A Christmas Angel


A Star Blazers Fan Fiction

By Margaret Diviney


As he made coffee Derek Wildstar looked across the breakfast bar of the kitchen into the living room of his home. The site of his wife on a blanket in front of the roaring fire, pillows and articles of clothing strewn on the floor made him smile. It had snowed. It was still snowing. It had snowed so much; in fact, the city had been all but shut down. Even the Earth Defence Force Headquarters had advised their officers and staff to stay home. With Christmas quickly approaching they had taken advantage of the opportunity to get their house decorated. It had also provided the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time snuggled up in front of the fireplace. Even though they had been married for two years, given the demands of their EDF careers it was not always easy to have time alone together. One thing had led to another.


Filling the mugs with the steaming brew Derek walked across the room taking a seat on the floor beside his wife. Looking up as he approached Nova smiled as she took the mug he held out to her. Propping a pillow behind her she sat up with her back against the loveseat.  “A girl could get used to being spoiled like this.”


Draping his arm across her shoulders he pulled her closer. “Have I told you today just how much I love you?”


“You might have mentioned it in passing,” she replied with the giggle. Raising her hand, she gently stroked his cheek. “I love you too.”


For the next few minutes, they sat in silence admiring the Christmas tree they had finished decorating earlier that day. Finishing his coffee Derek looked at his wife with regret. “As much as I hate to say this, I am going to have to spend some time in my study. You and I both know, even if the office is closed, there will be endless email to be dealt with. I might as well go get it over with.”


Nova wrinkled her nose; she had been delighted to be snowbound with her husband. “Back to reality I guess.”


Laying his empty mug on the floor Derek got to his feet. Leaning down he kissed her, “The tree is beautiful. You did a great job.” When he reached his study he glanced back over his shoulder, “I’ll try not to be too long.”


Getting to her feet Nova quickly pulled on the t-shirt and leggings she had been wearing earlier. Picking up the coffee mugs she headed into the kitchen. Placing them in the sink she stood at the counter a slight smile playing at the corners of her lips. An idea had formed.


Thoughts of the early gift she wanted to give Derek sent her to the patio doors in the kitchen. Glancing out at the night sky a delighted smile crossed her face. Racing to her bedroom Nova opened the closet door and pulled out a heavy sweater, and ski pants.


A short time later she tapped on the door to the study. Looking up from his desk, taking in her manner of dress, boots, parka, ski pants, scarf and gloves, Derek Wildstar raised a questioning eyebrow, "I realize the weather has been inclement and it has been a little cooler in the house than normal but aren't you a little overdressed?"


Nova laughed. "The snow is letting up and the moon is out. It's a perfect night for a walk. Given the weather we would have the park down the street all to ourselves. Please Derek; come for a walk with me." Unable to refuse her anything he readily agreed.


Getting to his feet he said, “Give me a couple of minutes to get changed.”


A short time later they left their home and strolled hand in hand down the street to the park.  It was like stepping into another world. The moon sparkled on the pristine snow with the light of a thousand flickering candles as lazy snowflakes drifted earthward. For one perfect moment it seemed as if they were the only two people on earth. The absolute silence was broken only by the sound of the snow crunching under their footsteps.


Tugging on his hand Nova pulled Derek forward. "Let's make snow angels!" she suggested as she flopped down on the snow.


"Snow angels?" He looked at her questioningly


"Derek Wildstar…don't tell me you never made snow angels when you were a child."


"No" came the one-word reply.


Nova was saddened once again as she thought of Derek’s restricted childhood. The loss of his parents in the planet bombings resulted in Derek being raised in an orphanage. Shaking off her melancholy she smiled. "There's a first time for everything." Lying in the snow she waved her arms up and down and opened and closed her legs giving the angel its shape. From her seat in the snow, she looked up at her husband. She grinned, "Your turn."


For a moment he did not respond, merely studied her appearance, her cheeks reddened by the cold, the snowflakes clinging to her hair, "I have no need for snow angels Nova. Helping her up Derek gathered her into his arms and kissed her. "The only angel I will ever need is you but if me making a snow angel is that important to you, I will give it a try.”


Reaching up Nova brushed the snowflakes from his hair. Taking his hand, she placed it on her still flat abdomen. “I thought you might want to teach this little one how to make them in the future.”


Derek stood stock still and stared wide eyed at his wife. When he regained his ability to speak…he asked, “Nova are you telling me…” He was unable to finish his thought as a lump formed in this throat and tears that quickly turned to ice froze on his cheeks rolled down his face.


“This is the last Christmas when it will just be the two of us; you’re going to be a Daddy.”


Pulling her into his arms he lifted her off her feet as he spun her around. Putting her back on the ground he stared into her upturned face. “This is the best gift I have ever been given. You truly are my Christmas Angel.”




The end