A fanfic recapitulation of Series One “The Quest for Iscandar” by
Frederick P. Kopetz
Space Battleship Argo
March 11, 2200
Now, Captain Avatar was sleeping in his cabin, occasionally awakened by Technical and Engineering boffins who were reconnecting computers and lights in his cabin.
The Tech and Engineering crew left, and Avatar decided to
stay awake.
One of them, he noticed, had set up his record player again.
The old man sat up, watching men and women from every division of the ship working outside making urgent repairs.
He knew the Technical and Engineering folks were known as the “Welding Corps” when they were making structural repairs to the old space battleship out in open space.
This time, he knew that save for him, Natalie Fisher (who was not yet awake), Doctor Sane (who was in the Brig), and Yurisha of Iscandar (whom he had not expected to meet until they had arrived on Iscandar but was again in a coma), the whole crew was pulling watches outside in space gear with welding equipment, riveting equipment, power wrenches, drills, and other tools, and work lights. Why?
There was no other way to get the ship repaired in time.
He had given Sandor a deadline of forty-eight hours to get, basically, the keel, one of the auxiliary engines, some thrusters, the shell of Bridge Number Three, and all of the guns rebuilt.
Avatar shut his eyes and he rooted through his vinyl records.
He looked on the shelf. The first record he pulled out was Led Zeppelin IV.
Not my style of music, he thought. Wildstar…are you pulling a joke on me? When you get a minute, go ahead and play this in your cabin. Cut a rug with Nova to Rock and Roll or Black Dog. It’s your style of noise anyhow, my friend.
Avatar threw the record across the room, and he pulled out another album. Who left this? He growled in his head. The album was a black cover, with some sort of weird emblem on it that looked like a beaker filled with smoking green fluid. With a knife stuck in it. The album title read: A LITTLE BIT O’ VIOLENCE by VIOLENT SCIENTISTS.
“Even worse than Zeppelin” he grunted out loud. “Dash had me listen to this album. Once. Never again!”
Avatar grabbed up a third album. He recognized the plain white cover at once. It was unadorned except for an embossed number and a single two words imprinted crookedly on the cover. THE BEATLES.
“I have to be in the mood for the White Album and I’m not in the mood,” he grunted.
He put it back and pulled out a fourth album.
“What I wanted,” Avatar said with a smile.
He put the record on and went to Track Three, “Muss I Den” Avatar turned it up and listened with contentment as “Muss I Den” played in his cabin.
He smiled and slowly began to fall asleep.
Avatar was doing that a lot more lately.
He guessed it was the radiation sickness.
He had no idea how long he had left.
Outside, Mark Venture and Dana Royster were working together in space suits on placing bolts and rivets into the structure beneath the damage that would soon be the rest of the Argo’s keel, which was joined to what remained of the ship’s keel fore and aft.
“Okay, give me a hand with this bolt,” said Royster.
Venture floated over in his thruster pack towards the
floodlit location that Royster had pointed out. He saw the bolt and set his
hand-held multi-tool to “bolt, 16 mm” and said, “Ready. Get below me and
keep it from turning.”
“Right,” said Royster.
Both of them set the nut and bolt and they secured it.
“That makes fastener number three thousand, two hundred and fifteen,” said Royster.
“How many more do we have to go?”
“About two thousand more,” Royster said.
“What’s that girder ten meters forward?” said Venture.
“The Third Bridge pylon. When we get there, we’ll just work around it,” Royster said. “Crew Twelve is working that section of the ship.”
Venture looked down. He saw the pylon taking shape, along with part of the roof of the Third Bridge structure. He noticed that there were both males and females working there.
“Would you guys please thread twenty meters of cable down from Frame 250?” said a voice over their helmet circuits. Venture recognized it as Robert Turner.
“Gotcha,” said Royster.
“He’s working after what he’s been through?” Venture whispered.
Mark saw a female in gold, white and black floating nearby. Then, he heard Nova’s voice in his helmet. “He says it’s keeping him busy. Natalie’s not awake yet. We’ll tell her when she wakes up after we finish this watch.”
“Nova, have you gotten any sleep?” Venture said, noting a dragginess in her voice.
“Negative,” she said. “None of us have. We have to get the ship moving ASAP. We also have to catch that...killer.”
“Killer?” said Royster.
“There’s a Gamilon agent running around the ship killing people,” Turner said. “The witnesses we have say she can make herself invisible at will. She’s a woman who uses poisoned needles and a glowing pink sword of some kind. She’s killed Holloway, Harumoto, Nuygen, and Zelenak.”
“That gives me the creeps!” cried Royster.
“We just have to find her,” Nova said. “Someone will do it, most likely Derek, Dash or Conroy. They’ve been looking for her when they take breaks inside the ship.” Then they glimpsed Nova using her tool to weld two girders together. She had no more experience at arc welding than any of them save Royster, but they were all learning right now.
Circumstances had forced it.
Out of her spacesuit, Nova was in a shower in Sickbay, hoping that she was able to take off all of the sweat earned by ten hours working outside the ship on the keel and the Third Bridge, which were being rebuilt with scrap metal salvaged from the wrecked Gamilon vessels they had fought the previous day.
“I guess that’ll do it,” she said to herself as she stepped out, toweled off, put on fresh undergarments, slip, sandals, and scrub dress.
While drying her hair, she heard a blood-curdling scream outside.
She jumped out with wet hair, grabbing her weapon before stepping into Ward Number One. What if the killer is around? Nova thought.
What she saw was Michelle Sakamoto standing by Natalie’s bed, hugging her as she cried.
Nova ran over. “I…I just told her,” Michelle said. “About…the baby…I mean…”
“And?” Nova said.
Natalie sat up, grabbed the weapon out of Nova’s hands, and put it in anguish against her own throat.
“NO!” Nova cried as she grabbed Natalie’s hands and wrestled her for the weapon. A dangerous game, which was made more dangerous by Nova’s assumption that the mysterious Gamilon killer was around. Thus, Nova had the safety off on her Astro-Automatic.
Nova finally had to slap Natalie twice to get her own weapon back.
Natalie lay sobbing in a heap while, suddenly, Nova saw a taunting face appearing from nowhere.
The skin-tone was Caucasian, the hair was light blond, and the face was mocking, The woman had on a dark green Gamilon headdress and uniform as she said to Nova, “Hello, little Princess. In case you’re wondering, I’m here to murder you!”
“Murder?” Nova said.
“A murder of crows, as your tongue puts it, filled with death. I am a murder of murder!”
“You sound insane!” Nova said, pointing her weapon at her. “Drop those needles!”
“You are the one who happens to be insane, my love. Insane and retarded, having no idea from whence you came or from whence you might be going to,” said the Gamilon.
She whipped a round of needles at Nova and medic Roiman Jankowitz, who was backing up Nova with another Astro-Automatic.
Nova ducked.
Roman didn’t.
He caught all of the needles and fell down bleeding and gasping as the Gamilon female vanished with wild laughter.
“Roman! ROMAN!” Nova cried, shaking him. She checked his pulse.
There was none.
Nova decided not to touch any of the needles as IQ-9 came in.
“IQ, am I glad to see you!” Nova said. “Mister Jankowitz is dead. The assassin was here. Pull one of those needles out of him. Analyze it.”
“Understood. The work on the reconstruction is now sixty-five percent completed.”
“Did you see her?” Nova said to Natalie.
Natalie shook her head. “I heard her, but I didn’t see her. It was the weirdest thing!”
“Same here,” said Michelle.
“Where’s Doctor Sane? He needs to call Security,” Nova said. “I sure saw her. I have no idea why the rest of you couldn’t.”
“Did you forget, ma’am?” said Michelle. “He’s in the Brig. He’s awaiting Captain’s Mast for what he…did. You’re in charge here, ma’am.”
Nova nodded grimly. “I’ll call Security myself then. I’ll have IQ-9 share his results about the needle once he completes his analysis.”
An exhausted Deputy Captain Derek Wildstar was on the First Bridge, still in his spacesuit, sitting at the helm himself. Sandor was at his post, also in space gear with his helmet off.
“We almost have the auxiliary engine nacelle that was damaged by the blast reassembled,” Sandor said. “They’re working on piecing that engine back together now.”
“That’s good,” Derek sighed, wiping his sweaty bangs out of his eyes.
“We have to be careful, though,” Sandor said. “If the main engine is started in this condition and pushed up to full power, an imbalance with the working auxiliary engine could cause the wave engine to overheat. We’d lose the whole ship in an explosion.”
“And with that Gamilon saboteur on board ship, we might be facing that situation,” Derek said. His comm unit went off. He pushed a button to raise the intercom mike at Navigation. “Deputy Captain Wildstar here.”
“Derek, where are you?” Nova’s voice said over the speakers.
“First Bridge, manning the watch until Venture gets in. What’s up?”
“We found the saboteur in Sickbay. She appeared and attacked me and Ensign Jankowitz. Roman died as soon as he was hit with those needles. IQ-9 got one. He’s analyzing it right now to see what kind of poison she’s using. Please let Mister Hoshina know about this and do a security sweep. When will Doctor Sane be back on duty?”
“After his Captain’s Mast at 0700. It’s 0410 right now. I’ll be deciding his guilt or innocence but I’ll defer to Captain Avatar for the penalty. I…well…I never did anything like this myself, Nova.”
“Keep your ears open so you can learn,” Nova said, yawning as she sipped at a cup of coffee. “If worst comes to worst, well…you know what I mean…you’ll be deciding those sentences yourself.”
“Uh-huh…everyone’s telling me that,” Derek said. He had meant to sound sarcastic but at the last second, he had held his tongue. No sense going off on Nova, he thought. She’s actually right. “Okay. Hold the fort down below until we finish with Doctor Sane. Don’t leave Sickbay. And you’re not going out on another repair shift until you get some sleep. Security’s got this. Don’t worry.”
“One thing…” Nova said. “I’ve seen it. She can make herself invisible at will.”
“I’ll let Hoshina and Rosstowski know. Thanks. All the best.”
“The same to you,” Nova said with a smile. “The Lord be with you.”
“And also with you,” Derek said as he cut off.
Another three hours passed.
Doctor Sane stood between two members of the Security detail, his head bowed in shame, as he stood before Wildstar and Captain Avatar.
Avatar was in his bed. Derek stood near it, wearing his own peacoat and cap.
“Lt. Commander Sakezo Sane, MD,” said Wildstar. “You stand here today accused of dereliction of duty, due to drunkenness, and behavior involving personal pique unbecoming of an officer. Our witnesses are unavailable at the moment, due to an ongoing intruder alert and repairs to this vessel. How do you plead?”
“Guilty,” said Sane. “That’s the only…suitable plea under the circumstances.”
Wildstar looked at Captain Avatar. Avatar said, “A fifty and fifty, with a referral to the proper licensing authority when we arrive home.”
Derek nodded. “As Deputy Captain, I award you with fifty days of extra duty, and a fifty percent cut in pay for said fifty days. Referral to the medical licensing authority is contemplated, but suspended until our arrival home pending your performance. That is all. These proceedings are ended.”
“Thank you, sir,” said Sane as he looked sadly at Wildstar. “Am I back on duty now?”
Wildstar nodded. “Begin by checking over the Captain. Then, please relieve Lieutenant Forrester in Sickbay. I think she’s been on her feet for at least thirty-two hours straight since the battle at Rainbow Cluster.”
“Wildstar, how is Lieutenant Fisher doing?” asked Sane.
“She is still recovering in Sickbay, Doctor. She said for me to tell you that she knows she has to work under you, but…she will be resigning from Nursing for now when we get home and working as a Survey Officer. She also said she and Ensign Turner will be marrying when they arrive on Iscandar. It will most likely be a double wedding with Toru Hoshina and Yuria Misaki.”
“What about your plans with Nova?” said Sane, brightening up a little while thinking, I have to improve my bedside manner. I have to be more careful. I cannot allow my personal feelings to interfere with a diagnosis again.
Derek gulped. “Nova and I have been very busy. We just know we will most likely get married on Iscandar, or, if worst comes to worst, on the way home. We decided that we don’t want to deny Natalie and Yuria their special day of celebration.”
Sane said, “I owe Natalie a major apology. Of course…can this sort of blot be truly washed over?”
“You also owe Nova an apology, Doctor,” said Derek on his way out as Sane opened the medical kit that was always in Avatar’s cabin now. “She did tell me something else to tell you, though.”
“Yes?” said Sane.
“She said to tell you she can forgive you…to the best of her imperfect ability. But she said that Divine forgiveness…”
“Thank you, but I’d rather not hear about that now, Wildstar,” said Sane as he put on a stethoscope. “I’m just an old man with another weight upon my karma that I must carry. No one can carry that weight for me.”
“Doctor, consider that someone already has borne that weight,” said Avatar with a cough. “I have much to discuss with the doctor in private. Wildstar, you’re dismissed.”
“Sir,” said Derek as he saluted Avatar and then left.
“So how much time do I really have?” said Avatar as Sane listened to his heartbeat.
“I can give you Iscandar, Captain,” Sane said after
a long moment. “Beyond that…it is now day by day. I appreciate your advice
regarding my soul, but right now, you need to begin tending to your own soul.
You may not see Earth again. And I have no idea how long it takes for this
Cosmo-DNA to work, but you may not see Mother Earth green again. Note I am
saying may not. You must not give up hope!” Sane said in his high, squeaky
voice. Then, he began to cry.
Captain Avatar waited for Doctor Sane to collect himself before going on.
“I pray that I will,” said Avatar. “But I may not see the oceans recovered, and trees growing again on Earth. That is probably for Wildstar’s generation to see. His, and the children he and Nova will someday have. I have had dreams, Doctor. I can see two of their children; twins, a boy, and a girl.”
“What else do you dream about?” said Sane. “I dream a lot about Mimi.”
“As for what else I dream about…I’d rather keep that close to my breast,” said Avatar.
“As you should,” said Sane.
“Hey, kitty, kitty, hey, girl!” Nova said as she sat behind her desk in her small office in Sickbay, trying to keep awake with a cup of coffee, and a toy that she was dangling over Mimi, who was on her back, grabbing at the toy on its stalk with all four of her small paws. Like most of the crew, Nova had now been awake for twenty-three hours without rest.
Mimi seemed to like the idea. She trilled, looked at Nova, and went back to trying to get at her toy.
Her phone rang. “Sorry, Mimi,” she said as she set down the toy to answer it. “Yes?”
“Nova, this is Angela. Corporal Ettenger’s Blood Ph is slightly acidic. Should I give him more carbonate orally?”
Nova bit her lip. “Run an IV; 3 percent solution bicarbonate. Monitor his Ph levels after you start that drip. Test his blood in ninety minutes.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Angela said.
Nova noted Ettenger’s chart and hung up.
Then, she looked up, and saw Doctor Sane in her office.
“What are you doing here?” Nova said with a start.
Doctor Sane smiled slightly and said, “Uhh…you forgot to lock your hatch. My Captain’s Mast is over. I took a punishment, Nova. Not the first time. Want my job? You do this better than I do.”
“Doctor, I’m not able to do your job. Not yet.”
“But you’re getting there, Nova,” said Sane. “I really owe you an apology.”
“Thanks,” she said as she stood up and accepted a hug from the shorter man. “Mimi’s a great companion when you’re tired. You know that?”
“If it wasn’t for work, Derek might be a better one for you,” Sane said. Nova blushed at that. “I really want to make up my conduct to you.”
“Well, I’m not the woman you need to apologize to the most,” said Nova as IQ-9 came up with a report. “Yes?”
“Nova, I analyzed that needle as you requested. The Gamilon assassin has her needles coated with a very potent form of curare. It can be absorbed through the skin, but absorption through a wound is much quicker. It causes respiratory paralysis in under twenty seconds, and causes death in under a minute. The molecular structure of the compound has been altered artificially to make it more potent. No known antidote.”
“So, what did I miss?” said Sane.
“A Gamilon female assassin is wandering the ship, killing people, Doctor. I saw her and had a brief conversation with her. She may be psychotic.”
“Oh, lovely, Nova,” said Sane. He picked up a bottle of his sake’. “I wonder if she poisoned this?”
“I wouldn’t take a chance,” Nova said as she grabbed the bottle and drained it down a sink.
Sane nodded.
Then, he walked up to Natalie Fisher’s bed.
Natalie looked at him with dull, listless eyes.
“Natalie, I know this can’t be patched over easily…but I’m so sorry for what happened,” Sane said.
“It’s not your fault, Doctor,” Natalie said. “I should have been more careful. Has Yurisha come around yet?”
Sane didn’t know how to answer this. Nova answered. “She’s conscious, but very disoriented. She knows where she is, but doesn’t know what part of space we’re in. We’re following Queen Starsha’s charts towards Iscandar now. Given the damage to the ship, and beginning to warp slowly, we estimate we will be on Iscandar in roughly a month.”
Nova looked in Yurisha’s direction. “Okay. She’s asleep again.” Nova yawned. Wish I was asleep, she thought.
“A month to marrying Robert,” Natalie said as tears ran down her cheeks. “We can try again once we get home, right?”
Nova smiled and nodded, with Sane keeping back, too ashamed to speak. “Believe me, Natalie. You won’t be the only one thinking that way.”
“Having a child is hard on military duty,” said Doctor Sane. “So is being pregnant. Maybe that’s why I was so harsh with you, Natalie. I…I wanted to make an example out of you. I went too far. I’m sorry.”
“Do we have anyone else who’s expecting on board ship?” said Natalie.
“Lieutenant Christie from Engineering,” Nova said. “She had some problems with the baby and she agreed to go into cryofreeze until we get home. We thought it was best for her and the baby.”
“Her husband goes to visit her every day,” said Sane.
“Maybe I should have done that,” Natalie said with tears running down her cheeks.
Sane motioned Nova aside. “I’m seeing depression.”
Nova nodded. “It’s very acute. She tried to wrestle a weapon out of my hands a few hours ago with frank suicidal ideation. I ordered a suicide watch. I have her on Venlafaxine, 70 Mg Oral.”
“Keep that watch up,” said Sane.
“I certainly am…I…”
They both stopped as they heard a voice from several meters away.
The first voice sounded as if it was coming over a commlink. The mellifluous voice said, in Terranglish, “Lady Iroze, you chose this mission. You can’t back out now. No matter what you tell me.”
A second voice, the voice of a woman, said, from nowhere, “But, my Leader. I’m not the only one involved now. Princess Yurisha is here, too, as well as the Elder Princess.”
“Then deal with both of them, Iroze…and then destroy the Argo. Is it that hard? You will then pass into the Ancient Halls of Honor.”
“My Lord….” Iroze said as Nova shushed Sane.
Nova began to tiptoe towards the voice with her weapon drawn.
It would be a head shot, from behind. One quick shot, and this nightmare would be over with…
Then, the door to Sickbay whizzed open, and Derek came in with his weapon drawn.
Before he could speak, eight needles flew his way.
Derek jumped aside, gasping as the needles missed him and hit the doorjamb.
Nova fired at Iroze.
Iroze rolled on the deck and lashed out with a kick at Nova’s wrist, knocking her weapon across Sickbay.
Iroze made herself visible to all, and said, “I’m pleased to meet you helpless Terrons, all of them! I am Lady Iroze of Iscandar, once loyal to Queen Starsha, but I changed my allegiance to my Leader Desslok. I intend to kill Princess Yurisha and all of you. That is why I volunteered to come here. But, let me fight the Iscandarian here who is making us believe she is a Terron first!”
“Me?” Nova said.
you, you debased Princess!”
“You have the wrong person,” Nova said. “I was born on Terra.”
“To a generation of idiots, descended from aliens,” said Iroze as she raised her hand and the lights went off, leaving the room dark. “The rest of you will not interfere! I will give you an even chance to kill me, woman,” said Iroze as she reached in her backpack and threw an ornate grip at Nova; it looked like a sword pommel. Iroze took her own off her belt, and operated a switch. A metal saber-blade telescoped from the grip, and with the flick of a second switch, it glowed red with an energy field.
Nova grasped her own pommel, and the blade extended. She fumbled for the second switch, and her blade glowed bright blue.
“The original weapon was made by an ancient, long-lost civilization. It was adapted by a civilization that, if it even still exists, is dying now. The Pellian power blade was an elegant weapon, used by many nobles. How fitting I slaughter you with this sort of blade, half-breed woman!” Iroze said. “En Garde!”
Nova nodded, accepting the challenge as she and Iroze began to circle each other like tigers.
Nova saw Derek out the corner of her eye, and nodded as he picked up Sane’s empty sake’ bottle and smashed its bottom off in the sink.
Nova silently prayed for Derek’s backup as Iroze approached. Or for Yurisha, currently sleeping, to wake up.
Or both.
On Gamilon, Leader Desslok sat back in his office chair, musing over everything that had happened between him and Iroze over the years.
Given that, his mind turned to Queen Starsha.
Starsha, he thought. Iroze was a plaything. You, Starsha, were my true love. Before things went sour between us…for now.
Then, his screen lit up.
Desslok looked up, and he saw Queen Starsha addressing him. “Leader Desslok. Have you decided yet with respect to the crew of the Deathshadow?”
“Have you?” Desslok retorted. “The Defense of the Sanzar System is up to us. I have requested…twice…that you turn those renegades over to us for interrogation and trial.”
“I am the sovereign here on Iscandar. They crashed on my planet. I have offered them asylum until they repair their vessel. Then, I ask you to give them a lead of several hours to depart. Captain Harlock has sworn to me that he will not attack Gamilon again if he is permitted to leave in peace.”
“I give them ten days,” said Desslok. “If they are still there at that time, I reserve the right to land a Marine Force on Iscandar to take them prisoner and demolish their wreck of a vessel.”
“Desslok, that would be an open act of aggression!” Starsha snapped.
“It is in the defense of both of our worlds, Starsha. Both of our planets are seriously endangered by geology. You know that.”
“Desslok, if you attack Iscandar…”
“What, Starsha. Are you threatening me?” Desslok said with an amused smile.
“If you attack Iscandar, you will not like the consequences,” Starsha said. “You are aware of what Iscandar has done in history. We decided to withdraw from aggression voluntarily. That can be changed in our defense!”
“Be thankful I am as patient as I am and do not send missiles your way as we did with Alteria and Kripteria, Starsha. I give you ten days. That in itself is an act of mercy and forbearance.”
“You are not showing any to the Terrons.”
“The Argo is just as much a threat to me as the Deathshadow is,” Desslok said. “We must have Terra. I will show the Star Force no mercy. Be thankful I show it to you.”
Starsha cut off.
“You task me, Starsha,” Desslok murmured as he sipped at a goblet of wine. “Do not provoke me further.”
Aboard the Deathshadow, Harlock was on his bridge. There had been some damage when they had landed on Iscandar about two months ago.
They had landed near a smaller city on Iscandar on the other side of the planet from Mother Town. It was night there now.
repair work to our engines is almost completed,” said Tochiro. “It took a while
because we had to manufacture many of the parts ourselves.”
Harlock nodded once, grimly. “I am not sure how much longer we can endure on Starsha’s hospitality.”
Adam Avatar said. “Sir, if it wasn’t for her and her robots, we would have starved to death a month ago.”
“Being allowed to fish also helped,” said Carol Garlow as she smiled at Adam. The two of them had become attracted to each other from being forced to live together in close quarters. Adam would deny it, but everyone could see how he looked at the young medic.
Finally, Rezine said, “We are receiving a transmission from Mother Town, Harlock.”
“Put it on the main screen,” said Harlock.
Starsha’s image came up on the screen. “Harlock. I am sorry to disturb you. How are the repairs going on your vessel?”
“We are closer to being finished,” said Harlock. “Repairs to the warp drive are the toughest part. If we attempt to warp now, which we would have to do to escape Iscandar and Gamilon, we might never come out of warp.”
Starsha shut her eyes. Her face bore a sad expression as she said, “We heard from Leader Desslok. He is threatening to attack your vessel if you do not leave soon. I will do what I can to stop him if it comes down to that, but you will have to be prepared to fight and defend yourselves!”
“Fight?” laughed Tochiro. “We’ll fight and send Desslok their heads in a box!”
“We cannot underestimate them,” Harlock said.
“Thank you,” said Queen Starsha. “I apologize, but I have to go. The Star Force is in trouble. This has to be watched. Closely.”
Starsha abruptly cut off.
“Captain?” said Adam.
“You heard her,” said Harlock. “Start running drills to repel boarders. Like it or not, we will probably be fighting again…soon.”
On the Argo, Nova’s battle with Iroze continued,
even though it looked as if she did not have the upper hand.
Nova’s face was bruised and cut from a punch from Iroze, and the hem of her scrub dress was torn in two places from a deadly hit that Nova had just evaded. As a result, her slip and panties showed through the rent.
“I am going to kill you,” sang Iroze. “I thought you would be harder to defeat than this, girl.”
“You may find I can surprise you,” Nova barked back.
Then, Starsha’s voice was heard through her ring. “Nova!”
“What is it?”
“Starsha?” snapped Iroze. “How do you keep contact with that recluse?”
“Not important!” snapped Nova. She noticed Derek slipping behind her, but she knew enough to keep silent since she saw that he had the broken sake’ bottle in his hand and hoped to surprise Iroze if needed.
Starsha then said, “Nova. Think of the Almighty, and then think of me. You must be quick and ruthless. I can only do this once. Once and only once. I wish I knew what you actually look like, but I don’t have time now! Hurry!”
Nova nodded, and she began to think, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped…” as she repeated Psalm 28:6 over and over. Nova didn’t feel very brave at the moment. In fact, she felt nauseous and felt as if she was about to be sick.
She swung at Iroze again. The saber-tip caught Iroze’ s uniform, and she cursed loudly in Gamilon. Nova knew what it meant…Sheena had taught her this curse. It had to do with one’s mother.
Nova then got the idea she should raise her left hand.
Nova did so, and a strange electric surge ran through her body from head to toe.
Iroze ran at Nova, but to Nova’s utter shock, Iroze stumbled and fell against a bulkhead, held there by some invisible force that Nova realized had come from her own body.
Nova took advantage of the moment, and swung at Iroze’ s sword, knocking it out of her hand.
Then, Nova stabbed at Iroze’s abdomen.
She ran her through with the energized blade.
Iroze began to fall with a look of terror in her eyes.
Nova stabbed at her heart as an image of St. George stabbing a Dragon of Hell ran through her mind.
The sword ran Iroze through a second time.
Iroze died, screaming, with her hand on a few needles from her belt.
The scream was still on her face when she died.
Derek dropped the sake’ bottle and flicked the lights back on.
Iroze lay there in a widening pool of blood.
Nova gingerly poked her with a toe, being careful to avoid the needles due to her open shoes.
Doctor Sane knelt over the body and took her pulse. “Wildstar, you can end the intruder alert. She’s dead. Good job, Nova.”
“I….I feel sick,” Nova said as she switched off the blade and retracted the metal saber. She handed the hilt to Derek. “Derek, you’d better have Sandor examine this…as well as the other one. It could be a booby trap if we leave it powered.”
“Good thinking,” Wildstar said as he took the hilt and hugged Nova. “Have you had anything to eat in the past day and a half?”
“A few rice balls,” Nova said.
“Less than I’ve had,” Derek replied. “Doctor Sane, can you make us some yakitori?”
“It would be a damn good idea,” said Sane. “Along with some water and medicinal sake’. You two look like you’re both on your last nerve!”
“We…are,” Nova said. She was swaying on her feet.
“Are we sure this bitch can’t come back to life?” Derek said, pointing at Iroze.
“She’s going to have a hard time doing that in a cold morgue drawer,” snapped Sane. “Which is right where she’s going. After she’s cold enough at minus 30 centigrade, that is. Angela! Michelle! Get some medics and IQ-9 and get this woman and Jankowitz into the morgue! They will be autopsied in a few days when we get this vessel repaired!”
“Let me get a report typed up, Doc…while you get that chicken ready, of course,” Wildstar said.
“Thank you,” Nova said.
Forty minutes later, at 1210 Hours on March the 12th, Nova had changed into a regular gold duty uniform owing to the damage to her scrub dress.
She was sitting in a chair in her office, smiling as Derek laughed. Nova was leaning against IQ-9, who was also in her office with Doctor Sane.
“Nova, I’m so happy that I think I’d love to sample your chili!” IQ-9 burbled.
“You’re silly, IQ,” Derek said. “You can’t eat.”
“But he can drink, Derek,” Nova said. “Boy, can he drink!”
Doctor Sane was about to pour Nova some sake’, but the two
younger officers laughed as Mimi jumped up on Doctor Sane’s head.
She meowed.
“I think she wants some yakitori!” Nova laughed as she accepted some sake’ and took a drink. Even the small amount of sake’ was quite calming to her jangled nerves.
“Doc, did you give Mimi a tiny cup? Look!” Derek said, still laughing as Nova ate some of the chicken, which had been cooked on bamboo skewers.
“I try to give Mimi water,” said Sane. “Most of the time, anyhow.”
“Please don’t give her any sake’?” Nova said. “It’ll go to her head! She’s so little!”
Sane laughed, picked up Mimi, and gave her water, putting the sake’ bottle on one of Nova’s shelves.
“When did you repaint in here?” Sane said.
“A while back,” Nova replied. “I thought that light, orange-colored bulkheads would be nicer than those grey ones. Derek, eat some yakitori. You can’t live on a liquid diet!”
“I’m having some now,” Wildstar said. “Not bad, Doc.”
“Attention, all hands!” said Sandor over the 1MC. “The main hull is now fully enclosed. Work on Bridge Number Three will continue planetside. We have spotted a small star system sixty lightyears away. After we test the starboard auxiliary engine this afternoon, we will warp this evening if all goes well. We expect to reach the small planet in two days, and then sail on to Iscandar after we repair the external structure of Bridge Number Three. We expect to reach Iscandar in five or six weeks. After we reach Iscandar, we expect to be there during the remainder of April and May receiving the Cosmo-DNA and making repairs. We expect to leave Iscandar at the end of May for our return cruise to Earth. That is all!”
Derek and Nova hugged each other and laughed. They could hear cheers outside in Sickbay over Doctor Sane’s laughter.
This was one moment in the mission where no one had any complaints, or much sadness.
Even Natalie was sitting up in bed smiling as she thought of her future with Robert.
Yurisha was also awake, smiling as she was in mental contact with her sister Starsha.
Things were looking up for the ship and the crew.
Derek walked a very clearly exhausted Nova back to her cabin.
He helped her onto her bunk, and he gently removed her gun belt and weapon, boots, and socks. Then, he took off his boots and asked Nova, “Mind if I snuggle with you a bit?”
“I’d love it,” Nova said with a deep yawn. “I’m so tired, and I have so much on my mind.”
“What’s on your mind?”
Nova was silent for a long time. Then, she said, “You heard Iroze when we were fighting before, right?”
“I did. Well, part of it. She was saying all sorts of…crazy stuff.”
Nova nodded. “She was calling me a Princess. A half-breed. And Yurisha did homage to me the other day. It was so strange.”
“And you raised your hand and Iroze was shoved back. Like something out of a Star Wars movie.”
Nova said, “Yes, Derek. Starsha helped me do that…but…this leads to one thing. What if I have alien ancestry of some kind? What if I’m not one hundred percent human?” Nova said, her voice beginning to hitch. “What if I am a half-breed alien freak?”
“Well, you look and feel human enough for me,” Derek said as he began to stroke her hair. “Aliens aren’t that unlike us. There’s Sheena. There’s the Gamilon pilot who helped us a few months back. There’s the pilot we took prisoner. And there was Lysis. Lysis would actually be an admirable commander if he had been on our side. And you helped me see that.”
“If I’m part-alien, can you still…marry me?” Nova sobbed.
“Of course,” Derek said in a soft voice. “Of course!”
“What about…our children?” Nova said.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Derek said softly. “We have people marrying over religious lines, and racial and ethnic lines, even now. What’s the difference if we have different species marrying?”
“You mean…?”
“Nova, I’ll love you if you’re fully human, or part-Iscandarian, although I don’t know how that can be…or even if you have Gamilon blood,” Derek said. “I’d go before the Captain and Father Likanski tonight to marry you if we weren’t so tired!”
“Do you really…mean that?” Nova said.
“I do. I do,” Derek said as he cuddled Nova.
“Let’s do it,” Derek said. “Are you…awake enough?”
“I can keep awake for my own wedding,” Nova said with a smile. She kissed Derek and gently sat up. “Denise Carroway left me a gown and matching heels.”
“A gown?” Derek said.
“If you don’t mind a bride in light blue, we can go for it,” Nova said. “Go to your cabin. Get your peacoat and cap on. Please call Father Likanski and the Captain. I’ll meet you at your cabin in a half-hour.”
“If…I don’t fall asleep, that is….”
Derek kissed Nova and he left.
A part of Nova wanted to…well…have the wedding night right then and there. She loved being held in Derek’s strong arms. But I can’t, she thought. It would be a sin. It would be like putting the cart before the horse!
With shaking hands, Nova went to her locker and got the gown she wanted…changing her mind after seeing another, different gown in blue.
Humming Scarlet Scarf to herself, Nova washed up and got changed.
Nova came to Derek’s cabin wearing a royal-blue gown with an arrow-like slit near her tummy, two white orchids in her hair, and blue sandals.
Derek came out after Nova tapped at his door. “Well, Father Likanski thinks it’s a little sudden, but he agreed. Captain Avatar loves the idea. He wants the ceremony done in his cabin.”
“You look so handsome, Derek!” Nova laughed. He had on his service cap, navy-blue peacoat, and his seldom-worn Standard Blues dress uniform.
“You look luscious,” Derek said as he kissed Nova.
She blushed, but she had no objections. “I made some calls,” she said. “Mark will be there as your best man. Yuria will be my maid of honor since Natalie is still in Sickbay, and Orion will give me away. What about rings?”
“We can use our school rings…for now,” Derek said.
“Let’s go get some pictures in the holography room before we go up to the Captain’s cabin,” Nova said.
They posed in the Holography Room before a floral
Nova smiled as she put a hand in her hair.
She watched Derek, who had his arms crossed for one shot.
“You look too serious!” she laughed.
“So, I’ll smile, Mrs. Wildstar,” said Derek.
Nova giggled at that in the monitor. “You look like you’re having cramps!”
“Let’s try this,” Derek said as he spun around and kissed Nova.
Another shot went off.
Then, Mark came into the room, in his dress blues and peacoat.
“This isn’t a joke, Wildstar?” teased Mark. “You’re making a decent woman out of Nova?”
“Would I be standing here half-awake with flowers in my hair if I was kidding?” Nova said.
“She made me wear this monkey suit,” Derek said.
Nova came up to him and playfully pulled Derek’s cap down over his eyes. “Oh, you be quiet!”
“I can’t see a thing,” Derek said as Nova giggled.
Then, Mark held Nova’s hands. “What made you come to this decision?”
“A talk we had in my cabin,” Nova said. “It’s between us. You’d think we were crazy.”
“But we’re not,” Derek said. “My Queen, are you ready?” he said as he bowed to Nova.
“As ready as I will ever be,” said Nova.
“Let’s go!”
The time, in Captain Avatar’s cabin, was 1414 Hours, March 12th, 2200.
Derek held Nova’s hand before Father Likanski, Orion, Venture, and Yuria (who was in a yellow dress and was crying) Toru was outside on a repair detail. Captain Avatar sat smiling in bed as Derek recited:
“I, Derek Michael Wildstar, take you, Nova Dawn Yukiko Forrester, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
Father Likanski then nodded in Nova’s direction. She said, “I, Nova…Dawn Yukiko Forrester, take you, Derek Michael Wildstar, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”
Likanski watched the exchange of the rings, giving the appropriate words and blessings.
Then, Derek and Nova received Communion, and sipped together at the Cup of wine.
Father Likanski then said, “By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Roman Catholic Church, the Federation of Earth Governments, and the Earth Defense Forces, I pronounce the two of you man and wife. As you have requested, Nova, we will repeat this ceremony if and when we arrive safely on Earth before your parents and loved ones and many more guests. But your bond is legal and effective as of now, Lieutenant Commander Derek Wildstar and Senior Grade Lieutenant Nova Forrester Wildstar. What God hath put together, let no man put asunder. Deputy Captain, you may now kiss your bride.”
Derek held Nova and kissed her to the applause of the few assembled guests.
Derek then danced with Nova to the strains of Scarlet Scarf on Captain Avatar’s phonograph.
When they were done, Nova danced with Orion, and Derek danced with Yuria. Then, they helped Captain Avatar up out of bed, and he danced with Nova.
He was exhausted when he was done, but before Nova, Derek, and Mark helped him back into bed, he said, “Nova, Derek, thank you for not making we wait any longer. I was hoping to dance with you at your wedding, Nova. Nova. My foster daughter. Just as Derek is my foster son.”
“Thank you,” Nova said as she kissed Captain Avatar on the cheek above his beard.
Nova then danced with Mark, and danced again with Derek before they prepared to leave.
Captain Avatar said, “Wildstar, Nova, you look exhausted. I give you both twenty-four hours leave. Catch up on some rest together…and…well…do what married people customarily do. Take her to your cabin, Derek. I will make sure you two are not disturbed.”
“Sir,” they said together, saluting as they blushed.
It felt like a dream for both of them.
Derek carried Nova across the threshold of his cabin, and almost dropped her on the bunk.
She giggled at that.
They began to kiss and cuddle.
Nova gently undressed Derek, smiling at the feel of his
back, and the scent of his hair.
Derek did likewise for Nova, tenderly getting her out of her gown, headpiece, and shoes.
He kissed her bosom. It was incredibly soft, and her hair smelled like strawberries.
Desire began to slip up on them as Derek worked a remote control near the narrow bunk.
Soft music began to play; Urge Overkill’s, Girl, You’ll be a Woman, Soon.
Nova smiled at the selection as they shared a long kiss.
This time, there was nothing to stop them, and no reason to stop.
A long period of joy passed for them.
As Derek loved Nova, he saw she was shaking.
“Tell me why you’re shaking?”
“Derek, I’m so excited. And scared. I…I’ve never been with a man before. Please, please be gentle with me?”
“I will be, Nova. I will be. And nothing will ever part us. Not our fears, not whether you are part-alien or not, not death, nor life, nor angels…nor devils!” Derek said.
“Good…that’s what I wanted to hear,” Nova said as their lips locked, and they fell into a precursor of Paradise.
Derek was gentle with Nova, just as she had asked.
When they were done, Nova held Derek as he fell asleep on her chest.
“Sleep,” Nova mumbled. “We both need it. Badly.”
And Nova fell asleep to the sound of Derek’s breathing, the feel of his heartbeat, and the sound of all of the engines coming up on the Argo.
The ship’s hull was now sealed. The damaged auxiliary engine worked. They were now underway again, at last.
They would be warping later that evening.
The new couple would sleep right through the space warp as they left the debris field of Rainbow Cluster behind.
The mission to Iscandar was continuing.
It had to continue.