Wedding Day (And Night)

The Conclusion to the Wedding Tale by: AMI MEITSU

Artwork by AMI MEITSU


A/N: Part 4, the last part in Invidia and Arty’s wedding, and the wedding scene is based off what I’ve seen, read and a little of my Cousin’s wedding.


Finally it had come, well…almost…it was the night before the wedding, and everything was finally sorted out, the flowers would arrive in the morning though. Currently, Invidia was in the living room, reading again, Zordar had gone out. She and Arty both said that they didn’t want any parties, they just wanted to relax, but some people didn’t listen…


After a half hour or so there was a knock at Invidia’s door.


“What?” She asked when she got up and answered.


“Surprise!” Nova and Trelania said.


“Go away!” Invidia said, then she tried to slam the door.


“Oh, come on!” Nova pushed it and they came in.

“No! I told you, no parties!”


“We’re not taking you to a party.” Trelania said, she had a bag in hand. “We’re taking you out on the town, dinner, shopping…stuff like that!”


“Come on, it might help to give you a break, please? Like Trelania said, it’s just dinner and maybe some shopping.”


“Fine, I didn’t have anything else to do anyway, I’ll get my coat and…”


“No, we have to make you pretty first.” Nova said. “Come on.” She took Invidia’s hand and led her into the bathroom.


Invidia spent the next two hours being brushed, painted, and having makeup done, then Nova looked her over. “You look nice, now go put on one of your black dinner dresses, something sexy but conservative.”


Invidia nodded, and spent another ten minutes looking through her closet, though she swore she was missing a few things… after a couple minutes she pulled out a black dress. She slipped her red gown off and put the dress on, it was another black halter dress, but this one cut about halfway up her leg, and the neckline was a little lower then her other dresses. This one was something that only Arty had seen (And stared at). She looked herself over and went back out into the living room.


“Perfect!” Nova told her. “Just perfect, you look beautiful.”


“Thanks.” Invidia said. “Let’s go…” She sighed, she thought she’d hate it…


She was wrong, dead wrong. She loved it, it was simple and…fun! After dinner they went out shopping for a bit, and Invidia found one or two really cool things, it was almost a perfect night, but she knew…the true perfect night would come after her wedding…


The next morning, both Arty and Invidia were up early, but they didn’t see each other. Arty hadn’t gone out, even though Homer tried to make him, he had stayed, going over last minute plans, just like now at the church.


“Where are the rest of the flowers? We need the ones for the bouquet and the bridesmaids…” He said.


“Invidia said they’d be delivered about an hour and a half before the wedding, at about ten thirty.” Nina told him, she had come to help him. The wedding was scheduled to be at noon and now it was eight o’clock, everyone would get ready and ten and be done by eleven.


“And that’s another thing, where is Invidia?”


“She called me; she said she’d be here at about nine o’clock, which means you need to be out of here by then.”




“No ‘buts’ Arty! You are not supposed to see her before the wedding!” Nina said.


“Stupid rule…” Arty muttered. He wanted to see her, and he knew she’d want him, but what could he do? He’d just have to wait…and he did, for the next couple of hours, until the guest started to arrive. The wedding wasn’t split, since Invidia didn’t have many family members everyone just sat where the wanted. And some bought presents, some didn’t, but there weren’t many since they didn’t need anything. After the wedding, Arty was going to move in with Invidia and she had everything so, they had said not to bring household items on the invitations. The presents weren’t a problem, but Royster almost was. Arty considered him sort of a friend, but did find him to be a dork, especially now. Instead of buying a new tux he just came in his old blue one…and apparently Invidia didn’t want the wedding full of dorks.


“Come on!” Royster said as one of Arty’s cousins moved him over..


“No, we have orders not to let you in.”




“Change your clothes and we’ll talk.” His other cousin said.


“Look you…” Royster said, and as they continued it turned into a huge argument that continued for about ten minutes.


“What the hell is going on here?”




They turned to see Invidia behind them in her bathrobe, it was long and silken but it still showed off a bit now. She had been getting ready when she heard the argument.


“He won’t let me in and I told him I know you.”


“You know him?” The one arguing with Royster asked.


“Never seen him before in my life.” Invidia said.




“I’d let you in, but I don’t want you dorking up my wedding.” Invidia then turned and headed back down the hall to the ‘dressing room’ that had been set up for her.

“Invidia…come on!” Royster whined. Then he just stood there until Arty came and allowed him in, so much for Invidia’s plan.


That one didn’t work out, but the others did, including the bridesmaid’s clothes and the bouquets, which arrived on time, and her outfit. After Nova fussed with her she looked perfect, she had a single black rose in her hair, which had been brushed out until it was silky smooth and shining.


“Pretty!” Setsuna said, awing Invidia.


“Yes, very pretty.” Nova picked her up. “Now let’s find your flowers okay?”


“Kay!” She said as Nova carried her off.


“A three-year-old bridesmaid?” Wendy asked when she came in.


“Yes, I ran out of people okay? I don’t know anyone! And Nova couldn’t get Starsha to come, you’re lucky you’re even here!”




“Don’t worry, she’s probably just nervous.” Trelania whispered.


Wendy nodded. “Right.”


Then, Invidia looked at Trelania. Where’s my Father?” She asked.


“Over with the guys…why?”


“I need him! Now!


“All right, I’ll see what I can do.” She left, and came back a couple minutes later with Zordar.


“You okay Princess?” He asked. He figured Trelania gotten him because Invidia was in trouble.


“Kind of, I just need to see you.”


He hugged her. “Aw, how do you feel?”


“Like I wanna throw up.” Invidia said.


It’s okay, that’s normal, your Mother felt the same way. It’ll get better once you’re married.”


“I hope so…”


Don’t worry, now come on, it starts in ten minutes and you don’t have a bouquet.”


“It’s with the other ones, they’re down the hall.”


Zordar grabbed her hand and led her down the hall and when he gave her the flowers, she just stared at them.


‘Is this…is this all true?’ Invidia asked herself. “Am I really getting married?” She asked her father.


“Of course you are, and I’m so happy I get to see it.” He kissed her head.“Now let’s go, you’ve got about five more minutes until it starts.” Invidia nodded and followed him.


She waited while the bridesmaids and their escorts walked down the aisle with the music, hearing whispers of “how cute” when Setsuna came down with Arty’s little cousin Sergio. She was getting more nervous with each note as it continued, until it was her turn. She gulped and walked with her Father, being very careful not to miss a step. Arty stood at the altar looking her over.


‘She’s beautiful!’ He thought. ‘And to think! I didn’t want a dark colored wedding, but it’s amazing…and her dress is so nice…it looks good on her.’


He smiled and Invidia tried to keep from crying, as, her makeup would run and she would seem weak…After a couple minutes she stood in front of Arty.


The priest looked at them. “Who gives this woman to be married?”


“I do.” Zordar said. Then he nodded and Invidia took her place next to Arty.


Then the priest continued. “Today, we stand here together to join this couple, who come here from two very different backgrounds. A man who grew up right here in Japan and a woman born and raised in a Cometine background, but that has no meaning.”


Invidia growled silently, she hated it when people thought her background was nothing.


“What matters is not where they come from but the love they share and the acceptance they have, and the vows which they have written…”


At that Arty turned to Invidia and looked into her eyes, he held her hand as he spoke. “Invidia, my Princess, my Principessa, my love, when I first met you it was by fate, when I saw you again it was a favor, but after that…it was a will. I was meant to be with you, and I did not care where you came from or what you had done in the past, I loved you with all my heart, which, from me and never gave back and I hope you never will give back, just as I will never give yours back, if that is your wish. I want to protect you, love you, and be with you forever, I’ll take you in whatever state you’re in, I love you.” He kissed her hand.


“Arty…I…” she stuttered for a minute, she wanted to kiss him right then and there, but she knew that she could not.




“Arty, I wish for you to keep my heart, forever. I did not feel that way at first, back then a date was a favor, but now it’s a blessing. I’ve grown to love you in ways that I never thought I could love a man. You’ve becomemore then a friend to me, you’ve become my greatesttreasure, I hold you so dear to me…I never want you to leave, and I will do everything to make sure you don’t. I want to be with you forever, I’ll take you in any state…and care for you for eternity…no matter how long that may be.” Invidia said, meaning every single word of it.


The priest nodded. “Well then, per tradition, I now ask, do you, Arty Jefferson agree to take this woman, Princess Invidia, as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to honor, love, and cherish, and to wed in union, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, in happiness and in pain, until death do you both part?”


“I do…” Arty nodded.


“And, do you, Princess Invidia…”


“If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here, now, would I? Yes, I do…” Invidia interrupted.


“Right, bearer, the rings please.”


A little boy stepped up, he was another one of Arty’s cousins, he had no brothers or sisters so there were only cousins, no nieces or nephews….


Arty took Invidia’s and slipped it on her finger first, it was a white-gold ring with a diamond in the middle of it. Then she took his, a simple silver band.


“And under which name shall you be married?”


“He is to keep his and I choose not to take it, it does not sound right with mine.” Invidia said.


 “All right then, by the power vested in me by the United Earth Federation, the Earth Defense Forces, this church, and apparently the former Cometine high command, I pronounce you both husband and wife. Arty, you may now kiss your bride.”


Invidia and Arty faced each other, her heart beating fast as she stared at him, finally giving up and running into his arms. She looked up and him and they exchanged a long, passionate kiss, then they spent a moment looking into each other’s eyes, as their photographer snapped a few pictures.


“I love you…” Invidia whispered.


“I love you too, and by the way, you look beautiful.” Arty said.


Invidia blushed at that and kind of hid her head in his shoulder.


Artwork: “Wedding Dreams” © 2008 by AMI MEITSU


Then he took her hand again as they headed back down the aisle and out, the escorts and bridesmaids following.


The reception was right outside, and was quite wonderful, even though Invidia spent half the time being annoyed with pictures. Including one with Zordar holding her! That one was taken by surprise though, but neither of them minded, as long as they got to keep it. The whole thing went by pretty quickly though, and after everything had been cleared Arty and Invidia collected the presents and left in his car.


“I’ll see you soon, okay?” Invidia said to Zordar. “Can you get home by yourself? I mean, do you know the way?”


“Nina and Takachi will take me, I’ll be fine, and I leave in two days so you have to come see me, okay?”


“Okay, I love you.” Invidia hugged him and he picked her up. “I love you too Princess…” He kissed her head and she held onto him, wanting to savor this, after two days her Father wouldn’t be able to hold or cuddle her anymore for a long time.


After a minute or so he put her down and she went with Arty, but he didn’t take her home.


“Where are we going?” Invidia asked as he drove. “I told you, I want to go home! I have things to do…”


“Oh shush, it’s our wedding day, so I’m taking you somewhere special.”


“Where? You know I don’t like vacations all that much.”


“It’s not really a vacation, but we need some kind of honeymoon, I’m taking you to one of the fancy hotels downtown, and we’ll spend the week there, and explore the city a bit, is that okay?”


“I guess.” Invidia shrugged and the drive continued in silence. “Wait a minute!” Invidia said after about ten minutes. “What about clothes…and…”


“I packed that all while you and your Father were out two days ago.”


“I thought I was missing some gowns…but do you uh…have…everything?”


“Yes.” Arty said.


Invidia said nothing more until they came to the hotel. “Arty…this place is…”


“I know.” Arty said as he pulled the bags out of the trunk, it was seven o’clock currently. The wedding ended at about two and the reception had lasted for three hours. One had to count in time for cleaning and the drive, but the point was, it was finally night.


He carried the bags as Invidia followed, and he checked in, Invidia took the key though, opening the door to the room where Arty threw the bags in the closet.


Invidia looked around; it was a big hotel suite, with a separate bedroom of course…and a big queen-sized bed.


“Wow…,” she breathed.


Arty then came up and hugged her from behind. “Like it? It’s big for a reason.”


Invidia looked at him.


“It is our wedding night, Princess, and we did promise each other…”


He ran his hands down her sides, she felt nice; he had forgotten how curvy she was….


“What are you doing?” Invidia asked.


“Why? You don’t like it…?”


“No…it feels…nice…I like it, and I…I think I actually want your hands on me.”


“Good…” Arty whispered.


Invidia’s heart sped up as Arty’s breath trickled her neck, she looked at him. “Your breath…it feels nice…”


“Well, I’ve learned that your neck is a spot for you Princess…” He then moved her hair out of the way and kissed the back of her neck.


Invidia gasped.“Arty…Stop…” She turned to face him from the front. “I want you to kiss more of me, and see more…”


“Then you…want me to…”


“Yes…make me naked…” Invidia whispered as she pulled at the buttons on his shirt, he had already taken off his coat.


“Of course…My Princess…” Arty said, then they kissed, it was a long, deep kiss, even more passionate then the one at the altar. Afterwards they kissed again and Arty slipped his hand up her back to unzip her dress as his shirt came off and she began to kiss his chest.


“Hey, that’s something I do…” Arty said, she stopped and he ran his kisses down her as her dress came off.


Arty stared at her, pleasantly surprised when he saw that under her dress she wore a lacy, black strapless bra, he found it sexy, but he wanted it off, so he reached back and snapped it off. It fell as Invidia finally managed to get his pants and underwear off, and he slipped her panties down, making them both naked.


He looked at her. “It’s been so long, I forgot what you looked like naked…”


“Is it…uh…I mean, do I look…?”


“You’re beautiful.” Arty grabbed her and kissed her.


“Arty…bed…” She muttered afterwards. He let her go and she sat in the middle of the bed.


“Come here…” She said.“Make love to me, hot, sexy, urgent, l…”


She didn’t finish, Arty got on top of her and kissed her. “I know how you like it, I still remember the first time…but that was almost like an experiment, now I know you…”


“Then you know what I want…” Invidia whispered.


Arty said nothing else, he just kissed her, then started trailing her kisses down her neck, to her breasts and down all the way down to the center of her, he stopped though.


Invidia was breathing hard as he did so. “Don’t stop…” She said.


He came back up on her. “Oh, come on, I’m just teasing you, it’s not really that good is it?”


“It’s been a year and a half dammit! I need you! I want you! Skip the teasing…just…go for it!”


“If that’s what you want…” Arty said as he bent over Invidia and began to melt into her. Almost like the first time, being little unsure, but just letting it flow as they consummated their marriage. Invidia moaned in a low, soft, sexy way that drove Arty mad as he picked up his speed, wanting to hear more from her, a lot more. He worked with her, doing what she told him to do, giving her the pleasure she wanted, that she waited for, and she gave it back, teasing him the same way he teased her. Invidia lightly raked her nails into his back, light enough so that it wouldn’t hurt, but so he’d still feel it, as she fell into it, practically melting with utter pleasure… Arty then kissed the exposed side of her neck again, to which she threw her head back and let out a soft gasp. Then she pressed her mouth hard against his in a deep, passionate, desperate kiss, wanting to savor the taste of him, as well as the feel.


It continued, getting more passionate by the moment…and it went on for who knows how long before Arty brought her to a wonderful climax, the first she’d had in more than a year as she cried out his name, not caring if anyone heard. It was over too quickly though…they soon collapsed together on the bed.


“Wow…” Invidia said. “That was…amazing…”


“Worth the wait huh?”


“Definitely worth the wait…” Invidia said. “I want more.”




Invidia got on top of him. “You heard me, and I get to lead this time.”




He didn’t get to finish, Invidia pressed her lips against his in another deep kiss.


And from there their wedding night continued, and it was heaven…pure heaven…


END (of this story, anyhow…)