A fanfic recapitulation of Series One “The Quest for Iscandar” by
Frederick P. Kopetz
EPISODE FIFTEEN: SCARLET SCARF--I WILL SURELY RETURN (Kana ra zu kaeru kara makkana sukarafu-真赤なスカーフ)
(Big Thanks to “DTill359”)
An early scene in this chapter is based somewhat on a Space Battleship Yamato manga by Yuki Hijiri presented by Tim Eldred on the COSMO-DNA website.
November 8, 2199
The Argo continued to head out into space, her repairs completed.
It was 0200 Hours that day.
the First Bridge, Derek Wildstar had the conn as Officer of the Deck. This was
the second double watch he had served in two days.
“Mae, I ask you what you are doing here again on this watch?” asked Andrew Yang from the helm. “I’ve been on duty a while; isn’t this Nova’s watch as Deck Officer?”
“Nova has been working full-time in Sickbay since the fifth, Andrew,” Derek said with a yawn. “Wish she’d get back in the rotation soon…I need some more shut-eye.”
“What’d she do?” said Ryder from the Battle Radar. “Make the Captain some of her coffee and tick him off?”
“Her coffee’s not that bad,” Wildstar said. “And she didn’t do anything, okay?”
“Yeah. It’s not her that’s messed up, it’s Doc Sane, based on what I hear,” said Natalie Fisher from the radar.
“I’ve been hearing stories about that,” said Robert Turner from his post at Combat. “Isn’t Sane a lush?”
“I heard he’s just a veterinarian who got a crash course years ago,” said a Warrant Officer named Hiyoshi Nagata from Communications.
“He still likes to mess around with pigs,” Derek snorted.
“He got in trouble, right?” said Royster from his post. “What happened?”
“Well, I did see him clomping up the captain’s dome the other day wearing geta over a space suit. He was carrying that bottle of his,” said Wildstar.
“Wish Carroway hadn’t gotten killed at Pluto,” said Ryder.
“Little Nova must be taking up all the slack,” commented Sparks from the Engineering Console. “What a spot we’re in. Our medical department is in the hands of a drunken MD and a wet behind the ears Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner.”
“Nova’s smarter than you think, Sparks!” Derek snapped. “Cut her some slack!”
“Yessir,” said Sparks…as Yang glared at him.
In the meantime, in Sickbay, Nova had decided to give up on the coffee and her body responded by just…crashing.
She had kicked off her nurse’s sandals and had just plopped down on a vacant bed in a corner in Sickbay, otherwise fully dressed in her scrub dress, pulled a blanket over herself, and she had gotten four hours’ worth of uninterrupted shut-eye so far. She had been considering hiding in a maintenance hatch somewhere to sleep, but she rationally decided, if no one was using a bed, she’d just go there and tell IQ-9 and the charge nurse to wake her up if there were any medical emergencies.
Nova was having an interesting, if slightly odd, dream of eating a ham, Swiss cheese, and rye sandwich with spicy brown mustard in a cave somewhere when IQ-9 rolled up, shoved her, and screeched, “WAKE UP, NOVA! WAKE UP! MEDICAL EMERGENCY!”
Nova yelled as she sat up. “Agggaaaagggaaaggaaa…IQ, stop shoving me!”
“Your eyes are crossed, and you hog the covers, ha ha!” IQ-9 said.
“I feel like garbage,” Nova said through a yawn as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes. She glanced at herself in a mirror. Hair’s a mess and I have circles under my eyes. Great Honk!
“What’s the medical emergency?” Nova snapped.
“Nova, Captain Avatar is calling from his cabin. Says he needs you!”
“Oh, great,” Nova said as she tried to unmuss her hair a little and threw some water on her face after she got up and kicked on her shoes. “Get me the wound treatment kit, and bring some plasma and a unit of whole blood; the captain’s type,” she said.
“Okay,” said IQ-9 as he got the necessary items into a bag.
“Jalissa,” Nova shouted to the tall Jamaican charge nurse. “You oversee things down here, please. I have an emergency with the captain.”
“Shouldn’t you be getting Doctor Sane, ma’am?”
“NEGATIVE,” Nova snapped. “He’s on suspension until the tenth. I have to handle this myself.”
“Need a hand?” Garvey said.
“I’ve got it,” Nova said as she ran off. “For all we know, the captain could be bleeding out now…”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Garvey.
Up in the Captain’s Quarters, Nova found Captain Avatar moaning on the deck, his shirt and peacoat soaked with some of his own blood.
Not knowing HOW she did it (the captain weighed two hundred and eighty-five; Nova only weighed a hundred and twenty), Forrester manhandled Avatar up onto the bunk on her own.
My arms, she thought as she worked at getting Avatar’s jacket off and then cutting off his shirt.
“Nova, stop cutting my shirt up!” Avatar barked in a slurred voice.
She had just gotten gloves on in time; Nova looked at him and said, “You’ve got to roll over. I have to see how bad it is…”
Avatar nodded, and Nova looked at his arm and the side of his chest. Frank bleeding, she thought. I smell infection, too. My God. I have to clean this and pack it.
“Nova, what are you doing? That hurts like hell,” he growled.
“Giving you a local,” she said as she worked hard with a syringe. “How long has your wound been like this? And it’s spread to your chest and lymph node!”
“Since right before Pluto,” he growled.
“Didn’t Doctor Sane look at this?” Nova said angrily.
“He wanted to, but I thought he was being an old damn busy-body,” Avatar snapped. “What do you say I need, Nova?”
“Topical and system antibiotics, and a blood transfusion,” she snapped, looking at an instrument. “Your hemocrit level is seven point two. Should be at least twelve. How many dizzy spells have you been having?” Nova said as she checked his blood pressure at his good arm.
“Some,” Avatar said.
“When I found you, you were on the edge of unconsciousness,” Nova said. She palpated his flesh at his armpit and he gritted his teeth, trying not to scream. “That doesn’t feel right. You need a biopsy. I’m admitting you to Sickbay tonight as soon as I get blood in you so you can walk with me.”
“I can’t be admitted. I’m responsible for this ship and this mission,” Avatar protested. “I’m sorry to be a burden to you, Nova. You look like you’re half-asleep.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re sick, and I’m doing my job. You need to have this closed up for good,” Nova said as she cleaned the mess and began to apply fresh bandages. “You’re going to need to be in bed for three days for that. When Doctor Sane is off suspension, he’ll take the biopsy and he and I will put our heads together for a diagnosis,” Nova said, choosing her words carefully.
She had felt his lymph node. She had smelled the smell.
Captain Avatar had radiation cancer, and she knew it at once. She had seen enough of it in the past year and a half in the underground cities.
“I told you, you are not admitting me,” Avatar said. “I cannot command this ship from a Sickbay bed!”
“Then I will have to notify the crew and do a Section 209 Bravo report relieving you of command. You can’t run this ship if you’re infected and anemic! Your temperature is high and your blood pressure is low,” Nova said.
“Nova,” Avatar barked. “You will do no such thing!” he yelled with wild eyes as he grabbed her scrub dress. He pulled her close. “Nova, if you relieve me of my command…I will KILL you!”
Nova’s eyes went wide, and she said, “Try it. You can barely grab my dress as it is!” she snapped as she pulled his hands off. “Between you, me, and that hatchway, you can take that back and handle this like a man, or I will Section 209 you and get medics to drag you to Sickbay under restraints!”
“You can’t; you’re a nurse!”
“Until Sane is off suspension, I am the Acting Chief Medical Officer of this vessel,” Nova said. “I’m a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner. The regs are clear on what I can do. You should know that! Your choice, sir,” Nova said, staring him down with fire in her eyes.
Avatar looked very sad. “Nova, I’m sorry. You and I have been friends for months. I’ll go below tomorrow for a biopsy, but please, I beg you, get me back on the Bridge the same day. You know this vessel is full of kids. They need a guiding hand to train them.”
“That might work if I can get your blood count up and I don’t have you collapsing on me,” Nova said. “Let’s see what I can do for you.” Nova began to run an IV. “I’ll get you up to change the sheets in a while. Rest while I make a phone call.”
“To do what?”
“I have to let the Officer of the Deck know the duty schedule has to be rearranged until I can get you back on duty,” Nova said. She grabbed Avatar’s phone and dialed the First Bridge.
“First Bridge, Officer of the Deck Lieutenant Wildstar, sir,” Derek said from below.
“Derek, Nova here. We have…a situation. The captain’s sick. I have to get him into Sickbay later for some tests. Duty schedule has to be changed around for a day.”
“Roger that. I’ll let Sandor know in the morning. I can probably keep on pluggin’ away.”
“How long have you been awake, Derek?” Nova said.
“By 0600, it’ll be thirteen hours. We had patrols.”
“Good God,” Nova whispered. “You are reporting to Sandor in the morning and then you are getting some sleep. My orders as Acting Med Officer.”
“Are you gonna give me a teddy bear and tuck me in?” Derek said sarcastically.
“If you don’t start talking sense, you’ll get a punch in the nose, Derek,” Nova said with a slight smile drawing up her lips. “In the meantime, try to take it easy.”
“I will until the Gamilons show up,” he said.
“God help us, we won’t see them for a while,” Nova said. “Take care. I mean it.” She hung up.
“Is he being whiny?” coughed Avatar.
“Yessir,” Nova said. “Permission to speak candidly, sir?”
“He’s acting just like you right now,” Nova said blandly.
“Not what I needed to hear,” Avatar said with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
The captain was back on duty later that day, but Nova told him to be careful, since she had been forced to take a biopsy from him herself.
And she got some more sleep after prepping the slide and getting him on oral antibiotics, realizing that due to lack of sleep, she was herself getting rather short-tempered.
On the eleventh, Doctor Sane was back on duty, a good deal healthier, and a bit chastened (although he hit the sake’ a bit less openly now.)
the moment, he was looking in a microscope at Nova’s slides of Captain Avatar’s
lymph nodes and a bit of the chest wall.
“Hmmm,” he said.
“What do you think?” Nova said as she stood behind him.
“I have to agree with your ballpark analysis, Nova. You’re batting .400. He has an angiosarcoma; middle of Stage III, radiation-induced and very messy.”
“I don’t know whether to be pleased I’m right or to smack my head against the bulkhead several times,” Nova sighed.
“The latter is probably the more logical course, Nova. Captain Avatar is a very sick man. Probably terminal.”
“When do we tell him?” Nova said.
“The sooner the better,” Doctor Sane said. “Although we have to be careful about it. You said he blew up at you. Badly.”
“Yes. Extreme emotional instability and irritability,” Nova said. “I can’t hold it against him. I’d probably feel the same way if I was in his situation, and I’ve been a bit short-tempered myself. You think he can still command the ship?”
“Touch and go,” Sane sighed. “If we can get him to get his mind off things a little…”
“We’ll be crossing the heliopause and be out of touch with Earth in twelve days,” Nova said. “Maybe if we have something like a line-crossing party; and a chance for the crew to call their families?”
“Shoot it past him once he feels a bit better,” Sane said. “All he can say is no.”
Nova nodded.
More time passed.
It was now November the 23rd.
Nova had gotten approval for her idea of a line-crossing ceremony that day, and today was the day. It was 0600 that morning.
She checked over Natalie and Yuria at work setting up tables and the like on the port side observation deck. She moved some things around herself and set up some steam tables with the help of some ratings and enlisted men from Food Service Section, and went to the Bridge.
While Natalie was working, Doctor Sane stomped up to her with the angriest look she had ever seen on his face.
“Hello, Doctor Sane, how many I help you?”
“Young lady, I need to see you…and right now.”
“I’m setting up a table, Doctor, and talking with Robert,” she said as she and Robert Turner were…teasing each other.
“I need to talk with BOTH of you then. Meet me in my office!” he screamed.
“Wonder what’s up?” Robert said.
“Beats me,” replied Natalie.
In Doctor Sane’s office, Natalie and Robert sat down.
Sane was glaring at them. “Better I tell you this than Nova, honestly, even though she, Sakamoto, and Ensign Garvey did the lab work.” He looked hard at them. “You two have been sexually active. Haven’t you?”
Natalie was about to say ‘no’, but Robert spoke up first. “Yes, Doctor.”
Sane glared hard at them. “The regs about couples being paired up are not being enforced this mission because it is such a long mission, and we have two married couples in the ship’s company who joined together. So, the unofficial attitude is, ‘do as you wilt, but do not get into trouble’.” Sane glared at Fisher. “You forgot to get your contraceptive shot last month. Why?”
“Hard to find the time, even though Nova has been on my back about it.”
“That lady is a lot smarter than you. We did double-blind blood tests and genetic tests after you came in complaining about amenorrhea, which isn’t that uncommon among females on this ship due to stress. What I found is that, Ensign Natalie Fisher, you are pregnant, and tests conclude that you, Ensign Robert Turner, are the father!” Sane barked. “Congratulations! By the time we get to Iscandar, you are probably going to need baby clothes! How could both of you have been so damn stupid?”
“Doctor,” said Robert as he looked shame-faced at Natalie. “We…let things get away with us, I guess.”
“I was stupid,” Natalie said. “Robert?”
“I want to get married…right now!” he said.
Natalie shook her head. “No.”
“NO?” said Robert.
“Are you saying you want to abort the baby?” snapped Sane. “What you are asking me is against regs.”
“No…I…don’t want to abort the baby,” Natalie said. “Robert, let’s get engaged and get married on Iscandar. If you want to,” she said.
“I will,” said Robert.
The young couple embraced.
“Now, that we’ve settled that,” snapped Sane. “Natalie, you will have to see me every two weeks. When the baby begins to show, we will fit you with a proper uniform and restrict you from EVA missions outside of the ship and give you a reduced duty schedule. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Doctor,” she said. “Is anyone else pregnant?”
“No. You’re the first two to be stupid enough to get in that situation, although the married Nishini couple from Flight Group and Engineering had a false alarm. Kyoko wasn’t pregnant. Now, get back to work. I’ll tell the captain later.”
“Will we get in trouble?” said Fisher.
“Hopefully not, but be prepared for a damn good tongue-lashing,” snapped Sane.
On the First Bridge, in the meantime, Homer was picking up a transmission.
“Captain Avatar! We have an emergency call from Earth! Can you come to the Bridge?”
Captain Avatar duly came down to the Bridge on his chair-lift. “Homer, switch over to the main video panel.”
“Yessir,” he said.
Commanding General Charles Hiram Singleton came up on the main screen a moment later.
you’ve traveled quite a distance,” said the Commander. “How’s the Argo?”
“The ship is doing well, sir. We’ll be leaving the solar system soon, and this will probably be our last communication for a while,” Avatar said.
“Yes, you’ll soon be too far out for visual communication,” said Singleton as the image frizzed out for a moment and then came back up.
“I have to report some bad news,” said the Commander. “Even though we are grateful that you were able to stop the constant barrage of planet bombs from Pluto, they have still had a most deadly effect. Have a look at these images.”
Pictures of the surface of Earth came up. It looked even worse, with the wind blowing up dust devils of dry, dead ground. “Even now, the radiation from the planet bombs is seeping deeper into Earth’s surface. We are trying to dig the underground cities five hundred meters deeper, but, even at that level, the radiation will eventually reach that far. Mutated plants are contaminating deeper into the underground cities, and more people either become ill with radiation sickness or succumb to it by the day. People are panicking and hopeless. There have been riots over food and even supplies of fresh water. Everyone knows that our only hope of survival is the Star Force completing its mission and returning with the Cosmo-DNA.”
The picture frizzed out again. “We are all anxious about you,” said the Commander as his image came back up. “Captain Avatar, how is your mission going? Will you reach Iscandar in time? Is there hope?”
Avatar said, “Sir, we were unavoidably delayed due to several battles with the Gamilons.”
“If you encounter them again, do your best not to allow them to interfere with your mission,” said Singleton. “You have to make up your lost time and get to Iscandar and back in time. We are depending upon you, Avatar…”
The Commander’s image frizzed out again.
“Give me a few minutes to catch his signal,” said Homer.
Avatar sat in silence.
Nova said, “They must know we’ll return. They must know!”
“On Earth, they have the harder task,” said Avatar. “They can only wait. We can act.”
While this was going on, far away, very far away, in another Galaxy as a matter of fact, about twenty-four million lightyears away from Terra, some slight notice was being taken to the opening of the Crypt on Pandora a few weeks ago.
“You’re sure of this?” demanded a woman in young middle age who wore a light blue gown today. Her light blond hair spread out down her back as she fixed the speaker with her dark brown eyes. She sat on one of two white thrones at the bottom of a dais in the old High Queen’s Palace in Perlana, the Capital City of the ancient Pellian Commonwealth on Planet Pellias, which was slowly losing an interstellar war with an evil power of cyborgs known as the Technomugar. The Palace was beautiful, built of white alabaster, with many domes and a tower; it sat near a reflecting pool in a park near the center of the city and near the Temple, perhaps the most important building on Pellias.
The wizened old woman leaned on a staff. She wore a cloak in brown, which matched her brown fur. She was humanoid, but she was not of the Pellian Race. She was a Ralkhen, a felinoid creature who was of a race that Pellias had absorbed into its polity long ago. Many Ralkhens were actually enslaved, but this one, an ancient psionic and clergywoman known as Miarahl, was not only free, but had been an advisor to the Royal House for centuries; no…millenia.
Miarahl said, “My Ruling Queen, it cannot be mistaken. The Crypt on the gas-giant moon the Terrans call “Pandora” has been opened, and legitimately. Only a woman with the proper right and authority can open it.”
considered this. “This truly changes things. It changes them a great deal,” she
“Changes what?” barked a young woman with auburn to honey-blonde hair who stomped into the room, the sound of her footsteps drowning out the electronic keyboard of the Mecannerite musician who played a fugue in the room. Mecanner was an old world of the Commonwealth at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy; a world that the Pellian Commonwealth had lost touch with centuries ago. However, expatriates from Mecanner lived in all parts of the Commonwealth.
Astrena sighed as she looked upon her daughter Aliscea the Second, who was in her usual black dress and sandals laced to her legs. Lady Aliscea the Second was the holder of the Pellian Matrix and High Queen in Being, who, nonetheless, could not yet sit on the Crystal Throne. She had gained the Matrix after the death of her cousin Aliscea the First, the last High Queen, in the Terran Year 2082. The Matrix was a spark of Creation that conferred a special, sacred link to Adonai, the King of Kings also worshipped by the Pellians, and the possession of that power indicated that the Highest had conferred a special trust upon that High Queen and anointed her as her Prophet over the Pellian people.
It was assumed that Aliscea, to whom the Matrix had come to spontaneously, would be the twentieth High Queen of the Commonwealth. Aliscea conducted herself as such, being someone who was one hundred and nineteen years of age, young for a Pellian, who commonly lived for four or five centuries. However, she was a woman who was over a hundred but acted as if she was in her irresponsible thirties, the equivalent of being a Terran teenager in their culture.
Aliscea was presumptive High Queen, but could not yet sit on the Crystal Throne as the ceremonial Empress and Champion of the Commonwealth, sworn to psychically destroy the works of the leader of the Technomugar, the Dark Lord Ekogaru, since she had not yet met Ekogaru or one of his monsters in personal combat and sacrificed her mortal life, depending upon faith in God that she would be raised from Death. This ancient rite was called “Passing Through the Fire”, and a presumptive High Queen who made this utter sacrifice for her friends and loved ones and then arose from Death had the unquestioned right to lead the Commonwealth in war and defense against Ekogaru, his minions, and successors.
Aliscea said, “What does it change?” She read her mother’s thoughts. “A Terran woman opened the Crypt and took my birthright. NO! Who is she? I need to kill her. She is unworthy!”
“She is beyond our reach,” Astrena said softly.
“The Terrans are barbarians! Animals! Idiots!” screamed Aliscea. “No more human than this slave!” she ranted, slapping a furry, naked Ralkhen who was handing grapes and wine to Aliscea. “Let the Gamilons wipe them out! They are vermin! As for you, Ralkher, get out of my face!” she screamed at the slave, who ran out in tears.
Miarahl shook her head sadly. As had been for many years, most of the Ralkhens were enslaved. However, they had a belief that there would come a future kind, mighty High Queen with both a will of adamant and tender heart who would bravely flout custom and free them from bondage, sympathizing with their lot because she had lived in the shadows herself as a commoner. Miarahl already knew that Aliscea, a contemptuous, proud, angry, sensual woman with many lovers whose faith in Adonai was questionable, would NOT be that Liberator…and that she would never sit on the Crystal Throne.
Miarahl had an idea who the Liberator and Bringer of Victory would be, and even though she did not yet know her name, she already loved her from afar; she had a feeling this woman of mystery would be both compassionate and strong.
“I have felt it,” Miarahl purred. “Pellias must suffer much and fall before it rises again and we defeat the Dark Lord at last. We will lose this Palace; this Temple; and our very home world.”
“We cannot!” screamed Aliscea.
“The Terrans should be aided, Ruling Queen, Majesty,” said Miarahl. “Who knows? They could be our salvation someday?”
“We cannot do much now since are at war with Ekogaru, but if we could, we would offer military aid to our sisters on Iscandar…and, indeed, we are of the Same Race. The dying Iscandarians ARE doing something about it!” Astrena snapped. “If you have any conscience, pray for their success and the success of the Terrans, Aliscea!”
“Meditate upon the Matrix, Aliscea. We had links with Terra in the past, and, indeed, we will again in the future.”
“WHY?” barked Aliscea, stamping her foot.
“Presha vanished. No one knows what became of her. However, I perceive, however dimly, that she has a gifted grandchild, a cousin of yours who lives in the shadows. Where, I do not know.”
“Where does she live so that I can duel her and kill her?” snapped Aliscea.
Astrena slapped Aliscea across the face and said, “You cannot speak thus of such kin! What if you never Pass through the Fire…but SHE does? Think. Hard.”
Enraged, Astrena walked away, ignoring the band outside playing the Avenida March as they trooped and allowed the black and white clad Hussars of the Pellian Border Legion to change the Guard as one cavalry platoon took over for another.
Captain Avatar had the crew gathered on the port side observation deck where there was some kind of gathering or party or something starting.
wiseacre had an ancient song on; Nirvana’s “About a Girl” at
ear-splitting volume.
Captain Avatar clomped up with his cane and clapped his hands for silence.
The music stopped.
Avatar took the microphone. “I need to advise you that we are now at the outer limits of our solar system, and we are now about to enter into unexplored galactic space. We have already gone farther than any Earth vessel has ever gone before, but we are about to go further!” Avatar paused. “We have only completed a small part of the journey to Iscandar, but we have much further to go! In order to make up time, at 1900 Hours today, we are about to make a major space warp of two hundred and thirty-five light years; a mere test of our systems, since from that point onwards, we will have to make two jumps of one thousand lightyears each day in order to have any hope of making it to Iscandar and back within the three hundred and fifteen days that Humanity has left! To do this, we will make our first long jump this evening! I stress that! It will be hard on the crew and ship, but it MUST be done! We will also lose contact with Earth after we make our first major space warp.”
“We’re making a major warp?” someone muttered.
“A warp of two hundred lightyears?”
“Can the ship take it?”
“Can we take it without going crazy? You know how we felt with the first one!”
“Yeah, that was bad enough!”
“Like a bad LSD trip or something!”
Avatar paused. “Because we will be out of range for further communication with Earth, I have arranged for each of you to have five minutes to speak with your families and loved ones. Please wish them well.”
The crew began to applaud at this, and the atmosphere aboard ship immediately improved.
A line formed near the Communications station an hour later.
Nova sighed as she looked at the list that Natalie had made up. She thought, Natalie, what is wrong with your work lately? I asked for this to be in alphabetical order and Group order. It was not. Well, we don’t have all day, so I just have to work with what you prepared me. Thanks, Natalie. Hope you’re okay…
“So, I wonder how my wife is doing?” Paul Rosstowski said. Mark Venture was on line behind Rosstowski.
“I have no idea, hopin’ my fiancee’ Lisa is doin’ good,” said Eager behind him.
A few people behind them, Robert Turner looked puzzled. “Natalie, given our…predicament…what should I tell your folks?”
“Tell them we got engaged,” Natalie said as she gave Robert a nudge, and a look as if to say, what do you think, Captain Clueless?
“Wonderin’ how my family is doing in the Greater Atlanta Megalopolis?” said Jefferson Hardy.
“What are they doing there?” asked Dana Starion.
“My father used to run a big farm named Victoria in Georgia,” said Jeff.
Nova stood at the doorway, where a timer was set up, with a clipboard. “We’re all ready for the first one,” she said.
Rosstowski smiled and went in. “See ya later, Fellas. Hope I can make up with my wife. We had a fight before we took off.”
Paul went in, and the hatch shut and he called home; the Philadelphia Megalopolis.
He punched in the code, and soon, his small apartment in the underground city of Philadelphia came up on the screen. These days, almost all apartments in the underground cities were small. People had gotten used to living in cramped surroundings.
Clarissa Rosstowski appeared on the screen.
She had on a black dress and boots, and had her hair cut in a short shag that reminded him a little of the late Denise Carroway, MD’s hairstyle.
However, the expression she wore was a weird combination of pouty, amused, and annoyed. “Hello, Paul. I didn’t think you’d bother to call. What gives with you wasting your time out there in space with those flyboys and lunatics?”
“Clarissa, please listen,” Paul said. “I volunteered for this mission to bring back Earth; the way it used to be, so that you can enjoy the sun and the sky again. So that Jacqui will have a world where she can play in the sun, Clarissa.”
“And one where you can get a real job?” Clarissa almost sneered. “I’ve had to become a secretary again to make ends meet. Your EDF allotment is chicken feed!”
“Where’s Jacqui?”
“Playing with the Kurzenbergers two apartments down,” said Clarissa. “You know that Rachel and Jacqui are almost like sisters, they’re together so much.”
“Can you get her?”
“No,” said Clarissa. “And I have to go see my boss soon, anyway. He’s named Dwayne Tucker; architect for the underground cities; the man came from Nebraska or some other damn place over flyover country. But he’s loaded.”
“Do you have any good words for me when I get back?” said Paul.
“If you get back?” said Clarissa. “If you get back, I’m considering a divorce.”
“Are you serious?” snapped Paul.
“Yes,” said Clarissa.
“You’re going to throw away eight years of marriage over this?” Paul said.
“Yes. Abandonment,” said Clarissa with a smile. “You’ll sleep on the couch if you get back until I can file. The courts aren’t doing any divorce petitions now. Too bad. I’d drop you like a bad habit right now, buddy!”
“For your boss?” demanded Paul.
“Not necessarily,” Clarissa said. “Dwayne is loaded and he has connections with people. Some rich Japanese-American lawyer’s family is trying to set him up with this young blonde physics something-or-another way up in the hierarchy of Earth Defense. He’ll marry the whiz kid for money since Daddy’s loaded. I might be…the mistress, though. I’ve slept with him already. He’s WAY better than you in bed!”
“You…you…” said Paul. He was ready to curse his wife out. Given their conversation, it was almost understandable.
“There, there,” she said. “Temper, temper! I’m cutting this off. I’m divorcing you and that’s it,” said Clarissa. “Goodbye!”
And she cut off.
Paul sat stunned, looking at the screen, eyes filling with tears as the timer sat at two minutes. Then it went down to one.
He was sobbing by the time he got up and left the communications room.
When he came out, Nova saw the anguish on Paul’s face and saw him crying.
“Paul,” she said. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Negative, ma’am, you’re busy!” he said as he banged the bulkhead with a fist and took off before Nova could direct him to a nurse or the Chaplain for counseling.
Nova checked off his name and said, “Uhh…you’re next, Venture.”
Mark nodded and he went in.
A party was going on.
A bowl of punch and other treats had been made up, but as Wildstar wandered around like a ghost, he vaguely noticed that a few people were spiking their drinks with things from flasks they had somehow gotten a hold of. And, some people had costumes on.
Oh, some of them were so ridiculous.
One guy from Gunnery was dressed like Napoleon. Another girl, from Operations, was wearing cat ears, a tail, and fake paw-gloves with her uniform.
An officer named Krista Jolvanka, from science, was dancing with her boyfriend Yuri Daiyama from Operations. Something like Rockabilly music was playing in the background, and it looked like they were having a good time. Not far away, Derek also noticed Toru Hoshina dancing with Yuria Misaki. They looked adorable…except that Hoshina…was wearing a French Maid’s outfit.
As in…a French Maid dress!
Artwork from the Yamato 2199 Manga by Michio Murakawa
Colored by Kodai’s Korner
and Yuria paused to kiss.
They were blushing by the time they got finished kissing.
“I like you!” laughed Yuria. “Who got you to wear that?”
The Security Chief said, “Ensign Danforth, from my Group! He was gonna wear it, but I tried it on and he thought it looked funnier on me!”
Father Likanski was walking around checking on things (shaking his head at Hoshina in his dress), and IQ-9 checked on Derek. “You seem to be out of sorts, Derek Wildstar. Is anything the matter?”
“IQ-9, leave me alone,” Derek mumbled.
“Son, do you want to talk about it?” asked Father Likanski.
“Thank you, but, no, Father…”
Derek walked off.
Not far away, Captain Avatar set down a plastic glass of juice, and he thought, I keep forgetting that Wildstar has no family…
Mark Venture was in the Comm booth, talking to his parents.
“It’s been a long time,” Mark said to his father, David Venture. “Dad, it looks like you’ve lost some weight.”
“Thanks,” said David Venture.
“Jordy, what’s that you’re building?” asked Mark as he noticed his little brother Jordy holding a ship model.
“It’s a model! A model of the Argo!” he said. “Your ship, Mark!”
“That’s neat,” replied Mark.
“The underground cities are hard on the children,” said Mark’s mother Carol Venture. “Down here, they don’t get any sunlight.”
“Two of my friends got sick,” said Jordy, who looked distraught. “They can’t play with me anymore. But when I see them in the hospital, I tell them you’ll be back home soon with the Cosmo-DNA, to make everyone well again.”
“Well, buck up, because I will be home soon,” said Mark.
“Take care!” Jordy said as Mark’s time ran out and he sat looking at static, wiping away tears.
Natalie Fisher’s parents were dead, so they combined their time to speak to Robert’s parents.
“You got engaged?” said Robert’s mother Prudence, a redhead with her hair in a ponytail.
“Yes, Mom, we did. And the lucky lady is right here on my lap,” he said as he kissed Natalie.
“Are you two going to get married during the cruise, son?” said Robert’s father Mikhail.
“We were going to have our ceremony on Iscandar when we get there,” said Natalie with a laugh as Robert mussed up her hair.
“Well, good luck, both of you,” said Prudence. “We can have a reception for you two when you get home.”
“Thanks,” said Robert.
Their time ran out, but they didn’t notice.
Nova had to fetch them. When she came in, Natalie laughed. Nova was wearing…deely-boppers…a head band with a pair of springs on them that looked like insect antennae, topped with small rosebuds.
“Who did that?” said Natalie.
“Yuria,” Nova said with an embarrassed laugh. “You should see Toru Hoshina. He’s in a costume…a French maid’s outfit!”
“Sounds funny,” said Robert.
“Out of the booth, you two,” said Nova. “Hardy’s next.”
“See you later, ma’am,” said Natalie.
“Likewise,” Nova stammered.
At the party, Conroy said to Orion, “Won’t it be your turn soon to talk to your family and grandchild?”
“Aye, it will be,” Orion said, looking a little apprehensive. Then, he saw Venture. “How did it go, talkin’ to your family?”
“My kid brother is something else!” laughed Mark. “He’s building a model of the Argo.”
“It looks like we’re gonna have some new engineers soon,” laughed Orion.
In the meantime, Wildstar was going down a passage and he heard two crewmembers from Gunnery talking.
“Did you see Rosstowski? He was crying,” said one Ensign.
“I’m not sure I won’t cry…won’t you?”
Derek then gritted his teeth and sneered at them. “Where are you two going?”
“Sir, to talk to our families,” said the Ensign.
“Where’s the ready crew?” Wildstar snapped. “Someone should always be on hand in case we have an emergency. Get back to your posts!”
The two crewmen took off.
Alone, Derek jumped onto the people-mover belt and sneered, “Everyone’s got a family!”
In the engine room, Captain Avatar was walking around.
Sparks saw him and said, “Is there something you need, sir?”
“No…I’m just walking around the ship a bit.”
“You’re sure, sir?” said Cory as he looked at the captain, “You look worried about something.”
“No, I’m fine,” Avatar said as he took off.
“I wonder what’s going on?” Cory said. “He never comes down here.”
“It looks like he was looking for something,” said Sparks.
“Or…someone,” said Ainsley, in rare agreement with Sparks.
Nova was checking her clipboard as she looked down the line.
“Conroy, do you know where Wildstar is?” Nova said. “His turn is coming up soon.”
“I thought I saw him going towards the hangar a few minutes ago…I’ll see if I can get him, Nova.”
“Thanks, Conroy,” Nova said as she checked in another crewmember. “Nishiguro…you’re next,” she said.
Chief Nishiguro from Operations nodded and went in to speak to his family.
Nishiguro went in and he saw his wife Kyoko straight-off.
“How are you, Kyoko?” he asked.
Kyoko coughed into a handkerchief, trying to keep a brave face. “I’ve been better,” she said. “I’ve asked for my sister Kei to take care of Aiko if my radiation sickness doesn’t…get better…”
“You have radiation sickness?”
Kyoko nodded. “Yes, Shiro. I’m trying to…stay as strong as I can, but…”
“Stop talking like that!” Shiro cried.
“We…we have to be realistic,” she said. “In the underground city level that we’ve been living in…five people died last week. And there was a riot over the food rations. They arrested the leader and sent him up to the surface to die.”
“Who was it?” Nishiguro asked.
“Daiyama-san from Apartment B-7,” Kyoko said.
“But he has a family! And he was always so civic-minded!”
“His wife is in jail now; and they split up the kids.” Kyoko looked hard at Shiro. “If I die…or if you don’t make it back…our daughter will be provided for…”
“Don’t talk like that!” yelled Shiro.
“Goodbye; I love you…” said Kyoko as their time ran out.
Shiro came out crying. He leaned on Nova’s arm for a moment, and Nova said, “Bad news?”
He nodded. “Yeah…my wife’s got the radiation sickness…it….”
“Go see one of my nurses in Sickbay,” Nova said gently. “They’ll be happy to talk to you…that way, please.”
Nishiguro nodded and went off.
Nova took a deep breath. He’s not the first one to get bad news…and he won’t be the last.
As it turned out, Kyoko Nishiguro would be dead in thirty-five days, and Chief Shiro Nishiguro would follow her in death a few months later in battle in the Rainbow Star Cluster.
In the meantime, Conroy had found Wildstar.
Derek Wildstar was sitting moping in the cockpit of his Cosmo-Zero, looking at a picture of his brother Alex he had attached to the dashboard.
Peter Conroy yelled up, “Wildstar! Nova’s looking for you! It’ll be your turn soon!”
“Don’t worry about it, Conroy. I’ll be okay,” Derek said in a miserable voice.
“It’s our last chance to talk to Earth, you know,” Conroy said.
“It’s okay,” Derek sighed. “Go talk to your family…I…”
Then, Derek shut the canopy of his plane.
What’s his problem? Conroy thought, perplexed.
Nova had stood at her post while four other officers and men talked to their families. One of them, Eager, came out laughing after a good talk with his parents and his fiancee’ Lisa.
Orion was the next one on line, and he looked at Nova and said, “My heart’s pumping like an old piston engine, y’know.”
Conroy ran up and said, “Nova! I talked to Wildstar! He doesn’t want to seem to talk to his family! I don’t know what’s going on, but…”
Nova remembered the argument she had had with him a few weeks ago over the same topic, and she said, “I can’t believe that! Well, guess I’ll have to go find him myself when we’re almost done. I’ll have a talk with him,” she said, perplexed by what was going on. What’s wrong with Derek? Nova thought.
Wildstar was leaning against a bulkhead in the galley, watching the cooks at work.
The head cook, a man named Mulligan, looked at Captain Avatar, who had just appeared, and he said, “Captain, we’re working on more food for the party, and for evening mess. Even though it’s fifty percent soy proteins, if you want your roast beef done just right, you’ll have to just stand back and let us work.”
Avatar nodded. Then, he noticed Wildstar. “What are you doing down here?”
“Uhh…just checking on things,” Derek said lamely.
Avatar laughed. “Well…that makes two of us!”
Avatar took off, chuckling to himself, while Derek stood with a perplexed look on his face.
A while later, Wildstar ended up alone on the First Bridge, sitting at his post watching his instruments while he whistled “Scarlet Scarf” to himself.
Andrew Yang came to check a course heading, and he said, “Mister Wildstar. Have you talked to your family yet?”
“Andrew, I’d rather not discuss it,” he said, getting up and deciding that maybe people would leave him alone if he went to the gym.
“What’s the issue, Wildstar!?!?” said Andrew as Derek walked off and ignored him. “Hey! I’m talking to you!! What gives?”
Derek just took off.
Orion sat in the comm booth talking to his oldest children; his son Sean and his wife Crystal. His younger son Patrick, Jr. was not available, being at the EDF Academy at the time.
“I see you’ve repainted the apartment. It looks good. How’s my granddaughter Kathleen?”
“Over here, grandpa,” said Kathleen Orion.
“Bring her to the screen, Crystal,” said Orion.
Orion saw the little moppet and reached across the screen to kiss her. “Oh, my sweet Kathleen…you’re looking well!”
“You too, grandpa,” she said.
Captain Avatar entered his cabin and said “Lights”.
The lights came up, and he opened a drawer, looking sadly at a picture of his son Adam. Adam’s picture, since he was assumed dead, had a black ribbon around it.
Avatar looked at the picture, shook his head, and then got his pipe.
He got the tobacco mixture he liked, tamped it in, and he lit it, puffing morosely as he thought of the loss of Adam, and the loss of Alex. “I understand how you feel, Wildstar,” said Avatar. “I don’t have any family left to talk to either…just the past…and my thoughts,” mumbled the old man to himself as a ghost of his pain returned.
He took two pain capsules and then sat smoking, with the cabin soon redolent of his pipe tobacco.
Avatar opened his Bible as he smoked, and read Isaiah 40:8: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the Word of our God shall stand forever…
Reading that makes my own mortality easier to bear, Avatar thought.
Adam Avatar, with Carol, was still in the Sickbay of the pirate ship known as the Deathshadow.
“How are you feeling?” asked Carol as she smiled, watching Adam do some pull-ups in his bed.
“Getting stronger. Leg still hurts. I wonder why we haven’t seen the captain of this ship yet? It’s been…how long since we’ve been rescued from those Gamilons?”
“A little over a month,” Carol said as suddenly, the hatch irised open.
A man came in, walking in with a sound of jingling spurs.
outfit was all dark green, and he had a rugged, albeit scarred face and very
long hair with an eyepatch where his right eye should have been.
A scar ran down his right cheek, and he seemed to be in his late thirties or early forties. He wore a bright red scarf, and he had a look on his face that brooked no opposition.
Adam was shocked, because he almost looked familiar. “Alex?” he said. “Alex Wildstar?”
“Alex? That was never my name,” said the long-haired man in a deep voice. “As for the names of Wildstar and Kodai…they no longer bear any relevance for me. I am called Harlock. Captain Harlock, master of this ship; the Deathshadow.”
“To whom do you bear allegiance?” asked Carol hesitantly. “Earth…or Gamilon?”
“I bear allegiance to no one,” Harlock said bitterly. “Earth cast me aside like garbage, and as for Gamilon, on behalf of the humanity oppressed by them about the Sea of Stars, I bear a great grudge and desire revenge. I am my own master, wandering the Sea of Stars under a flag of bone. I was once a prisoner of the Gamilons, as you were. That is why I rescued you. Do you desire to join my crew and my own personal crusade of vengeance? Do you have the strength to be free men and women?”
“I do,” said Adam as he gritted his teeth. Carol also nodded her head.
“Very well. When you are well enough, I shall train you in your jobs. I hope that you will be available soon, however. A Gamilon armada will be in this sector shortly. I would desire nothing more than death for every one of those bastards.” He drew a dagger from a sheath in his boot. “Someday, I hope to plant this into the neck of the Gamilon dictator and murder him in the same way he murdered Humanity. Join with me, and you shall have that chance. I will see you soon,” said Harlock as he walked away, spurs jingling again.
Derek Wildstar, in his anger, was in the gym, by himself, uniform shirt off, doing sit-ups.
out alone again, he thought angrily. I was trying to get Venture down
here the other day to practice kendo with, like we used to in the Academy, but
he’s always too busy.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this crew, No one wants to hang around me for long, really. No one gets what’s in my head, no one understands why I’m so lonely and so damn angry. Damnit to hell, I wish I had someone to practice kendo with.
Unknown to him, Derek would soon have a very eager student with whom he would work out with regularly.
But that was something that…was not yet.
But soon would be.
In the Comm Booth, Orion said, “I know that for your sakes, we have to make it to Iscandar and back. I think of all of you every night; especially you, Kathleen.”
Then, the transmission cut out, and Orion said, “Oh, if I only had more time…more time!”
He sat crying in the chair for a while, overcome with emotion.
Time passed.
Outside, Nova said, “I wonder what’s keeping Mister Orion? His time should have been up long ago.”
She went in to check on him, and saw him sitting there. “I’m sorry, Nova. I didn’t know that talking with my family would upset me so much.”
Nova nodded and then said, “Orion? Would you stay with me for a while? It’s my turn to talk to my parents…and I’m a little nervous.”
Orion nodded and stood behind Nova’s chair after she arranged for a Chief to manage the line for her while she made her own call.
Nova punched in the code for her home, and she was immediately greeted by a picture of…well…a dorky-looking fellow with a wide tie holding a bouquet.
who’s…that?” Nova said.
“A very nice boy named Dwayne Tucker,” Nova’s mother Teri said as she stood back holding a number of pictures. “Nova, dear, we have to start thinking about your future. This young man is Dwayne Tucker, and he lives near us, and he’s an architect for the underground cities. I think he’d be a perfect match for you.”
“What do you mean?” Nova said.
“Well, you’re going to be entering a respectable medical school when you get back home from your crusade, even though I would have rather seen you go to Juilliard to improve your musical skills,” Nova’s mother Teri Forrester said. “Since you seem to have your heart set on being a doctor, well…you have to have a respectable husband with a good career who can support you while you finish your studies and residency. It’s logical, isn’t it?”
Her father, Karl Forrester, Esquire, Attorney at Law, said, “Your mother’s been going crazy trying to find the right man for you.”
“Uh…I don’t need that kind of help,” Nova stammered.
“Nonsense,” Teri said. “Now, we have this man, Kazuo Nishigawa; he’s going to make partner in your father’s law firm in a year or two,” Teri said as she held up a picture of a bearded man. “And there’s Doctor Victor Hamel from the University. I work with him, and he’s a genius who just got tenure. And, there’s Neil Breznicki; he’s an Aide to Senator Heilman who will probably run for office soon. And, last but not least, your old friend Scott Foley, who just got a reporting job with the New Denver Times.”
Nova gritted her teeth. “Did you notice that Scott’s nose looks broken in that picture, Mother?”
“And why is that?”
“Our last date ended badly, and I punched him in the nose when his hands ran up my blouse, damnit!” Nova said.
“Or did you find someone you like on the Argo?” Karl said with a smile.
“Well, I’ve got some close friends, but nothing like a boyfriend on this ship,” Nova replied.
Orion cleared his throat and said, “Uh…maybe I’d better leave.”
“No, Orion, you stay right here,” Nova said with a smile.
Teri saw Orion and said, “Don’t tell me you’re interested in that old man, Nova! He’s too old to give you any children! Or me any grandchildren, for that matter! In these times, it’s important that you marry a young man who can give you a lot of children! Earth needs children!”
“And who says I’m going to want to become a mother right away?” Nova retorted. “I have my own life and my own plans! Let’s change the subject, Mother? How are you and Dad?”
“We’re doing just fine,” Teri said. “Don’t worry about us! It’s you and your children who are going to save Earth. You’re all I think of…my Nova…the one who lived.” Teri said as her eyes filled with tears.
“I’ll surely be back!” Nova said.
“If I didn’t think you were going to get back safely, I never would have let you go on that crazy crusade in the first place. I NEVER WOULD!!” cried Teri as she threw the pictures and began to sob.
“Teri, please stop acting like that,” Karl said.
“Mama, Papa, I’ll be fine…take care of yourselves, okay?” Nova said.
“Goodbye, Nova…take care,” said Karl and Teri as they wept.
“Papa…Mama…” Nova said as she began to cry herself. Her tears fell on the leggings of her uniform as she cried her heart out.
“I should have known Mother would be like that…” Nova said with sadness and pain in her face. “That might be the last time I ever see my mother and we end up having a stupid argument!”
“It’s okay, Nova…I understand,” said Orion, who helped Nova up and gave her a friendly hug. “Y’sure you can get back to work?”
“Give me a minute to wipe my face, and I’ll be okay,” Nova sighed. Orion handed her a hanky. Nova wiped away her tears, but as she did so, she had a mental flash of a younger, stronger set of hands wiping her tears away.
Except that the man’s face remained in shadow.
I wonder what that mental flash is telling me? Nova thought. Probably my overactive imagination again, that’s all.
Time passed.
On the observation deck, one guy laughed and said, “I just learned my wife and I had a baby boy! He weighs four kilos!”
Another guy said, “Found out my mother-in-law is moving in…just for a week, I hope.”
Nova assigned Yuria to handle the last few stragglers as she searched the ship for Wildstar.
She finally found him moping on the observation deck, thinking, Well I guess the Star Force is my family and space is my home now…
“So, there you are, Derek!” Nova said behind Wildstar. “I’ve been looking all over the ship for you.”
“For what reason?”
“Your turn to talk to Earth is coming up, and we can’t keep the line open much longer. C’mon!” she said, grabbing Derek’s hand and practically pulling him along.
Yeah, okay, he thought. Anything to get you off my case, Nova…
He sat down in the booth, angrily staring at a blank screen with his arms and legs crossed.
Outside, Nova remembered, “Oh, I forgot to show him how to operate the set!”
She popped in and said, “Derek, is anything wrong? Did you press the right button?”
Finally, he put down his head and blurted out, “Nova, I can’t call anyone because I have no relatives left alive on Earth! With Alex dead, I don’t have a family!”
Then, it hit Nova like a ton of bricks. No wonder he was so angry at me when we discussed this a few weeks ago. There you go, Forrester, you put your stupid foot in your mouth again!
Nova looked at Derek’s stricken face and stammered, “I’m so sorry, Derek…I didn’t know! Please forgive me!”
Nova took off, looking like she was about to cry again.
“Nova! Come back!” Derek said.
But he didn’t see her again as he slipped out of the booth. Yuria had taken over.
Captain Avatar sat in his cabin, still smoking his pipe. I wonder how young Wildstar is doing? It must be hard for him…
Derek finally got up onto the first bridge.
Nova was not there.
He looked around at the crew, who were looking at him with sad, puzzled eyes. Derek thought, they can’t understand. No one can, except, maybe…
Derek looked at Captain Avatar’s empty station, and getting an idea, he went upstairs.
He knocked at the hatch and heard Avatar saying, “Come in, Wildstar. Somehow I knew you’d find your way up here sooner or later.”
“Sir?” Derek said.
“We have something in common, Wildstar,” said Avatar. “Just like you, I have no one else left on Earth to talk to. There used to be a cool, clear spring near my home on Earth, and long ago, I collected its water and made some sake’ from it. This is my last bottle. Would you share it with me?” Avatar said as he held up a large, ornate sake bottle. He got two glasses ready.
“Thank you, sir,” Derek said as Avatar poured him some sake.
“It’s something from Earth…for both of us,” Avatar said as he poured his sake and he and Derek made a toast.
Then, Derek drank the sake.
God, that’s strong, Derek thought after he took the first glass and his eyes crossed.
Captain Avatar seemed to be more experienced at drinking than Derek. He sat on the deck with his boots off and Wildstar removed his own boots and sat there in sock feet.
“So much in common between us,” said Avatar.
“I used to dislike you, sir…because of Alex,” said Derek. “Now….?”
“You’ve come to respect me?” Avatar growled.
“I would say that. We do, indeed…have more in common than we thought,” Derek said. “Sir, were you smoking a pipe in here? I think I can smell it…”
“I was,” said Avatar.
“I think my father smoked the same kind of tobacco.”
“So, he did, eh?” Avatar said. “Something else we have in common.”
They shared another drink as the party went on below.
Finally, Avatar put back on his boots and stood.
So did Derek.
“Well, Wildstar…take a look in that direction…” he said. “That’s where Earth is. That’s our home…and to save it, we must leave it behind for a while. But we’ll be back!”
“Captain,” Derek said.
“It’s time to say our farewells to Earth, Wildstar!” Captain Avatar said.
“Yessir,” said Derek as he stood up.
“Farewell to Earth!” barked Abraham Avatar. “But you will soon see us again! The Argo will return!”
“We will return!” Derek said.
“We will return!” barked Avatar.
As the party began to come to its close, Yuria Misaki sat in a small room that had been set up as a shipboard radio station of sorts, and she said, over the 1MC, “And now, as we cruise out into space towards our warp, we will play a song that, I believe sums up our feelings about this mission; in both English and Japanese; Scarlet Scarf!
Yuria kissed Toru before she began to play the sentimental song;
See the girl, she’s waving to you,
A Scarf, so Bright and Red
As you race, into the blue, she is waving, waving to you,
As you travel on your way…
And night…turns into day…
You will carry in your heart…memories of that Scarlet Scarf…
Derek finally got back to his post on the First bridge, thoughtfully looking at a view of the receding Sol System.
Then, he heard a sound behind him.
Nova was leaning against his chair, and she gave him a long glance of comprehension. His eyes met hers, and he accepted a squeeze of her hand and in fact reciprocated as the song continued to play….
Romance is Yours, as you travel in the endless stars…
Romance is yours, as you speed out past Distant Mars…
Then, the two of them silently looked out together at a view of the receding solar system.
others watched, too.
The song ended, playing its Japanese verses as, down below, Doctor Sane looked out a porthole at the receding stars and drank some sake’ and wept, for his relationship with his daughter, for what they had lost on Earth…for so many things.
As Nova watched silently with Derek, she said, “We’re going to be warping soon…”
“I wanted to ask you something, Nova,” Derek said awkwardly. “Uh…are you into kendo? I need a regular kendo partner to work out with, but Mark is too busy…”
“I don’t know the sport that well,” Nova admitted. “But, do you know how to fence? I used to do that for recreation.”
“I have some idea how to fence,” Derek said. “Hey…what about if we meet up in the gym at 1500 tomorrow; me with kendo gear; you with fencing gear. We can give each other lessons.”
“You’re on,” Nova said with a smile before she returned to her post. “I miss having someone to work out with, too.”
“That makes two of us,” Derek said.
Then, as Nova left, Homer’s voice said, “We are now beyond the heliopause. From now on, visual communication with Earth will be impossible.”
Captain Avatar picked up his microphone and said, “Attention, all hands, the party is over. Hard about one hundred and eighty degrees, Venture. We’re on our way to Iscandar. Nova, run the calculations for our next space warp as we discussed before.”
“Yessir,” they both said as the Argo turned about, turning her back symbolically on the Sol System.
Nova worked for a few minutes at her computer terminal at the radar. “Warp calculations complete; Mark, our course is laid in.”
“Bringing up power to the wave motion engine,” said Orion.
“All hands, secure for warp!” said Avatar over the 1MC. “We will warp in five minutes!”
The engines began to spool up.
pulled back on the controls.
Everyone shut their eyes and tried to keep calm for the inevitable distortion of passing into warp space.
The Argo vanished from the heliopause in a blur of multicolored light.
When she reappeared a minute or so later, she was two hundred and thirty-five lightyears away, heading towards the constellation Orion.
On Gamilon, this jump did not go unnoticed.
“Leader Desslok,” said General Krypt. “The Argo has made a long space warp. She is now two hundred and thirty-five light-units away from Terra’s star system, in Sector Darold Twenty-Five. Should we send interceptors?”
“Not yet,” Desslok said. “They will soon enter into a little engineering trap that General Talan set up with me. It should be an amusing show to watch in the next few days!”
“Sir,” said Krypt as he left.
“So, the Argo has dared to come deeper into my domain,” Desslok mused. “They must be suicidal. You see, Star Force, in my space, there is no place at all for you to hide,” Desslok purred. “This should prove to be an interesting diversion. One primitive battleship, against the technological might and science of Gamilon. Let us see how you do now that playtime has ended, Terrons…”
And, at that, Desslok calmly laughed.