that better not be my Gucci handbag.” She chastised him.
“You barely use them. I know, you can let me have them as a Christmas gift.”
“Geese,” she pulled Derek in and said, “sorry. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. I’m sure Maxine here has introduced herself to you. I kind of think she looks amazing for an amazon. Don’t you think Derek.”
He looked up to Maxine and gave a crooked smile. “Took a second to figure things out and soak it in, but yeah, she looks great.” He had to admit he looked great for a guy. His make-up was flawless and her eyes pop out with seductive eyeshadow.” How she loved him at that moment. Usually, her dates would run away or call him a freak. But Derek stepped up and made her friend smile.
Maxine stepped closer and smile wickedly at him, “you bet your ass I look great.”
“Whoa, let’s keep my butt out of this.” Making them all laugh.
“And where will you be taking my girl here tonight?” Maxine asked.
“Um, dinner,” Maxine narrows her eyes, “and a drag show?”
Maxine smiled wider, “good choice. You’re a smart man. I like that. Nova he is a keeper. I will see you there later. I am, after all.” She stretched out her arms and popped her head back. As she was making a grand entrance. “The head liner. Well, my love. I should be going. My car is probably downstairs already waiting. See you later.” He air kissed Nova and curtsey for Wildstar. He gave her a bow back.
As the door closed Nova turned to him and gave him a stare. “What?”
“Are you alright with this?”
“With what?”
“Max, Maxine.”
He had to chuckle. “I’m good. At least the only thing he/she is trying to take is your shoes, handbag, or clothes. And not you.” He took her in his arms and kissed her.
It was an amazing night. She was having a great time with him. He took her to dinner and as promised they headed to the drag show to see their friend. Maxine walked onto the stage in a full-length ball gown with a slit up her left thigh. She wore a boa around her neck and her hair was tease up high. “The bigger the hair the closer to god,” she joked. The show consists of 5 drag queens singing their favorite song. Wildstar found himself enjoying every minute. After the show they bid Maxine good night and he drove them down to the beach where he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. The moon shine bright in the night sky and they talked about the show. “I can’t believe he can walk in those. I swear I thought he was going to fall. I have to admit. I did have a great time.”
“Max is just the best.”
“We need to do this more.” He said.
“I like that.”
“Nova,” his tone became serious. “I wanted to ask you something. I really would like for us to move in together.”
“Derek, I would love to move in with you. But Max, well, he is barely making ends meet. I don’t take rent from him because he really had nowhere to go. His parents and family turn their back on him and it’s not easy finding a place where they will, how should I put it. Accept him. So, in return for rent, he takes care of me.”
“Hmm, well let’s see what we can do. My condo is paid off and well. All I will need is the taxes on it. You think he can swing that?”
“What are you saying, you’re willing to give up your place so he can stay there?”
“Sure, if it means us living together. And I really like Max.”
“Oh Derek you’re the best. But I think I can swing his rent. He’s comfortable at my building and everyone there knows and love him. Anyway, it will come in handy when I need to get away.”
“I don’t think you will need to but, if that’s how you want it.” A beat. He reached into his pocket and went down on one knee. “Nova there’s another question I wanted to ask you. I love you so much and well, this is our chance once more to be together. Will you marry me?”
She gasped at the ring and looked into his eyes. Her tears build up and she took a deep breath to speak. “Yes, yes, yes I will marry you!!”
It was an odd mix of family and friends. Max decided to at least throw her a nice engagement party and invited all the star force members and some of their friends from the drag show. Nova and Derek stood to the side and laughed to see everyone expression. After a few they all seem to get alone, laughing, joking and getting to know each other. They danced and laughed the whole night through. By the end of the night, he danced with her in his arms. “It was a great engagement party. Max out did himself.”
“Did you see the expression on most of the star force members. I almost peed in my pants.”
“Captain Chan swore on his parents grave that Nicole wanted him.” Nova joked. “The expression on his face when he realized Nicole was a man with all his body parts.”
Derek laughed at the thought. “It took them a second, but I think it went well. They even dance with everyone.”
“How do you think our wedding is going to be like?”
“Crazy.” He said as he rolled his eyes.
“Do you think we should pick a date?”
“I know, seems like everyone keeps asking me when we’re going to get married. I think we need to pick a date, Ms. Forrester.”
She shrugged her shoulders and place her head on his chest. “Let’s just get married and have something later. When we were going to get married last time, something always comes up. Wars, battles. I just want to do it and then have something later.”
“As you wish. How about Monday?”
“This Monday?”
“Sure, why not. I’m sure Maxine will be more then happy to be a bride’s maid. And I can get Sandor to step in. So, what do you say? We get hitched Monday?”
“OH Derek, yes! Let’s do it.” She was giddy with excitement.
Maxine wore her best outfit. It was more for a night at a club, but Nova was just happy that she was there for them. Sandor stood stiffed as Maxine made a flamboyant scene at the courthouse. Nova was ecstatic that they were married. She was now Mrs. Derek Wildstar. He took her to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She thought it was too much, but he wanted to give her a nice honeymoon. He rented a house on the beach away from tourist. It was private beach that they walked on and made love. Midway into their honeymoon they walked on the beach, and he asked, “what do you say about having a baby right away?” She stopped walking and it was something she rarely thought about. “Nova do you still want kids?”
“I do, it’s just I haven’t thought about it in such a long time. I never thought it would happen.”
“But do you want one?”
She smiled. “I would.”
“I’ve been waiting for so long. I would like a couple of little Wildstar running around.”
“By couple how many are you thinking about?”
“Mmm, maybe two or three or four. Maybe seven.”
“Seven! I don’t know about seven.”
“Come on, we can start our own baseball team.”
“We’re going to need a lot more then seven.”
“Okay, okay, maybe three?”
She smiled, “we’ll see. I love you Captain Wildstar.”
“I love you Mrs. Wildstar.”
That was a life long time ago he thought as he laid in his bed waiting to go see his wife. Their three children and six grandchildren stood watching as he slept. “I have to go and visit her.” He said as he woke up.
“Dad. Mom will understand. You can’t leave here.” His oldest son, Alex stressed.
“I’m an old man, you can’t deny me my dying wish to see my wife before I go.”
“Daddy, please don’t talk like that.” Gemma Wildstar – Kodai said.
“Gemma,” her brother Alex placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “Maybe we should let him see her one last time. The doctor said he hasn’t much time. What harm will it do?”
DJ Wildstar stepped forward, “He’s right Gemma. Let’s get him to Mom’s grave.” It broke his heart to see his father so frail and thin. But he still had his wits. “Let’s get him dress.” DJ took out his EDF Uniform and helped his father dress. Alex Wildstar helped with medals while Gemma help put his shoes on. “Wait, let me shine them bright for him. Dad, we want you to look your best for mom.” DJ said with a tear. He knew he didn’t have much time and he wanted to grant his father his last wish. “Al, get the car. Gemma, get a wheel chair. Kids help each other one out and get your coats on.”
“I have the wheelchair.” Gemma announced as she brought one in.
“Good. Ladies, Gentleman” he turned to their wives and Gemma husband, “get the kids in the car and head to the grave site. Me and Al will meet you there.” DJ Wildstar was the spitting image of his father. Both son’s join EDF and followed in their fathers’ footsteps. Both Wildstar son now were captains and commanded fleets when on missions. Now it was time to do for their father before he took his last breath. Slowly they placed him in the wheelchair and rolled him out the room and down the hallway.
“What do you two think your doing?” His doctor said with annoyance.
“We’re taking him to see his wife and you’re not stopping us. It’s the only thing he is asking, and we are going to make it happen. So, move out of our way.” DJ Wildstar said with authority
“I can’t let you take him. He doesn’t have much time left.” Doctor Wan said.
“And that is the reason why we are taking him.” Alex snapped at him. Quickly they both pushed the doctor out of the way and headed for the front doors. They slipped him into the car and headed to the cemetery. As they pulled up to the row where their mother and his wife laid. Their families waited for their arrival. “Come on dad. Let me help you get out and into the wheelchair.”
Derek Wildstar Senior placed his hand up and said, “no. I can walk.”
“Daddy maybe you should save your strength.” Gemma said with worry.
“No, Gemma. Let Dad be. DJ and I will help him walk if that is what he wants.”
“Thank you, son.” Derek Wildstar stepped out of the car and stood up straight. His first step in weeks and he felt a little wobbly. Alex and DJ stood on both his sides and helped him walk to their mother’s grave.
Marisa, DJ wife took out a chair and placed it in front of her mother-in-law grave. “Here you go Dad. Mia where’s that blanket?” She asked her sister in laws and Alex wife.
“Right here.”
Both sons helped him to the chair and stood back. “Mark, come here son, can you brush those leaves off your grandmothers head stone.”
“Sure gramps.” Mark Wildstar was the oldest of the Wildstar grandchildren and son of Marisa and DJ Wildstar.
“Well, my love we are all here. It’s so hard to get them all together, but we are here. Every one of us. They let Alex home for my last breath.”
“Dad.” DJ said in heartbreak.
He placed his hand up and continued. “Look at what we’ve done. A handsome bunch aren’t they. You did good with them all. I know, you may think I help, but this,” He waved to his family. “is all you. I can’t be any proud at this moment. Kids, can you give me a few minutes alone with your mother, please.”
“Sure dad. We will be right over there with the kids.” DJ Said.
He turned and looked at her headstone and smile. “I miss you so much. Why did you have to go first? The kids wouldn’t say it, but they had rather have you here then me. I’m just and old sailor with knowledge of telling stories.”
“Don’t say that.” He heard her voice. “Your there for a reason. They needed you more.”
“Yes, my love, it’s me. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Is it my time to be with you?”
“Yes, my love. The kids are all grown up. They don’t need either one of us anymore. They will miss us, but it’s just time to go.”
“We have some great kids.”
“Yes, they are.”
“I only hope that they will do a great job with our grandkids as much as you did with them.”
“Trust me, Marisa and Mia are wonderful mothers and wives. They did well in picking their wives. Marisa and Mia have a lot to deal with. I know they will do well with Alex and DJ and the kids, especially with young Derek.”
He turned to see his family and smile. “They did, didn’t they. Poor Marisa she will have to deal with Lil Derek. I remember the day you said to him about him getting everything back for what he put us through.” He laughed. “He has his spirit.”
“The same spirit you had.”
“Yeah, Poor DJ.” His eyes became softer, and he reminisce about his child hood. Some time he thought about his mother and what he put her through. “I only wish my mother met you.”
He could see her smile. “We’ve met. She is a wonderful woman. She can’t wait to see you. Alex is waiting also.”
“Will I be able to fly again.”
Her smile widen, “fly anywhere you like.”
He smiled back.
“I love you so much. There was no one that can ever replace you. I hope you
know that.”
“I know my love. It’s time to go. Maxine is waiting to show you
her new show. Now, close your eyes. Take my hand.” He did as he was told and he
could feel her hand in his. He opened his eyes and saw his wife once again.
They were now back in their youth and he was holding her in his arms. “Welcome
home sailor.”
“What’s taking so long?” Derek Wildstar III asked.
“He’s talking to grandma. Give him a minute and we’ll go sit with them.” Derek Wildstar junior told his son.
“Dad,” Alex’s youngest son, Jonathan said, “looks like gramps fell asleep.”
Alex turned and looked in the direction of his father. He gave his brother a look and they both walked to where he sat. DJ touched his neck and shook his head. “He’s gone.”
The funeral of Admiral Derek Wildstar was televised throughout the world. It was a sad day for EDF. He was given an extravagant send off. The Wildstar family cars followed him to where his resting place would be. Alex and DJ fought with EDF as to where to place his grave. In the end the Wildstar family won and had him lay next to their mother. Not on hero hill where most of the star force laid to rest. In return they all agreed to place a statue of him and their mother near Captain Avatars Memorial. Alexander Wildstar stood proud at the monument of his parents. He and his brother stood tall and looked at their father’s monument. “How is Gemma dealing with this?” Alex asked his little brother.
“She’s hurting, but she will be alright. It’s harder on her. She was the one who took care of him to the very end almost. Its expected. Jonathan said she’s coming to terms with it each day. But she misses them.”
“It’s now up to us to be the elders. We need to make sure our kids remember what they did and sacrificed. Agree?”
The End