Place of Birth: Boulder, Colorado

Birthdate: February 2, 2181

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 108 lbs.

Complexion: Light

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Light Blonde

EDF Assignment: Scout Corps; Survey Specialist

Rank: Sergeant

HISTORY: Allison was born in 2181 to Bart and Denise Forrester. She was raised for the first ten years of her life with her parents. Her father was the older brother of Karl Forrester, who also resided in Boulder. She grew up close to her older cousin Nova Forrester and her friend Natalie Fisher. However, due to her youth and looser upbringing, she was the least serious of the three of these girls.

Allison's life changed forever in the fall of 2191. While staying with Nova, Karl & Teri at a sleepover, her parents took a weekend vacation to St. Petersburg, Russian Federation for a weekend jump-jet trip for her mother to visit the Hermitage Museum there. Unfortunately, that weekend, the Hermitage, along with most of St. Petersburg, was obliterated under a Gamilon planet bomb. Neither parent survived.

After getting the news, Karl and Teri took her in. For a couple of years, she and Nova lived in the same house virtually as sisters. Nova encouraged Allison to study harder, and her study habits improved somewhat. However, Allison's high spirits (even after her parents' death) kept this from being a practical reality. There was many a night in the Forrester household where relative silence could be heard from Nova's room, and bouncing on the bed could be heard from Allison's room. Surprisingly, though, when Allison had arguments with her foster parents, Nova would usually always try to come to her defense.

Needless to say, things changed in 2195 when Nova got into college and left home after graduating high school with honors. Allison was still there, getting middling grades in school, chafing under Teri's kind but strict upbringing, and being utterly creeped out by her Aunt Yvona whenever Teri saw her. Nonetheless, in the fall of 2198, Allison was admitted to the University of Colorado at Boulder, partly as a family "legacy", because her cousin was an honor student there.

After her first year, during which her grades were average to below-average, Allison switched majors twice and ended up in the Delta Chi Ro sorority. Life in the sorority house gradually ruined her college career further, since she had pledged into a "party" sorority. Her cousin very much disapproved of her cousin's choice of social organization, but couldn't exercise much influence upon her wild but beloved cousin after she graduated from U.C./Boulder in May of 2199 and entered the EDF Medical Corps. After a very tense summer at home, during which her family reminded her over and over again "why can't you be successful like your cousin?" etc., Allison was close to freaking out. She returned to college in the fall of 2199, and, too late, began to study harder when she found she was on academic probation. She also got thrown out of Delta Chi Ro after the sorority had to close its doors due to excess partying and destructive conduct. Allison also lost her virginity at some point during her "party girl" period. Needless to say, when final grades came out in January of 2200, Allison also received a thin letter asking her not to return to UC Boulder. On a whim, she then left the letter at home, left letters for her cousin and her foster parents, and she packed her bags and left to enlist in Scout Corps.

Allison was accepted into Scout Corps in the Spring of 2200 while working to support herself in a small store. She had slipped under the official radar in terms of housing by sharing an apartment with a college friend (another sorority sister) who had gotten herself expelled in 2199. She entered Scout Corps training in the spring of 2200 and was given a brief leave before posting to her first assignment in the fall. At this time, her cousin came home from Iscandar, and they met again, and Nova was very relieved to find that her cousin (whom she sometimes worried about late at night on the Iscandar mission; she confided this secret only to Derek) had made something of herself, even though she was on the bottom of the ladder as an enlisted person.

She was unable to attend her cousin's wedding, being, in both circumstances, away on Scout Corps business. There are times in late 2200-early 2201 when she and her cousin met on duty; possibly when her cousin was on assignment detached to Scout Corps investigating affairs somewhere in the Pacific. However, Allison's initial assignments on duty are scut work, but interesting scut work. I can easily see her being assigned for a while as a Scout Corps equivalent of a bosun's mate/co-pilot assigned to, say, a whaleboat or Jet Recon boat or the like, sitting as second at the controls in authorized swimwear, wetsuit or shorts and blouse while someone like her cousin is below the surface on a dive. She is on the other end of a radio line, bored crapless and writing down results in the boat while her cousin and/or other divers are down there working on what usually sounds like a neat/adventurous dive (to her, but to Nova and the other divers, well, it's work). Allison would think things like "Okay, I do get to work on my tan while I'm sitting here listening to stuff..." while sitting there in the little boat in aqua booties or rafting sandals wriggling her toes and being bored. She was glad when her cousin got reassigned later on in 2201; she loved her, but hated working under her shadow.

Later in 2201, she hears about her cousin's joining the mutiny secondhand; she wasn't asked to come along by Nova since she wasn't Star Force and Nova wanted to keep her cousin safe from military prison (which she saw as a possibility for herself if they were caught and she was taken alive). However, a letter was left for Allison explaining what she had done and why.

Allison was then reassigned to duty in Australia and was unable to get leave to attend her cousin's wedding. However, she sent a present from Australia for the couple; a food processor/blender, as well as a Christmas present for Nova; an Aussie-style campaign hat Nova took with her on the mission. The presents arrived when they got back, and Allison herself was able to see the couple in early January of 2202 before they took off.

Personality-wise, Allison is "cute" but less mature than her cousin; she is bubbly, a little silly, very kawaii (almost annoyingly so at times). She speaks with the same sort of vocal inflections as her cousin, but her voice is noticeably higher. Unlike her cousin, when she sings she tends to break glass. Her cousin has some cooking ability (except for baking; Nova is rather oven-challenged), but Allison's cooking ability is close to zero. Nova knows Allison is usually very dangerous to let loose in the kitchen.

Derek Wildstar is a little mystified by his funny (but smart) cousin by marriage. Nova loves her cousin but sometimes (almost like any little sister) she makes her want to rip some of that honey-blonde hair out. By the roots.

Allison will have a rather interesting history in the VISIONS-verse.


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